HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170210Tidwell 1-35 to IPC.pdfPeter J. Richardson (ISB No. 3195) Greg Adams (ISB 7454) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 2ih Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83 702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter@richardsonandoleary.com Attorneys for Kiki Leslie A. Tidwell BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MA TIER OF THE APPLICATION) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A ~ CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC ) CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO ) CONSTRUCT SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS) FOR WOOD RIVER VALLEY ~ CUSTOMERS. ) CASE NO. IPC-E-16-28 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF KIKI LESLIE A. TIDWELL TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY Pursuant to Rule 225 of the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission"), Kike Leslie A. Tidwell by and through her attorney of record, Peter J. Richardson, hereby requests that Idaho Power Company ("Company") provide the following documents. This production request is to be considered as continuing, and the Company is requested to provide by way of supplementary responses additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that will augment the documents produced. Please provide one physical copy and one electronic copy, if available, of your answer to Mr. Richardson at the address noted above. Please provide an additional to Ms. Tidwell at 300 Let 'er Buck Road, Hailey, Idaho 83333 ktinsv@cox.net. Tidwell First Production Request -IPC-E-16-07 1 For each item, please indicate the name of the person(s) preparing the answers, along with the job title of such person(s) and the witness at hearing who can sponsor the answer. If some of the following requests include disclosures deemed by Idaho Power to be confidential, the ICIP has already entered into Idaho Power's standard confidentiality agreement. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 1 Please provide all of the Company's discovery responses to all other parties regardless of whether said requests for discovery were formal or informal. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2 The Company's Application provides at page 2 that "The North Valley is currently supplied by a single-source radial line that has experienced sustained outages line events, which Idaho Power forecasts to increase in frequency." With regard to this statement please respond to the following requests: A.) Please provide a map of the North Valley, including its electrical system. B) Please define the term "sustained outage line events." C) Please provide a complete list of the "experienced sustained outage line events" for the line referred to. Include the duration, cause, remediation efforts and results, and cost for the same. D) When the line in question experiences a "sustained outage" event, please explain what electrical service is available to the North Valley. Provide an electrical map showing the source and routes for said residual electrical service. E) Please provide copies of all "forecasts" referred to in the quoted passage from the Company's Application. For each forecast please identify the individual(s) who prepared the same and provide all workpapers and supporting documentation used in the preparation of each Tidwell First Production Request-IPC-E-16-28. 2 forecast. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 3 The Company's Application provides at page three that, "Additionally, the existing radial transmission line, constructed in 1962, is aged and must be reconstructed. The proposed facilities will follow the same path ... " Please explain, in detail how the "proposed facilities will follow the same path" and specifically identify the path referred to. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 4 Footnote 1, on page 3 of the Application states that Idaho Power was granted a CPCN for a second 138 kV line in 1973 and references Case No. U-1006-89. Please provide all pleadings from Case No. U-1006-89 and all other materials associated with Case No. U-1006-89 in the Company's possession, including discovery responses and requests (both formal and informal), public comments and internal company documentation (including Board of Director materials and resolutions and minutes) in any way related to Case U-1006-89. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 5 Please reconcile the statement in the Company's Application that the Company "has planned a second transmission line to the North Valley since 1973" [page 3] with the Commission's findings on page 2 of Order No. 26107 in Case No. IC-E-95-6 that, "Because the project, the Company concludes, is neither needed nor feasible, the Company requests authority to amend [its CPCN] by removing the language authorizing the construction by Idaho Power of a second Wood River/Ketchum 138 kV transmission line." Please provide all material in the Company's possession related to, supporting, or documenting the Commission's finding in 1995 that the second Wood River/Ketchum 138 kV transmission line is neither needed nor feasible. Tidwell First Production Request-IPC-E-16-28. 3 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 6 Please provide all pleadings from Case No. IPC-E-95-6 and all other materials associated with Case No. IPC-E-95-6 in the Company's possession, including discovery responses and requests (both formal and informal), public comments and internal company documentation, memoranda, notes etc (including Board of Director materials and resolutions and minutes) in any way related to IPC-E-95-6. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 7 The Company's Application at page 4 states that the North Valley peak demand reached 63 megawatts in 2007. Please provide documentation of the referenced peak demand. Also for the time of the North Valley peak demand in 2007 please separately identify the peak demand at the Ketchum Substation and the Sun Valley Substation. Please, for each year from 1973 forward, identify the North Valley peak demand and the peak demand for the Ketchum Substation and the Sun Valley Substation at the time of the North Valley peak demand for each year. Please also identify the peak demand and time of the peak demand for the Ketchum substation and the Sun Valley substation for each year since 1973. REQUEST OF PRODUCTION NO. 8 Please reconcile the assertion in the Company's Application at page 3 that there is a "continuing need to serve growing load" with the fact asserted on page 4 of the Application that the North Valley peak occurred a decade ago in 2007. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 9 Based on the assertion that peak load for the North Valley occurred ten years ago, please explain and document the Company's understanding of the reasons for the declining peak load in the North Valley. Tidwell First Production Request-IPC-E-16-28. 4 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 10 Please reconcile the assertion on page 4 of the Application that "peak demand reached 63 megawatts" in 2007, with the assertion on page 5 of the Application that the Ketchum and Elkhorn substations' peak load is "about 60 MW." REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO 11 What is the capacity of the current distribution line along State Highway 75 to provide service to the North Valley? For example how much of the 63 MW (or 60 MW) of North Valley peak demand could be served via the existing distribution line along State Highway 75? If the existing transmission line to the North Valley was out of service please provide an explanation of how that existing distribution line along State Highway 75 would function. Please provide a map showing the area of the North Valley that would be without electric service if the existing transmission line serving the North Valley were out of service. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 12 On page 4 of the Application the Company asserts that, "Access to repair the [ existing] line is impeded by residential development, rough terrain, and aged construction roads in many areas." Please provide a detailed map of the existing line that shows the points of access and access roads for maintenance purposes. Please indicate on the map (a) where the residential development impedes access, (b) where rough terrain impedes access and ( c) where aged construction roads impede access. Please include a narrative explaining and documenting access rights. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 13 At page 4 of the Application the Company asserts that, "This line's access limitations may result in extended outages ... caused by, among other things, vandalism, inclement Tidwell First Production Request-IPC-E-16-28. 5 weather, wood decay, woodpecker damage, avalanche, fire and micro-burst wind events." Please provide the duration, cost of response/repair and the date of each extended outage on this line caused by: (a) vandalism (b) inclement weather (c) wood decay (d) woodpecker damage ( e) avalanche (f) fire (g) micro-burst wind events Please explain in detail, including itemized costs, and provide copies of all studies and documentation all of the measures the Company has taken to anticipate and prevent the above listed causes of outages on the identified line. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 14 Page 5 of the Company's Application states that, "Deep snow and steep terrain can create very difficult access to susceptible sections of the existing transmission line ... " Please provide a map indicating each "susceptible section" of the existing transmission line and a narrative explanation as to why each identified section is so described. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 15 Please provide a map of the existing transmission line showing land ownership over which the line traverses. Provide a copy of the easements for each parcel of land so identified. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 16 The Company's application provides at page 7, that "At the Company's request, the Tidwell First Production Request-IPC-E-16-28. 6 Commission cancelled Certificate No. 272." Please provide a copy of all communications the Company had with the Commission, including informal communications with its Staff and or the Commissioners, regarding the Company's request to cancel Certificate No. 272. Please provide all internal communications to the Company regarding cancellation of Certificate No. 272, please be sure to include all notes, memoranda and minutes of board meetings. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 17 On page 7 of the Company's Application is a list ofreasons for public opposition, expressed in 1995, to the proposed second transmission line . Those reasons are "the difficulty of finding an acceptable route ... aesthetic impacts, perceived health and safety concerns and requirement oflocal funding of incremental cost of placing part or all of the line underground." Please specifically identify (a) how the currently proposed route is different from the route proposed in 1995, (b) how the aesthetic impacts are different from the proposed aesthetic impacts of the proposed route in 1995, (c) how the perceived health and safety concerns are different from the health and safety concerns expressed in 1995 and how the concerns of local funding of incremental costs of placing part or all of the line underground are different from those concerns expressed in 1995. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 18 In Order No. 26107, granting Idaho Power's Application to amend Certificate No. 272 to delete the Commission's prior authorization to construct the second transmission line, the Commission stated at pages 1 and 2: Regarding reliability, Idaho Power reports that it has thoroughly reviewed the reliability of its electric service to the Ketchum/Sun Valley area. The Wood River/Ketchum 138 kV transmission line, the Company contends, has had an excellent record of reliability since its construction in 1962 ( only two unplarmed outages in the past 14 years, for a total duration of only three minutes). Nonetheless, the Company states that it has taken a number of steps to further improve the reliability of the line, including the following: Tidwell First Production Request-IPC-E-16-28. 7 structural assessment, electrical assessment, fire protection, avalanche study, conductor assessment, maintenance plan and emergency action plan. Please provide the following, include work papers, back up documentation, memoranda and all other material related to the preparation of each: (A) a copy of the thorough review of the reliability of the Company's electric service to the Ketchum/Sun Valley area referred to by the Commission in the above passage; (B) a copy of the structural assessment; (C) a copy of the electrical assessment; D) a copy of the fire protection plan/assessment/review; (E) a copy of the avalanche study; (F) a copy of the conductor assessment; (G) a copy of the maintenance plan; and (H) a copy of the emergency action plan. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 19 The Company's Application states at page 11 that "Sun Valley stated that at the regular City Council meeting of September 1, 2016, the council unanimously agreed that the redundant line project was necessary and vital for its community ... " The Mayor of the City of Sun Valley stated at the referenced meeting that, "It is not a vote, it is an expression of our wishes as far as how they will tackle this project that they are mandated to do to provide us with power. They [Idaho Power] have decided that they need to do this they are asking us to think about how we want it done." Please reconcile the Application's assertion that the City of Sun Valley "agreed that the redundant line project was necessary" with the Mayor's explanation that the need for the line was already "decided" by Idaho Power and that the City Council was only asked to "think Tidwell First Production Request-IPC-E-16-28. 8 about how we want it done."1 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NOS. 20 THROUGH 28 Request Nos. 20 through 28 reference the Company's 1995 Application ("1995 Application") to remove the authority granted to it in Certificate No. 272 to construct a second 138 kV line from Hailey to Ketchum. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 20 At page 4 of the 1995 Application the Company stated that: Energy Data Management, Inc. of Colorado has performed a field inspection and structural analysis of the poles, cross-arms, insulators, conductors and other components of the transmission line. This study confirmed that the transmission line structures are in good condition and are in conformance with applicable National Electrical Safety Code standards. Structures and cross-arm identified in the study as needing work were repaired. Please provide a copy of the referenced study. Please also provide copies of all subsequent similar studies. If there are no subsequent similar studies please explain why not. Please provide maintenance and repair records for this line for the time period beginning in 1995. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 21 At page 5 of the 1995 Application the Company stated that: Energy Data Management and Power Engineers of Hailey have analyzed the historical performance of the transmission line, including outages and lightning-related incidents. The transmission line was determined to have an excellent outage history, with only two unplanned outages in the past fourteen years, for a total duration of only three minutes. The electrical assessment was based upon Idaho Power's records and did not include any brief outages which may not have been recorded for the line over the years. Please provide a copy of the referenced electrical assessment. Please also provide copies of all subsequent similar assessments. If there are no subsequent similar assessments please explain 1 City of Sun Valley audio transcript, September 1, 2016 at hour 1:45, emphasis provided. See: http://sunvalley.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view id=3&clip id=772 Tidwell First Production Request-IPC-E-16-28. 9 why not. Please provide a list of, including time, duration, cause, of all unplanned outages since 1995. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 21 At page 5 of the Company's 1995 Application the Company states: Osmose, Inc. of New York has coated the transmission poles with Fire-Guard protectant, which is designed to protect the poles through three fires. Please provide an update on any subsequent fire protectant applications since 1995 and the expected fire protection provided by said applications. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 22 At page 5 of the Company's 1995 Application the Company states: Power Engineers and Energy Data Management have reviewed the probabilities and severities of avalanches in the vicinity of the transmission line and calculated the resulting pole strength requirements. All structures were determined to have adequate strength to withstand a 50-year recurrence avalanche. Please provide a copy of the referenced review. Please also provide any subsequent avalanche reviews, ifthere are none please explain why not. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 23 At page 5 of the Company's 1995 Application the Company states, "Idaho Power has developed an enhanced maintenance plan to repair and replace power line components as needed." Please provide a copy of the "enhanced maintenance plan." Please also provide a copy of any subsequent maintenance plan. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 24 At page 6 of the Company's 1995 Application the Company states: Idaho Power has prepared a detailed, comprehensive emergency action plan to facilitate a rapid and effective response to a service outage or other emergency regarding the power line. The plan includes detailed maps and directions for access to structures, specific guidelines for structure replacements, and contact lists for internal and external Tidwell First Production Request-IPC-E-16-28. 10 communications ( e.g. law enforcement, hospitals, etc.) Materials are stored in Hailey to facilitate the rapid restoration of service in the event of an unplanned line outage. Please provide a copy of the "comprehensive emergency action plan" referenced above. Please include all referenced detailed maps, directions, guidelines and contact lists. Please provide an inventory of all "materials stored in Hailey to facilitate the rapid restoration of service" on the line. Please also provide any subsequent updated or revised emergency action plans for restoration of service on the line in the event of an unplanned outage. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO 25 At page 6 of the Company's 1995 Application, the Company states that it, "recently completed an extensive public participation process regarding the possible construction of a second 138 kV transmission line from the Wood River Substation to the Ketchum Substation" .. . and, "at the conclusion ofldabo Power's public participation process, the Company carefully evaluated the input received" Please provide copies of the "input received" referenced above. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 26 At page 7 of the Company's 1995 Application, the Company states that: Based on Idaho Power's extensive review of the proposal to construct a 13 8 kV transmission line from the Wood River Substation to the Ketchum Substation, ... the Company has conclude that the project is not feasible at this time. Please provide a copy of the Company's "extensive review." Provide all supporting documents and associated workpapers. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 27 At page 5 of the Company's 1995 Application, the Company stated that a one-mile segment of the line was rerouted in 1994. Please explain the reason for the one-mile reroute. Provide all work orders, and other documentation associated with the reroute, including a map Tidwell First Production Request-IPC-E-16-28. 11 showing the old route and the new route. Please explain, and document, all outages associated with the reroute construction. What was the total cost of the reroute, please provide supporting documentation for your answer. How many structure replacements were required for the reroute? Was the reroute completed without line outages, if so please detail how that was accomplished, if not please detail the duration and reasons for the outages. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 28 Please provide all other documents, not provided in response to previous Requests, in your possession related in any way to the Company's 1995 Application, these should include all correspondence, production requests and responses, internal memoranda, studies, board minutes and all other documentation. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 29 At page 18 of the Company's current Application, the Company states: The North Valley exhibits several transmission siting obstacles for overhead access to the existing Ketchum substation. Please explain, document and detail how this statement is not also true for the Southern part of the valley. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO 30 At page 18 of the Company's current Application the Company states that there are several "transmission siting obstacles for overhead access to the Ketchum substation." One of those obstacles is: First, the North Valley is congested due to numerous residences and business sited in a valley less than one mile wide with mountains of steep slope and narrow roadways. Please explain, and document, how the route of the proposed new transmission line in the portion other than the "North Valley" is not also congested due to numerous residences and Tidwell First Production Request-IPC-E-16-28. 12 business sited in a valley less than one mile wide with mountains of steep slope and narrow roadways. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 31 At page 18 of the Company's current Application the Company states that there are several "transmission siting obstacles for overhead access to the Ketchum substation." One of those obstacles is: This would force an overhead transmission line ... spanning down over existing homes near the substation. Please explain, and document, how the route of the proposed new transmission line in the southern portion near the Wood River substation does not also span over ( or span very near to or adjacent to) existing homes near the substation. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 32 At page 18 of the Company's current Application the Company states that there are several "transmission siting obstacles for overhead access to the Ketchum substation." One of those obstacles is: The cities of Ketchum and Sun Valley require new electrical facilities be located underground. Please explain, and document, how the route of the proposed new transmission line in the southern portion of the Wood River Valley along scenic highway 75 is not also required to be underground pursuant to the Blain County Comprehensive Plan. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 33 Please provide all studies, analysis or discussion and any other documentation in the Company's possession addressing the impact of high-voltage power lines on property values in Tidwell First Production Request-IPC-E-16-28. 13 general and specifically on residential property values. Please provide all such studies conducted in conjunction with the proposed transmission line in this case. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 34 Has the Company conducted a cost benefit analysis comparing the total value of diminished property values associated with the proposed overhead transmission line to the incremental costs ofundergrounding the line? If so please provide a copy of the study(ies) along with supporting workpapers and documentation. If not, please explain why not. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 35 Has the Company conducted a study of the magnitude of lost revenues to the taxing districts along the proposed route due to diminished property values associated with the construction of the proposed overhead transmission line. If so, please provide a copy of the study(ies) along with supporting workpapers and documentation. If not, please explain why not. DATED this 10th dayofFebruary2017. Tidwell First Production Request-IPC-E-16-28. 14 Richardson Adams, PLLC By u2Al ~___, Peter J. Richardson Attorney for Kiki Leslie A. Tidwell CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 10th day of February, 2017, a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF KIKI LESLIE A. TIDWELL TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY, in Docket No. IPC-E-16-28 was served VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL ONLY to the following: Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox83720 Boise ID 83720-0074 secetary@puc.idaho.gov Tim Tatum Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83 707 ttatum@idahopower.com Zack Waterman Idaho Sierra Club 503 W. Franklin Street Boise, Idaho 83 702 Zack. waterman@sierraclub.org Laura Midgley 231 Valley Club Drive Hailey, Idaho 83333 Midgley2215@gmail.com C. Tom Arkoosh Arkoosh Law Offices 802 West Bannock Street Boise, Idaho 83 702 Tom.arkoosh@arkoosh.com Erin.cecil@arkoosh.com Tidwell First Production Request -IPC-E-16-28. Donovan E. Walker Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83 702 dwalker@idahopower.com dockets@idahopower.com Daphne Huang Camille Christen Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83 702 Daphne.haung@puc.idaho.gov Camille.christen@puc.idaho.gov Benjamin Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N. Sixth Street Boise, Idaho 83 702 botto@idahoconservation.org Matthew A. Johnson WmF. Gigray White Peterson Gigray & Nichols, PA 5700 E. Franklin Rd., Ste. 200 Nampa, Idaho 83687 mjohnson@whitepeterson.com ()=>~,~~ Peter J. RictZ,son 15