HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170210ICL & Sierra Club 2-1 to 2-10 to IPC Redacted.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR COSTS VALMY PLANT ))) ) ) )) CASE NO. IPC-E-16-24 SECOND SET OF DATA REQUESTS OF SIERRA CLUB AND IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY [REDACTED] Sierra Club and Idaho Conservation League (“ICL”) hereby serve their redacted second set of data requests regarding the above-mentioned docket. Sierra Club and ICL request that Idaho Power Company provide responses as expeditiously as possible, but not later than the deadline of 21 days, which is March 2, 2017. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Please provide copies of responses to the following contacts: Sierra Club Law Program 2101 Webster Street, Suite 1300 Oakland, CA 94612 travis.ritchie@sierraclub.org Sierra Club Law Program 2101 Webster Street, Suite 1300 Oakland, CA 94612 alexa.zimbalist@sierraclub.org Idaho Conservation League 710 N 6th St. Boise, ID 83701 botto@idahoconservation.org 2. Whenever possible, Sierra Club and ICL prefer to receive electronic copies of data responses either by email or on CD. 3. Responses to any and all of Sierra Club and ICL’s data requests should be supplied to Sierra Club and ICL as soon as they become available to Idaho Power. 4. The requests herein shall be deemed to be continuing in nature and Idaho Power is requested to supplement its responses as necessary and as additional information becomes available. 5. In responding to each data request, please consult every document source which is in your possession, custody, or control, including all documents in the possession of experts or consultants. 6. For each response, identify the person who prepared the answer to the data request as well as his or her position with Idaho Power or any Idaho Power affiliate or parent. 7. Please reproduce the data request being responded to before the response. 8. If the responses include computer modeling input and output files, please provide those data files in electronic machine readable or txt format. 9. If the responses include spreadsheet files, please provide those spreadsheet files in useable electronic Excel readable format. 10. In responses providing computer files, list the file names with cross-reference to the data request, and if necessary to the understanding of the data, provide a record layout of the computer files. Computer files provided with a response must be in or compatible with the current version, or the immediately prior version, of Microsoft Office. 11. For each dollar amount provided in response to a discovery request please state if the amount is in nominal or constant dollars and what years dollars. In The Matter of the Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Increase Its Rates for Electric Service to Recover Costs Associated with the North Valmy Plant Case No. IPC-E-16-24 Sierra Club and Idaho Conservation League’s REDACTED Second Set of Data Requests to Idaho Power Company February 9, 2017 DATA REQUESTS SC/ICL 2-1. Provide all workpapers underlying Exhibit 6 of Mr. Harvey’s Direct Testimony, including any Excel workpapers, in “as-utilized” form, unlocked and with formulae and links intact, and model run input and output files as per the format of SC-ICL 9a. SC/ICL 2-2. Refer to the Direct Testimony of Mr. Harvey, page 16 at 20-21. a. Provide the “most recent load forecast, natural gas forecast, and Valmy coal price forecast,” as used in this assessment. b. Provide the source of the natural gas price forecast. c. Provide Idaho Power Company’s most recent (i.e. as of today) natural gas price forecast. d. To the extent that Idaho Power Company has run Aurora with a more recent natural gas price forecast than used in this filing, provide this Aurora run as per the format in SC-ICL 9a. SC/ICL 2-3. Please refer to response to SC-ICL 1-7, describing that the process used by Idaho Power Company to assess the economic value of North Valmy is “very similar to the assessment of various portfolios within the IRP.” a. Has Idaho Power formally assessed the economic value of retiring either unit of North Valmy in any year prior to 2025 at any time since the submission of the 2015 Integrated Resource Plan? A formal assessment here is defined as an analysis resulting in an internal memorandum, presentation, white paper, or draft filing. If not, why not? b. Has Idaho Power informally assessed the economic value of retiring either unit of North Valmy in any year prior to 2025 at any time since the submission of the 2015 Integrated Resource Plan? An informal assessment would be a draft calculation or analysis resulting in an internal communication of any form. If not, why not? c. Provide any analyses conducted by Idaho Power with respect to the economic value of maintaining or retiring either unit of North Valmy in any year prior to 2025 since the submission of the 2015 Integrated Resource Plan. d. Provide the workpapers supporting such analysis if conducted. e. Did Idaho Power review the testimony or exhibits of NV Energy in its 2017- 2036 Triennial Integrated Resource Plan with respect to the treatment of North In The Matter of the Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Increase Its Rates for Electric Service to Recover Costs Associated with the North Valmy Plant Case No. IPC-E-16-24 Sierra Club and Idaho Conservation League’s REDACTED Second Set of Data Requests to Idaho Power Company February 9, 2017 Valmy? If so, who at IPC reviewed the NV Energy filing, and which materials were reviewed? f. Is Idaho Power Company in agreement with NV Energy’s assessment (as per that filing’s public Exhibit ECON-3, IRP Volume 12 pages 92-122) that North Valmy is likely to operate at or below a 5.5% capacity factor in every year between now and 2025? If not, why not? SC/ICL 2-4. Please refer to SC-ICL 5 Attach 1 Conf., email from Gaurav Shil (NVE) to Tom Harvey on June 26, 2014, subject FW: FW: Valmy Update. a. Did NV Energy provide a Valmy , draft or otherwise, of any form, including workbooks, presentation, whitepaper, or draft filing, at any date after June 26, 2014? b. Provide any workbooks, presentations, whitepapers, or draft filings shared by NV Energy with Idaho Power Company with respect to a Valmy on or after June 26, 2014, up through the present day. c. Aside from the 2015 IRP, has Idaho Power Company shared any form of with respect to North Valmy after June 26, 2014? d. Provide any workbooks, presentations, whitepapers, or draft filings shared by Idaho Power Company with Nevada Power Company with respect to a on or after June 26, 2014, up through the present day. SC/ICL 2-5. Please refer to SC-ICL 5 Attach 1 Conf., email from Gaurav Shil (NVE) to Tom Harvey on July 14, 2014, subject RE: RE: Valmy Update with attachment “Valmy assumptions v3.xlsx” a. Did Idaho Power Company make any changes or recommendations to change this workbook? If not, did Idaho Power Company approve of the assumptions made in this workbook? b. Provide any correspondence or feedback from Idaho Power Company back to NV Energy with respect to assumptions after July 14, 2014, or document the nature of phone calls with respect to the conducted at this time between Mr. Harvey and Mr. Shil, or their representatives. c. Refer to the attachment, tab “Infra,” line 25 with respect to Does Idaho Power Company agree that owned water rights and supplies In The Matter of the Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Increase Its Rates for Electric Service to Recover Costs Associated with the North Valmy Plant Case No. IPC-E-16-24 Sierra Club and Idaho Conservation League’s REDACTED Second Set of Data Requests to Idaho Power Company February 9, 2017 are not sustainable at North Valmy? If so, what exactly does this mean to IPC? If not, why not? Provide supporting evidence. d. Refer to the attachment, tab “Infra,” lines 27 and 28 with respect to . Does Idaho Power Company agree are not sustainable at North Valmy? If so, what exactly does this mean to IPC? If not, why not? Provide supporting evidence. e. Refer to the attachment, tab “Infra,” line 34 with respect to Does Idaho Power Company agree that Valmy is If not, why not? Provide supporting evidence and any studies conducted by IPC demonstrating that such by Valmy. SC/ICL 2-6. Please refer to SC-ICL 5 Attach 1 Conf., email from Tom Harvey to Tessia Park and Lisa Grow on May 2, 2016, subject FW:FW: April 19 Conf. Call. Refer specifically to the email in this chain from Kevin Geraghy on April 15 at 9:52 AM with respect to a by NV Energy. a. Please provide all correspondence between Idaho Power Company and NV Energy with respect to this . Provide correspondence at any level of management, executive or otherwise. b. Please provide all internal correspondence at Idaho Power Company with respect to this . SC/ICL 2-7. Please refer to SC-ICL 5 Attach 1 Conf., email from Tom Harvey to Tessia Park and Lisa Grow on May 2, 2016, subject FW:FW: April 19 Conf. Call. a. Please refer to the first email in this chain from Mr. Harvey on April 15 at 8:44 AM. What is the referred to in this email? Provide a copy of the with Mr. Harvey’s redlines, and a final copy of the b. Refer to the email in this chain from Kevin Geraghy on April 15 at 9:52 AM. Did Idaho Power ever receive a formal or informal from NV Energy? Please describe the nature of the initial referred to here. c. Refer to the email in this chain from Mr. Harvey on May 2 at 6:48 AM. Please describe the nature of the “” discussed here, and include any In The Matter of the Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Increase Its Rates for Electric Service to Recover Costs Associated with the North Valmy Plant Case No. IPC-E-16-24 Sierra Club and Idaho Conservation League’s REDACTED Second Set of Data Requests to Idaho Power Company February 9, 2017 supporting documentation or workpapers as used or considered by the Company at such time. d. Refer to the email in this chain from Mr. Geraghty on May 2 at 10:46 AM. Did IPC consider ? If not, why not? e. Refer to the top email in this chain from Mr. Harvey on May 2 at 12:59 PM. Please describe the nature and outcome of the discussion or input provided in response to this email. Provide any notes or memoranda documenting or memorializing such discussion. SC/ICL 2-8. Please refer to SC-ICL 5 Attach 1 Conf., email from Rick Haender to Tom Harvey on January 5, 2016, subject RE: RE: Valmy Life Assessment Analysis. a. Did the Company have discussions internally with respect to as a result or following this email? If so, describe the nature of those discussions and provide any notes or memoranda memorializing such discussions. b. Did the Company have discussions with NVE with respect to as a result or following this email? If so, describe the nature of those discussions and provide any notes or memoranda memorializing such discussions. SC/ICL 2-9. Refer to the Direct Testimony of Mr. Tom Harvey, page 12 at 3 through 9, with respect to the Company’s changing use of Valmy (i.e. capacity rather than off-system sales). a. Has Idaho Power or NV Energy at any time since January 2014 sought to change the nature of the labor agreement(s) with North Valmy employees as a function of the Company’s changing use of the power plant? b. Has Idaho Power of NV Energy at any time since January 2014 sought to change the nature of the labor agreement(s) with North Valmy employees for any other reason aside from the changing use of the power plant? c. If the answer to either (a) or (b) above is affirmative, please describe what the Company has sought to change, and the reason why the Company has sought such change, including dates of negotiations or new contracts. d. If the answer to either (a) or (b) above is affirmative, provide the contract prior to any negotiation or appeal, and the contract resulting from such negotiation or appeal, if available. In The Matter of the Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Increase Its Rates for Electric Service to Recover Costs Associated with the North Valmy Plant Case No. IPC-E-16-24 Sierra Club and Idaho Conservation League’s REDACTED Second Set of Data Requests to Idaho Power Company February 9, 2017 e. Provide the annual number of full time workers employed at the North Valmy site by either the Company or NV Energy from 2008 through 2016. f. Provide the projected annual number of full time workers expected to be employed at the North Valmy site by either the Company or NV Energy from 2017 to 2025. SC/ICL 2-10. Please refer to the response to IPL-SC DR 1-3 (Operating Agreement). a. Has Nevada Energy, at any time, alleged default or the potential of default to IPC? b. Has IPC, at any time, alleged default or the potential of default to Nevada Energy? c. If either of the above is affirmative, provide the notice of the alleged default and the response from the allegedly defaulting party. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 9th day of February 2017, I delivered true and correct copies of the foregoing SECOND SET OF DATA REQUESTS OF SIERRA CLUB AND IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY [REDACTED] to the following persons via electronic mail: Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission jean.jewell@puc.idaho.gov jjewell@puc.state.id.us Idaho Power Lisa D. Nordstrom Matt Larkin Idaho Power Company lnordstrom@idahopower.com mlarkin@idahopower.com dockets@idahopower.com IIPA Eric L. Olsen ECHOHA WK & OLSEN, PLLC elo@echohawk.com Anthony Yankel tony@yankel.net Thorvald A. Nelson Frederick J. Schmidt Emanuel T. Cocian Brian T. Hansen Holland & Hart, LLP tnelson@hollandhart.com fschmidt@hollandhart.com etcocian@hollandhart.com bhansen@hollandhart.com tawolf@micron.com klhall@hollandhart.com kmtrease@hollandhart.com MICRON Pete Bennett Micron Technology, Inc. DOE Steven Porter United States Department of Energy /s/ Alexa Zimbalist Alexa Zimbalist Legal Assistant Sierra Club Environmental Law Program 2101 Webster Street, Suite 1300 Oakland, CA 94612 alexa.zimbalist@sierraclub.org