HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160705ICL 1-19 to IPC.pdfi{ECEIVED Benjamin I. Otto (ISB No. 8292) 710 N 6m Street Boise,ID 83701 Ph: (208) 345-6933 x12 Fax (208) 344-0344 botto@idahoconservation.org Attorneyfor the Idaho Conservation League ?ti6 .lul -5 ;, , i ,.1,i BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER ) CASE NO. IPC-E-16-14 COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR ) APPROVAL OF NEW TARIFF ) FIRST PRODUCTION RTQUEST OF SCHEDLTLE 63, A COMMUNTTY ) THE IDAHO CONSERVATTON SOLAR PILOT PROGRAM. ) LEAGUE The Idaho Conservation League (ICL) and the Sierra Club requests the following information from Idaho Power. Please provide any documents, workpapers, calculations, or information sources that support any answer. As required by IDAPA, please indicate the witness who can answer questions regarding the response and who will sponsor the response at any potential hearing. If any responses include Excel spreadsheets or other electronic files, please provide them with all formulas intact and activated. This production request is ongoing. Accordingly, we ask Idaho Power to provide additional documents and information that may supplement any initial responses. Larkin Testimony Request No. 1: Please provide a complete copy of the "most recently reviewed class cost-of- service methodology filed in Case No IPC-E-11-08, adjusted to reflect revenue requirement changes that were subsequently authorized by the Commission which impact the authorized level of energy related cost recovery" referred to on Page 12 of Mr. Larkin's direct testimony. Request No. 2: For the "revenue requirement changes [to the IPC-E-11-08 class cost-of-service study] that were subsequently authorized by the Commission" referred to on page 12 of Mr. Larkin's direct testimony, please identiff each subsequent adjustment and the associated Commission order approving such change. Request No. 3: Please refer to page 12 of Mr. Larkin's direct testimony referencing the point of measurement as the "generator source". Please provide a precise definition of where the power AH ll: h0 lr:iiiLisror.r FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ICL I |uly 5, 2016 production will be measured relative to the power project and any associated transformers or substation interconnection points. Request No. 4: Please refer to Exhibit No. 2 of Mr. Larkin's direct testimony. Please provide the associated workbooks, formulas, and sources for input assumptions used in that analysis. Request No. 5: Please refer to page 15 of Mr. Larkin's direct testimony where he explains the "year-round [solar energy credit] rates were appropriately adjusted to reflect the summer/non- summer weighting of solar production." Please provide all documentation of this appropriate adjustment, including both the methodology and the data. Request No. 6: Please refer to page 14 of Mr. Larkin's direct testimony where he explains Idaho Power's proposed Solar Energy Credit "will be reflective of the seasonal differences in the cost of energy" but the actual rate will not adjust seasonally. Please explain how, under this proposal, subscribers will see the seasonal differences in the cost of energy on their monthly electric bill. Request No 7: Please refer to Mr. Larkin's Direct Testimony at pages 10 - 11. a. Please describe in detail the monthly payment option considered by Idaho Power. b. Please provide all analysis quantifring the "financial risk for non-participants and the Company would be too great under the monthly payment option if panels went unsubscribed throughout the life of the program." Request No. 8: Please refer to Mr. Larkin's Direct Testimony at page 11, where he states "if there is interest by a third-party lender, the Companywill make this offering known to prospective subscribers during the recruitment period." a. Please define what the Company means by "interest by a third-party lender". Does this mean the financial institution has a specific product, or is merely willing to talk with a subscriber? b. B. Please define what the Company means by "make known to prospective subscribers". Does the Company intend to include financing options in the marketing materials, or separately? Request No. 9: Please refer to Mr. Larkin's Direct Testimony at 12 regarding using embedded energy related costs as the basis of the solar energy credit. Please provide any analytical or poliry FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ICL 2 luly 5,2016 basis relied on to assign embedded energy related costs as the appropriate means of valuing power produced from the project. Request No. l0: Please refer to Mr. Larkin's Direct Testimony at 18 where he states "participation through a Company-sponsored renewable energy program provides for better consumer protection through Idaho Power' s regulated business practices as compared to third-party installations or leasing of rooftop solar installations." Please provide all objective evidence or analysis relied on by Mr. Larkin to make this claim. Angell Testimony Request No. 11: Please refer to Mr. Angell's Direct Testimony at2 regarding the selection process and categories for candidate sites. Please provide the specific criteria used as the basis for site selection, including "current infrastructure" considerations used. Request No. 12: Please refer to Mr. Angell's Direct Testimony at 9 - 10 where he explains how the Company calculated the expected production of the pilot solar project. a. Please explain why the Company used the "Tlpical Meteorological Year 3" instead of the Idaho Power's solar generation profile developed for the 2016 Solar Integration Study. b. Please provide a comparison of expected project output using the Typical Meteorological Year 3 and the solar generation profile developed for the 2016 Solar Integration Study. Request No. 13: Please refer to Mr. Angell's Direct Testimony at 11, regarding line loss accounting. Please provide all analysis of effects on transmission and distribution system line loadings for candidate locations. Request No. 14: Please refer to Mr. Angell's Direct Testimony at 11 regarding line loss accounting. Please provide all analytical support for line losses deriving from delivery to community solar subscribers. Request No. 15: Please refer to Mr. Angell's Direct Testimony at 11 regarding line loss accounting. Please provide any analysis relied on to quantifr and value losses accruing from transmission, substation, and primary distribution line system components. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ICL 3 fuly 5, 2016 Request No. 16: Please refer to Mr. Angell's Direct Testimony at 11 regarding line loss accounting. Please provide any accounting of how offset transmission, substation, and primary distribution line losses are credited to community solar subscribers. Pengilly Testimony Request No. l7: Please refer to Mr. Pengilly's Direct Testimony at l1 regarding Idaho Power ownership of RECs and carbon emission reduction credits. Please provide any analysis, poliry objectives, or computation of Idaho Power benefits supporting ownership of RECs and carbon emission credits. Request No. 18: Please refer to Mr. Pengilly's_Direct Testimony at 10-11 regarding the $25 transfer fee. Please provide any analysis relied on to establish a cost basis for the proposed fee. Request No. 19: Please refer to Mr. Pengilly's Direct Testimony at 12-13 regarding "learning objective" benefits. Please provide any analysis of the value of such benefits and any estimates of the expected reductions in production from the facility from providing voltage control services to Idaho Power. DATED this 5'h day of luly 2016. Respectfully submitted, ^liLa, pd,*1-- Benjamin I. Otto Idaho Conservation League CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE certifr that on this 5th day of fuly, 2016,I delivered true and correct copies of the foiegoing FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST to the following persons: /4 /2',I, t -/4 Hand delivery: Jean Iewell Commission Secretary (Original and 3 copies provided) Idaho Public Utilities Commission 427 W. Washington St. Boise, lD 83702-5983 Electronic Mail: Lisa D Nordstrom Matt Larkin Peter Pengilly Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho St PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 lnordstrom@idahopower.com dockets@idahopower. com mlarkin@idahopower. com ppen gilly@idahopower.com FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ICL 4 luly 5,2016