HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150918Transcript Volume I.pdfORIGINAL BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITTES COMMISSTON IN THE MATTER OE IDAHO POWER COMPANYI S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OE LONG-TERM MAINTENANCE PROGRAM CONTRACT WITH SIEMENS ENERGY, SALE OF SPARE PARTS INVENTORY TO STEMENS ENERGY, AND DEFERRAL OF ASSOCIATED COSTS. Case No. rPc-E-15-17 HEARING BEEORE COMMISSIONER MARSHA H. SMITH (Presiding) COMMISSIONER PAUL KJE],LANDER COMMISSIONER KRISTINE RAPER l ,'.'' =,.. (=!::- *PLACE: Commission Hearing Room t:, &472 Vflest Washington StreetBoise, Idaho DATE: September 9, 20L5 VOLUMEI-Pagesl-38 POST OFFICE BOX 578 BOISE, IDAHO 83701 208..336-9208 HEDRIGK COURT REPORTING ,9*+lg db lnal anxrnfu sirco lfl8 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 t6 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOTSE, rD 83701 APPEARANCES For the Staff: KARL T. KLEIN, Esq. Deputy Attorney General 472 ['Iest Washi-ngtonBoise, Idaho 83702 For Idaho Power Company: LISA D. NORDSTROM, Esq. Idaho Power Company L22L West Idaho StreetBoise, Idaho 83702 Eor Industrial Customers of RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC Idaho Power: by PETER ,I. RICHARDSON, Esq. 515 North Twenty-seventh Street Boi-se, Idaho 83616 APPEARANCES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 r_3 L4 15 L6 L7 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 INDEX WITNESS EXAMINATION BY PAGE Trevor Mahlum (Idaho Power Company) Courtney Waites (Idaho Power Company) Ms. Nordstrom (Direct) Prefiled Direct Commissioner Kj ellander Ms. Nordstrom (Direct)Prefiled Direct 3 6 2L 22 24 EXHIBITS NUMBER PAGE For Idaho Power Company: l_.Long Term Program Contract PremarkedAdmitted 37 HEDRICK COURT REPORTINGP. O. BOX 578, BOTSE, rD rNDEX EXHIBITS83701 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 T2 13 L4 15 t6 L7 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOTSE, rD BOISE, IDAHO, WEDNESDAY, 9EPTEMBER 9, 2015, 10:00 A.M. COMMISSIONER SMITH: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. This is the time and place set for a hearlng before the Idaho Publ-ic Util-ities Commj-ssj-on in Case No. IPC-E-15-17, further identified as In the matter of the application of Idaho Power Company for an order authorizinq the approval of a long-term program contract with Siemens Energy, Inc., and deferral of associated costs. That's quite a title. We wil-I take the I notice that there is no list of parties. I don't think there was a notice of intervention. So we'11 just take the appearances of people who are here today. Do you want to start, Ms. Nordstrom. MS. NORDSTROM: Thank you. My name 1s Lisa Nordstrom, and I am counsel for Idaho Power Company. I'm joined today by Tim Tatum, Courtney Waites, and Trevor Mahlum, who are also employees of the Company. COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. Mr. Kl-ein. MR. KLEIN: Thank you. f'm Karl K1ein, deputy attorney general, representing the Commission Staff. And with me is technical wj-tness for Staff, Terri Carlock, and also another technical wi-tness, Rick Sterling. COMMISSIONER SMITH: So we'}I get to that in a 83701 COLLOQUY 1 2 3 q 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 t6 L1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 HEDRICK COURT REPORT]NG P. O. BOX 5'18 , BOTSE, rD minute. Mr. Richardson. MR. RICHARDSON: Thank you, Madam Chair. Peter Richardson of the firm Richardson Adams, or behalf of the Industri-al Customers of Idaho Power. And wj-th me this morning j-s our expert witness, Dr. Don Reading. COMMISSIONER SMfTH: Thank you. ft's my belief and understandj-ng that we are having this hearing in compliance with Idaho Code Section 6L-328 because we are asked to authorize the transfer of some assets of Idaho Power Company, and the only party I know of to file prefiled testimony is the Company. Is that correct? MS. NORDSTROM: That's correct. COMMISSIONER SMITH: So it's my belief that that wil-I be the only witnesses we hear today. f know there is an issue with regard to the carrying charge which has been fu11y vetted in written comments, and I didn't anticipate that that wou1d be an issue for today's hearing but woul-d rather be an j-ssue that the Commission would decide based on the written comments. Does anyone have a different understanding or desire? Mr. Richardson. MR. RICHARDSON: Thank you, Madam Chalr. In the interest of time, the Industrial- Customers woul-d waive any potential cross of Idaho Power's witnesses. 83701 COLLOQUY 1- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 l-1 L2 13 l4 15 L6 77 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 HEDRICK COURT REPORTINGP. O. BOX 578, BOTSE, rD MAHLUM (Di) Idaho Power COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay. Thank you. Ms. Nordstrom, I guess, unless other Commissioners have comments or questions, wer11 turn to you. MS. NORDSTROM: A11 right. Wel1, fdaho Power caIls Trevor Mahlum as its first witness. TREVOR MAHLUM, produced as a witness at the instance of Idaho Power Company, being flrst duJ-y sworn, was examined and testified as follows: D]RECT EXAMINATION BY MS. NORDSTROM: O. Good morning. A. Good morning. O. Please state your name and spe1I your last name for the record. A. It's Trevor Mahlum, M-A-H-L-U-M. A. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? A. Employed by Idaho Power as the area maintenance leader. O. Are you the same Trevor Mahlum that filed direct testimony on June 5, 2015? A. T am. O. Did you fil-e any exhJ-bits with your testimony? 83701 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 l7 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOTSE, rD MAHLUM (Di) Idaho Power A. I did not. O. Do you have any corrections or changes to your testimony? A. I do. A. And can you please describe them? A. On page 6, beginning on page 6 of my testimony, on line 20, "Dj-d the Company issue a request for proposal for the services provj-ded for under the LTP contract?" under my answer, I believe we had a written correction. O. That's correct. And I bel-ieve that was prefiled, so everyone shoul-d have a copy of it. COMMISSIONER SMITH: Right, it has been prefiled, so I'm assuming you've provided the court reporter with a corrected copy. MS. NORDSTROM: We did. COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay. O. BY MS. NORDSTROM: Did you have any other corrections ? A. I had one other correction. It was on page 9. On line 4, it references the new parts will eliminate the need for two combustor inspections. Itrs actually three combustor inspections that wil-1 be removed. a. So that is on A. Page 9, l-ine 4. O. Page g, line 4. 83701 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 L6 t7 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 HEDRICK COURT P. O. BOX 578, REPORTING BOISE, TD 83701 MAHLUM (Di) Idaho Power A. Am I on the wrong page? O. Page 9. Is it line 11 you're referring to? A. Mine may be off the previous A. We have A. The previous correction was not updated. O. I see. COMMISSIONER SMITH: So the word T-W-O on line 11 at page 9 shoul-d be "threer" T-H-R-E-E. THE WITNESS: Correct. O. BY MS. NORDSTROM: Do you have any other corrections? A. That's it. O. Tf I were to ask you the questions set out in your corrected prefiled testimony, would your answers be the same today? A. They woul-d. MS. NORDSTROM: I would move that the prefiled direct testimony of Trevor Mahl-um be spread upon the record as if read, and we have no further questJ-ons so f will- make him available for cross-examinati-on. COMMISSIONER SMITH: Is there any objection to the spreading of the prefiled testimony? ff not, it is so ordered. (The followj-ng prefiled testimony of Mr. Mahlum is spread upon the record. ) 1 Q. Please state your name and business address. 2 A. My name is Trevor Mahlum and my business 3 address is ]-22L West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83102. 4 Q. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? 5 A. I am employed by Idaho Power Company ("Idaho 6 Power" or "Company") as a Power Plant Area Maintenance 7 Leader in the Power Supply Department. 8 Q. Please describe your educational background. 9 A. f graduated from the University of fdaho in 10 2004 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanicai 11 Engineering. After receiving my degree, I began my career 1-2 working as an Experimental Power Reactor Operator at the 13 Idaho National Laboratory ("INL"). I spent approximately L4 two and a half years at the INL working for Battelle Energy 15 before beginning work at Idaho Power. 15 O. Please describe your work experience with L1 Idaho Power. 18 A. I joined Idaho Power in June of 2007 as an 19 Engineer I in the Power Production Engineering group. As a 20 mechanical engineer, I supported the gas turbine fleet 27 through construction, contracting, project modifications, 22 outages, and environmental reporting. Beginning in 2008, I 23 lead the effort to obtain a Permit to Construct through the 24 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality for the 25 construction of the Langley Gulch power plant ("Langley 6REDACTED - MAHLUM, DI 1 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 't I 9 10 1L \2 13 74 15 16 l7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 o. A. Gulch"). Erom 2009 through 20L3, I assisted with the Langley Gulch constructj-on through contract support, speclfications review, reporting, on-site construction help, and plant commissioning. fn 20L3, T was promoted to the position of Power Plant Area Maintenance Leader where my current responsibilities include both maintenance and project improvements at the Langley Gu1ch, Danskin, and Bennett Mountain facilities. In addition, f am the lead technical revj-ewer for the Long Term Program (*LTP") Contract. What i-s Idaho Power requesting in this case? Idaho Power is requesting (1) approval of the LTP Contract with Siemens Energy, fnc. ("Siemens"), (2) approval of the transfer and sale of certain assets to Siemens pursuant to ldaho Code S 6L-328, and (3) approval of the Company's proposed accounting treatment of costs associated with the LTP Contract. 0. case? What is the purpose of your testimony in this A.My testimony in this case wiII describe Idaho Power's current management of its gas plant maintenance program and the benefits that would exist with gas plant maintenance provided for under the LTP Contract with Siemens. Company witness Courtney E. Waites will describe Idaho Power's request for approval of the transfer and sale REDACTED - MAHLUM, DI Idaho Power Company 1 of certain assets to Siemens pursuant to ldaho Code 2 S 6L-328 and its reguest for approval of the Company's 3 proposed accounting treatment. 4 Q. Please describe the Company's gas fIeet. 5 A. Idaho Power owns and operates three natural 6 gas-fired facilities: the Langley Gulch combined cycle 7 combusti-on turbine (*CCCT"), the Danskin simple cycle I combustion turbine ("SCCT"), and the Bennett Mountaj-n SCCT. 9 The Langley Gulch plant consists of one 180 megawatt ("MW") 10 Siemens STG-500084 combustion turbine and one 96 MW Siemens 11 SST-700/SST-900 reheat steam turbine and is located south 12 of New Plymouth in Payette County, Idaho. Located northwest L3 of Mountain Home, Idaho, the Danskin facility consists of L4 one 169 MW Siemens 50LF and two 44 MW Siemens-Westinghouse 15 W2518L2A combustion turbines. The Bennett Mountain plant 16 is located east of the Danskin plant in Mountain Home, L7 Idaho, and consists of one L62 MW Siemens-Westinghouse 501F 18 SCCT. 19 O. How does Idaho Power currently maintain its 20 gas fleet? 2L A. At this time, Idaho Power self-manages its 22 natural gas fleet through a collaboratj.ve effort between 23 the Company and the original equipment manufacturer 24 (*OEM") . The Company's OEM for all its combustion turbines 25 is Siemens. Idaho Power's combustion turbines are subject IREDACIED - MAHLUM, DI 3 fdaho Power Company 1 to required maintenance outages at OEM-recommended 2 intervals based upon each plant's primary mode of 3 operation. Based on Idaho Power's historical operating 4 profile, the Danskin and Bennett Mountain SCCTs have 5 maintenance intervals based on the number of plant start- 5 ups and Langley Gulch has a maintenance schedule based on 7 hours of operation. 8 Currently, each outage has been contracted to 9 Siemens for service on a case-by-case basis. The service 10 includes an outage field engineer that oversees the outage, 11 a service crew that performs the work, and the rental of 1,2 specialized tooling required for the removal and subsequent 13 installatj-on of the turbine components. Under the self- L4 manage approach, Idaho Power's only option is to buy parts 15 at the manufacturer's fuII list prices. In addition to the 16 contract for OEM service, Idaho Power may be required to L7 contract for ancillary services or equipment for each 18 outage, such as mobile cranes, insulation crews, 19 scaffolding crews, and sanitary facilities, depending on 20 the scope of each outage. 2L O. Does the Company's self-manaqement of its gas 22 plants include any other maj-ntenance requirements? 23 A. Yes. In addition to the OEM service, turbine 24 components (i.e., turbine blades, combustor baskets, and 25 fuel nozzles) need to be replaced at their respective nrpXcrgD - MAHLUM, Dr 4 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 B 9 10 individual service intervals. These turbine components are costly, proprietary, and have lead times up to 48 weeks. Idaho Power's current practice is to purchase the parts from Siemens in advance of the outage, allowing adequate time for delivery and possession of the parts prj-or to commencement of the outage, and, upon receipt, are capitalized. During the outage, the existing parts are removed and the replacement parts are installed, resulting in short outage windows and earlier plant availability. o.What does fdaho Power do with the parts that 11 have been removed from the combustion turbines? 12 A.The removed parts are retired from Idaho 13 L4 l-5 Power's books and sent to Siemens' service shop where they are inspected and repaired. Once refurbished, the parts are returned to the Company, capitalized, and ready for use 16 again. 11 0. l-8 f or 19 Are there any other maintenance tasks required 20 2L 22 23 24 25 fdaho Power's gas fleet? A.Yes. The maintenance of the Company's gas fleet also requires various additional tasks to be performed by both ldaho Power and contractor personnel. Idaho Power completes pre- and post-inspection work while also performing other facility maintenance and repairs (i.e., exhaust repairs, fuel filter replacements, valve repairs) during turbine outages to maximize the 10REDACTED - MAHLUM, DI 5 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1t- t2 13 L4 15 15 L7 t_8 r.9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 availability of the plant. Work on the turbine aIlows for a complete combustion inspection, including, but not limited to, the removal and reinstallation of new or refurbished pilot nozzles, support housings, combustor baskets, transition seals, ds well- as some consumable parts like bolts, washers, and gaskets. Because these additional tasks require scheduled outages, Siemens often performs supplementary work as an adder to the base cost of an inspection, typically at a discounted price. o.What prompted Idaho Power to look at other gas plant maintenance options? A.fdaho Power began looki-ng at other maintenance options for its gas fleet during construction of the Langley Gulch plant. Langley Gulch is the Company's only CCCT and uses some of the newest, most technologically advanced parts on the market. fdaho Power recognized that its employees do not have all of the necessary technical skills to maj-ntain the plants to the level offered by Siemens. 0.Did the Company issue a request for proposal for the services provided for under the LTP Contract? A.No. However, fdaho Power did contract with a professional knowledgeable in long-term program contracts who contacted multiple third-party providers of gas plant maintenance as part of a formal request for information neJ*crED - MAHLUM, Df Idaho Power Company REPORTER'S COPY process. Those third-party proposals were analyzed by both 2 the Company and the contracted professional and it was 3 determined that there are currentl-y no other third-party 4 maintenance providers that could provide services 5 equivalent to those provided under the LTP Contract with 6 Siemens. Idaho Power did issue a request for proposal for 7 services for the Bennett Mountain and Danskin plants only B to evaluate the possibility of a hybrid approach to 9 maintenance of the Company's gas plants through a 10 combination of a long-term service agreement as wel1 as 11 continued self-management of the Langley Gulch power plant. 12 The responses were evaluated and resulted in the 13 recommendation for the Company to proceed wj-th a long-term 14 maintenance contract with Siemens. Because Siemens is the 15 OEM for al-I of the Company's gas plants and is the industry 16 leader in gas plant maintenance, the only available l7 alternative to the LTP Contract with Siemens would be the l-8 continuation of a Company-managed maintenance program with 19 technical support and parts purchased from Siemens. 20 2I 22 23 o.Prior to the execution of this agreement, was a LTP Contract with Siemens an option? A.Yes. However, when fdaho Power operated only the Danskin and Bennett Mountain plant SCCTs, an LTP 24 Contract was not an economical alternative because of the 25 l-imited frequency of maintenance outages for those plants CORRECTIB nnpecrED - MAHLUM, DI 1 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 t0 11 72 13 l4 15 l-6 L'l 18 L9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 REPORTER'S COPY SCCT outages are based on the number of start-ups so multiple years exist between scheduled outages at the Danskin and Bennett Mountain plants. Until- the addition of the Langley Gulch CCCT, contracting for gas plant maintenance servlces with Siemens at each outage interval has been the most cost-effective approach. With the construction of Langley Gulch, a baseload CCCT whose maintenance is based upon run-time hours, the Company anticipates more frequent gas plant maintenance activities to exist going forward. With this in mind, Idaho Power began evaluating and negotiating an agreement with Siemens for a LTP. o.Is there a difference in cost to Idaho Power between the self-management option and a LTP Contract? A.Yes. The LTP Contract will provide a lower priced alternative to the maintenance of the Company's gas plants; Idaho Power estimates the cost to continue with sel-f-management would be approximately over the life of the contract while the LTP Contract would cost approximately over the comparable time period, a savings of agreement. o. is requesting A. over the life of the Please describe the LTP Contract approval of in this proceeding. Under the LTP Contract, Siemens the Company will provide turbines,scheduled maintenance on all three combustion coRREcrb$ REDAcTED - MAHLUM, Dr I Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 L3 1"4 15 16 1"'l 1B L9 20 27 22 23 24 25 REPORTER'S COPY including program parts or repairs, shipping, services, l-abor, engineering services, and program management servj-ces. Program parts consi-st of the major combustion turbine parts provi-ded by Siemens, including the locking hardware used to affix the parts, the parts installed in the combusti-on turbine upon the effective date, all initial spare parts, and alI parts changed during the length of the contract ("Program Parts"). Some of these Proqram Parts are the latest technology Idaho Power would not otherwise have access to and their superiority eliminates the need for two combustor inspection outages at Langley Gulch. Moreover, they are available under the LTP Contract at a ! I discount from the List price. Siemens will al-so perform unscheduled maintenance on all three combustion turbines to the extent such work i-s not covered by Siemens' other warranties under the contract. Leveraging Siemens' pool of regional J-nventory, outage resources, and technical expertise will result in lower overall- costs to Idaho Power and its customers. O. Aside from lower costs over the life of the contract, how does the LTP Contract differ from the Company's current self-managed maintenance practice? A.The following chart provides a hiqh level comparlson of Idaho Power's current maintenance practices compared to offerings under the LTP Contract: coRREcri6 *"rocrED - MAHLUM, Dr s Idaho Power Company Current Maintenance Practice Proposed LTP Contract Scope of Work As established in eachindividual purchase order. Scheduled and uns cheduled maintenanceat a1l three gas facilities. Term As established in eachindividual purchase orderi on a case-by- case basis. Up to 25 years Warranties Equipment: the lesserof 18 months fromdelivery or 12 months from installation. Software: 12 months from date of shipment. Shop Repair/ Modernization: 12 months from shipment.Technical services: L2 months from completion. Program Parts: duringthe term of the LTP Contract. Open/CIose Hardware non-Program Parts: I for Langley cufcfr and up t" ffor Danskin Bennett Mountain.Includes a post-termparts warranty after endof LTP Contract. Scheduled outageduration guaranty. Warranty response guaranty. Reliability guaranty. and up to and Limitation onLiability In all- circumstances, Siemens' liability islimited to the totalprice paid to Siemens under the applicable purchase order givingrise to the claim. anyIimited . Eurtherthere is a lifetime capequal to 100 percent ofalL amounts paid to Siemens under the LTP Contract. TotaL aggregate liability during cal-endar year isto the greater of Price As established in each individual purchase order. Per unit initiation fees combined with largre milestone amounts due ator near actual outage events. 15REDACTED - MAHLUM, Dr 10 Idaho Power Company 1 As shown above, the LTP Contract will provide Idaho 2 Power with both scheduled and unscheduled maintenance 3 activities for an extended period of time while offering 4 enhanced price predictability. In addition, provisj-ons 5 with respect to performance obligations, guaranties, 6 warranties, liquidated damages, and Limitation on liability 7 will mitigate risk. I Q. What is the length of the contract with 9 Siemens under the LTP Contract? 10 A. The contract term of the LTP Contract is the 11 time between the execution date and the earlier of the 12 performance end date for each combustion turbj-ne or 25 13 years. Because the performance end date is based on a 14 combination of the number of scheduled outages, equivalent 15 basel-oad hours or equivalent starts, the expiration of the 16 contract will vary for each combustion turbine; the l7 estimated expiration date of the LTP Contract for each LB combustion turbine ranges L8-22 years. When analyzing the 19 LTP Contract, the Company has assumed a contract term of 20 20 years. 2L O. What warranties are provided by Siemens under 22 the LTP Contract? 23 A. Under the LTP Contract, Siemens will warranty 24 all Program Parts during the term of the contract. fn 25 addition, Lf the LTP Contract is executed, Siemens will MAHLUM, DI 11 Idaho Power Company 16REDACIED - warranty open and close hardware and non-Program Parts for t.he Danskin and Bennett Mountain plants for up to I and up t" I for the Langley Gulch ptant. After the end of the contract term, generally - from the date of the last major outage, Siemens will provide limited warranty coverage for aII new, repaired, ot refurbished Program Parts, non-Program Parts, and open and close hardware. What is Siemens' commitment 1n handling warranty claims? A. o. 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 I 9 10 11 12 13 t4 15 16 l1 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 0. What are the limitations of liability under the LTP Contract with Siemens? A.The contract contains market limitations on certain consequential damages for long-term program contracts for the benefit of both parties. f !1REDACTED - MAHLUM, DT Idaho Power L2 Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 r.3 14 15 16 L7 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 o. A. o. Contract? How j-s the pricing structured under the LTP A. The pricing structure under the LTP Contract involves per-uni-t initiation fees, combined with periodic milestone amounts due at or near the actual outage events. payments made to Siemens with the work Siemens will perform, the parties negotiated a milestone-based fee structure as explained above, incl-uding the per-unit initiation f,ees. Because milestone work is expected to occur every few years, resulting in peri-odi-c milestone- based payments, Si-emens requires an initiation fee higher than under a fixed annual, outage, and varlable fee-based pricing structure as a prepayment toward services that will be performed over the life of the agreement. The total initiation fee is and is due upon execution of the LTP Contract. a. Please describe the milestone palrments. A. The milestone payrnents are palrments due at or near actual outage events. The payments include a nsDLtrED - MAHLUM, Dr What are the per-unit initiation fees? fn an attempt to more appropriately match 13 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 16 \1 18 L9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 o. A. Combustor Inspection Milestone payment, a First Hot Gas Path Milestone payment, and Major Inspection Milestone payments, which is an inspection that encompasses the fu1I scope of both the combustor inspection and the hot gas path inspection as welI as a fuI1 compressor inspection. Similar to the accounting for work performed by Siemens under the current self-management of maintenance, a portion of the milestone payments will be capitalized and a portion will be operation and maintenance ("O&M") expense, which has historj-cally been a capital and O&M split of 89 percent and 11 percent, respectively. plant maintenance through a collaborative effort between the Company and Siemens, contracting for outage and maj-ntenance services on a case-by-case basis. The construction of the Langley Gulch plant employs some of the most technologically advanced parts available, resulting in third-party maintenance provisions offered only by Siemens. Until now, individually contracting for maintenance services for gas plant maintenance with Siemens has been the most cost-effective approach. Execution of a LTP Contract with Siemens will provide a lower-priced alternative to self-managed maintenance of Idaho Power's gas plants. PIease summarize your testimony. Idaho Power currently self-manages its gas REDACIED - MAHLUM, DrL9 t4 Idaho Power Company a. Does A. Yes, t 2 3 this conclude it does. your testimony? 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 l7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 MAHLUM, DI 15 fdaho Power Company 20REDACIID - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 76 L1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 5'18 , BOTSE, rD MAHLUM (Com) Idaho Power (The following proceedings were had in open hearing. ) COMMISSIONER SMITH: And Mr. Mahl-um is available for cross. Mr. Kl-ein, do you have questi-ons? MR. KLEIN: No. COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay, Mr. Richardson has already said no. Any from the Commissioners? COMMISSIONER K,.TELLANDER: Just one. COMMISSIONER SMITH: President Kjellander. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: O. Only because you've never been on the witness stand before, and I'd hate to see you come here and not get asked at least one question. Do you have any idea how many Siemens employees might actually be 1ocated out at the plant? A. No Siemens employees will be permanently located at a pIant. O. None whatsoever? A. That's correct. O. okay. A. They wil-l have a dedicated service manager and he wil-I be our point of contact for outage support, for getting 27 83701 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 1_1 12 13 74 15 l6 L1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 518, BOTSE, rD WAITES Idaho (Di ) Power the schedules and everything Ii-ned up, but he is pri-marily hosted by e-mai1 and tel-ephone ca1lsr €rs well as a once-a-year in-person meet j-ng. O. Okay. Thanks. COMMISSIONER SMITH: No redirect? MS. NORDSTROM: I do not have any redirect. COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you for your he1p, Mr. Mahlum. THE WITNESS: Thank you. (The wj-tness left the stand. ) MS. NORDSTROM: As its next witness, Idaho Power call-s Courtney Waites. COURTNEY WAITES, produced as a witness at the instance of Idaho Power Company, being first duly sworn, was examlned and testified as fol-lows: DIRECT EXAMTNAT]ON BY MS. NORDSTROM: O. Good morning. A. Good morning. A. P1ease state your name and spe1I your last name for the record. A. Courtney Waites, W-A-I-T-E-S. 22 83701 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 13 1,4 15 L6 t7 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 HEDRICK COURTP. O. BOX 578, REPORT]NG BOTSE, rD 83701 WAITES (Di) Idaho Power a. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? A. Idaho Power, senior regulatory analyst. O. Are you the same Courtney V0aites that filed direct testimony on June 5, 20L5? A. I am. O. And did you have any exhibits? A. I did: one. O. And do you have any changes or corrections to your testimony or your one exhibit? A. I do not. O. If I were to ask you the questions set out in your prefiled direct testimony, woul-d your answers be the same today? A. They woul-d. MS. NORDSTROM: I woul-d move that the prefiled direct testimony of Courtney Waites be spread upon the record as if read, and that Exhibj-t 1 be marked for identification. COMMISSIONER SMITH: If there's no objection, we will spread the prefiled testimony of Ms. Waites upon the record as if read, and admit Exhibit 1. (The fol-l-owj-ng prefiled testimony of Ms. Waites is spread upon the record.) 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 t7 18 l-9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 O. Please state your name and business address. A. My name is Courtney E. Waites and my business 'address is L22L hlest Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83702. O. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? A. f am employed by Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Pohrer" or "Company") as a Senj-or Regulatory Analyst in the Regulatory Affairs Department. o. A. a. Idaho Power. Arts degree in Accounting from the University of AIaska in Anchorage, Alaska. fn 2000, I earned a Master of Business Administration degree from Alaska Pacific University. I have attended New Mexico State University's Center for PubIic Utilit.ies and the National Association of Regulatory Utitity Commissioners "Practical SkiIls for the Changing Electric Industry" conference, the Electric Utility Consultants, fnc., "Introduction to Rate Design and Cost of Service Concepts and Techniques for Electric Utiliti-es" conference, Edison Electric Institute's "Introduction to PubIic Utility Accounting" course, Edison Electric Institute's Electrj-c Rates Advanced course, and SNL Knowledge Center's "Essentials of Regulatory Finance" course. P1ease describe your educational background. In December of 1998, I received a Bachelor of Please describe your work experience with nsDe8rEo - wArrES, Dr Idaho Power Company 1 A. I began my employment with Idaho Power in 2 December 2004 in the Accounts Payable Department. In 2005, 3 I accepted a Regulatory Accountant positj-on in the Finance 4 Department where one of my tasks was to assist in 5 responding to regulatory data requests pertaining to 5 financial issues. In 2006, T accepted my current position, 7 Regulatory Analyst, in the Regulatory Affairs Department. B My duties as a Regulatory Analyst include providing support 9 for the Company's various regulatory activities, including 10 tariff administration, regulatory ratemaking and compliance 11 filings, and the development of various pricing strategles 72 and policies. 13 O. What is Idaho Power requesting in this case? 1,4 A. Idaho Power is requesting (1) approval of a 15 Long Term Program ("LTP") Contract with Siemens Energy, 16 Inc. ("Siemens"), (2) approval of the transfer and sal-e of 1,7 certa j-n assets to Slemens pursuant to ldaho Code S 6l-328, l-8 and (3) approval of the Company's proposed accounting 19 treatment of costs associated with the LTP Contract. 20 0. What is the purpose of your testimony in this 2L proceeding? 22 A. My testimony will describe Idaho Power's 23 request for approval of the transfer and sale of certain 24 assets to Siemens pursuant to ldaho Code S 6l-328 and its 25 ns3icrED - wArrEs, Dr Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 13 14 15 16 l7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 reguest for approval of the Company's proposed accounting treatment of costs related to the LTP Contract. I. ID;AEO CODE S 61-328 A. P1ease describe the Company's request for approval of the transfer and sale of certain assets to Siemens pursuant to ldaho Code S 6L-328. A.As mentioned in the testj-mony of Mr.,Mahlum, Idaho Power currently has capitalized spare parts on hand in anticipation of maintenance outages. With a LTP Contract, the Company has no need for its current inventory of spare parts; Siemens will provide all parts necessary for maintenance and repair of Idaho Power's gas fleet. Under the terms of the LTP Contract, Siemens will take ownership of Idaho Power's inventory of initial spare parts for each combustion turbine ("initial spare parts"), as listed in Exhibit G to the LTP Contract provided as confidential Attachment 1 to the Application, and is expected to remove them from Idaho Power's facilities soon after the approval of the LTP Contract. In consideration of the transfer of the initial spare parts to Siemens, the contract price reflects a discount based on fdaho Power, s net book value of the initial spare parts. o.Pursuant to ldaho Code S 61,-328, an electric utility must obtain approval from the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Comrnission") before it sel1s or nsDlSrED - wArrEs, Dr 3 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 l_3 L4 15 L6 l7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 transfers ownership in any generation, transmission, or distribution p1ant. Further, Idaho Code S 6L-328 states the Commission must find that the transaction is consistent with the public interest prior to authorization of the transaction. Is the transfer and sale of Idaho Power's initial spare parts to Siemens in the public interest? A.Yes. In addition to the financial benefit of reduced contract costs over the life of the agreement, the transfer and sale of the initial spare parts will al1ow for the return of spare parts fdaho Power would otherwise no longer use. The demand for these specific spare parts j-s limited as the parts are no longer the latest technology and have a limited buyer poo1, limiting its market va1ue. The transfer and sale of the initial- spare parts to Siemens provides significant value to Idaho Power customers in the form of reduced LTP Contract pricing. o.hlhat is the net book value of the initial spare parts that wilI be transferred to Siemens? A.As of December 31, 2014, the net book value of the assets that would be transferred to Siemens is approximately $21.9 million on an Idaho jurisdictj-ona1 basis. O. Is the net book value of $21.9 million in initial spare parts part of the Company's approved rate base? - WAITES, DI 4 Idaho Power Company **3{"o, L A. Approximately $19.1- million of the initial 2 spare parts Idaho Power is proposing to transfer to Siemens 3 is included in the Company's ldaho rate base approved under 4 Order Nos. 32426 and 32585, fdaho Power's last general rate 5 case (Case No. IPC-E-I-1-08) and Idaho Power's request for 6 inclusion of the Langley Gu1ch power plant in rates (Case 7 No. IPC-E-LZ-LA). The remaining 52.9 million in initial B spare parts are located at the Bennett Mountain and Danskin 9 plants with vintage years of 2072 and 20L3, havl-ng been 10 placed in-servj-ce after the Company's last general rate 11 case. 12 O. How will Idaho Power's customers benefit from 13 the transfer and sal-e of the initial spare parts to L4 Siemens? 15 A. The transfer and sale of the initial spare 16 parts to Siemens wiII result in lower overall costs during L1 the life of the LTP Contract. As discussed in Mr. Mahlum's 18 testimony, Siemens will install parts and equipment under 19 the LTP Contract that are the latest and most advanced 20 technology available on the market today. With this in 2L mind, fdaho Power identified the lnitial spare parts as 22 those parts the Company currently owns that would not be 23 used or instaJ.Ied as part of a LTP Contract. During 24 negotiations with Siemens regarding the LTP Contract 25 pricing, Siemens agreed to take ownership of the initial 28REDACIED - WAITES, Dr 5 Idaho Power Company 1 spare parts i-n exchange for reduced contract pricing based 2 on the net book value of those parts. Therefore, over the 3 life of the LTP Contract, Idaho Power and its customers 4 will pay a lower cost and receive more technologically 5 advanced equipment than would exist under a Company-managed 6 maintenance program. 7 Q. Do you believe the transfer of ownership in 8 the initial spare parts to Siemens complj-es with ldaho Code 9 S 6L-328? 10 A. Yes. The transfer and sale of the initial 11 spare parts to Siemens is consistent with the public 12 j-nterest, will result in lower overall costs to Idaho Power 13 and j-ts customers, and Siemens has the bona fide intent and L4 financial ability to operate and maintaj-n the initial spare 15 parts in the public service. 16 II. PROPOSED ACCOI'N':TI}TG TRE]LTIIEIII L7 O. It'Ihat is Idaho Power's proposed accounting 18 treatment for the costs associated with the LTP Contract? 19 A. Idaho Power requests approval of (1) the 20 deferral of the initiation fees to a regulatory asset, (2) 2l the transfer of the net book value of the initial spare 22 parts and associated net tax expense to the regulatory 23 asset, and (3) a carrying charge on a portion of the 24 regulatory asset balance. 25 29REDfICTED - WAITES, Dr 6 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 l-3 o.Why does the Company seek to defer the initiation fees? A.V[hi1e the LTP Contract provides significant benefj-ts to customers over the Iife of the contract, absent the requested accounting treatment, the financial j.mpact to the Company in the first few years is considerable, primarily attributable to the initiation fees and net tax expense. As mentioned in the testimony of Mr. Mahlum, the initiation fees serve as a prepayment toward services that will be performed by Siemens over the life of the agreement. Because the expense is for work performed throughout the duratj.on of the contract, Idaho Power is proposing to establish the initiation fees, $ 14 on an fdaho jurisdictional basis, ds a regulatory asset. 15 The Company is proposing to amortize that balance, on a 16 straight-line basis, over the length of the contract, 1,7 commencing on payment of the initiation fee to Siemens. L8 The deferral and subsequent amortization of initiation fees 19 will more closely match the expense recognition with the 20 work being performed. 21,o.What is the length of the amortization period 22 the Company is requesting? 23 A.Idaho Power is requesting an amortization 24 period of 20 years. As explained in the testj-mony of Mr. 25 Mahlum, the estimated expiration date of the LTP Contract 30 REDACTED - WAITES, DT 7 Idaho Power Company 1 varies by combustion turbine but ranges 18-22 years. Using 2 a 2}-year period will align the length of the amortization 3 with the range of the estimated contract duration. 4 Q. What is Idaho Power's proposed accounting for 5 the deferral and amortization of the initiation fees in a 6 regulatory asset? 'l A. Idaho Power proposes to record the deferred 8 initiation fee amounts to Federal Energy Regulatory 9 Commlssion (*FERC") Account 182.3, Other Regulatory Assets. 10 The Company will record amortization of the deferred 1l- amounts to FERC Account 401.3, Regulatory Debits. L2 O. If approved, how would the Company transfer 13 the net book value of the initial spare parts to a L4 regulatory asset? 15 A. If approved, the LTP Contract will provide for 16 the transfer and sale of the initial spare parts to Siemens L7 which, in turn, provides customers the benefit of lower 18 contract costs over the life of the LTP Contract. The 19 Company is requesting to transfer the unrecovered portion, 20 or net book value, of the initial spare parts, $2L.9 2L million on an Idaho jurisdictional basis subject to true- 22 up, at closing. The Company also proposes to amortize the 23 amounts on a straight-line basis over the estimated life of 24 the LTP Contract, oE 20 years, corlmencing on the execution 25 of the LTP Contract. The deferral and subsequent 31REDACIED - WAITES, Dr 8 Idaho Power Company 1 amortization of the unrecovered portion of the initial 2 spare parts over the contract life wiII more closely align 3 the benefits received from the LTP Contract with the costs 4 associ"ated with transfer and sale of the assets. 5 Q. How does the amortization peri-od of 20 years 6 compare to the current depreciable life of the initial 7 spare parts? 8 A. The initial spare parts have a remaining 9 depreciable life of 30 years so a 20-year amortization 10 period is an acceleration of the remaining depreciable life 11 of the initial spare parts. 12 O. t'lhat is Idaho Power's proposed accounting for l-3 the deferral to and amortization of the unrecovered amounts L4 of the initial spare parts in a regulatory asset? 15 A. Idaho Power proposes to record the deferral of 16 unrecovered initial spare parts to FERC Account L82.3, L7 Other Regulatory Assets, and record amortization of the l-8 deferred amounts to FERC Account 407.3, Regulatory Debits. 19 O. WilI deferred taxes result from the transfer 20 and sale of the initial spare parts to Siemens? 2L A. Yes. The transfer and sale of the initial 22 spare parts to Siemens will create a net tax expense of 23 approximately $1.8 m11lion on an Idaho jurisdictional 24 basis. Similar to the transfer of the unrecovered portions 25 of the initial spare parts, because the tax expense is a 32REDACTED - WAITES, DI 9 fdaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 '1 B 9 10 11 l2 13 L4 15 76 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 result of the transaction that will provide customers benefits over the life of the LTP Contract, the Company is proposing to (1) record the net tax expense to FERC Account 282, Accumulated Deferred fncome Taxes (debit Account 282, Accumul-ated Deferred Income Taxes, and credit Account 4l-0.1, Deferred Income Tax Expense) and (2) amortize the amounts on a straight-l-ine basis over the estimated life of the LTP Contractr ot 20 years (debit Account 470.L, Deferred fncome Tax Expense, and credit Account 282, Accumul-ated Deferred fncome Taxes) . o.Is Idaho Power proposing to accrue a carryJ-ng charge on the amounts included in the regulatory asset? A. Yes. The Company is proposing to accrue a carrying charge on $of the regulatory asset, in initiation fees and $2. 9 million of the initial spare parts. Because $2.9 million of the initial spare parts has not yet been included in the Company's authorized rate base and therefore the Company is not currently earning a return on the amounts, Idaho Power is requesting to accrue a carrying charge on that amount, using the Company's most recent authorized rate of return. o.WiII approval of Idaho Power's request in this case change customer rates at this time? A. No, the Company is not requesting to change 33REDACTED - WATTES, Dr 10 Idaho Power Company customer rates at this ti-me. l- Q. Has the Company determj-ned what, if drrlr 2 impact the LTP Contract will have on Idaho Power's revenue 3 requirement? 4 A. Yes. Idaho Power completed an analysis that 5 quantified the present value revenue requirement impact of 6 executing the LTP Contract over a 2O-year period, the 7 estimated length of the agreement. The analysis compared 8 the annual revenue requirement difference between two 9 scenarios: (1) a scenario in which there was no LTP 10 Contract (the self-management scenario) and (2) an LTP 11 Contract scenario. Accordingly, this revenue requirement L2 analysi-s Iooked at incremental costs assocj-ated with the 13 execution of the LTP Contract as compared to the costs that L4 would exist under continued self-management. 15 O. What are the results of the present value 16 revenue requirement analysis? l7 A. By entering into the LTP Contract, the 18 Company's Idaho jurisdictional revenue requirement would be 19 reduced by approximately $7.3 million over a 2O-year period 20 (20L5-2034). 2L 0. Have you prepared an exhibit demonstrating the 22 estimated revenue requirement impact? 23 A. Yes. Exhibit No. 1 provides a summary of the 24 revenue impact to the Company's Idaho jurisdictional retail 25 customers. 34REDACTED - WAITES, Dr 11 Idaho Power Company O. Please explain what is driving the lower 2 annual revenue requirements. A. The annual revenue requirement under the LTP 4 Contract generally provides for lower capital expenditures 5 and lower operating expense amounts over the estimated life 6 of the agreement, resulting in savings over 20 years. O. If the LTP Contract provides cost reductions B over the next 20 years, why is Idaho Power not proposing to 9 reduce customer rates at this time? A. The present value revenue requirement analysis10 11 performed by the Company identified avoided costs that 72 would exist under the LTP Contract. Absent the LTP 13 Contract, these avoided costs would be included in future 14 rates for recovery from customers. However, because the 15 level of recovery of equivalent costs currently incl-uded in 16 rates is less than the cost that would be incurred under 11 the LTP Contract, it is not appropriate to further reduce 18 rates at this time. The execution of the LTP Contract will 19 serve to keep future customer rates lower than they would 20 have otherwise been. 2t O. Please summarize fdaho Power's proposed 22 accounting treatment of costs associated with the LTP 23 Contract. 24 A. Idaho Power is requesting approval of a 25 regulatory asset that includes the deferral of $I nsDlPcrED - wArrES, DI L2 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 L1 L2 13 14 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 o. A. I or j-nitiation fees paid to siemens , $2L.9 million associated with the net book value of the initial- spare parts being transferred to Siemens, and $1.8 million related to the net tax expense resulting from the transfer and sale of the initial spare parts to Siemens. The Company is proposing to amortize these amounts over the estimated life of the LTP Contract, or 20 years. Pinally, Idaho Power is proposing a carrying charge equal to the most recent authorized rate of return on the regulatory asset balance. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes, it does. 36REDACTED of wArTES, Dr 13 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 T2 13 t4 15 L6 L1 18 t9 20 27 22 23 24 25 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOTSE, rD (The following proceedings were had in open hearing. ) (fdaho Power Company Exhibit No. I, having been premarked for identification, was admitted into evidence. ) MS. NORDSTROM: f '11 make this witness avail-able for cross-examination. COMMISSIONER SMITH: Are there any questions for Ms. Waites? MR. KLEIN: No. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: No. COMMISSIONER RAPER: No. COMMISSIONER SMITH: Nor I. Thank you, Ms. Waites. (The witness l-eft the stand.) COMMISSIONER SMITH: Does that conclude your case, Ms. Nordstrom? MS. NORDSTROM: It does. The Company also filed reply comments, but that is the only testimony that we filed. COMMISSIONER SMITH: Okay. Is there anything that anyone would l-ike to bring before the Commission before we adj ourn? Seeing nothing, we are adjourned and we thank you very much for your heIp. We wil-I issue an order as soon as poss j-b1e. Thank you. (The hearing adjourned at 10:10 a.m.) 37 83701 COLLOQUY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 1,4 15 L6 t7 18 L9 20 27 22 23 24 25 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOTSE, rD AUTHENTICAT]ON This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct transcript to the best of my ability of the proceedings held in the matter of Idaho Power Company's application for approval of long-term maintenance program contract with Siemens Energy, sal-e of spare parts inventory to Siemens Energy, and deferral of associated costs, Case No. IPC-E-15-17, cofltmencing on V{ednesday, September 9, 20L5, dt the Commission Hearing Room, 472 West Washj-ngton, Boise, Idaho, and the original thereof for the file of the Commission. Accuracy of al-l- prefiled testimony as originally submitted to this Reporter and j-ncorporated herein at the direction of the Commj-ssion is the sole responsibitity of the submitting parties. WENDT J., Nc,i[ary Publicin and for th.e,,rState of Idaho, I residing at Meridian, My Commission expires Idaho CSR No. 475 Idaho. 2-8-2020. 38 83701 COLLOQUY ld.ho Powr Comp.ny ldaio JuEidlctls.l pc6tValue Rsanur Requimot lmp.ct Lflg Tm Prctnm Cdtnct D15 - 2034 LTP Contftt Rd Req iAIE BA'E Eledric Plant in Produdion Plant [.5s: Ac@mulated Depr*ialion N* El.dric Plant in Seruice Less: A@mulated Defered lnffie Taxer Add: Coneruatid -Other Deferred Prog TOIAL @'TIBITED RATE BAS€ Nr rilailF Tdal Operating Rilenues Operatint EeenrE Operation and MaiBtenance Etpen€s Depteci.ti@ Erpens AmMizdion of Umhed Term Plant Tax6 OtherThan lncffie Prdision fd Defered ln@m€ Texes FedeEl lncome Taxer State ln@eTaxes TdalOFrating ExFBes Co@trdd.d Op.rtir{ llrffi. PropGed Rate of Retum E.mings lmpad l{ct-to-Grcs Tar Muhiplier ReoE R.qulrcmdt Srlf Mil{e Rry Req NATE EASEffi Produdion Ptent [ss: Acumulated Oepreciatid I{ct Eledric Plant in Service [6s: A@mulated D.ferred lncffie Tiles Add: Con*ruatim - Other Defercd Prog TOTAL COI{ililED RATE BASE I{ET IT{COi'E Total Operatint Revenues OpeEting ExpensE Operation and Mainlenance Expens$ ltpredilid Expenres Amdizetion of Umfted Term Plam Tax6 OtherThan ln@me Prditon for Deferred lncomclaxes Federal lncome Taxei Stale lncomeTiles Total OpeEting kpen3es Coslldd.d Opcntint lmmG Prop@d Rate of Return Eamings lmpad Net-to€r6s Tax Multiplier R46m R.quircmmt 477,51s 28s,5ss (8s,9731 (1s9,278) 7.6% t(6&182) {269,585) 7_%% 7.*% 3,443,702 3,430,270 4,751,539 L.642 L.642 1-642 5,65455E 5219,205 7,tO2,027 tu,1a 8,2 (171,932)(s35,r1) (318,123) (4s,215) 0 0 7,a52;6 14.M,4% 74,2 ,496 22,O2A,@s 22,028,085 32,272,96 32,272,W 12,272,96 o 0 253,630 775,m \777,783 1,88a,59 2,600,197 1,542,68 4,685,032 5,727,4*0 0 7,598,679 13,581,089 11,119,312 20,139,394 79,421,A7 2A,630,377 21,5A7,954 26,545,516 (1,76s,931) (1,s89,338) (1,493,834) (1,330,110) {1,129,915) (991,s23) (8s1,49O) (735,132) (628,419) 1s31,s91) 30,111,326 28,517,453 3+603,358 39,0(X,784 36,925,544 42389,963 40,12!"154 47,79\W 4s,223,67O 42,567,@5 0000000000 0 0 92&042 767,977 1lir15 98,327 17,94 7,229,399 25,818 27,oAG 0 o 253,530 16L,7Tt 46L,7n 71L,SO7 7t7,5O7 7,042177 1,042.417 I,U2,1L7IIIIIIIIII0 0 49,9€5 97,126 9r"883 742,2At 742,n3 2rO,S44 277,5 272,6548,297 *,297 702,712 239,757 326,506 339,345 4?9,9n 393,470 468,809 410,532 (1,16s,6O0) (1,16s,50O) {1,6s5,828) (1,873,s68) (1,76,781) (2,189,ffi) 17,976,4811 12,566,s631 (2,242,9141 (2,LA9,2O71 (223,91s1 (223,91s) (318,281) (3s9,917) (327,877) (420,545) t37s,s7) (493,120) {430,859) (420,ss2) 111,701 Lt!,702 772,201 739,699 269,844 92t,24 359,t73 t,225,667 488,7n 495,850 (111,7011 lL!7,7o21 1772,m\ (739,599) (269,844) (921,245) {3s9,173) (1,228,657) (/t88,7r) (49s,8so) 7.*% 7.*% 7.6% 7.6% 7.8% 7.6% 7.*% 7.6% 7.6% 7.6% 2,474,452 2,353,L74 3,492,025 3,g]5,475 3,172,!92 4,2s3,097 3,512,595 d9a5,041 4,043,353 3,A49,M t-642 1.542 1.642 L642 1.&2 t-42 !92 L_642 1.6t2 7.A2 1,I,69,617 !,'63,912 5,733.96 5,24$91 t2!,l,733 6pt35t5 5J67,t46 A,t SA37 6dt9,1t5 6,320152 22,550,631 32,78&560 44632330 48,353,455 50,438,463 54,6a7,417 69,A76,s53 76,76,269 76,7ffi,269 77,a42,O72 12,972,M1 11,973,410) (535,386) 1,025,431 2654,594 4,478,736 5,675,749 9,7s5,299 L7,634,*O !4,749,L49 8,523,175 34702,070 43,158,716 4732a,O34 17,7a3,*9 50,198,681 6a,2OO,&1 67,610,970 65,137,420 63,692,924 4,2a7,743 4,93,775 4,i164,296 4683,391 d83&323 4,8:D,378 4,931,000 5,022,56/ 5,073,141 4,975,N5 0000000000 21,30t372 30,398,895 38,7O44m 12,644,613 42945,545 45,299,303 58,269,805 52,58a,4O3 @,057,979 58,7t7,57a 174,670 16,649 65,099 6'14,51, 4$,745 680,529 238,989 1,282,3s 254,926 s17,539 728,385 1,69,074 1,377,021 1,!,67,4t7 \,629,152 L,74,r43 2,257,073 2,479,551 2,479,551 2,574,29o000000000 a42,469 207,607 271,276 36,219 324,155 352,778 453,595 500,810 503,315 512,920 77,297 94,739 256,&t 407,659 457,279 433,970 4116,535 575,6Oa 522,985 /105,107 (L,291,7e21 lr,*e,222) (2,0s0,072) 1231A,s341 12,331,6731 12,184,$41 12,7M,9@l 13,272,w) (2,887,s) (2,936,5331 L,El,OA a.642 2,W,1iB 7.*% 7.*% 7. % 2,703,68 3,724,L4L 3,511,747 a.g2 a.uz 7.a2 t,M,272 9,r35,q1 5,755,:N 7.6% 7.6% 7.%% 5,456,220 5,267,36 5,64,472 1-6.2 1.642 L642 9,6r.19r.3 t,64t921 t315,765 REDACTED - Exhibit No. 1 Case No. IPC-E-15-17 C. Waites,lPC Page 1 ot 2 to{s ": . .265 ., tn, :o{3 . 20!' ,@o M. &il Mt ajdr,61? Icik{4&.Ax ,.$1,t2 5,1rs,lo, t?!sro{ s,(54558 6;sq!E ?roacf, *,9rtt3 &64&9A a3r5,T6s EoGrr' goeJiael Fgl,a.l gq.arl .cs Egtlr$ r,B+r, &q.f6 l}.et$ ,re+l8 tfvtPrcT-sns I F'75,rrt-&lng 3 ,54,aar* trv ar*cr - to tns I * 6ozUd i ldaho Pomrcompany ld.ho JuEidicdfial PGst V.lu! Rmns! Rcquimant lmp.ct L08Tm Prcgnm Cfftnct 2015 - m34 LTP ContGt ReY irq RATE AASE Eledric Plant in S.ilice P.odudion Plant tess: Accumulaled Depreciationild El€dric Plant in Seruie l6s: Acemuhted Delerrcd lncome Tarei Add: Con$ruatio - Othrr Deferrad ProS TOTAI COTI8II{O RAIE SASE ilET II{COME Tdal Operating Rdenues Operatin8 B(prnses Operation and Mainienane Expens Oeprecjiliff Expcres Amffiratio of limhed Term Plant Tax6 otherThan lncme Prdision fd Deferred lncomc Taxas Federal ln@me Taras State lncme Taxes Tdal Oprrdin8 Expenes C$ioliLt d ODcEtht lffia Prop6ed Rate of Rcturn Ea.nints lmpad Nei-to-G16 Tax Muhiplier Rdoe [.qulEl|Mt S€lf Milage Re Req RAft AEE 34,66A,425 34,66A,425 47,494,192 47,494,192 47,494,!92 47,194,792 47,494,L92 60,557,W 71,90s,&]3 71,S5,833 5,U7,24 7,%7,O3O 9,501,G2 11"035,155 12,369,277 I4,LO3,2AO t5,637,342 17,593,47 19,915,906 2L234464 27,A21,LA5 26,707,395 32993,099 36,4s9.O37 34,924,975 33,390,9L2 31,8s5,SO 42,964,@7 51,989.927 19,667,164 (4a4375) (401,790) (3(n,S32) (13L884) s,42A s2.082 1(x),s19 18s,O6s a47,4* s46,747 -IIIIIII 42,47A,89 !9,a5a,512 49,dr"789 /16,51180:, 41423,165 4O,4E,179 37,416410 17,030,447 54,176,972 50537,8!11 310,634 29,581 r,545,933 47,479 41,894 42313 42,736 L119,79O 1,119,790 1,534062 1,534062 t,534,O62 t,531,O62 1,534,062IIIIII I229,541 230,78 317,654 3L9,257 320,853 322,457 124,059 386,545 399,112 11LS7O 559,E14 510.601 476,528 444,882 l2,3B,4nl 12,233,2961 13,028,472l, 12,672,0741 12,627,013) (2,s96,021) (2,s71,004) 1,584,783 1,398,'to!l 6,62 1,956,005 2,322,58 2,322,554III4L5,27t 4%,557 49a,03S 451,028 597,L6 672,94L 13,377,2631 13,697,9321 (3,332,4141 701,669 529,913 1,613,9s 682145 688,561 693,557 697,769 1,805,116 1,818,27' 1m0,534 (701,669) (s29,9:j}) {1,613,9(N) {582,14s) {688,661) (593,ss7) 16s7,7691 (1,s,!r6) la,A18,2nl {1.m,S38) 7.%% 7.*% 7.%% 7.%%7.%% 7.%% 7.%%7.%% 7.6* 7.%% 4,040.,t50 3,662,8m 5,514,963 4,337,974 4,7Or,722 1.642 1.642 7.642 t.642 L642 6,6:14/[35 5p14.3[ g,rEsFe 7,U2,9Sr 5,7r5,02t 3,870,976 3,538,59 5,50t,74 6,100,157 4,972,416 1.642 !.642 r.542 7.@2 L.642 5,355,1€ 5,974,74 9,O33r5t r0,01q474 t16s,36il Produdion Plant Less: Accumulated Depreciation Itet El€dric Pl.nt in S€0ie L6s: Acomulated Deferred lnffic TdE Add: Con5arudion - Other Deferred Prog TOTAI. COMBINED RAIE SASE 79,O5t,U3 79,741,739 81588,897 85,115,446 85,55r"064 85,734805 16,70L523 79,274,245 2t.974,167 24,727,394 27,4fi,597 30,259,931 5a349,320 S,6til93 51,5rq729 m,3S,O8a 58,050,357 55,474,a74 4,536,342 4,720,09! 4,610.899 4,515,479 4,4t4,65 4,237,941 123,858,000 L37,574,276 138,558,541 37 ,394,2a2 4\647 ,362 $,723,L25 86,473,7a8 90,026,914 92"445,476 3,920,539 3,95L,6$ 3,%L,67L 97,@9,750 33,393,345 63,616,{4 4,@2.O30 s7,slL917 55,745,N2 56,999,A30 55,872609 53,56,303 5r"185,932 59,524375 82,553,178 85,075,268 84,503,745 Tdal Op€ralint Rwenues Operating Exp.ns6 OpGration and Maintenan@ Etpantei Depreciation &pensea Amortizilid olLimited Terfi Pl.nt Provision for Dcferred lncomc Tarcs F€deaal ln@mcTaxes state lncmeTaxes Tdal Op€rfiing Expc.es CoMlld.t d Opcding lncom. Prop6ed Rate of Return Earnings lmpad l{et-to4r6 T.x Muhiplier RryduG RGqulMQt 530,342 273,4& L,702,54 29O,L67 586,098 302,%2 319,45 2,5s3,375 2,575,723 2,699,92t 2,749,230 2,763,299 2,769,214 3,133,4150000000<r, nrr 372347 351,053 3r2,W 339,725 321,44 31a,O79 r7O,2N 12,937,9391 12,849312) (3,1r,30/r) (2,9s3,44U {3,0s9,994) (2,9s9,34s1 (3,052,9s2) 4,000,936 4,253,079 4,475,764 000a4,410 907_166 _459,755 205,335 494,225 496,0&' 14,136,2991 1s,075,6551 (4,282,O9{r) 1.&% l.#ft. 1.6% 7. % 5,372,334 8,280,648 9,479,154 7,*4,9$ 1.&2 A.542 L6/2 1.642 a,722,Agt 8,596,GX' t5,S6,,nt 8,721,7U 7.*% 7-85% 7.*% 4,97 ,7 4,775,28 5346,535 7.642 1.42 r.42 4,m6,t79 7J4,,.21 a, 5lx) 7.86% 7-86% t,6% 4,422,052 4,420,* 4,4€0,874 a-€4a Laz Lgz 7,9l7r1jJ r,915.O51 1321,5.56 REDACTED - Exhibit No. 1 Case No. IPC-E-15-17 C. Waites, IPC Page2 of 2 aEQl,lnEreir M W @ W rclg. 2GI @1 2Gt ... l8it 2Ba Coldndn q a,6.3t9 7,74,12a t,*1,6* 7,.t7A7O 1,9tri,6' 7324,& 8 722,853 13558[ t5,g,7n ,,i,LZt,7U ql',rcrraE Krrgrl Lrn c lr,916 t,,or7,l 79.rs, rJli,@ rC. L 2J.,JE 4saa,e t 42r 4r6ar.rr rryxPryI-tlr3 t (}rq2r)tEvna?lcr-roYis 3 7$xr9llvnl'ACI-.rr 3