HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150723Idaho Power Signatures.pdfEXEIBIT "A' I have rEviewed the foregoing Protective Agreement dated June 5, 2015, in Case No. IPC-E-15-17 and agree to be bound bytlre terms and conditions of such Agrwrnent. Idalro Powm Comoanv EmplolmorFirm l22l West Idaho Street- Boise- Idaho 83702 Busincss Addrcss ldaho PowerCorrmanv Vzz-/ )- Date EXHIBIT*.a'-"' EtrGIBIT "A' I have rwiewcd the foregoing Protective aseement dated June 5, 2OL5, in Case No. IPC-E- I 5- I 7 and agree to be bound by the terms and comditions of srch Agreement. ;fio h",,- EmployerorFirm M ' ?a gort, /Lu P,{ttorzd b,?365j. huiness Addr€ss =frlnho irr r ipr C,o,u[.-*,l$ Party a/r, ,4 s Date EXHIBTT'4" EI(EIBTI 'A' I hove rwiewed the foregoing Prrotoctive Agreement datod June 5, 2015, in Case No. IPC-E-15-17 and agree to be bound by the terms and onditions of such Agrment Ideho Power Comomv EmplqrerorFirm 1221 Westldalro Stneet Boisa Idaho 83702 Business Addrcss Ideho PonrerComnmv Pafiy 1-h'ls EtrHIBIT"A' EXEIBIT "A' I have rwiewcd the foregoiag Protective Agrwrrcnt datcd June 5, 2015, in Casc No. IPC-E l 5- 1 7 and agr€e to be bound by th€ terms md conditions of such Agreement Idfitr PowerComnmrv EmployerorFirm 1221 West Ideho StrEcL Boise. Idsho 83702 BruinessAddless Idaho PowenComomv Pafiy 7-J/- Date /s EtrCIIBIT *.A" Ef,EIBIT"A' I have rpviewed the forcgoing Proteotive furcement dded June 5, 2015, in Caso No. IPC-E-15-17 and agree to be bound by the tcrms and conditions of such Agreememt. \\ EmployerorFirm <-EA.^ *..,}-,.r.r-P F l- a-n.t.5 Date Business Addness EXHIBTT"A' I have rwiemred the foregoing Protoctive Ag€€m€nt datod Juoe 5,2015, in Case No. IPC-E-15-17 d agroo to be bormd by the tcrms and cmditions of such Agroemeirt Idaho Power Comoany EmploycrorFirm 1221 Westldaho StEeL Boise- Idslm 817(D Business Ad&ess Idaho PowerComomv E)MIBIT "A' I have reviewed the fmegoing Protective Agreement dated June 5, 2015, in Case No. IPC-E-15-17 and agree to be bormd by the terrrs and conditions of such Agreement Idatro Power Commnv EmployerorFirm l22l West ldaho Street Boise.Idalro 83702 Business Address Idaho PowerComnsnv Party ,*1f""/rs E)CIIBIT'A'