HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150825IPC to ICIP 1-7.pdfeffi*. Atl IDACORP CompanY LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel ! nordstrom@idahooower.com August 24,2015 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Re: Case No. IPC-E-15-17 Long Term Program Contract with Siemens Energy, !nc. - Idaho Power Company's Response to the First Production Request of the lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed forfiling in the above matter please find an original and three (3) copies of ldaho Power Company's Response to the First Production Request of the lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power. Conespondence and documents requested in the Industrial Customers of ldaho Powe/s Request for Production No. 2 are voluminous and are still being gathered; they will be submitted as a supplemental filing at a later date. Very truly yours, do-O fr*u''"''- Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:csb Enclosures 122'l W. ldaho St. (83702) PO 8ox 70 Boise, lD 83707 LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702') P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 I nord strom @ idahopower.com 'Aftorney for ldaho Power Company IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF LONG.TERM MAINTENANCE PROGMM CONTMCT WITH SIEMENS ENERGY, SALE OF SPARE PARTS INVENTORY TO SIEMENS ENERGY, AND DEFERML OF ASSOCIATED COSTS BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC.E-15-17 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER COMES NOW, Idaho Power Company ("ldaho Powe/' or "Company"), and in response to the First Production Request of the Industrial Customers of ldaho Power to ldaho Power Company dated August 11, 2015, herewith submits the following information: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 1 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 1: Please provide all discovery responses along with the workpapers and attachments provided to all other parties. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 1: Copies of ldaho Powe/s responses to discovery and attachments produced to date were provided to counsel on July 27,2015. The response to this Request is sponsored by Christa Bearry, Legal Ad m in istrative Assistant, ldaho Power Com pany. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 2 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2: Mr. Mahlum, at page 6 of his direct testimony has the following Question and Answer: O. Did the Company issue a request for proposal for the services provided for under the LTP Contract? A. No. However, ldaho Power did contract with a professional knowledgeable in long-term program contracts who contacted multiple third-party providers of gas plant maintenance as part of a formal request for information process. Those third-party proposals were analyzed by both the Company and the contracted professional and it was determined that there are currently no other third-party maintenance providers that could provide services equivalent to those provided under the LTP Contract with Siemens. Please provide the names and positions of all those "professional knowledgeable in long-term program contracts" that were contacted by the Company. Please also provide all the "third-party providers of gas plant maintenance" that were contacted by the knowledgeable professionals. Please provide a!! correspondence between the knowledgeable professionals (emails, -notes, documents, etc.) and ldaho Power. Please document all inputs used to "determine ... that there are currently no other third- party maintenance providers. .. " RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2: Below is a list of names of the "professiona![s] knowledgeable in long-term program contracts" that were contacted by the Company. Jeff Fassett - Consultant IEM Energy Consultants lnc. Mark Johnston - General Partner Vista Energy, LP Joe Brown NAES Corporation IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REOUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 3 Scott MacCormack - Attorney Davis Wright Tremaine LLP David Hattery - Attomey Stoel Rives LLP Confidential Attachment 1 produced with the Company's response to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") Staffs Request No. 2 provides allthe "third- party providers of gas plant maintenance" that were contacted by Mr. Fassett of IEM Energy Consultants lnc., the firm ultimately retained by ldaho Power to assist in the evaluation of potentia! maintenance agreements. Please see the Company's response to Staffs Request No. 2.d and confidential Attachment 1, which depicts the inputs used to determine the field of equivalent third-party maintenance providers. The requested correspondence and documents between the knowledgeable professionals and ldaho Power will be provided at a subsequent date. ln the course of preparing this response, it became apparent that Mr. Mahlum's testimony could be interpreted to mean that a request for proposal ("RFP") was not prepared. ldaho Power did contract with Mr. Fassett, who issued a Request for lnformation contacting multiple third-party providers of gas plant maintenance that could meet Idaho Powe/s needs. His evaluation resulted in the identification of no single third-party vendor being able to both supply parts and service the turbines to the same extent as Siemens Energy, Inc. ("Siemens"). The vendor with the closest level of service to Siemens was Power Systems Mfg., LLC ('PSM'). Therefore, Mr. Fassett prepared a RFP, which was issued by ldaho Power, for maintenance of the Bennett Mountain and Danksin plants only, to evaluate the possibility of a hybrid approach to maintenance of the Company's gas plants through a combination of a long-term service IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER.4 agreement as well as continued self-management of the Langley Gulch power plant. The RFP invited both Siemens and PSM to respond. The responses were evaluated and resulted in the recommendation for the Company to proceed with a long-term maintenance contract with Siemens. Following the conclusion of the RFP, ldaho Power began contract negotiations with Siemens with the aid of the consultant. To make this more clear, the question and answer on page 6 of Mr. Mahlum's direct testimony should read as follows (the additions have been underlined): O. Did the Company issue a request for proposal for the services provided for under the LTP Contract? A. No. However, ldaho Power did contract with a professional knowledgeable in long-term program contracts who contacted multiple third-party providers of gas plant maintenance as part of a formal request for information process. Those third-party proposals were ana[lzed by both the Company and the contracted professional and it was determined that there are cunently no other third-party maintenance providers that could provide services equivalent to those provided under the LTP Contract with Siemens. ldaho Power did issue a RFP for services for the Bennett Mountain and Danskin plants onlv to evaluate the possibilitv of a hvbrid approach to maintenance of the Companv's oas plants throuqh a combination of a lono-term service aoreement as well as continued self-manaoement of the Lanolev Gulch power plant. The responses were evaluated and resulted in the recommendation for the Companv to proceed with a lonq-term maintenance contract with Siemens. Because Siemens is the OEM for all of the Company's gas plants and is the industry leader in gas plant maintenance, the only available alternative to the LTP Contract with Siemens would be the continuation of a Company-managed maintenance program with technical support and parts purchased from Siemens. The response to this Request is sponsored by Trevor Mahlum, Area Maintenance Leader, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 5 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 3: In ldaho Public Utilities Commission case IPC-E-09-03, in which ldaho Power asked for a CPCN for Langley Gulch Company, witness Mr. Porter stated; O. Will ldaho Power have personnel capable of operating a base load resource of this type? A. Yes. ldaho Power will be able to operate and maintain this combined cycle power plant. ldaho Power has been operating natural gas combustion turbines since Evander Andrews Unit Nos. 2 and 3 were constructed in 2001. The Company added Bennett Mountain in 2005, and Evander Andrews Unit No. 1 in 2008. ldaho Powe/s operations and maintenance staff is familiar with gas operations and has developed extensive expertise with Siemens F-Class gas turbines. ln addition, the combined cycle power plant will be controlled by the Siemen's T-3000 system, which is the contro! system currently used to operate the Company's existing gas turbines. The combined cycle plant staff will consist of 18 personnel, including 10 operators to provide 24 by 7 coverage, two maintenance mechanics, two technicians, an engineer, a chemist, clerk/materials coordinator, and an operations and maintenance supervisor. These individuals will be hired at various stages in the construction process so that they will be familiar, as needed, with the design and construction of the Plant and will receive training prior to commercial operation. The existing combustion turbine staff and the new combined cycle staff wil! be combined to form a gas group, reporting to one manager. This wi!! facilitate the sharing of knowledge and expertise among the plants as well as allow the Company to shift manpower as needed for maintenance. Prior to commencing with Plant operations, personnel will receive operating and maintenance training as part of the contracts with Siemens and KiewiUTlC. Operating and maintenance procedures will be developed and implemented with Siemens and KiewiUTlC prior to commercial operation of the PIant. [Vernon Porter, Idaho Power Direct Testimony, !PC-E-09-03, p. 23-25.1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 6 If the Commission approves the proposal for the Long Term Program (LTP) with Siemens, what cost savings does the Company expect in personnel and other costs that will no longer be provided by ldaho Power for each of the gas plants; Danskin, Bennett Mountain, and Langley Gulch? How many personnel will remain in the 'gas group?' What function (mechanic, technician, etc) will each of the remaining personnel perform? RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 3: If the Commission approves ldaho Powe/s request for a LTP Contract with Siemens, the Company does not expect any cost savings due to changes in personnel. At this time, Idaho Power self-manages its natural gas fleet through a collaborative effort between the Company and the original equipment manufacturer ("OEM"). The Company's OEM for all its combustion turbines is Siemens. ldaho Powe/s combustion turbines are subject to required maintenance outages at OEM-recommended intervals and each outage has been contracted to Siemens for service on a case-by-case basis. Under the LTP Contract, Siemens will continue to provide scheduled and unscheduled maintenance at all three facilities but for an extended period of time while offering enhanced price predictability. However, cunent ldaho Power perconnel will continue to perform day{o- day operation and maintenance of the Company's gas fleet as well as pre- and post- inspection work and other facility maintenance and repairs to maximize the availability of the plant. Therefore, the Company does not expect any changes in the number of personnel in the gas group or any changes to the activities they perform. The response to this Request is sponsored by Courtney Waites, Senior Regulatory Analyst, ldaho Power Company, and Randall Henderson, Finance Team Leader ll, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 7 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 4: Ms. Waites, in Exhibit 1 of her direct testimony uses a 7.860/o'Proposed Rate of Retum' as the discount rate to find the NPV of Revenue lmpact for 5, 10, and 20 years. Please give explanation of the source of the 7.860/o discount rate, and explain rationale of why it was selected. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 4: The 7.86 percent discount rate used to compute the present value revenue requirement impact presented in Exhibit No. 1 is the rate of return approved in the Company's last general rate case, Case No. IPG-E-11-08. Using ldaho Powefs approved rate of retum as the discount rate correctly converts future revenue requirement amounts to present value dollars under the Company's authorized capital structure. The response to this Request is sponsored by Courtney Waites, Senior Regulatory Analyst, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 8 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.5: Mr. Mahlum, at page 13 of his direct testimony states, "The pricing structure under the LTP Contract involves per-unit initiation fees, .". Please fully define the meaning of "per-unit". Please describe how the amount of the initialization fee was derived along with all workpapers and documents supporting the calculation. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 5: The per-unit initiation fees referenced in the direct testimony of Mr. Mahlum are identified in Section 3.7.1 of the LTP Contract, provided as confidential Attachment 1 to the Company's Application. Section 3.7.1 describes the Program lnitialization Fee due by ldaho Power to Siemens upon the effective date of the contract. In Section 3.7.1, Siemens has identified the portion of the fee attributable to each of the Company's gas plants. The initiation fee is a component of Siemens' overall pricing structure and derived without input from ldaho Power; therefore, the Company has no supporting documentation of the calculation. lt was, however, a component of broader negotiations between ldaho Power and Siemens and considered in ldaho Powe/s overall evaluation of the LTP Contract. The response to this Request is sponsored by Courtney Waites, Senior Regulatory Analyst, ldaho Power Company, and Randall Henderson, Finance Team Leader ll, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER.9 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 6: Ms. Waites at page 3, beginning on line 20 of her direct testimony, states that "the contract price reflects a discount based on ldaho Powe/s net book value of the initial spare parts." Please quantify and document the genesis and calculation of the "discount." What is the fair market value of the spare parts? What is the replacement cost of the spare parts? Please provide a copy of the Company's pricing policy with respect to the sale of spare (surplus) parts. Please provide copies of all PUC orders/letter advices or other documentation approving said policy. Does this policy apply equally to vendors and/or ratepayers of the company? lf not, please explain the rational for the different treatment. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 6: Exhibit G of the LTP Contract, provided as confidential Attachment 1 to the Company's Application, states, "!n consideration of the agreed upon title transfer of the lnitial Spare Parts from the Buyer to the Seller, the fina! Gontract Price reflects a discount based upon the Buyers net book value of the lnitial Spare Parts." As detailed in the "Summary by Vintage Yea/' tab of the confidential attachment provided with the Company's Supplemental Response to Staffs Production Request No. 1, the net book value of the lnitial Spare Parts as of December 31,2014, was $21 ,911,824 on an ldaho jurisdictional basis. A formal market valuation of the initia! spare parts was not performed due to unique factors of the transaction. However, the recommendation of ldaho Powe/s third party consultant knowledgeable in long-term program contracts, Jeff Fassett of IEM Energy Consultants lnc., was that, in aggregate, net book value was a fair and reasonable valuation of the initial spare parts. Generally, at each outage interval, the major components of the initial spare parts are inspected and removed if they show signs of wear beyond original equipment IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF ]DAHO POWER - 1O manufacturer recommended standards. Typically, many of these parts can be refurbished by the manufacturer and can be returned or "cycled back" into the unit in a subsequent outage. With the LTP Contract, ldaho Power has no need for the initial spare parts; Siemens will provide all parts necessary for maintenance and repair of ldaho Powe/s gas fleet. Upon execution of the LTP Contract, Siemens will retake title of the initial spare parts and is expected to remove them from Idaho Powe/s facilitles soon thereafter. ln consideration of the transfer of the initial spare parts to Siemens, the contract price reflects a discount based on ldaho Powe/s net book value of the initial spare parts, a component that was negotiated between the parties. In addition, ldaho Code S 61-328 requires that the transaction be consistent with the public interest and prohibits the transaction from causing the costs of or rates for supplying (retai!) electricity to increase. A net book value basis for the transfer ensures that customers will experience neither a gain nor loss associated with the transaction. And finally, in addition to the financial benefit of reduced costs over the life of the agreement, the transfer and sale of the initia! spare parts wi!! allow for the return of spare parts ldaho Power would otherwise no longer use. The demand for these specific parts is limited as the parts are no longer the latest technology and have a limited buyer pool, limiting their market value, or, in some cases, the parts are obsolete. Based on the 2013 list prices from Siemens, the most recent price list the Company has received, the cost to replace the initia! spare parts would be approximately $20.4 million. This does not, however, include the partial set of R2 blades in inventory at Bennett Mountain, which are now considered obsolete. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 11 ldaho Power does not have a pricing policy with respect to the sale of spare (surplus) parts; therefore, there is no documentation from the Commission approving the policy. The response to this Request is sponsored by Trevor Mahlum, Area Maintenance Leader, ldaho Power Company, and Courtney Waites, Senior Regulatory Analyst, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 12 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 7: On page 6 beginning on line 7 of Ms. Waites direct testimony she states: O. Do you believe the transfer of ownership in the initial spare parts to Siemens complies with ldaho Code S 61-328? A. Yes. The transfer and sale of the initial spare parts to Siemens is consistent with the public interest, will result in lower overall costs to ldaho Power and lts customers, and Siemens has the bona fide intent and financia! ability to operate and maintain the initial spare parts in the public service. Please explain how the "spare parts" in question (reference ldaho Code S 61-328(1)) are currently being "used in the generation, transmission, distribution or supply of electric supply and energy... " Please define the phrase "public service" as used by Ms. Waites on line 15 page 6 of her direct testimony. Please explain, in detail how Siemens will be "operate[ing] and maintain[ing] the initial spare parts in the public seryice." Please provide copies of all material refened to by Ms. Waites in responding to this question. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 7: The initial spare parts the Company is requesting approval to transfer to Siemens are capitalized parts ldaho Power has on hand in anticipation of maintenance outages and therefore are considered used in the generation, transmission, distribution, or supply of electric supply and energy. ldaho Code S 61-328(c) requires that Siemens "has the bona fide intent and financial ability to operate and maintain said property in the public service." Exhibit G of the LTP Contract, provided as confidential Attachment 1 to the Company's Application, IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 13 describes the procedures for Siemens' use of the initial spare parts upon execution of the contract. Siemens may install the initia! spare parts in any one of ldaho Powe/s combustion turbines covered by the LTP Gontract or, in its discretion, may take title to the initial spare parts and transport the inventory, at its cost, to a destination of its choosing. The initial spare parts are parts cunently installed by Siemens and will continue to be installed by Siemens once transfened. The Company believes the initial spare parts transaction wil! facilitate service at a lower cost than would otherwise exist absent the provision of these initial spare parts under the LTP Contract. Consequently, Siemens wil! be operating and maintaining them in "the public service" to the benefit of customers in a context like that described in the statute. The response to this Request is sponsored by Courtney Waites, Senior Regulatory Analyst, ldaho Power Company. DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 24h day of August 2015. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 14 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE t HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 24h day of August 2015 I served a true and conect copy of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Karl T. Klein Deputy Attomey General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 27h Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ldaho 83707 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ldaho 83703 X Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAXX Email karl.klein@puc.idaho.qov Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAXX Emai! peter@richardsonadams.com oreo@ richardsonadams. com Hand Dellvered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAXX Email dreadino@mindsprinq.com 'l , --' ll IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 15 L t-r