HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150715Hearing Transcript Volume V.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S PETITION TO MODIFY TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PURPA PURCHASE AGREEMENTS IN THE MATTER OF AVISTA CORPORATION'S PETITION TO MODIFY TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PURPA PURCHASE AGREEMENTS IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER COMPANY'S PETITION TO MODIFY TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PURPA PURCHASE AGREEMENTS BEFORE CASE NO. IPC-E-15-01 CASE NO. AVU-E-15-01 CASE NO. PAC-E-15-03 COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER (Presiding) COMMISSIONER KRISTINE RAPER PLACE: DATE: Commission Hearing Room c ,..., � = 472 West Washington Street ,_ c.r, Boise, Idaho --i9 c..... c::: r UJ . ,, 0. C.Ji I June 30, 2015 c � .... ::: - (.. 0 c.: c sr: N VOLUME V - Pages 1028 - 1032 ORIGINAL CSB REPORTING Certified Shorthand Reporters Post Office Box 9774 Boise, Idaho 83707 csbreporting@heritagewifi.com Ph: 208-890-5198 Fax: 1-888-623-6899 Reporter: Constance Bucy, CSR 1 2 3 4 5 For the Staff: A P P E A R A N C E S Daphne Huang, Esq. Deputy Attorney General 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 For Idaho Power Company: CSB REPORTING (208) 890-5198 Donovan E. Walker, Esq. Idaho Power Company Post Office Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 APPEARANCES 1 2 3 4 BOISE, IDAHO, TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 2015, 7:00 P. M. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Well, good evening. 5 This is the time and place for a telephonic hearing in 6 Case Nos. IPC-E-15-01, AVU-E-15-01, PAC-E-15-03. My name 7 is Paul Kjellander. I am the Chairman of this evening's 8 telephonic public hearing. To my left, which you can't 9 see on the telephone, is Commissioner Kristine Raper. 10 Commissioner Mack Redford is excused from these 11 proceedings and will have an opportunity to review the 12 record once it's finally submitted to the Commission as 13 we head towards deliberation. 14 The purpose of tonight's hearing is to take 15 testimony from the public regarding this case. This is 16 an opportunity for members of the public to get their 17 statement entered in the record to ultimately assist the 18 Commission in its deliberative process. 19 As further background, the Commission serves in 20 a similar capacity as a District Court and we generally 21 follow District Court rules. We're here this evening to 22 help create a fully developed record. We are not here 23 today to pass judgment on comments or statements made for 24 the official record. 25 The Commissioners serve as judges and CSB REPORTING (208) 890-5198 1028 COLLOQUY 1 accordingly, we do not answer questions related to the 2 case other than questions regarding procedure. The 3 Commission will not begin to deliberate on the merits of 4 this case until the official record is closed. 5 Additionally, the Commission, like judges, only speaks 6 through its Orders as it relates to final rulings in this 7 matter. 8 Tonight's hearing, as I mentioned, is a 9 telephonic hearing. All callers will be placed on mute, 10 but you'll still be able to listen to the hearing. All 11 calls will be taken in the order in which they came in. 12 When it's your turn to testify, you'll hear a prompt that 13 says your line is now unmuted. You will then be asked by 14 our Staff attorney to state your name and address after 15 which you will be able to present your testimony to the 16 Commissioners. 17 There is a court reporter here who will take 18 down your testimony. After you testify, you will again 19 be muted, but you will still be able to listen to the 20 rest of the hearing. If when your line is unmuted and 21 you decide not to testify, just say pass and we'll move 22 on to the next caller. 23 At present, there are no callers on the line. 24 We hope that there will be some. We will stay here live 25 for at least another 15 minutes, and we also have several CSB REPORTING (208) 890-5198 1029 COLLOQUY 1 parties to the case, but given the fact that all parties 2 were recognized during the technical hearing, we won't 3 require any specific notification unless for purposes of 4 identification parties to the case wish to be identified. 5 If so, we would be happy to get that on the record. 6 Otherwise, we will go off the record until such time as 7 we have a caller. 8 At approximately 15 minutes past the hour of 9 7:00 o'clock, which is now roughly 10 minutes away, if we 10 have no callers, we will come on and officially adjourn 11 this proceeding, so with that said, we are officially off 12 the record. 13 (Recess. ) 14 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We'll go back on the 15 record. Officially for the record, we opened up the 16 hearing at about a minute past the top of the hour, but 17 we haven't had any callers who were on the line to 18 testify. We do recognize that the telephone bridge does 19 work as we had a caller who's a member of the parties 20 join us during our recess to just let us know that it 21 works. 22 One of the things that we intend to do as a 23 Commission is to further investigate the use of 24 telephonic hearings and also perhaps investigating the 25 opportunity to deploy our own system so we have more CSB REPORTING (208) 890-5198 1030 COLLOQUY 1 control of that, as well as any messages that may be 2 associated with the initial access to the prompts that 3 might be on that system, so, again, we certainly are not 4 abandoning our desire to look at telephonic hearing as a 5 piece of our process, but also recognize that tonight we 6 did not have any participants and will continue to 7 explore the value of telephonic hearing, as well as the 8 opportunity to control our own system and perhaps our own 9 messages that may be there when people call in. 10 With that said, we will conclude this 11 telephonic hearing and officially, then, this portion of 12 the proceeding is closed as far as the record is 13 concerned. We gave until July 10th for parties to the 14 case to get in their requests for intervenor funding, and 15 we mentioned today during our public hearing that it is 16 our hope, to the extent that we can and the record is 17 officially finalized and fully presented to the 18 Commission, that we can begin deliberation and perhaps 19 have a final Order out in this case by the end of July, 20 so with that, this telephonic hearing is concluded. 21 (The hearing concluded at 7:20 p.m.) 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING (208) 890-5198 1031 COLLOQUY 1 2 3 A U T H E N T I C A T I O N 4 This is to certify that the foregoing 5 proceedings held in the matter of Idaho Power Company's, 6 Avista Corporation's, and Rocky Mountain Power Company's 7 petition to modify terms and conditions of PURPA purchase 8 agreements, commencing on June 24, 2015, and continuing 9 on June 29 through June 30, 2015, at the Commission 10 Hearing Room, 472 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho, 11 is a true and correct transcript of said proceedings and 12 the original thereof for the file of the Commission. 13 Accuracy of all prefiled testimony as 14 originally submitted to the Reporter and incorporated 15 herein at the direction of the Commission is the sole 16 responsibility of the submitting parties. 17 18 25 CSB REPORTING (208) 890-5198 CONSTANCE S. BUCY Certified Shorthand Reporter 1032 187 COLLOQUY