HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150224IPC to Simplot 1-18.pdfSIffi*. An TDACORP Companv DONOVAN E. WALKER Lead Gounsel dwalker@idahopower.com February 24,2015 Pil l+: 35 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Wash i ngton Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Re: Case No. IPC-E-15-01 Modify Terms and Conditions of Prospective PURPA Energy Sales Agreements - ldaho Power Company's Responses to the First Production Requests of the J. R. Simplot Company Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing in the above matter please find an original and three (3) copies of ldaho Power Company's Responses to the First Production Requests of the J. R. Simplot Company. Also enclosed are four (4) copies each of non-confidential and confidential disks containing information responsive to the production requests. Please handle the confidential information in accordance with the Protective Agreement executed in this matter. Vefily yours,p,--ed/k-- Donovan E. Walker DEW:csb Enclosures 122'l W. ldaho St. (83702) PO. Box 70 Boise, lD 83707 DONOVAN E. WALKER (lSB No. 5921) ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5317 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 dwalker@idahopower.com Attorney for ldaho Power Company IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S PETITION TO MODIFY TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PROSPECTIVE PURPA ENERGY SALES AGREEMENTS BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-15-01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY COMES NOW, ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powe/' or "Company'), and in response to the Firct Production Requests of the J. R. Simplot Company dated February 3,2015, herewith submits the following information: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 1 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 1: Reference the direct testimony of Lisa Grow at page 15:23 to 16:3. ls ldaho Powe/s proposal to Iimit contract terms to two years limited to QFs ineligible for standard avoided cost rates or to limit the term for all QFs as Ms. Grow suggests? RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 1: ldaho Powe/s Petition states that the Company's request "is limited to transactions with proposed QF projects that exceed the published rate eligibility cap." Petition, pp. 1-2. The statements in Ms. Grow's testimony were not meant to differ from this limitation. The response to this Request is sponsored by Lisa Grow, Senior Vice President of Power Supply, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 2 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2: Reference the Company's Application at 4-5, discussing eight proposals to modify the IPUC's implementation of PURPA. Did the Company reach out to stakeholders to discuss the available options prior to filing the current Application? Please provide a description of al! informal meetings or workshops where the Company sought stakeholder input on the issues identified in the Company's Application and identify the QF parties contacted by the Company. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2: Yes, the Company reached out to several stakeholders prior to filing the Petition in this matter. Lisa Grow met with Ben Otto with the ldaho Conservation League and Ken Miller with the Snake River Alliance and discussed issues related to the amount of solar generation under contract and proposed for ldaho Powe/s system, the Company's Integrated Resource Plan ("lRP") process, and the Company's generation resources, including coal. The Company's customer representatives reached out to customers in their respective areas to generally discuss the Company's filing. Communication about the filing was sent to the Energy Efficiency Advisory Group, the Community Advisory Group, the IRP Advisory Committee, and the Wood River working group. Additionally, ldaho Power executives called severa! of the Company's largest customers to discuss the filing and issues related to the filing. The response to this Request is sponsored by Lisa Grow, Senior Vice President of Power Supply, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY.3 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 3: Reference the Company's Application at 4-5, discussing eight proposals to modify the IPUC's implementation of PURPA. (a) Given the influx of QFs into the queue, did the Company consider requesting that the IPUC adjust the ability to update the avoided cost rates to account for projects that have progressed through the queue? (b) What would the avoided costs rates be under the IRP methodology for a solar QF requesting pricing today if the Company updated the avoided capacity and energy cost calculations under the approved lRP methodology to take into account as committed resources all QFs that have an existing and current request for QF pricing and energy sales agreement that meets all of the requirements of Schedule 73 pages 4-6, subparts a.1. i.-xiv. and 1.e.i.-iv. Use the 12 x 24 generation data of the project approved in Case No. IPC-E-14-19 (Grand View PV Solar Two, LLC) to calculate the current rates as described above. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 3: (a) The incremental cost IRP avoided cost methodology approved by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") takes into account the projects that are in the energy sales agreement indicative pricing queue. (b) The avoided cost rates requested would be the avoided cost rates calculated for the project within the energy sales agreement indicative pricing queue immediately following the 461 megawatts ('MW") of signed and Commission-approved Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ('PURPA') solar projects as no projects beyond the 461 MW have completed the specific requirements referenced in this Request. The next project in the indicative pricing queue is an 80 MW nameplate rated IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 4 project and the calculated avoided costs provided for such project are (these values do not include a solar integration charge): Month/Year Dec-16 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-1 7 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Heaw Load Energv Purchase Price (Mills per kWhl $35.47 $30.13 $31.11 $30.21 $15.79 $6.s2 $11.97 $38.93 $40.4e $32.24 $33.85 $37.26 $38.20 $29.54 $35.1e $27.71 $25.92 $17.73 $16.63 $42.12 $44.10 $33.99 $36.48 $40.67 Lisht Load EnerEv Purchase Price (Mills per kWhl $35.33 $29.41 $29.37 $26.50 $5.30 $0.59 $6.54 $34.50 $36.01 $32.98 $34.32 $36.99 $38.02 $28.74 $33.93 $26.65 $26.35 $10.54 $6.78 $43.21 $37.82 $35.92 $37.87 $39.78 The response to this Request is sponsored by Randy AIlphin, Energy Contracts Coordinator Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 5 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 4: Reference Exhibit No. 3, providing an identity-blind list of the 885 MW solar QFs currently in the queue. For each project Iisted: (a) Explain whether or not the project has provided all of the information necessary to obtain indicative pricing under Schedule 73 (items 1.a. i-xiv. on pages 4-5 of the schedule), and if the project met the requirements, please provide the material supplied with the identity of the project redacled; (b) Explain whether or not the project has provided all of the information necessary obtain a draft energy sales agreement under Schedule 73 (items 1.e. i.-iv. on pages 5-6 of the schedule), and if the project met the requirements, please provide the material supplied with the identity of the project redacted; (c) Explain whether the project is still in compliance with the requirement in Schedule 73 that it timely meet all of the steps for responding to the Company, as required on page 7, subpart 1.n. of the schedule; (d) Please provide the indicative pricing for each year of a 2O-year contract term for each project calculated in accordance with the approved IRP methodology; (e) Please provide the indicative prices for each year of a twenty-year contract term calculated as in subpart (d) but with the energy and capacity components updated to count as committed resources all QFs that provided al! information described in items (a) and (b) prior to the project in questioni (0 ldentify the interconnection queue number for each project, and please provide a copy of the queue. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 6 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 4: (a) Below is a table that provides the information requested for each project. The specific information provided by each project is confidentia! information between ldaho Power and the proposed project and redacting the confidentia! information results in no information remaining except for the Schedule 73 form application. A copy of that application can be viewed within ldaho Power's Schedule 73. (b) Below is a table that provides the information requested for each project. The specific information provided by each project is confidential information between Idaho Power and the proposed project and redacting the confidential information results in no information remaining except for the Schedule 73 form application. A copy of that application can be viewed within ldaho Power's Schedule 73. (c) Below is a table that provides the information requested for each project. ldaho Power Company Proposed PURPA Solar - As of January 20, z0ts Provided All information as required in Schedule 73 to obtain indicative pricing (Schedule 73 items 1.a.i-xiv, pages 4 and 5) or equivalent if provided before Schedule 73 process initiated ldaho Provided All information as required in Schedule 73 to obtain a draft energy sales agreement (Schedule 73 items 1.e.i-iv, pages 5 and 6) or equivalent if provided before Schedule 73 process initiated Project is in compliance with Schedule 73 Page7, subpart 1.n. or equivalent if process was initiated before Schedule 73 process was initiated lnterconnection Queue # L 2 3 4 5 Project A1 Project 42 Project A3 Project 44 Project 81 YeS Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 7 6 7 8 9 10 11 !2 13 L4 15 16 77 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3s 35 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 443 444 M2 445 447 452 448 457 456 455 454 453 449 450 451 446 Project 82 Project C1 Project C2 Project C3 Project C4 Project C5 Project C6 Project C7 Project C8 Project C9 Project C10 Project D1 Project D2 Project D3 Project D4 Project E1 Project E2 Project E3 Project E4 Project E5 Project E6 Project E7 Project E8 Project E9 Project E10 Project E11 Project E12 Project Fl Project G1 Project H1 Project l1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 8 ldaho PowerCompany Proposed PURPA Solar - As ofJanuary 2O 2015 Project Name Oregon Schedule 73 is not applicable in Oregon Project J1 Project E13 Project K1 Project K2 Project K3 Project K4 Project K5 Project K6 Project K7 Project K8 Project K9 Project K10 Yes - Schedule 85 Published Rates No No No No No No No No No Yes - Schedule 85 Process N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A No No No No No No 458 No No No No No No No 37 38 39 40 4L 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 (d) Below is a table that provides the information requested for each project that was provided indicative pricing as of February 12,2015. (e) The Commission-approved incremental cost IRP avoided cost model and the indicative prices listed in the Company's response to subpart (d) of this Request include the process as described in Request for Production No. 4, subpart (e); therefore, the resulting prices are the same. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 9 Proiect A1 Month/Yr Heavy Load Energy Price Light Load Energy Price (mills/kwhl (mills/kwhl Proiect A2 Month/Yr Heavy Load Energy Price tight Load Enerry Price (mills/kwhl (mills/kwh) Proiect Bl Month/Yr Heavy Load Energy Price Light toad Energy Price (mills/kwh)(mills/kWh) )an-L7 Feb-17 Mar-L7 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 $30.13 $31.11 $30.21 $1s.79 $6.57 $11.97 $38.e3 $40.49 $32.24 $33.85 $37.26 $38.20 $29.54 $3s.19 $27.71 $25.92 $17.73 $16.63 $42.12 $44.10 $33.s9 $36.48 $40.67 $42.02 $28.22 $3s.08 $26.72 $24.26 $19.43 $16.33 $41.27 $42.96 $3s.11 $36.31 $43.20 $44.72 $34.54 $31.46 $23.55 $22.81 $18.34 $17.s0 $29.41 $29.37 $26.50 $5.30 $0.s9 $6.s4 $34.50 $36.01 $32.e8 $34.32 $36.ee $38.02 $28.74 $33.93 $26.6s $26.3s $10.54 $6.78 $43.21 $37.82 $3s.92 $37.87 $39.78 $41.59 $25.47 $31.69 $24.74 $24.31 $17.28 $12.00 $38.8e $40.36 $28.13 $36.59 $42.41 $44.76 $28.11 $23.8s $23.s7 $22.73 $16.41 $13.49 Jan-L7 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-L7 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 $30.44 $31.47 $30.34 $24.50 $11.sl $14.12 $39.92 $40.99 $33.13 $35.53 $37.30 $38.27 $30.92 $37.78 $29.01 $27.19 $24.09 $21.53 $42.64 $44.63 $35.69 $37.83 $40.72 $42.12 $29.26 $36.83 $2e.93 $24.s3 $22.51 $20.7s $42.17 $44.12 $36.42 $37.43 $43.26 $44.72 $35.94 $31.74 $23.65 $23.03 $21.42 $23.23 $29.39 $31.47 $27.28 $18.33 $1.23 $6.96 $36.83 $36.06 $30.98 $34.21 $36.87 $38.03 $30.96 $32.8s $27.68 $26.60 $14.44 $6.26 $44.03 $40.35 $32.ss $38.06 $40.46 $41.93 $28.63 $31.2s $25.79 $24.32 $21.16 $14.52 $39.75 $39.87 $31.26 $36.96 $43.15 $44.76 $24.01 $26.41 $23.s7 $22.73 $17.67 $18.71 )an-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-L7 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 $30.s7 $32.4s $30.74 $25.83 $11.74 $13.52 $38.88 $39.8s $33.41 $34.41 $37.14 $38.s4 931.22 $3s.90 $28.92 $27.45 $23.44 $20.49 $41.34 $43.27 $3s.24 $37.17 $40.74 $42.08 $30.54 $37.85 $31.37 $24.55 $22.17 $21.43 $40.83 $42.28 $36.33 $37.44 $43.29 $44.73 $37.49 $34.16 $23.66 $23.08 $21.64 $22.46 $29.3s $31.30 $28.80 $12.57 $0.98 $8.43 $33.22 $34.94 $31.31 $33.46 $37.05 $38.06 $31.86 $36.20 $26.78 $26.62 $11.57 $11.01 $41.6s $38.25 $34.61 $37.90 $40.54 $41.94 $29.73 $28.06 $26.07 $24.31 $17.49 $14.31 $38.42 $38.52 $30.77 $37.04 $43.00 $44.76 $29.24 $26.71 $23.66 $22.73 $17.66 $19.31 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REOUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 1O Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-2L Apr-27 May-21 Jun-21 Jul2L Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 )an-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Jul22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 $41.65 $43.61 $u.42 $36.90 $4s.89 $47.48 $31.68 $28.72 $26.63 $24.92 $22.48 $19.20 $43.43 $46.92 $37.21 $39.47 $49.18 $50.66 $30.64 $38.96 $29.97 $28.22 $18.84 $18.s0 $70.34 $73.42 $66.17 $66.80 $78.12 $79.80 $56.92 $61.08 $59.31 $53.91 $47.43 $46.62 $71.36 $7s.36 $67.88 $68.84 $82.27 $84.07 $63.2e $64.16 $s6.4s $s4.65 $37.6s $35.06 $26.87 $36.31 $43.83 $47.48 $26.23 $28.61 $25.6s $25.50 $20.13 $13.68 $39.3s $38.02 $32.10 $38.60 $46.21 $50.46 $30.28 $33.07 $29.63 $29.73 $17.82 $11.72 $65.es $65.95 $62.94 $67.38 $76.7s $79.74 $s6.33 $60.46 $56.03 $5s.64 $36.3e $36.59 $69.64 $69.49 $63.01 $66.61 $81.03 $82.75 $64.91 $62.12 $56.47 $54.86 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-2L Feb-21 Mar-2! Apr-2L May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 $43.06 $44.28 $3s.45 $38.30 $45.26 $47.48 $26.42 $32.13 $26.78 $2s.91 $24.61 $24.36 $44.49 $47.02 $37.81 $40.28 $48.44 $50.57 $33.04 $41.78 $30.81 $29.78 $27.s6 $22.92 $70.11 $72.24 $64.82 $6s.78 $77.16 $78.4s $57.60 $64.81 $56.s7 $54.67 $s2.14 $49.9s $70.44 $75.16 $66.96 $67.93 $81.11 $82.75 $66.57 $66.22 $s6.11 $53.50 $38.00 $35.79 $27.03 $36.42 $4s.42 $47.48 $25.82 $29.11 $25.6s $25.s0 $20.41 $16.79 $40.77 $38.29 $33.12 $38.62 $48.87 $50.s1 $30.s0 $36.06 $29.84 $29.73 $20.03 $18.12 $65.36 $65.63 $57.62 $65.28 $7s.68 $78.48 $56.41 $56.20 $s7.33 $s4.65 $36.22 $41.79 $68.62 $69.11 $64.s8 $67.64 $79.70 $82.63 $64.76 $60.43 $ss.69 $53.s0 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul2L Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Jul22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 )an-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 $41.36 $42.93 $34.87 $38.04 $45.06 $47.48 $32.15 $30.63 $26.32 $25.52 $24.73 $25.35 $43.28 $45.85 $38.00 $40.34 $48.37 $s0.67 $32.19 $42.97 $30.98 $29.72 $26.78 $22.98 $61.44 $63.98 $s7.10 $58.33 $69.50 $71.05 $s0.65 $60.62 $51.62 $47.21 $44.19 $42.67 $62.42 $66.01 $59.21 $60.3s $73.39 $75.38 $60.39 $61.12 $48.80 $46.01 $36.77 $34.90 $26.75 $36.53 $45.67 $47.48 $26.93 $28.54 $2s.6s $2s.50 $20.30 $15.74 $38.79 $37.11 $28.78 $39.24 $48.07 $s0.67 $31.3s $35.56 $29.88 $29.73 $20.63 $17.83 $56.93 $s7.62 $52.48 $58.01 $68.78 $71.0s $48.28 $57.11 $48.89 $47.22 $30.07 $34.32 $5e.76 $61.01 $s3.90 $60.18 $72.08 $7s.38 $58.03 $s3.20 $48.12 $46.01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY.ll May-24 Jun-24 Jul-24 Aug-24 Sep-24 od-24 Nov-24 Dec-24 Jan-25 Feb-25 Mar-25 Apr-25 May-25 Jun-25 Jul-25 Aug-25 Sep-25 Oct-25 Nov-25 Dec-25 Jan-26 Feb-26 Mar-26 Apr-26 May-25 Jun-26 Jul-26 Aug-26 Sep-26 Oct-26 Nov-26 Dec-26 Jan-27 Feb-27 Mar-27 Apr-27 May-27 Jun-27 Jul-27 Aug-27 Sep-27 Oct-27 Nov-27 Dec-27 Jan-28 Feb-28 $s0.s8 $49.11 $7s.90 $82.47 $69.10 $70.48 $84.61 $87.6s $71.04 $72.41 $62.11 $55.81 $54.3s $53.23 $79.27 $83.31 $71.42 $72.51 $88.61 $91.23 $68.89 $75.17 $s6.32 $54.91 $54.66 $s5.20 $80.74 $8s.49 $74.42 $74.98 $93.46 $9s.87 $69.29 $7s.57 $59.72 $s6.67 $57.20 $56.34 $82.43 $89.44 $76.58 $77.30 $e7.06 $98.92 $70.88 $7s.06 $47.42 $44.44 $71.16 $70.73 $58.94 $70.43 $83.95 $87.8s $6s.16 $58.60 $58.87 $54.87 $47.49 $46.49 $71.67 $70.79 $59.94 $72.05 $88.34 $90.4s $67.28 $71.s4 $ss.09 $s4.67 $4e.03 $51.33 $73.25 $73.83 $64.72 $74.96 $92.24 $9s.86 $67.08 $65.46 $59.87 $56.73 $50.92 $51.09 $76.37 $75.39 $65.65 $77.33 $93.25 $97.s1 $6s.35 $64.22 May-24 )un-24 Jul-24 Aug-24 Sep-24 Oct-24 Nov-24 Dec-24 Jan-25 Feb-25 Mar-25 Apr-25 May-25 Jun-25 Jul-25 Aug-25 Sep-25 Oct-25 Nov-25 Dec-25 Jan-26 Feb-26 Mar-26 Apr-26 May-26 Jun-26 Jul-26 Au9-26 Sep-26 Oct-26 Nov-26 Dec-26 )an-27 Feb-27 Mar-27 Apr-27 May-27 Jun-27 Jul-27 Aug-27 Sep-27 Oct-27 Nov-27 Dec-27 Jan-28 Feb-28 $52.76 $s3.88 $76.05 $84.92 $68.26 $69.s5 $83.84 $86.49 $76.46 $77.75 $62.49 $s4.10 $s3.87 $54.72 $79.24 $84.15 $70.31 $71.38 $87.11 $90.08 $70.97 $78.77 $55.85 $53.30 $s4.42 $s6.18 $80.16 $84.40 $74.39 $73.60 $91.40 $94.50 $70.s0 $78.68 $5e.99 $55.46 $s5.94 $s7.34 $82.00 $87.53 $75.97 $76.01 $95.22 $97.s9 $70.41 $79.19 $46.05 $45.21 $71.48 $69.84 $61.72 $69.03 $82.43 $85.67 $65.67 $63.42 $54.17 $53.51 $46.10 $48.96 $71.33 $70.81 $58.7s $71.37 $86.82 $90.08 $66.s0 $70.56 $53.77 $53.30 $47.62 $47.6s $73.s0 $74.54 $67.28 $73.60 $90.s8 $94.49 $67.6s $66.15 $s7.36 $55.45 $49.6s $47.92 $76.0s $73.64 $63.3s $7s.92 $93.04 $97.s9 $64.14 $68.62 May-24 Jun-24 Jul24 Aug-24 Sep-24 od-24 Nov-24 Dec-24 Jan-25 Feb-25 Mar-25 Apr-25 May-25 Jun-25 Jul-25 Aug-25 Sep-25 Oct-25 Nov-25 Dec-25 Jan-26 Feb-26 Mar-26 Apr-26 May-26 Jun-26 Jul-26 Aug-26 Sep-26 Oct-26 Nov-26 Dec-26 Jan-27 Feb-27 Mar-27 Apr-27 May-27 Jun-27 Jul-27 Aug-27 Sep-27 Oct-27 Nov-27 Dec-27 Jan-28 Feb-28 $4s.29 $45.30 $66.69 $75.10 $60.54 $62.12 $76.88 $78.76 $66.22 $67.65 $53.24 $47.70 $46.23 $46.96 $70.46 $74.21 $62.74 $64.01 $79.99 $82.55 $59.83 $69.94 $49.12 $45.8s $46.02 $48.29 $72.04 $75.91 $6s.08 $66.16 $84.74 $86.85 $61.28 $67.09 $53.36 $47.86 $48.29 $49.31 $73.15 $77.08 $67.91 $68.46 $87.79 $89.e0 $64.38 $71.40 $38.61 $33.73 $62.08 $61.02 $s2.78 $62.06 $7s.75 $79.00 $57.81 $55.41 $48.56 $46.03 $38.88 $39.1e $62.35 $64.29 $52.40 $63.83 $79.14 $82.s4 $s9.s7 $66.93 $46.29 $45.73 $40.18 $41.18 $63.47 $66.70 $52.40 $66.02 $83.00 $86.92 $59.30 $58.31 $48.12 $47.84 $42.28 $41.58 $67.14 $6s.39 $s4.38 $68.36 $84.13 $89.24 $57.64 $s4.92 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 12 Mar-28 Apr-28 May-28 Jun-28 Jul-28 Aug-28 Sep-28 Oct-28 Nov-28 Dec-28 Jan-29 Feb-29 Mar-29 Apr-29 May-29 Jun-29 Jul-29 Aug-29 Sep-29 Oct-29 Nov-29 Dec-29 Jan-30 Feb-30 Mar-30 Apr-30 May-30 Jun-30 Jul-30 Aug-30 Sep-30 Oct-30 Nov-30 Dec-30 Jan-31 Feb-31 Mar-31 Apr-31 May-31 Jun-31 Jul-31 Aug-31 Sep-31 Oct-31 Nov-31 Dec-31 $57.51 $56.39 $56.59 $s8.31 $8s.05 $89.56 $78.71 $80.14 $101.39 $103.27 $7s.s4 $78.06 $59.67 $s6.32 $s6.83 $s9.82 $8s.32 $93.02 $81.67 $82.s9 $104.55 $107.42 $79.s1 $77.20 $65.04 $57.59 $58.04 $61.72 $88.68 $95.96 $86.32 $85.s3 $108.60 $111.14 $8s.24 $e1.88 $68.54 $61.92 $63.11 $66.40 $92.78 $96.71 $e0.82 $88.89 $113.23 $116.58 $59.46 $56.31 $s0.78 $s2.34 $79.33 $79.23 $68.34 $80.12 $99.22 $103.44 $69.96 $74.58 $56.44 $56.31 $48.54 $57.12 $81.55 $82.43 $68.59 $82.44 $104.69 $105.34 $80.92 $75.12 $60.61 $57.49 $51.00 $61.43 $84.22 $86.41 $72.32 $8s.28 $107.37 $110.90 $84.24 $86.94 $66.63 $61.91 $52.99 $63.30 $87.0s $88.3s $80.91 $88.81 $109.47 $114.98 Mar-28 Apr-28 May-28 Jun-28 Jul-28 Aug-28 Sep-28 Oct-28 Nov-28 Dec-28 Jan-29 Feb-29 Mar-29 Apr-29 May-29 Jun-29 Jul-29 Aug-29 Sep-29 Oct-29 Nov-29 Dec-29 Jan-30 Feb-30 Mar-30 Apr-30 May-30 Jun-30 Jul-30 Aug-30 Sep-30 Oct-30 Nov-30 Dec-30 Jan-31 Feb-31 Mar-31 Apr-31 May-31 Jun-31 Jul-31 Aug-31 Sep-31 Oct-31 Nov-31 Dec-31 $56.94 $56.13 $56.20 $58.31 $8s.79 $89.22 $78.10 $78.76 $99.96 $102.05 $76.78 $82.18 $57.49 $54.94 $56.88 $58.09 $86.33 $93.6e $81.35 $81.19 $103.76 $105.95 $79.48 $84.17 $64.42 $56.2s $56.98 $s9.87 $88.87 $9s.90 $83.84 $84.20 $107.70 $109.81 $83.5s $87.37 $69.01 $60.66 $62.30 $65.68 $91.87 $es.19 $88.67 $87.s1 $112.04 $115.10 $s6.46 $s4.92 $4e.91 $s5.12 $78.03 $78.62 $65.27 $78.76 $97.82 $102.05 $75.03 $66.76 $56.93 $s4.92 $47.08 $55.s9 $81.79 $81.62 $72.13 $80.e8 $101.79 $104.73 $79.72 $76.32 $60.12 $56.17 $s5.62 $60.45 $85.05 $85.23 $76.03 $83.78 $106.10 $110.08 $81.2s $75.09 $66.4s $60.50 $51.s4 $61.66 $86.79 $86.22 $80.46 $87.40 $110.85 $1 15.30 Mar-28 Apr-28 May-28 Jun-28 Jul-28 Aug-28 Sep-28 Oct-28 Nov-28 Dec-28 Jan-29 Feb-29 Mar-29 Apr-29 May-29 Jun-29 Jul-29 Aug-29 Sep-29 Oct-29 Nov-29 Dec-29 Jan-30 Feb-30 Mar-30 Apr-30 May-30 Jun-30 Jul-30 Aug-30 Sep-30 Oct-30 Nov-30 Dec-30 Jan-31 Feb-31 Mar-31 Apr-31 May-31 Jun-31 Jul-31 Aug-31 Sep-31 Oct-31 Nov-31 Dec-31 $48.78 $47.47 $48.24 $49.96 $76.26 $79.54 $70.s7 $71.17 $92.44 $94.30 $69.81 $71.16 $s0.82 $47.28 $47.76 $50.26 $76.63 $84.13 $73.32 $73.59 $96.18 $98.20 $71.87 $7s.19 $s8.43 $49.05 $49.s1 $51.s8 $80.11 $86.46 $76.45 $76.50 $99.61 $102.21 $78.73 $80.22 $63.74 $s2.89 $53.93 $s6.06 $83.51 $86.5s $80.54 $79.98 $104.77 $107.60 $47.71 $47.28 $42.54 $45.13 $70.07 $66.17 $56.39 $71.12 $89.0s $94.41 $70.09 $63.68 $47.47 $47.23 $39.73 $45.06 $72.17 $72.84 $63.34 $73.48 $94.60 $e8.0s $71.98 $70.16 $52.91 $48.43 $47.90 $50.88 $74.45 $76.62 $66.80 $76.34 $98.80 $102.34 $75.1s $81.02 $60.64 $52.73 $44.09 $50.32 $77.04 $77.86 $71.78 $79.61 $101.s1 $107.34 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 13 Jan-32 Feb-32 Mar-32 Apr-32 May-32 Jun-32 Jul-32 Aug-32 Sep-32 Oct-32 Nov-32 Dec-32 Jan-33 Feb-33 Mar-33 Apr-33 May-33 Jun-33 Jul-33 Aug-33 Sep-33 Oct-33 Nov-33 Dec-33 Jan-34 Feb-34 Mar-34 Apr-34 May-34 Jun-34 Jul-34 Aug-34 Sep-34 Oct-34 Nov-34 Dec-34 Jan-35 Feb-35 Mar-35 Apr-35 May-35 Jun-35 Jul-35 Aug-35 Sep-35 Oct-35 $86.72 $90.49 $74.40 $63.01 $63.63 $67.80 $96.03 $99.e8 $93.87 $92.12 $117.88 $120.s9 $88.73 $92.61 $76.04 $64.31 $64.95 $69.25 $98.32 $102.39 $96.09 $94.29 $120.83 $123.62 $90.76 $94.76 $77.69 $6s.61 $66.26 $70.69 $100.63 $104.83 $98.34 $96.49 $123.82 $126.70 $92.85 $96.97 $79.39 $66.es $67.62 $72.18 $103.02 $107.34 $100.66 $98.75 $86.30 $84.40 $70.56 $62.s8 $62.78 $64.87 $90.s8 $91.71 $84.28 $92.01 $117.90 $120.28 $88.30 $86.34 $72.09 $63.86 $64.07 $66.22 $92.70 $93.87 $86.22 $94.18 $120.8s $123.30 $90.32 $88.30 $73.62 $6s.1s $65.36 $67.58 $94.8s $96.06 $88.17 $96.37 $123.84 $126.37 $92.40 $90.31 $7s.20 $66.47 $66.69 $68.97 $97.07 $98.30 $90.18 $98.63 Jan-32 Feb-32 Mar-32 Apr-32 May-32 Jun-32 Jul-32 Aug-32 Sep-32 Oct-32 Nov-32 Dec-32 Jan-33 Feb-33 Mar-33 Apr-33 May-33 Jun-33 Jul-33 Aug-33 Sep-33 Oct-33 Nov-33 Dec-33 Jan-34 Feb-34 Mar-34 Apr-34 May-34 Jun-34 Jul-34 Aug-34 Sep-34 Oct-34 Nov-34 Dec-34 Jan-35 Feb-35 Mar-35 Apr-35 May-35 Jun-35 Jul-35 Aug-35 Sep-35 Oct-35 $86.78 $e1.38 $7s.ss $63.64 $63.45 $66.s6 $9s.37 $99.62 $92.73 $90.70 $1 16.67 $1 19.04 $88.84 $93.s7 $77.27 $6s.00 $64.80 $68.01 $97.69 $102.06 $94.96 $92.87 $119.62 $122.06 $90.e0 $9s.78 $78.99 $66.35 $66.15 $69.4s $100.02 $'104.53 $97.21 $95.06 $122.61 $125.12 $93.03 $98.06 $80.76 $67.74 $67.s4 $70.94 $102.42 $107.06 $99.53 $97.31 $84.98 $83.36 $72.41 $61.16 $61.23 $63.02 $91.61 $92.01 $82.88 $90.60 $116.41 $119.40 $86.e8 $85.31 $74.04 $62.44 $62.s2 $64.36 $93.81 $94.22 $84.82 $92.77 $119.35 $122.43 $88.99 $87.27 $75.66 $63.72 $63.80 $65.69 $e6.02 $96.45 $86.77 $94.9s $122.34 $125.50 $91.06 $89.2e $77.33 $65.03 $6s.12 $67.06 $98.31 $98.74 $88.77 $97.20 Jan-32 Feb-32 Mar-32 Apr-32 May-32 Jun-32 Jul-32 Aug-32 Sep-32 Oct-32 Nov-32 Dec-32 Jan-33 Feb-33 Mar-33 Apr-33 May-33 Jun-33 Jul-33 Aug-33 Sep-33 Oct-33 Nov-33 Dec-33 Jan-34 Feb-34 Mar-34 Apr-34 May-34 Jun-34 Jul-34 Aug-34 Sep-34 Oct-34 Nov-34 Dec-34 Jan-35 Feb-35 Mar-35 Apr-35 May-35 Jun-35 Jul-35 Aug-35 Sep-35 Oct-35 $79.40 $85.81 $67.94 $54.32 $s5.52 $s7.74 $86.56 $e0.39 $84.32 $83.20 $108.54 $111 .46 $81.41 $88.02 $69.61 $ss.57 $56.81 $s9.10 $88.79 $92.73 $86.48 $85.32 $111.42 $114.43 $83.44 $90.2s $71.29 $56.83 $58.11 $60.46 $91.04 $95.10 $88.66 $87.47 $114.36 $117.46 $8s.53 $92.s4 $73.02 $s8.13 $59.44 $61.87 $93.36 $97.54 $90.92 $89.69 $76.44 $77.17 $62.91 $53.35 $s3.26 $54.42 $80.89 $82.49 $74.28 $82.61 $108.00 $111.59 $78.36 $79.11 $64.43 $54.58 $54.48 $55.68 $82.94 $84.59 $76.13 $84.72 $110.87 $114.56 $80.30 $81.08 $65.95 $55.80 $55.71 $56.94 $8s.02 $86.72 $78.01 $86.85 $1 13.79 $117.59 $82.30 $83.10 $67.s2 $57.07 $56.97 $58.24 $87.16 $88.91 $79.94 $89.04 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 14 Nov-35 Dec-35 Jan-36 Feb-35 Mar-35 Apr-36 May-35 Jun-36 Jul-36 Aug-36 Sep-36 Oct-36 Nov-35 Dec-35 $126.90 $129.87 $94.97 $99.20 $81.09 $68.28 $68.97 $73.67 $105.44 $109.88 $103.01 $101.04 $130.04 $133.09 $126.93 $129.53 $94.4e $92.3s $76.78 $67.79 $68.02 $70.37 $99.30 $100.58 $92.22 $100.91 $130.06 $132.74 Nov-35 Dec-35 Jan-36 Feb-36 Mar-36 Apr-36 May-36 Jun-36 Jul-36 Aug-36 Sep-36 Oct-36 Nov-35 Dec-35 $125.69 $128.28 $95.18 $100.35 $82.54 $69.13 $68.92 $72.42 $104.8s $109.63 $101 .87 $99.59 $128.81 $131.48 $125.41 $128.67 $e3.15 $e1.32 $79.00 $66.33 $66.42 $68.43 $100.61 $101.06 $90.79 $99.47 $128.s2 $131.88 Nov-35 Dec-35 Jan-36 Feb-36 Mar-36 Apr-36 May-36 Jun-36 Jul-36 Aug-36 Sep-36 Oct-36 Nov-36 Dec-36 $117.38 $120.s7 $87.65 $94.87 $74.76 $s9.42 $60.78 $63.28 $95.72 $100.02 $93.20 $91.93 $120.4s $123.74 $116.79 $120.71 $84.32 $85.15 $69.10 $58.33 $58.23 $59.54 $89.33 $91 .13 $81.89 $91.27 $119.85 $123.88 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 )ul-17 Aug-L7 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 $30.50 $31.43 $30.83 $23.91 $12.40 $14.12 $39.03 $39.s5 $32.81 $34.68 $37.1s $38.33 $31.62 $37.70 $29.59 $27.00 $22.47 $20.50 $41.19 $42.83 $3s.19 $37.98 $40.87 $42.07 $30.02 $3s.86 $29.36 $31.18 $27.90 $11.27 $1.68 $5.87 $34.15 $3s.84 $33.10 $32.99 $36.99 $38.10 $31.28 $33.46 $27.24 $26.57 $1 1 .1s $7.10 $41.54 $37.94 $34.61 $38.04 $40.32 $42.07 $27.12 $30.47 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-t7 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-t7 Sep-17 oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 $30.31 $31.98 $30.80 $23.31 $10.00 $12.07 $38.71 $39.74 $33.s5 $v.42 $36.74 $38.17 $31.63 $36.88 $30.10 $26.93 $22.99 $20.53 $40.80 $43.09 $35.51 $37.32 $40.80 $42.13 $30.90 $36.48 $29.67 $31.47 $28.58 $10.73 $0.13 $6.56 $34.61 $36.10 $31.23 $33.s9 $36.98 $38.06 $31.17 $35.61 $27.68 $26.s5 $17.13 $8.83 $41.64 $40.31 $33.64 $37.92 $3e.80 $42.05 $26.78 $31.01 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-L7 Apr-L7 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 $30.98 $32.16 $31.07 $2s.06 $12.20 $12.01 $38.53 $39.38 $33.s3 $36.61 $36.97 $38.17 $31.43 $37.27 $29.24 $26.13 s23.43 $20.25 $40.76 $42.77 $3s.3e $38.03 $40.80 $42.10 $30.12 $3s.9s $30.11 $31.41 $28.86 $13.30 $2.38 $7.16 $35.26 $35.78 $31.19 $36.24 $37.04 $38.16 $31.45 $34.s1 $26.79 $26.57 $10.79 $6.95 $42.30 $3e.38 $35.46 $38.07 $40.53 $41.72 $26.31 $31.90 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 15 Proiect Cl Month/Yr Heavy Load Enerw Price Light Load Enerw Price (mills/kwh)(mills/kWh) 82 Month/Yr Heavy load Energy Price light toad Enerw Price (mills/kwhl (mills/kWhl Proiect C2 Month/Yr Heavy Load Enernr Price Light Load Enernr Price (mi!!s/kwh)(mills/kwh) Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-2L May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 od-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 $27.82 $24.s5 $22.09 $19.78 $40.89 $41.74 $3s.82 $37.52 $43.27 $44.76 $36.59 $34.71 $23.69 $23.06 $21.01 $21.29 $41.00 $42.90 $35.08 $38.24 $45.28 $47.48 $32.14 $32.32 $26.87 $2s.49 $24.98 $24.43 $43.13 $4s.36 $37.37 $40.12 $48.48 $50.67 $31.99 $41.69 $31.00 $29.30 $26.49 $20.94 $60.e8 $62.66 $56.37 $57.62 $68.90 $70.32 $24.76 $24.32 $17.66 $14.16 $37.06 $39.40 $29.62 $37.11 $43.14 $44.63 $29.25 $28.33 $23.62 $22.74 $17.76 $15.65 $36.69 $34.9s $26.73 $37.36 $45.s6 $47.48 $27.45 $28.84 $25.81 $2s.s0 $20.59 $16.73 $38.50 $37.67 $32.52 $38.53 $47.91 $50.37 $31.08 $36.18 $30.03 $29.73 $20.89 $1s.73 $55.27 $56.41 $48.83 $s7.02 $68.05 $70.32 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-2L Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 )un-22 )u122 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 $29.87 $24.51 $22.35 $20.97 $40.95 $42.s0 $36.24 $37.ss $43.12 $44.7s $36.09 $32.2s $23.65 $23.09 $21.10 $21.41 $41.10 $43.00 $35.32 $38.84 $45.26 $47.48 $29.33 $28.78 $27.39 $25.s3 $24.68 $24.32 $43.46 $46.01 $38.11 $40.1s $48.37 $s0.62 $34.96 $41.26 $31.46 $29.76 $26.37 $22.26 $69.88 $72.19 $66.00 $66.97 $78.38 $79.63 $2s.11 $24.31 $17.34 $14.40 $37.8s $38.7s $31.13 $37.07 $43.01 $44.76 $32.77 $23.87 $23.64 $22.73 $17.11 $17.92 $37.21 $35.28 $30.08 $36.78 $44.90 $47.48 $25.80 $25.70 $25.67 $25.50 $20.42 $17.05 $40.02 $37.67 $29.00 $39.03 $48.11 $s0.67 $31.63 $3s.87 $31.41 $29.73 $14.53 $14.31 $66.03 $66.70 $58.58 $66.50 $77.26 $79.69 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-2L Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 )an-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Ocl-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 $29.07 $24.57 $21.93 $20.97 $40.46 $42.40 $36.61 $37.49 $43.30 $44.76 $33.92 $32.0s $23.69 $23.10 $2',1.29 $22.67 $41.28 $42.46 $35.s9 $38.87 $44.77 $47.48 $28.47 $31.68 $27.39 $25.50 $24.68 $22.92 $43.36 $45.15 $38.40 $40.40 $48.43 $50.65 $32.00 $41.48 $30.96 $29.76 $26.99 $22.s9 $69.8e $71.91 $66.31 $67.03 $78.32 $79.69 $24.76 $24.31 $17.34 $13.67 $38.03 $39.49 $35.04 $37.11 $43.04 $44.61 $25.74 $28.s2 $23.64 $22.73 $17.69 $1s.49 $37.21 $3s.43 $29.43 $3s.48 $44.86 $47.48 $2s.76 $28.84 $25.71 $2s.s0 $20.37 $1s.96 $40.21 $40.06 $29.02 $38.22 $46.04 $s0.s8 $30.99 $34.01 $31.28 $29.73 $14.34 $16.78 $65.68 $66.35 $58.54 $66.69 $77.00 $79.61 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 16 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 )an-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 May-24 Jun-24 )ul-24 Aug-24 Sep-24 Oct-24 Nov-24 Dec-24 Jan-25 Feb-25 Mar-25 Apr-25 May-25 Jun-25 Jul-25 Aug-25 Sep-25 Oct-25 Nov-25 Dec-25 Jan-26 Feb-26 Mar-26 Apr-26 May-25 Jun-26 Jut-26 Aug-26 Sep-26 Oct-25 $47.69 $57.19 $50.06 $46.59 $43.37 $40.57 $61.s1 $65.51 $s8.01 $s9.58 $72.76 $74.s8 $s6.99 $56.s5 $48.54 $45.28 $44.50 $44.45 $66.16 $70.50 $60.42 $61.39 $75.71 $78.04 $67.89 $6s.91 $s6.01 $46.97 $4s.33 $4s.83 $69.27 $73.74 $62.66 $63.29 $79.02 $81.38 $62.46 $73.07 $49.14 $4s.07 $4s.76 $46.s3 $70.21 $73.s8 $65.25 $65.37 $47.56 $48.28 $4e.69 $46.4s $30.56 $32.67 $59.06 $s9.88 $s3.14 $s9.31 $71.70 $74.33 $54.s1 $45.64 $47.75 $4s.28 $38.19 $33.86 $60.35 $60.68 $s2.40 $60.81 $75.78 $78.27 $55.33 $55.69 $52.26 $45.23 $38.30 $37.17 $61.43 $63.42 $49.48 $63.10 $7e.08 $81.58 $58.32 $63.78 $45.4s $44.99 $39.s3 $42.25 $63.34 $64.30 $ss.68 $6s.28 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 May-24 Jun-24 Jul-24 Aug-24 Sep-24 od-24 Nov-24 Dec-24 Jan-25 Feb-25 Mar-25 Apr-25 May-25 Jun-25 Jul-25 Aug-25 Sep-25 Oct-25 Nov-25 Dec-25 Jan-26 Feb-26 Mar-26 Apr-26 May-26 Jun-26 Jul-26 Aug-26 Sep-26 Oct-25 $s9.89 $66.40 $s8.96 $56.08 $53.00 $51.2s $71.12 $74.73 $67.94 $69.10 $82.07 $83.90 $69.71 $69.s8 $57.38 $54.72 $s3.87 $s2.63 $7s.03 $81.48 $69.82 $70.79 $85.11 $87.67 $77.05 $74.9s $62.2e $s5.76 $55.11 $55.35 $78.68 $82.64 $71.01 $72.62 $88.69 $91.20 $71.32 $81.e2 $59.04 $54.63 $55.42 $56.45 $79.67 $83.14 $7s.17 $74.83 $s7.29 $63.31 $s8.07 $55.88 $39.66 $42.87 $68.94 $67.78 $63.01 $68.e8 $80.98 $84.0s $62.77 $61.24 $56.25 $54.72 $47.32 $46.10 $70.94 $70.12 $63.66 $70.76 $83.79 $87.70 $6s.68 $73.18 $59.78 $54.73 $47.36 $49.s6 $72.21 $73.44 $59.72 $72.59 $88.00 $91.30 $62.7s $72.64 $5s.00 $54.53 $48.8s $s2.32 $73.84 $75.15 $63.88 $74.82 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 )an-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 May-24 Jun-24 Jul24 Aug-24 Sep-24 Oct-24 Nov-24 Dec-24 Jan-25 Feb-25 Mar-25 Apr-25 May-25 Jun-25 Jul-25 Aug-25 Sep-25 Oct-25 Nov-25 Dec-25 Jan-25 Feb-26 Mar-25 Apr-26 May-26 Jun-25 Jul-26 Aug-26 Sep-26 Oct-26 $58.14 $6s.3s $58.81 $ss.94 $53.10 $50.63 $71.10 $74.39 $68.13 $69.12 $82.13 $83.86 $72.27 $70.67 $s7.49 $54.78 $53.98 $54.73 $75.05 $81.40 $69.44 $70.79 $84.86 $87.71 $7s.31 $77.82 $64.38 $55.78 $5s.09 $ss.19 $78.93 $82.78 $71.s6 $72.72 $89.21 $91.20 $72.66 $80.61 $57.06 $s4.63 $55.51 $s5.90 $79.85 $84.49 $75.02 $74.83 $57.19 $63.28 $ss.91 $55.90 $44.55 $45.11 $68.58 $6e.36 $63.11 $68.69 $81.20 $83.40 $67.63 $6s.75 $s7.40 $54.72 947.23 $44.17 $71.24 $70.62 $62.89 $70.76 $85.23 $87.24 $66.7s $64.38 $57.69 $s4.91 $47.37 $47.16 $70.96 $71.46 $se.49 $72.78 $87.82 $91.30 $62.77 $70.11 $s4.95 $54.s3 $48.8s $52.08 $72.48 $73.59 $67.02 $74.83 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 17 Nov-26 Dec-26 Jan-27 Feb-27 Mar-27 Apr-27 May-27 Jun-27 Jul27 Aug-27 Sep-27 Oct-27 Nov-27 Dec-27 Jan-28 Feb-28 Mar-28 Apr-28 May-28 Jun-28 Jul-28 Aug-28 Sep-28 Oct-28 Nov-28 Dec-28 Jan-29 Feb-29 Mar-29 Apr-29 May-29 Jun-29 Jul-29 Aug-29 Sep-29 Oct-29 Nov-29 Dec-29 Jan-30 Feb-30 Mar-30 Apr-30 May-30 Jun-30 Jul-30 Aug-30 $84.31 $86.19 $63.17 $67.59 $50.6s $47.08 $48.20 $48.01 $72.00 $77.U $67.31 $67.74 $87.07 $89.23 $63.50 $69.35 $48.21 $46.72 $47.68 $48.63 $74.71 $78.71 $69.47 $70.42 $91.s9 $93.s3 $68.31 $77.09 $51.0s $46.52 $47.39 $48.72 $7s.52 $83.30 $72.06 $72.79 $9s.22 $97.62 $70.82 $7s.32 $55.65 $47.92 $48.31 $s0.09 $79.19 $84.11 $82.73 $86.17 $58.46 $s5.78 $48.65 $47.09 $41.61 $41.86 $6s.88 $67.63 $s4.76 $67.60 $84.42 $89.23 $s6.43 $s7.88 $46.95 $46.54 $41.78 $4s.82 $68.11 $6s.59 $54.45 $70.38 $89.47 $92.92 $66.56 $72.37 $46.60 $46.48 $39.13 $46.42 $71.84 $71.74 $61.87 $72.69 $93.99 $95.61 $71.22 $6s.64 $s4.02 $47.67 $47.0s $49.37 $73.12 $76.12 Nov-25 Dec-26 Jan-27 Feb-27 Mar-27 Apr-27 May-27 Jun-27 )u127 Aug-27 Sep-27 Ocl-27 Nov-27 Dec-27 Jan-28 Feb-28 Mar-28 Apr-28 May-28 Jun-28 Jul-28 Aug-28 Sep-28 Oct-28 Nov-28 Dec-28 Jan-29 Feb-29 Mar-29 Apr-29 May-29 Jun-29 Jul-29 Aug-29 Sep-29 Oct-29 Nov-29 Dec-29 Jan-30 Feb-30 Mar-30 Apr-30 May-30 Jun-30 Jul-30 Aug-30 $93.e0 $95.61 $72.14 $80.8s $62.10 $s6.76 $57.00 $s7.9s $82.22 $86.69 $76.84 $77.25 $96.s6 $98.83 $72.50 $79.31 $s6.66 $s6.80 $57.17 $57.88 $8s.10 $88.78 $79.40 $80.00 $100.91 $103.29 $77.89 $85.62 $s9.60 $56.22 $57.39 $59.26 $84.89 $92.53 $82.25 $82.44 $105.05 $106.95 $80.98 $82.9s $6s.71 $s7.86 $58.18 $60.02 $88.86 $94.75 $92.65 $9s.72 $68.71 $6s.24 $s6.e6 $56.68 $s0.78 $49.28 $76.37 $74.69 $68.27 $77.18 $93.s2 $97.94 $66.62 $66.60 $s6.66 $s6.30 $48.9s $s2.73 $78.23 $79.68 $68.23 $80.00 $97.94 $103.29 $74.72 $73.27 $s6.91 $56.17 $48.39 $56.s2 $82.24 $81.83 $71.86 $82.44 $103.33 $106.34 $80.97 $76.24 $62.21 $57.51 $56.87 $s9.88 $83.s2 $85.90 Nov-26 Dec-25 Jan-27 Feb-27 Mar-27 Apr-27 May-27 Jun-27 )u127 Aug-27 Sep-27 oct-27 Nov-27 Dec-27 Jan-28 Feb-28 Mar-28 Apr-28 May-28 Jun-28 Jul-28 Aug-28 Sep-28 Oct-28 Nov-28 Dec-28 Jan-29 Feb-29 Mar-29 Apr-29 May-29 Jun-29 Jul29 Aug-29 Sep-29 Oct-29 Nov-29 Dec-29 Jan-30 Feb-30 Mar-30 Apr-30 May-30 Jun-30 Jul-30 Aug-30 $93.42 $9s.73 $70.87 $81.28 $62.37 $s6.79 $57.05 $58.15 $81.e9 $86.42 $76.60 $77.27 $96.60 $98.83 $72.75 $78.28 $58.65 $56.36 $57.43 $58.94 $84.91 $88.24 $79.49 $80.00 $101.10 $103.29 $77.82 $82.93 $60.s5 $s6.18 $57.52 $s8.99 $84.73 $91.76 $81.58 $82.41 $104.96 $107.22 $80.17 $82.24 $65.47 $s7.66 $s8.02 $60.08 $88.71 $94.60 $92.08 $95.72 $69.46 $65.20 $58.8s $56.79 $s0.94 $49.29 $76.10 $75.34 $6s.08 $77.1s $94.08 $97.0s $66.91 $63.3s $61.10 $56.16 $s1.83 $s2.9s $78.84 $79.81 $6s.3s $80.00 $99.33 $103.29 $78.47 $80.79 $s6.s5 $56.17 $48.39 $56.31 $82.24 $82.14 $69.28 $82.37 $103.29 $106.02 $78.71 $77.81 $63.80 $57.42 $s6.87 $59.89 $83.15 $85.67 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 18 Sep-30 Oct-30 Nov-30 Dec-30 Jan-31 Feb-31 Mar-31 Apr-31 May-31 Jun-31 Jul-31 Aug-31 Sep-31 Oct-31 Nov-31 Dec-31 Jan-32 Feb-32 Mar-32 Apr-32 May-32 Jun-32 Jul-32 Aug-32 Sep-32 Oct-32 Nov-32 Dec-32 Jan-33 Feb-33 Mar-33 Apr-33 May-33 Jun-33 Jul-33 Aug-33 Sep-33 Oct-33 Nov-33 Dec-33 Jan-34 Feb-34 Mar-34 Apr-34 May-34 Jun-34 $7s.20 $75.78 $9e.25 $101.33 $74.96 $79.48 $61.57 $s2.13 $52.91 $54.69 $82.31 $85.43 $79.66 $79.31 $104.02 $106.84 $81.76 $84.s0 $67.97 $s2.96 $s4.75 $57.02 $85.84 $88.96 $83.58 $82.49 $107.9s $110.40 $83.86 $86.68 $69.65 $s4.19 $56.03 $58.37 $88.06 $91.27 $8s.73 $84.61 $110.82 $113.35 $8s.98 $88.89 $71.3s $55.43 $57.32 $59.73 $63.85 $75.70 $97.06 $101.37 $71.59 $80.11 $57.96 $51.96 $43.6s $s2.61 $76.02 $78.72 $71.66 $78.94 $103.27 $10s.47 $80.60 $79.08 $66.9s $52.59 $52.38 $s3.s7 $79.49 $81.s5 $73.49 $82.00 $107.91 $110.82 $82.66 $81.10 $68.60 $s3.81 $53.59 $54.82 $81.52 $83.64 $75.33 $84.10 $110.79 $1 13.79 $84.75 $83.14 $70.26 $ss.03 $s4.80 $56.07 Sep-30 Oct-30 Nov-30 Dec-30 Jan-31 Feb-31 Mar-31 Apr-31 May-31 Jun-31 Jul-31 Aug-31 Sep-31 Oct-31 Nov-31 Dec-31 Jan-32 Feb-32 Mar-32 Apr-32 May-32 Jun-32 Jul-32 Aug-32 Sep-32 Oct-32 Nov-32 Dec-32 Jan-33 Feb-33 Mar-33 Apr-33 May-33 Jun-33 Jul-33 Aug-33 Sep-33 Oct-33 Nov-33 Dec-33 Jan-34 Feb-34 Mar-34 Apr-34 May-34 Jun-34 $85.59 $85.46 $108.61 $110.74 $8s.65 $90.37 $68.8e $61.85 $63.37 $65.12 $91.91 $94.99 $90.33 $88.77 $113.63 $'t16.24 $86.42 $92.17 $78.6s $64.7s $64.89 $66.92 $95.52 $98.06 $93.13 $91.e7 $1 17.57 $120.33 $88.44 $94.3s $80.43 $66.11 $66.26 $68.3s $97.81 $100.42 $9s.34 $94.1s $120.52 $123.36 $90.46 $96.56 $82.21 $67.47 $67.62 $69.77 $73.69 $85.15 $107.3s $11o.ss $83.91 $84.66 $66.19 $61.76 $52.87 $62.30 $87.23 $88.03 $81.17 $88.63 $111.68 $116.19 $84.74 $84.s8 $77.05 $62.42 $58.87 $63.99 $89.93 $92.34 $83.29 $91.60 $115.47 $120.67 $86.71 $86.s4 $78.78 $63.72 $60.06 $6s.34 $92.0s $94.53 $8s.21 $93.77 $118.35 $123.71 $88.68 $88.s0 $80.52 $6s.00 $61.23 $66.67 Sep-30 Oct-30 Nov-30 Dec-30 Jan-31 Feb-31 Mar-31 Apr-31 May-31 Jun-31 Jul-31 Aug-31 Sep-31 Oct-31 Nov-31 Dec-31 Jan-32 Feb-32 Mar-32 Apr-32 May-32 Jun-32 Jul-32 Aug-32 Sep-32 Oct-32 Nov-32 Dec-32 Jan-33 Feb-33 Mar-33 Apr-33 May-33 Jun-33 Jul-33 Aug-33 Sep-33 Oct-33 Nov-33 Dec-33 Jan-34 Feb-34 Mar-34 Apr-34 May-34 Jun-34 $85.32 $85.46 $108.58 $110.91 $85.39 $93.22 $70.07 $61.83 $63.32 $64.71 $92.34 $94.92 $89.s9 $88.75 $1 13.58 $116.27 $87.28 $94.11 $76.14 $62.98 $64.33 $66.80 $95.37 $98.21 $92.37 $91.97 $1 17.35 $120.36 $89.32 $96.36 $77.84 $64.29 $65.68 $68.22 $97.6s $100.58 $94.57 $94.1s $120.29 $123.39 $e1.37 $98.62 $79.55 $65.59 $67.02 $69.64 $77.54 $85.46 $106.93 $111.33 $84.19 $89.98 $64.90 $61.79 $s2.90 $s9.3s $86.61 $88.97 $80.64 $88.74 $109.66 $1 1s.52 $86.2s $84.01 $70.22 $62.42 $s5.84 $63.27 $89.77 $91.91 $83.34 $91.90 $115.73 $120.67 $88.26 $85.95 $71.74 $63.72 $56.94 $64.59 $91.8e $94.09 $85.26 $94.08 $118.63 $123.71 $90.28 $87.90 $73.27 $65.00 $58.02 $65.89 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY. 19 Jul-34 Aug-34 Sep-34 Oct-34 Nov-34 Dec-34 Jan-35 Feb-35 Mar-35 Apr-35 May-35 Jun-35 Jul-35 Aug-35 Sep-35 Oct-35 Nov-35 Dec-35 Jan-36 Feb-36 Mar-36 Apr-36 May-36 Jun-36 Jul-35 Aug-36 Sep-36 Oct-35 Nov-36 Dec-35 $90.31 $93.61 $87.91 $86.76 $1 13.76 $116.36 $88.17 $91.16 $73.10 $56.70 $s8.65 $61.13 $92.63 $96.03 $90.16 $88.97 $116.78 $119.46 $90.39 $93.48 $74.87 $s7.98 $s9.e9 $62.55 $94.98 $98.49 $92.44 $91.21 $119.86 $122.62 $83.s7 $8s.75 $77.20 $86.23 $113.72 $1 16.81 $86.e0 $8s.24 $71.98 $s6.29 $s6.06 $57.36 $85.69 $87.94 $79.13 $88.43 $1 16.74 $119.93 $89.08 $87.38 $73.72 $s7.s6 $57.32 $58.66 $87.84 $90.1s $81.08 $90.66 $1 19.82 $123.10 Jul-34 Aug-34 Sep-34 Oct-34 Nov-34 Dec-34 Jan-35 Feb-35 Mar-35 Apr-35 May-35 Jun-35 Jul-35 Aug-35 Sep-35 Oct-35 Nov-35 Dec-35 Jan-36 Feb-36 Mar-35 Apr-36 May-35 Jun-36 Jul-36 Aug-36 Sep-36 Oct-36 Nov-36 Dec-35 $100.11 $102.80 $97.57 $96.34 $123.51 $126.44 $92.55 $98.82 $84.0s $68.86 $69.02 $71.23 $102.49 $105.26 $99.87 $98.61 $126.58 $129.60 $94.65 $101 .11 $8s.89 $70.25 $70.41 $72.69 $104.88 $107.74 $102.19 $100.89 $129.70 $132.81 $e4.19 $96.74 $87.14 $95.96 $121.27 $126.79 $90.71 $90.53 $82.31 $66.32 $62.44 $68.04 $96.38 $99.01 $89.12 $98.21 $124.28 $129.96 $92.7s $92.57 $84.10 $67.63 $63.63 $69.40 $98.59 $101.30 $91.11 $100.47 $127.33 $133.18 Jul-34 Aug-34 Sep-34 Oct-34 Nov-34 Dec-34 Jan-35 Feb-35 Mar-35 Apr-35 May-35 Jun-35 Jul-35 Aug-35 Sep-35 Oct-35 Nov-35 Dec-35 Jan-36 Feb-36 Mar-36 Apr-36 May-36 Jun-36 Jul-36 Aug-36 Sep-36 Oct-35 Nov-36 Dec-35 $99.9s $102.97 $96.77 $96.35 $123.27 $126.46 $93.48 $100.9s $81.31 $66.93 $68.40 $71 .10 $102.32 $105.43 $99.05 $98.61 $126.34 $129.63 $95.60 $103.30 $83.07 $68.26 $69.77 $72.s6 $104.71 $107.91 $101.34 $100.89 $129.45 $132.84 $94.01 $96.29 $87.19 $96.27 $121.s6 $126.79 $92.36 $89.91 $74.84 $66.32 $59.13 $67.24 $e6.21 $98.55 $89.18 $98.s3 $124.57 $129.96 $94.45 $91.93 $76.40 $67.63 $60.22 $68.58 $98.41 $100.82 $91.17 $100.81 $127.63 $133.18 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-t7 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 $30.29 $31.24 $31.41 $24.s8 $9.94 $12.76 $38.43 $39.48 $33.62 $34.49 $29.4s $29.42 $28.65 $11.66 $0.99 $5.69 $3s.02 $3s.81 $31.29 $33.17 Jan-77 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-L7 Aug-17 Sep-17 oct-17 $30.38 $32.06 $30.78 $24.67 $11.87 $11.91 $38.14 $39.1s $33.53 $34.17 $29.36 $31.33 $28.74 $13.80 $1.39 $5.5s $3s.44 $3s.s7 $31.19 $33.71 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-t7 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 $31.26 $32.37 $30.60 $24.31 $8.20 $13.41 $38.17 $39.11 $33.53 $34.48 $29.53 $30.1s $29.13 $10.87 $1.56 $4.73 $3s.38 $34.11 $29.43 $33.80 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 20 Proiect C3 Month/Yr Heavy Load Enerw Price Light toad Enerry Price (mills/kWhl (mills/kWh) Proiect C4 Month/Yr Heavy Load Energy Price tight toad Energy Price (mills/kWhl (mills/kWhl Proiect C5 Month/Yr Heavy Load Energy Price Light Load Energy Price (mills/kwhl (mills/kwhl Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-2L May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 $36.99 $38.24 $31.9e $37.s9 $29.78 $27.33 $23.s7 $20.79 $40.92 $42.48 $3s.88 $38.02 $40.63 $42.12 $31.16 $36.72 $29.e1 $24.56 $22.33 $20.77 $40.55 $41.83 $36.47 $37.s5 $43.21 $44.73 $36.64 $32.64 $23.73 $23.10 $21.14 $21.10 $40.78 $43.42 $35.22 $38.40 $4s.89 $47.48 $32.90 $32.62 $28.86 $25.73 $24.70 $23.66 $43.04 $45.57 $36.93 $38.14 $31.98 $31.91 $26.64 $26.79 $17.45 $4.1s $41.77 $39.97 $u.72 $38.04 $40.46 $41.73 $25.60 $31.53 $24.80 $24.32 $17.41 $14.03 $37.43 $39.19 $29.70 $37.12 $42.97 $44.61 $23.99 $27.11 $23.62 $22.73 $17.68 $12.81 $37.09 $35.10 $26.91 $37.67 $4s.55 $47.48 $27.03 $2s.70 $25.77 $25.50 $20.46 $16.9s $38.99 $37.1s Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 )an-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 $37.28 $38.25 $32.3s $37.69 $32.16 $26.51 $23.36 $19.94 $40.61 $42.24 $35.60 $37.79 $40.80 $42.05 $30.76 $37.68 $28.05 $24.57 $22.46 $21.97 $39.84 $42.08 $36.92 $37.37 $43.24 $44.76 $36.93 $33.18 $23.71 $23.11 $2',1.14 $22.05 $40.55 $42.9e $35.26 $38.90 $45.22 $47.48 $34.01 $31.42 $28.68 $25.51 $24.s0 $23.08 $43.40 $45.12 $36.99 $38.08 $32.9s $32.96 $27.81 $26.60 $13.78 $6.26 $41.60 $40.00 $32.s9 $37.92 $40.43 $41.87 $27.05 $32.25 $24.82 $24.31 $17.39 $12.25 $38.62 $39.77 $34.40 $37.12 $42.63 $44.61 $23.87 $31.41 $23.63 $22.73 $17.67 $14.46 $37.74 $35.69 $27.03 $37.55 $45.31 $47.48 $29.05 $2s.70 $2s.77 $2s.s0 $20.30 $17.U $39.63 $36.66 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-2l Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-27 May-27 Jun-27 Jul-27 Aug-21 $36.99 $38.18 $31.63 $36.84 $30.10 $27.30 $23.63 $19.86 $3e.98 $42.08 $3s.64 $37.73 $40.81 $42.11 $31.58 $37.50 $27.88 $24.59 $21.97 $21.22 $40.46 $41.86 $35.9s $37.s3 $43.17 $44.74 $36.61 $33.32 $23.72 $23.10 $21.63 $21.58 $40.71 $42.72 $34.79 $38.89 $4s.13 $47.44 $37.14 $33.31 $30.7s $2s.s0 $24.88 $24.39 $43.29 $45.05 $37.04 $37.e9 $30.97 $34.05 $26.84 $26.61 $12.34 $7.19 $41.17 $37.76 $33.60 $37.92 $40.48 $41.86 $26.s6 $32.44 $24.78 $24.31 $17.35 $11.21 $37.19 $39.25 $32.08 $37.12 $43.09 $44.60 $28.71 $29.62 $23.62 $22.73 $17.69 $14.04 $37.39 $34.88 $25.88 $37.2s $45.42 $47.48 $32.55 $29.27 $2s.73 $25.s0 $20.21 $17.95 $39.84 $37.05 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY.2l Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 )an-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jut-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 May-24 Jun-24 Jul-24 Aug-24 Sep-24 oct-24 Nov-24 Dec-24 Jan-25 Feb-25 Mar-25 Apr-25 May-25 Jun-25 $38.21 $40.32 $48.30 $s0.63 $34.10 $40.41 $30.81 $29.68 $26.89 $21.76 $70.23 $72.14 $66.33 $67.17 $78.s3 $79.81 $60.87 $67.93 $58.82 $s6.29 $s2.89 $s1.17 $70.88 $74.83 $68.16 $69.10 $82.23 $84.22 $68.85 $70.69 $57.27 $5s.24 $54.11 $s3.82 $74.98 $82.36 $69.64 $70.97 $85.07 $87.82 $76.9s $79.55 $65.39 $56.66 $s4.94 $ss.47 $28.92 $38.82 $45.88 $s0.44 $31.s7 $33.63 $29.83 $29.73 $17.82 $13.86 $65.45 $63.67 $s8.38 $66.84 $77.71 $79.8s $s6.99 $59.04 $59.20 $ss.99 $41.22 $41.94 $68.64 $69.13 $63.11 $68.88 $81.22 $83.19 $66.73 $61.44 $s6.17 $s4.89 $47.56 $44.75 $70.78 $69.s5 $62.36 $70.68 $85.53 $87.88 $67.64 $64.69 $57.08 $54.89 $47.61 $47.01 Sep-21 oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Jul22 Aug-22 Sep-22 ocr.-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 May-24 )un-24 Jul-24 Aug-24 Sep-24 oct-24 Nov-24 Dec-24 Jan-25 Feb-25 Mar-25 Apr-25 May-25 Jun-25 $38.37 $40.17 $48.23 $s0.67 $35.75 $42.30 $31.21 $29.73 $26.42 $22.30 $70.49 $72.s9 $66.46 $67.08 $78.4s $79.8s $60.76 $69.71 $60.54 $56.07 $52.99 $51.96 $71.06 $74.56 $68.09 $69.29 $82.29 $83.87 $69.49 $69.19 $57.69 $s4.96 $54.05 $54.42 $75.74 $82.38 $69.e6 $70.98 $84.78 $87.82 $71.77 $78.87 $64.72 $5s.77 $5s.25 $ss.37 $29.04 $39.26 $47.07 $s0.44 $30.84 $36.15 $29.90 $29.73 $14.7s $16.23 $6s.78 $66.44 $61.11 $66.87 $77.20 $79.8s $57.66 $63.74 $s6.22 $56.02 $41.33 $43.29 $67.55 $68.58 $62.77 $69.14 $81.10 $83.60 $64.00 $63.85 $s7.54 $s4.89 $47.49 $43.93 $70.66 $70.83 $63.10 $70.93 $84.64 $87.88 $67.3s $68.39 $60.19 $55.03 $47.64 $50.47 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 )an-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 May-24 Jun-24 Jul-24 Aug-24 Sep-24 Oct-24 Nov-24 Dec-24 Jan-25 Feb-25 Mar-25 Apr-25 May-25 Jun-25 $38.44 $40.16 $48.36 $s0.67 $34.9s $41.47 $30.80 $29.73 $26.51 $21.44 $70.38 $71.54 $66.18 $67.14 $78.27 $79.84 $59.72 $69.82 $60.45 $56.23 $s2.s4 $s1.28 $70.83 $73.94 $68.27 $69.2s $82.11 $84.17 $73.36 $68.s2 $s7.33 $55.16 $54.09 $53.69 $7s.15 $79.92 $68.83 $70.95 $84.98 $87.68 $78.77 $80.06 $64.73 $56.01 $54.00 $ss.08 $29.15 $37.89 $48.57 $50.20 $31.99 $36.14 $29.80 $29.73 $20.36 $13.42 $65.38 $63.58 $61.42 $66.89 $77.09 $79.85 $s7.51 $64.30 $56.55 $56.00 $42.97 $44.82 $67.08 $68.95 $62.69 $69.14 $81.17 $83.57 $66.07 $65.41 $56.62 $54.89 $47.43 $44.80 $70.37 $70.74 $60.13 $70.93 $84.2s $87.87 $66.31 $64.99 $59.19 $ss.09 $47.64 $49.36 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 22 Jul-25 Aug-25 Sep-25 Oct-25 Nov-25 Dec-25 Jan-25 Feb-26 Mar-26 Apr-26 May-26 Jun-26 Jul-26 Aug-25 Sep-26 Oct-26 Nov-26 Dec-25 Jan-27 Feb-27 Mar-27 Apr-27 May-27 )un-27 Jul27 Aug-27 Sep-27 Oct-27 Nov-27 Dec-27 Jan-28 Feb-28 Mar-28 Apr-28 May-28 Jun-28 Jul-28 Aug-28 Sep-28 Oct-28 Nov-28 Dec-28 Jan-29 Feb-29 Mar-29 Apr-29 $78.82 $83.56 $71.67 $72.82 $88.73 $91.29 $70.32 $79.02 $s8.30 $54.79 $5s.86 $s6.1e $79.06 $83.90 $7s.s4 $75.00 $93.62 $9s.91 $71.33 $80.94 $61.04 $57.47 $57.43 $57.97 $81.96 $86.07 $76.96 $77.42 $96.94 $e8.92 $72.03 $77.63 $s9.59 $56.5s $57.30 $58.62 $84.0e $87.96 $79.53 $80.17 $101.39 $103.48 $7s.19 $84.46 $62.17 $56.42 $71.41 $71.61 $65.55 $72.76 $88.23 $91.47 $67.92 $69.86 $5s.42 $54.70 $4e.06 $51.s4 $73.15 $75.31 $64.41 $74.99 $92.43 $95.31 $68.73 $73.03 $57.14 $s6.85 $s1.91 $49.61 $75.6s $75.27 $68.31 $77.38 $94.04 $98.99 $66.90 $70.12 $61.17 $56.33 $4e.23 $54.16 $77.85 $75.47 $69.23 $80.18 $98.39 $102.64 $73.s6 $77.32 $56.s7 $s6.34 Jul-25 Aug-25 Sep-25 Oct-25 Nov-25 Dec-25 Jan-26 Feb-26 Mar-26 Apr-26 May-26 Jun-26 Jul-25 Aug-26 Sep-25 Oct-26 Nov-26 Dec-26 Jan-27 Feb-27 Mar-27 Apr-27 May-27 Jun-27 Jul-27 Aug-27 Sep-27 Oct-27 Nov-27 Dec-27 Jan-28 Feb-28 Mar-28 Apr-28 May-28 Jun-28 Jul-28 Aug-28 Sep-28 Oct-28 Nov-28 Dec-28 Jan-29 Feb-29 Mar-29 Apr-29 $78.61 $82.58 $71.44 $72.76 $88.57 $91.47 $72.94 $84.20 $s7.s2 $s4.80 $ss.54 $56.25 $79.26 $84.19 $75.12 $75.00 $94.00 $95.91 $71.12 $81.99 $61.3s $s8.04 $s6.95 $s8.12 $82.26 $86.38 $76.89 $77.41 $96.83 $99.00 $72.40 $77.90 $59.84 $s7.62 $s7.36 $58.04 $84.09 $87.38 $79.5s $80.17 $101.42 $103.34 $78.38 $83.74 $61.2e $56.39 $71.s8 $73.17 $59.25 $72.75 $88.62 $91.47 $68.55 $73.27 $s5.42 $54.70 $49.06 $s2.42 $72.92 $75.00 $66.3s $74.99 $91.16 $9s.89 $69.26 $74.73 $60.s8 $s6.85 $s1.11 $s4.03 $76.00 $7s.03 $63.98 $77.37 $92.61 $98.99 $68.09 $67.s7 $61.16 $56.33 $49.08 $51.86 $77.69 $75.44 $67.92 $80.14 $98.44 $102.18 $79.20 $76.22 $61.14 $56.34 Jul-25 Aug-25 Sep-25 Oct-25 Nov-25 Dec-25 Jan-26 Feb-26 Mar-26 Apr-26 May-25 Jun-26 Jul-25 Aug-26 Sep-26 Oct-26 Nov-26 Dec-26 Jan-27 Feb-27 Mar-27 Apr-27 May-27 Jun-27 Jul-27 Aug-27 Sep-27 Ocl-27 Nov-27 Dec-27 Jan-28 Feb-28 Mar-28 Apr-28 May-28 Jun-28 Jul-28 Aug-28 Sep-28 Oct-28 Nov-28 Dec-28 Jan-29 Feb-29 Mar-29 Apr-29 $78.53 $81.42 $71.16 $72.75 $89.27 $91.38 $71.39 $80.64 $s9.96 $s4.86 $55.72 $s6.06 $79.38 $83.99 $74.73 $74.99 $92.98 $9s.91 $71.71 $80.94 $63.s3 $s6.99 $s7.44 $57.77 $81.s6 $86.46 $76.60 $77.42 $96.59 $99.01 $78.86 $81 .10 $58.92 $s6.56 $s7.43 $57.94 $83.81 $87.s8 $79.39 $80.17 $101.35 $103.45 $77.68 $89.22 $61.82 $56.39 $71.02 $72.68 $59.22 $72.76 $85.47 $91.47 $68.s5 $71.83 $s8.0s $s4.70 $49.08 $49.76 $71.3s $74.75 $62.66 $74.99 $92.47 $9s.89 $67.s8 $67.99 $60.01 $s6.97 $50.e2 $49.47 $74.97 $7s.05 $65.76 $77.38 $93.45 $98.9e $67.74 $69.81 $61.83 $56.33 $49.83 $50.05 $77.9s $75.s2 $68.9s $80.18 $99.92 $103.46 $78.95 $76.92 $s6.77 $56.34 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 23 May-29 Jun-29 Jul-29 Aug-29 Sep-29 Oct-29 Nov-29 Dec-29 Jan-30 Feb-30 Mar-30 Apr-30 May-30 Jun-30 Jul-30 Aug-30 Sep-30 Oct-30 Nov-30 Dec-30 Jan-31 Feb-31 Mar-31 Apr-31 May-31 Jun-31 Jul-31 Aug-31 Sep-31 Oct-31 Nov-31 Dec-31 Jan-32 Feb-32 Mar-32 Apr-32 May-32 Jun-32 Jul-32 Aug-32 Sep-32 Oct-32 Nov-32 Dec-32 Jan-33 Feb-33 $s7.28 $s8.51 $8s.03 $91.88 $82.22 $82.61 $105.20 $107.43 $81.0e $84.93 $66.54 $57.67 $s8.60 $60.32 $88.60 $94.83 $85.16 $85.61 $108.96 $111.06 $85.49 $92.s4 $68.4e $62.04 $63.4e $64.s5 $92.14 $95.28 $90.13 $88.96 $1 13.62 $116.69 $87.74 $92.3s $76.85 $63.10 $64.56 $66.77 $9s.3s $98.33 $92.27 $92.18 $117.94 $120.44 $89.79 $94.s3 $48.69 $54.49 $81.88 $82.57 \ $71.66 $82.54 $103.00 $106.4s $81.14 $78.22 $60.77 $57.s9 $49.82 $59.72 $83.37 $86.32 $75.18 $85.s9 $106.s5 $110.87 $83.86 $88.62 $63.87 $61.93 $53.20 $62.58 $86.49 $88.70 $80.93 $88.90 $112.25 $1 15.88 $86.42 $86.48 $71.48 $62.60 $s9.23 $63.s6 $88.84 $92.88 $83.01 $92.11 $116.63 $120.84 $88.42 $88.48 May-29 Jun-29 Jul-29 Aug-29 Sep-29 Oct-29 Nov-29 Dec-29 Jan-30 Feb-30 Mar-30 Apr-30 May-30 Jun-30 Jul-30 Aug-30 Sep-30 Oct-30 Nov-30 Dec-30 Jan-31 Feb-31 Mar-31 Apr-31 May-31 Jun-31 Jul-31 Aug-31 Sep-31 Oct-31 Nov-31 Dec-31 Jan-32 Feb-32 Mar-32 Apr-32 May-32 Jun-32 Jul-32 Aug-32 Sep-32 Oct-32 Nov-32 Dec-32 Jan-33 Feb-33 $s6.74 $se.00 $84.60 $92.06 $82.s6 $82.61 $105.30 $107.34 $81.14 $88.25 $67.68 $s8.16 $s8.40 $s9.86 $88.59 $94.88 $84.90 $8s.63 $108.69 $111 .12 $85.6s $9s.35 $74.38 $62.20 $63.62 $64.62 $91.71 $94.89 $89.52 $88.96 $1 13.9s $116.65 $87.89 $97.21 $77.08 $66.09 $64.28 $66.10 $95.s4 $98.42 $92.75 $92.14 $117.79 $120.15 $89.94 $ee.53 $48.70 $s6.51 $81.76 $82.1s $68.99 $82.61 $104.02 $107.06 $81.14 $83.59 $64.18 $57.59 $57.05 $59.47 $82.88 $85.37 $76.81 $85.44 $106.74 $111.50 $84.36 $90.71 $68.30 $61.96 $53.23 $s9.04 $86.81 $88.73 $81.22 $88.91 $111.46 $116.19 $86.44 $92.06 $72.06 $62.60 $55.90 $63.53 $88.61 $e1.96 $82.81 $91.89 $116.83 $120.84 $88.45 $94.23 May-29 Jun-29 Jul-29 Aug-29 Sep-29 Oct-29 Nov-29 Dec-29 Jan-30 Feb-30 Mar-30 Apr-30 May-30 Jun-30 Jul-30 Aug-30 Sep-30 Oct-30 Nov-30 Dec-30 Jan-31 Feb-31 Mar-31 Apr-31 May-31 Jun-31 Jul-31 Aug-31 Sep-31 Oct-31 Nov-31 Dec-31 Jan-32 Feb-32 Mar-32 Apr-32 May-32 Jun-32 Jul-32 Aug-32 Sep-32 Oct-32 Nov-32 Dec-32 Jan-33 Feb-33 $57.87 $58.40 $85.30 $91.22 $82.11 $82.60 $105.33 $107.33 $81.09 $86.08 $62.89 $s7.85 $s8.18 $s9.90 $87.57 $93.98 $85.68 $85.63 $108.91 $111.26 $89.47 $9s.20 $70.30 $61.97 $63.73 $64.62 $91.90 $94.59 $89.41 $89.02 $113.74 $116.61 $89.85 $97.94 $77.31 $64.30 $64.71 $66.03 $95.15 $98.24 $92.03 $92.18 $117.74 $120.s4 $91.95 $100.29 $48.70 $s6.27 $81.18 $82.46 $72.s6 $82.60 $103.00 $107.06 $81.14 $83.23 $58.67 $57.77 $57.02 $59.97 $82.72 $8s.8s $73.67 $8s.44 $106.53 $111.50 $89.79 $90.01 $6s.31 $61.96 $s3.20 $62.34 $86.4e $88.44 $80.01 $88.e1 $109.78 $114.71 $92.17 $86.48 $78.27 $62.60 $62.65 $63.46 $89.30 $91.67 $80.49 $92.08 $116.63 $119.s9 $94.34 $88.49 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 24 Mar-33 Apr-33 May-33 Jun-33 Jul-33 Aug-33 Sep-33 Oct-33 Nov-33 Dec-33 Jan-34 Feb-34 Mar-34 Apr-34 May-34 Jun-34 Jul-34 Aug-34 Sep-34 Oct-34 Nov-34 Dec-34 Jan-35 Feb-35 Mar-35 Apr-35 May-35 Jun-35 Jul-35 Aug-35 Sep-35 Oct-35 Nov-35 Dec-35 Jan-36 Feb-36 Mar-36 Apr-36 May-36 Jun-36 Jul-36 Aug-36 Sep-36 Oct-36 Nov-36 Dec-35 $78.56 $64.40 $65.91 $68.18 $97.62 $100.69 $94.4s $e4.35 $120.89 $123.46 $91.8s $96.73 $80.2e $6s.70 $67.2s $69.s9 $99.91 $103.08 $96.6s $96.55 $123.88 $126.s3 $93.97 $ee.00 $82.06 $67.04 $68.64 $71.0s $102.28 $105.s4 $98.91 $98.82 $126.97 $129.69 $96.11 $101.30 $83.85 $68.38 $70.02 $72.s0 $104.67 $108.03 $101.21 $101.10 $130.10 $132.91 $73.03 $63.89 $60.42 $64.88 $e0.92 $95.08 $84.92 $94.28 $119.54 $123.88 $e0.44 $90.s0 $74.59 $65.18 $61.60 $66.19 $93.02 $97.30 $86.83 $96.48 $122.50 $126.96 $92.s2 $92.s9 $76.20 $66.s0 $62.82 $67.s4 $95.17 $99.58 $88.80 $98.74 $125.54 $130.14 $94.62 $e4.69 $77.81 $67.82 $64.02 $68.89 $97.35 $101.89 $90.79 $101.02 $128.63 $133.37 Mar-33 Apr-33 May-33 Jun-33 Jul-33 Aug-33 Sep-33 Oct-33 Nov-33 Dec-33 Jan-34 Feb-34 Mar-34 Apr-34 May-34 Jun-34 Jul-34 Aug-34 Sep-34 Oct-34 Nov-34 Dec-34 Jan-35 Feb-35 Mar-35 Apr-35 May-35 Jun-35 Jul-35 Aug-35 Sep-35 Oct-35 Nov-35 Dec-35 Jan-36 Feb-35 Mar-35 Apr-36 May-36 Jun-36 Jul-36 Aug-36 Sep-36 Oct-36 Nov-36 Dec-35 $78.81 $67.48 $65.62 $67.s0 $97.81 $100.79 $94.95 $94.31 $120.74 $123.16 $e2.01 $101.89 $80.54 $68.88 $66.96 $68.89 $100.12 $103.18 $97.16 $96.51 $123.73 $126.22 $94.13 $104.31 $82.32 $70.31 $68.33 $70.32 $102.49 $105.64 $99.44 $98.77 $126.80 $129.38 $96.28 $106.76 $84.11 $71.74 $69.71 $71.75 $104.88 $108.13 $101.75 $101.06 $129.93 $132.58 $73.63 $63.89 $s6.99 $64.84 $90.68 $94.13 $84.71 $94.06 $119.75 $123.88 $90.47 $96.43 $7s.20 $6s.17 $s8.06 $66.16 $92.77 $96.32 $86.62 $96.2s $122.71 $126.96 $92.55 $98.6e $76.83 $66.s0 $59.17 $67.s1 $94.92 $98.s7 $88.s8 $98.s0 $125.76 $130.14 $94.65 $100.97 $78.4s $67.82 $60.27 $68.86 $97.0e $100.85 $90.57 $100.78 $128.8s $133.37 Mar-33 Apr-33 May-33 Jun-33 Jul-33 Aug-33 Sep-33 Oct-33 Nov-33 Dec-33 Jan-34 Feb-34 Mar-34 Apr-34 May-34 Jun-34 Jul-34 Aug-34 Sep-34 Oct-34 Nov-34 Dec-34 Jan-35 Feb-35 Mar-35 Apr-35 May-35 Jun-35 Jul-35 Aug-35 Sep-35 Oct-35 Nov-35 Dec-35 Jan-36 Feb-36 Mar-35 Apr-36 May-36 Jun-36 Jul-35 Aug-36 Sep-36 Oct-36 Nov-36 Dec-35 $79.04 $6s.64 $66.06 $67.42 $97.41 $100.60 $94.20 $94.36 $120.68 $123.56 $94.08 $102.67 $80.78 $66.97 $67.41 $68.81 $99.70 $102.99 $e6.40 $96.55 $123.67 $126.64 $96.27 $105.12 $82.57 $68.35 $68.80 $70.24 $102.06 $105.44 $98.65 $98.82 $126.75 $129.80 $98.48 $107.s9 $84.37 $6e.72 $70.18 $71.67 $104.45 $107.93 $100.94 $101.10 $129.87 $133.02 $80.03 $63.89 $63.94 $64.78 $91.39 $93.83 $82.31 $94.26 $119.54 $122.58 $96.54 $90.51 $81.80 $65.17 $6s.23 $66.09 $93.s0 $96.01 $84.1s $96.45 $122.50 $12s.63 $98.80 $92.59 $83.62 $66.50 $66.55 $67.44 $95.67 $98.26 $86.04 $98.71 $125.54 $128.77 $101.09 $94.69 $8s.45 $67.82 $67.87 $68.78 $97.87 $100.53 $87.94 $101.00 $128.63 $131.95 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 25 Proieet C5 Month/Yr Heavy Load Enerw Price Light toad Enerry Price (mills/kwhl (mills/kWhl Proiect C7 Month/Yr Heavy Load Energy Price Light Load Enernr Price (mills/kwhl (mills/kwh) Proiect C8 Month/Yr Heavy Load Enerry Price tight Load Enerw Price (mills/kwh)(mills/kwh) Jan-77 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17 May-t7 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-2O Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 $30.37 $31.s7 $31.3e $23.87 $10.73 $10.82 $37.67 $38.s4 $33.s0 $34.35 $37.11 $38.16 $32.68 $38.25 $31.37 $27.00 $24.15 $19.40 $40.60 $41.70 $3s.61 $37.31 $40.8s $42.17 $31.14 $37.54 $30.11 $24.s5 $22.43 $20.90 $39.e7 $41.24 $36.7s $37.3s $43.24 $44.76 $36.s6 $34.04 $23.69 $23.11 $20.84 $21.30 $29.37 $30.22 $28.78 $13.13 $0.13 $2.90 $34.35 $3s.18 $31.17 $32.92 $36.87 $38.06 $31.90 $33.33 $28.37 $26.61 $11.49 $8.25 $40.34 $38.79 $34.73 $37.00 $40.56 $41.ss $26.98 $30.10 $24.76 $24.32 $17.34 $12.36 $35.92 $3e.33 $33.81 $37.12 $42.78 $44.76 $28.10 $31.07 $23.64 $22.73 $17.58 $16.08 )an-77 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-77 May-17 Jun-17 lul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Ocl-L7 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 $30.16 $31.61 $30.1s $23.99 $8.98 $11.s7 $37.92 $38.s1 $33.24 $34.32 $36.88 $38.16 $32.10 $38.02 $30.s6 $26.84 $22.94 $18.81 $40.11 $41.70 $3s.34 $37.29 $40.75 $42.13 $30.58 $36.41 $30.16 $24.57 $21.93 $20.41 $39.44 $41.48 $36.28 $37.51 $43.11 $44.73 $37.38 $33.75 $23.67 $23.11 $20.85 $21.28 $29.57 $30.34 $28.67 $12.e2 $0.61 $3.65 $3s.10 $34.83 $31.26 $32.86 $36.99 $38.01 $30.58 $34.17 $28.32 $26.57 $12.23 $3.56 $40.53 $38.81 $32.60 $37.00 $40.09 $41.47 $26.64 $31.42 $24.78 $24.3',1 $17.33 $12.60 $36.s7 $37.73 $29.08 $36.97 $42.81 $44.58 $28.88 $33.65 $23.55 $22.73 $17.58 $14.69 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-t7 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 $30.56 $32.64 $30.10 $23.65 $8.46 $10.80 $37.67 $38.58 $33.92 $34.80 $37.14 $38.16 $31.47 $37.98 $30.04 $27.O4 $23.35 $17.81 $40.13 $41 .10 $35.67 $36.73 $40.77 $42.08 $29.95 $38.00 $29.01 $24.ss $22.14 $20.10 $39.92 $40.63 $3s.90 $37.52 $43.26 $44.70 $3s.88 $32.40 $23.66 $23.21 $20.e0 $21.73 $29.69 $32.04 $28.73 $10.6s $0.13 $2.48 $35.19 $34.87 $31.96 $34.73 $36.95 $37.87 $29.65 $34.68 $26.81 $26.57 $11.49 $6.26 $41.05 $38.86 $33.68 $37.01 $40.02 $41.82 $26.92 $31.81 $24.76 $24.32 $17.33 $9.67 $36.17 $37.70 $32.01 $37.12 $42.52 $44.76 $29.68 $24.00 $23.63 $22.73 $16.s2 $14.00 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 26 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-2t May-21 Jun-21 Jul21- Aug-21 Sep-21 oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Jul22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 $40.84 $42.04 $3s.16 $38.96 $45.00 $47.48 $31.74 $34.98 $29.s8 $25.58 $24.33 $22.3s $42.71 $4s.07 $38.15 $40.42 $48.34 $s0.67 $39.37 $44.48 $30.66 $29.77 $26.52 $19.46 $69.02 $70.26 $65.02 $66.10 $76.9s $78.77 $58.33 $68.24 $s9.82 $54.98 $51.94 $48.51 $70.06 $73.38 $66.28 $68.0s $81.12 $83.08 $66.84 $66.60 $57.70 $53.94 $37.13 $u.74 $25.7s $37.60 $44.67 $47.48 $27.38 $30.64 $26.26 $2s.50 $20.45 $16.74 $39.00 $37.29 $28.79 $39.10 $46.76 $s0.23 $33.23 $3s.21 $30.06 $29.73 $14.48 $1s.69 $63.65 $64.86 $s7.58 $65.76 $76.23 $78.77 $56.54 $65.74 $5s.04 $s4.91 $42.04 $40.64 $65.68 $66.88 $s9.61 $67.80 $80.74 $81.4s $58.06 $57.91 $56.40 $53.80 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-zl Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-2! May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 A,ug-2L Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 )u122 Aug-22 Sep-22 oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 )an-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 $40.48 $41.84 $3s.33 $39.01 $4s.17 $47.48 $33.94 $35.ss $26.56 $2s.50 $24.84 $22.11 $42.57 $44.44 $38.02 $40.36 $48.93 $50.67 $31.58 $41.44 $30.78 $29.74 $26.51 $21.06 $68.94 $70.58 $64.74 $66.06 $77.3s $78.75 $s7.s0 $69.2s $s9.72 $5s.18 $51.82 $48.76 $69.72 $72.58 $66.54 $68.12 $80.94 $83.01 $67.97 $70.ss $57.25 $53.96 $37.57 $34.35 $28.49 $36.92 $44.78 $47.48 $29.7s $25.70 $25.6s $25.s0 $20.38 $16.04 $39.47 $37.06 $28.77 $39.52 $4s.29 $50.33 $30.94 $34.7s $29.79 $29.73 $18.96 $12.36 $63.41 $64.66 $57.43 $65.60 $75.38 $78.77 $56.18 $64.48 $s7.s2 $54.99 $41.03 $3e.59 $66.23 $67.18 $59.40 $68.05 $79.24 $82.66 $6,1.57 $66.64 $56.s0 $s3.80 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-2L Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 tun-22 Jul22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 $40.67 $41.79 $3s.12 $38.90 $44.00 $47.48 $40.9s $33.81 $30.2s $2s.50 $24.68 $21.95 $42.85 $44.64 $38.26 $40.52 $48.09 $s0.63 $36.30 $40.12 $31.27 $29.72 $26.21 $19.s4 $68.69 $70.00 $64.96 $66.18 $77.28 $78.77 $s8.06 $68.32 $s9.28 $5s.21 $s1.s6 $49.47 $69.69 $72.64 $66.48 $68.07 $81.23 $83.06 $67.17 $70.39 $s6.20 $54.62 $36.86 $34.30 $28.37 $37.25 $41.70 $47.48 $34.45 $25.70 $26.80 $2s.50 $20.30 $14.78 $39.17 $37.08 $28.63 $37.49 $47.23 $50.44 $33.01 $37.29 $29.89 $29.73 $13.41 $12.s8 $63.66 $64.33 $57.27 $65.81 $7s.3s $78.77 $56.19 $63.02 $s7.s1 $s4.93 $35.68 $40.36 $6s.39 $67.11 $61.64 $67.93 $80.41 $82.s9 $64.42 $69.22 $s5.86 $53.80 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 27 May-24 Jun-24 Jul-24 Aug-24 Sep-24 Oct-24 Nov-24 Dec-24 Jan-25 Feb-25 Mar-25 Apr-25 May-25 Jun-25 Jul-25 Aug-25 Sep-25 Oct-25 Nov-25 Dec-25 Jan-26 Feb-26 Mar-26 Apr-25 May-26 Jun-26 )u126 Aug-26 Sep-26 Oct-26 Nov-26 Dec-26 Jan-27 Feb-27 Mar-27 Apr-27 May-27 Jun-27 Jul-27 Aug-27 Sep-27 Oct-27 Nov-27 Dec-27 Jan-28 Feb-28 $52.97 $50.18 $73.73 $77.28 $68.73 $69.85 $83.82 $86.68 $75.55 $78.80 $62.71 $55.30 $53.19 $53.93 $77.24 $79.9e $70.73 $71.71 $87.51 $90.3e $70.36 $82.79 $58.87 $s3.76 $54.30 $53.88 $77.70 $83.43 $73.92 $73.89 $92.47 $94.80 $71.34 $79.86 $61.84 $5s.78 $s6.02 $s6.31 $79.90 $83.37 $7s.99 $76.31 $9s.63 $97.75 $71.6s $79.25 $46.40 $41.82 $69.87 $69.s4 $60.86 $69.47 $83.12 $86.79 $62.74 $63.43 $57.01 $53.92 $46.48 $46.53 $69.72 $70.00 $60.19 $71.67 $86.92 $90.37 $64.29 $69.80 $54.27 $s3.69 $47.93 $46.97 $70.s0 $71.72 $67.12 $73.88 $90.30 $94.79 $66.60 $68.08 $57.88 $s5.75 $s0.16 $48.49 $74.s3 $73.96 $66.02 $76.24 $93.87 $9s.37 $62.89 $67.86 May-24 Jun-24 Jul-24 Aug-24 Sep-24 Oct-24 Nov-24 Dec-24 Jan-25 Feb-25 Mar-25 Apr-25 May-25 Jun-25 Jul-25 Aug-25 Sep-25 Oct-25 Nov-25 Dec-25 Jan-26 Feb-26 Mar-26 Apr-26 May-26 Jun-26 Jul-26 Aug-26 Sep-26 Oct-26 Nov-26 Dec-26 Jan-27 Feb-27 Mar-27 Apr-27 May-27 Jun-27 Jul-27 Aug-27 Sep-27 Oct-27 Nov-27 Dec-27 Jan-28 Feb-28 $52.62 $52.s8 $73.71 $78.62 $68.28 $69.8s $84.25 $86.s3 $76.26 $76.25 $61.01 $54.30 $53.77 $53.67 $77.16 $80.18 $70.66 $71.7',1 $87.14 $e0.38 $69.78 $79.32 $58.62 $53.70 $54.68 $54.11 $78.34 $82.72 $73.49 $73.89 $92.48 $e4.80 $69.98 $80.3s $61.30 $5s.93 $s6.47 $s6.24 $80.78 $83.71 $76.02 $76.31 $9s.42 $97.7s $70.91 $77.43 $46.39 $41.03 $68.se $68.60 $62.01 $69.8s $83.7s $86.79 $65.90 $64.50 $56.90 $53.91 $46.46 $47.10 $69.73 $71.49 $59.63 $71.67 $8s.27 $90.37 $65.48 $69.21 $54.20 $53.60 $47.94 $48.35 $70.27 $72.20 $60.53 $73.89 $90.ee $94.79 $65.65 $69.14 $58.38 $ss.91 $49.74 $48.36 $74.0s $73.06 $62.80 $76.27 $92.65 $97.15 $6s.16 $66.16 May-24 Jun-24 Jul24 Aug-24 Sep-24 Oct-24 Nov-24 Dec-24 Jan-25 Feb-25 Mar-25 Apr-25 May-25 Jun-25 Jul-25 Aug-25 Sep-25 Oct-25 Nov-25 Dec-25 Jan-26 Feb-25 Mar-26 Apr-26 May-26 Jun-26 Jul-25 Aug-26 Sep-26 Oct-25 Nov-26 Dec-26 Jan-27 Feb-27 Mar-27 Apr-27 May-27 Jun-27 Jul-27 Aug-27 Sep-27 oct-27 Nov-27 Dec-27 Jan-28 Feb-28 $52.72 $s2.16 $73.s7 $78.26 $68.50 $69.87 $84.04 $86.6e $78.42 $76.24 $61.06 $s3.93 $s2.9s $53.20 $77.80 $79.63 $70.6s $71.68 $88.42 $90.29 $76.33 $82.41 $s6.88 $s3.70 $s4.42 $s4.1s $78.30 $81.11 $73.34 $73.89 $92.74 $94.67 $76.01 $83.54 $59.10 $56.04 $5s.92 $56.23 $79.66 $83.91 $75.62 $76.31 $9s.65 $97.78 $78.28 $83.06 $46.38 $43.45 $69.26 $68.76 $60.0s $69.85 $82.78 $86.79 $76.32 $71.94 $s6.30 $s3.80 $46.45 $4s.23 $68.87 $70.2s $s7.63 $71.67 $86.56 $90.37 $69.92 $70.67 $54.15 $53.60 $47.92 $49.91 $70.94 $73.s9 $59.86 $73.88 $91.24 $e4.79 $67.s1 $68.29 $59.3s $s5.87 $49.97 $48.38 $74.06 $73.46 $69.49 $76.18 $91.40 $e7.88 $67.s0 $65.51 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 28 Mar-28 Apr-28 May-28 Jun-28 Jul-28 Aug-28 Sep-28 Oct-28 Nov-28 Dec-28 Jan-29 Feb-29 Mar-29 Apr-29 May-29 Jun-29 Jul-29 Aug-29 Sep-29 Oct-29 Nov-29 Dec-29 Jan-30 Feb-30 Mar-30 Apr-30 May-30 Jun-30 Jul-30 Aug-30 Sep-30 Oct-30 Nov-30 Dec-30 Jan-31 Feb-31 Mar-31 Apr-31 May-31 Jun-31 Jul-31 Aug-31 Sep-31 Oct-31 Nov-31 Dec-31 $s7.43 $55.89 $s6.22 $56.65 $82.9s $88.40 $78.18 $79.07 $100.42 $102.36 $76.14 $88.08 $60.43 $55.30 $s6.16 $s7.41 $84.06 $90.67 $79.84 $81.49 $103.56 $106.14 $81 .17 $87.29 $63.58 $s6.76 $s7.20 $58.53 $87.54 $92.17 $84.24 $84.53 $107.38 $110.09 $83.90 $94.25 $6e.07 $60.8s $62.07 $63.18 $90.75 $93.4e $88.19 $87.8s $112.67 $115.66 $59.05 $55.23 $49.97 $49.63 $76.07 $75.35 $66.42 $79.02 $95.82 $101.53 $77.45 $76.84 $56.ss $55.22 $47.47 $5s.23 $79.77 $80.45 $67.61 $81.44 $101.71 $105.64 $78.60 $85.20 $57.90 $56.56 $48.82 $58.36 $82.22 $84.41 $71.63 $84.14 $106.29 $109.59 $82.60 $89.89 $6s.26 $60.81 $s1.97 $61.09 $84.57 $86.06 $79.90 $87.69 $109.93 $114.32 Mar-28 Apr-28 May-28 Jun-28 Jul-28 Aug-28 Sep-28 Oct-28 Nov-28 Dec-28 )an-29 Feb-29 Mar-29 Apr-29 May-29 Jun-29 Jul-29 Aug-29 Sep-29 Oct-29 Nov-29 Dec-29 Jan-30 Feb-30 Mar-30 Apr-30 May-30 Jun-30 Jul-30 Aug-30 Sep-30 Oct-30 Nov-30 Dec-30 Jan-31 Feb-31 Mar-31 Apr-31 May-31 Jun-31 Jul-31 Aug-31 Sep-31 Oct-31 Nov-31 Dec-31 $56.95 $55.43 $s6.30 $s6.88 $82.25 $86.48 $78.02 $79.07 $100.30 $102.25 $77.70 $88.71 $61.80 $s5.27 $55.54 $s7.31 $83.22 $91 .15 $80.27 $81.49 $103.96 $106.27 $79.73 $86.10 $64.89 $56.70 $s7.14 $s8.69 $87.ss $93.47 $83.62 $84.s1 $107.59 $1 10.13 $8s.30 $97.91 $71.78 $60.84 $62.30 $63.22 $90.6s $e3.42 $87.88 $87.86 $1 12.51 $1 15.16 $s8.91 $ss.23 $47.s2 $52.35 $75.94 $74.17 $64.8s $79.07 $96.32 $101.53 $77.82 $70.46 $s8.03 $55.22 $47.47 $s4.07 $78.40 $80.85 $63.21 $81.49 $102.30 $10s.36 $78.60 $77.09 $s9.34 $56.63 $s5.91 $57.23 $81.30 $84.01 $77.20 $84.40 $106.67 $110.38 $83.23 $86.99 $66.79 $60.83 $51.96 $s4.41 $84.67 $87.41 $79.74 $87.78 $108.95 $113.66 Mar-28 Apr-28 May-28 Jun-28 Jul-28 Aug-28 Sep-28 Oct-28 Nov-28 Dec-28 Jan-29 Feb-29 Mar-29 Apr-29 May-29 Jun-29 Jul-29 Aug-29 Sep-29 Oct-29 Nov-29 Dec-29 Jan-30 Feb-30 Mar-30 Apr-30 May-30 Jun-30 Jul-30 Aug-30 Sep-30 Oct-30 Nov-30 Dec-30 Jan-31 Feb-31 Mar-31 Apr-31 May-31 Jun-31 Jul-31 Aug-31 Sep-31 Oct-31 Nov-31 Dec-31 $s6.13 $56.09 $56.10 $56.60 $83.13 $86.82 $78.21 $79.04 $100.42 $102.36 $74.03 $84.26 $59.29 $55.31 $s6.3s $56.89 $83.21 $90.63 $80.26 $81.49 $103.96 $106.28 $80.92 $86.17 $64.64 $57.03 $57.09 $58.50 $87.08 $92.21 $83.30 $84.s0 $107.05 $109.95 $84.53 $97.36 $69.55 $60.84 $62.16 $62.99 $91.14 $93.56 $87.s7 $87.82 $112.57 $1 1s.40 $58.90 $55.43 $47.97 $51.35 $7s.73 $74.91 $64.59 $79.07 $99.43 $101 .s3 $70.50 $72.41 $55.35 $55.22 $47.48 $54.98 $79.27 $80.s7 $72.26 $81.43 $102.88 $10s.64 $7e.13 $84.53 $62.35 $56.47 $48.88 $57.84 $80.68 $83.94 $74.92 $84.30 $107.02 $109.42 $82.99 $87.99 $64.02 $60.81 $51.95 $61 .15 $83.44 $87.11 $80.05 $87.78 $109.63 $114.82 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 29 Jan-32 Feb-32 Mar-32 Apr-32 May-32 Jun-32 Jul-32 Aug-32 Sep-32 Oct-32 Nov-32 Dec-32 Jan-33 Feb-33 Mar-33 Apr-33 May-33 Jun-33 Jul-33 Aug-33 Sep-33 Oct-33 Nov-33 Dec-33 Jan-34 Feb-34 Mar-34 Apr-34 May-34 Jun-34 Jul-34 Aug-34 Sep-34 Oct-34 Nov-34 Dec-34 Jan-35 Feb-35 Mar-35 Apr-35 May-35 Jun-35 Jul-35 Aug-35 Sep-35 Oct-35 $89.12 $95.36 $72.44 $63.70 $62.93 $65.81 $e3.93 $96.95 $91.17 $91.03 $116.62 $119.02 $91.23 $97.65 $74.05 $65.04 $64.25 $67.22 $96.1e $99.30 $93.34 $93.20 $119.s6 $122.O2 $e3.36 $99.98 $75.66 $66.3e $65.s7 $68.63 $98.47 $101 .67 $95.54 $95.39 $122.s4 $125.08 $95.56 $102.37 $77.33 $67.77 $66.93 $70.09 $100.82 $104.11 $97.80 $97.64 $e0.73 $88.01 $67.5s $61.47 $61.41 $62.62 $86.48 $90.73 $81.29 $90.86 $116.43 $119.44 $92.89 $90.09 $69.01 $62.75 $62.69 $63.93 $88.s1 $e2.89 $83.17 $93.02 $119.36 $122.46 $9s.07 $92.19 $70.47 $64.03 $63.96 $65.25 $90.s6 $9s.07 $85.06 $9s.21 $122.33 $125.53 $97.32 $94.3s $71.98 $65.34 $65.27 $66.60 $92.67 $97.32 $87.01 $97.46 Jan-32 Feb-32 Mar-32 Apr-32 May-32 Jun-32 Jul-32 Aug-32 Sep-32 Oct-32 Nov-32 Dec-32 Jan-33 Feb-33 Mar-33 Apr-33 May-33 Jun-33 Jul-33 Aug-33 Sep-33 Oct-33 Nov-33 Dec-33 Jan-34 Feb-34 Mar-34 Apr-34 May-34 Jun-34 Jul-34 Aug-34 Sep-34 Oct-34 Nov-34 Dec-34 Jan-35 Feb-35 Mar-35 Apr-35 May-35 Jun-35 Jul-35 Aug-35 Sep-35 Oct-35 $88.79 $99.7s $7s.64 $63.83 $62.97 $65.13 $e4.08 $96.31 $91.08 $91.01 $116.94 $118.86 $90.89 $102.18 $77.U $65.19 $64.30 $66.52 $96.34 $98.64 $93.2s $93.17 $119.88 $121 .86 $93.01 $104.64 $79.06 $66.s4 $65.62 $67.91 $98.63 $100.99 $95.44 $e5.36 $122.87 $124.91 $95.20 $107.17 $80.82 $67.93 $66.98 $69.34 $100.98 $103.42 $97.70 $97.62 $88.94 $88.63 $71.60 $61.47 $57.84 $62.22 $86.49 $90.32 $81.93 $90.86 $1 1s.51 $119.71 $91.04 $90.72 $73.18 $62.75 $59.01 $63.s2 $88.52 $92.46 $83.83 $93.02 $118.41 $122.74 $93.17 $92.84 $74.77 $64.03 $60.17 $64.82 $90.57 $94.63 $85.74 $e5.21 $121.36 $12s.81 $95.36 $95.02 $76.41 $65.34 $61.37 $66.16 $e2.68 $96.87 $87.70 $97.46 Jan-32 Feb-32 Mar-32 Apr-32 May-32 Jun-32 Jul-32 Aug-32 Sep-32 Oct-32 Nov-32 Dec-32 Jan-33 Feb-33 Mar-33 Apr-33 May-33 Jun-33 Jul-33 Aug-33 Sep-33 Oct-33 Nov-33 Dec-33 Jan-34 Feb-34 Mar-34 Apr-34 May-34 Jun-34 Jul-34 Aug-34 Sep-34 Oct-34 Nov-34 Dec-34 Jan-35 Feb-35 Mar-35 Apr-35 May-35 Jun-35 Jul-35 Aug-35 Sep-35 Oct-35 $86.42 $96.67 $72.33 $63.96 $63.36 $65.59 $93.87 $96.45 $90.54 $e1.03 $116.88 $118.92 $88.45 $99.01 $73.94 $65.32 $64.70 $67.00 $96.12 $98.78 $92.69 $93.20 $119.82 $121.93 $e0.50 $101 .38 $75.55 $66.67 $66.03 $68.40 $98.40 $101.13 $94.86 $95.39 $122.81 $124.98 $92.61 $103.81 $77.21 $68.06 $67.41 $69.85 $100.74 $103.56 $97.10 $97.64 $85.28 $90.16 $71.20 $61.8s $54.50 $62.31 $87.s1 $90.92 $82.02 $90.86 $1 15.51 $1 19.71 $87.28 $92.30 $72.77 $63.14 $5s.s7 $63.61 $89.s7 $93.09 $83.e2 $93.02 $118.41 $122.74 $89.29 $94.46 $74.35 $64.43 $56.63 $64.92 $91.6s $s5.28 $8s.83 $95.21 $121 .36 $125.81 $91.36 $96.69 $75.97 $65.76 $57.72 $66.26 $93.79 $97.53 $87.80 $97.46 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE F]RST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 30 Nov-35 Dec-35 Jan-36 Feb-36 Mar-36 Apr-36 May-36 Jun-36 Jul-36 Aug-36 Sep-35 Oct-36 Nov-36 Dec-36 $12s.61 $128.23 $97.78 $104.79 $79.00 $69.16 $68.29 $71.54 $103.20 $106.59 $100.08 $99.93 $128.73 $131.43 $125.40 $128.69 $99.s9 $96.53 $73.49 $66.6s $66.s9 $67.9s $94.81 $99.59 $88.97 $99.74 $128.51 $131.90 Nov-35 Dec-35 Jan-35 Feb-36 Mar-36 Apr-36 May-36 Jun-36 Jul-36 Aug-36 Sep-36 Oct-36 Nov-36 Dec-36 $125.95 $128.0s $e7.41 $109.74 $82.60 $69.32 $68.34 $70.77 $103.36 $10s.87 $99.9e $99.90 $129.08 $131.24 $124.39 $128.98 $97.57 $97.22 $78.06 $66.65 $62.57 $67.50 $94.81 $99.13 $89.69 $99.74 $127.48 $132.20 Nov-35 Dec-35 Jan-36 Feb-36 Mar-36 Apr-36 May-36 Jun-36 Jul-36 Aug-36 Sep-36 oct-36 Nov-35 Dec-36 $125.89 $128.',|2 $94.74 $106.28 $78.88 $69.46 $68.78 $71.29 $103.12 $106.02 $99.37 $e9.e2 $129.02 $131 .32 $124.39 $128.98 $93.46 $98.95 $77.60 $67.08 $s8.81 $67.60 $e5.96 $99.81 $89.79 $99.74 $127.48 $132.20 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-77 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 $30.20 $32.26 $31.s3 $23.93 $11.32 $11.56 $37.58 $38.17 $33.42 $34.05 $37.13 $38.27 $32.12 $37.36 $31.25 $27.06 $23.42 $18.87 $40.41 $41.16 $35.72 $36.56 $40.83 $42.09 $30.27 $37.70 $29.38 $31.47 $28.53 $17.24 $0.14 $2.44 $35.60 $33.31 $31.21 $33.48 $36.s6 $37.93 $31.97 $31.95 $27.94 $26.62 $13.93 $7.82 $40.s2 $38.25 $33.67 $37.01 $40.56 $41.54 $27.02 $32.23 Jan-77 Feb-17 Mar-77 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 JulLT Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 $30.77 $32.64 $30.46 $22.s3 $11.72 $14.33 $37.00 $37.87 $33.1s $34.23 $36.70 $38.15 $32.16 $36.98 $30.74 $27.16 $24.12 $18.24 $39.93 $40.21 $35.30 $37.30 $40.87 $42.14 $30.89 $38.32 $29.44 $31.51 $29.06 $14.07 $2.29 $6.24 $33.76 $34.16 $31 .17 $34.50 $36.82 $38.08 $31.36 $35.26 $26.87 $26.57 $13.38 $3.42 $40.63 $37.42 $32.50 $36.98 $40.20 $41.74 $26.73 $32.02 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REOUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 31 Proiect C9 Month/Yr Heavy Load Enernr Price tight toad Energy Price (mills/kwhl (mills/kwhl Proiect C10 Month/Yr Heavy Load Energry Price Light Load Energy Price (mills/kWhl (mills/kWhl Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 tan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Jul22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 $29.17 $24.63 $22.08 $21.59 $39.77 $41.41 $36.13 $37.s3 $43.10 $44.76 $36.26 $32.92 $23.67 $23.08 $21.47 $22.17 $40.61 $41.76 $34.82 $38.6s $45.04 $47.48 $36.63 $32.05 $29.37 $25.52 $24.85 $24.24 $42.92 $44.82 $37.91 $40.37 $47.86 $s0.67 $34.51 $41.84 $30.43 $29.75 $26.31 $21.6s $71.88 $72.57 $67.81 $68.94 $79.s9 $81.45 $2s.36 $24.32 $17.29 $10.47 $36.e7 $37.99 $29.95 $37.04 $42.89 $44.76 $28.39 $29.81 $23.s4 $22.73 $17.s9 $12.89 $37.11 $33.78 $26.99 $36.27 $43.66 $47.48 $27.20 $27.18 $25.65 $25.s0 $20.23 $14.96 $39.33 $38.54 $28.74 $38.19 $47.51 $49.81 $31.11 $3s.26 $29.78 $29.73 $14.79 $13.49 $66.18 $64.16 $60.10 $68.52 $78.86 $81.s3 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-2L Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-2L Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 $28.04 $24.56 $22.19 $20.66 $3e.68 $41.08 $36.51 $37.54 $43.26 $44.73 $35.s7 $33.88 $23.74 $23.15 $21.61 $21.30 $40.40 $42.16 $3s.64 $38.s5 $44.99 $47.48 $31.8s $33.08 $29.84 $2s.56 $24.38 $22.11 $42.94 $44.28 $38.27 $40.30 $47.33 $50.67 $34.48 $41.81 $30.79 $29.72 $26.67 $21.62 $69.40 $69.74 $65.20 $66.40 $77.24 $79.01 $24.83 $24.31 $17.41 $11.45 $3s.75 $37.01 $31.44 $37.08 $42.6s $44.76 $23.87 $31.71 $23.63 $22.73 $17.70 $14.23 $36.11 $34.14 $26.48 $37.42 $40.08 $47.48 $27.74 $28.93 $25.71 $25.49 $20.42 $1s.29 $38.51 $37.20 $28.52 $38.53 $46.13 $s0.s5 $30.78 $36.78 $2e.85 $29.73 $18.76 $15.01 $62.67 $62.20 $57.65 $66.11 $77.20 $79.07 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 32 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 )an-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 May-24 Jun-24 Jul24 Aug-24 Sep-24 Oct-24 Nov-24 Dec-24 Jan-25 Feb-25 Mar-25 Apr-25 May-25 Jun-25 Jul-25 Aug-25 Sep-25 Oct-25 Nov-25 Dec-25 Jan-26 Feb-26 Mar-26 Apr-26 May-26 Jun-26 Jul-25 Aug-26 Sep-26 Oct-26 $61.s3 $71.25 $62.03 $57.75 $54.77 $52.95 $72.99 $75.46 $69.52 $70.36 $83.59 $85.67 $74.00 $72.',|7 $58.87 $56.70 $56.11 $54.66 $76.56 $80.73 $7',t.47 $72.65 $86.6e $89.35 $80.47 $80.11 $64.37 $57.27 $s5.49 $57.90 $79.93 $81.85 $72.89 $74.47 $90.26 $93.17 $78.38 $85.79 $s8.9s $s6.58 $57.24 $s7.32 $80.63 $85.23 $76.02 $76.70 $58.91 $64.16 $57.70 $57.69 $44.60 $44.37 $68.39 $67.93 $64.66 $70.70 $82.e6 $85.13 $62.54 $64.53 $59.1s $s6.57 $49.03 $45.11 $72.44 $71.64 $63.65 $72.62 $86.49 $89.s6 $68.33 $63.6s $s7.61 $s6.71 $49.21 $48.69 $73.41 $74.41 $60.75 $74.17 $86.81 $93.17 $65.24 $69.83 $57.05 $56.s2 $50.71 $53.27 $72.99 $76.s2 $63.26 $76.70 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 May-24 Jun-24 lul-24 Aug-24 Sep-24 Oct-24 Nov-24 Dec-24 Jan-25 Feb-25 Mar-25 Apr-25 May-25 Jun-25 Jul-25 Aug-25 Sep-25 Oct-25 Nov-25 Dec-25 Jan-25 Feb-26 Mar-26 Apr-26 May-26 Jun-25 Jul-26 Aug-26 Sep-26 Oct-26 $s9.37 $67.54 $59.01 $ss.37 $52.13 $50.22 $70.02 $72.38 $66.62 $68.44 $81.73 $83.27 $6s.86 $69.54 $s6.74 $54.37 $s2.66 $52.10 $73.73 $77.78 $68.11 $70.12 $84.56 $86.82 $77.45 $78.06 $63.70 $5s.00 $s3.13 $54.26 $77.ss $79.42 $70.24 $71.97 $87.59 $90.57 $81.40 $80.28 $55.76 $54.15 $54.34 $s4.58 $78.33 $82.22 $73.70 $74.20 $s6.34 $62.57 $58.06 $ss.22 $44.69 $39.40 $65.44 $66.s0 $61.74 $68.23 $80.s3 $83.00 $61.4s $61.99 $s6.84 $54.10 $46.58 $44.15 $69.28 $68.21 $62.15 $70.14 $83.50 $87.08 $66.45 $66.04 $59.21 $s4.15 $46.82 $46.47 $69.35 $70.62 $s7.45 $71.97 $84.67 $90.67 $69.37 $68.20 $54.43 $53.90 $48.29 $s0.s4 $70.21 $71.8s $61.65 $74.19 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 33 Nov-26 Dec-26 Jan-27 Feb-27 Mar-27 Apr-27 May-27 Jun-27 )u127 Aug-27 Sep-27 Ocl-27 Nov-27 Dec-27 Jan-28 Feb-28 Mar-28 Apr-28 May-28 Jun-28 Jul-28 Aug-28 Sep-28 Oct-28 Nov-28 Dec-28 Jan-29 Feb-29 Mar-29 Apr-29 May-29 Jun-29 Jul-29 Aug-29 Sep-29 Oct-29 Nov-29 Dec-29 Jan-30 Feb-30 Mar-30 Apr-30 May-30 Jun-30 Jul-30 Aug-30 $94.70 $97.60 $72.70 $83.4s $64.93 $58.99 $s8.73 $s9.76 $82.s7 $86.42 $78.63 $79.14 $98.42 $100.55 $81.11 $83.35 $s9.29 $s9.21 $s9.32 $59.79 $85.38 $86.97 $81.10 $81.89 $102.79 $104.90 $80.18 $91.64 $62.01 $58.16 $58.48 $5e.99 $86.20 $93.30 $81.84 $84.34 $107.23 $108.74 $82.91 $90.56 $65.72 $59.s4 $59.77 $61.38 $89.32 $94.42 $94.12 $e7.60 $69.50 $73.80 $62.15 $s8.75 $52.9s $51.19 $76.62 $7s.81 $67.00 $79.05 $94.64 $100.71 $67.34 $69.s1 $61.63 $s8.13 $s0.65 $5s.34 $79.55 $81.74 $68.34 $81.86 $98.95 $105.18 $80.70 $77.8s $s8.44 $s8.08 $s0.39 $s8.08 $81.74 $83.44 $72.27 $84.3s $104.97 $107.22 $81.77 $88.68 $60.65 $59.43 $s1.78 $61.34 $84.es $87.2s Nov-25 Dec-26 Jan-27 Feb-27 Mar-27 Apr-27 May-27 Jun-27 Jul-27 Aug-27 Sep-27 Oct-27 Nov-27 Dec-27 Jan-28 Feb-28 Mar-28 Apr-28 May-28 Jun-28 Jul-28 Aug-28 Sep-28 Oct-28 Nov-28 Dec-28 Jan-29 Feb-29 Mar-29 Apr-29 May-29 Jun-29 Jul-29 Aug-29 Sep-29 Oct-29 Nov-29 Dec-29 Jan-30 Feb-30 Mar-30 Apr-30 May-30 Jun-30 Jul-30 Aug-30 $93.02 $e5.10 $74.62 $78.72 $60.4s $s6.19 $s6.05 $s6.77 $79.49 $83.82 $7s.52 $76.62 $es.83 $98.08 $72.02 $76.43 $s6.51 $57.14 $56.91 $57.23 $82.31 $85.07 $77.72 $79.37 $100.s7 $102.66 $77.5s $84.49 $61.36 $s5.61 $56.69 $s7.29 $83.50 $89.98 $80.7s $81.80 $104.28 $106.56 $80.82 $84.32 $6s.46 $57.03 $s7.43 $58.71 $86.44 $91.29 $91.2s $95.09 $66.9s $67.96 $60.38 $56.12 $50.2s $49.00 $73.66 $73.74 $64.99 $76.56 $91.65 $97.69 $66.84 $6s.73 $s9.38 $5s.62 $48.13 $55.44 $76.49 $75.14 $65.08 $79.32 $97.42 $101.97 $78.39 $80.e8 $58.79 $ss.53 $47.88 $5s.s0 $78.13 $80.53 $71.86 $81.72 $102.13 $10s.92 $80.33 $81.57 $61.75 $56.87 $49.27 $58.71 $81.41 $84.42 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 34 Sep-30 Oct-30 Nov-30 Dec-30 Jan-31 Feb-31 Mar-31 Apr-31 May-31 Jun-31 Jul-31 Aug-31 Sep-31 Oct-31 Nov-31 Dec-31 Jan-32 Feb-32 Mar-32 Apr-32 May-32 Jun-32 Jul-32 Aug-32 Sep-32 Oct-32 Nov-32 Dec-32 Jan-33 Feb-33 Mar-33 Apr-33 May-33 Jun-33 Jul-33 Aug-33 Sep-33 Oct-33 Nov-33 Dec-33 Jan-34 Feb-34 Mar-34 Apr-34 May-34 Jun-34 $86.50 $87.32 $110.64 $112.52 $86.80 $e6.43 $71.98 $63.73 $65.28 $66.35 $93.73 $96.3s $91.11 $90.70 $11s.56 $117.80 $89.41 $95.14 $77.78 $65.05 $66.43 $67.35 $e6.68 $99.75 $93.78 $e3.86 $119.34 $122.00 $91.46 $97.37 $79.49 $66.37 $67.80 $68.74 $98.95 $102.12 $95.97 $96.05 $'t22.30 $125.04 $93.53 $99.62 $81.20 $67.69 $69.15 $70.13 $77.83 $87.01 $109.35 $112.09 $86.11 $86.68 $66.79 $63.71 $s4.78 $62.25 $86.95 $90.39 $82.61 $90.s7 $112.48 $117.92 $85.4s $82.23 $72.60 $64.36 $s7.56 $65.25 $90.39 $93.73 $85.18 $93.87 $119.23 $122.60 $87.38 $84.07 $74.15 $6s.67 $58.66 $66.s9 $92.47 $95.92 $87.11 $96.06 $122.18 $125.65 $89.33 $85.91 $75.70 $66.96 $59.75 $67.91 Sep-30 Oct-30 Nov-30 Dec-30 Jan-31 Feb-31 Mar-31 Apr-31 May-31 Jun-31 Jul-31 Aug-31 Sep-31 Oct-31 Nov-31 Dec-31 Jan-32 Feb-32 Mar-32 Apr-32 May-32 Jun-32 Jul-32 Aug-32 Sep-32 Oct-32 Nov-32 Dec-32 Jan-33 Feb-33 Mar-33 Apr-33 May-33 Jun-33 Jul-33 Aug-33 Sep-33 Oct-33 Nov-33 Dec-33 Jan-34 Feb-34 Mar-34 Apr-34 May-34 Jun-34 $83.60 $84.80 $107.78 $110.21 $86.92 $94.47 $68.88 $61.19 $62.73 $63.37 $91.08 $93.14 $88.16 $88.17 $1 12.90 $1 15.70 $87.08 $99.62 $76.74 $63.71 $63.77 $65.22 $94.41 $96.s9 $91.12 $91.34 $116.79 $119.55 $89.13 $102.04 $78.48 $65.06 $65.11 $66.62 $96.68 $98.92 $93.29 $93.s1 $119.73 $122.57 $91.1e $104.49 $80.22 $66.40 $66.4s $68.00 $72.69 $84.66 $107.81 $109.23 $87.49 $86.20 $6s.63 $61 .17 $s2.41 $61.29 $84.15 $86.41 $79.69 $88.08 $109.98 $114.86 $8s.59 $87.9s $71.64 $61.78 $54.87 $62.42 $86.84 $90.71 $82.06 $91.18 $114.79 $120.02 $87.s9 $90.03 $73.23 $63.06 $ss.95 $63.72 $88.88 $92.87 $83.95 $93.35 $1 17.67 $123.0s $89.61 $92.12 $74.81 $64.34 $57.02 $65.02 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 35 Jul-34 Aug-34 Sep-34 Oct-34 Nov-34 Dec-34 Jan-35 Feb-35 Mar-35 Apr-35 May-35 Jun-35 Jul-35 Aug-35 Sep-35 Oct-35 Nov-35 Dec-35 Jan-36 Feb-36 Mar-36 Apr-36 May-36 Jun-36 Jul-36 Aug-36 Sep-36 Oct-35 Nov-36 Dec-36 $90.94 $95.04 $85.86 $9s.s4 $120.s8 $126.13 $91.68 $94.27 $76.44 $6s.66 $s8.11 $66.36 $93.05 $97.28 $87.82 $97.79 $123.s9 $129.30 $93.77 $96.43 $78.07 $66.97 $s9.19 $67.69 $95.18 $99.54 $89.79 $100.07 $126.63 $132.s2 $101 .2s $94.57 $104.s1 $98.12 $98.17 $89.0s $98.26 $98.26 $125.29 $12s.17. $128.1 1 $128.75 $95.66 $e1.34 $101.93 $87.82 $82.96 $77.30 $69.04 $68.29 $70.55 $60.87 $71.56 $69.27 $103.61 $96.73 $106.97 $100.39 $100.44 $91.0s $100.s3 $100.s4 $128.37 $128.2s $131.28 $131.94 $97.81 $93.3s $104.26 $89.73 $84.72 $78.89 $70.39 $69.62 $71.9s $61.97 $72.98 $70.62 $10s.99 $98.91 $109.45 $102.68 $102.73 $93.05 $102.82 $102.83 $131.50 $131.37 $134.50 $135.17 Jul-34 $98.97 Aug-34 8101.27 Sep-34 $95.47 oct-34 $95.70 Nov-34 $122.71 Dec-34 $125.64 Jan-35 $93.32Feb-35 $107.01Mar-35 $82.01Apr-35 $67.77May-35 $67.83 Jun-35 $69.43 Jul-35 $101.32 Aug-35 $103.70 Sep-35 $97.73oct-3s $97.96 Nov-35 $125.78 Dec-35 $128.79 Jan-36 $95.45 Feb-36 $109.56Mar-36 $83.81 Apr-36 $69.15 May-36 $69.21 Jun-36 $70.85 Jul-36 $103.70 Aug-36 $106.15 Sep-36 $100.00 oct-36 $100.24Nov-36 $128.89Dec-36 $132.00 (0 The associated generation interconnection queue numbers are included in the table provided in the Company's response to subpart (a) above. A complete copy of the current ldaho Power generation interconnection queue can be viewed at http://www.oasis.oati.com/ipco/index.html and then proceeding to the "Generation Interconnection Queue" tab. The response to this Request as sponsored by Randy Allphin, Energy Contracts Coordinator Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 36 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 5: Reference the Company's Application at page 3, stating, "the Company's 2013lRP has identified the Boardman to Hemmingway /sic/transmission line as the primary resource in the near term [sic/ action plan." (ldaho Power's original quoted language contained one "m" in Hemingway and a hyphen in "near-term.") (a) Assuming the contracted-for 461 MW of solar capacity under contract comes on line as expected, please provide documentation of the need for the Boardman to Hemmingway Transmission line using the expected case scenarios in the 201 5 IRP planning documents. (b) What is the expected cost to ldaho Power to construct the Boardman to Hemmingway Transmission line? (c) What are the expected annual operating costs to ldaho Power, each year over the next twenty years of Boardman to Hemingway transmission line? (d) Please document the ratepayer impact of the Boardman to Hemmingway Transmission line in annual revenue requirement figures for the first 10 years of operation. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUGTION NO. 5: (a) There is no expected case scenario identified yet as part of the 2015 lRP, which is due to be filed in June 2015. For the 2015 lRP, many future scenarios are cunently being analyzed that make assumptions about the impact of the Environmental Protection Agency's proposed 111(d) regulations on ldaho Powe/s existing resources. These scenarios lead to a range of first capacity deficit years. lrrespective of ldaho Powe/s need and first deficit year that will be updated in the 2015lRP, ldaho Power is cunently only expecting to be a 21 percent owner in the Boadman to Hemingway IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 37 ("82H") project. ldaho Power is partners with PacifiCorp and the Bonneville Power Administration in the project and the ultimate project construction schedule may be determined by the other partners' needs and the ultimate outcome of the permitting process. (b) The estimated cost of ldaho Powe/s 21 percent share of the B2H project is between $210-$250 million. (c) The portfolio analysis for the 2015lRP will include portfolios in which B2H is an included resource option. However, the portfolio analysis for the 2015lRP is yet to be completed. Upon completion of the portfolio analysis, a preferred resource portfolio will be selected. The portfolio analysis provides information on the variable operating costs and fixed costs of all portfolios, including B2H-based portfolios. Portfolio analysis conducted for the 2013 IRP found a B2H-based portfolio to be the lowest cost portfolio, where all portfolios were designed to eliminate projected deficiencies through the addition of supply-side and demand-side resources. A table providing the results of this analysis is found on page 98 of the 2013 lRP. (d) ldaho Power has not performed a detailed revenue impact analysis for the B2H transmission line project as the Company is not currently requesting recovery of the costs associated with this project. However, a current high-level estimate of the rate impact of this project may be found on the Company's website at: https://www.idahopower.com/pdfs/AboutUs/RatesRequlatory/Reports/ratelmpactDisclosure.PDF. The response to this Request was prepared by Mike Youngblood, Regulatory Projects Manager, ldaho Power Company, and Phil DeVo!, Resource Planning Leader, ldaho Power Company, under the direction of Randy Allphin, Energy Contracts Coordinator Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 38 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 6: Reference the direct testimony of Lisa Grow at p. 17, stating, "For the period from May 201 1 through December 2014, the Company had at Ieast 15 reliability events that resulted in wind generation output reductions in order to maintain the reliable operation of the Company's electrical system." (a) Why does the testimony modify the number "15" with the words "at least?" Provide the true number of said "reliability events." (b) Please define what the Company means by "reliability event" in this passage. (c) For each reliability event please provide a detailed explanation of the cause. (d) For each reliability event, provide: (i) date and time of the curtailment; (ii) duration of the curtailment; (iii) a list of all generators online prior to the event; (iv) a list of demand side management programs in operation prior to the event; and (v) a list of generators (name and resource type) and demand side management programs curtailed in whole or in part and MWs curtailed per generator or program. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 6: (a) At the time Ms. Grow's testimony was filed, data had only been retrieved for 15 reliability events. Additional events had occurred but complete data for those IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 39 additional events had not been collected. Since the filing of Ms. Grow's testimony and at the time of responding to this production request, ldaho Power has identified six additional events. (b) An event that jeopardizes ldaho Powe/s ability to (1) operate its electrical system in a safe and reliable manner, (2) maintain the integrity of the electrical system, (3) maintain compliance with environment laws and regulations, (4) maintain compliance with Good Utility Practice and (5) provide energy to its customers in a safe and reliable manner. Oversupply of energy can lead to a reliability event due to the adverse impacts it may have on the electrica! system. (c) ln the case of all events, reduction/limitation of the specific project's generation was necessary as it was contributing to adverse operating conditions on ldaho Powe/s system, jeopardizing system reliability, integrity, and safety. ln many cases, multiple issues accumulate to lead to these circumstances (i.e., low customer loads, line outages, line maintenance, must-run generation constraints, minimum run levels, environmental requirements, regulatory requirements, etc. ). (d) (i)-(iii) and (v) Please see the confidential Excel file provided on the confidential CD. The confidential CD will only be provided to those parties that have executed the Protective Agreement in this matter. (iv) Demand-side management programs consist of two different categories. Enerov Efficiencv Proorams. These are not dispatchable. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 40 Demand Response Proorams. None of these programs were being dispatched at the time of the events listed in the confidential Excel file provided in the Company's response to subpart (dxi)-(iii) and (v). The response to this Request is sponsored by Randy Allphin, Energy Contracts Coordinator Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 41 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 7: Please provide copies of all material provided to the Commission Staff regarding the Company's application that were provided other than through formal discovery, both prior to, and after, the filing of the Application. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 7: No such materials were provided to Commission Staff regarding the Company's Petition. The response to this Request is sponsored by Donovan E. Walker, Lead Counsel, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 42 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 8: Please provide all of the Company's discovery responses to all other parties that have provided and any future discovery responses the Company will provide in this docket. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 8: At the time of filing this Response, no discovery responses have been provided to any other parties. All future discovery responses will be served on the parties to this case. The response to this Request is sponsored by Randy Allphin, Energy Contracts Coordinator Leader, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 43 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 9: Reference Exhibit No. 6 attached to Randy Allphin's direct testimony. (a) Please provide in electronic format the data used to produce the Exhibit (b) Please include the generation units and the "must-run minimum Ievels" of output of each unit included in "!PCo Must-Run Generation." (c) Please also indentify and include the level of energy provided by Utility Must Take PPA's." (d) Please explain and document the basis for the large intra-day variations in the output of the must-run resources referenced in subparts (b) and (c). RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 9: (aF(c) Please see the confidential Excel file provided on the confidential CD. The confidential CD will only be provided to those parties that have executed the Protective Agreement in this matter. (d) The intra-day variations are a result of the intermittent wind and solar generation's forecasted energy deliveries and the forecasted hourly operations of ldaho Powe/s hydro generation. The details of this variability can be seen in the confidential Excelfile provided in the Company's response to subparts (a)-(c). The response to this Request is sponsored by Randy Allphin, Energy Contracts Coordinator Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J,R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 44 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 10: Reference Exhibit No. 10 attached to Randy Allphin's direct testimony. Please provide, in electronic format, the data used to produce Exhibit No. 10. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 10: Please see the confidential Excel file provided on the confidential CD. The confidential CD will only be provided to those parties that have executed the Protective Agreement in this matter. The response to this Request is sponsored by Randy Allphin, Energy Contracts Coordinator Leader, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 45 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 11: Reference Exhibit No. 10 attached to Randy Allphin's direct testimony. (a) Please describe how the Company calculated the "PURPA Historical" prices depicted in the solid red line. lnclude specific explanation of whether the Company used the price paid to QFs or an average of the full contract prices and explain how the Company accounted for reduced payments to QFs during months that the QF made deliveries outside of the 901110 performance band. (b) For all contracts containing a 90/110 performance band, please provide: (i) the number of total contract months of operation thus far, and (ii) total number of contract months that a QF made deliveries that fel! outside of the 901110 performance band. (c) For each individual year depicted in the graph and also the years 1999, 2000, and 2001, please provide the following data: (i) actual MWh of energy delivered by QFs under firm energy sales agreements to ldaho Power, and (ii) the tota! payments made to such QFs in the year 1in $). (d) Please provide corresponding data provided in the graph and that requested in subpart (c) for the years 1999, 2000, and 2001. (e) Please explain why Company chose to exclude the years of the California energy crisis from its comparison of market index prices to QF prices. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUGTION NO. 11 : (a) PURPA historical prices per megawatt-hour ("MWh') were calculated by dividing the annua! actual energy and capacity payment distributed to all projects by the total MWh received by those projects. The total payments include all adjustments for IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 46 90/110 performance. ln reviewing the data, it was discovered that the 2011 data was not updated to reflect the actual 2011 values but instead a forecasted value was used. lf this 2011 data is corrected to indicate the actual data, the 2011 average per MWh reported value of $59.83 per MWh would be revised to be $60.01 per MWh. (b) ldaho Power currently has 48 projects under contract that contain some form of the 90/110 performance requirements. The first of these projects became operationa! in 2004. ldaho Power has not performed the requested analysis; however, the effect of the 90/10 payments are included in the total payments as stated in subpart (a) to this Request. (c) The data requested is included in the electronic data provided in the Company's response to Request for Production No. 10. (d) The historical PURPA prices are included in the electronic data provided in the Company's response to Request for Production No. 10. The Company did not compile Mid-C market data prior to 2002. (e) ln May 2002, the Commission issued Order No. 29029, which increased the term of PURPA contracts from 5 to 20 years. Data subsequent to the May 2002 Order was anallzed. The response to this Request is sponsored by Randy Allphin, Energy Contracts Coordinator Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 47 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 12: Reference Exhibit No. 10 attached to Randy Allphin's direct testimony. (a) Please identify the index(es) used for the "Mid-C Historical" price depicted in the solid blue line (e.9., Dow Jones, Platts, lCE, day-ahead firm, daily non-firm, monthly, annual, etc.). (b) Please explain in detail how the Company used the data supplied by the index to calculate the data points for each year or other shorter period having a data point on the graph, including whether the company recalculated the index prices to account for volume of trades reported to the index or othenruise volume-weighted the index prices. (c) lf the Company volume-weighted the index prices for any year or data point, please provide the Mid-C Historical data points depicting the prices provided by the index, without a volume-weighting of the index prices. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 12: (a) lntercontinental Exchange (.lCE') Mid-C index. (b) The Mid-C historical prices are the day-ahead settled prices from lCE. These prices come from ICE daily and are volume weighted by the exchange. In order to create a monthly historical settled price, Idaho Power additionally weighted these daily prices for on-peak and off-peak hours. (c) Please see ldaho Power's response to subpart (b) above. The response to this Request is sponsored by Randy Allphin, Energy Contracts Coordinator Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 48 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 13: Reference Exhibit No. 8 attached to Randy Allphin's direct testimony. (a) Please provide the work papers supporting the exhibit in electronic format. (b) Please provide for FERC Accounts 5O1, 547, and 555 (non-PURPA) for the years 2010 through 2013 for each generation unit, including the energy output, expense, and capacity factor for the given year. (c) For each year 2O1O through 2013, provide the depreciated rate-base cost and authorized return included in retail rates, for each of the Company's gas plants and coal plants, or otherwise provide the raw data necessary to calculate the total revenue requirement associated with fixed costs included in retail rates for the years and plants described. (d) For each year 2010 through 2013, provide the annual amount of MWh of generation from each of the Company's gas plants and coal plants. (e) Provide the estimated increase in the annual revenue requirement associated with costs that will be included in retail rates for the first year the Company places in service the SCR controls approved in Order No. 32929 for the Bridger plant. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 13: (a) The supporting work papers for Exhibit No. I attached to Mr. Allphin's direct testimony are contained in the attached Excel file (Attachment 1). Attachment 1 will be provided to the parties electronically via the service e-mail. The file consists of three tabs. Each tab contains the summary sheet information from the AURORA output for ldaho Power's power supply costs for the last three changes to net power supply costs included in base rates. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY.49 (b) The annual expenses for Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC') Accounts 501 (fuel) and 547 (fuel) annua! generating output and capacity factors for each steam and combustion turbine plant and for each year being requested can be found by accessing ldaho Powe/s filed FERC Form 1s. The annual expenses and energy output for the three 555 (non-PURPA) generating units can also be found by accessing ldaho Powe/s filed FERC Form 1s. However, ldaho Power does not require the operators of the these projects to report capacity factors; therefore, this information is unavailable. The filings for each particular year can be accessed through FERC's on- line library search portal at http://elibrary.ferc.qov/idmws/search/fercadvsearch.asp. Operating information pertaining to ldaho Powe/s steam and combustion turbine pfants can specifically be found on pages 402, 402.1, 403, and 403.1 and for the three non-PURPA generation units can be found on page 327.11 for 2010,327.12 for 2011 and 2012, and 327.12-327.13 for 2013. (c) Please see the attached Excel file (Attachment 2). Attachment 2 will be provided to the parties electronically via the service e-mail. (d) Please see the Company's response to subpart (b) above. (e) ldaho Power has not performed a detailed revenue impact analysis for the SCR controls since the issuance of Order No. 32929 for the Bridger plant as the Company is not currently requesting recovery of the costs associated with this project. However, a current high-level estimate of the rate impact of this project can be found on the Company's website at: https://www.idahopower.com/pdfs/AboutUs/RatesRequlatorv/Reports/ratelmpactDisclosure.PDF. The response to this Request is sponsored by Mike Youngblood, Regulatory Projects Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 50 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 14: Reference Exhibit No. 6. Please explain why the graphs depict several over-generation events that occur when only Company-owned resources are online - for example on page 5 of the exhibit all of the events are caused by Company-owned generation. ls it the Company's position that it has over-generation events due to its non-PURPA resources? RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 14: Yes, as the graphs in Exhibit No. 6 depict, it is predicted that there are over-generation events that will occur with just the Idaho Power generation. The addition of PURPA generation both compounds the magnitude of these events as well as substantially increases the occurrence of these events. The response to this Request is sponsored by Randy Allphin, Energy Contracts Coordinator Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 51 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 15: Reference Exhibit No. 6. (a) Please explain why the graph only includes the first week of each month. (b) PIease delineate the must-run hydro separately from the must-run coal resources on the exhibit. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 15: (a) ldaho Power provided a graph for the first week of each month as a representative example of each month. (b) As noted on the Exhibit No. 6 graphs and in the information provided in the Company's response to Request for Production No. 9, ldaho Power must-run generation includes hydro and 266 MW of coa!-fired generation. The response to this Request is sponsored by Randy Allphin, Energy Contracts Coordinator Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 52 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 16: Has the Company investigated the impacts of ldaho Power joining the PacifiCorp-California ISO energy imbalance market as a potentia! way to reduce costs associated with intermittent generation or for any other reasons? lf not, why not? Please provide a!! studies or analyses of the impacts of ldaho Power joining the PacifiCorp-California ISO energy imbalance market. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 16: ldaho Power has not studied participation in the PacifiCorp-CAISO energy imbalance market primarily because ldaho Power does not have any transmission rights that would allow it to participate in the PacifiCorp-CAISO energy imbalance market ldaho Power is participating in the Northwest Power Pool efforts to study the feasibility of an intra-hour market similar to an energy imbalance market referred to as the Security Constrained Economic Dispatch and will continue to evaluate the PacifiCorp-CAISO energy imbalance market and other market opportunities as they become available. The response to this Request is sponsored by Tess Park, Director Load Serving Operations, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 53 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 17: Reference the direct testimony of Lisa Grow at page 20: I O-14, comparing the PURPA rates to the energy-only cost of coal. (a) Does Ms. Grow acknowledge that the "average cost of coal" and the cost provided for "gas" does not include all costs included in retail rates associated with the generation of coal-fired and gas-fired electricity, such as the remaining/depreciated fixed costs and authorized return associated with the coa! and gas plants? (b) Does Ms. Grow acknowledge that retail customers pay for the fixed costs and return on investment referenced in subpart (a) for the coal and gas plants regardless of how much electricity they produce and even when they produce no electricity at all? (c) Does Ms. Grow believe it is accurate to compare PURPA rates that include an energy and a capacity component to the energy-only coal costs? !f yes, please explain why this comparison in the testimony is not misleading. (d) Please provide the corresponding figures calculated with the removal of the capacity component included in the PURPA rates and the total revenue requirement (all variable and fixed costs, plus authorized return) for the coal and gas plants. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 17: (a) Yes. (b) Yes. (c) Request for Production No. 17 mischaracterizes the direct testimony of Lisa Grow at page 20:10-14 where J. R. Simplot Company ("Simplot") states Ms. Grow compares "the PURPA rates to the energy-only cost of coal." Ms. Grow's testimony on lines 10-14 is describing Mr. Allphin's Exhibit No. 8, which reflects the approved net IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 54 power supply expense in base rates for the yea/s 2O1O, 2012, and 2013. These three years are the Iast three times net power supply expenses in base rates were updated. Ms. Grow has not made the comparison suggested by Simplot. Ms. Grow has just compared the average cost of PURPA purchases included in base rates to the average cost of coal, gas, non-PURPA purchases, and surplus sales, al! of which are part of the net power supply expense included in base rates. Ms. Grow's testimony is accurate in stating that if and when the Company is required to purchase PURPA generation when it is not needed, the Company may be required to back down or curtail other less expensive sources of generation or market purchases in order to continue purchasing PURPA generation at a higher cost. This would mean that the Company's overall net power supply expense, on a dollars per MWh basis, would increase, adversely impacting customers. (d) The requested information requires a study that the Company has not performed and differs substantially from the study mentioned by Ms. Grow. The response to this Request was prepared by Mike Youngblood, Regulatory Projects Manager, ldaho Power Company, under the direction of Lisa Grow, Senior Vice President of Power Supply, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 55 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 18: Reference the direct testimony of Lisa Grow at page 9:6-8, discussing must-run resources. Does the Company consider each of its hydro projects to be "must-run" resources? For each Company-owned hydro resource, please provide a detailed explanation of the basis for the must-run level for each hydro resource included in the referenced graph. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 18: YeS, each of Idaho Power's hydro projects has some leve! of "must-run" requirements as identified by FERC. PIease see the table below for these requirements. Milner Project 2899 Bypass below Milner Dam FERC Article 410 Year Round Operations - Maximum UB ramp rate less than or equalto 300 cfs/15 min at bvpass flows less than 5000 cfs - Maximum Up ramp rate less than or equalto 1200 cfs/hour at bvpass flows oreater than 5000 cfs - Maximum down ramp rate less than or equalto 1200 cfs/hour between bvoass flows of 3000 and 5000 cfs FERC Article 415 Aoril 1 throuqh June 30 - lf flows are between 10,000 and 12,500 cfs (in excess of irrigation demand) and whitewater flows are requested, releases are to be made through the Milner bypass reach for recreational boating for up to 4 weekend days each year Units 1 and 2 below Milner Power PIant FERG Article 410 Year Round Operations - Maximum UB ramp rate less than or equalto 300 cfs/15 min when combined flows are less than 5000 cfs - Maximum uB ramp rate less than or equal to 't200 cfs/hour when Bypass plus Milner Power PIant Year Round Ooerations - Maximum up ramp rate less than or equalto 300 cfs/15 min when combined flows are less than 5000 cfs - Maximum uB ramp rate less than or equal to 1200 cfs/hour when combined flows are oreater than 5000 cfs*Note: Plant flow may be greater than 5000 cfs with the Bypass still less than 5000 cfs. ln this situation the 300 cfs/15 min applies in the bypass and 1200 cfs/hr aoplies for the IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REOUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 56 Twin Falls Project 2778 Shoshone Falls Project 18 Upper Salmon Falls Project 2777 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 57 Snake River below Twin Falls Dam FERG Article 410 Aoril 1 throuoh Auoust 31 (viewinq hours onlv 8am throuoh 30 minutes oast sunset) - Maintain minimum average flow of 300 cfs measured at the Outlet Works Valve-Seotember 1 throuoh March 31 (viewino hours onlv 8am throuoh 30 minutes oast sunset. weekends and holidavs onlv) - Maintain minimum average flow of 300 cfs measured at the_ OutletWorks Valve Year Round Operations (specified viewinq hours onlv) - Maintain minimum instantaneous flow of 270 cfs measured at the Outlet Works Valve or inflow, whichever is less. Shoshone Falls Dam FERC Article 401 Year Round Operations - Maintain an instantaneous minimum headwater elevation of 3353.5 ft-msl Snake River below Shoshone Falls Dam FERC Article 402 Aoril 1 throuoh Labor Dav Weekend (durino davliqht hours) - Release a minimum of 300 cfs or inflow to the project reservoir if less - A headwater elevation of 3354.7 ft msl will be verification of Upper Salmon Falls Dam FERG Article 401 Year Round Operations - Maintain an instantaneous minimum headwater elevation of 2877.8 ft- North Channel Snake River at Upper Salmon Fa!!s Dam *Note: North Channel Snake River is used as a bypass reach for the upstream "8" plant Doleman Rapids, an excavated channel, is used as the overflow section for the downstream "A" plant FERG Article 401 Year Round Ooerations - Maintain minimum average flow of 50 cfs and minimum instantaneous flow of 40 cfs measured at N Channel Snake R at Uooer Salmon Falls Dam Dolman Rapids at Upper Salmon Falls Dam FERC Article 402 Year Round Ooerations - Maintain daily average flow of 200 cfs and minimum instantaneous flow of 175 cfs over the rapids - Monitored by headwater elevation measured at the Dolman Rapids weir - Target headwater elevations: 200cfs = 2840.4 ft-msl and 175cfs = 2839.8 ft-msl Lower Salmon Falls Reservoir FERG Article 401 Year Round Ooerations to minimum headwater boundary of 2796 Snake River below Lower Salmon Falls Reservoir FERG Article 401 Year Round Ooerations - Maintain minimum instantaneous flow of 3500 cfs measured at Snake River below Lower Salmon Falls Dam - Maximum hourly ramp rate of 2.5 fUhr measured at Snake River below Lower Salmon Falls Dam - Maximum daily ramp rate of 5.0 fVday measured at Snake River below Lower Salmon Falls Dam Lower Salmon Falls Project 2061 Malad River Proiect 2726 Upper Malad Canal FERC Article 403 Aoril 1 throuqh Aoril 30. and October 15 throuoh November 30 (Maintenance schedule) - Upper Malad Power Plant is only available for planned maintenance outages for protection of Rainbow Trout igRc arti"t" +o+ spawning and emergence' - When ramping down for maintenance, maximum hourly Lower Malad Canal FERC Article 403 April 1 throuqh Aoril 30 (Maintenance schedule) - Lower Malad Power Plant is only available for planned maintenance outages for protection of Rainbow Trout spawning and emergence. - When ramping down for maintenance, maximum hourly ramping rate of 300 cfs/hour. Malad River below Lower Malad Canal Diversion FERC Article 402 Year Round Ooerations - Maintain minimum instantaneous bypass flow of 90 cfs, and a daily average flow of 100 cfs measured at Malad River near Bliss or inflow to the lower development reservoir whichever is less -The average daily minimum flow requirement may be reduced by up to 5 percent for no more than one day (24- hour period) per event in order to allow the licensee the flexibility to IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 58 Bliss Reservoir FERC Article 401 Year Round Ooerations to minimum headwater boundarv of 2652 Snake River below Bliss Reservoir FERC Article 401 Year Round Operations - Maintain minimum instantaneous flow of 4500 cfs measured at Snake River below Bliss Dam - Maximum hourly ramp rate of 3.0 fUhr measured at Snake River below Bliss Dam - Maximum daily ramp rate of 6.0 fUday measured at Snake River below Bliss Dam Bliss Project 1975 CJ Strike Project 2055 Swan Falls Project 503 Snake River below Swan Falls Dam FERG Article 402 Aoril 1 throuoh October 31 - Minimum flow 3900 cfs measured at Snake River near Murphy November 1 throuqh March 31 - Minimum flow 5600 cfs measured at Snake River near Murphy Year Round Operations - Maximum hourly ramp rate of 1 fUhr measured at Snake River blw Swan Falls - Maximum daily ramp rate of 3 fUday measured at Snake River blw Swan Falls Brownlee Reservoir FERC Article 42 Februarv 28 thru June 30 -Provide reservoir storage space as required by Army Corp of Enoineers for srrstem flood control ]DAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REOUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 59 Hells Canyon Complex 1971 CJ Strike Reservoir FERG Article 401 Year Round Operations to minimum headwater boundary o12453.5 Snake River below CJ Strike Reservoir FERC Article 402 Year Round Ooerations - Maintain minimum instantaneous flow of 3900 cfs measured at Snake River below CJ Strike or inflow, whichever is less FERC Article 403 Year Round Operations - Maximum hourly ramp rate of 2.5fllhr measured at Snake River below CJ Strike - Maximum daily ramp rate of 4 ftlday measured at Snake River below CJ Strike Snake River below Hells Canyon Dam FERG Article 43 Year Round Ooerations -Minimum flow 13,000 cfs @ Lime Point 95% of the time - Calculated as Snake River at Anatone less Grand Rhonde at Troy -Maximum ramp rate lfooUhour measured at Snake River at Johnson Bar -Minimum instantaneous flow 5,000 cfs measured at Snake River at Johnson Bar The response to this Request was prepared by Kresta Davis-Butts, Operations Hydrology Leader, under the direction of Randy Allphin, Energy Contracts Coordinator Leader, Idaho Power Company. DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 24ft day of February 2015. DONOVAN E. WALKER Attomey for ldaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 60 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 24h day of February 2015 ! served a true and correct copy of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Daphne Huang Deputy Attomey General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, f daho 83720-007 4 J. R. Simplot Company and Gleanrater Paper Corporation Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 27th Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83707 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ldaho 83703 Cleanrater Paper Corporation ELECTRONIC MAIL ONLY Carol Haugen Clearwater Paper Corporation lntermountain Energy Partners, LLC Dean J. Miller McDEVITT & MILLER, LLP 420 West Bannock Street (83702) P.O. Box 2564 Boise, ldaho 83701 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mai! FAX X Email daphne.huano@puc.idaho.qov Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email peter@richardsonadams.com oreg@richardsonadams.com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Ovemight Mail _FAXX Email dreadinq@mindsprinq.com _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Email carol.haugen@clearwaterpaper.com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Email ioe@mcdevitt-miller.com heather@mcdevitt-m i I ler. com IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. S]MPLOT COMPANY - 61 Leif Elgethun, PE, LEED AP !ntermountain Energy Partners, LLC P.O. Box 7354 Boise, ldaho 83707 ldaho Conservation League and Sierra Glub Benjamin J. Otto ldaho Conservation League 710 North 6h Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Sierra Club Matt Vespa Sierra Club 85 Second Street, Second Floor San Francisco, California 94105 Snake River Alliance Kelsey Jae Nunez Snake River Alliance 223 North 6th Street, Suite 317 P.O. Box 1731 Boise, Idaho 83701 Pacificorp d/b/a Rocky Mountain Power Daniel E. Solander Yvonne R. Hogle Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main Street, Suite 24OO Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 ELECTRONIC MAIL ONLY Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97232 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mai! FAX Email leif@sitebasedenerqv.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mai! Overnight Mail FAXX Email botto@idahoconservation.oro Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAXX Email matt.vespa@sierraclub.org _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Email knunez@snakeriveralliance.orq Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAXX Email daniel.solander@pacificorp.com wo n ne. hoq le@ pacificorp. com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail ,Overnight Mail FAXX Email ted.weston@pacificorp.com _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mai! FAXX Email datarequest@pacificorp.com IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. S]MPLOT COMPANY - 62 Twin Falls Canal Company, North Side Canal Company, and American Falls Reservoir District No. 2 C. Tom Arkoosh ARKOOSH LAW OFFICES 802 West Bannock Street, Suite 900 P.O. Box 2900 Boise, ldaho 83701 Avista Gorporation Michael G. Andrea Avista Corporation 1411 East Mission Avenue, MSC-23 S pokane, Washi ngt on 99202 Clint Kalich Avista Corporation 1411 East Mission Avenue, MSC-7 Spokane, Washington 99202 ldaho lrrigation Pumpers Association, lnc. Eric L. Olsen RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY CHARTERED 201 East Center P.O. Box 1391 Pocatello, ldaho 83204-1391 Anthony Yankel 29814 Lake Road Bay Village, Ohio 44140 Renewable Energy Goalition Ronald L. Williams WILLIAMS BRADBURY, P.C. 1015 West Hays Street Boise, ldaho 83702 lrion Sanger SANGER LAW, P.C. 1117 SW 53'd Avenue Portland, Oregon 97215 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Email tom.arkoosh@arkoosh.com erin.cecil@arkoosh.com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAXX Email m ichael. a nd rea@avistacorp. com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Ovemight Mail FAXX Email clint.kalich@avistacorp.com _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Emai! elo@racinelaw.com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAXX Email tonv@yankel.net _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAXX Email ron@williamsbradbury.com _Hand Delivered_U.S. Mail Ovemight Mail FAXX Email irion@sanoer-law.com IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 63 The Amalgamated Sugar Gompany Scott Dale Blickenstaff The Amalgamated Sugar Company, LLC 1951 South Saturn Way, Suite 100 Boise, ldaho 83702 Micron Technology, lnc. Richard E. Malmgren Micron Technology, Inc. 800 South FederalWay Boise, ldaho 83716 Frederick J. Schmidt Pamela S. Howland HOLLAND & HART, LLP 377 South Nevada Street Carson City, Nevada 89701 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAXX Email sblickenstaff@amalsuoar.com _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Ovemight Mail _FAXX Email Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAXX Email fschmidt@hollandhart.com phowland @holland hart.com remalmqren@micron. com IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY - 64