HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140919ICL 1-7 to IPC.pdfBenjamin J. Otto (ISB No. 8292) 710 N 66 Street Boise,ID 83701 Ph: (208) 345-6933 xt2 Fax (208) 344-0344 botto@idahoconservation. org Attorney for the Idaho Conservation League IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY CONFIRMING USE OF THE CAPAPCITY DEFICIENCY PERIOD FOR THE INCREMENTAL COST, INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN, AVOIDED COST METHODOTOGY. ftf,il E ri/ r: Ll t0ll' SEP t9 plt l2r 23 iUlliiu irr,, -i. ,, l,T lLlTl IS U0iil itlSSlC;,1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-I4-22 \( IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE( FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO i rDAHO PowER ) The Idaho Conservation League (ICL) requests the following information from Idaho Power. Please provide any documents, workpapers, calculations, or information sources that support any answer. As required by IDAPA, please indicate the witness who can answer questions regarding the response and who will sponsor the response at any potential hearing. If any responses include Excel spreadsheets or other electronic files, please provide them with all formulas intact and activated. This production request is ongoing. Accordingly, we ask Idaho Power to provide additional documents and information that may supplement any initial resPonses. Request No l: Please reference pageT of Idaho Power's Application, which states: In addition, Idaho Power currently has just over 529 MW of proposed new solar QF projects seeking pricing and contracts. Of this 529 MW, eight proposed projects (just over 208 MW) had previously received initial indicative pricing that included capacity payments for the entire term of the contract sent prior to the Commission's )uly 2021 first capacity deficit determination. Each of these projects has received superseding and updated indicative pricing runs with the capacity portion of the rates removed through Itne of202l. a. Please provide a list of each of the solar projects included in the 529 MW of proposed new solar QF projects that includes; i. Name of the project LPC-E-I4-22 ICL First Production Request to Idaho Power September 19,2014 ll. iii. iv. Nameplate MW Location of the Project Estimated on-line date b. Please indicate which of the above-proposed projects are the eight that received initial indicative pricing along with the initial avoided cost of energy and the capacity payment offered to the QF. Request No 2: Please reference pages 7 and 8 of Idaho Power's Application, which states: The difference in avoided cost rates for those eight projects that received revised indicative pricing is approximately $65 million. The difference in price for all529 MW of proposed solar projects is just about $170 million. Please provide all workpapers, spreadsheets, and documents used to calculate the $65 million cost of the eight projects and the $170 million cost for all of the 529 MW proposed solar projects. Request No 3: Based on Idaho Power's representations, submitted April 29,2014, the Commission found the Company had enrolled 403 MW of demand response capacity across three programs for the summer of 2014. Order No. 33084 at 4 - 5. For April 2014 through August 2014, please provide for each of the three demand response programs the actual MW reduction, the dates each program was dispatched, and the duration of the dispatch. Request No 4: Please reference Idaho Power's Application at page 4, where the Company describes the capacity deficiency resulting from Case No IPC-E-13-21. a. Please confirm or deny if tdaho Power represented in that docket that when including 440 MW of demand response the first capacity deficient was 36 MW in luly of 2021. b. Please confirm or deny if Idaho Power represented in that docket that without demand response programs Idaho Power forecast a 414 MW capacity deficient in fuly of 2020. LPC-E-I4-22 ICL First Production Request to Idaho Power September 19,2014 Please explain whether Idaho Power's confirmed demand response capacity of 403 MW is sufficient to meet the forecast 414 MW of deficiency in July of 2020. d. Please describe Idaho Power's ability to retain at least 403 MW of demand response capacity each year throughout the 2O-year IRP forecast period. Request No 5: Has Idaho Power experienced any erosion in the participation rate of any of the three DR programs over the summer of 2014? If so please indicate which program and the degree of the erosion in terms of megawatts and participants or service points. Request No 6: Idaho Power's 2013 Integrated Resource Plan, on page 36, states the Company "is planning on the additional capacity from the Shoshone Falls upgrade being available in2019". Please provide any documentation establishing that the Shoshone Falls upgrade will in fact be online in 2019 and provide the expected MW of additional capacity. For example, please provide copies of any permits or other approvals received, water rights secured, and economic analysis completed. Request No 7: Please refer to page 6l of Idaho Power's 2013 Integrated Resource Plan, which states the Company includes existing energy efficiency into the peak-hour load and resource balance. a. Please confirm whether Idaho Power's actual energy efficiency savings in20l4 match the forecasted energy savings for 2014 included in the load and resource balance. If actual and planned saving do not match please indicate whether actual loads were higher or lower than forecast. b. Please provide the capacity contribution of energy efficiency programs for each year of the peak-hour load and resource balance in the 2013 IRP. LPC-E-I4-22 ICL First Production Request to Idaho Power September 19,2014 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certifr that on this 19th day of September 2014,I delivered true and correct copies of the foregoing ICL FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER to the following persons via the method of service noted: Hand delivery: Jean Iewell - Commission Secretary (Original and three copies provided) Idaho Public Utilities Commission 427 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702-5983 Electronic Mail: Donovan E. Walker Regulatory Dockets RandyC. Allphin Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 dwalker@idahopower. com dockets@idahopower. com rallphin@idahopower.com rPC-E-14-22 ICL First Production Request to Idaho Power Benjamin Otto September 19,2014