HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140910Sierra Club 1-14 to IPC.pdf(208) 343-7s00 (208) 336-69n (Fax) McDevitt & Miller LLP Lawyers 420 West Bannock Steet P.O. Box 2564-83701 Boiser ldaho 83702 Chas. F. McDevitt DeanJ. (oe) Millet Celeste I(. Millet Yia Ifaad Delivery JeanJewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise,Idaho 83720 September 10,2074 C-l =>i l rit. "r,riCJ*O.;-' tuC.f;,r(rt-(n6 A- Deat Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing in the above rnattet please 6nd an odginaf aod thtee (3) copies of Sietra Club's Fitst Discovery Requests to Idaho Power Company. An additional copy of the document and this lettet is included fot rctutn to me with yout file stamp theteon. Very Truly Youts, McDevitt & Miller LLP D,t\W DeanJ. Mllet DJM/hh Enclosures r\5c:, a+ffi LJor arS - i'i,.-l C/, f\)Re: Siera Chfi/ IPC-E-14-18 Dean J. Miller (ISB No. 1968) MoDEWIT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street P.O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, D 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Fax: 208.336.6912 j oe@mcdevitt-miller. com Matt Vespa CA Bar #222265 (Pro Hac Vice pending) Sierra Club 85 Second St., 2nd Fl. San Francisco, CA 94105 Tel: 415.977.5753 Fax: 415.977 .5793 matt.vespa@sierraclub.org Attorneys for Siena Club IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPAI{Y'S APPLICATION TO IMPLEMENT SOLAR INTEGRATION RATES AND CIIARGES. ORIGINAL C r\t{ c=, t_It: </, -'}- rqm-* -t oll A *i-: rc#.i :E e[i''' eoa= t\):j (Jt )c}m irt:; BEF'ORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Pursuant to RP 221.02 afi,221.03, Sierra Club ("Sierra Club") propounds the following Discovery Requests to Idaho Power Company ("Company''). Sierra Club requests that the Company make best efforts to provide responses as soon as possible but not later than September 24,2014. These Discovery Requests are to be considered as continuing, and the Company is requested to provide, by way of supplernentary responses, additional documents or information that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain. CASE NO.IPC-E-14.18 FrRST DTSCOVERY REQUESTS OF SIERRA CLUB TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY FIRST DISCOVERY REQUESTS OF SIERRA CLUB TO IDAHO POWER COMPAI\IY:I Pursuant to Commission Rules of Procedure a response to a request for production of documents must include the name and phone number of the person preparing the document, and the name,location and phone number of the record holder and, if different, the witness who can sponsor the answer at hearing. See IDAPA The term as used in these requests, TRC, means the Technical Review Committee described in the Direct Testimony of P. DeVol. DISCOVERY REOUESTS For Requests Numbers 1-12, please reference Exhibit No. L to the Direct Testimony of P. DeVol. REOUEST NO 1: Please provide copies of presentations (power point or the like) and other materials provided by Idaho Power to the TRC at or in advance of the TRC meeting of August 15,2013. REOUEST NO 2: Please provide copies of minutes or similar summaries of the TRC meeting of August 15,2013. REOUEST NO 3: Please orovide copies of presentations (power point or the like) and other materials provided by Idaho Power to the TRC at or in advance of the TRC meeting of September 19,2013. REQUEST NO 4: Please provide copies of minutes or similar summaries of the TRC meeting of September 19, 2013. REQUEST NO 5: Please provide copies of presentations (power point or the like) and other materials provided by Idaho Power to the TRC at or in advance of the TRC meeting of January 6,2014. FIRST DISCOVERY REQUESTS OF SIERRA CLLIB TO IDATTO POWER COMPANY -2 REOUEST NO 6: Please provide copies of minutes or similar summaries of the TRC meeting of January 6,2014. REOUEST NO 7: Please provide copies of presentations (power point or the like) and other materials provided by Idaho Power to the TRC at or in advance of the TRC meeting of May 16,2014. REOUEST NO 8: Please provide copies of minutes or similar summaries of the TRC meeting of May 16,2014. REOUEST NO 9: Please provide copies of presentations (power point or the like) and other materials provided by Idaho Power to the TRC at or in advance of the TRC meeting of May 29,2014. REOUEST NO 10: Please provide copies of minutes or similar summaries of the TRC meeting of May 29,2014. REOUEST NO 11: To the extent not covered by the preceding requests please provide copies of all communications (memorandums, letters, email transmittals and the like) from company representatives to any member of the TRC between the sunmer of 2013 and the filing of the present Application. REOUEST NO 12: To the extent not covered by the preceding requests please provide copies of all communications (memorandums, letters email transmittals and the like) from any member of the TRC to the Company relating to the Solar Integration Study between the summer of 2013 and the filing of the present Application. FrRST DTSCOVERY REQUESTS OF STERRA CLUB TO rDAHO POWER COMPAT{Y -3 For requests Numbers 13-14, please refer to page 6 of the Direct Testimony of P. DeVol and the document entitled Principles for technical Review Involvement in Studies of Variable Generation into Electrical Power Systems. REOUEST NO 13: Did Idaho Power provide to the TRC an assurance that project sponsors will describe the project as having the benefit of expert review by a TRC only if the TRC has clearly expressed its acceptance of and agreement with the results of the stud/ A. If your answer is yes, please provide a copy of said assurance. B. If your answer is no, please explain why not. REOUEST NO 14: Did Idaho Power provide to the TRC an assurance that in the event agreement is not reached by the TRC and other project participants, ffiy reference to the TRC will be removed from the final report and any associated documents or publicity? A. If your answer is yes, please provide a copy of said assurance. B. If your answer is no, please explain why not. Dated this {I} day if September, 2014 J. Miller (ISB No. 1968) MoDEVITT & MILLER LLP Matt Vespa (CA Bar #222265) (Pro Hac Yice pending) SmnneCrun Attorneys for Sierua Club FIRST DISCOVERY REQUESTS OT SIERRA CLTJB TO IDAEO POWER COMPAI\TY.4 CERTIFICATE OF' SERVICE I hereby certify that on ,t. 1ffary of Septemb er,20l4,I caused to be served, via the method(s) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, D 83720-0074 ij ewell@ouc. state.id.us Kristine Sasser, Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, D 83720-0074 kris.sasser@puc.idaho. eov Donovan E. Walker Greg Said Michael f. Youngblood Regulatory Dockets Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street P.O. Box 70 Boise,ID 83707 dwalker@ i dalrooower. com esaid@idahopower.com m]rouneblood@ idahopower. com dockets@ i dahopower. com Idaho Conservation League c/o Beqjamin J. Otto 710 N. 6th St. Boise,Idaho 83702 botto@i dahoconsenrution.ot* KenMiller Snake River Alliance Boise,ID kmiller@ snakeriveralliance.ore Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email IbIJ,l.J tIJ IL..3 +(J (J I(J &(J 14 &(l LJ,L.t a(J,t (J (J,LI (J ,lz(- ,(J ,r_t,(J,(J V FIRST DTSCOVERY REQTTESTS OF SIERRA CLUB TO rDAHO POWER COMPAT{Y -s