HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140606RNP and American Wind Energy 1-17 to IPC.pdfPtrn'rir.ii:r-.tlf*\Jir,: ; ?0lE JUlt -6 pil Zr tETeresa A. Hill ISB No. 6175 K&L Gates LLP One Columbia St. Suite 1900 Portland, OR 97258 Telephone: (208) 850 -7 422 Fax: (503) 248-9085 Attorneyfor Renewoble Northwest Project and American Wind Energy Association BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION TN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO UPDATE ITS WTND INTEGRATION RATES AND CHARGES. Case No. IPC-E-13-22 Renewable Northwest Project and American Wind Energy Association's First Data Request to Idaho Power Company l.Please provide a copy of the Company's 2007 Wind Integration Study. (Youngblood Direct Testimony at p. 5, lines 3-18). Please provide the underlying datasets used to prepare the Company's2007 and2013 Wind Integration Studies, including the following information: a. Maximum generation level, minimum generation level, start-up time, and ramp rates for all resources on the Company's system. b. Gas price and market price forecasts used in the studies.c. Scheduled and actual generation data for wind and all other generation on Idaho Power's system. d. Scheduled and actual load data. (DeVol Direct Testimony at p. 3,lines 7 -24). When calculating the incremental reserve requirement for integrating wind generation, does the Company net the scheduling errors for wind with the scheduling errors for other generation and load? Please explain why or why not. (DeVol Direct Testimony at pp. 9- l0). What is the Company's rationale for basing the reserve requirement for wind on the day- ahead schedule error? (DeVol Direct Testimony at pp. l3-14, lines 8-23). Renewable Northwest Project and American Wind Energy Association's First Data Request to Idaho Power Company u T I Lf ?ir$% d#p; r s s r,, i 2. 3. 4. Please provide all wind integration studies that you relied upon in making your decision to base your reserve requirements for wind on the day-ahead schedule error. a. Which of these studies base their reserve requirements for wind on the day-ahead schedule error? b. Which of these studies base their reserye requirements for wind on the hour-ahead schedule error? (DeVol Direct Testimony atpp.13-14, lines 8-23). Has the Company performed any analysis of what the reserve requirements would be for wind using hour-ahead schedule error instead of day-ahead schedule error? If so, what would the minimum, maximum, and average incremental reserve requirements be for wind if the Company were to base the requirement on hour-ahead schedule error using 30-minute persistence? (DeVol Direct Testimony at pp. l3-14, lines 8-23). Since the Company first began assessing an integration charge on wind generator QFs in 2007, what operational tools has the Company implemented in order to integrate wind generation more effi ciently and cost-effectively? a. Has the Company adopted measures to improve its forecasting capability? b. Has the Company scheduled its own off-system sales on an intra-hour basis?c. Has the Company procured or sought to procure more cost-effective sources of balancing reserves from third parties? d. Has the Company participated in the ACE Diversity Interchange? e. Has the Company used or analyzed the costs and benefits of using a recallable energy product as a source ofreg-up reserves?f. Has the Company analyzed the costs and benefits ofjoining the CAISO- PacifiCorp Energy Imbalance Market in 2015? (Youngblood Direct Testimony atpp.4-12; DeVol Direct Testimony atpp.12-13, lines 3-7). 8. Please provide the rationale for charging new QFs for the "under collection from existing wind QFs." (Youngblood Direct Testimony atp.12,lines 8-13). 9. Please clarify whether the data developed by 3Tier for the 2013 Wind Integration Study includes any actual wind generation data from projects that are currently operational, or whether it is all synthetic data based on the locations of potential future wind projects. If the latter is correct, please explain the Company's rationale for using synthetic wind data instead of actual wind generation data from existing projects. (DeVol Direct Testimony atp. 15, lines l-25). 10. Please provide the market price assumptions the Company relied upon in arriving at the Company's opportunity costs of holding generating capacity from Idaho Power's hydro resources in order to make the capacity available for integrating wind. (DeVol Direct Testimony at p. 17, lines 3-22). Renewable Northwest Project and American Wind Energy Association's First Data Request to Idaho Power Company 5. 6. 7. I L Please provide the Company's analysis supporting the statement that "at times even the regional market will be insufficient to integrate wind." Please describe at what times and under what conditions the regional market would be insufficient to integrate wind. (Exhibit I to DeVol Direct Testimony, Wind Integration Study Report, at 17). 12. Is it the Company's understanding that there is a requirement that wind be traded over dynamic tags? If so, please provide the citation to such requirement and the conditions under which it would apply. (Exhibit I to DeVol Direct Testimony, Wind Integration Study Report, at l9). 13. For the balancing reserve requirements listed in Table 5, are these monthly balancing reserve requirements the maximum, minimum, or average balancing reserve requirements, or does the table reflect some other statistical measure of the balancing reserve needs over the given month? (Exhibit I to Devol Direct Testimony, Wind Integration Study Report, at24). 14. Which balancing reserve requirement figure is input into the Company's system simulation model-the maximum, average, or some other figure? On what time scale is the reserve requirement inputted into the system simulation model-hourly, monthly, diumally, or other? Please provide the reserve requirement figures in the form that they were inputted into the system simulation model. (Exhibit I to Devol Direct Testimony, Wind Integration Study Report, at24). 15. Please provide all work papers, data, and analysis supporting the use of a "balancing reserve requirement equal to 3 percent of the system demand as capacity reserved to allow for variability and uncertainty in load." a. Is this calculation based on observed real-time system demand or forecast system demand? b. If based on forecast system demand, how far in advance is the forecast for demand-hour-ahead, day-ahead, or some other timeframe? (Exhibit I to DeVol Direct Testimony, Wind Integration Study Report, at25). 16. Please provide the basis for the transmission constraint figures used in Table 6. What constraints are driving the significant reductions in February, March, April and October? (Exhibit I to Devol Direct Testimony, Wind Integration Study Report, at28). 17. Please provide the basis for assessing a $50/NdWh penalty on non-firm imports. (Exhibit I to DeVol Direct Testimony, Wind Integration Study Report, at28). Renewable Northwest Project and American Wind Energy Association's First Data Request to Idaho Power Company DATED this 6th day of June, 2014 K&L Gates LLP Renewable Northwest Project and American Wind Energy Association's First Data Requestto Idaho Power Company Attorney for RNP and AWEA CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the 6th day of June,2014, a true and correct copy of the foregoing RENEWABLE NORTHWEST PROJECT AND AMERICAN WTND ENERGY ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Case No. IPC- E-13-22, was served by electronic mail to: IDAHO POWER COMPANY: COMMISSION STAFF: IDAHO WINDS LLC: Donovan E. Walker Idaho Power Company l22lW. Idaho St. (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise,ID 83707-0070 Email : dr,va lker@idahopoiver.com doc kets@. idahopow'cr.conr Michael J. Youngblood Greg Said Idaho Power Company l22lW. Idaho St. (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise,ID 83707-0070 Email: myoungblood@idahopow'er.com gsa id@ idahoporver.conr Kris Sasser Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W . Washington (837 02) P.O. Box 83720 Boise,lD 83720-0074 Email : kris.sasserl0puc.idaho. gov Dean J. Miller McDevitt & Miller LLP 420 W. Bannock Street Boise, ID 83702 Email : ioe@)mcdev itt-mi I ler.com Rick Koebbe, President Idaho Winds, LLC 5420W.WicherRoad Glenns Ferry, ID 83623 Renewable Northwest Project and American Wind Energy Association's First Data Request to Idaho Power Company COLD SPRINGS WINDFARM, LLC; DESERT MEADOW WINDFARM, LLC; HAMMETT HILL WINDFARM, LLC; MAINLINE WINDFARM, LLC; RYEGRASS WINDFARM, LLC; AIYD TWO PONDS WINDFARM, LLC: CASSIA WINDFARM LLC; HOT SPRINGS WINDFARM LLC; BEI\INETT CREEK WINDFAR]VI LLC; CASSIA GT]LCH WIND PARK LLC; TUANA SPRINGS ENERGY, LLC; AND HIGH MESA EI\'ERGY, LLC: Email: rk@powerworks.coryr Bob Eggers, Legal Counsel Idaho Winds, LLC Email: re@powerworks.com Peter J. Richardson Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise, ID 83702 Emai I : peter@richardsonadams.com Benjamin G. Huang, Manager c/o Mountain Air Projects 6000 N. Foxtail Way Glenns Ferry, ID 83623 Gregory M. Adams Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise, lD 83702 Emai I : greg@richardsonadams.com Paul Ackerman Assistant General Counsel Exelon Business Services Corporation 100 Constellation Way Baltimore, MDZl202 DATED this 6th day of June,2014. Renewable Northwest Project and American Wind Energy Association's First Data Request to Idaho Power Company K&L GATES LLP