HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130513Idaho Power 1-9 to ICIP.pdfIDAHO An IDACORP company L:110 LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel Inordstrom(äidahopower.com - May 13, 2013 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Case No. IPC-E-13-10 2013 PICA and Revenue Sharing - Idaho Power Company's Response to the First Production Requests of the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power to Idaho Power Company Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing in the above matter are an original and three (3) copies of Idaho Power Company's Response to the First Production Request of the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power ("ICIP") to Idaho Power Company. Also, enclosed are four (4) copies of a confidential disk containing data responsive to ICIP's Production Request Nos. 5,6.f, and 8 to Idaho Power Company. In addition, enclosed are four (4) copies of a non-confidential disk containing data responsive to ICIP's Production Request Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7. Very truly yours, Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:evp Enclosures 1221 W. Idaho St. (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 LISA D. NORDSTROM (ISB No. 5733) JULIA A. HILTON (ISB No. 7740) Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 lnordstromidahopower.com ihiltonidahopower.com Z13HY 13 P 4:I0 I Attorneys for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (PCA) RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE FROM JUNE 1, 2013 THROUGH MAY 31, 2014 CASE NO. IPC-E-13-10 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY COMES NOW, Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company"), and in response to the First Production Request of the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power to Idaho Power Company dated April 25, 2013, herewith submits the following information: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -1 REQUEST NO. 1: Please provide a working electronic copy of Exhibit No. 3 to Scott Wright's testimony. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 1: Please see the Excel file, provided on the non-confidential CD, which contains a working electronic copy of Exhibit No. 3 to Scott Wright's testimony. The response to this Request was prepared by Scott Wright, Regulatory Analyst II, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -2 REQUEST NO. 2: Please provide a working electronic copy of Exhibit No. 4 to Scott Wright's testimony. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 2: Please see the Excel file, provided on the non-confidential CD, which contains a working electronic copy of Exhibit No. 4 to Scott Wright's testimony. The response to this Request was prepared by Scott Wright, Regulatory Analyst II, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -3 REQUEST NO. 3: Please provide a working electronic copy of Exhibit No. I to Kelly [sic] Noe's testimony. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 3: Please see the Excel file, provided on the non-confidential CD, which contains a working electronic copy of Exhibit No. I to Kelley Noe's testimony. The response to this Request was prepared by Kelley Noe, Regulatory Analyst, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -4 REQUEST NO. 4: Please provide a working electronic copy of Exhibit No. 2 to Kelly [sic] Noe's testimony. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 4: Please see the Excel file, provided on the non-confidential CD, which contains a working electronic copy of Exhibit No. 2 to Kelley Noe's testimony. The response to this Request was prepared by Kelley Noe, Regulatory Analyst, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -5 REQUEST NO. 5: Exhibit 5 of Tim Tatum's testimony is a memo from Phillip DeVol to Tim Tatum, dated April 9, 2013. The following requests relate to that memo. A.Please provide a working electronic copy of the data use to produce the graph at the top of page 5 labeled "Surplus Sales (MWh)". B.Please provide a working electronic copy of the data use to produce the graph at the top of page 6 labeled "Market and Thermal Dispatch Prices". C.Please provide a working electronic copy of the data use to produce the graph on page 6 labeled "Thermal Dispatch (MWh)". D.Please provide a working electronic copy of the data use to produce the graph at the top of page 6 labeled "Native Load (MWh)". RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 5: Please see the confidential Excel file, provided on the confidential CD, containing the requested documents for A, B, C and D. The confidential CD will be provided to those parties that have executed the Protective Agreement in this proceeding. The response to this Request was prepared by Phillip DeVol, Resource Planning Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -6 REQUEST NO. 6: On pages 12 and 13 of his direct testimony Tim Tatum presents Table 2. The following requests reference Table 2. A.Please provide all documents and spreadsheets (in workable electronic formats) used in the forecast of coal resources for both the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 forecasts. Please include an explanation of the method and assumptions used in the forecast to lead to the dollar amounts listed in Table 2 for coal. Please also include each coal unit that was assumed to be on-line and the level of output for each unit split between that needed to meet firm load and that assumed to be for surplus sales. B.Please provide all documents and spreadsheets (in workable electronic formats) used in the forecast of gas resources for both the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 forecasts. Please include an explanation of the method and assumptions used in the forecast that lead to the dollar amounts listed in Table 2 for gas. Please also include each gas unit that was assumed to be on-line and the level of output for each unit split between that needed to meet firm load and that assumed to be for surplus sales. C.Please provide an explanation of the assumed market energy prices, by month, for the 2012-2013 PCA forecast period, D.Please provide assumptions and methods used in the forecast of $ 11.7 million lower forecast of surplus sales for the 2013-2014 PCA period relative to the surplus sales forecast for the 2012-2013 PCA period. E.Please provide a list of the PURPA projects included in the forecasts for 2012-2013 and for 2013-2014 PCA periods. Please provide (in workable electronic format) the power output of each PURPA project along with the dollar costs of each project. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -7 F. Please provide the estimates of incentive payments for each of the three demand response programs for both the 2012-2013 and for 2013-2014 PCA periods. Did the Company assume in its forecast of incentive payments for the FlexPeak program for the 2013-2014 PCA period that the Commission will approve its proposed modification as filed in IPC-E-1 3-04? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 6: A. The methods and assumptions used in the forecast of coal, gas, hydroelectric generation, cogeneration and small power production ("CSPP"), power purchase agreement ("PPA"), surplus sales and purchased power are listed below. The same assumptions were used for both the 2012-2013 power cost adjustment ("PCA") period and the 2013-2014 PCA period. 1.Hydroelectric resources are modeled based on the most recent water forecast and consider system constraints such as generator maintenance or required minimum flows for fish operations. 2.CSPP and PPA resources are based on the most recent forecasts provided by the projects. 3.Hedge transactions resulting from prior Operating Plan forecasts are reflected in the system balance. 4.Coal and gas plants are analyzed based on whether the plant can be economically dispatched compared to a forward market price. 5.All resources are compared to forecasted load to determine monthly surpluses or deficits. Pricing for surplus sales and purchased power forecasts for the PCA periods consist of two IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -8 primary parts: (I) already-transacted hedge sales or purchases at (known) transacted prices and (2) anticipated sales or purchases of energy valued at forward market energy prices. The confidential forecast of coal resources for both the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 forecasts will be available for onsite review. Please contact Doug Jones at 388-2615 or Camilla Victoria at 388-5821 to schedule a time to review the documents. B.Please see Idaho Power's response to the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power Production Request No. 6.A above for the explanation of the method and assumptions used in the forecast. The confidential forecast of gas resources for both the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 forecasts will be available for onsite review. Please contact Doug Jones at 388-2615 or Camilla Victoria at 388-5821 to schedule a time to review the documents. C.Market energy prices, by month, for the 2012-2013 PCA forecast period are based on the forward price curve as of March 21, 2012, for Mid-Columbia and the Idaho Power border. The confidential forward price curve will be available for onsite review. Please contact Doug Jones at 388-2615 or Camilla Victoria at 388-5821 to schedule a time to review the documents. D.Please see Idaho Power's response to the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power Production Request No. 6.A above for the explanation of the method and assumptions used in the forecast. The primary change that occurred between the 2012-2013 PCA forecast and the 2013-2014 PCA forecast is a decline in hydroelectric conditions. Poor hydro conditions led to an estimated reduction of 1.8 megawatt-hours IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -9 ("MWh") of hydroelectric generation between the two forecast periods. This reduction in hydroelectric generation negatively impacts the surplus sales forecast. E.The confidential forecast of CSPP resources for both the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 forecasts will be available for onsite review. Please contact Doug Jones at 388-2615 or Camilla Victoria at 388-5821 to schedule a time to review the documents. F.Please see the confidential Excel file, provided on the confidential CD. The Company did not adjust its forecast of incentive payments for the FlexPeak program for the 2013-2014 PCA period to reflect its proposed modification as filed in IPC-E-1 3-04. The confidential CD will be provided to those parties that have executed the Protective Agreement in this proceeding. The response to this Request was prepared by Philip DeVol, Resource Planning Leader, Idaho Power Company, and Pete Pengilly, Customer Research and Analysis Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -10 REQUEST NO. 7: On pages 14 and 15 of his direct testimony Tim Tatum states since the Company's base rates changed on July 1, 2013 the incremental revenue requirements associated with the Langley Gulch plant decreased by approximately $9.2 million. Please provide an explanation of how the $9.2 million was derived, along with all documents and spreadsheets (in workable electronic formats) used in the calculation. Please indicate the definition of "incremental revenue requirement" (ref. page 14 at line 15) and specify if it includes the $58.1 million the Commission authorized to be included in base rates for the Langley Gulch project in Order 32585. Also please include the assumed capacity factor for Langley Gulch used in the predication. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 7: On April 30, 2013, the Company filed replacement pages 14 and 15 to Timothy E. Tatum's direct testimony. As stated in the cover letter, the $9.2 million difference in base level net power supply expenses ("NPSE"), described on pages 14 and 15 of Mr. Tatum's direct testimony, incorrectly approximated $1.5 million in approved market energy purchases for transmission losses, which are recorded to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") Account 555, Non-Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA"). The inclusion of the $1.5 million in market purchases for transmission losses results in a difference in base level NPSE of $7.7 million on an Idaho jurisdictional basis. The $9.2 million difference was not used in the PCA computations presented in this case. Therefore, this correction does not have any impact on the Company's request in Case No. IPC-E-13-10. The discussion of the difference in base level NPSE resulting from the Langley Gulch power plant rate adjustment was for informational IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -11 purposes only. The Excel file, provided on the non-confidential CD, contains the quantification of the $7.7 million difference in base level NPSE. The incremental revenue requirement identified on page 14 at line 15 of Mr. Tatum's direct testimony references the increase of $58,105,578 in the annual revenue requirement associated with the addition of the Langley Gulch power plant as approved in Order No. 32585. The incremental revenue requirement of $58.1 million includes the change in NPSE associated with the addition of Langley Gulch. The Company used the AURORA model to determine the dispatch for the Langley Gulch power plant. Based on the AURORA dispatch logic, the overall capacity factor for the test period approved in Order No. 32585, was 40 percent. The response to this Request was prepared by Tim Tatum, Cost of Service Manager, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -12 REQUEST NO. 8: For the following request please reference Exhibit 3 of Scott Wright's testimony. Line 38 is titled "Renewable Energy Credit Sales" and includes both negative and positive values. A.Please explain the small but positive values for October of 2012, and December 2012 through March 2013. B.Please provide a list, per month, each party the REC's were sold to, the number of RECs, and the price of each REC. C.Please provide a list, per month, of the source and number of RECs sold by the Company during the April 2012 to March 2013 period. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 8: A.The positive values recorded in all months are for Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System fees associated with the Renewable Energy Credit ("REC") sales. These fees offset the sales revenue. B.Please see the confidential Excel file provided on the confidential CD. The counterparty name is in column E, number of RECs is in column A and price of each REC is in column B. The months are highlighted in yellow in column A. The confidential CD will be provided to those parties that have executed the Protective Agreement in this proceeding. C.Please see the confidential Excel file provided in Idaho Power's response to the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power's Production Request No. 8.13. The source of the RECs is in column F by month. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -13 The response to this Request was prepared under the direction of Scoff Wright, Regulatory Analyst II, by Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -14 REQUEST NO. 9: Please provide all documents and spreadsheets (in workable electronic formats) used in the forecast of the $111,145,245 for the PCA 2013-2014 as shown in Table 1, page 6 of Tim Tatum's testimony. Please describe all assumptions used in the forecast and a copy of the Operation Plan used for the forecast. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 9: The $111,145,245 shown in Table I on page 6 of Tim Tatum's testimony is calculated by using the forecast components that are calculated in Scott Wright's testimony. The $111,145,245 is calculated by multiplying the PCA forecast rate of 0.8258 cents per kilowatt-hour ("kWh") by the Idaho jurisdictional sales of 13,459,099.624 MWh (0.8258 multiplied by 10 multiplied by 13,459,099.624 equals $111,145,245). The references to those calculations in Mr. Wright's testimony are shown below: • Difference of net 95 percent accounts equals $57,214,521 shown on page 6, line 3. • Difference of PURPA expense equals $68,880,072 shown on page 6, line 13. • Difference of Demand Response Incentive payments equals -$6,583,305 shown on page 7, line 7. • Rate for net 95 percent accounts equals 0.3858 cents/kWh shown on page 8, line 6. • Rate for PURPA expense equals 0.4889 cents/kWh shown on page 8, line 9. • Rate for Demand Response Incentive payments equals -0.0489 cents/kWh shown on page 8 line 13. • Total Forecast portion of the PCA rate equals 0.8258 cents/kWh. • Idaho jurisdictional sales equals 13,459,100 MWh shown on page 8, line 13. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -15 The Company's Response to the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power Production Request No. 6 includes the assumptions used in the forecast. The confidential Operating Plan will be available for onsite review. Please contact Doug Jones at 388-2615 or Camilla Victoria at 388-5821 to schedule a time to review the documents. The response to this Request was prepared by Scott Wright, Regulatory Analyst II, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this 13 th day of May 2013. LISA D. NORD$5ROM Attorney for Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -16 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 13th day of May 2013 I served a true and correct copy of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INUDSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Karl T. Klein Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Industrial Customers of Idaho Power Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams RICHARDSON & O'LEARY, PLLC 515 North 27th Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83707 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, Idaho 83703 X Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX X Email karl. kIeinDuc.idaho.qov Hand Delivered X U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX X Email Qeterrichardsonandoleary.com qregrichardsonandoleary.com Hand Delivered X U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX X Email dreadinq(mindsprinp.com Elizabeth Paynter, Leg Assistant IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -17