HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130607Boise to IPC 1-5.pdf\-.= (! ,,tt :iL:.l*:o R. Stephen Rutherford-- ISR No. 5410 Chicf Deputy City Attorney Borsr Crrv ArlonNryrs Orrtr:n 150 N. Capitol Blvd. P.O. Box 500 Boise, ID 83701-0500 Telephone: 208.384.3870 Facsimile: 208.384.4454E-mail: BoiseCityAttorney@cityofboise.org John R. Hammond, Jr. - ISB No. 5470 FrsrrrR Puscrr & AlnsnuAN, LLP U.S. BANK PI,AZA- 7.h Floor 101 S. Capitol Blvd., Suite 701 P.O. Box 1308 Boise, ID 83701 Telephone: 208.331.1000 Facsimile: 208.331.2400 E-mail jrh@fpa-law.corn Attorneys for City of Boise :tllI Jii:: -i li'i lil'35 Before thc IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF TIJE APPLICATION OF IDAFIO POWIIR COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO MODIFY ITS NET METERING SERVICE AND TO INCREASts THE GENERATION CAPACI'|Y LIMIT Case No. IPC-E-12-27 THE CITY OF tsOISE'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY COMES NOW, 'l'he City of Boise (the "City"), and in response to ldaho I'ower Compuny's First Productictn Request to the City of Boise, datedMay 20,2013, hereby submits the following information: REQUEST ,-NO. 1: On page 6, linc 4 Mr. Woods states, "It appears that this rate design would in fact create a subsidy for a subset of net metering customers." Please in detail describe the potcntial subsidy refbrenced by Mr. Woods. If possible, please provide a numerical cxample. TTIE CIT-Y OF BOIST]'S RESPONSES 1'O THE FIRST PRODI.ICTION REQUESTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY - I'age I RBSPONSE TO REOUBST NO. l: As stated in the tcstimony and commented by others in the public hearing, the proposed rate structure provides an incentive for large residential customers from the existing residential class to move into the net metering class in a manner that produces very little on-site electricity. Since fixed cost recovery in the existing non-net metering residential class is accomplished via per kwh usage charges, the incentive for large residential customers to move out of the residential class and into the net-metering class with minimal investment in minimal electrical production reduces fixed cost recovery revenue in the residential class without benefit to any customer in the residential class. Under the proposed rate structure, net-zero customers will pay significantly more in revenue to Idaho Power Company ("lPCo"), while low solar productionlhigh-use customers will pay significantly less in revenue to IPCo. While this may be consistent with the statement by the company that the net company impact is zero, it only provides incentives for low production /high-use customers to continue with net metering service. REOUEST NO. 2: On page 3,line 26, Mn Gilliam states, "The actions and changes proposed by IPCO in this case are individually and collectively designed to make customer-sited generation more difficult to install or more expensive to utilize, or both." Does the City of Boise possess any statement fiom the Company regarding the intent of this filing as being designed to accomplish the objective of making "customer-sited generation more difficult to install or more expensive to utilize, or both?" RESPONSE TO REOUEST NO. 2: The City of Boise does not possess a direct statement from the Company; ncvertheless, examining the proposed policies and their outcomes can lead one to conclude that the intent of the design was to make customer-sited generation either more difficult to install or more expensive to utilize, or both. Charging a $100 application fee for a minor system upgrade or zeroing out a customer's annual net excess energy without compensation are two such examples. THE CITY OF BOISE'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRS'I' PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY -Page2 RBOUEST N0.3: On page 24,line 10, Mr. Gilliam states. "A number of studies have been performed around the country which compare the benefits provided by distributed solar generation behind thc meter with the costs incurred by the host utility. In virtually all cases, the benefits have exceeded the costs." Please provide the studies referenccd by Mr. Gilliarn that substantiate this claim. RESPONSE TO REOUEST NO. 3: The Vermont Public Service Board conducted an evaluation of net metering which included a comprehensive lilerature review (available as Table I in the following report to the Vermont legislature: http://publicservice.vermont.gov/sites /psd/files/Topics/Renewable_EnergyAlet_Metering/Act%20125%205tudy%20201 30 i l5%o20;Fin al.pdf). The process concluded with the Vermont Public Service Depanrnent stating that, "The Dcpartment's general assessment is that Vermont's current net metering policy is a successful aspect of State's overall energy strategy that is cost-effectively advancing the state's renewable energy goals." Within the literature review, nearly all the reports that examined both the costs and benefits concluded that net metering's benefits exceeds its costs. ln the case of New York, which has much lower solar installation than ldaho, the outcome was mixed, depending upon future cost scenarios. In addition, there have recently been studies conducted for Arizona, as well as New Jersey and Pcnnsylvania. Both reports found net benefits associated with distributed generation (http://www.solarfuturearizona.com/TheBcnefitsandCostso[SolarDistributedGenerationforAPS.p df; http//seia.net/sitc/wp-content/uploads/2}|Z|O5/MSEIA-Final-Ilenefits-ol-Solar-Report-2012- I I -01 .pd0. TI'E CITY OF I}OISE'S RESPONSES TO THE T-IRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY - Page 3 REQUEST NO.4: On page 26,line 4, Mr, Gilliam states, "l[the benefits here in Idaho are at all similar to those determined in other jurisdictions, it means that IPCo's current retail rates are likely a fair approximation of the value of distributed generation, and potentially under- compensating solar system owners. More specifically, it means that any perceived cost shift from solar adopters to non-solar customers is more than compensated by the benefits of adding new inoremental energy sources with the attributes derived from solar energy." Has the City of Boise performed any analysis to substantiate this claim, or the applicability of Mr. Gilliam's statement to Idaho Power's service area? If so, please provide this analysis. ITESI'ONIE TO REOUEST NO. 4: No formal analysis was prepued by the City of Boise; nor was one needed to substantiate the statement. The response to Request No. 3 cites numerous reports that conclude customer-sited solar is a net benefit. The statement referred to by IPCo in this request simply notes that if the conclusion of an Idaho specific study is at all similar to the conclusions of the aforementioned reports, then retail net metering is "rough justice" for ratepayers in ldaho. Indeed, the examination conducted by Tom Beach on behalf of the Idaho Conservation League proved just this point. Mr. Beach's IPCo-specific study contained in his testimony finds net benefits associated with the deployment of customer-sited solar generation. REOUEST NO. 5: On page 27, line 2, Mr. Gilliam states, "If IPCO's proposals are approved, cunent net-metering customers will be paying substantially more than they had planned." Please provide any analysis performed to substantiate this claim. RPSPONSE TO REOUEST NO. 5: No analysis was performed; nor is a study needed to arrive at the suggested conclusion. IPCo's proposals both reduce the energy charge which can be offset by customer-sited solar and increase the flat monthly customer charge, which cannot be offset by solar, as clearly seen in Larkin Exhibit 1. Further, customers are not compensated for THE CITY OF BOISE'S RESPONSES TO THT: FITIST PITODUCTION REQUISTS OF lDAllO POWER COMPANY -Page 4 annual net excess generation. If IPCo's proposals are implemented, net-metering customers as a group will both pay more aud save less. DATED At Boise, Idaho, this 7th day of June,2013. THE CITV OF I}OISE'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY - Page 5 Respectfully Submitted, . HAMMOND, JR. Puscrr & AlnnnuAN, LLP CERTIFICATB.QF SERVICE I HEI{EBY CERTIFY That on this 7il'day of June,20l3,l caused a true and correct copy of the foregoing to be served upon the fbllowing in the marmer indicated below: COMMISSION STAFF ItrX truuIx Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary n Ioauo PueLrc UrrLrttrs CoutvtsstoN f, 472 W . Washinglon Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Karl K1ein, Deputy Attorney General Iperto PusLrc UnLtrtrs Coutvttsstot t 472 W . Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Lisa D. Nordstrom Regulatory Dockets IpeHo PoweR CoupeNv 1221 W. Idaho St. P.O. Box 70 Boise,Idaho 83707 Matt Larkin Greg Said InaHo PowER CoupRNv 1221 W. Idaho St. P.O. Box 70 Boise,Idaho 83707 Beqiamin J. Otto 7lo N. 6'h St. Boise,Idaho 83701 Chris Aepelbacher, Project Director PowTRWonKS LLC 5420 W. Wicher Rd. Glenns Fery, Idaho 83623 Personal Delivery U.S. Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile (208. 342. 3829) Overnight Mail E-mail (j e an.j ew ell@puc. idaho. gov) Personal Delivery U.S. Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile (2 08. 3 4 2. 3 82 9) Overnight Mail E-mai I (karl. klei n@puc. idaho. gov) Personal Delivery U.S. Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile (208. 3 88. 69 3 6) Overnight Mail E-mail Q nords trom@idahopow er. com do cke t s @idahopow e r. co m) Personal Delivery U.S. Mail (postage prepaid) Facsirnile (2 08. 3 88. 69 3 6) Ovemight Mail E-mai I (ml arkin@idahopow er. com ; gs a i d@idaho pow e r. c o m) Personal Delivery U.S. Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile (208. 3 4 4.03 44) Ovemight Mail E-mail (b ot to@idc ons ervati o n. or g) MPANYTDAHO POWER CO trTilux nnunx ON I,EAGUEIDATIO CONStrRVATI unntrE POWBRWORKS r-r.c X Personal Delivery n U.S. Mail (postage prepaid) t] Facsimile f] Ovemight Mail A E-mail (ca@,powerworl<s.com) THE CITY OF BOISE'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY - Page 6 Peter J. Richardson RrcuaRpsoN & O'LenRY 515 N.27'h St. P.O. Box 7218 Boise,lD $7A2 John Steiner 24597 Collett Rd. Oreana, ID 83650-5070 Ken Miller, Clean Energy Director Sxnre RrvenAllleNcr Box 1731 Boise, ID 83701 Dean J. Miller McDrvtrr & Mlllnn t,lP 420W. Bannock St. P.O. Box 2564-83701 Boise,lD 83702 Board of Directors P.O. Box l2l2 Boise,ID 83701 Ionuo CleaN ENERov Assn.INc. t] PIONEB WER, u,c Personal Delivery U.S. Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile (208. 9 3 8. 7 9 A4) Overnight Mail E-mail (pe t er@r ichards o nando I e ary. co m) Personal Delivery U.S. Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile Overnight Mail E-mail (i steiner@rtci.ne t) SNAKE RTVER ALLIANCE n Personal Delivery n u.s. Mail (postage prepaid) n Facsimile tr overnight Mail X E-mail (lcrniller@Snakeriveralliance.org) IDAHO CLEAIY ENERGY ASSN.INC. n Personal Delivery n U.S. Mail (postage prepaid) fl Facsimile (208.336.6912) tr overnight Mail X E-mail (joe@mcdevitt-miller.com) tr Personal Delivery U.S. Mail (postage prepaid) FacsimileTtr overnight Mail X E-mail (eiJ@;irebasedenergt. com) RPO lftrux nDTtrx THE CI'TY OF BOISE'S RESPONSES TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF' IDAHO POWER COMPANY - Page 7