HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120420IPC to Micron 72-100.pdfRECEIVED PIVER® An IOACORP Company 3:51 JASON B. WILLIAMS 10AHM Corporate Counsel UTILITS C jwitIiamsidahopower.com April 20, 2012 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Case No. IPC-E-12-08 IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION TO INCREASE ITS RATES DUE TO REVISED DEPRECIATION RATES FOR ELECTRIC PLANT-IN-SERVICE Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing are an original and three (3) copies of Idaho Power Company's Response to the Second Production Request of Micron Technology, Inc. ("Micron") to Idaho Power Company in the above matter. Also enclosed are four (4) copies of a non-confidential disk containing information being produced in response to Micron's Second Production Request. If you have any questions about the enclosed documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, ~ason B. Williams JBW:kkt Enclosures JASON B. WILLIAMS (ISB No. 8718) LISA D. NORDSTROM (ISB No. 5733) Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5104 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 jwiIIiams(idahopower.com lnordstromcäidahopower.com RECEIVED 2aIZ APR 2O PM 3:5f tr ' I I_. Li,.f UTLLIflEs OOMMISS1O1 Attorneys for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION TO INCREASE ITS RATES DUE TO REVISED DEPRECIATION RATES FOR ELECTRIC PLANT-IN-SERVICE. CASE NO. IPC-E-12-08 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY COMES NOW, Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company"), and in response to the Second Production Request of Micron Technology, Inc. ("Micron"), to Idaho Power Company dated April 10, 2012, herewith submits the following information: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -1 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 72: [Account 310] - Please state if there are any specific expiration dates to any of the Company's land and water rights set forth in Account 310. To the extent there are any expiration dates associated with land and water rights, identify the amount, the in service date, the expiration date, and the basis for the expiration date for each. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 72: Idaho Power is unaware of any specific expiration dates to the land and water rights it has recorded in Account 310.2. The response to this Request was prepared by Randy Henderson, Finance Team Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Jason Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -2 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 73: [Account 310] - Please identify the quantity of water rights (e.g., 10,000 acre feet, etc.) owned by the Company, or for which the Company has control and can sell. Further, provide all indications of water right values in the general region from which the water rights are obtained. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 73: Idaho Power is not specifically named on any of the contracts or agreements for land or water rights at our jointly owned thermal plants, and therefore, does not have unilateral control of potential disposal decisions. PacifiCorp possesses a natural flow right to divert up to 45,000 acre feet of water from the Green River for use at the plant. Idaho Power paid an amount in the early 1970's for its one-third share of the cost for this right but the exact amount paid cannot be determined. The majority of the balance recorded by Idaho Power in Account 310.2 for the Bridger plant is related to this Green River water right. Based on feedback received from contacts at PacifiCorp, it appears that rights for water are not currently scarce in the Northern Colorado River Basin. The water authority in Wyoming is actively issuing Green River water rights which indicate a secondary market may be very limited or non-existent. Therefore, Idaho Power cannot predict what, if any, value these rights would have upon termination of Bridger plant operations. Nevada Energy possesses ground water rights for the operation of the North Valmy plant. Nevada water law requires that the party possessing the right demonstrate the water is actively being put to beneficial use. There is currently very limited agricultural or industrial development in close proximity to the plant site. It is unknown if there are potential buyers who could put the water rights to beneficial use at that location. Therefore, Idaho Power cannot predict what, if any, value these rights IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -3 would have upon termination of the North Valmy plant operations. A possible outcome could be that the rights revert back to the Nevada water authority through forfeiture or abandonment. The response to this Request was prepared by Randy Henderson, Finance Team Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Jason Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -4 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 74: [Account 316] - Please provide all basis and support for the selection of a -2% net salvage for Account 316, specifically including reference to the net salvage summary set forth on page 111-80 of Exhibit No. 1 .1 RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 74: The determination of net salvage percentages by account are described on pages 11-28 through 11-31 of the depreciation study. Specifically, Account 316 has a recommended net salvage percent of negative 2 percent. The basic range for this account among the industry is 0 to negative 5 percent. The recorded gross salvage the last few years is not expected to be recurring for years to come. The moderate amount of cost of removal as a percentage of retirements is expected to continue; therefore, the negative 2 percent net salvage was recommended. As stated on page 11-29, the statistical analyses set forth on page 111-180 for Account 316 was not a major contributor to the determination of the net salvage percent for the account. The response to this Request was prepared by John J. Spanos, Vice President of the Valuation and Rate Division, Gannett Fleming, Inc., in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. All references to Exhibit No. 1 herein refer to Exhibit No. 1 to the Direct Testimony of John J. Spanos filed by the Company in this proceeding. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -5 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 75: [Account 336] - Please provide all support and justification for the assumed 75R3 life-curve combination for Account 336, specifically addressing the observed life table and graphical presentation set forth on page 111-75 through 111-77 of Exhibit No. 1. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 75: The 75-R3 life and curve combination is based on my professional judgment as to the nature of the assets in the account. The currently approved estimate is the same 75-R3 curve. It is anticipated that portions of the roads, railroads, and bridges will be replaced over time, even though, to date, only small portions have been replaced. The observed life table shows a large portion of the exposures have reached 50 years and a smaller portion have reached beyond 50 years. Therefore, it is anticipated many of the younger assets will be replaced prior to age 80. The response to this Request was prepared by John J. Spanos, Vice President of the Valuation and Rate Division, Gannett Fleming, Inc., in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -6 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 76: [Account 334] - Please provide all support and justification for the proposed 45S2 life-curve combination for Account 344 specifically addressing the graphical presentation on page 111-84 of Exhibit No. I and the fact that no retirement activity has been recorded for this account. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 76: The historical analyses set forth on page 111-84 of Exhibit No. I is inconclusive as almost all assets are 8.5 years or younger. Therefore, the determination of the 45-S2 interim survivor curve is based on my professional judgment which includes estimates of other utilities, the nature of the assets, and the expectations of the Company for these assets. The 45-S2 curve assumes little to no retirements for the first 15 years and only 25 percent to be replaced by age 35. This is a reasonable life characteristic for generator assets. The response to this Request was prepared by John J. Spanos, Vice President of the Valuation and Rate Division, Gannett Fleming, Inc., in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -7 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 77: [Other Production] - Please provide all support and justification for the assumed zero level of net salvage for Other Production investment. The response should specifically reference why the Company believes it cannot sell any portion of any of its Other Production generating facilities as usable equipment at the time of retirement RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 77: The majority of the assets in Other Production are relatively new so judgment is required for the net salvage percent. At this time, and based on my professional judgment, the zero percent net salvage for Other Production accounts represents the expectation that gross salvage and cost of removal in the future would be approximately the same. The overall market for portions of Other Production facilities has not been high, to date, across the country. The response to this Request was prepared by John J. Spanos, Vice President of the Valuation and Rate Division, Gannett Fleming, Inc., in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -8 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 78: [Account 350.2] - Please state whether the land rights and easements set forth in Account 350.2 have a specific expiration date. To the extent any of the land rights and easements have a specific expiration date, identify the original cost of the land right or easement, the in service date and the expiration date. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 78: Specific information for land rights and easements in Category 35020 is not maintained in Idaho Power's Asset Management system. Information contained is used for financial reporting and analysis of the total investment. Please see the Excel file provided on the non-confidential CD for investment by location and vintage year for land rights and easements contained in Category 35020. The response to this Request was prepared by Larry Tuckness, Business Finance Team Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -9 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 79: [Account 350.2] - Please explain how the Company can justify relying on a 70R3 life-curve combination for Account 350.2 when the structures such as towers and fixtures that reside upon such land rights and easements are assigned a 65-year average service life with a dispersion around the average, implying that some towers and fixtures will last much longer than 70 years. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 79: The implication of the question is incorrect. The 70-R3 curve for Account 350.2 has an average life of 70 years which is longer than any average life of the associated assets that reside upon land rights and easements, and the maximum life of the 70-R3 is approximately 120 years which is comparable or longer than the associated assets which reside on the land rights. The towers have a shorter average life and shorter maximum life than Account 350.2. The response to this Request was prepared by John J. Spanos, Vice President of the Valuation and Rate Division, Gannett Fleming, Inc., in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -10 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 80: [Account 390] - Please identify the 10 largest investments in Account 390 structures and improvements and for each provide the following: a.The original cost; b.Whether the facility is owned or leased; C. The location of the investment; d.A detailed description of the investment; e.The current property tax value; f.The construction type and material associated with the investment; g.When the property was first placed in service; and h.Any current plans to retire each property, if any. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 80: Please see the Excel file provided on the non-confidential CD for a list of the 10 largest investments in Account 390 - Structures and Improvements. Due to the age of the properties and conversion of data from several systems in the last 25-30 years, original cost information is not readily available. All information is provided except for the current property tax value. Property values are unavailable by specific location because all of Idaho Power's property located in Idaho including property under construction is appraised for ad valorem tax purposes in a lump sum value. That value is apportioned to the counties where the property is located by a formula. It is from those county values that the county will generate property tax bills for the Company. The response to this Request was prepared by Larry Tuckness, Business Unit Finance Team Leader, Idaho Power Company, and Katrina Basye, Property Tax IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -11 Manager, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 12 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 81: [Account 352] - Please identify what retired in 2010 for Account 352 in the amount of $220,357. Further, identify the cause of retirement associated with each of the retirement activities reflected therein. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 81: Please see the Excel file provided on the non-confidential CD for retirements by Project for Account 352 during 2010. The response to this Request was prepared by Larry Tuckness, Business Unit Finance Team Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -13 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 82: [Account 352] - Please provide a detailed narrative and corresponding support for the Company's curve-fitting selection associated with Account 352 that resulted in a proposed 65R3 life-curve combination. The response should specifically address the deviation of the proposed life-curve combination with the observed life table beginning around 35 years of age. Further, specifically state and justify why a life-curve combination with a longer average service life would not also be appropriate. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 82: The basis for the 65-R3 survivor curve for Account 352, Structures and Improvements, is a combination of historical analyses and my informed, professional judgment just like all other accounts. The current estimate is a 60-R3 survivor curve. The industry range for these type of structures is 50-65 years. The structures in this account are a mix of masonry structures and modular structures. The 65-year average life and maximum life of 105 years are reasonable expectations. This is not an account where the historical data is a major factor in the determination of the life analysis so a deviation at the beginning of the age interval and the end of the age interval is possible and retirements of structures will not necessarily produce smooth curves. The response to this Request was prepared by John J. Spanos, Vice President of the Valuation and Rate Division, Gannett Fleming, Inc., in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -14 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 83: [Account 390.2] - Please provide a detailed narrative and corresponding full justification for the proposed 35S3 life-curve combination for Account 390.2. The response should specifically address which portions of the observed life table were assigned greater significance in the Company's curve fitting process as set forth on page 111-1 64 of Exhibit No. 1. Further, provide all support and justification for the portion of the observed life table that were assigned greater significance in the curve fitting process. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 83: Account 390.2, Structures and Improvements - Leasehold Improvements, represents assets that are part of a structure. The current estimate is a 25-S3 curve. These assets are likely to be retired in large amounts at one time. The 35-year average life is an increase in average life by 10 years and the S3 type curve represents very few retirements early in life, then higher rates of retirement from age 25 to age 40. The entire curve shown on page 111-1 64 was considered important in supporting the 35-S3 curve, but it should be understood that statistical analyses is not the only component in determining an estimate. The response to this Request was prepared by John J. Spanos, Vice President of the Valuation and Rate Division, Gannett Fleming, Inc., in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -15 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 84: [Account 391.1] - Please provide the dollar amount of investment in Account 391.1 that has retired subsequent to June 30, 2011. Specifically identify the date of installation corresponding to the retired property. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 84: Please see the Excel file provided on the non-confidential CD for retirements of category 39110 between June 30, 2011, and December 31, 2011. The Vin Year is considered the date of installation. The amounts for vintages 1988 through 1990, totaling $256,543, have been properly reclassified as a result of the PeopleSoft conversion and exist within the amortization period vintages. As shown in the Excel file, the 1991 vintage was retired in 2011. General Plant assets are retired annually based on the vintage of the asset according to Commission Order No. 26937 issued in Case No. IPC-E-97-04. The response to this Request was prepared by Larry Tuckness, Business Unit Finance Team Leader, Idaho Power Company, and John J. Spanos, Vice President of the Valuation and Rate Division, Gannett Fleming, Inc., in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 16 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 85: [Account 391.1] - Please provide a detailed narrative identifying the specific basis for the selection of a 20SQ life-curve combination for the investment in Account 391.1. Further, provide all support and justification for the basis employed to develop such life-curve combination. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 85: The 20-SQ life and curve combination represents a 20-year amortization period. This account has been amortized at the 20-year period since the 2001 depreciation study. The response to this Request was prepared by John J. Spanos, Vice President of the Valuation and Rate Division, Gannett Fleming, Inc., in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -17 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 86: [Account 392] - Please provide a detailed narrative explaining and justifying the determination of a 121-2 life-curve combination for Accounts 392.1, 392.4, and 392.5. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 86: The combined analyses for Accounts 392.1, 392.4, and 392.5 relate to automobiles, small trucks, and miscellaneous equipment for small trucks. The current estimate for these accounts is a 9-1-3 curve. The 12-year average service life for these types of assets is reasonable based on utilization of the transportation equipment. The 12-year average is longer than the current estimate and represents a life characteristic that matches Company practices. The historical analyses for Accounts 392.1, 392.4, and 392.5 are combined with related Accounts 316.1, 316.4, and 316.5 and set forth on pages 11-30 and 11-31. The 12-1-2 curve is an excellent fit to the historical data. The response to this Request was prepared by John J. Spanos, Vice President of the Valuation and Rate Division, Gannett Fleming, Inc., in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -18 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 87: [Account 392] - Please provide a detailed narrative along with all support and justification for the proposed 201-2 life-curve combination for Accounts 392.6 and 392.7. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 87: The combined analyses for Accounts 392.6 and 392.7 relate to large trucks. The current estimate for these types of trucks is a 17-S2.5 curve. The 20-year average life is long for these types of trucks in the industry, but it matches the Company's utilization practices for large trucks. The historical analyses for Accounts 392.6 and 392.7 are combined with related Accounts 316.6 and 316.7 and set forth on pages 11-32 and 11-33. The 20-1-2 curve is an excellent fit to the historical data. The response to this Request was prepared by John J. Spanos, Vice President of the Valuation and Rate Division, Gannett Fleming, Inc., in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -19 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 88: [Account 395] - Please provide a detailed narrative and corresponding support for the selection of a 20SQ life-curve combination for Account 395. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 88: The 20-SQ life and curve combination represents a 20-year amortization period. This account has been amortized at the 20-year period since the 2001 depreciation study. The response to this Request was prepared by John J. Spanos, Vice President of the Valuation and Rate Division, Gannett Fleming, Inc., in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -20 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 89: [Account 395] - Please provide the monthly retirements in Account 395 subsequent to June 2011. For each retirement, identify the date of installation. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 89: Please see the Excel file provided on the non-confidential CD for retirements of category 39500 from June 30, 2011, through December 31, 2011. The Vin Year is considered the date of installation. General Plant assets are retired annually based on the vintage of the asset according to Commission Order No. 26937 issued in Case No. IPC-E-97-04. The response to this Request was prepared by Larry Tuckness, Business Unit Finance Team Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -21 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 90: [Other Production] - Please provide a detailed narrative along with full justification of how and why a 2001 life-curve combination was selected for Account 396. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 90: The assets in Account 396, Power Operated Equipment, relate to assets such as backhoes, trenches, etc. The current estimate for this account is a 14-1-0.5 curve. The industry averages are 14-20 years for this type of equipment. The 20-01 curve matches the Company's practices for these types of assets. The historical analyses for Account 396 is combined with the related Account 316.8 and set forth on pages 111-35 and 111-36. The 20-01 curve is an excellent fit to the historical data. The response to this Request was prepared by John J. Spanos, Vice President of the Valuation and Rate Division, Gannett Fleming, Inc., in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -22 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 91: [Account 396] - Please provide full support and justification for the proposed 30% positive net salvage for Account 396. Further, provide the actual historical activity for this account. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 91: The PDF document provided on the non-confidential CD sets forth the historical retirements and associated cost of removal and gross salvage for Account 396. The positive 30 percent net salvage was based on this activity and the future expectations for these assets. The expectations are that since the Company is keeping the assets in service longer than before, then the salvage value at auction will be reduced. If reviewing the 3-year rolling averages for trends since 2006-2008, the net salvage percent of 30 percent is most appropriate going forward. The industry range is 0 to positive 30 percent. The response to this Request was prepared by John J. Spanos, Vice President of the Valuation and Rate Division, Gannett Fleming, Inc., in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -23 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 92: [Account 396] - Please provide a detailed narrative along with all support and justification for not assigning any remaining life to investment in Account 396 corresponding to vintage years 1994 and earlier as set forth on page 111-436 of Exhibit No. 1. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 92: As of June 30, 2011, Account 396 has $9,925,158.51 in original cost and $4,046,557 in book reserve. The proposed life and salvage parameters are a 20-01 curve and positive 30 percent net salvage, respectively. The current life estimate is a 16-SO survivor curve. Past recovery rates were considerably higher than the proposed rates. Thus, the book reserve has increased in the past at a higher rate. Accordingly, the actual book reserve as of June 30, 2011, is much higher than the theoretical reserve for the proposed parameters. Consequently, there is only $2.9 million still to be recovered for the $9.9 million original cost. This ratio is the basis for the allocation of the actual book reserve to the vintage level original cost at the level the theoretical reserve has been established using the proposed estimates. The large discrepancy between the actual reserve to the theoretical reserve requires the older vintages to be fully accrued, which in turn lowers the overall rate for the account to 1.66 percent. The response to this Request was prepared by John J. Spanos, Vice President of the Valuation and Rate Division, Gannett Fleming, Inc., in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -24 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 93: [Account 397] - Please provide all support and justification along with a detailed narrative of how and why a I5SQ life-curve combination was proposed the Account 397.2. Further, specifically address the level of vintage original costs that are still in service after 15 years as set forth on page 111-439 of Exhibit No. I in conjunction with the proposal for a I 5SQ life-curve combination. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 93: The 15-SQ life and curve combination represents a 15-year amortization period. This account has been amortized at the 15-year period since the 2001 depreciation study. Vintages 1992 through 1995, totaling $877,785, have been properly reclassified as a result of the PeopleSoft conversion and exist within the amortization period vintages. The response to this Request was prepared by John J. Spanos, Vice President of the Valuation and Rate Division, Gannett Fleming, Inc., in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -25 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 94: [Account 397.2] - Please provide the monthly level of retirements in Account 397.2 subsequent to June 30, 2011. Further, identify the corresponding vintage year of addition for each retirement. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 94: Please see the Excel file provided on the non-confidential CD for retirements of category 39720 subsequent to June 30, 2011, as of December 31, 2011. Vintages 1992 through 1995, totaling $877,785, have been properly reclassified as a result of the PeopleSoft conversion and exist within the amortization period vintages. General Plant assets are retired annually based on the vintage of the asset according to Commission Order No. 26937 issued in Case No. IPC-E-97-04. The response to this Request was prepared by Larry Tuckness, Business Unit Finance Team Leader, Idaho Power Company, and John J. Spanos, Vice President of the Valuation and Rate Division, Gannett Fleming, Inc., in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -26 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 95: [Account 397.4] - Please provide a detailed narrative along with all support and justification for the proposed IOSQ life-curve combination for Account 397.4. The response should further address the surviving balances as set forth on page 111-441 of Exhibit No. I for this account. Finally, provide the dollar level of retirement activities subsequent to June 30, 2011 for this account along with the vintage year of addition corresponding to the retirements. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 95: The 10-SQ life and curve combination represents a 10-year amortization period. This account has been amortized at the 10-year period since the 2001 depreciation study. Please see the Excel file provided on the non-confidential CD for retirements of category 39740 in 2011. The remaining amounts for vintages 2000 and 2001, which were not retired during 2011, have already been reclassified as a result of the PeopleSoft conversion and exist within the amortization period vintages. The response to this Request was prepared by John J. Spanos, Vice President of the Valuation and Rate Division, Gannett Fleming, Inc., in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -27 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 96: [Net Salvage] - Please identify each statutory requirement the Company has to actually demolish any of its production plant facilities. Further, identify if any statutory requirements exist for restoring the site after demolition to any pre-existing status. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 96: For the Company's hydro facilities, 16 U.S.C. § 803 generally sets forth the authority of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") to include conditions in hydro power licenses. Included is the authority to require conditions not inconsistent with the provisions of the Federal Power Act. A standard FERC license article addresses what a licensee must do if the licensee discontinues operation of the project which may include the removal and/or destruction, as well as other action necessary to restore and/or reclaim the site location's waters and surrounding land. In Idaho, the Idaho Environmental Protection and Health Act (Idaho Code, Title 39) created the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality ("Idaho DEQ") and vests the agency to ensure clean air, water, and land in the state of Idaho and to protect Idaho citizens from the adverse impacts of pollution. To the extent allowed by its plenary authority over state environmental matters, the Idaho DEQ could require Idaho Power to demolish abandoned production facilities and/or reclaim production sites. In Wyoming, Wyoming Statute § 35-11-104 created the State Department of Environmental Quality ("Wyoming DEQ") whose purpose, among other things, is to plan the development, use, reclamation, preservation, and enhancement of the air, land, and water resources of Wyoming. W.S. § 35-11-102. To the extent allowed by its plenary authority over state environmental matters, the Wyoming DEQ could require Idaho IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -28 Power and its operating partners to demolish abandoned production facilities and/or reclaim production sites. In Nevada, the Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Protection ("Nevada DEP"), is vested with implementing and enforcing Nevada's environmental rules and regulations. While not statutory, the Nevada DEP's rules and regulations apply to the Company's jointly-owned production facilities in the state of Nevada. For example, Nevada Administrative Code § 444.6895 - 6896 require that Idaho Power and its operating partner reclaim the ash landfill sites associated with the Company's production facility. Similar regulations exist for reclamation of the on-site ash ponds. In Order No. 10-457, the Public Utility Commission of Oregon accepted Portland General Electric's ("PGE") plan to cease coal-fired operations as the Boardman Plan as of 2020. Included in the Commission-approved decommission plan are requirements to demolish the production facility and conduct site remediation. In addition, the United States Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") has broad, federal jurisdiction over the health and cleanliness of air, water, and land. While not statutory, there could be instances when the EPA's regulations apply to the Company's production facilities which could include destruction of the facility or remediation of a site. The response to this Request was prepared by Jason Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -29 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 97: [Reserve] - Please state if the accumulative provision for depreciation is maintained on an account-by-account basis or if the values are allocated in any manner. To the extent the account values are allocated, provide the basis for such allocation along with all support for such allocation. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 97: The provision for accumulated depreciation is maintained at an account level. Various transaction types (accrual, retirements, removal costs, salvage, and CIAC) post to the reserve and are quantified in the following manner: (1) The accrual and retirements are specifically identified to an account and (2) removal costs, salvage, and CIAC are allocated in the preclose process based on the type of project. The preclose allocation percentages are based on historical unitization results by project type. At unitization, the preclosed charges are reversed and the unitized charges are allocated based on the actual removal as built rows. The response to this Request was prepared by Larry Tuckness, Business Unit Finance Team Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -30 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 98: [Net Salvage] - Please identify the per unit scrap price obtained for scrap metal sales by year for the past 10 years. Further, identify the accounts to which the amounts pertain. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 98: Please see the Excel file provided on the non-confidential CD for per unit scrap prices. Detailed information has been kept by Idaho Power's Investment Recovery Department in an Excel format since 2005. Information from 2005 forward is provided in the Excel file. Salvage recorded by plant account is also provided on the non-confidential CD for the same time period. The response to this Request was prepared by Larry Tuckness, Business Unit Finance Team Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -31 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 99: [Net Salvage] - Please provide the level of overtime costs reflected in cost of removal by year by account for the past 10 years. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 99: Please see the Excel file provided on the non-confidential CD for overtime labor charged to Account 108000 for the period 2002 through 2011. Overtime costs are charged to Account 108000 and are identified by Detail Cost Element ("DCE"). Allocations of these removal costs to plant accounts are done by summing the removal costs in Account 108000 and allocating the total to plant accounts based on the project type, for the preclose, or the actual removals, for the final project unitization. The identity of the specific charge is not available in the allocation (closing) to specific plant accounts. The response to this Request was prepared by Larry Tuckness, Business Unit Finance Team Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -32 PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 100: [Account 311] - Please provide Exhibit No. I on electronic medium in Excel readable format with all formulas intact. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 100: The depreciation study conducted by Gannett Fleming, Inc., provided as Exhibit No. 1 to John J. Spanos' testimony, is the output of a software program. The output generates in the form of a text file (.txt files). The text files that have been converted to Excel and PDF files are provided on the non-confidential CD. The response to this Request was prepared by Courtney Waites, Regulatory Analyst, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Jason B. Williams, Corporate Counsel, Idaho Power Company. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this 20th day of April 2012. J'SfJ B. WILLIAMS Attrney for Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -33 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 20th day of April 2012 I served a true and correct copy of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Donald L. Howell, II Karl T. Klein Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Micron Technology, Inc. Thorvald A. Nelson Frederick J. Schmidt Sara K. Rundell HOLLAND & HART, LLP 6380 South Fiddlers Green Circle, Suite 500 Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111 Richard E. Malmgren Senior Assistant General Counsel Micron Technology, Inc. 800 South Federal Way Boise, Idaho 83716 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX X Email don. howelkuc.idaho.ciov karl.kIeinuc.idaho.qov Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX X Email tneIsonhollandhart.com fschmidt(äthol land hart. com sakrundeIl(hoI land hart.com I nbuchanan(ähoIland hart. corn _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail FAX X Email remalmqrencmicron.corn 4K, I A "1110~ Kirpberly Towe l) IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC., TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -34