HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120409Micron 1-71 to IPC.pdfHOLLAND&HART-P 41h, Phone 208-342-5000 Pamela S. Howland Fax 208-343-8869 PHowland@hollandhart.com April 9, 2012 6 rn —>- o I C) C) Jean D. Jewell, Commission Secretary -01 rn Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Z' CID Re: CASE NO. IPC-E-12-08 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES DUE TO REVISED DEPRECIATION RATES FOR ELECTRIC PLANT-IN-SERVICE Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed for filing an original and three (3) copies of the First Production Request of Micron Technology, Inc. to Idaho Power Company. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (208) 383-3924. Very truly yours, Holland & Hart LLP Pamela S. Howland, No. 6177 Attorney for Micron Technology, Inc. Enclosures 55 18214_i .DOCX Holland & Hartu.p Attorneys at Law Phone (208)342-5000 Fax (208)343-8869 www.hoIlmndhart.com U.S. Bank Plaza 101 South Capitol Blvd Suite 1400 Boise, ID 83702-7714 Mailing Address P.O. Box 2527 Boise, ID 83701-2527 Aspen Billings Boise Boulder Carson City Cheyenne Colorado Springs Denver Denver Tech Center Jackson Hole Las Vegas Reno Salt Lake City Santa Fe Washington, D.C. RECEIVED Pamela S. Howland, ISB No. 6177 Brian T. Hansen, ISB No. 6087 HOLLAND & HART LLP Suite 1400, U.S. Bank Plaza 101 South Capitol Boulevard P.O. Box 2527 Boise, Idaho 83701-2527 Telephone: (208) 342-5000 Facsimile: (208) 343-8869 Email: phowland@hollandhart.com bthansen@hollandhart.com 7U12 MR -g 1M 3 57 1;'T mmiSSION Thorvald A. Nelson (pro hac vice pending) Frederick J. Schmidt (pro hac vice pending) Sara K. Rundell (pro hac vice pending) HOLLAND & HART LLP 6380 South Fiddlers Green Circle, Ste. 500 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Telephone: (303) 290-1600 Facsimile: (303) 290-1606 Email: tnelson@hollandhart.com fschmidt@hollandhart.com sakrundell@hollandhart.com Attorneys for Micron Technology, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) CASE NO. IPC-E-12-08 OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY ) FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS ) FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST RATES DUE TO REVISED DEPRECIATION ) OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, RATES FOR ELECTRIC PLANT-IN- ) INC. TO IDAHO POWER SERVICE. ) COMPANY PURSUANT TO Rule 225 of the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission"), IDAPA, Micron Technology, Inc. ("Micron") by 1 and through its attorneys, respectfully requests that Idaho Power Company (the "Company") provide the following documents and information as soon as possible, but no later than THURSDAY, APRIL 19,2012. In accordance with an informal understanding among the Commission and the parties to this proceeding, Micron respectfully requests that the Company provide its responses to this First Production Request within 10 days, rather than 14 days, so that Micron can review the responses prior to a settlement meeting scheduled for April 23, 2012. Micron will also file a second set of production requests ("Second Production Request") tomorrow, April 10, 2012; it requests that the Company respond to this First Production Request as soon as possible before addressing Micron's Second Production Request. This First Production Request is to be considered as continuing, and the Company is requested to provide supplementary responses, including additional documents, that it or any person acting on hits behalf may later obtain that will augment the documents or information produced. . PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 1: [Production Life] - Please provide the most recent copy of the Company's integrated resource plan and generation expansion plan, as well as any other studies that address future projections of life spans for the Company. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 2: [Production Life] - Please provide all support and justification for why the Valmy Units 1 and 2 can not last as long as the 60-year life span for Jim Bridger. 2 • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 3: [Production Life] - Please identify prior instances where Gannett Fleming has recommended different life spans for jointly owned units in different jurisdictions. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 4: [Production Life] - Please provide all support and justification for any claim that the Company will not undertake capital expenditures to keep Valmy Units 1 and 2 in operation as long as such future expected capital expenditures are economical. To the extent the Company claims that future capital expenditures necessary to keep the units operational will not be economical, provide all support and justification for such a position. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 5: [Production Life] - Please provide the following as it pertains to each of the Company's steam production plant generating units: a.Megawatt size b.Annual heat rate for the past 10 years c.The number of cold starts for the past 10 years d.The availability factor for the past 10 years e.The scheduled outage rate for the past 10 years f.The fixed outage rate for the past 10 years g.The capacity factor for the past 10 years h.The operating temperature and pressure i.The capital expenditures for the past 10 years j.The projected capital expenditures • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 6: [Production Life] - Please provide the detailed analysis that supports the proposed life spans for each of the Company's steam 3 generating units. The response should include all workpapers, assumptions, considerations, and material reviewed and or relied upon, in sufficient detail to permit verification of each proposed life span. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 7: [Production Life] - Please provide all documents that support the proposed early termination of the Boardman generating station. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 8: [Production Life] - Please provide the life span reflected in all Gannett Fleming depreciation studies for coal fired generating units during the past 5 years. For each study, identify the utility, the year of the study, the specific unit, and whether the life spans reflected in the study were ultimately adopted by the utility's regulator and if so, the relevant jurisdiction as well as the corresponding docket number. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 9: [Production Life] - Regarding the statement on page 11-27 of Exhibit No. 11, that the life span estimates for the thermal, base load units is 40-60 years, please provide a listing of each coal fired unit that Gannett Fleming believes currently has a 40-year life span. For each such instance, identify the utility, and generating unit, when the 40-year life span was established, and the jurisdiction and corresponding docket number where such life span was adopted by the utility's regulator. The response should include copies of any documents necessary to verify any claim regarding a 40-year life span for coal fired generating units. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 10: [Hydro] - Regarding the statement on page 11-27 of Exhibit No. 1, that the 75-114-year life spans for the hydraulic production facilities are within the typical range, please identify and fully justify the specific typical range All references to Exhibit No. 1 herein refer to Exhibit No. I to the Direct Testimony of John J. Spanos filed by the Company in this proceeding. 4 referenced. Further, provide the life spans for all hydro generating units reflected in Gannett Fleming depreciation studies during the past 5 years, specifically identifying the utility, the jurisdiction, and name of the facility, the size of the facility, and the location of the facility and whether such life spans have been specifically adopted by the referenced utility's regulator and if so, identify the jurisdiction and the docket number. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 11: IHydrol - Regarding the statement on page 11-27 of Exhibit No. 1, that life spans for hydro facilities are determined by condition and license dates, please provide the following: a.Any specific issue associated with condition of any of the Company's hydro generating units which limits the life expectancy of each unit to less than 100 years. b.Each license application for renewal of a hydro facility that Gannett Fleming and/or the Company are aware of that was denied for a hydro facility associated with any utility, specifically identifying the utility, hydro facility, date of denial, reason for denial, and Docket number. c.Each instance that the Company and/or Gannett Fleming are aware of where a hydro license was renewed or extended for Idaho Power Company. d.A listing of each instance that the Company and/or Gannett Fleming are aware of that a hydro license was renewed or extended for other utilities during the past 20 years, specifically identifying the utility and hydro generating facility, as well as the date of the renewal or extension. e.All specific studies, analysis, reports, etc. that specifically address the probable retirement year for each of the Company's hydro generating facilities. 5 For each subpart above, please provide all workpapers, assumptions, considerations, and material reviewed and/or relied upon in sufficient detail to permit verification of the response. . PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 12: IHydrol -Please explain and fully justify why the Company believes it can obtain 1 00-year or longer life spans for certain of its hydro generating facilities yet proposes life spans short of 100 years for many of its hydro generating facilities. The response should specifically address all factors that prohibit those hydro generating facilities with life spans of less than 100 years of being able to obtain 100 years of service or longer. The response should provide all workpapers, assumptions, considerations, and material reviewed and/or relied upon in sufficient detail to permit verification of the reasonableness of the response of information. . PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 13: [Other Production] - Please provide the following for each of the Company's Other Production generating units: a.The Megawatt size b.Type of unit, including manufacturer and model number c.The number of annual hours of operations since 2000 d.The number of annual starts since 2000 e.The heat rate by year f.The forced outage rate by year since 2000 g.The availability factor by year since 2000 h.The manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule i.All information from the manufacturer regarding the number of hours of operation that can be obtained from each type of unit 1 6 • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 14: [Other Production] - Please identify the life spans utilized by Gannett Fleming in each of its depreciation studies during the past 5 years as it relates to Other Production generating units, identifying the type of unit, the megawatt size, the utility, the name of the unit, and the location of the unit. Further, provide the operating characteristics of the unit (i.e., base load, intermediate, peaking, reserve, etc.). • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 15: [Production] - Please identify all operating or maintenance characteristics of the Company that would result in a situation where the life expectancy for its generating units would be shorter than the life expectations of similar units operated by other utilities. For each item, policy, practice, etc. identified, provide all support and justification for the Company's decision to operate in such a manner and the resulting expected life shortening impact that each such situation produces. Further, provide all underlying support and justification for the Company's response. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 16: [Combined Cycle] - Please identify the life span utilized by other utilities for combined cycle generating units that the Company and/or Gannett Fleming are aware of. For each other combined cycle unit, provide the name of the unit, the owner of the unit, the location of the unit, and the type of unit, including manufacturer and model number, as well as all documentation and support of the Company's response. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 17: [Combined Cycle] - Please provide any life expectation information provided by the manufacturer of the Langley Gulch combined cycle unit. VA . PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 18: [Combined Cycle] - Please provide the underlying economic analyses utilized by the Company to support the decision to construct the Langley Gulch combined cycle facility. . PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 19: [Other Production] - Please provide all studies, reports, analyses, etc. developed by or on behalf of the Company that supports the proposed life spans for the Company's Other Production generating facilities. The response should include all analyses of current practices and expected practices as well as current utilization and expected demands on each of the generating facilities. . PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 20: [Production Life] - Please identify the type of major environmental systems at each of the Company's coal fired generating facilities (e.g., scrubbers, bag houses, etc.). Further, indicate if such systems were placed in service when the units initially became operational or have been retrofitted, and if retrofitted, state when the retrofit occurred. Finally, identify all current plans to place any new major environmental systems into operation for each of the Company's generating facilities. . PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 21: [Hydro] - For each of the Company's hydro generating facilities, identify the location, the body of water associated with each hydro facility, the megawatt size, and any identifiable major problems associated with any major component of each hydro facility. I • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 22: [Data] - As it relates to references that service life and net salvage estimates contained in the Gannett Fleming study are based on informed judgment which incorporates analysis of historical data, review of Company practices and outlooks, considerations of current practices in the industry, and knowledge of estimates used by others, please provide the following: a.A detailed narrative identifying and justifying each separate practice or outlook of the Company that had an impact on life estimates, by account. b.A detailed narrative identifying and justifying each separate practice or outlook of the Company that had an impact on net salvage estimates, by account c.A detailed narrative identifying and justifying each current practice in the electric utility industry that has an impact on life estimates, by account. d.A detailed narrative identifying and justifying each current practice in the electric utility industry that has an impact on net salvage estimates, by account. e.A detailed narrative identifying and justifying estimates used for other electric utility properties as it relates to the establishment of service life by account. f.A detailed narrative identifying and justifying estimates used for other electric utility properties as it relates to net salvage, by account. For each subpart above, provide all workpapers, assumptions, considerations, and material reviewed and/or relied upon in sufficient detail to permit verification of the reasonableness of the response. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 23: [Data] - Please provide a complete copy of any internal or external surveys of depreciation parameters in possession of both the Company and Gannett Fleming as it relates to service life and salvage estimates used by other electric utilities. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 24: [Data] - Please provide all interview notes and site visit notes associated with the development of the current depreciation study including notes from prior studies that were relied upon for purposes of the current depreciation study. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 25: [Net Salvage] - Please provide a detailed narrative and step-by-step process including the specific inputs and supplemental information from Company personnel that resulted in each specific net salvage value proposed by account for Accounts 310 through 356. The response should include all workpapers, assumptions, considerations, and material reviewed and/or relied upon, by account, in sufficient detail to demonstrate how each component, item of information, estimation, or trends, etc. resulted in the specific value proposed in the Gannett Fleming study. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 26: [Net Salvage] - Please identify the specific trend observed and relied upon by Gannett Fleming as referenced at the bottom of page 1-3 of Exhibit No. 1 as it relates to the development of net salvage estimates for each account. Further, specifically identify, by account, those accounts where no trend was identified. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 27: [Net Salvage] - Regarding the statement on page 1-4 of Exhibit No. 1, that an understanding of the function of the plant and information with respect to reasons for past retirements was obtained, please provide: a.The specific understanding of the function, by account, and how such specific understanding of the function resulted in the proposed net salvage value, by account. b.Each major or meaningful reason of past retirement, specifically identified by account and how each specific reason for past retirements impacted the ultimate proposed level of net salvage, by account. 10 c. Each specific future expectation associated with retirements, by account, and how each specific expectation impacted the ultimate proposed net salvage value proposed, by account. As it relates to the response of each of the subparts above, please provide all workpapers, assumptions, considerations, and material reviewed and/or relied upon, in sufficient detail to permit verification of the accuracy of the response. . PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 28: [Net Salvage] - Please state whether the historical data, as reflected in the net salvage analysis, are time synchronized. To the extent the information is not time synchronized, please identify the minimum and maximum time periods between when a retirement is recorded and when the corresponding gross salvage and cost of removal are reported by account. Further, identify the annual level of cost of removal and gross salvage, by account, during the past 5 years which was not recorded the same year as the corresponding retirement. . PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 29: [Account 3111 -Please explain how a negative gross salvage for 1996 was recorded for Account 311 as set forth on page 111-175 of Exhibit No. 1. Further, provide all justification for negative gross salvage values. . PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 30: [Account 311] -Please identify what retired and at what unit in 2010 for Account 311 in the amount of $1.8 million. . PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 31: [Data] - Please provide a detailed categorization of plant investment by account, on electronic medium in Excel readable format. . PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 32: [Data] - Please provide a detailed categorization of what retired by account per year for the past 10 years for all production, transmission, 11 and general plant accounts. The information should be provided on electronic medium in Excel readable format. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 33: [Account 3121 - Please identify what retired in 2009 and 2010, separately, for Account 312 as set forth on page 111-176 of Exhibit No. 1. Further, identify which plant the retirements are associated with as well as what caused the retirements, and why such type of retirements are considered typical and predictive of the overall level of net salvage for this account. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 34: [Account 3141 -Please explain and justify the negative cost of removal and negative gross salvage in 1999 for Account 314 as set forth on page 111-178 of Exhibit No. 1. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 35: [Account 3141 - Please identify, by generating unit, what retired annually for the years 2006-2010 in Account 316 as set forth on page 111-178 of Exhibit No. 1. Further, state and justify why each separate type of retirement activity is considered predictive of future expectations for the Company's current investment in the account. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 36: [Account 3311 - Please provide a detailed narrative of what retired in 2009 for Account 331 as set forth on page 111-182 of Exhibit No. 1. Further, identify why the 218% cost of removal for the retirement in that year is considered representative of the future expectations for such account. Finally, provide all workpapers, assumptions, considerations, and material reviewed and/or relied upon in sufficient detail to permit verification of the accuracy of the response. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 37: [Account 3321 - Please provide a detailed narrative of what retired by amount in what year for Account 332 that resulted in the 12 $495,652 cost of removal reported in 1997 as set forth on page 111-185 of Exhibit No. 1. The response should further fully support and justify why such level of cost of removal is considered indicative of retirement activity in the future for the remaining investment in this account. Finally, provide all workpapers, assumptions, considerations, and material reviewed and/or relied upon in sufficient detail to permit verification of the reasonableness of the response. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 38: [Account 3331 - Please provide a detailed narrative explanation of what retired, by year, and the corresponding dollars of retirement, by year that resulted in a $236,926 cost of removal in 2010 for Account 333 as set forth on page 111-188 of Exhibit No. 1. Further, provide a detailed narrative that explains and supports why such level of cost of removal is considered predictive and reasonable for the remaining investment in the account in the future. Finally, provide all workpapers, assumptions, considerations, and material reviewed and/or relied upon in sufficient detail to permit verification of the reasonableness of the response. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 39: [Net Salvage] - Please identify each generating unit the Company has retired in the past. For each such generating unit, identify and provide the name, the megawatt size, the fuel type, the year installed, the year retired, the reason for retirement, the disposition of the facility, and the specific gain or loss associated with the retirement, specifically identifying the dollar level of retirement and the corresponding gross salvage and cost of removal. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 40: [Net Salvage] - Please identify any plant retired that was sold where the proceeds associated with the sale were not booked into the accumulated provision for depreciation since the Company's last fully litigated rate 13 proceeding. The response should identify the amount of retirement and net proceeds obtained from each such sale, the account to which the plant was set forth prior to retirement, and whether customers received the benefit of the proceeds of any such sale and if not, why not. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 41: [Fully Accrued] - Please identify any account or sub-account in which the Company ceased the booking of depreciation to the accumulative provision for depreciation while the corresponding plant dollars were still in service since the Company's last fully litigated rate proceeding. For each such instance, identify the depreciation rate in effect immediately prior to the cessation of booking of depreciation, the plant balance on a monthly basis from that time period through the present, and any changes in account depreciation rates approved by the Commission and when such changes in depreciation rates became effective. The information should be provided on electronic medium in Excel readable format. Further, provide all support and justification for any decision to cease booking depreciation expense to the accumulated provision for depreciation without authority from the Company's regulator. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 42: [Account 353] - Please fully explain and justify the negative gross salvage for Account 353, reported in 2009 on page 111-201 of Exhibit No. 1. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 43: [Account 3531 - Please identify the number and size of transformers reflected in Account 353. Further, identify the number and size, of transformer retired by year during the past 10 years. 1 14 . PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 44: (Account 3531 - Please identify specifically what retired in Account 353 during 2005 in the amount of $3 million, and the reason for the retirement. . PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 45: [Net Salvage] - Please identify by account, by year, those retirements that occurred due to emergency situations for production and transmission accounts. . PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 46: (Account 3551 - Please identify the number, by type and height, of the various poles in Account 355, along with the corresponding level of investment by type and height. . PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 47: (Account 3551 - Please provide a detailed narrative of what retired by year and the corresponding dollar amounts that correspond to the $1.1 million cost of removal reported in 2007 for Account 355 on page 111-206 of Exhibit No. 1. . PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 48: (Account 3551 - Please identify the number of poles by height and type retired by year during the past 10 years in Account 355. . PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 49: (Account 3561 - Please identify the linear feet and corresponding dollar level of investment in copper overhead conductors in Account 356. . PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 50: (Account 3561 - Please identify the linear feet of conductor retired by type of conductor in Account 356 by year for the past 10 years. . PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 51: (Account 3561 - Please identify what retired and the corresponding dollars of retirement by year that relate to the $1.3 million of cost of removal reported for Account 356 in 2007 on page 111-209 of Exhibit No. 1. 15 • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 52: [Account 3561 - Please provide a detailed narrative explanation along with all support and justification why similar dollar levels of retirement activity in Account 356 for 2009 and 2010 produced negative net salvage values in 2010 more than double the value in 2009. Further, provide all workpapers, assumptions, considerations, and material reviewed and/or relied upon in sufficient detail to permit verification of the reasonableness of the response. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 53: [Account 3111 -Please provide a detailed narrative supporting and justifying reliance on historical life indications for Account 311 when the observed life table declines to only 94% surviving as set forth on page 111-15 of Exhibit No. 1. Further, explain and justify why a value of 125 years would not also be representative based on the historical data. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 54: [Data] - Please provide the input to each life and salvage analysis for production and transmission plant accounts on electronic medium in Excel readable format. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 55: [Data] - Please provide the output of each life analysis (i.e., the observed life table) by account for production and transmission accounts on electronic medium in Excel readable format. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 56: [Data] - Please provide the annual plant balance and corresponding dollars of retirement by generating unit by account on electronic medium in Excel readable format. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 57: [Account 3121 - Please provide a detailed narrative identifying what retired and the corresponding dollars of retirement activity by generating unit, corresponding to the retirement activity in age brackets 1.5, 27.5, 28.5, 16 34.5, and 35.5 years for Account 312, as set forth on page 111-19 of Exhibit No. 1. For each major item of retirement, specifically state what caused the retirement (e.g. catastrophic failure, change out of investment to meet new environmental concerns, etc.). . PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 58: [Account 3141 - Please provide a detailed narrative identifying what retired by year and the cause of retirement by generating unit corresponding to the retirement activity for age brackets 16.5, 23.5, 27.5, and 29.5 years for Account 314 as set forth on page 111-23 of Exhibit No. 1. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 59: [Account 3321 - Please state whether other longer life-curve combinations would also be reasonably representative of the observed life table for Account 332.20 as reflected on page 111-47 of Exhibit No. 1. To the extent the proposed 95S4 life curve combination is the best representative predictor of interim retirements for this account, and that other values that are longer are not also reasonably representative, provide all support and justification for such claim. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 60: [Account 3331 - Regarding the graphical presentation set forth on page 111-54 of Exhibit No. 1, and the corresponding observed life table numerical data on the following pages, please provide a detailed narrative explaining and justifying the selection of an 80R3 life-curve combination for Account 333. The response should specifically address why the values beginning at approximately 40 years of age and continuing through 60 years of age, were allowed to deviate to the extent shown in comparison with an apparent attempt to match the decline in the observed life table in the mid-60 year age range and older. Further, provide all support and justification for the response provided. 17 • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 61: [Account 3331 - Please state whether the Company agrees that a longer life-curve combination would also be reasonable if not superior to the 80R3 life curve combination proposed for Account 333 as set forth on page 111-54 of Exhibit No. 1. To the extent the Company believes that the 80R3 is the best curve fit or other longer curve fits are not equivalent or superior, please provide all support and justification for such position. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 62: [Account 343] - Please provide a detailed narrative explaining and justifying the selection of a 40S 1.5 life-curve combination for Account 343 as set forth on page 111-82 of Exhibit No. 1. Further, state and justify whether a longer life-curve combination would also be appropriate for this account and if not, why other longer life-curve combinations would not be reasonable and appropriate. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 63: [Account 3531 - Please provide a detailed narrative explaining the curve fitting selection for Account 353 as set forth on page III- 101 of Exhibit No. 1. The response should specifically address the criteria relied upon as well as all support for such criteria, and specifically why it was acceptable to present a life-curve combination which begins to deviate from the observed life table at approximately 45 years of age. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 64: [Account 3541 - Please provide a detailed narrative setting forth the specific criteria relied upon to establish a 65S3 life-curve combination for Account 354 including the curve fit relationship set forth on page 111-105 of Exhibit No. 1. The response should specifically address why a longer life-curve combination is not more appropriate than the 65S3 as proposed. 18 • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 65: [Account 3551 - Please provide a detailed narrative identifying the process and all criteria employed to establish a 60R2 life-curve combination for Account 355 as set forth on page 111-108 of Exhibit No. 1. The response should specifically address why the deviation beginning in the early 40-year age bracket was considered reasonable and acceptable. The response should include all criteria and support for criteria relied upon in the curve fitting process. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 66: [Account 3561 - Please provide a detailed narrative explaining the curve fitting process and all underlying criteria and support for such criteria associated with the selection of 65R2 life-curve combination for Account 356 as set forth on page 111-112 of Exhibit No. 1. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 67: [Account 391.2] - Please provide all support and justification for the selection of a 5SQ life-curve combination for Account 391.2. The response should specifically address and explain why a longer life-curve combination or a different dispersion pattern is not more appropriate given the surviving plant for account as set forth on page 111-423 of Exhibit No. 1. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 68: [Account 391.21 - Please provide the dollar level of retirement for Account 391.2 on a monthly basis subsequent to June 30, 2011. Further, identify the vintage year of addition associated with each of the retirements. • PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 69: [Account 397.21 - Please provide a detailed narrative identifying and fully supporting the selection of a 15SQ life-curve combination for Account 397.2. The response should fully address and justify the selection and relationship of the proposal to the surviving original cost set forth on page 111-439 of Exhibit No. 1 that exceeds the 15 year service life assumption. 19 . PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 70: [Data] - Please identify any retirements, gross salvage, cost of removal or other data considered atypical or unusual in development of the depreciation study. For each such instance, identify the account, the amount, the type of transaction, why it was determined or assumed to be atypical or unreasonable and the action taken in association with such a determination (e.g., removed retirements for Account 353 in 2006 because it reflected a situation deemed to be unusual because ). Further, provide all support and justification for any such justification. . PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 71: [Combined cycle] - Please provide all input and corresponding calculations corresponding to the depreciation rates for Langley Gulch utility as set forth on page 111-10 of Exhibit No. 1. Dated this 9th day of April, 2012. HOLLAND & HART LLP By: I Pamela S. Howland, ISB No. 6177 Brian T. Hansen, ISB No. 6087 HOLLAND & HART LLP Suite 1400, U.S. Bank Plaza 101 South Capitol Boulevard P.O. Box 2527 Boise, Idaho 83701-2527 Telephone: (208) 342-5000 Facsimile: (208) 343-8869 Email: phowland@hollandhart.com bthansen@hollandhart.com Thorvald A. Nelson (pro hac vice pending) Frederick J. Schmidt (pro hac vice pending) Sara K. Rundell (pro hac vice pending) 20 HOLLAND & HART LLP 6380 South Fiddlers Green Circle, Ste. 500 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Telephone: (303) 290-1600 Facsimile: (303) 290-1606 Email: tnelson@hollandhart.com fschmidt@hollandhart.com sakrundel1ho1landhart.com Attorneys for Micron Technology, Inc. 21 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 9th day of April, 2012, a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY in CASE NO. IPC-E-12-08 was served in the manner shown to: Commission Staff Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary Z Hand Delivery Idaho Public Utilities Commission U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid 472 W. Washington Street (83720) Facsimile P0 Box 83720 Z Electronic Mail Boise, ID 83702 JI.cuI. IIwJu.IuaI1u.0 v Commission Staff Donald L. Howell, II, DAG Z Hand Delivery Karl T. Klein, DAG U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Idaho Public Utilities Commission E1 Facsimile 472 W. Washington Street (83720) Z Electronic Mail P0 Box 83720 Boise, ID 83702 don.howell(puc.idaho.gov karl.klein@puc.idaho.gov Idaho Power Company Lisa D. Nordstrom Hand Delivery Jason B. Williams U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Idaho Power Company Facsimile 1221 W. Idaho St. (83702) Z Electronic Mail P0 Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 lnordstrom@idahopower.com jwilliams@idahoi,ower.com Idaho Power Company Courtney Waites Greg Said Tim Tatum Idaho Power Company 1221 W. Idaho St. (83702) P0 Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 cwaites@idahopower.com gsaid(idahopower.com ttatum@idahopower.com LI Hand Delivery LI U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid LI Facsimile Electronic Mail Leah N. Buchanan