HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120221Grand View Solar to IPC [1-12].pdfPeter J. Richardson ISB No. 3195 GregoryM. Adams ISB No. 7454 Richardson & O'Lear 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Tel Fax: (208) 938-7904 Fax petercÐrichardsonandolear .com Attorneys for Grand View PV Solar Three, LLC and Grand View PV Solar Four, LLC RECEIVED 1012 FEB 21 PH 12: l I BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GRA VIEW PV SOLAR THREE, LLC Complainant, GRAD VIEW PV SOLAR FOUR, LLC Complainant, ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-12-01 ) )) FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF GRAND VIEW PV SOLAR )) THREE, LLC AND GRAND VIEW PV ) SOLAR FOUR, LLC TO IDAHOPOWER COMPANY ) ) vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Defendant. Pursuant to Rule 225 of the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission (the "Commission"), Grand View PV Solar Two, LLC and Grand View PV Solar Four, LLC, by and through their attorney of record, Peter J. Richardson, hereby request that Idao Power Company ("Idaho Power") provide the following Documents. This production request is to be considered as continuing, and Idao Power is requested to provide by way of supplementa responses additional Documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtan that will augment the Documents produced. For the puroses of these requests, the following words have the following meanngs: First Production Request of Grand ViewPV Solar Three and Four 1 1. "Documents" refers to all wrtings and records of every type in your possession, control, or custody, whether or not claied to be privileged or otherwse excludable from discovery, includig but not limited to: testimony and exhbits, memoranda, papers, correspondence, letters, reports (including drafts, prelimnar, intermediate, and final reports), sureys, analyses, studies (including economic and market studies), sumaries, comparsons, tabulations, bils, invoices, statements of services rendered, chars, books, pamphlets, photographs, maps, bulletins, corporate or other minutes, notes, diaries, log sheets, ledgers, transcripts, microfim, microfiche, computer data (including E-mail), computer fies, computer tapes, computer inputs, computer outputs and pritouts, vouchers, accounting statements, budgets, work papers, engineering diagrams (including "one-line" diagrams), mechancal and electrical recordings, telephone and telegraphic communcations, speeches, and all other records, wrtten, electrcal, mechanical, or otherwse, and drafs of any of the above. "Documents" includes copies of documents, where the originals are not in your possession, custody or control. "Documents" includes every copy of a document which contans handwrtten or other notations or which otherwse does not duplicate the original or any other copy. "Documents" also includes any attachments or appendices to any document. 2. "Identification" and "Identify" mean: When used with respect to a Document, stating the natue of the Document ~, letter, memorandum, minutes); the date, ifany, appearng thereon; the date, ifknown, on which the document was prepared; the title of the document; the general subject matter of the document; the number of pages comprising the document; the identity of each person First Production Request of Gran View PV Solar Three and Four 2 who wrote, dictated, or otherwse paricipated in the preparation of the document; the identity of each person who signed or initiated the document; the identity of each person to whom the Document was addressed; the identity of each person who received the Document or reviewed it; the location of the Document; and the identity of each person having possession, custody, or control of the Document. When used with respect to a person, stating his or her full name; his or her most recently known home and business addresses and telephone numbers; his or her present title and position; and his or her present and prior connections or associations with any paricipant or par to this proceeding. 3. "Idaho Power Company" or "IPCo" refers to Idaho Power Company, any affliated company, or any officer, director or employee, or any affiliated company. 4. "Person" refers to, without limiting the generality of its meaning, every natual person, corporation, parership, association (whether formally organized or ad hoc), joint ventue, unt operation, cooperative, municipality, commssion, governenta body or agency, or any other group or organization. 5. "Studies" or "study" includes, without limitation, reports, reviews, analyses and audits. 6. The terms "and" and "or" shall be constred either disjunctively or conjunctively whenever appropriate in order to bring within the scope of this discovery any information or Documents which might otherwse be considered to be beyond their scope. 7. The singular form of a word shall be interpreted as plural, and the plural form of a word shall be interpreted as singular, whenever appropriate in order to bring within the scope of ths discovery request any information or Documents which might otherwse be considered to be beyond their scope. First Production Request of Grd View PV Solar Three and Four 3 Please provide one copy of your answer to Mr. Richardson at the address noted above and one copy to Dr. Reading at 6070 Hil Road, Boise, Idao 83703. For each item, please indicate the name of the person(s) preparng the answers, along with the job title of such person(s) and the witness at hearng who can sponsor the answer. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.1: Please provide copies of all Documents and communcations Idao Power has had (both internal and external) regarding Grand View PV Solar Thee, LLC and Grand View PV Solar Four, LLC. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.2: Please explai, and provide all Documents related to, Idaho Power's denial of the allegation contaned in Paragraph 14 of the Formal Complaint filed by Grand View PV Solar Thee, LLC and Grand View PV Solar Four, LLC with the Idao PUC on Janua 3,2012, (hereinafter the "Complaint"). REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.3: Please admit that On July 10,2011, Idaho Power, through its attorney Donovan Walker, stated that, "IPC has tendered a draf contract for this project, which was rejected by the project." And also in the same communcation that "To clarify: the paries will sign the last tendered draft contract, to which you indicated the project was in complete agreement with - except for a change in the project name, and the Environmental Attbute language in Article 8." A. If you admit, then please reconcile that admission with Idaho Power's denial of the allegation contaed in Paragraph 23 of the Complaint. B. Please specifically identify, and provide all related Documents, all issues associated with the Grand View PV Solar Thee, and Four contracts that were unesolved as of July 2, 2011, other than REC ownership and a correction to the names of the projects. C. Please specifically identify, and provide all related Documents, each difference between the PPA offered to Grand View on December 2,2011 and the PPA "tendered" by Mr. Walker in July 2011. Please explain and Document the reason for each identified difference. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.4: Idaho Power denies the first sentence in Paragraph 27 of the Complaint, which sentence states that, "Grand View gave Idaho Power no reason to make the assumption that it was 'waiting for the resolution' of Grand View PV Solar Two's complaint on ownership of environmental attbutes." Please provide copies of all Documents and communcations and/or First Producton Request of Grand View PV Solar Three and Four 4 notes from communications with or from Grand View upon which Idaho Power relied in makng the referenced assumption. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.5: Please provide copies of all correspondence, Documents, notes and all other material related to Idaho Power's PURPA contract with Interconnect Solar. Said information should include the avoided cost pricing models and inputs in both hard copy and usable electronic format. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO 6: Idaho Power denied the allegation in Paragraph No. 32 of the Complaint to the effect that Idaho Power did not respond to an October 21, 2011 emial inquir as to the status of the PP As for Grand View PV Solar Thee and Four. Please provide all Documents relied upon by Idaho Power in making said denial. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.7: Idaho Power denied the allegation in Paragraph No. 34 of the Complaint to the effect that Idaho Power did not respond to a November 21, 2011 emial inquiry as to the status of the PP As for Grand View PV Solar Three and Four. Please provide all Documents relied upon by Idaho Power in making said deniaL. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.8: Please admit that the PP A Idaho Power provided to Grand View on December 2, 2011 does not contain avoided cost rates calculated using the inputs to the IRP methodology that were in effect in July 2011. If you admit, please Document each input that results in different avoided cost rates and the impact of each changed input on avoided cost rates. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.9: Please provide all Documents, notes, correspondence and inputs and calculations related to the calculation of the rates contaned in: A. The PPA Idaho Power provided to Grand View on December 2,2011; and, B. The PP A Idaho Power provided to Interconnect Solar in October 2011. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 10: Please explain why the PP A provided to Grand View on December 2, 2011, contans a clause in Section 1.12 addressing "low wind availability." First Production Request of Gran View PV Solar Thre and Four 5 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 11: Please explain whether the PP A provided to Grand View on December 2, 2011, accounts for seasonal differentials in avoided cost rates. If it does account for seasonal differentials in avoided cost rates please Document that differential with copies of all studies, notes and information explaining the differential and how it is reflected in the avoided cost rates in the PPA. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 12: Idaho Power admitted that it provided Grand View with a contract on December 2,2011 that contans rates substatially below the rates it offered to Interconnect Solar in October 2011. Please provide all Documentation supporting the change in avoided cost rates between October 2011 and December 2, 2011. A. Did the Idaho Public Utilties Commission approve the reduction in avoided cost rates reflected in the Solar PP A offered to Interconnect Solar and the Solar PP A offered to Grand View two months later? If so, please provide Documentation showing said approval and provide copies of all authority relied upon to effect the change in avoided cost rates. B. Please Document Idaho Power's internal decision to change the IRP methodology inputs that resulted in lower avoided cost rates between offering Interconnect Solar its PP A in October and the December 2 PP A offered to Grand View. Include all notes, memorandum, Board of Director's minutes and agenda and any other wrting Documenting the decision to change the inputs resulting in lower avoided cost pricing for Grand View on December 2,2011, from the avoided cost pricing offered to Interconnect Solar in October, 2011. DATED ths 21st day of Febru 2012. Richardson & O'Lear, LLP , ii,.-."", '"g.~/. . ../) 'Y~ l/ I¿r~ Li/-By l. r- Peter J. Richardson Grand View PV Solar Thee, LLC Grand View PV Solar Four, LLC First Production Request of Grand View PV Solar Thre and Four 6 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 21st day of Februar, 2012, a tre and correct copy of the within and foregoing FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF GRAD VIEW PV SOLAR, THREE, LLC AND GRAD VIEW PV SOLAR FOUR, LLC, was served by HAND DELIVERY, to: Donovan E. Walker Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 Jean Jewell Commission Secreta Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Washington Boise, Idaho 83702 ~1\\Cu~, Nina Curis Admnistrative Assistat Firt Production Request of Grand View PV Solar Three and Four 7