HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110823IPC to Micron (Third).pdfi?IDA""POR~ An IDACORP Company LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel Inordstrom(åidahopower.com August 22, 2011 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720 Re: Case No. IPC-E-11-08 General Rate Case Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filng are an original and one (1) copy of Idaho Power Company's Response to the Third Production Request of Micron Technology, Inc., to Idaho Power Company in the above matter. Also enclosed are three (3) copies of a non-confidential disk and three (3) copies of a confidential disk containing information being produced in response to Micron's Third Production Request. Please handle the enclosed confidential information in accordance with the Protective Agreement executed in this matter. Very truly yours, ~.2Yê~ Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:csb Enclosures 1221 W. Idaho St. (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, 10 83707 LISA D. NORDSTROM (ISB No. 5733) DONOVAN E. WALKER (ISB No. 5921) JASON B. WILLIAMS Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 Inordstromcæidahopower.com dwalkercæidahopower.com jwilliamscæidahopower.com ME(";¡l" 'i. I-t"""ri: .. 1-1 ,. ~,., iï-.. J¡,,, L ':I' i ~rit" 2?I.ÛiÎtlUlJ ..PH 4: 43 L liilt...,' j jL Attorneys for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MA TIER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC )SERVICE IN IDAHO. ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-11-08 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY COMES NOW, Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Powet' or "Company"), and in response to the Third Production Request of Micron Technology, Inc. to Idaho Power Company dated August 1, 2011, herewith submits the following information: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 1 REQUEST NO. 3-1: Tatum Exhibit 20, page 4. What level of FERC Acct. 456.1 revenues are included in the Company filing? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 3-1: Please see Jones Exhibit No. 14, page 1 of 23, column 11, lines 13-16 and 19-20 totaling $18,017,501. The response to this Request was prepared by Timothy E. Tatum, Senior Manager of Cost of Service, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 2 REQUEST NO. 3-2: Provide all workpapers showing the sources, development, estimation, adjustments annualization and normalization of each Acct. 456 and sub- accounts recorded, and test year. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 3-2: Please see the Company's response to Staffs Production Request No. 84 for corresponding spreadsheets containing the calculation for 2011 Network Transmission Customer and point-to-point wheeling revenues. 2010 actuals were used for revenues related to Photovoltaic, Antelope, and Stand-by-service. See the Company's response to Micron's Production Request No. 3- 14 for Sierra Pacific Power usage revenues. The response to this Request was prepared under the direction of Timothy E. Tatum, Senior Manager of Cost of Service, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 3 REQUEST NO. 3-3: How are Acct. 456 and each sub-account credited to retail and any other customer group? Cite fiing references for such credits. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 3-3: The first step in crediting Account 456 revenues to customer groups is to classify and functionalize each sub-account. As shown on lines 290-297 of Larkin Exhibit No. 31, each sub-account that comprises Account 456 is classified as being either customer-related, demand-related, or energy- related and is further identified with one or more of the Company's operating functions, such' as production and/or transmission. Once each sub-account has been classified and functionalized, as shown in Larkin Exhibit No. 31, the segmented revenues are transferred to the "Other Revenues" summary table, provided as page 3 of Larkin Exhibit No. 32. This table compiles revenues from Accounts 415, 451, 454, and 456 by classification and functional category in order to align the various components of each account with the appropriate allocation factors. After these revenues have been compiled by classification and functional category, they are allocated to rate classes as shown on pages 25 and 26 of Larkin Exhibit No. 33. Finally, class-allocated revenues are summed on line 18 of Larkin Exhibit No. 35, serving as a credit to each class in the development of final class-specific revenue requirements. The response to this Request was prepared by Matthew T. Larkin, Regulatory Analyst, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 4 REQUEST NO. 3-4: Please provide detailed explanation for the Exhibit 20 page 11 item by item projected increase in each non-labor expense, including details of all Company efforts to curb or eliminate the $15.6 milion increase RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 3-4: Please see explanations for the projected increase in each non-labor expense on Larkin Exhibit 20, page 11 in the attached Excel file (each item with separate tabs). Also, see the Company's response to Staffs Production Request No. 89. Idaho Power is committed to managing all expenditures for operations and maintenance ("O&M"), working capital, and capital investments that are required to meet customer growth, reliabilty, and the preservation of its base resources. Annual budgets are prepared with executive oversight and economical guidelines developed with significant known/probable changes taken into consideration. Regular monitoring of spending levels compared to budget is completed five times per year with the Senior Executive Team. The Company continues to manage upward cost pressure to meet new compliance requirements, which include Sarbanes Oxley, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") Standards of Conduct, North American Electric Reliability Corporation reliabilty standards, ongoing environmental requirements, costs required to comply with the terms of new hydro licenses, and an aging thermal fleet. The Company has also experienced cost pressures in managing the aging workforce issues relative to a significant portion of the craft positions within the Company and the utilty industry as a whole. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 5 Specific quantification of individual initiatives is difficult. The Company measures its success in its O&M management in the level of increase year over year given the upward pressure on large portions of the Company's businesslike maintenance of an aging thermal fleet, distribution and transmission facilties, new compliance requirements, and aging workforce issues. The response to this Request was prepared by Jerry McCabe, Corporate Budget Manager, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 6 REQUEST NO. 3-5: Tatum Direct pg. 13 I 1-6 and Exhibit 20. Provide itemization of each 2010 Valmy Power Plant (VPP) Nonfuel O&M account or category, and the specific escalation rate of each making up the total requested O&M expense increase. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 3-5: An itemization of the Valmy Power Plant non-fuel O&M expense is provided below. The table below compares the 2010 actual costs to the Valmy O&M costs being requested for 2011. For purposes of developing the 2011 requested amount, Idaho Power relied on projections of 2011 expenses provided by its Valmy operating partner, NV Energy, rather than applying escalation rates to specific categories of expenses or FERC accounts. 2010 2011 2011 Actual Forecast Variance Plant Direct Operation and Maintenance Expenses 14,789,395 15,718,426 929,031 Other NV Energy Expenses Direct Charged to Valmy 766,933 1,513,250 746,317 NV Energy Administrative and General Overhead Expense 1,424,067 1,861,876 437,809 Total Valmy O&M 16,980,395 19,093,552 2,113,157 The response to this Request was prepared by Randy Henderson, Finance Team Lead, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 7 REQUEST NO. 3-6: What is the actual nonfuel O&M expense for VPP being requested for the test year? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 3-6: The actual non-fuel O&M expense is $19,093,552. The response to this Request was prepared by Jerr McCabe, Corporate Budget Manager, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 8 REQUEST NO. 3-7: Exhibit 20, page 7. Provide all documentation showing the actual PacifiCorp wage escalation and enhanced 401 K benefits referred to, and actual total Bridger Power Plant O&M labor cost being requested on page 7. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 3-7: An itemization of the Jim Bridger Power Plant O&M labor expense is provided in the attached Excel file which compares the 2010 actual Jim Bridger O&M labor costs to the labor costs being requested for 2011, including amounts for wage escalation and enhanced 401 (K) benefits. For purposes of developing the 2011 requested amount, Idaho Power relied on projections of 2011 labor expenses provided by its Jim Bridger operating partner, PacifiCorp. The response to this Request was prepared by Randy Henderson, Finance Team Lead, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 9 REQUEST NO. 3-8: Tatum page 8, line 18. Please provide a comparison of "2010 actual revenue" with the 2010 adjusted and normalized revenue. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 3-8: Please see Jones Exhibit No. 14, page 1 of 23. Idaho Power does not normalize Other Operating Revenues (Accounts 451, 454, and 456) in developing a revenue requirement and has not done so in this case. The response to this Request was prepare~ by Timothy E. Tatum, Senior Manager of Cost of Service, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 10 REQUEST NO. 3-9: Tatum page 9 lines 5-15. Provide actual network services revenue, other long term firm revenues and point-to-point transmission revenues for 2010. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 3-9: Please see Jones Exhibit No. 14, page 1 of 23, lines 13-21. The response to this Request was prepared by Timothy E. Tatum, Senior Manager of Cost of Service, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 11 REQUEST NO. 3-10: Provide revenues of each customer by name for each of the transmission services identified in 8) above. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 3-10: Please see the spreadsheet containing the revenues from each customer by name for each of the transmission services identified in 8) above on the confidential CD. The confidential CD will be provided to those parties that have executed the Protective Agreement in this matter. The response to this Request was prepared under the direction of Doug Jones, Finance Team Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 12 REQUEST NO. 3-11: Please provide a detailed explanation of how each of these categories of revenues was "projected base upon information more reflective of current circumstances and an anticipated Open Access Transmission Tariff rate update in October 2011. (sic) RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 3-11: Please see Tatum Exhibit No. 20, Forecast Methodology Manual, for explanation of calculation of Network Transmission Customer revenues and point-to-point wheeling revenues. Please see the Company's response to Staffs Production Request No. 84 for workpapers of the detailed calculation of the Open Access Transmission Tariff rate. The response to this Request was prepared under the direction of Timothy E. Tatum, Senior Manager of Cost of Service, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 13 REQUEST NO. 3-12: What were 2010 Sierra Power usage revenues in 2010? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 3-12: Please see Jones Exhibit No. 14, page 1 of 23, line 17. The response to this Request was prepared by Timothy E. Tatum, Senior Manager of Cost of Service, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 14 REQUEST NO. 3-13: Please explain the basis for a "usage revenues from Sierra Pacific Power. Specifically what was used and what is the intercompany billng arrangement. (sic) RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 3-13: Please see the Company's response to Staffs Production Request No. 86. The response to this Request was prepared under the direction of Timothy E. Tatum, Senior Manager of Cost of Service, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY ~ 15 REQUEST NO. 3-14: Why are usage revenues from Sierra Pacific Power expected to be zero in 2011? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 3-14: Please see the Company's response to Staffs Production Request No. 86. The response to this Request was prepared under the direction of Timothy E. Tatum, Senior Manager of Cost of Service, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 16 REQUEST NO. 3-15: Has an agreement or contract been reached prohibiting Sierra Pacific from using Idaho Powets plant from which the usage revenues are generated? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 3-15: No. The response to this Request was prepared under the direction of Timothy E. Tatum, Senior Manager of Cost of Service, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this 22nd day of August 2011. £ç~ LISA D. NORDS ROM Attorney for Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 17 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 22nd day of August 2011 I served a true and correct copy of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Donald L. Howell, II Karl T. Klein Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Washington (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail FAX X Email Don.Howelicæpuc.idaho.gov Karl. Kleincæpuc. idaho.gov Industrial Customers of Idaho Power Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams RICHARDSON & O'LEARY, PLLC 515 North 2¡th Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83707 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail. FAX -2 Email petercærichardsonandoleary.com gregcærichardsonandoleary.com Dr. Don Reading Ben Johnson Associates, Inc. 6070 Hil Road Boise, Idaho 83703 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail FAX -2 Email drcæbenjohnsonassociates.com Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. Eric L. Olsen RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED 201 East Center P.O. Box 1391 Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail FAX -2 Email elo((racinelaw.net Anthony Yankel 29814 Lake Road Bay Vilage, Ohio 44140 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail FAX -2 Email tony((yankel.net IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 18 The Kroger Co. Kurt J. Boehm BOEHM, KURTZ & LOWRY 36 East Seventh Street, Suite 1510 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Kevin Higgins Energy Strategies, LLC 215 South State Street, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Micron Technology, Inc. MaryV. York HOLLAND & HART LLP 101 South Capital Boulevard, Suite 1400 Boise, Idaho 83702 Richard E. Malmgren Senior Assistant General Counsel Micron Technology, Inc. 800 South Federal Way Boise, Idaho 83716 The United States Department of Energy Arthur Perry Bruder, Attorney-Advisor United States Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20585 Dwight D. Etheridge Exeter Associates, Inc. 10480 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 300 Columbia, Maryland 21044 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail FAX -2 Email kboehm(iBKLlawfirm.com jrh(ibattfisher.com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail FAX -2 Email khiggins(ienergystrat.com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail FAX -2 Email myork(ihollandhart.com tnelson(ihollandhart.com madavidson(ihollandhart.com fschmidt(ihollandhart.com Inbuchanan(ihollandhart.com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail FAX -2 Email remalmgren(imicron.com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail FAX -2 Email Arthur.bruder(ihg.doe.gov Steven .porter(ihg.doe.gov Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail FAX -2 Email detheridge(iexeterassociates.com IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 19 Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 North 1 ¡th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail FAX -2 Email bmpurdy((hotmail.com Idaho Conservation League Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 North Sixth Street (83702) P.O. Box 844 Boise, Idaho 83701 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail FAX -2 Email botto((idahoconservation.org Snake River Allance Ken Miler Snake River Allance P.O. Box 1731 Boise, Idaho 83701 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail FAX -2 Email kmiler((snakeriverallance.org NW Energy Coalition Nancy Hirsh, Policy Director NW Energy Coalition 811 First Avenue, Suite 305 Seattle, Washington 98104 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail FAX -2 Email nancy((nwenergy.org ¿l)~. Lisa D. Nordstro . IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 20