HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110812ICIP 45 to IPC.pdfPeter J.Richadson I8B # 3 i 95 Gregory M. Adams 1SB # 7454 RICHASON & O'LEARY PLLC 51S N. 27th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 telephone; (208) 938-2236 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peterß9richardsonandolear.com greg(ßtichitdsonandoleaiy.com RECEIVFn _,. :l4.' 2011 AUG /2 AM 9: 07 Attonieys-for the liidustdal Customers of Idaho Power BEFORE THE IDAlO PuBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION~ lNT~M:.ArrE~ QF TRE ) CASE NO.IPC-£41-08 i\ltIGATI9J' OFrJAIO lçr\VER )COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO ) FIFTHREQUES'IS FOR INGR.AS:e rrS RATES ANI CIJRGES )J:ROPI1CTION OF TREFOR ELECTRICSERVICE TO ITS ) ïNbUsTiû custOMERS OF CUSToMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) IDAHO POWER Pms1ant to-Rule 22S.otthè Rules of Procedur of the Idaho PublÌc Utilties Coitission (tle"c()ìnnijssion")~ the JndU$tral Customers òf Idaho Pòwer ("lCip") hereby requests that Idah9 Power CQinPahY -("Idaho PoWer" òr.the "Cgripany") provide respönsêลก to the followig with supportg documents~ whereapplicâble. The response tothìs production l'equest is due September i, 20îl. 'Is production request is to bêeönsidered as còntinuing~ and Idaht:rPoweris requested to provide by way ()f supplementa respoJ$es additional doçumei;ts that it ot any person acting Q11 itsbeltfinay later obtain that WiIl augment the respõti or doctients prõg.nceçl. Please provide elec1onic copies~ or if1.avalablea physical copy, tQM!. Riêlia.4sQíl and Mr. Adas at the address noted above, and to Dr. Don Readng at: 6010 Hil Road~ Boise, Idaho 83703, Tel; (208) 342.,1700; Fax: (208) 384.,J51 Hdta,g(gdspriiig.coir. F'or.each item, pleae indicate the nae of the person(s) preparna theanswer~a1ông with the job title of such petson(s) and the witness at hearng who can sponSor the$swet. Some of the followig requests inay include disclosureSdeeined by IQaha PoWertòhe çOlldentiaL ÇQuIel and the expert Witness for the Industrial Custòmers òfIdaQ PoWer have e:xecuted the protective agreement to ohtain and use such material acc9rding the tenu Qf that agreeinent. FIFtH REQUESTS FOR .PRODUútION OF TH IClP IPC-E-lI-08 PAGB2 ræQÜBSTFÖRPRÖDUCTION NO. 45 R~ferençê Direct T estiony òf Scott Sparks, pp. 34"'4 i. (a) HQW lorlg li~Sl(l() Power charged a facilties charge for Schednle$9,19, and Speci~i Contract customers? (l) Pleåseprövide the moiit1y facilities eharge for each yearseparateIy since the C()ìlpany first began charging the facilities charge for Schedules 9, 19, and Special Contract Ciitõtlêrs who have paid a facilties çharge. Th you for your prompt attention to ths Fifth Requests forProductîon. Slhcerely yonrs, ¡~RICHASON & O'LEARY, PLLC FIFTH REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF THE iCIP lPC-E-l 1..08 PAGE 3 (1ERIßlGATE OF SERVICE I aFRÈBY GERTIFX t~atontÌ~ II thaåY'()fA~$~t~gqlL~tle'mticörrectcóPý bfthe W:~aldforegoingFIFTH REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF THE INDUSTRAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER IN CASE NOJPC-E-ll '-08 was $ervecl in the matershbWt to; Ms.Je~nJ'ewelIC9Î1ssioii Secreta Idao Public Utilies COnussion POBÖXR?72Q .Boise, ID 83720~Ó074 .-,Hancl pelivery __lJ.S;Mi:iljpostøge pre-paìtl Facsimile :x EleetrÖmc Mail Lisa D Nordström Jason B Wiliam Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, Idao 83707-0070 Inordstromßilidahopower.com jwiliamsa¡idahopower.com Donovan Waler Gt Sad. -- g . Idaho Power Company POBox 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 dwalkerß!ídahopower.com gsaid~idahopower.com ~ :Haia Delivery _U.S. Måil, postage pre-paid Facsimile _.X Elèctromc Mail _ Hand Delivery ..I1.s. Mail, postge pre-paid Facsinle X Electromc Mail :Etl9L. (llseÎ1 Racìne, Olson, Nye,Budge & lJailey,C~ereti P-.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Centér Pocatellò, l.clMo 83204..1391 elö(g1aCItielaw.net -,Hand DeUvery .-U.S. Måil, postage pre-paid Fåcsimile :x Electronic Mail Mtio,nyYaiel29814 Làke Road Bay Vila~e.Ohìò 44140 ton)'~yaietnet ~Hand Delivery _tJ.8. Mail,postage pre-paid Facsimile X Electronic Maîl~"--------- -., Donald L Howell, II Kåtl KJeiiì Idaho Public Utiities Corrssion 472 W"Wasligton I30ise il 83702 dOIl.~o\vencs~c.idah°.gov karl.kleinlápuc.daho. gov _!ld Delìvery __Ü.S.Mail, postage pre-paid Facsime 2l Electronic Mail Arur Perr BNd~l'US Deparert òfBl1ergý 1000 :Idepeiidence Ave SW WashingtQlî PC 70585 Arthut.hrudet(â)hq.doe.gov Dwíght Etheridge axeierAssociates, Inc. S5(j5 Sterrettllace Ste 310 Columbia MD 21044 detherídge(?exeterassocìates.com ... lJand Delivery __tJ~S.l\trai, postge pre..paid FacsinUe XElectronic Mail __ aai9 Dtilivery __ U$..Mail, postage pre-paid ~,Fa.esitnle ... X Electronic Mail Steven A Porter pleetrcity & Fossil Energy US Deparent of Energy steVen.pQrterßhq .doe.gov . (en:ail only) John R Hat0nd Ir Î$att Fisher Pusch & Aldennat LLP lOBo?, q08 :Boise il 83701 jrh(gbattfisher.com .- Hand Delivery '- U.S, Mail, postage pre..paid Facsinile X Electrnic Mai _ Hand Delivery '- lJ.$.Maî1, postage pre-paidFacsinle A Electronic Mail KurJ Boehm Bnehi Kur & Lower 36 E Sevelîth St Ste 1510 CinèÌnna1: OR 45202 kboeht(lbkJlawfimi.com .. Hand Delivery .. tT.S. Mail, PQstage pre..paid Fåcsinile .A Electronic Mail IJrad M PUrdy CAPA 2019 N 17th St Boise il 83702 bmpurdwghotmaiLcom .- ijand Delivery __ t.LS. Mai, postage pre-paid Facsimile K. Electronic Mail Riclid E Mm,gen Miçron Tecluology Inc 800 South Federal Way Boise ID 83716 temalmgrell(ßmicron.co.i _ Hand Delivety _U.S. MaU~ postage pre-paid Facsimile X Electronic Mail MarVYôrk Thorvald A Nelson Mark A Davidson Holland & Har 6380 Fiddlers Green Circle Ste 500 Greenwood Vilage CO 80 i 11 myorkt§hollandhar.com tnelsonßYhollàndhart.com madavidson(chollandhar.com Benjamn Otto J4âIo ConservafiQn LeaguePQBox844 Boise ID83701 botto!áidåhöconservation.org Ken MiUer¡',',.. ,......... .......:.c Snae River Alliance POBox 1731 Boise ID 83701 kmil1er(âsnakeriverallìance.org ~- ßân4 Delivery ~U.S. Maìl,postage pre-paìd Facsime X. E:ectronicMail .. fIçi Deliver ~ lJ.S. Maìl, postage pre-pi:id Facsiinile X _ Electronic Mail .. Hand Delivery _ U,S.Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile X Electronic Máil , ~