HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110812ICIP 37-44 to IPC.pdfIdaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED Petr!. Richin ISB # 3195 . ry M. Adas ISB # 7454 . . SON & O'LEARY PLLC 51S N. 27th Stieet Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-2236 Fax: 208 938-7904 JUl 27 2011 Boise, Idaho Attorneys for the Industial Cutomers of Idah Power BEFORE TH IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION ROFTHE N OF IDAHO POWER AUTORITY TO ITS RATES AN CHAGES C SERVICE TO ITS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) CASE NO.IPC-E-ll-08 ) ) FOURTH REQUESTS FOR ) PRODUCTION OF THE ) INDUSTRAL CUSTOMERS OF ) IDAHO POWER Pusut to Rule 225 of the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utîlîties Commssion (the "Commission"), the Industal Customers of Idao Power ("IClP") hereby requests tht Idao Power Compay ("Idao Power" or the "Compay") provide responses to the following with supportng documents, wher applicable. The response to th productîon request is due August 24, 2011. Ths prouctîon request is to be considere as contîpuing, and Idao Power is request to provide by way ofsuplementå responses additîona documents tht it or any peon sctîng on its behaf may later obtan tht will augment the responses or documents prouce. please provide electronic coies, or if unavailable a physical copy, to Mr. Richadson and. -. .. . ___ . ',. '..c Mr. Adam at the addrss noted above, and to Dr. Don Reading at: 6070 Hil Road, Boise, idao 83703, Tel: (208) 342-1700; Fax: (208) 384-151 i; drea(qdspring.com. For each item, pleae indicate the name of the person(s) preparing the .anwers~ along with the job title of such person(s) and the witíess at heag who can sponsor the aner. Some of the followig requests may include disclosurs deemed by Idao Power to be èonfdentî. Counel and the exprt witness for the Industral Customers of Idao Power have executed the protecve agreement to obtan and use such materials according the terms of that ageement. FOURTH REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF TH ICIP IPC~E-i 1 -08 PAGE 2 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 37: Refernce Dirt Tesony of Scott Sparks, p, 38, lines 12-13 (sttîng that the "Book Depreciatîon" component of th facilties charge uses "a stght lie anual depreciation of asset based o.n a Ievelized 31 year basis"). For Schedules 9, 19, 24 and Special Contrct Customers, pleas sepately provide: (a) the origi asset value of all facilties cuintly sulùect the faciltîes chage (Le. the "CoDipany's investmnt" referened in the chárge's calculaton set fort in the tarffs); (b) the average age ofthe individua pieces of equipment cury subject to thefacilties chage; (c) the averae dollar weighted ag of the individua pieces of equipment curently subjec to the facilities chare; .and (d) remaing book value:of the equipment subjec to the failties charge (Le. assumng stght line 31-year depreciationfrom the amounts provided in response to item (a)). REQUEst FOR PRODUCTION NO. 38: Refernce the table se for in the Dirct Testîony of M~ttew Larki on p~ 2S. (a)Pleae provide the: values for the Oter E:xpese ite labeled "Fuel," organzed by generion facilty. Please inc1udidenticaon of each generation facilty as either a "Peag Unit" or a "Generation and Stea Production Unit," as those terms are used in the cost of servce stdy. Please explai why the: cost of Fuel used for Peakin Plants is alocated 100% to Energy and not 100% to Demad consistent with the allocoo of Peakg Unit costs. (b) (c)Pleae explai why the cost ofFiil us for Generaton and Ste Production Units is not allocated 53.88% Enery and 46.12% Demad, consient with the allocation of Geeraton and Steam Proùcon Unit costs. (d)Does Idaho Power agree that it would be logica to allocate the costs of ful consistent with the allocation of the genertîon facilty using the ful? Pleae explai the response. ,. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 39 Pleas prvide all work papers, documentation, and a complete explantîon of the development of the normalze values found in Wright EXhbit 18 in spreheet led, "Test Yea 201 1, Cogeneraton and Small Power .Poduction, Rate Deparent N . Inortion," and explain how thse values flow from th FERC Account 55S.2 data $itlied;fe Compay's FOURTH REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF TH LCIP IPC~E-l 1 -08 PAGE 3 Respons to DOE's Data Request No. 1-13. Pleae include explanaton why the values in Wright Exhbit 18 are higher th those found in the Compay's Resnse to DOE's Data Request No. 1-13. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 40: The Company request a load chage adjustment rate (LCAR) of $19.28IMWh for al cusomers (Larki DI, p.38 and Exhbit 39), and a flXed cost adjusent (FCA) of .1218 centsWh for reidetial custoer and to 0.2273 centsWh for Small Commercal customers (Cavangh DI, Exhbit 42). Pleas fully explai why this is not allowig the Compay to be over-compensated for reuced powersales attbutable to a declie in the economy and/or the Compay's demand side management effort. Plèase includ explantion ofthe stes taen by the Company to ensur that effects of LCAR and the FCA will not ret in double recvery for declin loads. REQJÆST FOR PRQDUCTON NO. 41 Reference Commission Orer No. 32206, p. 2 (sttî tht the proposed LCAR rate for Idao Power would be $ 15.43/MWh on March 15,2011). Pleae explain the factors tht have increaed theload change adjUStment tate to $19.28IMWh as set fort Exhbit 49 to the Direct Tesny of Mattew Larki. Include explantîon of what ha cause the energy e1assified pomon of embedded production revenue reuireent to increase over i5% since Marh 201 1. Wil the LeAR result in a iíicreased or decreas rates ths yea? REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 42 Reference Rebuttal Testony of the Consrvation Pares, Nancy Hirsh, IPC-E-IO-2S, pp. 3-4,stati: The A-J effect argues tht utlîties have an incentîve to put lare capita projec into their rate base if the allowable 'rate of return exceeds the cost of capital. I emphasize this send clause becàuse ths is essential to undertadig if the A-J effect applies to Ìdaho Power. The incentive occurs becaus given a fied rate of retu tht exceeds the cost of capita; shareholders ea more on a $ I millon investentthan a $1 t. But as èxplaied by Steve Kihm in When Revenue Decou ling i rk. . .and When it Won't: "If a regulator keeps allowed rates close to a utlity's .Cost of capita, i the eaed rate ofret wil e the pri drver of the utilty's stok pricé. See Kihm at i, Attchment 1. ICIPs "discussion" of the A-J effect neglects to provide ths ful explanatîon and does not attempt to exa Idao Power's rate of retu relatîve to their cost of çapitaL. (a) Does Idaho Power agee with ths assessment otthe A-J effect and cost of capita? (b) Does.Raph Cavangh agree with ths assessment of the A-J effect ànd cost otcaita? FOURTH REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF TH IClP lPC-E-l l -08 PAGE 4 Please explai how Idaho Power's cost of capita is close to Idao Power's authori rate of retu? IfIdaho Power's explanation is different frm Mr. Cavan's please explain. (d) If Idao Power's 'cost of capital is not close to its authorized rate of retu please explai how continuation of the fixed cost adjustment wiU overcome the A-J efêPt for Idao Power without a corresponding reducion in the Company's authorize tae of retlì. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO, 43 Refernce the Direct lestîony of Ralph Cavanaugh p. 8, Jines 10-13 and Exhibit 42. Plea explain why the fixed cost adjustment has increased eah year since its inception. If made peent, wiU the FCA continue to increase eah yea? REQUET FOR PRODUCTION NO. 44 Référence the Direct Testîony of Ralph Cavaugh p. q, lies 3-9. (a) (b) Pleae explai why the FCA has not reduced Idao Power's ficia risks. Pleae explai how the LCAR authoring récover thugh the PCA for lost reenue for th energy Qlassified portion of embedde production revenue reuiment ha not reduced Ìdaho Power's fiancial risks. (c)Please explai how the Company considered its reuce risk from these combined mechaisms in its analysis of its necssar rate of re in ths cae. If the Company did not consider these two risk reduction factors, pleae explai why. Than you for yourpromptattentîon to ths Four Request for Productîon. Adams SON;& O'LEARY, PLLC FOURTH REÙESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF TH ICIP ¡PC-E-II-Q8 PAGES CERTICATE OF SERVICE I HEBY CERTIFY thto:t the 27th day of July, 201 tre and correc copy of the withn and foregoing FOURTH REQUEStS FOR PRODUC OF THE INUSTRAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER IN CAE NOJPC-E- i 1-08 was se in the ma shown to: Ms. Jean Jewell COssion t: .Idaho PUblic. U . es Common P "83720 Bo' ,ID 83720-0074 _ Hand Deliver _ U.s. M~ postge pre-pad Facsimle X. Eleconic Mail Lisa D Nordstom JaSn B Wilias Idao PDweCompay POBox 70 BoIse, Idao 83707..0070 _ Had Delîver _U.S. Mail, postge pre-pad Facsimile X Electrnic Mail Donovan Waler Grg Said Idaho Powe Company POBox 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 _ Hand Delivery U.S. Mal, postage pre-pad .Facsimile X Eleetric Mail Eric L. Olse Racine, Olson,Nye, Budge & Bailey, Chered P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center .Pocatßo, Idao 33204..1391 elof.inelaw.net _Hand Delîvery U.S. Mail, postae pre~paid Facsimle X Eleconc Ma Anony Yanel 29814 Lake Road Bay Vìlage, ohio 44140 tony~yaei.ne _Had Delivery U.s: Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile X ElecoI1c Mai Donad L Howell, II Karl Klei Idaho Pulic Utîtîes Commission 472 W Wasn Boise ID 83702 . _ Ha Devery _ U.S. Ma~postaepre-paid Facsimile 2L Electrnic Mail Arur Per Bruder US Depent of Energy 1000 Independenc Ave SW Washin n DC 20585 _ Ha Deliver _ U.S. Ma, poste prepad Facsime X Elecnic Mail Dwigh Etheridge Exeer Associates, Inc. 5565 Sterrtt Place Ste 310 Columbia MD 2 I 044 _ Had Delivery U.S. Mal.l, postage prepaid Facsimile ~ Electrnic Mai . Steven A Porter Eleccity & Fossil Energy US Deent of Energy ov _ Hand Delîver _ U.S. Ma, poste pre-pad Facsile -Ã Electrnic Mai _ Had Delivery _ U.s. MaiL, pomae pre-pad Facimle ~ Electronic Mal John R Hamond Jr Bat Fisher Pusc & Alderman LLP KurJBoehm _ Had Delivery __ U.S. Mail, poe pre-paid Facimle .- Electronic Mail Bra M Pudy CAPA 2019N 17th St Boise ID 83702 . _ Had Delivery ._ U.S. Ma,postge pre-pad Facsimle X Electonic Mail Richa E Malgrn Micron !echnolQgy .I 800 South Federal Way Boise ID 83716 _ Hand Delivery __'U.S. Mai, postae pre-paid Facsime X Electronic Mal Mar V York Thorvald A Nelson Mark A Davidson Holland & Har 638Ò Fiddlers Gr Circle Ste 500 _ Hand Delivery _ U.s. Mail, poste pre~pad Facsimile X ElectronicMail .Bejamn Ot Idao Consertion League PO Box 844 Boise ID 83701 _ Had Delivery __ U $. Mail, postage pre-paid. Facsile x. Electronic Mail Ken Miller Snae River Alliance POBox 1731 Boise 1083 70 1 _ Han Delivery __ U.S. MaiL, postage pre-pad Facimie X Electrnjc Mai