HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110812ICIP 33-36 to IPC.pdfIdaho Public Utilties Commission Offce of the SecretaryRECEIVED JUL 27 2011 Peter 1. Richason ISB #3195 Grgory M. Adas ISB # 7454 RICHASON & O'LEARY PLLC 51S N. 27th Street Boisè, Idao 83702 Telepone: ( 938-2236 Fax: (208) . 04 Boise, ldao Attorneys for the Industal Cusomers of Idaho Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MAlTER OF TH ) APPLICATION OF IDAlO POWER ) COMPAN FOR AUTHORIY TO ) INCREASE IT RATES AN CHAGES ) FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO ITS ) CUSTO'MERS IN TH STATE OF IDAHO ) .CASE NO. IPC..E..U-9S. THI REQUESTS FOR PRQDUCTION OF Tl INDUSTR CUSTOMERS Of' IDAHO POWER , PUIllt to Rule 225 of the Rules of Proceur of the Idao Public Utilties Con:ssion. (the "Commssiol1"J, the Industral Customers oÎIdaho Power ("lCIP") hereby request tht Idao Power Compay ("Idaho Powet'or the "Compay") provide renses to the followig 'Wth suppong dooúments, wher applicable. The reponse to ths producon request is due August i 7, 20U. Ths producton .request is to be considerd as contiuÙlg, and Idaho Power is requested to provde by way of supplementa respOnses additional documnts that it or any pers actig on its behaf may later obta tht 'W1Î augent therespon.ses or docuents produce. Plea provide electrotìc copies, or ifUnavailable a physical èöpy, to Mr. Richadsn and Mr. Adas at the address noted above, and to.Dr. Don Readig at: 6070 Hil Roa, Boise, Idao 83703, Tel: (208) 342-1700; Fax: (208) 384-1511; dring~ndsprlng.com. For eah item, pleas inicate the nae of the person(s) preargthe enwers, along with thejob title of suchpeon(s) and the witness at hea who can spsor the aner. Some of th following requests may Ùlclude disclosures deemed by Idaho Power to be confdential. Counl and the exper witness for the Indusal Cuomers ofIdaho Power have executed the protetive agreement to òbtain and us such materals acrding th terms oftbat agrement. THIR REQUESTS FOR PRODUCT;ON OF TI ICIP IPC-E-l i-08 PAG;E2 ß,lJST FOR PROPUCTION NQ.33: Referce th Compay" s ReSpnse to Idao Irrgation Pumrs Asocition InC.'5 ("np A") Data RequeSt No. 26. Pleae provide all docunents, descriptions, and anyse th wer used in the development or sùpport of the excel spresheet titled "Lakin Workapers -Magial Cost Anysis Schedules." REOUBTFOR PRODUCTION NO. 34: Refernce the excel spreadshee titled "Laki Workpaper - Margi Cost An . included with the Company's Response to nPA Data Reqi,st No. 26. In the tab "Sèhedule 2 - SOCMC," the Notes staté "11 0 & T ent Factors Workpaper." (Ths note was also included in the tab titled '~Sthedule 3 S Pleae prvide the work papes titled "0 & T Asgnent Factor Workps.pet' in eleconic.form along with al docunents, descriptons, an anys tht were used in the development or suppo of the work paprs. REQUST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 35: Reference th excel spreadheet titled "Lakin Workpaers - Marginal Cost Analysis Schedules" include 'Wth the Compay's ReponSe to lI A Data Reuest No. 26. In the tab titled "Schedule 2 - SOCMC," the Notes stte "1/ 0 & T Assignent Factors Workpaper Seanaize ba on avetage monthy she ofpe hour deficiencies for the five yea peod 2011--015. Source: 20091RP Technca Appendix, p. 120." Pleas explai how the eight month of April, May, June, July, August Sepembe,Nnvember, and Deceber were seleced for the caculation of Monthy Marinal Cost. Please include in your response an explanation of the specific data tht wa us from the 2009 IR in the development of the Monthy Magi Costs, along 'Wth all documents, descriptions, and analyses that were used in the development or support of the cacuations. REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 36: Referece the excelspresheettitled "Laki Workapers- Margin Cost Analysis Schedules" included 'Wth the Company's Resnse to IlPA Data Req1Ìest No. 26. In the tab titled "Schedule 3 - STMC," the Notes state "31 Seasonali~ baed on monthy shar of peak hour load grwt bewee 2011 and 2020 Somce: 2009 IR Techncal Appendix p. 59-68." Pleae explail1 'how these peak hour load growt shaes were calculated. Pleasè include Ùl yom resons an explantion the spific data that was usd frm the 2009 IR in the development of the Monthly Margi Cost.. along 'Wth al docúments, descrptions, and anyses that were use in the deelopment or support of the caculations. TH REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF TH IClP IPC-B- i 1-08 PAOE3 Than you for yfjur prompt attention tò ths Th Request for Production. TH REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF THE ICIP IPC..E- i 1..8 PAGB4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIY tht on the 27th day of July, 2011, a tre and correc copy of the with and foregoing THIRD REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF TH INUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER IN CASE NO.IPC-E-11:08 wa seed Ùl the mar shoWQ to; Ms. Jean JeweU 'Cmmsion Ida Publie P o Box 83720 Bois, iD 83720-074 _ Han Delivery _ u.s. Mail, postage prepa Facinile X Electrnic Mail Lisa D Nordstm Jasn B William Idtùo Power Company PO Box 70 Boe, Idtùo 83707-0070 _ Hand Deliver _U.S. Mail, poste pre-pad Facsimile. X Electrnie Mail Donovan Waler Greg Said Idaho Power Company POBox 70 Boise, Ida 83707..0070 _ Had Delivery u.s. Mail, postae pre-paidFacsinle ... X Electrnic Mail _Han Delivery U.S. Máil, poste pre-pad Facsimle X Eiectronic Mail Olsen RaÙle, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey, Chàred P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocfello, Idao 83204-1391 eloißQÙelaw.net Hand Deliver _U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsime X Eleconic Mail AithonyYanel 29814.Lae Road Bay Vilage, Ohio 44 i 40 tony(gyanel.net Donald L Howell, II Kal Klein Id$o Public Utilities Commssion 472 W Washingtn Boise ID 83702 _ Hand Delivery _ u.s. Mail, poste pre-paid Facsile X Electrnic Ma Arur Perr Bruder US Depareniof Energy 1000 Indepedence Ave SW Washigton DC 20585 Arhur.bruderighg.doe.goy _ Hand Delivery _ U.S. Ma, pOste pre-paid Facsimle X Electrnic Mail Dwght Etheridge Exeter Asociates, Inc; 5565 Steeti Place Ste 310 ColumbiaMD 21044 .detherdge(ßexete,a§Sciates.com _ Hand Delivery _ U.S. Mail, pOstage pre-paid Facsimle X Electronic Mail Steven A Porter Electrcity & Fossil Energy US Deparent of Energy stven.porter(ßg.doe.gov (email only) John R Hamond Jr Batt Fisher Puh & Alderan LLP POBox BoiseID _ Hand Delivery _ U.S. Mail, poste pre-paid Facsimle -X Eleconc Mai _ HandDeliver _ U.S. Mail, postae pre-paid Facsimle -. Electronic Mail Kur J Boehm _ Hand Delivery U.S. Mail, postge pre-pai4 Facsimile X Electronic Mail Bri M Purdy CAPA 2019 N 17th St Boise ID 83702 _ Hand Delivery _ U.S. Mail, poste pre-pad Facsimile X Electronic Mail Richad E Malgren Micron Technology Inc 800 South Feder Way Boise ID83716 _ Hand Delivery _ U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile X Electronic Mail Mar V York Thald A Nelson Mark A Davidson Holland & Har 63S0 Fidders Oreen Circle Ste 500 GrenwOo Vilage CO SOL 1 i _ Hand Delivery ~ U.S. Mal, poste pre-pad Facimle X Electrnic Mail Bejamn Oto Idaho Conservation Lee POBox 844 . Boise lD 83701 botto(idabocnservation.org _ Hand Deliver U.S. Mai pOste pre-pad Facsimile X Electrc Mai. _ Had Delivery Mailj poste pre-paid simile trnic Mai Ken MiIer Snake River AlliRne PO BoxJ131