HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110718DOE-1-1 through DOE-1-23 to IPC.pdfDepartment of Energy Washington, DC 20585 RECE! D 20" JUL '8 AM 9: 00 Ms. Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Washington Street P.o. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 July 12,2011 Re: Case No. IPC-E-II-08 Dear Ms. Jewell: Two copies of the United States Department of Energy's first and second requests for information and production of documents in the above-captioned proceeding are enclosed herewith for filing. Than you for your kind attention. Very truly yours, J~~-..Q ~ Arthur pe~ ;ru~er Attorney for United States Deparment of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20585 arhur.bruder~hq.doe.gov phone: (202) 586-3409 cell: (202) 329-4966 fax: (202) 586-7479 * Printed with soy ink on recycled paper BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY ) TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES ) FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO ITS ) CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO. ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-11-08 U.S. DOE's First Interrogatories and Production Requests to Idaho Power Company The United States Deparment of Energy, by and through its attorney of record, Arthur Perry Bruder, hereby requests that Idaho Power Company ("the Company" or "Idaho Power") provide the following documents and information as soon as possible, but no later than THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 2011. As per the Commission's Rules of Procedure, responses must include the name(s) and phone number of the person(s) who prepared the document, and the name(s),job title(s), location(s) and phone number(s) ofthe record holder(s) and, if different, the witness(es) who can sponsor the answer at hearing if need be. These Interrogatories and Production Requests are to be considered as continuing, and the Company is requested to provide, by way of supplementar responses, additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that constitute relevant augmentation of the documents produced. Please provide answers to each question, supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations, and the name, job title and telephone number of the person preparing the çlocuments. Please provide all Excel and electronic fies on CD with formulas activated. /"t:--t-c:r-;0ni("mco :::i\...o IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE No. IPC-E-11-08 DOE's FIRST REQUEST FOR INFORMATION AND PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS DOE-I-I. DOE-1-2. DOE-1-3. DOE-1-4. DOE-1-5. DOE-1-6. Please provide copies of all responses to requests for information submitted by other paries to Idaho Power in this docket. This is an ongoing request. Please provide Exhibit Nos. 28 and 29 in native format (e.g., Excel, Word) with all links and formulas intact (if applicable). (M. Larkin, p. 8.) Please provide the workpapers referred to by Mr. Larkin on page 8, 15-16, in native format (e.g., Excel, Word) with all links and formulas intact (if applicable). Please explain what Mr. Larkin is referrng to when he says "maximum demand imposed on the Company's system." (M. Larkin, pp. 10-11.) Per Mr. Larkin, pages 10-11, "due to the hydro production capabilty of the Company, a portion of the hydro and thermal generating plant investment has historically been classified as energy-related." (a) Is it Mr. Larkin's testimony that a portion ofIdaho Power's hydro and thermal generating plant investment has historically been classified as energy-related solely because of the fact that Idaho Power has hydro production capabilty? (b) How does control of hydro production capability support the conclusion that a portion of Idaho Power's hydro and thermal generating plant investment should be classified as energy-related? Per Mr. Larkin, page 18, "(t)he energy portion of the steam and hydro production investment has been determined by use of the Idaho jursdictional load factor of 53.88 percent." (a) Please provide Mr. Larkin's workpapers that show the computation of the Idaho jurisdictional load factor. (b) In which Idaho Power general rate case was the Idaho jurisdictional load factor first used to classify a portion of Idaho Power's hydro and thermal generating plant investment as energy -related? (c) Please list each Idaho Power general rate case in the last twenty years where the Idaho jurisdictional load factor was used to classify a portion of Idaho Power's hydro and thermal generating plant investment as energy -related? Please also provide the Idaho jurisdictional load factor that was used in each of these cases. (d) Please provide Idaho Power's actul anual jursdictional load factor for the last ten calendar years, 2001 through 2010, including the annual peak in megawatts, the time of the anual peak, and the anual energy in megawatt-hours. 2 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE No. IPC-E-11-08 DOE's FIRST REQUEST FOR INFORMATION AND PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS DOE-1-7. DOE-1-8. (e) Please provide Idaho Power's weather normalized anual jursdictional load factor for the last ten calendar years, 2001 through 2010, including the weather normalized peak in megawatts and the weather normalized energy in megawatt-hours. (f) Please provide Idaho Power's anual jurisdictional load factor for the most recent 12 month period (e.g., July 2010 through June 2011), including the peak in megawatts, the time of the peak, and the energy in megawatt-hours. (g) Please provide Idaho Power's anual jurisdictional load factor for the 12 months ended July 2011, August 2011, and September 2011 when that information becomes available, including the peak in megawatts, the time of the peak, and the energy in megawatt-hours. Per Exhibit No. 30, page 6, "(t)he base period is equivalent to a low load or off-peak time period where loads are at the lowest, normally during the nighttime hours." (a) For the sumer months of June through August 2010, please list the hours Mr. Larkin typically considers to be base period hours. (b) For the non-sumer months of December 2009 through February 2010, please list the hours Mr. Larkin typically considers to be base period hours. (c) For the non-summer months of September 2009 thòugh November 2009, please list the hours Mr. Larkin typically considers to be base period hours. (d) For the non-sumer months of March 2010 through May 2010, please list the hours Mr. Larkin typically considers to be base period hours. Per Exhibit No. 30, page 6, "(t)he intermediate time period represents the shoulder hours which are driven by the mid-peak loads that typically occur throughout the winter daytime and in the early morning and late evening during the summer months." (a) For the sumer months of June through August 2010, please list the hours Mr. Larkin typically considers to be intermediate period hours. (b) For the non-sumer months of December 2009 through Februar 2010, please list the hours Mr. Larkin typically considers to be intermediate period hours. (c) For the non-summer months of September 2009 through November 2009, please list the hours Mr. Larkin typically considers to be intermediate period hours. 3 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE No. IPC-E-11-08 DOE's FIRST REQUEST FOR INFORMATION AND PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS (d) For the non-summer months of March 2010 through May 2010, please list the hours Mr. Larkin typically considers to be intermediate base period hours. DOE-1-9. Per Exhibit No. 30, page 6, "(t)he peak category is driven by the peak loads that occur during summer afternoons and evenings." (a) For the summer months of June through August 2010, please list the hours Mr. Larkin typically considers to be peaking period hours. (b) Does Mr. Larkin typically consider peaking hours to exclude weekends and holidays? Please explain. DOE-1-10. Per Exhibit No. 30, page 6, "(t)he base and intermediate loads on the Company's system are typically served by the same generation resources." (a) What does the Company mean by base loads on the Company's system? Are those loads in what the Company considers to be the base period? (b) What does the Company mean by intermediate loads on the Company's system? Are those loads in what the Company considers to be the intermediate period? Are those loads incremental to base loads? (c) To which generation resources is the Company referring? (d) Please explain how base loads on the Company's system were typically served by the same generation resources during the months of June 2010 through August 2010? (e) Please explain how intermediate loads on the Company's system were typically served by the same generation resources during the months of June 2010 through August 2010? (f) Please explain how base loads on the Company's system were actully served by the same generation resources, if they were served by the same generation resources, on each of the monthly system peak days for the months of June 2010 through August 2010, and for each hour on each of those three days? (g) Please explain how intermediate loads on the Company's system were actually served by the same generation resources, if they were served by the same generation resources, on each of the monthly system peak days for the months of June 2010 through August 2010, and for each hour on each of those three days? (h) Please explain how base loads on the Company's system were actually served by the same generation resources, if they were served by the same generation resources, on each of the monthly system peak days for the months of December 2009 through Februar 2010, and for each hour on each of those three days? 4 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE No. IPC-E-11-08 DOE's FIRST REQUEST FOR INFORMATION AND PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS (i) Please explain how intermediate loads on the Company's system were actually served by the same generation resources, if they were served by the same generation resources, on each of the monthly system peak days for the months of December 2009 through Februar 2010, and for each hour on each of those three days? DOE-I-II. Please provide in Excel format the following information on an hourly basis for the calendar years 2008 through 2010, for the months Januar 2011 through June 2011, and for the months of July 2011 though September 2011 as information becomes available: (a) Idaho Power's system loads. (b) Idaho Power's share of production from the Jim Bridger coal-fired plant. (c) Idaho Power's share of production from the Valmy coal-fired plant. (d) Idaho Power's share of production from the Boardman coal-fired plant. (e) Idaho Power's production from the Brownlee hydro plant. (f) Idaho Power's production from the Oxbow hydro plant. (g) Idaho Power's production from the Hells Canyon hydro plant. (h) Idaho Power's total hydro production from the Upper-Snake area, including the American Falls, Milner, and Shoshone Falls hydro plants. (i) Idaho Power's hydro production from the Mid-Snake area from the Swan Falls, Twin Falls, Upper Salmon A, and Upper Salmon B hydro plants. G) Idaho Power's hydro production from the Mid-Snake area from the Bliss, C. J. Strike, and Lower Salmon hydro plants. (k) Idaho Power's total hydro production from the North Fork Payette and and South Central Idaho areas, including the Cascade, Clear Lake, Lower Malad, Thousand Springs, and Upper Malad hydro plants. (1) Idaho Power's production from the Danskin natual gas-fired combustion turbine plant. (m) Idaho Power's production from the Bennett Mountain natural gas- fired combustion turbine. (n) Idaho Power's production from the Salmon diesel-fired plant. (0) Idaho Power's wholesale market purchases booked to Account 555.1. (P) Idaho Power's purchases from qualifying facilties booked to Account 555.2. 5 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE No. IPC-E-11-08 DOE's FIRST REQUEST FOR INFORMATION AND PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS (q) Any other generation or purchases not listed above that were available to Idaho Power to meet its hourly system load for the requested time period. Please explain the source of any energy if Idaho Power responds to this request. DOE-l-12. For each purchase whose cost is booked to Account 555.1, please provide in Excel format with all formulas and links intact the following by month for the calendar years 2008 through 2010, for the months Januar 2011 through June 2011, and for the months of July 2011 through September 2011 as information becomes available: (a) Transaction number, transaction date, duration, type (for example, firm energy), total capacity and/or energy purchased, total cost, applicable pricing mechansm ($/MW, $/MWh, or some combination), and specific prices. DOE-I-B. For each purchase whose cost is booked to Account 555.2, please provide in Excel format with all formulas and links intact the following by month for the calendar years 2008 through 2010, for the months Januar 2011 through June 2011, and for the months of July 2011 through September 2011 as information becomes available: (a) Transaction number, transaction date, duration, type (for example, firm energy), total capacity and/or energy purchased, total cost, applicable pricing mechanism ($/MW, $/MWh, or some combination), and specific prices. DOE-1-14. In Idaho Power's 2011 Integrated Resource Plan, page 28, Idaho Power states, "(w)ater storage in Brownlee Reservoir also enables the Hells Canyon projects to provide the major portion of Idaho Power's peaking and load following capabilty." (a) What was the output of each of the Hells Canyon projects (Brownlee, Oxbow, and Hells Canyon hydro plants) at the hour of Idaho Power's anual system peak for the years 2006 through 201 O? Please also provide the date and time of the anual system peaks. (b) What was the output of each of the Hells Canyon projects (Brownlee, Oxbow, and Hells Canyon hydro plants) at the hour of Idaho Power's minimum mornng load on the day Idaho Power established its anual system peak for the years 2006 through 201 O? Please also provide the time of the minimum morning load on those days. (c) What does Idaho Power consider to be its next most importt source of peaking capabilty after the. Brownlee, Oxbow, and Hells Canyon hydro plants, and why? (d) Please explain what the Company means by load following capabilty. 6 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE No. IPC-E-11-08 DOE's FIRST REQUEST FOR INFORMATION AND PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS (e) Please explain how Idaho Power typically utilizes its Hells Canyon projects for load following purposes during the sumer months of June through August. (f) Please explain how Idaho Power typically utilizes its Hells Canyon projects for load following purposes during the winter months of December through Februar. (g) Please explain how Idaho Power actually used the Hells Canyon projects for load following puroses for each hour on each of the monthly system peak days for the months of June 2010 through August 2010. (h) Please explain how Idaho Power actually used the Hells Canyon projects for load following purposes for each hour on each of the monthly system peak days for the months of December 2009 through February 2010. DOE-1-16. In Idaho Power's 2011 Integrated Resource Plan, page 31, Idaho Power states, "(t)he Danskin plant operates as needed to support system load" and "(t)he Bennett Mountain plant also operates as needed to support system load." (a) What does the Company mean by "operates as needed to support system load"? (b) What is the load following capability of those combustion turbines, and to what extent does Idaho Power use those combustion turbines for load following? Using the month of July 2010 as an. example, provide specific examples of hours in which Idaho Power used these combustion turbines for load following purposes. (c) What are the input parameters that are used by Idaho Power in its production simulation modeling for the 179 megawatt Siemens 501F combustion turbine at the Danskin plant? In particular, what is Idaho Power's assumed minimum loading on this unit for production simulation purposes. (d) What are the input parameters that are used by Idaho Power in its production simulation modeling for the two 46 megawatt Siemens- Westinghouse W251 B 12A combustion turbines at the Danskin plant? In paricular, what is Idaho Power's assumed minimum loading on each of these units for production simulation puroses. (e) What are the input parameters that are used by Idaho Power in its production simulation modeling for the 173 megawatt Siemens- Westinghouse 501F combustion turbine at the Bennett Mountain plant? In particular, what is Idaho Power's assumed minimum loading on this unit for production simulation puroses. 7 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE No. IPC-E-11-08 DOE's FIRST REQUEST FOR INFORMATION AND PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS DOE-l-17. Please answer the following regarding Idaho Power's share of the Jim Bridger coal-fired plant. (a) What is the maximum sumer capacity associated with Idaho Power's share of each ofthe four unts at this plant? (b) How does Idaho Power schedule its share of the output from the four units at the Jim Bridger plant? (c) How does Idaho Power typically use its share of the output from the four units at the Jim Bridger plant to meet peak loads during the summer months of June though August? (d) How does Idaho Power typically use its share of the output from the four units at the Jim Bridger plant to meet peak loads during the winter months of December through Februar? (e) How does Idaho Power typically use its share of the output from the four units at the Jim Bridger plant for load following purposes during sumer and winter months? (f) What flexibilty does Idaho Power have to ramp up or down its share of the output from the four units at the Jim Bridger plant? (g) Please list when each of the Jim Bridger units was off-line for scheduled maintenance for the period Januar 2008 through the present. (h) Please list when each of the Jim Bridger units is scheduled to be off- line for maintenance for the period from the present through 2012. DOE-1-18. Please answer the following regarding Idaho Power's share of the Valmy coal-fired plant. (a) What is the maximum sumer capacity associated with Idaho Power's share of each of the two units at this plant? (b) How does Idaho Power schedule its share of the output from the two units at the Valmy plant? (c) How does Idaho Power typically use its share of the output from the two units at the Valmy plant to meet peak loads during the sumer months of June through August? (d) How does Idaho Power typically use its share of the output from the two units at the Valmy plant to meet peak loads during the winter months of December through Februar? ( e) How does Idaho Power tyically use its share of the output from the two unts at the Valmy plant for load following puroses during sumer and winter months? (f) What flexibilty does Idaho Power have to ramp up or down its share of the output from the two unts at the Valmy plant? 8 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE No. IPC-E-11-08 DOE's FIRST REQUEST FOR INFORMATION AND PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS (g) Please list when each of the Valmy units was off-line for scheduled maintenance for the period Januar 2008 through the present. (h) Please list when each of the Valmy units is scheduled to be off-line for maintenance for the period from the present through 2012. DOE-1-19. Please answer the following regarding Idaho Power's share of the Boardman coal-fired plant. (a) What is the maximum sumer capacity associafed with Idaho Power's share of this plant? (b) How does Idaho Power schedule its share of the output from the Boardman plant? (c) How does Idaho Power typically use its share of the output from the Boardman plant to meet peak loads during the summer months of June through August? (d) How does Idaho Power typically use its share of the output from the Boardman plant to meet peak loads during the winter months of December through Februar? ( e) How does Idaho Power typically use its share of the output from the Boardman plant for load following puroses during sumer and winter months? (f) What flexibilty does Idaho Power have to ramp up or down its share of the output from the Boardman plant? (g) Please list when the Boardman plants was off-line for scheduled maintenance for the period Januar 2008 through the present. (h) Please list when the Boardman plant is scheduled to be off-line for maintenance for the period from the present through 2012. DOE-1-20. In Idaho Power's 2011 Integrated Resource Plan, page 67, Idaho Power states, "( m )onthly average generation for Idaho Power's hydroelectric resources is calculated with a generation model developed internally by Idaho Power. The generation model treats the projects upstream of the Hells Canyon Complex as ru-of-river plants. The generation model mathematically manages reservoir storage in the Hells Canyon Complex to meet the remaining system load, while adhering to the operating constraints on the Brownlee Reservoir and outflows from the Hells Canyon project. For peak-hour analysis, a review of historical operations was performed to yield relationships between monthly energy production and achieved one-hour peak generation. The projected peak-hour capabilties for the IRP were derived to be consistent with the observed relationships." (a) Please provide a copy of the referenced model in native format (e.g.,Excel) with all links and formulas intact (if applicable)? 9 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE No. IPC-E-11-08 DOE's FIRST REQUEST FOR INFORMATION AND PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS (b) Please explain how the model mathematically manages reservoir storage in the Hells Canyon Complex to meet remaining system load? (c) Please explain specifically what is meant by remaining system load? (d) Please provide the historical data that was reviewed and the calculations that were preformed to yield the relationships between monthly energy production and achieved one-hour peak generation, and please provide this information electronically in native format (e.g., Excel) with all links and formulas intact? DOE-1-21. Per Mr. Larkin, page 3, "(t)he 2011 test year customer and kWh sales forecast is based upon the Sales and Load Forecast prepared for the 2011 Integrated Resource Plan." Please answer the following regarding the load forecast used in Idaho Power's 2011 Integrated Resource Plan. (a) Was that forecast prepared on or about August 2010? (b) What were the last available actual monthly sales used in preparng that forecast? DOE-1-22. Per Mr. Larkin, pages 6-7, "(h)istorical data from the most currently available four calendar years is used to derive an average load factor by month for each rate class. These average load factors are then applied to monthly kWh sales figures to determine total forecasted biling demand and BLC by class for each month ofthe test period." (a) Please provide the historical data and the calculations that were preformed to derive average load factors by month for each rate class, and please provide this information electronically in native format (e.g., Excel) with all links and formulas intact? (b) Why did Idaho Power elect to use a four-year average? DOE-l-23. Please provide Exhibit Nos. 31 through 37 in native format (e.g., Excel) with all links and formulas intact (if applicable). (M. Larkin, pp. 26-27.) At Washington, D.C., this 12th day of July, 2011. Arhur Perr Bruder Attorney for the United States Department of Energy Phone: (202) 586-3409 Fax: (202) 586-4116 Cell: (202) 329-4966 Arur.Bruder~hq.doe.gov 10 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE No. IPC-E-11-08 . DOE's FIRST REQUEST FOR INFORMATION AND PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that, this 1ith day of July, 2011, I served the foregoing first production request ofthe United States Deparent of Energy to Idaho Power Company, in Case No. iPC- 11- 08, by attching it to an email which I caused to be transmitted to the following persons at the following email addresses: Commission Staff Donald L. Howell, DAG Karl T. Klein, DAG Weldon Stutzman, DAG Randy Lobb Neil Price Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702 Don.Howell(ßpuc.ldaho.gov Karl.Klein(ßpuc.idaho. gov; W eldon. Stutzman~puc.idaho. gov Randylobb(ßpuc.Idaho.gov; Neil.Price ~puc.Idaho.gov Idaho Power Company Lisa D. Nordstrom Jason B. Wiliams Donovan E. Walker Greg Said John R. Gale Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 Inordstrom(ßidahopower .com; jwiliams~idahopower .com dwalker(ßidahopower.com; gsaid(ßidahopower .com; rgale~idahopower .com Community Action Partnership Association Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th St. Boise, ID. 83702 bmpurdy~hotmail.com Idaho Conservation League Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation league 710 N. 6th St. PO Box 844 Boise, ID 83701 botto~idahoconservation.org 11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE No. IPC-E-11-08 DOE's FIRST REQUEST FOR INFORMATION AND PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association Eric L. Olsen Racine, Olson, Nye, Bud & Bailey, Chartered 201 East Center Street P.O. Box 1391 Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 elOCfracinelaw.net Anthony Yanel 29814 Lake Road Bay Vilage, Ohio 44140 tony~yanel.net Industrial Consumers of Idaho Power Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams Richardson & O'Leary PLLC 515 N. 27th St P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 peter(ßrichardsonandoleary.com; greg~richardsonandolear .com Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hil Road Boise, Idaho 83703 dreading~mindspring.com Kroger John R Hamond, Jr. Batt Fisher Pusch & Alderman, LLP U.S. Ban Plaza, 5th Floor 101 S. Capitol Boulevard, Suite 500 P.O. Box 1308 Boise, ID 83701 jrh~battfisher .com Kur J. Boehm Boehm, Kurz & Lower 36 E. Seventh St., Suite 1510 Cincinnati, OH 45202 KBohm~PBKLlawfirm.com 12 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE No. IPC-E-11-08 DOE's FIRST REQUEST FOR INFORMATION AND PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS Kevin Higgins Energy Strategies; LLC 215 S. State Street Suite 200 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 khiggins~energystrat.com Micron MaryV. York Holland & Har LLP Suite 1400, U.S. Ban Plaza 101 South Capitol Boulevard P.O. Box 2527 Boise, Idaho 83701-2527 myork~hollandhart.com Thorvald A. Nelson Mark A. Davidson Holland & Har LL 6800 South Fiddlers Green Circle, Ste. 500 Greenwood Vilage, CO 80111 tnelson(ßhollandhart.com; madavidson~hollandhar.com Richard E. Malmgren Sr. Asst. General Counsel Micron Technology, Inc. 800 South Federal Way Boise, ID 83716 remalmgren~micron.com Snake River Allance Ken Miler, Clean Energy Program Director 350 N 9th St # B610 Boise, ID 83702-5473 kmiler~snakeriverallance.org Arhur Perr Bruder Attorney for United States Deparment of Energy 13