HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110630Kroger Q1-1 - Q1-2 to IPC.pdfVIA OVERNGHT MA Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 472 W. Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 In re: Case No. IPC-E-ll-08 Dear Ms. Jewell: BOEHM, KURTZ & lOWRY ATIORNS AT lAW36 EAT SEV STRET R E C E f V E 0 SUITE 1510 CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202 TELEHONE (513) 421-2255 ior I JUN 30 PH 2= 33 TELECOPlER (513) 421-2764 June 28, 201 i Enclosed please find the original and (7) copies of the FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIS OF THE KROGER CO. to IDAHO POWER COMPAN to be fied in the above referenced matter. Please place this document of fie. Copies have been served on all parties listed on the attached Certificate of Service. KJBkew EncL. R~e;rn, Kurt J. Boehm, Esq. BOEHM, KURTZ & LOWRY G:\WORK\MLK\KROGER\IDAHO\IPC-E-II-08\Commission Data Request letter.docx CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that tre copy of the foregoing was served by overnight mail, unless otherwse noted, this 28th day of June, 201 i to the following: Lisa D. Nordstrom Jason B. Wiliams IDAHO POWER COMPANY P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 Donavan Walker Greg Said IDAHO POWER COMPANY P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 G:\WORK\MLK\KROGER\IDAHO\IPC-E-II-08\Commission Data Request letter.docx ~ Kurt J. Boehm, Esq. Eric L. Olsen RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE & BAILEY, CHTD. 20 i E. Center P.O. Box 1391 Pocatello,ID 83204-1391 Anthony Yankel 29814 Lake Rd. Bay Vilage, OH 44140 John R. Hammond, Jr., ISB No. 5470 BATT FISHER PUSCH & ALDERMAN, LLP U.S. Ban Plaza, 5th Floor 101 S. Capitol Boulevard, Suite 500 P.O. Box 1308 Boise, Idaho 83701 Telephone: 208.331.1000 Facsimle: 208.331.2400 E-mail: jrht§battfisher.com Kur J. Boehm BOEHM, KURTZ & LOWRY 36 E. Seventh St., Suite 1510 Cincinati, Ohio 45202 Telephone: 513.421.2255 Facsimle: 513.421.2764 E-mail: KBoehm(fbk11awfir.com Attorneys for Kroger Co. RECEIVED zon JUN 30 PH 2= 33 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPAN FOR ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AN CHAGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO ) ITS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) Case No. IPC-E-11-08 FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIS OF KROGER CO. TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIS OF THE KROGER CO. TO IDAHO POWER COMPAN June 28, 2011 DEFINITIONS 1. "Document" means the original and all copies (regardless of origi and whether or not includig additional wrting thereon or attached thereto) of memoranda, reports, books, manuals, instrctions, directives, records, forms, notes, letter, notices, conftions, telegrain, pamphlets, notations of any sort concerng conversations, telephone calls, meetings or other communcations, bulletins, trascripts, diares, analyses, sumaries, correspondence investigations, questionnaires, sureys, worksheets, and ail drafts, prelimiary versions, alterations, modifications, revisions, changes, amendments and written comments concernng the foregoing, in whatever form, stored or contained in or on whatever medium, includig computerized memory or magnetic media. 2. "Study" means any written, recorded, transcribed, taped, filmed, or grphic matter, however produced or reproduced, either formally or informally, a paricular issue or sitution, in whatever detail, whether or not the consideration of the issue or situation is in a prelimiary stage, and whether or not the consideration was discontinued prior to completion. 3. "Person" means any natual person, corporation, professional corporation, parnership, association, joint venture, proprietorship, firm, or the other business enterprise or legal entity. 4. A request to identify a natual person meas to state his or her ful nae and residence address, his or her present last known position and business affliation at the time in question. 5. A request to identify a document mean to state the date or dates, author or origiator, subject matter, all addressees and recipients, tye of document (e.g., letter, memorandum, telegram, cha, etc.), number of code number thereof or other means of identifyg it, and its present location and custodian. If any such document was, but is no longer in the Company's possession or subject to its control, state what disposition was made of it. 6. A request to identify a person other than a natural person means to state its full name, the address of its principal offce, and the type of entity. 7. "And" and "or" should be considered to be both conjunctive and disjunctive, uness specifically stated otherise. 8. "Each" and "any" should be considered to be both singular and plural, uness specifically stated otherwise. 9. Words in the past tense should be considered to include the present, and words in the present tense include the past, uness specifically stated otherwise. 10. "You" or "your" means the person whose fied testimony is the subject of these interrogatories and, to the extent relevant and necessar to provide ful and complete answers to any request, "you" or "your may be deemed to include any person with informtion relevant to any interrogatory who is or was employed by or otherise associated with the witness or who assisted, in any way, in the preparation of the witness' testimony. 11. Idaho Power Co. ("Company") means any of their offcers, directors, employees, or agents who may have knowledge of the paricular matter addressed. INSTRUCTIONS 1. If any matter is evidenced by, referenced to, reflected by, represented by, or recorded in any document, please identify and produce for discovery and inpection each such document. 2. These interrogatories are continuing in natue, and informtion which the responding party later becomes aware of, or has access to, and which is responsive to any request is to be made available to Fred Meyer Stores, studies, documents, or other subject matter not yet completed that wil be relied upon durng the course of this case should be so identified and provided as soon as they are completed. The Respondent is obliged to change, supplement and correct all anwers to interrogatories to conform to available information, including such informtion as it first becomes available to the Respondent after the answers hereto are served. 3. Unless otherwise expressly provided, each interogatory should be construed independently and not with reference to any other interrogatory herein for purose of limtation. 4. The answers provided should first restate the question asked and also identify the person(s) supplying the information. 5. Please answer each designated par of each information request separately. If you do not have complete information with respect to any interrogatory, so state and give as much informtion as you do have with respect to the matter inquied about, and identify each person whom you believe may have additional information with respect thereto. 6. In the case of multiple witnesses, each interrogatory should be considered to apply to each witness who wil testify to the information requested. Where copies of testimony, transcripts or depositions are requested, each witness should respond individualy to the informtion request. 7. The interogatories are to be answered under oath by the witness( es) responsible for the anwer. ~.~ FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES OF THE KROGER CO. TO IDAHO POWER COMPAN CASE NO. IPC-E-ll-08 Q1.1. Please send our consultant Kevin Higgins a complete hard copy of IDAHO POWER COMPAN'S Application and Direct Testimony as well as copies of all past and future data responses provided by IDAHO POWER COMPAN to data requests submitted by other paries in ths case. Please provide your responses to our consultant at the address listed below. Q 1.2. Please provide an electronic version of all workpapers with formulas in tact in excel formt and forward to our consultant at the address listed below. Kevin Higgins Energy Strategies, LLC Parkside Towers 215 South State Street, Suite 200 Salt Lae City, Utah 84111 khgginst§energystrat.com Respectfuly submitted,l¿~ Kur J. Boehm Esq. BOEHM, KURTZ & LOWRY 36 East Seventh Street, Suite 1510 Cincinati, Ohio 45202 Ph: (513) 421-2255 Fax: (513) 421-2764 E-mail: kboehmt§BKLlawfirm.com