HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101108ICIP 1-15 to IPC.pdfRECE!V~"QJlJ.B~PUATTORNEYS AT LAW zuin HOV -8 PM 2= 22 Peter Richardson Tel: 208-938-7901 Fax: 208-938-7904 pete r~ tichardsonandol eary. co m P.O. Box 7218 Boise, 1083707 - 515 N. 27th St. Boise, 10 83702 November 8, 2010 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 RE: IPC-E-10-25 Dear Ms. Jewell: We are enclosing three copies of the FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER, in the above case. The original has been served on Idaho Power Company. Sincerely,~Ú0d\1 Nina Curtis Administrative Assistant to Peter Richardson Richardson & O'Leary PLLC iT ,., .. Peter J. Richardson ISB # 3195 Gregory M. Adams ISB # 7454 RICHARDSON & O'LEARY PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-2236 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter(ßchardsonandolear.com greg(grichardsonadolear.com f) imo NOV -8 PM 2= 22 Attorneys for the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REQUEST FOR ACCEPT ANCEOF ITS 2011 RETIREMENT BENEFITS PACKAGE ) CASE NO. IPC-E-IO-25 ) ) FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ) THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF ) IDAHO POWER ) Pursuat to Rule 225 of the Ru1es of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilties Coinmission (the "Commission"), the Industral Customers of Idaho Power ("ICIP") hereby requests that Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power") provide responses to the following with supporting documents, where applicable, no later than November 29,2010. Ths production request is to be considered as continuing, and the Idaho Power is requested to provide by way of supplementar responses additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtan that will augment the responses or documents produced. Please provide one physical copy and one electronic copy, if available, of your answer to Mr. Adams at the address noted above. Please provide an additional electronÌC copy, or if Page 1 ~ FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIA CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER~ IPC-E-IO-25 f\ ", .. unavailable a physical copy, to Dr. Don Reading at: 6070 Hil Road, Boise, Idaho 83703, Tel: (208) 342-1700; Fax: (208) 384-1511; dreading~mindspring.com. For each item, please indicate the name of the person(s) preparing the answers, along with the job title of such person(s) and the witness at hearng who can sponsor the answer. Some of the following requests may include disclosures deemed by Idao Power to be confidentiaL. Counsel for the Industrial Customers of Idao Power contacted counsel for Idaho Power regarding a confidentiality agreement prior to sending these Requests for Production. Counsel and the expert witness of the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power are prepared to sign any such agreement to obtai the materials. relevant to ths proceeding, and expect that executing such a confidentiality agreement will not delay Idaho Power's responses to these Requests for Production. Page 2 ~ FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER- IPC-E-IO-25 I' ,. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. i Reference Direct Testimony of Sharon Gershultz, p. 5, lines 3-18. a. Please provide all documents, studies, or other information provided by Towers Watson to Idaho Power. b. Please indicate the tie period of the Towers Watson contract and the time period over which Towers Watson conducted its investigation. c. Please provide a description of the retirement benefit program for each of the 700 companies included in the comparson group. Please specify for each company's program whether it includes a defined benefit program, defined contrbution program, cash balance progr, or some other type of program, and if it includes.more than one type of program please specify which types ar included and the relative percentages of each to the total program. For each company, please also provide the date that the program described was in effect. d. Please identify which of the 700 companes have a retirement benefit programs which includes a defined benefit program for new employees, similar to that proposed by Idaho Power. Please provide all evidence establishing such programs are similar to Idaho Power's. e. F or each company in the comparson group, please indicate the number of employees of that company as of the date of the program described. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.2 Reference Direct Testimony of Sharon Gershu1tz, p. 5, lines 13-18, referrg to the investigation of peer companies. a. Please provide list of the peer companes. b. Please provide the time period over which the comparson was conducted, c. Please provide a description ofthe retirement benefit program for each ofthe peer companies included. Please specify for each company's program whether it includes a defined benefit program, defined contrbution program, cash balance program, or some other tye of progra, and if it includes more than one tye of program please specify which types are included and the relative percentages of each to the total program. For each company, please also provide the date that the program described was in effect. d. Please identify all peer companes whose retirement benefit programs include a defined benefit program for new employees, similar to that proposed by Idaho Power. Please provide all evidence establishing such programs are similar to Idaho Power's. Page 3 ~ FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIA CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER- IPC-E-IO-25 '" " e. For each of the companes included in the peer group, please indicate the number of employees. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.3 Reference Direct Testimony of Sharon Gershu1tz, p. 8, lines 4-10. Please provide data for each year through 2020 indicating the total number of total employees and the number in each of the groups categorized as "curent leaders," and "Critical Operations." REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.4 Reference Direct Testimony of Sharon Gershu1tz, p. 8-11, regarding the "a simple shift of the Company's curent benefit weighting from the defined benefit plan to the 401(K) benefit plan." a. Please provide, in electronic format where possible, all work papers, spreadsheets, and data used in the analysis, b. Please provide all assumptions used in the analysis, including the assumed retu for both the curent Company retirement program and the invested funds in an average employee's 401 (K). c. Please provide the timeframe over which the analysis was conducted and a definition of what was considered the "long-ru." d. Please provide the present value of the total Company contribution under the curent Company retirement plan and the defined contrbution alternative. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.5 Reference Direct Testimony of Sharon Gershu1tz, p. 12, lines 2-8~ stating "As I fuer evaluated different scenarios, I concluded that while the defined benefit plan provided a very similar benefit as the 401(K) benefit plan to an average worker, it provided a higher level of benefits to an employee with more years of experience while the 401(K) benefit plan provided more benefit to a less experienced employee." Please provide, in electronic format where possible, all work papers, spreadsheets, and data used to reach this conclusion. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.6 Reference Direct Testimony of Sharon Gershultz, pp. 13-15, describing the study of a cash balance plan. Page 4 - FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER-IPC-E-IO-25 ,. a. Please provide, in electronic format where possible, all work papers, spreadsheets, and data used in the anysis. b. Please provide all assumptions used in the analysis, including the assumed retu for both the curent Company retirement program and cash balance plan. c. Please provide the tieframe over which the analysis was conducted. d. Please provide the present value of the tota Company contribution under the curent Company retirement plan and the cash balance plan alternative. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.7 Reference Direct Testimony of Sharon Gershultz, pp. 16-19, describing the proposed modified retirement plan. a. Please provide, in electronic format where possible, all work papers, spreadsheets, and data used in the analysis. b. Please provide all assumptions used in the analysis, including the assumed retur for both the curent Company retirement program and the proposed modified plan. c. Please provide the tiieframe over which the analysis was conducted and the impact on the Company's retiement benefit costs on a year by year basis over the study tiie period. d. Please provide the present value of the total Company contribution under the curent Company retirement plan and the proposed modified plan. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.8 Reference Direct Testimony of Sharon Gershultz, p 19, lines 3-7, stating "as I have looked at other utilties, it is clear that the Company's workforce strctue has allowed it to avoid many additional employee-related costs that other utilties incur and must pass on to customers." a. Please provide a list of the other utilties that were used to arve at ths conclusion. b. Please provide a description of the retirement benefit program for each of these utilties (i.e. defined benefit, defined contribution, cash balance, combination of types, etc.). c. Please specify any factors that Idaho Power can avoid that led other utilities to incur additional employee-related costs and the dollar amounts of those costs. Page 5 - FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - IPC-E-l 0-25 ~\ REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.9 Reference the following Commission directive in Order No. 31091, p. 3: Many employers in recent years have replaced their defined benefit plans with pension programs that place greater responsibility and investment risks on employees. Idaho Power must similarly consider changes to its retirement plan and address shareholder and employee liabilities in the assignment of pension plan investment risk. The Commission will not approve recovery of additional pension plan contributions from customers without evidence that Idaho Power has carefuly reviewed alternatives to reduce the burden placed on customers. a. Please identify where in the testimony Idaho Power has demonstrated that it considered shareholder liabilties in assignent of pension plan investment risk. b. Please identify where in the testimony Idaho Power has demonstrated that it considered employee liabilties in assignment of pension plan investment risk. c. Please identify where in the testimony Idaho Power has demonstrated that it carefully reviewed alternatives to reduce the burden placed on customers. d. Reference Direct Testimony of Darel Anderson, p.5, lines 9~10, stating that his instrctions to Ms. Gershultz prior to the retirement benefit review this year "were similar to the instrctions that I provide for each year's review." Please explain how such an instrction to Ms. Gersulch could obtain a resu1t that complies with the Commission's directive in Order No. 31091. e. How does the modified retirement plan presented by Idaho Power shift the risk for pension fud underperformance from ratepayers to employees? f. How does the modified retirement plan presented by Idaho Power shift the risk for pension fud underperformance from ratepayers to shareholders? REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.1 0 Reference Direct Testimony of Darel Anderson, p. 5, lines 20-22, stating, "retirement benefit portbility is not in alignment with the Company's employee retention goals and may not be in the best interests of customers." Please explain why retirement benefit portabilty would not be the best interests of customers. Please provide all evidence, documents, or studies supporting this assumption. Page 6 - FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER-IPC-E-IO-25 ,~ .. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 11 Reference Direct Testimony of Darel Anderson, p. 7, stating, "Employees who retire prior to age 62 receive a reduced benefit based on their age at retirement." a. Please indicate whether there any additional retirement benefits an employee may receive if they worked beyond age 62? Please explain. b. Please indicate whether the Company considered or analyzed the impact (financial, retention of workforce, or other factors) of extending the age or retirement beyond age 62? If so, please provide a copy of that analysis including all assumptions and data. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 12 Reference Direct Testimony of Darel Anderson, p. 10, describing the retiree medical benefits portion of the retirement benefits package. a. Please describe the Company's retirement health care plan and explain how retirees bear all market and infationar risk. b. Does the Company believe heath care benefits are importt to curent or potential employees? REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 13 Reference Application at ir 17, requesting "the Commission issue its Order accepting the Company's 2011 Retirement Benefits Package" and stating the Company "would anticipate that recovery of plan costs will reasonably follow in accordance with previous Commission orders." a, If the Commission were to issue the requested order, please explain what circumstaces would allow the Commission to disallow expenditues made in accordance with the 2011 Retirement Benefits Plan when requested in futue filings. b. Please explain where in the testimony the Company has described a cost estimate for the likely expenses the Company will incur under the 2011 Retirement Benefits Plan, amI an estimate for which of those expenses the Company will seek rate recovery' from its customers. Page 7 ~ FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - IPC-E-I 0-25 ~, REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 14 Reference Staff Comments in IPC-E-I0-08, p. 4, estimating the Company will need to make additional payments to its employee pension plan of approximately $68 millon in the next thee years, and $157 milion in the years 2014-2018. a. Are these estimates still accurate? If not, please provide updated estimates. b. How will the Company satisfy these needs? Wil the Company rely on futue rate increases entirely, or will shareholders contrbute? REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 15 Reference Direct Testimony of Greg Said, p. 7, lines 6~9, stating, "The Company also believes that it wou1d be uneasonable to view its retirement benefits package as unacceptable based upon curent pension fuding obligations resulting from a downtu in the economy (short-term view)." a. If the Company's customers will be asked to pay for pension fuding obligations resulting from downtus in the economy, why is it uneasonable to view the retirement benefits package in the short term? b. Wil shareholders pay for any of the pension fuding obligations resu1ting from the curent, or any future, downtur in the economy? If so, please explain how and to what extent. c. Please explain how it is reasonable to continue offering the defined benefit plan proposed in this fiing for new employees in the face of the contributions needed for existing employees, as referenced in Request for Production 14. Than you for your prompt attention to this First Request for Production. ams ARDSON & O'LEARY, PLLC Page 8 - FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRI CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER -IPC-E~l 0-'25 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 8th day of November, 2010, I caused a tre and correct copy of the foregoing FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER to be served by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street (83702) Post Office Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 ( ) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid (x) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnght Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Electronic Mail Lisa Nordstrom Donovan Walker Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 (x) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Electronic Mail Gregory W. Said Tim Tatu Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 (x) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnght Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Electronic Mail Signed~ÚVc1 Nina M. Curis CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - 1