HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100514IPC to IIPA 1-10.pdfLISA D. NORDSTROM lDAHO PLlBUGLead Counsel i lTILlitES èOMMìSSI Inordstromc&idahopower.cOhf - esIDA~POR~ An IDACORP Company May 14, 2010 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. IPC-E-10-12 2010-2011 peA Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing please find an original and three (3) copies of Idaho Power Company's Responses to the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc.'s, First Data Requests to Idaho Power Company in the above matter. In addition, four (4)disks containing electronic information responsive to the Irrigation Pumpers' Request Nos: 2, 4, and 7 have also been enclosed. Very truly yours,x~l)~~ Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:csb Enclosures P.O. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W. Idaho St. Boise, ID 83702 LISA D. NORDSTROM (ISB No. 5733) DONOVAN E. WALKER (ISB No. 5921) Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 Inordstrom(iidahopower.com dwalker(iidahopower.com RECEIVED 2010 MAY l 4 PM 12: 46 ID"H'.u... P\.,\=i ¡C'.. ..1'"\ _Äl _ ft:':1.it'cfr.:¡i UTIUTIE;; COI'.,r"Hv,"¡v,~ Attorneys for Idaho Power eompany Street Address for Express Mail: 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES eOMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER eOMPANY FOR ) CASE NO. IPC-E-10-12 AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT POWER ) COST ADJUSTMENT ("PCA") RATES ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE FROM JUNE 1, ) RESPONSES TO THE IDAHO 2010, THROUGH MAY 31, 2011. ) IRRIGATION PUMPERS ) ASSOCATION, INC.'S FIRST DATA ) REQUESTS TO IDAHO POWER ) COMPANY ) COMES NOW, Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Powet' or the "Company"), and in response to the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc.'s First Data Requests to Idaho Power Company dated May 3, 2010, herewith submits the following information: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCATION, INC.'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 1 REQUEST NO.1: In Rebutal testimony in Case No. IPC-E-06-8, page 27, beginning on line 11, Company witness Said gave the following testimony: Q. Please summarize your rebuttal testimony. A. All parties agree that a principal purpose of the PCA load growth adjustment rate is to eliminate the potential for double recovery of power supply expenses. Idaho Power believes this should be the sole purpose of the load growth adjustment. Does the Company stil believe that the sole purpose of the load growth adjustment in the PCA is to eliminate potential double recovery of power supply expenses? If not, please explain. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.1: Yes and no. Mr. Said's referenced statement was made in the context of growing loads, not declining loads. Further, Mr. Said's statement was focused on the appropriate rate components to be included in the derivation of the load growth adjustment rate ("LGAR") and not the application of the LGAR in the calculation of the PCA. The current LGAR was derived under the stipulated methodology approved by the Commission in its Order No. 30715 in Case No. IPC-E-08-19. The LGAR represents the amount of base level power supply expense and specific generation related cost recovery that is included in the Company's base rates. In periods of load growth, the LGAR eliminates the double recovery of power supply expenses and the potential for double recovery of other specific generation related costs that mayor may not be increasing. In periods of load decline, the LGAR is consistently applied to ensure that the Commission-allowed base level power supply costs are appropriately accounted for in the calculation of the PCA. That is, the LGAR recognizes that the amount of power supply expenses and other specific generation related costs recovered IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCATION, INC.'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 2 .. through the Company's base rates changes as loads increase or decline. Therefore, a "load growth adjustment" must be made in order to properly estimate power supply expenses at a normalized load level, eliminating factors such as weather or stream flow conditions. The response to this Request was prepared by Tim Tatum, Manager, Cost of Service, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCATION, INC.'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 3 REQUEST NO.2: In this case the Expense Adjustment Rate for Growth (EAGR) or what is sometimes referred to as the Load Growth Adjustment Rate (LGAR) produces a positive increase in the cost of the PCAfor April 2009 through March 2010 in the amount of $23,680,328.05 as listed on line 13 of Exhibit 1. Is this the first PCA filng where the annual expense adjustment for the EAGR (found on line 13 of Exhibit 1) reflected a negative growth, where the energy consumed was less than that which was in the base rate calculation? If not, please specify the case where this was previously true and provide the exhibit from that case where this "negative" growth was demonstrated. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.2: Yes. The 2010 PCA is the first filng where the annual load growth adjustment reflected negative annual growth. However, the 2009 PCA included a load growth adjustment that was based upon six months of load growth and six months of load decline, resulting in net positive load growth of 119,299 megawatt-hours. This can be seen on page one of Exhibit No. 1 in Case No. IPC-E-09- 11, which is attached to this response. The response to this Request was prepared by Tim Tatum, Manager, Cost of Service, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCATION, INC.'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 4 REQUEST NO.3: Is it a mathematical fact, (given a positive Expense Adjustment rate like the $26.63 per MWh in this case), that any decrease in load, below that last established in base rates, produces a result that increase the PCA amount to be paid in the following year? If no, why not? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.3: The correct application of the Commission- approved methodology determines that any decrease in annual load, below that last established in base rates, produces a result that increases the PCA amount to be paid in the following year. The response to this Request was prepared by Tim Tatum, Manager, Cost of Service, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCATION, INC.'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 5 REQUEST NO.4: In this case the EAGR is increasing the PCA revenue requirement by $23.7 milion. Please explain what power supply expenses this revenue increase of $23.7 millon is designed to recover. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.4: Please remember that the use of the LGAR is to adjust actual power. supply expenses to comparable power supply expenses for a normal load leveL. This adjusted expense is then divided by a normal sales level to determine the PCA true-up rate. The adjustment is required for consistency between the numerator and the denominator of the PCA rate determinations. Attached to this response is Attachment NO.5 from the Company's Petition for Reconsideration in Case No. IPC-E-08-10. Attachment No. 5 details the derivation of the load growth adjustment rate under the methodology approved by the Commission in its Order No. 30715. Attachment NO.5 also describes the specific revenue requirement components included in the LGAR computation. The LGAR computed on Attachment No. 5 was later revised to the current amount of $26.63 by Order No. 30754 to reflect the revenue requirement approved on reconsideration. However, the underlying methodology used to calculate the $26.63 LGAR is the same as that shown on Attachment NO.5. The response to this Request was prepared by Tim Tatum, Manager, Cost of Service, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCATION, INC.'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 6 REQUEST NO.5: Under the assumption that the EAGR is revenue related and designed to insure that there is no double recovery of power supply expense, and given the $26.63 per MWh rate used in this case: a. Would a negative rate of some value make sense within the context of the EAGR? b. If a negative rate made sense, what would it mean/reflect with respect to the expenses/costs on the system and/or the collection of revenues? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.5: a. It is not entirely clear to the Company what is being .asked in this Request. With that said, because the LGAR is a positive fraction of the Company's current positive base rates, a negative LGAR does not make sense. b. Please see the Company's above response to a. The response to this Request was prepared by Tim Tatum, Manager, Cost of Service, Idaho Power eompany, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCATION, INC.'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 7 REQUEST NO.6: If the Company continues to believe that the sole purpose of the load growth adjustment is to eliminate the potential for double recovery of power supply expenses (as testified by Company witness Said in his rebuttal testimony in Case No. IPC-06-8 at page 27), is it true that Purpose is not related to the method/data used to calculate the rate itself (Le. the calculation of the $26.63 per MWh rate)? If the Company believes that the purpose of the EAGR is dependent upon the manner in which the rate is calculated, please define the present purpose of the EAGR under the present rate of $26.63 per MWh that was developed in the stipulation in Case No. EN-I 9. (Above dollar amount was corrected from $426.63 to $26.63.) RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.6: As discussed in the Company's Response to the Irrigation Pumpers' Request NO.1, the Company continues to believe that, in periods of load growth, the purpose of the load growth adjustment or LGAR is to eliminate the potential for double recovery of power supply expenses. The Company believes that the current method for calculating the LGAR includes costs beyond those needed to eliminate double recovery. It continues to be the Company's preference that LGAR be equal to the unit base level power supply expense included in base rates. However, the Company and the parties agreed to the current method of calculating the LGAR as a reasonable alternative to the Company's or the parties' proposed approaches as part of the settlement stipulation in Case No. IPC-E-08-19. The response to this Request was prepared by Tim Tatum, Manager, Cost of Service, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCATION, INC.'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 8 REQUEST NO.7: If the Company believes that the purpose of the EAGR is to recover a certain level of expenses and/or costs: a. Please site (sic) the exact reference in Commission Orders or other evidence that support the Company's position that the EAGR is designed to recover certain revenues/costs. b. What are those costs and expenses to be recovered? c. What does it mean with respect to the recovery of those cost and expenses if the EAGR rate itself is positive? d. What does it mean with respect to the recovery of those cost and expenses if the EAGR rate itself is negative? e. What does it mean with respect to the recovery of those cost and expenses if the growth (load change) is positive? f. What does it mean with respect to the recovery of those cost and expenses if the growth (load change) is negative? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.7: a. &b.Commission Order No. 30715 in Case No. IPC-E-08-19 approves the current computational method for the LGAR, including the cost and revenue components of the rate. This method is detailed on Exhibit A to the Stipulation filed in that case and is attached to this response. c. The EAGR or LGAR is a positive rate which reflects the fact that the unit costs/revenues it represents are also net positive. d. The method for deriving the LGAR cannot result in a negative number. Please see the Company's Response to the Irrigation Pumpets Request NO.5. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCATION, INC.'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 9 e. When load change is positive, the LGAR is used to calculate the level of additional cost to be removed from the true-up calculation in order to reflect comparable power supply cost at normal load levels. f. When load change is negative, the LGAR is used to calculate the level of reduced cost to be added to true-up calculations in order to reflect comparable power supply costs at normal load levels. The response to this Request was prepared by Tim Tatum, Manager, eost of Service, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCATION, INC.'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 10 REQUEST NO.8: In this case the EAGR (at line 13 of Exhibit 1) results in an increase to the PCA of $23.7 milion to be collected from the ratepayers. From a regulatory perspective, what specific expenses/costs are the ratepayers being asked to pay for (coal costs, purchase power costs, return on rate base, lost revenue, etc.)? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.8: Please see the document provided by the Company in response to the Irrgation Pumpers' Request NO.4. The response to this Request was prepared by Tim Tatum, Manager, Cost of Service, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCATION, INC.'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 11 REQUEST NO.9: In this case the EAGR (at line 13 of Exhibit 1) results in an increase to the peA of $23.7 millon to be collected from the ratepayers. This primarily comes about because under the present form of the formula, a reduction in load (below the base load used in the last rate case) results in an increase in the PCA rate. How does this result differ from a guarantee of a certain minimum level of revenue recovery? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.9: The LGAR does not guarantee a certain level of revenue recovery; rather, it is used as a part of an adjustment to ensure the numerator and denominator in the annual PCA are consistent (at normalized levels). The response to this Request was prepared by Tim Tatum, Manager, Cost of Service, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. ~~r::i~ s~c--\0fñ~Cfc;; -0_., ç 9èL~t:; ;.':~. w;¿::(jÕz ;¡ç.. cJ IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCATION, INC:S FIRST DATA REQUESTS TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 12 ~m("ri-¿ ¡1"~.',..... .j REQUEST NO. 10: There were some changes to the EAGR that resulted from the Stipulation filed in Case No. IPC-08-19. Was there anything specific about that Stipulation that caused the annual EAGR adjustment to increase the PCA this year, as opposed to the EAGR calculations that were in effect prior to that Stipulation? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 10: No. The changes to the EAGR (LGAR) that resulted from the Stipulation filed in Case No. IPC-E-08-19 were focused solely on the derivation of the rate. There were no changes to the manner in which the LGAR is applied in the calculation of the PCA resulting from the Stipulation filed in Case No. IPC- E-08-19. The response to this Request was prepared by Tim Tatum, Manager, Cost of Service, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this 14th day of May 2010. ~f)~~SÃ õ: NORDš"M Attorney for Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCATION, INC.'SFIRST DATA REQUESTS TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 13 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 14th day of May 2010 I served a true and correct copy of the foregoing IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCATION, INC.'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Weldon B. Stutzman Deputy Attomey General Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Washington P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 8~720-007 4 Industrial Customers of Idaho Power Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams RICHARDSON & O'LEARY, PLLC 515 North 2ih Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hil Road Boise, Idaho 83703 Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. Eric L. Olsen RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED P.O. Box 1391 201 East Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 -- Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX -- Email Weldon.stutzman(ipuc.idaho.gov Hand Delivered -- U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX -- Email peter(irichardsonandolearv.com greg(irichardsonandolearv .com Hand Delivered -- U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX -- Email dreading(imindspring.com Hand Delivered -- U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX -- Email elo(iracinelaw.net IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCATION, INC.'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 14 Anthony Yankel Yankel & Associates, Inc. 29814 Lake Road Bay Vilage, Ohio 44140 Hand Delivered -- U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX -- Email tony(iyankel.net ~~f2't~iš~Nordstr IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCATION, INC.'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 15