HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100422ICIP 1-9 to IPC.pdf1- ¡ Peter 1. Richardson ISB # 3195 Gregory M. Adams ISB # 7454 RICHARDSON & O'LEARY PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-2236 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter~chadsonad:olew.com gregØ)ncliardsonadolear.com 22 ¡;.t~ 8: 09LOW ~PR - i' Attorneys for the Industrial Customers of Idao Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION IN TH MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO IMPLEMENT POWER COST ADJUSTMENT ("PCA") RATES FOR ELECTRIC RATES FROM JUE 1, 2010 THOUGH MAY 31, 2011. ) CASE NO.IPC-E-IO-12 ) ) FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ) THE INDUSTRI CUSTOMERS OF ) IDAHO POWER ) Pusuant to Rule 225 of the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission"), the Industral Customers ofIdao Power ("ICIP") hereby requests that Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power") provide responses to the following with supporting documents, where applicable. Ths production request is to be considered as continuing, and the Idaho Power is requested to provide by way of supplementa responses additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtan that will augment the responses or documents produced. Please provide one physical copy and one electronic copy, if available, of your anwer to Mr. Adas at the address noted above. Please provide an additional electronic copy, or if unavailable a physical copy, to Dr. Don Reading at: 6070 Hil Road, Boise, Idaho 83703, Tel: Page 1 - FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRI CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER- IPC-E-IO-12 (208) 342-1700; Fax: (208) 384-1511; dreading~mindspring.com. For each item, please indicate the name of the person(s) preparng the answers, along with the job title of such person(s) and the witness at hearing who can sponsor the answer. Some of the followig requests may include disclosures deemed by Idaho Power to be confidential. Counsel and the expert witness for the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power signed a protective agreement to obtain the materials relevant to ths proceeding, and are therefore entitled to review any confidential materials necessary to adequately respond to ths Production Request. Page 2 - FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER- IPC-E-IO-12 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.1 In the Company's reply comments on pages 7-8 in Case No. IPC-E-1O-01, the Company states that it used its "most curently available mine plan" for the Company's decrementa cost analysis. Please also refer to page 8, lines 11-12, of Tom Harey's confdential reply testimony fied in Oregon PUC Docket No. UE 214, which is Attachment NO.3 in Idaho Power's reply comments in IPC-E-10-01, and which describes the decrementa cost analysis in more detaiL. (a) What was the cost per ton of BCC coal used in the decremental cost analysis? (b) What is the cost per ton of BCC coal included in the Company's calculation of 2010 NPSE fied in its application in Case No. IPC-E-10-01? (c) If the answers to (a) and (b) are different costs per ton for BCC coal, please explain why. (d) If the answers to (a) and (b) are different, please also explain how the decremental cost analysis could provide a usefu comparson when its base input of cost per ton of BCC coal is different from the fied costs in the NPSE case. (e) If the cost per ton in (a) is lower than the cost per ton in (b), pleae also explain how the NPSE that the Company proposes to recover in base rates staing June 1, 2010 is fair, just and reasonable when the most curently available mine plan calls for lower BCC coal costs per ton. (f) Please provide the product of the difference from the costs per ton in (a) and (b) (which is available at page 8, line 12 of Harey's reply testimony) multiplied by Idaho's allocation of the total tons ofBCC coal the Company plans to mine durng the 2010 NPSE test year. (g) Please explain why, even assuming continued mining of BCC surface coal is Page 3 - FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRI CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER- IPC-E-IO-12 prudent, the 2010 NPSE should not be reduced by the amount in (f). REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.2 Did the Company's decrementa cost analysis in IPC-E-10-01 use the sales pnce ofBCC coal that includes the Company's retur on its costs of mining BCC coal? Ifnot, please explain how the Company's decremental cost provides a useful comparson to a sales price for Black Butte coal, which presumably includes Black Butte Mine's profit margin. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.3 Please explain the discrepancy between the 2010 Forecast All-in Contract costs for BCC coal provided in response to Stas production request no. 3 in IPC-E-1O-01 and the sales price for BCC coal provided in response to ICIP's production request no. 1 in IPC-E-10-01. Whch was used in the calculation of 2010 NPSE in the Company's application, and why? REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.4 Please explain the discrepancy between the 2010 Forecast All-in Contract costs for Black Butte coal provided in response to Stafs production request no. 3 in IPC-E-10-01 and the sales price for Black Butte coal provided in response to ICIP's production request no. 4 in IPC-E-1O-01. Whch was used in the calculation of2010 NPSE in the Company's application, and why? REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.5 Please provide the communcations, and all documentation thereof, with Kiewit Mining as of Februar 5, 2010 regarding the possibility of obtaining additional supplies of Black Butte coal, Page 4 - FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER- IPC-E-IO-12 as referred to on page 8 of Idaho Power's Whte Paper in Case No. IPC-E-1 0-0 1. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.6 Please provide a decremental costfor BCC surace coal calculated with the BCC coal cost used in the Company's application in IPC-E-10-01. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.7 Did PacifiCorp or Idao Power conduct fuher inquines after Febru 5, 2010 regarding availabilty of Black Butte coal? If so, please provide those communcations. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.8 Please provide in electronic format S. Wnght Exhibit NO.1. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.9 Please provide in electronic format T. Tatu Exhbit NO.2 pages 1, 12, 13, and 14. Than you for your prompt attention to ths First Request for Production. erely yours,~ s RDSON & O'LEARY, PLLC Page 5 - FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - IPC-E-1 0-12 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the19th day of April, 2010, a tre and correct copy ofthe withn and foregoing FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER, was served in the maner shown to: Ms. Jean Jewell Commssion Secreta Idao Public Utilities Commssion POBox 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 _ Hand Delivery 2L U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile Electronic Mail Lisa D Nordstrom Donovan E Waler Idaho Power Company POBox 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 InordstomØ)idaopower.com dwalerØ)idahopower.com X Hand Delivery _U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile Electronic Mail ~1l1 Nina Curis Administrative Assistant