HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100628AgPower 1-23 to IPC.pdfPeter J. Richadson Grgory M. Adam Richarson & O'lear, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Bo47218 Boise, Idao 83702 relep 38",7901 Fax: Attorneys for Complait AgPower Jerome, LLC AGPOWER JEROME, LLC, COp'plainat, vs. IDAHO D ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )'1è ; ih PmtJt to Rule 2~.5 of the Rul of Proceur of ti 1 Rf"ci=i\It:Dj 1:.. 'L7' 1: " ,~-- 1l\ß JUN 28 PM ll: 31.'."" \ "-, r;llîUA -'v '\- ;=c ~i Uí\U1\t:v Li, \7SS\Ol~1 Public Utities Commssion (the "Commision''), the Agower Jerome, LLC ("AgPowei1' højby reque th Idao Power-,,', 'l Company ("IdaQ Power" or the "Coniy") provide respopses to the followig with supportg documents, where aplicable, as soon as possible, but no latt tJ JlIlY 19,2610. , Ths ptocuction request is to be considered as contiDfn~and Idaho Power is reueste. - J ., to provide by.way o(supplementa responss additional dOfum".ts 1;t it or any peson actig on its behalmay later obtAu.that will augnent the reponstf or Efcuments produced. Please provide one physical copy of your responss tp th~addres above., and electronic(:- '", - - - copies, if available, to Mr. Richason and Mr. Adas at thci ad~sses noted above. Please Page 1 - FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF AOPOWER JEiiOML LLC TO IDAHO POWER - IPC-E-IO-ll ., j begin each response on a separte paie and provide page numbers on responses longer th one1-." -J; page.:l.:f For each item, please ii¥icatl the nae of the person(s) preparg the anwers, along Some of the followig ~ues may include disclosues deeed to becon:dential. Counsel for AgPower is willing to sfW any reasonable protetive¡:eementpnor .to the due date _,'._,' -'l.,' .....,. .......c._,.".,_ ',:.'" ""-:,":.'."".:...; of these requests, and any co~entiity concer should not delay the responses. -1' For the puroses ofthe~ ~sts, the followig words have the followig meags: f' ""'K 1. "Documents" refers töiU ~tigs and recrds of every ty in your pos§essoticoíltrol, or ct:todY ~ whether. or !otc~med to be privieged or otherwse excludable from" ¡ discovery, including but not ~ted to: testimony and exhbits, memorada papers, ;:Ii /~: ,'d::. corrspondence, lettersJrepotts (includig dr, preli, interedat, and fic:, report), sureys, any~s, slidies (includi economic and maket stes), sumares, compasons, tabulatio$, biit, invoices, stateen of servces rendered, char, books, pamphlets, photograph~ mar, bullet, corprate or other miutes, notes~ diares, log sheets, ledgers, trancn#ts, ricrofilm, microfiche, compute data (includ E-mal), compute files, comput. taP+, computer inputs, computer output and pnnut, t1 voucher, accountig +its, budget, worpers, engieerg diagr (including l: "one-line" diagrams),. halcal and electrcal recordigs, telephone and telegraphic communcatons, spÌr, ahd all other rerd, wrtten, electrcal, mechancal, or otherse, and drafs otiånYdf the above. J ~.J -'~r Pa~ 2 - FÆST PRODUCTION TO IDAHO POWER - IPC-E-1 ~ST OF AGPOWER JEROME, LLC "Douments" includes copies of documents, where tle O~nas ar not in your po*ssion, custoy or contrl. ':l 1 ~~Doeuments" includes every copy of a document wJieh ~nta hanwntt or other+:..... .. .':.." .. .. notations or which otherwse does not duplicate the ~ginli or any othr copy. "Documents" also includes any atchments or apcea to any document ¥; 2. "Identification" and "identify" mean: When used with repet to a document, statig the n$ ~fthe document (e.g., letter, memoFcum" minutes); th da, if any, appeg tlreQ; the da, ifknown on which the document was prepaed; the title of the document; the ~eneral subject matter of the t documt; the number of paes oompnsin th docufen~ the identty of eah pen who wrote, dictted or othse pacipated in the prepartion of th document; the identity of eah peson who signed or intiated the d4cum~t; the idety of eah person to whom the documen was addrssed; the identity of eac~ person who received thetil doent or reviewed it; the location of the documclt; ant the identity of eah peson, 'j.:'" :..'':', ..; havi possession, custody, or contrl of the docum$lti When used with respect to a person, stating hi or hel ful nae; his or her most recntly known home and business addresses and telephone nub4s; his or her present title and position; and his or her present and pnor connectoI1 or aSsociations with any parcipat~;¡ or par to ths proceeding. Page 3 - FIRST PRODUCTION REUEST OF AGPOWER JEROMØ LLC TO IDAHO POWER - IPC-E-1 0-11 3. "Idao Power Compay" or 'fIdao Power" refers to refers to IdaøRower;Øo:mpany, any afliated company, or ilY oficer, diector or employee ofIdaho Power Company, or any afliated company. 4. "Person" refers to, withut litig the generaty of its meag, ever natu person, corporation, parership', asseiatn (whether forally orgaized or ad hoc), joint ventue, unt operation,;coo~rative, muncipality, commssion, governenta body or agency, or any other gr,up of organzation. 5. "Stues" or "study" in.ludet without limtaon, reports, reviews, anyss an audits. 6. The terms "and" and "qr; shel be constred either disjuntively or conjunvely whenever appropriate ai orci to brig with the scpe of ths discovery any inormation or doents which migt olerse be considere to be beyond their scpe. 7. The singuar form of a 1vord~ha be intete as plural, and the plur form of a word shal be interpreted as sligii1, whenever appropriate in order to bnng with the scope of ths discovery reque$: any;information or documents which might otherwse be considere to be beyomittheit scope. ;~r-'\;:j Pa~ 4 - FmST PRODUCTION TO IDAHO POWER- AGPOWE JEROME, LLC REUESr FOR PRODUCTION NO.1 fPlea i~tify an provide all C(espondce bttween C ' . s,on Sta and Idao Power regarg avoided cost ra on dates on and between the dae thllCommssion issued Order No. 30744 aid Mach 16,2010. Please orgae the correspon~nce ehronologically beginn with the date of issuace of Order No. 30744 (March 12,2009). ' R.ST EOR PRQDUCTION NO.2 Plea i~ti ald provide all corrpoAdece.between Co rega.qj:Qg liqw.$t daage~and 4elay securty provision A contr with publis avoided ~st rat on dates. on and between the date the C0tlmiS&n issued Order No. 30744 an M~h 16, 2010. Plea .organize the corspondence chrnll1ogiealy begi with the date of issuace of Order No. 30744 (Marh 12, 2009). . REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.3 Plea iqentify and provide all studies in Idao Power's po¥essi~ regarding the calcultion of liquidate.daages or delay secwity provisions for PUR A¡ ~on:$cts. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.4 Pleae identi and provide al documents, and al stdies r ardig AgPower Jerome, LLC's request for a PUR A PP A and interconnection with Ida . sysem fox the dary digeser. project at the Double A Dai in Jerome, Idaho. Ths req. des a request for corrspodence, stdies, or oth doupents regardig AgP,wer .~ preecessor, afliated organj~:tons, or manger, includ: DF-AP #3, LLC, AgPwer'larers# 3, LLC, AgPower Parers #5, LLC, Andgar Corporation, and Robert Joblin. Please organze correspondencechronologically. . REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.5 f l\1. Reference Ansel', at p.6 (denyig alegation in Complaint, l23).¡ Pleae expla whether Idao Power lacked any project-specific information regardig th~ Double A Dai Digestr project, necessa to complete a PURA PPA on March 16, 2010. Referce Idao Power's Anser, , 7. Plea identify and clp all term and conditions of Idao Power's Aug 2009 dr PPA which were "outdatep" bY¡Mach 9,2010. REQUESI EQR PRQUCTION NO.6 Page 5 - FIRST PRODUCTION REQUET OF AGPOWER JEkOMa, LLC TO IDAHO POWER- IPC-E-10-11 . REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NQ. 7 Reference Idao Power's Answer, , 1. Oter th liquidate dames and delay securty terms and conditions, please identifYlmd ellai the tes and conditions of a PUR A PPA for whch. disageement existd between ilahoPower ard the developers of the Double Dai Digester, on Marh 15,2010. r i REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NQ. 8 In GNR-E-09-03 comments fied in Septeber 2009, PacifCorp asked that wind QFs seekig a contrt pedig resolution of 1le wi SAR investgaon subm a liquidated daages and delay securty amount of$201k, a. Idao Power and Avista requeste the Commssion set the damage securty at $4SIk. Af ~ Commssion did not grant ths limted authorization for wid QFs, upon what basis wa~Ida Power relyig when it requested a delay securty for the Double A Dairy Digester betw~n Augut 2009 and March 201 O? REQUEST FOR PRODUCTIQN N~. 9 Pleae explai wh cirunes h$ve chaged sice the executon of the Big Sky Wes Dairy Digester contract in April 200811:0 re Idao Power to request a mium delay default liquidate dames securty of $201k for the Double A Dai project in the Augut 2009 draf PPA Idaho Power provided to :QF-AP #3, LLC. Reference Application, CasNo.IPC-E-8-109, at Attchment 1, pp. 8-9. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTidN NÒ. 10ß., __'_~;- :l' Please provide Idaho Power's Sood 'th foras genera with regar to '5.7.1 of the Big Sky West Dai Digester Project~ ~ Application, Case No. IPC-E-08-09, at Atthment 1,pp.8-9. ¡ REQUEST FOR PRODUCTIQN NQ. 11 Please provide and compare thq monty Mid-C Market Energy Cost forecas available in April 2008, to the forecas available iíAllíbJ~ 2009, and th forecat available in Match 2010. -i~_, '~--..f ,t; REQUEST FOR PRODUCTIQN NQ. 12 Pleae explai, and provide dOCue~ supportg, whether Idao Power's mium delay securty amount of $201k in i ugt 2009 dr PP A for the Double A Dai Digester is a "fair and reasonable offset of a ~ted utility's estiated incre in power supply'cost attbutable to the PURA s '~failure to mee its'contrly scheduled operation date." Reference Order No. 30608, p. 4. Page 6 - FIRST PRODUCTION lèQ TO IDAHO POWER- IPC-E-lo,ll OF AGPOWER JEROME, LLC REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 13 Plea explain, an provide documents suprtg, wheter ia d seunty amout of $4SIk execut in any tle betwen Aug 2009 and March 201 Qw be a "f3i and reanable offset of a reguated utility's estimated increase in power supply cost attbutable to the PUR A supplier's failure to meet its contracly scheduled operation dae." Reference Order No.30608, p. 4. . j ~T FORPRQDUCTION NO. 14 ßßl'FQ:RlRØDUCriONNO.lS was a high enoug amount 's dr PPA on Marh 9, o post a higher secunty mmsion Order approvig a ch 16,2010. Referce Ida Power's Anser, , 7. Please explai wh~ $ for securty when AgPower submittd a signed copy of I 2010. Ifnot, pleae identi the Commission Order req . . amount over a QF's protest. Ifno such order exists, identi delay secunty amount of $45/k in a PURP A contract pri Reference Idao Power's Answer, , 7. Does Idaho Power af A Dai Dig¥tr commtted itself to the $20/k delay sece.ty Aug 2009 dr PPA by signg and submitting that PP A ~n at the developer of the Double . sion in Idaho Power's ch 9, 2010? REQ!JSTFORPRODUCTION NO. 16 f; Plea provide the liquidated damage and delay securty prarsio~ for all PP As entered into outside of the PURP A context for the last five years. If any pf the$e PP As require less th a $45/k sety, pleae explai how the amount requied ~ ad~uate, fai, an reaonable.( ;. REQUEsr FOR PRODUCrION NO. 17 Does Idao Power believe th act daag from a QF's fai. to meet its projecte onl date would be diffcult to calculate? If so, please explai. If not, please explai why liquidatedaages ar appropriate. ; REUESr FOR PRODUCTION NO. 18 If Idao Power and its ratepayers incur damages for a new generatiQn fabilty~s failur to come online at the taget date, pleae explai wha mechansm the, Company instus to make ratepayers whole from any delay in utility-owned resources meetg their taget online date. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 19 Wil Idao Power issue a raepayer refud in the amount of$451k if it fails hit its taget online date for the Langley Guch Power plant. Page 7 - FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF AGPOWE JE:$OMl LLC TO IDAHO POWER- IPC-E-10-ll . . REQUEST FOR PRODUCTIQN NO. 20 Reference Answer, at p.6 (denýig alegaon in Complaint, '21). If Idaho Power dos not deny each factu alegation in th OÐmpUiint , 21, pleas expla which factu alegations Idaho Power adits. -l\ REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NQ. 21 Reference Anser, at p.6 (denyig alegation in Complaint, '21). settg fort Idao Power's prqcss for PP A negotiations provided to AgPower (or its preecsor or maager) pror f. Mat 11, 2010. Plea expla how Ida Power, provide AgPower with the process explaed on March 11,2010, prior to th date. ~ REQUEST FOR PRODUCTIQN N~. 22 Reference Answer, at p. 6 (denyig a1legation in Complaint, 122). IfIdaho Power does not deny each factu alegaton in the Complllint' 22, please explai whch facallegations IdaoPower adts. .. f l/ REQUEST FOR PRODUCTI(iN Nt. 23 .¡ Reference Answer, at p.6 (den,mg alegation in Complaint, 122). Pleas explai whethr Idao Power ha made publicly availlble ai std dr pp A contáiniiigtis~.a.~l_el¡~~.~~,~ PURP A PPA in Idao. If Idahp Povler ha not done so, please explai why not. Does Idao Power believe a publiclyavaila'le S1dad PUR A PPA would be beeficial toiprQspe~",e QFs?~ 't Than you for your prompt atliti~ to ths Firt Request for Proucton. 1 Sincerely yours, P . Richadson k % ~ RICHASON & O'LEARY;rPLLC Attorneys for AgPower Jerom~, LLG:jj Page 8 - FIRT PRODUCTION :kQQEST OF AGPOWER ÆROME LLC TO IDAHO POWER- IPC-E-10-ll CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ¡ I HEREBY CERTIFY that on th 28th day of June, 2010, a trel.and a,rrt copy of the with and foregoing FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ID~(jIPOWER COMPANY, was served in the maner shown to: Ms. Jean JewellCoinion 8e Ida Public Utilities Commssion POBox83720 Boise, ID 83720..074 X Hand Delivery; _ U.S. Mail~ posie pre-paid Facsimile. Electronic Mai. Lisa D Nordstrom Donovan E Waler Idao Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 Inordstrm~daoPQwer.com dwaler(Wdaopower.com _ Hand De'veryt X U.S. Mai~ pos.ge pre-paid Facsimile' X Electromc Mlil- :/: .:'.; 6& M.Adam ey for AgPower Jerome, LLC