HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100212IPC to Staff 2.pdfBRITTE.IDE Senior Counsel bidelâidahopower.com esIDA~PO~ An IDACORP Company February 12, 2010 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. IPC-E-10-01 BASE LEVEL FOR NET POWER SUPPL Y EXPENSES FOR 2010 Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing are an original and three (3) copies of Idaho Power Company's Response to the Second Production Request of the Commission Staff in the above matter. Very truly yours,~~~ Britt E. Ide BEI:csb Enclosures R,CrCfi.~/r~~ .~ r'.,l,..t t... ¡::: t. BARTON L. KLINE (ISB No. 1526) LISA D. NORDSTROM (ISB No. 5733) Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-2682 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 bklineCãidahopower.com InordstromCãidahopower.com 20in FEB! 2 t,~l in: 17r.. i .. ¥ Attorneys for Idaho Power Company Street Address for Express Mail: 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO ESTABLISH ITS BASE LEVEL FOR NET POWER SUPPLY EXPENSES FOR 2010. ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-10-01 ) ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ) RESPONSE TO THE SECOND ) PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE ) COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO ) POWER COMPANY ) COMES NOW, Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Powet' or "the Company"), and in response to the Second Production of Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power Company dated January 27,2010, herewith submits the following information: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 1 REQUEST NO.2: For each of the PURPA wind projects listed below that are scheduled to come online in 2010, please indicate whether Idaho Power believes that the scheduled operation dates wil be met. Please provide all evidence supporting your conclusion, including such things as written correspondence and e-mail between the project developers and Idaho Power concerning project status; summaries of verbal conversations between project developers, property owners, equipment suppliers, or construction contractors and Idaho Power; and evidence of construction work at the project sites. If Idaho Power does not believe that the contractual scheduled operation dates for the projects wil be met, please provide estimates of revised operation dates. Burley Butte Wind Golden Valley Wind Lava Beds Wind Milner Dam Wind Notch Butte Wind Oregon Trail Wind Pilgrim Stage Wind Salmon Falls Wind Thousand Springs Wind Tuana Gulch Wind Magic Wind Park RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.2: It goes without saying that Idaho Power does not have the abilty to control the construction of PURPA projects. However, the developer of the wind projects identified in this Request No.2, Exergy, recently met with Idaho Power representatives to discuss the current status of its projects. Based on those discussions, on January 28, 2010, Randy Allphin sent a letter to Rick Sterling in which he described the information recently provided to Idaho Power by Exergy. A copy of that letter is enclosed with this response as Attachment No.1. Also enclosed (Attachment No.2) are copies of scheduling data provided by Exergy, which Exergy IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 2 indicates provides evidence supporting their plan to have all of these wind resources achieve their respective commercial Operation Dates by year end 2010. Also enclosed (Attachment No.3) is a photograph of the construction at the Golden Valley Wind Project. Idaho Power is advised by Exergy that the Golden Valley Wind Project is actively under construction and that construction wil commence on other projects in the very near future. At this point in time, Idaho Power has no reason to believe that the scheduled Operation Dates outlned in the January 28, 2010, letter wil not be achieved by Exergy. The response to this Request was prepared by Randy Allphin, Senior Energy Contract Coordinator, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Lead Counsel, Idaho Power Company. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this 1 th day of February 2010. ~L.~I~ ir Attorney for Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 1 th day of February 2010 I served a true and correct copy of the foregoing IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Washington P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 -- Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail FAX -- Email Scott.WoodburyCãpuc.idaho.gov Industrial Customers of Idaho Power Peter J. Richardson RICHARDSON & O'LEARY 515 North 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Hand Delivered -- U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail FAX -- Email peterCãrichardsonandoleary.com Gregory Adams RICHARDSON & O'LEARY 515 North 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Hand Delivered -- U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail FAX -- Email gregCãrichardsonandoleary.com Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hil Road Boise, Idaho 83703 _Hand Delivered -- U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail FAX -- Email dreadingCãmindspring.com ~ :;Ú)ci~~ne ~ IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 4 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-10-01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT NO.1 ;!~"'::.'* ,¡,-: t"('::.;.:-"~z,.,..::,,~~,,:'; ;~:~~tõ\ln ...~~. ¡":;-.:~,';;~;r.~".¡~J.':",,,,''''''r.'.;j'~-~ .....'.';...;,.':' .:....... ~ ;,It..:~.,':,\,. .t-." ..,......,\.. ;'':'~. ''':~'~~'''''' ....... . "', ~4~",.",_., . ,.~. :.*;w..o!..",~~.$:j¡'.~i.ø ..'':;;~~.''''~.;:C; ':.4,M,~:'.~~I1..;:.~ot:.il"'".i.r;;';;"'~ot '.:"6.:~''\'''':~::7~~;'~~',i.. ~~~',;..: ...:";;~~. '='~~"I~1-~ ..~m'---;iæ~=="-'-':::~~~~:.e:1DA~POæ An rDACORP company January 28, 2010. VIA HAND DELIVERY Rick Sterling, Engineer Idaho Public Utilites Commission 472 West Washington Street. P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Exergy Wind Projects Dear Rick: Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power") and Exergy met last week to. discuss the status of Exergy's various wind generation project. These projects include: Thousand- Springs, Tuana Gulch, Oregon Trail, Payne's Ferr, Camp Reed, Yahoo Creek. Salmon Falls. Pilgrim Stage Station, Magic Wind, Burley Butte, Milner Dam, Golden Valley, Notch Butt, and Lava Beds. During our discussions, Exergy advised Idaho Power that at the reuest of the entities financing their projects, the Operation Date for all of the projects wil be December 31, 2010. We have reviewed the contracts between Idaho Power and Exergy relating to the timing of the Operation Date. All but three of the contrct for the above-referenced projects allow Exergy to achieve their Operation Dates as late as December 31, 2010. without incurrng any liabilty for achieving the scheduled Operation Date later than had originally been' scheduled. The Payne's Ferry, Camp Reed, and Yahoo Creek contracts include provisions. that could potentially result in daily delay damages between October 1, 2010, and December 31, 2010. depending. on market prices. As a result, an Operation Date of .December 31, 2010, does not require an amendment to any of the Exergy contracts. Exergy has advised us that a number of the projects wil in fact become operational prior to that date but, for accpunting reasons. the Operation Dates wil not occur prior to Decembèr 31, 2010. In fact, we have confirmed that the Golden Valley Wind Park is currently under construction. The Firm Energy Sales Agreement provides alternative pricing for. any energy delivered prior to the Operation Date so there is no issue regarding the prices to be paid to Exergy for energy from these projects. Finally, Idaho Power wil take into consideration the enclosed pJanned Operation Date information in its forecsting and other power supply Rick Sterling, Engineer January 28, 2009 Page 2 operations planning. Exergy has agreed to provide monthly reports disclosing the construction progress of all of these projects to assist the Company in its planning efforts. Exergy also advised us that, for various reasons, they are planning to increase the nameplate capacity rating of some of the projects. The nameplate capacity rating increases wil not result in the projects exceeding the 10 average megawatt threshold. The requested nameplate capacity increases are associated with 2004 vintage contracts and Exergy is requesting no changes to the energy rates, performance requirements, or any other terms or conditions. Based upon our review of the specific contracts, Idaho Power does not believe these changes adversely impact Idaho Power or Idaho Power customers and, in fact, are a benefit to Idaho Power customers as the energy rates to be paid for energy generated by the additional capacity within these specific agreements are lower energy rates than the current published avoided costs. I have enclosed a schedule which shows the currently-expected project sizes for those Exergy projects where either increases or decreases wil occur. We are. advised that Exergy is stiflooking at the potential for minor increases to the capacit at these projects. It is possible that additional transmission studies may be required. We wil keep you informed of the status of the final capacity amounts. You wil note that Armand Eckerts Magic Wind project is now being developed by Exergy and is included in this list. Because none of these changes requires amendments to the Firm Energy Sales Agreements, this letter is for informational purposes only. Idaho Power does not believe it is necesary to make a formal filing with the Commission. but please feel fr to bring this information to the attention of the Commission informally. If you. have any question.s, please contact me or Bart Kline. Very truly yours,4~Randy Allphin ~ ~ RA:csbEnclosure / cc: Randy Lobb (w/encl.) ./ Scott Woodbury (w/encl.) -/ James Carkulis (w/encl.) v./ Peter Richardson (w/encl.) / Donovan E. Walker (w/encl.) Mark Stokes (w/encl.) .. . , Exergy Development Group of Idaho - Change in Instlled MW SCpe Idaho Power Project CurrentMW Revised MW, Thousand Springs Wind Park 10.5 12.0 luana Gulch Wind Park 10.5 10.5 Oreg~ Trail Wind Park 10.5 13.5-18.0 Pilgrim Stage Station Wind Park 10.5 10.5 Salmon Falls Wind Park 21.0 21.0 Camp Reed Wind Park 22.5 22.5 Yahoo Creek Wind Park 21.0 19.5-21.0 Payne's Ferry Wind Park 21.0 21.0 Magic Wind Park 20.0 19.5 Burley Butte Wind Park 10.0 19.5 Golden Valley Wind Park 10.5 12.0 Milner Dam Wind Park 18.0 19.5 Lava Beds Wind Park 18.0 18.0 Notch Butte Wind Park 18.0 18.0 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-10-01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT NO.2 IN WISS WHEREOF. th Agreeent has been executed and delivered by the duly authorize repreentatives of Owner and Contrctor as of the date fist writtn above. OWNR:CONTRACTOR: IDAHO WI PARTNRS I, LLC FAGEN, INC. By. .~Ç) N~::àrkulS Title: Maner --.BY:~ Name:.l~~ Title: OrCl #." - LEGAL_ US_E (I 84947743~ liabilty to Contractor, and Contractor shall have no claim against Owner. should Owner not issue the Notice to Proced. In the event that Owner does not issue the Notice to Proceed on or prior to Deember 31, 2011. and in the absnce of a written agrment between the Paries to extend such date, this Agreement shall terminate automatically and without notice or other action by either Party. (c) In the event that Owner doe not issue the Notice to Proceed on or prior to February 1, 2010, the Paries shall adjust (ì) the dates in the Master Constrction Schedule if the Master Construction Schedule has been agred to by such date and, if not, then the dates in the Preliminary Master Constrction Schedule (ii) the date "Dember 22,2010" set forth in Section 6.2(blW)(6) and Section 6.3(a)(ii and (ii) the date "December 29, 2010" set fort in Section 6.3(b) on a day-for-day basis for each day occurring after February 1, 2010 and until (but excluding) the date of issuance by Owner of the Notce to Procd. 6.2 M~ter Construction Schedule. (a) Contractor shall perform its Work in accordance with the dates and milestones described in the Master Construction Schedule (including the dates and milestones describe in Section 6.2(b)(ii), as such schedule may be revised at the request of Contractor in an immateral maner and agr to by Owner from time to time thoughout the performance of the Project to accommodate changes in the sequence of activities by Contractor of the Work necessitated by variable and adverse Project Site conditions to allow Contractor to achieve the Project Site Substatial Completion as required by this Agreement. Contractor shall not be entitled to request a Change Order (or adjustment to Contract Price) as a result of any such agreed upon changes in sequence of activities of Contractor. (b) Prior to the issuance of the Notice to Pro: (i) Owner shall provide the Turbine Supplier with a copy of the Preliminary Master Construction Schedule, and obtain from the Turbine Supplier a schedule for the delivery by the Turbine Supplier of each Turbine to the relevant Project Site for such Turbine (the "Turbine Supplier Deliver Schele") based on the Preliminary Master Constrction Schedule; and Owner shall provide Contractor with the Turbine Supplier Delivery Schedule it receives from the Turbine Supplier. (ii) Within thee (3) Business Days of Contractor's receipt of the Turbine Supplier Delivery Schedule, Contractor shall submit to Owner for its al a revised version of the Preliminary Master Construction Schedule that sets out the dates for aU the key milestones for the performance and completion of the Work in accordance with Turbine Supplier Delivery Schedule and the Contract Documents, including the scheduled dates for: (1) the Foundation Completion for each Turbine; (2) the Project Site Underground Collection System Completion for each Project Site~ (3) the Turbine Mechanical Completion for each Turbine~ (4) the Project Site Mechanical Completion for each Project Site; (5) the Project Site Substantial Completion for each Project Site; (6) the Project Substantial Completion for the whole Project (which shall not be later than December 22,2010); and (7) the Project Site Final Completion for each Project Site. Within the (3) Business Days of its receipt of such revised Prelimiary Master Constrction Schedule. Owner shall either (l) approve in 28 LEGAI.US_E l 84947743.16 writing such revised schedule or (2) reject in writing such schedule and provide its comments thereto, in which cae Contractor shall within three (3) Business Days of its receipt of such rejection submit a furher revised version of the Preliminary Master Construction Schedule based on such comments and resubmit it for Owner's approval in accordance with this sentence. If Contractor and Owner are unable to agree upon such revised Prlimin ction Schedule, then. at Owner's election and written direction, Contractor proceed with the Work based on such comments received from Owner and Contractor may submit a request for a Change Order pursuant to Section 9.3(d) in respect of any disagreement it has to such comments of Owner. If Owner shall fail to respond to Contractor's revised Master Construction Schedule within the aforesaid three (3) Business Day period. such revised Prliminary Master Construction Schedule shall be deemed to be approved by Owner. As use in the Contract Documents, the term shall mean the Prliminary Master Constrction Schedule as actor and approved (or deemed to be approved) by Owner pursuant to this Section 6.2(b), and, to the extent of a disagreement by Contractor with respect to any Owner's comments as described above regarding any aspect of the revise Prliminay Master Constrction Schedule, incorprating the resolution of such disagreement pursuant to the Change Order proess in S . and. peding such resolution, incorprating such Owner's comments. Such Master Const n Schedule shall be attached as Exhibit H-2 and deemed to be par of this Agrement Dama s' Not a Penalt . Sole and Exclusive emed . The Parties agree e extremely difficult and impracticable under the presently known and anticipated facts and circumstances to ascertain and fix the actual damges Owner would incur should Contractor fail to achieve the date set forth below in s 6.3 a andlh. It is unde.rtood and agreed by the Paries tht (i) Owner shall be damage ure of Contrctor to meet such obligations, (ii) it would be impracticable or extremely difficult to fix the actual damages reulting therefrom, (ii) any sums which would be payable under Sections 6.3(a) and/or ß; are in the nature of liquidated damages, and not a penalty, and are fair and reas.onable under the circumstances and (iv) each payment represents a reasonable estimate of fair compensation for the losses that may reasonably be anticipate from such failure. and shall be the sole and exclusive meaure of damages with respet to any such failure by Contractor (but without limitation of Contractor's obligation to achieve Project Site Substantial Completion or to otherwise complete the Work in accordance with the Master Constrction Schedule). Once payment of the Delay Liquidated Damages (set fort below in Sections 6.300 and.. have been paid or the limits set folth in Section 12.1 have been reached, Contractor shall be relieved of any furter liabilty in respect of the failure to meet the dates set fort below in Secions 6.3(a) and ß;. Accordingly, the Paries agre that: 29 LEGALßSE# 84947743.16 6.4 Payment. The Delay Liquidated Damages shall be due and payable by Contractor to Owner upon demand and, at Owner's sole discretion, Owner may offset any such Delay Liquidated Damages against amounts due from Owner to Contractor. Late payments of Delay Liquidated Damages will accrue interest at the rate set forth in Section 13,7, ARTICLE VII ACHIEVEMENT OF COMPI£TI0N OF PROJECT 7,1 Foundation Completion for a Turbine. When Contractor believes that it has achieved Foundation Completìon for a Turbine, Contractor sliall so notify Owner with the submittal to O..vner of a "Foundation Completion Certifcate" in the form of Exliibit D-I, signed by Contractor's Project Manager, applicable to such Turbine, stating the clate of achievernent of such Foundation Completion and identifying the Turbine for which the foundation has been completed. Owner shall review the relevant Work and the Foundation Completíon Certificate to determine if Foundation Completion has in fact been achieved for such Turbine. Within three (3) Business Days after the receipt of the Foundation Completion Certificate by Owner, Owner shall either (a) notify Contractor that Foundation Completion for the identified Turbine has been achieved (in which case, such Foundatioíl Completion wil theii have been successfully a.chit.wed) ot (b) notityConttactot that such Foundati0l1 COll1pletioJl haSI10t beetl a.chieved and stating the l'eaSOi1S thetefore; Should Owner fail to respond to Contraeto-r's notice withirt such three (5) ausiness DiiY pePio-(l, the corresponding Turbine shall. be deemed to have sm;cessfully achieved Foundation Cornpledon. In the event Owner provides written notice that Fonndation ~ol1Pleti~il hasn~t been achieved, Conttactor shall.. at its. COst and expense.. take. .actiöu cOl1'e:t,fectify, rel1edy.repah'andlorreplace any defective. defieieìlor non"conforming Wöl' adyerely iiffectingthe achievementofFoun.dation Completion. for such l'Ulbine. Upon cotlPletioIlofs\lÇh corrtìve,. rectifieati~n.retledial,repair 'andlorreplaçernentacdol1, contractor shaUagain iiotify Owner that it beBeves Foundation Completion has beena.chieved 30 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Partles have caused this document to be executed by their authorized representatives on the dote first abov wrien. Seller GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY By: L rl,lt,,"~~ mel ¿OOtlU,,:e; Les!t (Tltle) ~ br l ft~ i.QQî(Do eJ COtrOct Exrg ldho Contrct. CMS 71163 to 111177 Juné 16, 20 Buyer eXERGY DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLC By: " ¡"rJ.e ~ (Printed Name) &E( i f)éN"- /Ttlel~'.~~2- Pagc7 Attachment 2 Schedule First. Permissible MajorComporientShipme.nt Dates Number(s) of SblPlent'reri ~hipment i)oint Flrstperml$llble Major CompletéUnlts1 Component ShlpmentOiltes* 1,10 Ready to Ship Plåceof.Manuf.acture September 25,.2009 11,20 Rea ely to Ship Placè of Manufacture October 2, 2009 21,30 Ready to Ship Place-of Manufacture October 9, 2009 3b40 Rea ci to Shlp Place of Manufàcturë OCtober 16,200 41,50 R~àcI to Ship Place of Manufacture October-.23¡.2ØQ 51-60 Readyt9SIlIp Place of Manufaeture Odober 30,2009 61-70 Reåclto Ship Place of Manufiieture November 6; 2OO!) 71-80 RearlytoShip Place of Manufacture Novèmber13,2009 81-90 Readyto Ship Place of Manufacture NoYember20, 2009 91-00 Ready to Ship Place of Manufacture NOVember 21,2009 101-10 Ready to Ship Place of Ma-nufacture December 4,200 111-120 Ready to Ship Place of Manufacture December 11,2009 121-130 Ready to Ship Place of Manufacture Decembet18,2009 131-140 ReàdytoShlp Placeof Manufacture Decernber26,200 GuarêlnteedOeliverv Dêltes Nim'lber(s) of Déllvéry Teri Oéli'lery point Guaranteed De1very Dates.COMpleteÙniîs1 1-10 eip ClosestCornmonC3 rrler Point De¡;ember 27;2009 11-20 CIP Closest Common Carrier Point January 5,2009 21"30 eip ClosestCommon Carrier Point January12,2.009 31.40 elP ClosestCornrnon Carrier Point January19,:Z009 41.50 CIP Closest Commoneartler Point January.26,2009 SM8 tiP CloSeSt Cornmon C~rrier Point February 8, 2010 59.66 CIP Closest commonearrier Point February 15j20:tO 67-74 eip elosestCommoh Carriêr POint FebtUary22,2010 Attachment 2 Exergy Idaho Contract - CMS# 711163 to 711177 June ;162009 Page 19 75..82 CIP ClösestCómmol' Carrier Point February 29,2010 83.90 CIP Clø$est.Col'mon Cårrîer Point March 5,2010 91.98 CIP Closest Commoncatter Point March 12,2010 99.106 CIP Closest .Common Carrier Point Martft 19,2010 107'114 CIP Closest Common Carrier Point Mårch Z6¡201(l 115~122 CIP Closest Common Carrier Point April S,2QI0 12.3-130 CIP Closest Common Carrier Pøint .AptH 12,7010 13H38 CIP closestCommonCarrler Point .ApríJ 19,ZOl(l 1.39.140 tiP Closest common carrier Pølnt April 26,2010 Applicable Notes: Until such time as the Seller notifies the Buyer in writing of a revised date, the First Permissible Major Component Shipment Date shall be September 25, 2009. 1 - A Complete Unit is defined as Delivery of all Major Components for that Unit Delivery rate shall be eight (8) to fifteen (15) Units per week. Seller may commence deliveries at any time after October 23,2009. The Guaranteed Delivery Dates shall be used as the basis for assessing delay liquidated damages pursuant to the Special Condition entitled "Delays in Delivery or Turbine Completion" considering the Delivery date of the last Major Component for a given Unit. MechánlcälCompletlon Sc:hedulê Mechanical COmpletion Rate by Buyer (Units/Week) Minlmum8J.)nlts per week I Maximum 15 Units per week With the exception of the first 6 Units Delivered, the Mechanical Completion rate for the balance of the Units shall be in accordance with the above table. The 6 Units that are not subject to the rate above shall all reach Mechanical Completion no later than 10 days following Mechanical completion of the 134th Unit. A Change Order is required if the Buyer causes Mechanical Completion to be achieved at a rate different than the rate specified in this Attachment 2. Attaliirnent :2 Eicergy IdahClConltiict.. CMSII71U6:l to 71n77 June 16200 Page 20 Site Data Requirements Item Reqi.1redJ)atetpbe Provided to Seller FUllY 'ømPleted \Ail1d ÐirmFørm(asJnclu(ie(iln the i:O Ø¡ivspri(¡rWlhi First PermisÅ¡ible MaJór c:omponeil Tèchnical Specfication)Shipmentfate Custørner f1roject oatac:ollectipl1-Fprm laslncli.ded)n 9QiiayS prior tp the First Permissible Majór c:ômponent the. Technical Speification)-Tab1 Sh Ipment ()atii CUstømerProje-ctOiita CiillectlonForm (as Included In 90 dayS prior tøtlle First Permissible !I¡ijót COniporiènt the nie:nkål Spèclfltion)"' Tab2 Shipment Date Cl.storner Project pat¡iCollection form lasJncludeclin 70 dayS prior to the First Permlssible!lajor c:oniMn!!l't the Technical Spelfii:åtlori)- Tab3 Shipment Oate SelectNOllloated TQrblnesan(i referenceWln~spee~7Q dayspr1i:r to the Firstpel'missible Miijor Component distrbotion ShipmentOate The Buyer Is responsible for submitting the requested information by the d¡;tes specifit!d, Modifications to thê.stopeOfSupply in Attachment1 may be required or recommendeci Phc:e tl1e¡;boye Site data. requirements become known. Such modifications tPthè Scope of Supply will be handled in accordance with the Geiieral Conditior'entideô "Chariges". If Buyer does not sLlPplythe.d¡;ta by the required date or jfthedatachanges after the date it is required to be provided to Seller, then the Buyer wil be responsible for paying the cost of any additional work and any éxtension in the projèttscheduJe tp tpmpeos¡;te for the: change or additiPnal wotk, Attachment 2 Exergy idaho Contract - CMS# 711163 to 711177 June 16 200 Page 21 Attachment 2 Schedule permlssible Majør Component ShIpment Oate NuMbør(s)øf Shipment Term ShlpnuntPoirt l'erinlsslble l\¡l)() (ampanilllt Côpiete Unitsl ShIpment I)ii.est 1.135 Ready to Ship PlaceofManufacture May 14,20l().~NøverrberS, 2010 -. Guaranteed Delivery Dates NUllber(s) of t)lllivilrYl'errr ~-- j i.uaråntee!l.t)elhiérýt)åtes. toJrplete Uolts1 comnion CarrlerPoillt1.10 Cip closest August 21¡2010 11-20 CIP Closest CommOl carriét Point SeptemberS¡lOlO 21-30 tip Closest COmmol'CatrierPoil'September 10, 2010 31-40 CIP ciosest ConirrohCarriet Point Sèpteniber17;2010 41-50 tip Closest CoinmonCarrier Point Sèptetibet2ii,2010 :¡-~ I CIP Closest CoinnionCarrier PoUlt Octoberi,2010 CIP Closest Common Cal'rierPoint Odober 8¡2010 Attachment 2 Idaho Wind Partners I, LtC Contract - CMSIt 711163 to 711176 January, 2010 Page 15 71,80 CIP Closest Comiioncartier point October 1S,2010 81,;90 CIP Closest-Commoii-Cârrler ~oint Ottòper22,2010 91400 CIP ClosesfCommon carrier Pòlnt OdOper 29,2010 101-110 CIP Closest Common Carrier Point November 5,2010 111-:120 CI~Closest Common Carrier Poiiit N(¡vemi:tår 12,2010 121430 CIP Closest Common Carrier Point November' 19; 2010 131-135 CIP Closest Common Carrier Point November 26.2010 Applicable Notes: UlitilslJch timéaS theSeUer notifies the Bûyer in writing of -~. tév¡'sed date, the First p~rmissible M~jor Cømpønent Shipment Date shall be May14,1p1Q. 1 - A Complete Unit is defined as Delivery of all Major Components for that Unit Delivery rate shall be eight (8) to fifteen (15) Units per week. Seller may commence deliveries at any time after June 18, 2010. The Guaranteed Delivery Dates shall be used as the basis for assessing delay liquidated damages pursuant to the Special Condition entitled 1I0elays in Delivery or Turbine Completion" considering the Delivery date of the last Major Component for a given Unit. Mechanical Completion S.chedule Mechanlçal Completion Rae by Buyer (Units/Week) Minimum 8 Units per week I Maximum 15 Units per week With the exception of the first 6 Units Delivered, the Mechanical Completion rate for the balance of the Units shall be in accordance with the above table. The 6 Units that are not subject to the rate above shall all reach Mechanical Completion no later than 10 days following Mechanical completion of the 129th Unit. A Change Order is required if the Buyer causes Mechanical Completion to be achieved at a rate different than the rate specified in this Attachment 2. Attaçhment 2 Idaho Wind Partners I, LLC Contract - CMSIt 711163 to 711176 January, 2010 Pagii16 $iteData Requirements Item Required Dáte to be Provided toSeUer tulWCompletèdWlnd Farm Form(aslndodèdlÌ'the 90 days priortt) the First Permlssl\llèN!ajt)r Component "leduilç¡¡1 $pteifitaHonj Shipment Oáte Cos-tomet Prl)jèct Data Colléttion Forin (as included Iri 90 days prior totheFlrst Perl1issibleM¡ijorCom~nent thi:tei:hnii:¡il Speqfii:¡itlclO)- T.¡1;:i ShlpmèntDate Customer Project Data CollettldnFótm (aSll'dudèd in 90 days prior to the FlrstPermisslble Major Cpmponent the Tei:hnlcal spetlfjt¡itiø!l)~1'ab:i ShlprhentDate Customer Project Data Collection Fótm(¡isinduded iri 10 days priOrløtheFl.rst l'ermissib1e .l'ajor CompPnent the Tedinii:al Spec:ifltatiOn)~ tabS Shir;ment Date Select NomlòatèdTUrbil'e$ âfiteferérice wind speed 10d¡iys prior to the i:lrst!"érmisslble Miljor COmppm~nt distribution ShipinehtDate The Buyer is responsible for submitting the requested information by the dates specified. Modifications to the Scope of Supply in Attachment 1 may be required or recommended once the above Site data requirements become known. Such modifications to the Scope of Supply wil be handled in accordance with the General Condition entitled "Changes" if Buyer does not supply the data by the required date or if the data changes after the date it is required to be provided to Seller, then the Buyer wil be responsible for paying the cost of any additional work and any extension in the project schedule to compensate for the change or additional work. Attachment 2 Idaho Wind Partners I, LLC Contract - CMSII 711163 to 711176 January, 2010 Page 17 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E.10-01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT NO.3