HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100115Vol I Hearing Boise.pdfORIGINAL.BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO SELL TO RAFT RIVER RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. CERTAIN ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES CURRENTLY OWNED BY IDAHO POWER CASE NO. IPC-E-09-31 BEFORE COMMISSIONER JIM KEMPTON (Presiding COMMISSIONER MARSHA SMITH COMMISSIONER MACK REDFORD . PLACE:Commission Hearing Room 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho DATE:January 12, 2010 VOLUME I - Pages 1 - 5 . CSB REPORTING Constance S. Bucy, CSR No. 187 23876 Applewood Way * Wilder, Idaho 83676 (208) 890-5198 * (208) 337-4807 Email csb(Ðeritagewifi.com ""== nU1 rn -0:i N.. ."",,-.._'.. ui00 . . . 1 BOISE, IDAHO, TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 2010, 10:00 A. M. 2 3 4 5 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: This is Tuesday, 6 January 12th, 2010. The time is 10:00 o'clock. It's the 7 date, time and place, this place being the Idaho Public 8 Utilities Commission Hearing Room, to conduct a public 9 hearing for the purpose of taking testimony on the sale 10 of certain Idaho Power Company distribution facilities 11 and the pertinent rights of way to Raft River Electric 12 Company Cooperative, Inc. as noticed in Commission Order 13 No. 30963 dated December 16th, 2009; more specifically, 14 the application of Idaho Power Company for authority to 15 sell such property and rights of way pursuant to Idaho 16 Code 61-328 and Rules of Procedure 52 as established in 17 IPUC Case No. IPC-E-09-31. The proceedings in this case 18 are being conducted in accordance with the Commission's 19 jurisdiction under Title 61 Idaho Code and Commission's 20 Rules of Procedure under IDAPA 31.01.01. 21 The introductions we have done informally 22 but formally present are Commissioners Marsha Smith, Mack 23 Redford and Jim Kempton who will be Chairing the 24 proceedings. The Staff Attorney General is Neil Price 25 and the attorney for Idaho Power Mr. Bart Kline. CSB REPORTING (208) 890-5198 1 COLLOQUY . . . 1 As a background, this is an IPC, Idaho 2 Power Company, application filed November 10th, 2009. 3 There was a Commission Notice of Intent to process by 4 modified procedure with a 21-day comment period and a 5 public hearing, those two combined in the same notice, 6 and that notice went out on December 16th, 2009 as Order 7 No. 30963. The Idaho Power Company application was 8 amended on December 21st, 2009, and that was in 9 relationship to a cost estimate on the sale. 10 There was a Commission press release on 11 this case on December 29th, 2009 and the comment period 12 was a 21-day comment period in modified procedure which 13 ended on January 6th, 2010, and no comments were 14 received. The Staff recommendation is that the 15 Commission approve Idaho Power Company's application to 16 sell the Border 011 Feeder Line to Raft River and there 17 are some materials, I don i t think the people who are 18 present here today that there's much application to it, 19 but there are some summaries over there on the Staff's 20 comments and their recommendation and the press release 21 is also over there, so there were no comments on this 22 case and as mentioned, Staff recommendation is to move 23 forward with the sale and for the Commission to approve 24 that. 25 Are there any comments? Neil, would you CSB REPORTING (208) 890-5198 2 COLLOQUY . . . 1 like to make any comments on this? 2 MR. PRICE: I don't have any comments, 3 Mr. Chairman. I think you gave a good summary of the 4 Company's application. 5 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Okay, Commissioner 6 Smi th, there being no comments, do you have any points of 7 discussion? 8 COMMISSIONER SMITH: I do not. 9 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Commissioner 10 Redford? 11 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: No. 12 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: I have none. 13 Mr. Kline? 14 MR. KLINE: No, sir. 15 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: I love hearings 16 like this. 17 COMMISSIONER SMITH: How about the people 18 from Raft River? 19 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Well, Ilm offering 20 any comments from anybody who would like to make a 21 comment and we would love to hear from Raft River. 22 MR. DARNINGTON: I guess Raft River IS 23 comment would be we appreciate the opportunity to be here 24 and we appreciate the efforts of Idaho Power in arranging 25 for this and I think it's going to be an asset to us in CSB REPORTING (208) 890-5198 3 COLLOQUY . . . 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 our system over there and so we i re pleased that it went 2 so well and we appreciate it. 3 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Well, as an 4 observer who is somewhat familiar with the operation of 5 Raft River, I can only say that I find those operations 6 to be commendable and that there's some pretty fierce 7 weather that works around in that part of the country and 8 that the customers are well served during all periods of 9 the year by Raft River Electric. 10 MR. DARNINGTON: We appreciate that. 11 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: There being no 12 addi tional testimony, no further business to be attended 13 to, this case will be fully submitted at the close of the 14 hearing and I now adj ourn this Commission hearing on IPC 15 Case No. IPC-E-09-31. 16 MR. KLINE: Thank you. 17 MR. PRICE: Thank you. 18 (The Hearing adjourned at 10: 05 a.m.) 19 CSB REPORTING (208) 890-5198 4 COLLOQUY . . . 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 AUTHENTICATION 2 3 4 This is to certify that the foregoing 5 proceedings held in the matter of the application of 6 Idaho Power Company for authority to sell to Raft River 7 Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. certain electric 8 distribution facilities currently owned by Idaho Power, 9 commencing at 10:00 a.m., on Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 10 at the Commission Hearing Room, 472 West Washington 11 Street, Boise, Idaho, is a true and correct transcript of 12 said proceedings and the original thereof for the file of 13 the Commission. 14 15 /) dl -s +~'2 -. ~g -L___.._.~__. .~.. ...__ ._~_ _. CONSTANCE S. BUCY Certified Shorthand Reporter 18 16 \\11\11111/11ii' S'ii"I~C£ . 8ú.",.. //" b: ,\\\\\IIIIJI, ",....:;' L Y ...,..,-,. AR "tii; '-'i' .., ., ,': 0( )-" _ /.. fA .... ." /.."-. -,¡ "0 -: /f ~ fz ,~:0\ ~!O~ \, l:U 0. \. /' ~",. 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