HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090624Nondisc Signature NIPPC.pdfRECE\\ED 1.nn, JUM 24 ~M \ \ ~ 03 NONDISCLSUR AGREEMENT \DÄHO PUBUÇ S\O" ReganUng Use of T\UT\ES COMM\S Î'lTrasmission or Geeration Sysæm DocumetationU . Application for a Cerficaon of Public Convenience and Necsity For 1Ie Langley Guldi Power Plant Case No. IPC-E-3 S \J Cl Y\ ¥:.. ,~k-e; ~ ~ (company/en/invidu) ("Recipient") ha requeed trmission and/or generaton system inormaton ("Inonnon") frm Idaho Power Company ("IPC"). The requesed Inormaton conta non-public inormon about Idaho Power's trmission or generation system that may be considered Critical Energ Inascte Inormtion as defed by the Code of Federa Regations, Title 18 Section 388. As a preaution agaist the misuse of ths Inonon IPC, upn reaonable inquiry, has vered the identity of the .Recpient and believes that Recipient has a valid buiness purse for the Inormaton. . Accordy, the Inormtion requested is beig disclosed to Recpient stcty subjec to the followig te and coditions. 1. Critical Energ Inascte Inormtion ("CEIl") - As used herei, CEll shall mea inormaton that: a Relates detal about the producton, geeron, transmssion, or distrbuton of energy; b. Could be usefu to a peon plang an atk on critica intrcte; c. Is eKempt frm mandaory disclosure under the Freedom of Inormon Act; and d. Gives strtegc informaton beond the locaon of the crtical inasctle. CEIl includes but is not necessary limited to: trmission conductor dets, trssion stcte design details, planed or expe trsmission outes critica to the system sutaon design detls, control ceter loctions or desgn details, power plan facilty design dets, and geographic coordi more specic than lie routes. 2. Use of CEll - Requestor shall not use, or pert others to use CEIl for a purose other than that related to the curent proceeg before the Idao Public Utiities Commssion ("!UC"), the Application for a Certficate of Public Convenence an Necsity for the Lagley Gulch Pòwer Plant, .Case No. IPC-E-Q9-03. Recipient shal tae al reaonable meaures to avoid improper disclosure or unauoried use of CEn. 3. Recpient's Peronnel - Recipient, if a business entity, shal resct the possession, knowledge, development, and use of CEll to its emloyee, agen, subcntrrs, and other entities controlled by it (collectvely, "Personnel") who need to know the CEn in comiecon Paelof2 Nonsclosu Agen - eEI Laney Gulch Powe Plt Ca No. IPC-E-9-03 with the above-refereed IPUC cae and who have been inormed by Recpient of the rectons placed on such CEl by ths Nondisclosur Agreement and who have ageed to us the CEn in conformty with the requirements of ths Nondisclosure Agrment 4. Recpient Responsibilty - Recipient shal be wholly reponsible for matag the codentiality of the CEn disclose by Idaho Power to Recipient or otherwse obtaed by Recipient, and shal be resonible in ths rega for the acton and acvities of all its Personnel. 5. Disclosur to Goverenta Entities - If Recipient bemes legally obligated to disclose condential Inormon to an goverenta entity, Recipient shall use its reaonale bet effort to obta confdential treatment for any CEn that is so disclosed. 6. Autoried Signate - Signatoiy for Recpient covenants that they are authorzed to sign on behf of the Recipient and have the authority to bind the Recipient to the ter of th~Nondisclosur Agreement. . 7. Successors and Assign - Ths Nondsclosure Agrment shall be binding on Recpienfs succsors and assign. RECIIENT~l(. Av~Signe S Ll~Gt y\ lz. A-9t YV "' Prit Name . nttHv fffd ~ i rr c.~04 Dat Pae2of2 Nondisclosu Agent - CE Langley Guch Powe Pla Ca No. ipe-E-9..3