HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081120Staff to IPC 41-48.pdfWELDON B. STUTZMAN DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC 'UTILITIES COMMISSION 472 WEST WASHINGTON STREET PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0318 BARNO. 3283 RECE\V iOn% NtW 20 PM \2: 23 \0 ~\\40 PtiË.\J,ÇS\r\~.,J, ,. C(..i.4t.~¡.." 0""UT\Ui\F.SJr~d~Il"" " NEIL PRICE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0314 ISB NO. 6864 Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5983 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY ) TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES ) FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO ITS ) CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO. ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-08-10 STAFF RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission, by and through its attorney of record, Weldon B. Stutzman, Deputy Attorney General, provides the following documents and information in response to Idaho Power Company's Third Production Request to Commission Staff. STAFF RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY 1 NOVEMBER 20, 2008 REQUEST NO. 41 TO STAFF WIT-NESS VAUGHN: Please provide the detailed calculation and any workpapers and/or supporting documentation to explain the adjustments to Sales Revenues included in Staff witness C. Vaughn's Exhibit No. 126, line 17. STAFF WITNESS VAUGHNS'S RESPONSE TO IPC REQUEST NO. 41: Exhibit No. 126 as described in Staff witness Vaughn's direct testimony at page 39, lines 19-21, shows the "calculation of the revenue requirement and rate increase and compares Staff s case to the case fied by Idaho Power." No specific adjustments are shown in this exhibit. Exhibit No. 127 as described in Staff witness Vaughn's testimony at page 40 "sumarizes the adjustments made to the Company's 2008 forecast test year to obtain the final numbers included in Staffs revenue requirement." Exhibit No. 127, line 17, shows an adjustment to Sales Revenue of$6,358,142. The Idaho jurisdictional sales revenue amount of $785,010,105 shown on line 17 of Staff Exhibit No. 126 can be traced to a corresponding sales revenue figure shown in column 7 of Staff Exhibit No. 127. The $785,010,105 amount in colum 7 of Exhibit No. 127 represents an upward adjustment of$6,358,142 (colum 5) from the sales revenue amount as fied by Idaho Power (column 1). The adjustment of$6,358,142 can, in tu, be traced to Staff Exhibit No. 104. The adjustment amount is based on the system opportunity sales as computed by the AURORA model using Staffs assumptions as described by Staff witness Sterling. The amount of system opportunity sales computed by Staff is shown on page 2 of Staff Exhibit No. 105. REQUEST NO. 42 TO STAFF WITNESS VAUGHN: Please describe generally how Commission employees pay for and are reimbursed for expenses incurred while traveling and/or performing PUC business. Specifically, a. Do Commission employees have access to credit cards where expenses are charged directly to the State of Idaho? b. How are reimbursement requests reviewed and approved? c. Can PUC employees obtain cash advances for travel expenses? STAFF WITNESS VAUGHN'S RESPONSE TO IPC REQUEST NO. 42: Staf objects to this request as not intended to produce evidence relevant to the proceeding. Without waiving its objection, Staff provides the following response. STAFF RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 NOVEMBER 20, 2008 Commission employees may receive an advance based on preapproved travel or they may pay for the travel and receive a reimbursement. The travel and cost estimates must be preapproved and receipts must be submitted with the expense form. As per the Idaho Public Utilties Commission Travel Policy: Requests to travel on offcial business or attend training courses must be completed and approved in advance. In-State travel and training needs to be approved by the employee's supervisor and the Division Administrator or designated representative. Out-of-State travel needs to be approved by the employee's supervisor, the Division Administrator and the Commission President or designated representative. All travel arrangements wil be made by Administration. (a) Three employees have access to credit cards charged to the Commission. Each card is authorized for specific dollar amounts and specific uses. The Commission Secretary and Travel Coordinator each have a card authorized for travel reservations including airlines, hotel rooms, meeting rooms, registrations and occasional subscriptions. The third card is issued to the Supply Coordinator and authorized for offce supplies not covered by the master supply contract catalog. In addition there are gas credit cards issued for each state vehicle. The card may only be used for that vehicle and is authorized for gas purchases and services up to predetermined amounts. (b) Travel requests with travel costs must be approved in advance per the Travel Policy above. Reimbursement expense forms are compared to the request and receipts / documentation is verified by the Supervisor for approval and Fiscal prior to payment. (c) Yes, As per the Idaho Public Utilties Commission Travel Policy: The total advance wil be limited to 90% of the estimated reimbursable expenses. Travel advances of less than $50.00 wil not be issued unless there are extenuating circumstances and the Commission President or designated representative has approved the request. The application for advance must be submitted to the Fiscal Offce of the Commission at least 5 (five) working days in advance of being needed. The application must be approved by the Division Administrator or designated representative. Travel expense claims involving an advance of funds must be reconciled with the Fiscal Offce of the Commission immediately. (At no time shall this exceed one week after returning to the offce.) Further advances for offcial travel may not be made to an employee who has not complied with the reconcilation period requirement. STAFF RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY 3 NOVEMBER 20, 2008 REQUEST NO. 43 TO STAFF WITNESS VAUGHN: In her testimony of page 22, lines 3-4, Staff witness C. Vaughn states that "a line-by-line examination of all expenditures was performed by Commission Staff." Please clarify whether this examination was for the 75 randomly selected monthly P-Card reconciliations or for all P-Card expenditures for the test period. STAFF WITNESS VAUGHN'S RESPONSE TO IPC REQUEST NO. 43: The entire electronic listings of all P-card expenditures for the test year of 2007 were examined. In addition, 75 randomly selected monthly P-card reconcilations were examined and the information compared to the data in PassPort. REQUEST NO. 44 TO STAFF WITNESS VAUGHN: In her testimony on page 26, lines 23-25, Staff witness C. Vaughn states "I moved 50% of all expenditures classified as "Restaurant" below the line to eliminate expenditures that believed to be excessive." As an addendum to Idaho Power Request No. 36, please provide Staff witness C. Vaughn's calculation of the error rate used for the extrapolation for the disallowance of 50% of the expenditures. STAFF WITNESS VAUGHN'S RESPONSE TO IPC REQUEST NO. 44: Staff did not attempt to calculate error rate in their audit of P-card transactions. REQUEST NO. 45 TO STAFF WITNESS VAUGHN: Please provide all supporting documentation and analysis Staff witness C. Vaughn relies on to support her conclusion that the identified P-card expenses of $884,747, included in Exhibit No. 125, pages 1 and 2, should be moved below the line for ratemaking puroses. STAFF WITNESS VAUGHN'S RESPONSE TO IPC REQUEST NO. 45: All documentation and analyses supporting this adjustment were provided in Staffs response to Idaho Power's First Production Request to the Commission Staff. STAFF RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY 4 NOVEMBER 20, 2008 REQUEST NO. 46 TO STAFF WITNESS VAUGHN: Of the identified P-card expenses included in Staff witness C. Vaughn's Exhibit No. 125, pages 1 and 2, did Staff pull and audit the individual P-card envelope that supported those charges and review them to support Staffs conclusion that they should be excluded from recovery in rates? STAFF WITNESS VAUGHN'S RESPONSE TO IPC REQUEST NO. 46: No. REQUEST NO. 47 TO STAFF WITNESS VAUGHN: Please provide a complete listing including, but not limited to the date of transaction, dollar amount, description of purose and individual's name for the P-card envelopes that were pulled and reviewed that have charges included in Staff witness C. Vaughn's Exhibit No. 125, pages 1 and 2. STAFF WITNESS VAUGHN'S RESPONSE TO IPC REQUEST NO. 47: Please see attched confdential CD provided to signees of confidentiality agreement. REQUEST NO. 48 TO STAFF WITNESS LANSPERY: On page 5 of Staff witness B. Lanspery's Direct Testimony, he states "Effective TOU rates. . . can result in higher overall consumption with lower bils if enough energy is shifted off-peak." Please provide studies, analyses, and/or references that substantiate this statement. STAFF WITNESS LANSPERY'S RESPONSE TO IPC REQUEST NO. 48: The statement referenced is an application of basic economic theory. The introduction of time- of-use rates effectively creates two economic goods- on-peak electricity and off-peak electricity (ignoring mid-peak for simplicity). One of the motives for time-of-use (TOU) rates is to encourage load shifting in the household to the off-peak period, when it is less expensive to produce the energy. In economic terms, this is known as the "substitution effect", as consumers substitute the lower cost off-peak electricity for the higher cost on-peak energy. Numerous studies have been devoted to measuring the level of load shiftng. (See attached CD). Attachment 48A provides a technical report from EPRI surveying various studies of the elasticity of substitution for various utilties that have implemented TOU rates. STAFF RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY 5 NOVEMBER 20, 2008 There is a secondar effect in implementing TOU rates, called the "income effect". The income effect is defined as the change in a consumer's real purchasing power brought on by a change in the price of a good (Microeconomics Theory and Applications, 7th Ed., Browning and Zupan, p. 87). If rates are properly designed, the off-peak price would be lower than the current rate paid, providing more purchasing power to the consumer. Consumers may respond by consuming more electricity in the off-peak period (or more accurately, more end uses that require electricity) than was shifted. This has been noted by, among others, the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency on pages 5-6 through 5-7 (see Attachment 48B). This is precisely why Staff has encouraged leaving tiered rates in place if and when TOU rates are available to residential customers (see Direct Testimony of Bryan Lanspery, page 6, lines 3 through 6). It should be noted that the statement in question is not a declaration of certinty, rather a theoretical hypothesis. Based on the Idaho Power Emmett Study Year 2 Final Report (Attachment 48C), there is no evidence that customer loads increased under TOU rates (page 16), though it is unclear whether the Company had load profile data for customers prior to the Pilot Program. Attchment 48D contains two more papers regarding TOU pricing, which focus on empirical studies and the income effect. It is also encouraged to review the works of Douglas W. Caves and Laurits R. Christensen for critiques of empirical analysis of TOU experiments (none attached). DATED at Boise, Idaho, this #day of November 2008. ~~ Weldon B. Stutzman Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Cecily Vaughn Bryan Lanspery i:umisc:prodreq/ipce08. i Owsnp prod req staf response3.doc STAFF RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY 6 NOVEMBER 20, 2008 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 20TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2008, SERVED THE FOREGOING STAFF RESPONSE TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1O, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: BARTON L KLINE LISA D NORDSTROM DONOV AN E WALKER IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL: bkline(fidahopower.com Inordstrom(fidahopower .com dwalker(fidahopower .com PETER J RICHARDSON RICHARDSON & O'LEARY PO BOX 7218 BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: peter(frichardsonandoleary.com RANDALL C BUDGE ERIC L OLSEN RACINE OLSON NYE ET AL PO BOX 1391 POCATELLO ID 83204-1391 E-MAIL: rcb(fracinelaw.net elo(fracinelaw.net MICHAEL L KURTZ ESQ KURT J BOEHM ESQ BOEHM KURTZ & LOWRY 36 E SEVENTH ST STE 1510 CINCINATI OH 45202 E-MAIL: mkurtz(fBKLlawfrm.com kboehm(fBKLlawfirm.com BRAD M PURDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 2019N 17TH ST BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: bmpurdy(fhotmail.com JOHN R GALE VP - REGULATORY AFFAIRS IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL: rgale(fidahopower.com DR DON READING 6070 HILL ROAD BOISE ID 83703 E-MAIL: dreading(fmindspring.com ANTHONY Y ANKEL 29814 LAK ROAD BAY VILLAGE OH 44140 E-MAIL: yankel(fattbLcom KEVIN HIGGINS ENERGY STRATEGIES LLC PARKSIDE TOWERS 215 S STATE ST STE 200 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111 E-MAIL: khiggins(fenergystrat.com LOTH COOKE ARTHUR PERRY BRUDER UNITED STATE DEPT OF ENERGY 1000 INDEPENDENCE AVE SW WASHINGTON DC 20585 E-MAIL: 10t.cooke(fhq.doe.gov CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE DWIGHT ETHERIDGE EXETER ASSOCIATES INC 5565 STERRTT PLACE, SUITE 310 COLUMBIA MD 21044 E-MAIL: detheridge(fexeterassociates.com DENNIS E PESEAU, Ph.D. UTILITY RESOURCES INC 1500 LIBERTY STREET SE, SUITE 250 SALEM OR 97302 E-MAIL: dpeseau(fexcite.com arthur. bruder(fhq .doe. gov CONLEY E WARD MICHAEL C CREAMER GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 WBANNOCKST PO BOX 2720 BOISE ID 83701-2720 E-MAIL: cew(fgivenspursley.com KEN MILLER CLEAN ENERGY PROGRA DIRECTOR SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE PO BOX 1731 BOISE ID 83701 E-MAIL: kmiler(fsnakeriveralliance.org ~-KbSECRETÅI CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE