HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080911DOE to IPC 1-1 through 1-28.pdfDepartment of Energy Washington, DC 20585 RECE1VEO .SE -8 1118;26 IDAHO. PUBLiC UTILlTlES CPMMISSlON September 3, 2008 RE: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Case No. IPC-E-08-10 United States Department of Energy's First Interrogatories and Production Requests to Idaho Power Company TO THE PARTIES: Enclosed are the United States Department of Energy's First Interrogatories and Production Requests to Idaho Power Company. Thank you for your kind attention. Very truly yours,~GL~_LArthur Perry BtJder Attorney for the United States Department of Energy phone: (202) 586-3409 fax: (202) 586-7479 arthur.bruder~hq.doe.gov " I) Printed with soy ink on recycled paper IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE No. IPC-E-08-10 DOE's FIRST REQUEST FOR INFORMATION AND PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY ) TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES ) FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO ITS ) CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO. ) ) J'_ I?.RC'VV~ 'R/~ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMI~~M .'1 '9 ~b 7(lr/1/lo 4.+ lS Cl.&~ e...e, °if'¡levd~ ~04'CASE NO. IPC-E-08-10 U.S DOE's First Interrogatories and Production Requests to Idaho Power Company The United States Departent of Energy, by and through its attorney of record, Arhur Perr Bruder, hereby requests that Idaho Power Company ("the Company") provide the following documents and information as soon as possible, but no later than WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2008. As per the Commission's Rules of Procedure, responses must include the name(s) and phone number of the person(s) who prepared the document, and the name(s), job title(s), location(s) and phone number(s) of the recordholder(s) and, if different, the witness( es) who can sponsor the answer at hearng if need be. These Interrogatories and Production Requests are to be considered as continuing, and the Company is requested to provide, by way of supplementar responses, additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that constitute relevant augmentation of the documents produced. Please provide ariswers to each question,supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations, and the name, job title and telephone number of the person preparng the documents. Please provide all Excel and electronic fies on CD with formulas activated. . 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE No. IPC-E-08-10 DOE's FIRST REQUEST FOR INFORMATION AND PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS DOE-I-I. DOE-I-2. DOE-I-3. DOE-I-4. DOE-I-5. Please provide copies of all responses to requests for information submitted by other paries to Idaho Power in this docket. This is an ongoing request. Please provide Exhibit Nos. 36-80 in native format (e.g., Excel, Word) with all link and formulas intact (if applicable). Please provide all workpapers in native format (e.g., Excel, Word) with all link and formulas intact (if applicable) that underlie and/or support Exhibit Nos. 36-80. Referrng to the direct testimony of Timothy Tatu at 21:24 - 22:9: (a) Does Idaho Power have three distinct time-based production costing periods that are drven by customer loads? If the answer is yes, please provide all workpapersi studies, analyses, and documents supporting and/or underlying the identification and delineation of the costing periods. (b) For the base production costing period, please specify by month the daily hours that define the costing period. (c) For the intermediate production costing period, please specify by month the daily hours that define the costing period. (c) For the peak production costing period, please specify by month the daily hours that define the costig period. For each of IPC's production resources assigned to Accounts 340-346, please provide in Excel format with all formulas and links intact the following by month for the past 36 months: (a) Name, in-service date, and nameplate or rated capacity. (b) Total hours of operation durng each of IPC's base, intermediate, and peak production costing periods. . (c) MWh of energy supplied durng each of IPC' s base, intermediate, and peak production costing periods. (d) Total operating costs durng each of IPC's base, intermediate, and peak production costing periods. (e) All workpapers underlying and/or supporting these responses. 2 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE No. IPC-E-08-10 DOE's FIRST REQUEST FOR INFORMATION AND PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS DOE-I-6. DOE-I-7. DOE-I-8. For each of IPC's production resources assigned to Accounts 310-316, please provide in Excel format with all formulas and links intact the following by month for the past 36 months: (a) Name, in-service date, and nameplate or rated capacity. (b) Total hours of operation during each ofIPC's base, intermediate, and peak production costing periods. (c) MWh of energy supplied durng each of IPC' s base, intermediate, and peak production costing periods. (d) Total operating costs durng each of IPC's base, intermediate, and peak production costing periods. (e) All workpapers underlying and/or supporting these responses. For each of IPC's production resources assigned to Accounts 330-336, please provide in Excel format with all formulas and links intact the following by month for the past 36 months: (a) Name, in-service date, and nameplate or rated capacity. (b) Total hours of operation durng each ofIPC's base, intermediate, and peak production costing periods. (c) MWh of energy supplied durng each ofIPC's basei intermediate, and peak production costing periods. (d) Total operating costs durng each of IPC's base, intermediate, and peak production costing periods. (e) All workpapers underlying and/or supportng these responses. For each purchase whose cost is booked to Account 555.1, please provide in Excel format with all formulas and links intact the following by month for the past 36 months: (a) Transaction date, duration, tye (for example, firm energy), total capacity and/or energy purchased, total cost, applicable pricing mechanism ($/M, $/MWh, or some combination), and specific pnces. (b) Total hours of purchase durng each of IPC's base, intermediate, and peak production costing periods. 3 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE No. IPC-E-08-10 DOE's FIRST REQUEST FOR INFORMTION AND PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS (c) MWh of energy purchased (if applicable) durng each of IPC's base, intermediate, and peak production costing periods. (d) Total purchase costs durng each of IPC's base, intermediate, and peak production costing periods. (e) All workpapers underlying and/or supporting these responses. DOE-I-9.For each purchase whose cost is booked to Account 555.2, please provide in Excel format with all formulas and links intact the following by month for the past 36 months: (a) Transaction date, duration, tye (for example, fi energy), total capacity and/or energy purchased, total cost, applicable pricing mechanism ($/MW, $/MWh, or some combination), and specific pnces. (b) Total hours of purchase durng each of IPC's base, intermediate, and peak production costing periods. (c) MWh of energy purchased (if applicable) durng each of IPC's base, intermediate, and peak production costing periods. (d) Total purchase costs durg each of IPC's base, intermediate, and peak production costing periods. (e) All workpapers underlying and/or supporting these responses. DOE-I-I0. Referrng to the direct testimony of Timothy Tatum at 40:10-11: (a) Please provide in Excel format with all formulas and link intact the 2008 marginal cost analysis. (b) Please provide all workpapers underlying and/or supporting the marginal cost analysis. DOE-l- i 1. Please provide in native format (e.g., Word) the direct testimony of all Idaho Power witnesses. DOE 1-12. Referrng to Exhibit No. 53 at 36:258: (a) Please define and explain in detail "Adjustment to Revenue/Refuds." (b) Please provide the justification for IPC' s functionalization and classification of these revenues. 4 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE No. IPC-E-08-10 DOE's FIRST REQUEST FOR INFORMTION AN PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS DOE 1-13. Referrng to Exhibit No. 53 at 36:260: (a) Please provide the justification for IPC's classification of Account 447 revenues. (b) Please provide in Excel format Account 447 Opportnity Sales by month for the past 36 months showing for each transaction the total kWh sold, total revenue received, and whether the transaction was priced using a one- or multi-par rate. DOE 1-14. Referrng to the direct testimony of Timothy Tatum at 55:5-7 and the adverb currently used to introduce this sentence, does IPC plan to expand the coverage of the FCA to classes other than Residential and Small General Service? If the response to this question is other than an unqualified yes, please describe in detail IPC's plans to expand the FCA and any discussions that IPC has had in the past 12 months with any par in this case regarding the possible expansion of the FCA. DOE 1-15. Provide copies of all Idaho Power credit rating reports since Januar 1, 2007. DOE 1-16. Providè copies of all presentations to securties analysts by management for Idaho Power or IdaCorp since Januar 1, 2008. DOE 1-17. Please identify the specific weights given to the varous cost of equity studies in Dr. Avera's testimony. In particular, please indicate the relative weight given to his electrc utility DCF study as opposed to his other cost of equity studies, in formulating his recommended range. DOE I -18. Does Dr. Avera intend to submit a cost of equity update in this case? If so, please state when. DOE 1-19. Has Dr. Avera previously submitted cost of equity testimony for Idaho Power using a West Region electrc utility proxy group? If so: (a) Please state the last case (year, docket number) when he did so; (b) The companies comprising that Proxy Group; and . (c) The reason for changing his practice to a national proxy group. DOE 1-20. Please specify the exact criteria used by Dr. Avera for eliminating proxy company DCF cost of equity results as being either too high or too low. DOE 1-21. Please specify all reasons why Dr. Avera selected Value Line as the source of the "beta" instead of using other publically-available sources. of beta. 5 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE No. IPC-E-08-10 DOE's FIRST REQUEST FOR INFORMATION AND PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS DOE 1-22. Please list all public common stock issues durng the last three years by IdaCorp. In each case, please include: (a) Date of issuance; (b) Net proceeds; and (c) Expenses associated with issuance (including underwting fees). DOE 1-23. Please describe any plans for a public stock issuance within the next three years for IdaCorp. DOE 1-24. Provide all securties research analyst reports concerning Idaho Power or IdaCorp in the Company's possession (and not already provided in this case) issued since January 1,2008. DOE 1-25. Per Mr. Keen, pages 28-29, please identify the dollar amounts of debt obligation S&P and Moody's presently impute to Idaho Power for its 10ng- term purchase power contracts for credit rating puroses. DOE 1-26. Please provide the American Falls and Milner debt balances at June 30, 2008. (S. Keen, page 38). DOE 1-27. Please identify any plans by Mr. Keen to update the year-end 2008 projected capital strctue and cost of debt. As par of the response please indicate when the issuance of the $125 milion debt issuance and the refinancings of the Sweetwater and Humboldt auction bonds are likely to take place. DOE 1-28. Please provide the Company's actual capital strctue (excluding American Falls and Milner debt) at June 30, 2006. At Washington, D.C., this 3d day of September, 2008. Arhur Perr Bruder Attorney for the United States Deparent of Energy Phone: (202) 586-3409 Fax: (202) 586-7479 Arhur.Bruder~hq.doe.gov (motion for pro hac vice admission to the Idaho Bar for this proceeding is pending) 6 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE No. IPC-E-08-10 DOE's FIRST REQUEST FOR INFORMTION AND PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE i hereby certify that, this 3d day of September, 2008, I served the foregoing first production request of the United States Departent of Energy to Idaho Power Company" in case No. IPC-. 08- 10, by emailingit.andbymailingacopyofit.(postageprepaid).to the following: Baron L Kline Lisa D Nordstrom Donovan E Walker Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, Id 83707-0070 email: bkline(!idahopower.com Inordstrom(!idahopower.com dwalker(!idahopower.com John R. Gale VP ~ Regulatory Affairs Idaho Power Company POBox 70 Boise, il 83707-0070 email:rgale(!idahopower.com Weldon B. Stutzman Neil Price Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington St. PO Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Peter J Richardson Richardson & O'Lear PO Box 7218 Boise, il 83702 email: peter(!richardsonandolear.com Randall C Budge Eric L Olsen Racine Olson Nye PO Box 1391 Pocatello, il 83204- 1391 email: rcb(!racinelaw.net elo(!racinelaw.net 7 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE No. IPC-E-08-10 DOE's FIRST REQUEST FOR INFORMATION AND PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS Michael L Kurtz, Esq. Kur J Boehm, Esq. Boehm Kurz & Lowry 36 E Seventh St. Ste 1510 Cincinnati, OH 45202 email: rnz~BKLlawfirm.com kboehm~BKLlawfirm.com Brad M. Purdy, Esq. 2019 N. 17th St. Boise, il 83702 email: bmpurdy~hotmaii.com Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Rd. Boise, il 83703 email:dreading~mindspring.com Anthony Y. Anel 29814 Lake Road Bay Vilage OH 44140 email:yanel~attbi.com Kevin Higgins Energy Strategies LLC Parks ide Towers 215 S. State St. Ste. 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 email:khiggins~energystrat.com Conley E. Ward Michael C. Creamer Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Banock St. PO Box 2720 Boise, il 83701-2720 email:cew~givenspursley.com Dennis E. Peseau, Ph.D Utility Resources Inc. 1500 Libert Street SE, Suite 250 Salem, OR 97302 email:Dpeseau~Excite.Com 8 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE No. IPC-E-08-10 DOE's FIRT REQUEST FOR INFORMTION AN PRODUCTION OF DOCUMNTS Ken Miler Clean Energy Program Director Snake River Alliance PO Box 1731 Boise il 83701 email : Kmiler(ÐSnakeriveralliance. Org Arhur Perr Bruder Attorney for the United States Deparent of Energy 9