HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070131IPC to Staff 1-20, 22-23, 25, 28, 30-32, 34-36.pdf-- IDAHO~POWER~ , ;: rA~-~ACORP Company ;" " Monica B. Moen Attorney II ""'f'I ~ 1,1 3 \ P't1 3: 49 LUll ,-!I'\' '\' il~'i\;-jUC\\.Ih;j" ;~~. !\S;:;\l;.~ \-r 1 '\'n~:S VU~;\I"u \ .:..1 - January 31 , 2007 Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P. O. Box 83720 Boise , Idaho 83720-0074 Re:Case No. IPC-06- In the Matter of the Application of Idaho Power Company for an Accounting Order Authorizing the Inclusion of Power Supply Expenses Associated With the Purchase of Capacity and Energy From Telocaset Wind Power Partners LLC in the Company s Power Cost Adjustment Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed for filing an original and two (2) copies of Idaho Power Company Partial Response to the First Production Request of Commission Staff regarding the above-described case. I would appreciate it if you would return a stamped copy of this transmittal letter to me in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope. Very truly yours ~- ~, Monica B. Moen MBM Enclosures O. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W. Idaho St. Boise, ID 83702 MONICA MOEN ISB # 5734 BARTON L. KLINE ISB # 1526 Idaho Power Company P. O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-2682 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 n. :: C~ E : \ ,. ZOO? JM~ 3 I PH 3: '-19 101\1,,10 ;:;UdLiC UTiLITIES CQ;\:iHiSSiC Attorneys for Idaho Power Company Street Address for Express Mail 1221 West Idaho Street Boise , Idaho 83702 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR APPROVAL OF A POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH TELOCASET WIND POWER PARTNERS, LLC AND TO INCLUDE THE ASSOCIATED EXPENSES IN THE COMPANY'S ANNUAL POWER COSTADJUSTMENT. CASE NO. IPC-06- IDAHO POWER COMPANY' RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW, Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "the Company") and, in response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power Company dated January 19, 2007, herewith submits the following information: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.1: Please provide a copy of the 2005 RFP Evaluation Manual. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.1: The confidential information requested is available for examination in the Idaho Power Company Legal Department located in the Company s corporate offices. The response to this request was prepared by Tom Noll , Customer Load and Research Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica Moen , Attorney , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 2 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.2: Please provide a summary list showing those persons or firms who submitted Notices of Intent to Bid forms. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.2: The confidential information requested is available for examination in the Idaho Power Company Legal Department located in the Company s corporate offices. The response to this request was prepared by Tom Noll , Customer Load and Research Leader, prepared by Tom Noll , Customer Load and Research Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica Moen , Attorney II , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 3 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.3: Please make available for review all proposals submitted in response to the 2005 RFP. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.3: The confidential information requested is available for examination in the Idaho Power Company Legal Department located in the Company s corporate offices. The response to this request was prepared by Tom Noll , Customer Load and Research Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica Moen , Attorney , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 4 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.4: Please provide a copy of any preliminary cost estimate summaries used for PPA comparisons. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.4: The confidential information requested is available for examination in the Idaho Power Company Legal Department located in the Company s corporate offices. The response to this request was prepared by Tom Noll, Customer Load and Research Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica Moen , Attorney , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 5 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.5: Please provide the Short-listed Bids PPA comparisons. Include a summary showing for each short-listed bid the capacity, the annual energy output, the assumed transmission cost , the quoted PPA price and any associated pricing details , and the totallevelized cost per MWh reflecting updated pricing. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.5: Please refer to the response to Request for Production No. The response to this request was prepared by Tom Noll , Customer Load and Research Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica Moen , Attorney , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 6 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.Please provide a copy of any wind evaluation summaries used to compare bids. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.6: Garrad-Hassan America , Inc. performed wind evaluations on the proposals submitted by the short-listed bidders. That confidential information is available for examination in the Idaho Power Company Legal Department located in the Company s corporate offices. The response to this request was prepared by Tom Noll , Customer Load and Research Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica Moen , Attorney , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 7 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.Please provide any bid evaluation summaries prepared by Garrad-Hassan. Provide any reports prepared by Garrad-Hassan for each short-listed proposal reviewing the predicated energy production of each project. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.7: Please refer to the Response to Request for Production No. The response to this request was prepared by Tom Noll , Customer Load and Research Leader, in consultation with Monica Moen , Attorney II , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 8 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.8: Please provide an electronic copy of all spreadsheets used to compute levelized costs and to make a cost comparison of the bids. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.An electronic copy of the confidential information requested is provided herewith and is labeled , " Response to Request for Production No. The response to this request was prepared by Randall Henderson , Business Analyst, Idaho Power Company in consultation with Monica Moen, Attorney II , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 9 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.9: Please provide a summary of the Stage Screening scores for all of the proposals. Include any written explanation for the scores that were awarded to each proposal.Identify all proposals eliminated from further consideration as a result of Stage 1 Screening scores. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.9: Idaho Power s 2005 Wind RFP Evaluation Team performed the Stage 1 Screening on all of the proposals submitted in response to the RFP. A financial review of the proposals indicated that the proposals could be grouped into two categories based on pricing. The proposals from four bidders were selected for additional analysis as part of the RFP "short-list."Please refer to the Response to Production Request No.4 for the confidential pricing summary information requested. The response to this request was prepared by Tom Noll , Customer Load and Research Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica Moen , Attorney , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 10 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.1 0: Please provide a summary of the Stage 2 Screening scores for all of the proposals considered in Stage 2. Include any written explanation for the scores that were awarded to each proposal. Include scores, and written explanations and spreadsheets if any, for all non-price categories. In addition include scores awarded to each proposal for wind energy evaluation criteria. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.1 0: The confidential information requested is available for examination in the Idaho Power Company Legal Department located in the Company s corporate offices. Please note that, during negotiation of the PPA, updated pricing information received from Telocaset Wind Power Partners , LLC made that bidder s 100 MW offer more competitive than its original 66 MW offer. The response to this request was prepared by Tom Noll, Customer Load and Research Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica Moen , Attorney , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 11 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 11: Please provide a copy (electronic if available) of any sensitivity analysis that was performed to evaluate proposals in the Stage 2 Screening. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 11: Please refer to the Response to Request for Production No.1 O. Idaho Power did not perform any formal sensitivity analyses during the bid evaluation process. The response to this request was prepared by Tom Noll , Customer Load and Research Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica Moen Attorney Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 12 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 12: Please provide information showing the amount and date of any updated prices that may have been considered in the proposal analysis. For any updated prices that may have been considered , show or explain how any evaluation scores may have changed. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 12:Idaho Power Company requested price updates from the proposals throughout the course of the RFP evaluation process. The final request for price updates was sent to selected bidders via e-mail on June 20, 2006. A copy of that e-mail is attached hereto as "Response to Request for Production No. 12. Idaho Power incorporated the information received in response to the bid update request in its final evaluation and is reflected in the Stages 2 and 3 bid evaluation scoring spreadsheet. Please refer to the Response to Request for Production No.1 O. The response to this request was prepared by Tom Noll , Customer Load and Research Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica Moen , Attorney , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 13 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 13: Please provide a copy of any analysis performed as part of the bid evaluation comparing the expected seasonal generation output for short-listed proposals to Idaho Power s seasonal load shape. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 13: The confidential information was prepared by Garrad-Hassan America, Inc. That analysis included a comparison of the projected generation from the proposals with the Company s seasonal requirements. Please refer to the Response to Request for Production No. The response to this request was prepared by Tom Noll , Customer Load and Research Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica Moen , Attorney Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 14 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 14: If any short-listed bidders voluntarily withdrew projects from further consideration , please state the reasons for withdrawal. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 14: One short-listed bidder withdrew its proposal from further consideration on June 20, 2006 via a telephonic voice mail message to Idaho Power. A transcript of this confidential information is available for examination in the Idaho Power Company Legal Department located in the Company s corporate offices. The response to this request was prepared by Tom Noll , Customer Load and Research Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica Moen, Attorney , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 15 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 15:Please provide analysis to support continued use in this agreement of the same seasonalization adjustment factors as are currently being used for PURPA agreements.In the analysis, provide support or justification for each of the months included in each of the three seasons. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 15: The following are the seasonal factors contained within the Telocaset PPA: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dee 100.00% 100.00% 73.50% 73.50% 73.50% 100.00% 120.00% 120.00% 100.00% 100.00% 120,00% 120.00% The seasonal factors within this agreement duplicate the seasonal factors that are currently being used in new Idaho Power PURPA agreements.The current assignment of these seasonal factors to the various months was first used in the Tiber Firm Energy Sales agreement that was approved in Commission Order 29232 , dated April 28, 2003. The Company s 2004 and 2006 Integrated Resource Plans identify that Idaho Power continues to experience both summer and winter peaks. The various seasonal factors and assignment to specific months is consistent with current PURPA agreements , they reflect the summer and winter peaking nature of Idaho Power energy requirements and provide an incentive for the project to be available during these periods. Likewise, the reduced prices during March , April and May should provide IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 16 incentive for scheduling maintenance outages during these months. The response to this request was prepared by Randy Allphin , Power Supply Planning Administration , Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica Moen Attorney II , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 17 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 16:Please provide a copy of any transmission studies (Interconnection Feasibility Study, System Impact Study, or Facilities Study) completed for short-listed projects to assess the Company ability to transmit power form the project site to Idaho Power s system, to identify any transmission constraints , and to identify and estimate the costs of any necessary transmission system upgrades. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 16: A copy of the Feasibility Study Report for each short-listed proposal is included with each bidder s proposal. That confidential information is available for examination in the Idaho Power Company Legal Department located in the Company s corporate offices. A copy of the confidential Facilities Study prepared for the Telocaset project is also available for examination in the Idaho Power Legal Department located in the Company s corporate offices. Please also refer to the Response to Production Request No. 17. The response to this request was prepared by Tom Noll , Customer Load and Research Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica Moen, Attorney , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 18 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 17:Has a System Impact Study been completed for the Telocaset Project? If so, please provide a copy. If not, when is the study expected to be completed? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 17: The confidential information requested is available for examination in the Idaho Power Company Legal Department located in the Company s corporate offices. The response to this request was prepared by Tom Noll , Customer Load and Research Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica Moen , Attorney , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 19 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 18: Has a Large Generator Interconnection Agreement been negotiated and signed for the project? If so, please provide a copy. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 18: Idaho Power Company s transmission group has provided Telocaset representatives with a draft Large Generator Interconnection Agreement ("LGIA"copy of that confidential draft agreement is available for examination in the Idaho Power Company Legal Department located in the Company corporate offices. On January 23, 2007 , Telocaset representatives met with representatives of the Company s transmission group to discuss the draft LGIA. Telocaset intents to submit proposed revisions to the draft LGIA to Idaho Power s transmission group the week of January 29 2007. The parties expect to finalize the document within the next few weeks. The response to this request was prepared by Tom Noll , Customer Load and Research Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica Moen , Attorney , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 20 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 19: Please explain why no network upgrades are required for the 34 MW increment of capacity and why Telocaset shall have no obligation to contract for or pay for upgrade costs associated with the 34 MW increment. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 19: Idaho Power Company s transmission group intends to designate the first 66 MW of capacity from the Telocaset project as a network resource. Because of that designation , firm transmission rights will be attributed to the first 66 MW of capacity from that wind facility. The cost of the network upgrades necessary to acquire 66 MW of firm transmission rights are expected to cost approximately $3.5 Million. The cost of those improvements will be borne by Telocaset but are subject to reimbu rsement. According to the Interconnection Feasibility Study prepared by the Company transmission analysts for the Telocaset project, transmission upgrades required for the full 100 MW of capacity from the Telocaset wind project are estimated to cost approximately $25 Million. Please refer to the Response to Request No. 16. The response to this request was prepared by Tom Noll , Customer Load and Research Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica Moen , Attorney Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 21 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 20: Please explain why Telocaset is only responsible for network upgrade costs for the first 66 MW of capacity. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 20: Please refer to the Response to Request for Production No. 19. The response to this request was prepared by Tom Noll , Customer Load and Research Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica Moen, Attorney , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF , Page 22 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 22:Please provide any estimates of interconnection costs that were made for the short-listed proposals. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 22: The 2005 Wind RFP Evaluation Team used the Large Generator Interconnection Feasibility Studies prepared for each of the short- listed bidders to compare the transmission costs for these proposals. Please refer to the Response to Request for Production No. 16. The response to this request was prepared by Tom Noll , Customer Load and Research Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica Moen, Attorney , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 23 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 23: Please list and describe any permits that must be obtained for the Telocaset project to be constructed and describe the status of those permits. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 23:A copy of the confidential information requested is available for examination in the Idaho Power Company Legal Department located in the Company s corporate offices. The response to this request was prepared by Monica Moen , Attorney II , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 24 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 25:Please discuss any consequences or implications if T elocaset Wind Power Partners LLC or Horizon Wind Energy is sold to another owner. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 25: Article 25 of the Telocaset PPA sets forth the credit requirements of the new owner should Telocaset Wind Power Partners LLC assign the PPA to either an affiliate of Telocaset or to a third party. Should Telocaset assign the PPA to an affiliate , the affiliate or its guarantor must meet the credit requirements originally set forth for Telocaset's Guarantor , Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. In the event Telocaset should assign the PPA to a third party, certain requirements set forth in Article 25.4.3 of the PPA have to be satisfied, including the minimum credit requirements set forth for Telocaset's Guarantor. The response to this request was prepared by Monica Moen , Attorney II , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 25 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 28: Please provide the estimated generation amounts by month for each year of the Agreement. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 28: The confidential information requested is available for examination in the Idaho Power Company Legal Department located in the Company s corporate offices. The response to this request was prepared by Tom Noll , Customer Load and Research Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica Moen , Attorney , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 26 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 30: Please discuss the basis for the damages and cap amounts for net energy shortfall as shown in Appendix F. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 30: In any bilateral agreement, the terms and conditions of the agreement are negotiated by the parties to that contract. The liquidated damage caps identified in Appendix F to the agreement were negotiated by Idaho Power and Telocaset. The purchase price for the energy sold by the Telocaset project would likely have been higher had Idaho Power negotiated damage caps higher than the amounts identified in Appendix F. Under the terms of the agreement, Idaho Power is only obligated to pay for energy successfully delivered to the Company s point of delivery. However, if Telocaset fails to deliver the established annual amount of energy to be produced and delivered to Idaho Power s point of delivery, Telocaset is subject to liquidated damages. The response to this request was prepared by Monica Moen , Attorney II , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 27 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 31:Please explain the basis for the Aggregate Price Adjustment limit associated with Appendix E and the limit on the aggregate amount of an Aggregate Price Adjustment when combined with any Net Energy Shortfall Damages. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 31:Idaho Power and its customers are advantaged by the energy forecasting information that Telocaset will provide the Company. At its expense , Telocaset will provide, for the term of the PPA, forecasts of the wind facility's hourly, daily, next day and next week generation amounts. Telocaset will also provide monthly net energy targets on an annual basis. Should Telocaset default on its obligations to provide forecasts consistent with good utility practices , Idaho Power may invoke the provisions of Appendix E. As with the liquidated damages provisions of Appendix F, the limits associated with Appendix E were negotiated by the parties to the PPA. The response to this request was prepared by Monica Moen , Attorney II, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 28 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 32: Please discuss the basis for the required Performance Assurance amounts as contained in Section 12.2 of the Agreement. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 32:Unlike its agreements with PURPA developers, Idaho Power has secured certain performance assurances in the Telocaset PPA. Under the terms of Article 12.2 of the PPA, Telocaset's obligations to Idaho Power must be secured by one or a combination of assurances set forth in the agreement. The amounts established in the PPA were negotiated by the parties. Higher amounts would have increased Telocaset's risk of performance under the agreement. That elevated risk to Telocaset would have manifested itself in increased prices for the energy delivered from the facility to the Company. The response to this request was prepared by Monica Moen, Attorney II , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 29 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 34: Please discuss the basis for the Limitations on Sellers Damages amounts as contained in Section 21.5 of the Agreement. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 34: The limitations on Telocaset's potential damages as contained in Article 21.5 of the PPA were negotiated by the parties. The limits established in the agreement were the maximum amounts agreeable to the parties without affecting the cost of the purchase price for the energy produced by the Telocaset facility. The response to this request was prepared by Monica Moen, Attorney II , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 30 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 35:Please discuss the basis for the termination payment amounts as contained in Sections 22., 22.2 and 22.3 of the Agreement. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 35:At the time the T elocaset PP A was negotiated by the parties, Federal Production Tax Credits (PTCs) were only available until the end of December 2007. To take advantage of those tax credits that would benefit both parties, Telocaset and Idaho Power agreed that the wind facility should be placed in service before expiration of the Federal PTCs in December 2007. To meet this operation date it was necessary for Telocaset to make certain financial commitments and expenditures during the period between the date the PPA was executed by the parties and the date of consideration of the PPA by the Commission. To this end , Idaho Power agreed to reimburse Telocaset for certain documented expenditures up to an established amount in the event Idaho Power elected to terminate the PPA for lack of Commission approval of the agreement by February 28, 2007. If approval of the PPA is not obtained from the Commission and Idaho Power terminates the agreement with Telocaset, right, title and interest in the assets acquired by Telocaset pursuant to the PPA will be transferred to Idaho Power. Although the Federal PTCs have been extended through 2008 , Telocaset and Idaho Power continue to anticipate that the project will be operational by year end 2007. The response to this request was prepared by Monica Moen , Attorney II , Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF , Page 31 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 36: Please describe what happens to the performance assurance guaranty if Horizon is sold by Goldman Sachs. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 36: Telocaset Wind Power Partners , LLC is a subsidiary of Horizon Wind Energy LLC. Goldman Sachs Wind Holdings, LLC is the parent company of Horizon Wind Energy, LLC. Should Goldman Sachs sell its interests in either Horizon Wind Energy, LLC and/or Telocaset Wind Power Partners , LLC , Goldman Sachs could include the Telocaset/ldaho Power PPA in the sale of the assets of Telocaset. In that event, the rights, title and interest in the Telocaset PPA would have to be assigned to the new owner. Article 25.4 of the PPA establishes that either the new owner or its guarantor must meet the credit requirements originally set forth for Goldman Sachs, Telocaset's guarantor. The response to this request was prepared by Monica Moen , Attorney II , Idaho Power Company. DATED at Boise, Idaho , this 31st day of January 2007. Id- MONICA B. MOEN Attorney for Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 32 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 31st day of January 2007, I served a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing upon the following named parties by the method indicated below , and addressed to the following: Donovan E. Walker Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Post Office Box 83720 Boise , Idaho 83720-0074 ) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid (X) Hand Delivered ) Overnight Mail ) Facsimile (X) Email donovan.walkerCtYpuc.idaho.qov (/J- Monica B. Moen IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 33 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE NO. IPC-O6- FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. Noll, Tom From: Sent: Subject: Noll, Tom Tuesday, June 20, 2006 1 :31 PM Idaho Power Company Wind RFP - Final Call Greetings: The deadline to submit any proposal revisions or updates has been extended to the close of business on Monday, June 26, 2006. You may submit proposal updates or revisions via email. Idaho Power Company anticipates no further extensions and Idaho Power Company intends to conclude the selection process based on information submitted no later than the close of business on Monday June 26, 2006. Please carefully review your proposal and the Large Generator Interconnection Feasibility Study Report for your project. Please be certain that you have included the correct substation and interconnection costs in your proposal and in your pricing. Be sure to identify and quantify any interconnection cost differences between your proposal and the Large Generator Interconnection Feasibility Study Report. The Wind RFP identifies the interconnection information requirements on page 26 of the RFP document: 2. Proposal prices must reflect and explicitly identify any and all costs that Respondent expects Idaho Power Company to pay for power delivered to the Idaho Power Company transmission system... Please direct all questions and comments regarding the Wind RFP to Tom Noll at Idaho Power Company. Best Regards T om Noll Idaho Power Company 208-388-2623