HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061019Cover letter, revisions.pdfIDAHO POWE R CID RECEIVED 20Ub OC1 \ Pt~ 4: 56 Lisa D. Nordstrom Attorney An IDACORP Company . . '~ '; ", c ' ' ' \np, \.., r..., ",... UTIL\l\E.S cOt,i~:::;1 \' October 18, 2006 Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P. O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 RE: Idaho Power s Integrated Resource Plan , Case No. IPC-06- After filing Idaho Power s 2006 Integrated Resource Plan on September 29 2006 the Company discovered a number of errors in the Plan document and Technical Appendix D. Some of these errors were typographical in nature; others were found in tables that had been propagated in other parts of the IRP. While these errors were not material and did not change the planning results, Idaho Power wishes to replace the Plan document and Technical Appendix D with corrected copies so as to avoid potential confusion and better facilitate the IRP's review. Please find enclosed eight (8) copies of the revised IRP Plan document and Technical Appendix D. Please substitute these documents (marked "Revised October 12 2006") and return, recycle or destroy the uncorrected versions filed September 29th. The Company has also posted a corrected version of these documents on its website at www. id ahopowe r. com/2006i rp Thank you for your assistance and patience in this matter. Please contact me at 208-388-5825 if you have questions or if I can help facilitate this in any way. Sincerely, /(Dt.0~ Lisa Nordstrom LDN:sh Enclosures Telephone (208) 388-5825 Fax (208) 388-6936 E-maillnordstrom&Jidahopower.com IPC- E-06- 24 2006 IRP 20061RP Revisions (REVISED) 2006 OCT 18 PH h: 57As referenced in Idaho Power s 2006 IRP, the maximum average energy savings for DSM progra~s is 9.0 aMW in the year 2026. However, the 2006 IRP conside G'1fr Wf~~!~~~, !-~~::~ f'\'plannmg penod WhICh ends m 2025. In 2025, the value for DSM average energy~avntgs-'u'ilici".)SI(jl'l is 88 aMW. Reference to the 90 aMW can be found on the following pages of the 2006 IRP: !:' , " r- . \ "'- ~ " ,- ! , ..... ~' '~~'-I",- Page 2 , Potential Resource Portfolio Section Page 95, Table 7-1 Portfolio F2 (Supply-Side and Demand-Side Resources) Page 95, Highlights Page 97, Demand-Side Resources Page 104, Demand-Side Management Page 106, Risk Mitigation The clarification above also impacts the reported total energy (aMW) contained in the 2006 preferred portfolio. The reported figure of 1 091 aMW would be 1 089 aMW at the end of the planning period in 2025. Reference to the 1 091 aMW can be found on the following pages of the 2006 IRP: Page 2, Potential Resource Portfolio Section Page 5 , Table 1-1 Preferred Portfolio Summary and Timeline Page 78 , Table 6-2 Summary of Finalist Portfolios Page 95 , Table 7-1 Portfolio F2 (Supply-Side and Demand-Side Resources) Page 95, Table 7-1 Portfolio F2 (Supply-Side and Demand-Side Resources) Total average energy should be 1 374 aMW, not 1 376 aMW (related to clarification above) Page 65 , 2006 IRP Demand-Side Programs (paragraph before Table 5- Implementing the three energy efficiency programs proposed in the 2006 IRP is anticipated to generate over 780 000 MWh of energy savings per year by 2005-a savings of 88 aMWannually. The year "2005" should be replaced with "2025" Page 67, Table 5-4 Summary of Residential Efficiency Program - Existing Construction Table updated to reflect application of half year convention to discounted values Page 68, Table 5-5 Summary of Commercial Efficiency Program - Existing Construction Program Energy Metrics - Annual Energy, replace 161 167 MWh with 161 157 MWh Table updated to reflect application of half year convention to discounted values Page 68, Table 5-6 Summary of Industrial Efficiency Program Expansion Table updated to reflect application of half year convention to discounted values 2006 IRP Technical Appendix Revisions Page 68, Alternative Energy Cost table, costs are in $/MWh, not $/k Page 69, Energy Savings, replace "Net or' with "Including" (Transmission Losses) in the title of the table. Totals added to bottom of table. Page 70, Average Peak Reduction, replace "Net or' with "Including" (Transmission Losses) in the title of the table. Values replaces with half year convention. Totals added to bottom of table. Page 71, DSM July Peak Reduction, replace aMW with MW and "Net or' with Including" (Transmission Losses) in the title of the table. Totals added to bottom of table. Page 72, DSM Programs - Utility Costs, replace entire page Table updated with present value dollars rather than real dollars. Page 73, DSM Programs - Total Resource Cost, replace entire page Table updated with present value dollars rather than real dollars. Corrected numbers in DSM Portfolio Options table Page 78, Monthly Peak-Hour Load Deficiency Data, replace entire page Original data incorrectly included transmission imports Page 79, Monthly Peak-Hour Surplus/Deficiency Chart, replace entire page Incorrect data used to create original chart Page 142, Summary of Portfolio Fl, replace entire page Correction of cumulative DSM average energy data Page 144, Summary of Portfolio F2, replace entire page Correction of cumulative DSM average energy data Page 146, Summary of Portfolio F3, replace entire page Correction of cumulative DSM average energy data Page 148, Summary of Portfolio F4, replace entire page Correction of cumulative DSM average energy data