HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060630MVP to Staff 1-7 Part III.pdf""""'--'--""'-""""""""""""'--' Moun tain View Power Inc. January 31 , 2006 Bill Rogers Regional Pennit Program Coordinator Idaho Department of Environmental Quality 1410 N. Hilton Boise, Idaho 83706 Dear Mr. Rogers Attached are two copies of an application on behalf of Mountain View Power, Inc for an air quality Pennit to Construct (PTC) the Gateway Power Plant southeast of the City of Boise. Also attached is a check for $1 000.00 to initiate the pennit processing. The Gateway Power Plant will be a synthetic minor facility by limiting its annual emissions of criteria air pollutants to less than 250 tons per year. In general, this facility is predicted to have very low impacts on the local air quality. I am also requesting the opportunity to review a draft of the proposed PTC prior to this being finalized or issued for public review. If you have any questions please contact me at 208-331-1898, or Gordon Frisbie of Arcadis-Greystone at 303-850-0930 or gfrisbie~arcadis-us.com. Sincerely, R~ LJ~ ..po Bob Looper Mountain Vi Mountain View power, Inc, 1015 West Hays Attachment 'Boise, ID 83702 . . , ("jJWf W thlP 208343-1218 c, ROnWllll 7fAJ.. '" of c'A'J""",Mf..iti MmIb VlJ7'..r"'!; OJ. 11' () i1 C " '7-' ~ . it 1 -1.1 If THE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANKBOISE. 10 83706 92-15111241 2122 , jl-n / (; r' o.)~.f./ $ f\.tJ()ob :' ,. J v (,.' C. ""'"'Y""""' l.!.J ;;~I:~'b'" , I11RJTliJ ;:;!JJ.J ~l ~(??~~~.. 1015 v., I: 1. 51.311: 21.22 5 20 1.0 1. bOO 1.\18 Planning & Development Services Boise City Hall, 2nd Floor 150 N. Capitol Boulevard P. O. Box 500 Boise, Idaho 83701-0500 Phone: 208/384-3830 Fax: 208/384-3753 TDD/TTY: 800/377.3529 Website: www.cityofboise.org/pds Condit1onaJ Us.e AppHcatjon File #: : This box for office use only Fee: Cross Referenced File(s):Zone(s): YesAre Pre-Application materials attached? The application is a request to construct, add or change the use of the property as follows: Commission Level Planned Development Special Exception Other: Note: When an application has been submitted, it will be reviewed in order to detennine compliance with application requirements, It will not be accepted if it is not complete. A hearing date will be scheduled only after an application has been accepted as complete. Applicant: Mountain View Power. Inc.Phone: 208-343-1218 0 Owner 0 Purchaser X Lessee Applicant's Address: 1015 W Hays St., Boise. ill Agent/Representative: Ronald 1. Williams or Robert D. Looper Agent/Representative s Address: 1015 W. Hays St., Boise ill Contact Person (if different from above): 0 Renter Zip: 83702 Fax: 344-6633 Phone: 344-6633 Zip: 83702Zip: Phone: Address of Subject Property: 9605 S, Eisenman Road, Boise ill 83716 Mapping Division must initial here (14' 1.0 to signify address verification. Property description (Lot, Block & Subdivision name or recorded deed with a metes and bounds description): Parcel Number: Section: 13 S 151341 07200 Township: 2 N Range: 2 E Quarter:NE 114 Size of property (square feet and/or acres):25,2 acres Water Issues: a, What are your fire flow requirements? 500 (Please see Appendix 111-A of Uniform Fire Code) b. What volume of water is available? A 12 inch water line with more than adequate water service capacity for the plant is available from United Water (Contact United Water of Idaho, Inc. at 362-7330) Conditional Use Application 2 Existing uses and structures on the property are as follows: None Are there any known hazards on or near the property? (such as canals, hazardous material spills, soil or water contamination). If so , describe them, and give their locations: None Adjacent properties have the following building types and/or uses: North: South: No structures. No apparent land use. Abandoned house on rid~e to SE and one private residence/salva~e vard to the E, but neither are "adjacent" to parcel. No structures. No apparent land use. No structures, No apparent land use. East: West: Maximum proposed structure height(s): Maximum 75' emissions stack, requirin~ height vanance. Number of Stories: All "'buildings" are one story. Maior equipment components (turbine, generator) are not buildings, bUt would appear as one or two stOry structures. The air intake structure would be approximately 50 feet high. The heat exhaust stack would be between 60 and 75 feet in height. Structuresa. Number of proposed non-residential structures: Two buildings. Phase 1. One buildin2:. Phase 2. Square footage of proposed non-residential structures or additions (if applicable): Phase 1 requires two buildings. an electrical control building and a shop. Phase 2 would require either no additional buildings or possibly one additional control building, Gross Square Feet Net Leasable Sa. Ft. Electrical Control Bldg: 000 Sq. Ft N/A Shop: 000 Sq. Ft.N/A3rd Floor N/A N/A b. Number of existing non-residential structures to remain: None Square footage of existing non-residential structures to remain: Gross Square Feet Net Leasable SQ, Ft. 1 st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Number of proposed residential structures (if applicable): None Conditional Use Application 3 Size of proposed residential units (if applicable): N/A. Number of Units Sq. Ft. per Unit Total Sq. Ft Studio One-bedroom Two-bedroom Th ree-bedroom Total Number Number of existinq units to remain: Landscaping: Is any proposed? the facility, Landscaving will be provided around buildings and the entrance to Site De~ign: Percentage of site devoted to building coverage: Percentage of site devoted to landscaping: Percentage of site devoted to paving: Other uses - Electrical Generating Equipment Open Space Total: Phase 50% 01% 1.00% 15.00% 34.79% 50.00% Phase 2 50% 01% 1.00% 15.00% 34.49% 50.00% 10. Parking a, Handicapped spaces proposed: b. Parking spaces proposed: c. Bicycle parking spaces proposed: d. Number of compact spaces proposed: - e, Widttj(s) of garage qoor(s): 24 feet f. Rf)!strjct~q part(in~ spac;8s prppc:)sej; .Q. g, Are you proposing off-site parking? . No . h. Are you requesting a shared parking or parking reduction? Handicapped spaced required: Parking spaces required: Bicycle parking spaces required: Compact spaces allowed: --.--- Note: If you are requesting a shared parking or parking reduction, you must submit a survey of persons using and working on the premises and any additional information demonstrating that use by the regular employees and visitors to the premises will require fewer off-street parking spaces than required by the Zoning Ordinance. 11.Setbacks: Building Proposed ::0-30' Required m n; - ._n Parking Proposed ::0-7' .. ?Q' Front Rear ~!~~ ~~H Sl~~ ?D!. . Required 0..:. . 1 H te-'-~w. .c......... __... Conditional Use Application 3 Size of proposed residential units (if applicable): N/A. Number of Units Sq, Ft. per Unit Total Sq. Ft Studio One-bedroom Two-bedroom Th ree-bedroom Total Number Number of existinq units to remain: Landscaping: Is any proposed? the facility, Landsc:.J.Ding will be provided around buildings and the entrance to Site Design: Percentage of site devoted to building coverage: Percentage of site devoted to landscaping: Percentage of site devoted to paving: Other uses - Electrical Generating Equipment Open Space Total: Phase 1 50% 01% 00% 15.00% 34.79% 50.00% Phase 2 50% 01% 00% 15.00% 34.49% 50.00% 10. Parking a, Handicapped spaces proposed: b. Parking spaces proposed: c. Bicycle parking spaces proposed: d, Number of compact spaces proposed: - e. Width(s) of garage door(s): 24 feet f. Restricted parking spaces proposed: g. Are you proposing off-site parking? h, Are you requesting a shared parking or parking reduction? Handicapped spaced required: Parking spaces required: Bicycle parking spaces required: Compact spaces allowed: Note: If you are requesting a shared parking or parking reduction, you must submit a survey of persons using and working on the premises and any additional information demonstrating that use by the regular employees and visitors to the premises will require fewer off-street parking spaces than required by the Zoning Ordinance. 11.Setbacks: Building Parking Proposed Required Proposed Required Front )-30'20')-7' Rear )-5')-0' Side )-5')-0' (St) Side )-15'15')-10'10' 13. Loading facilities (if proposed): Number & Size: ':-J.jA Location: Screening: 12. 14. 15. 16. 17. Conditional Use Application 4 Exterior Roof Walls Windows/Doors Fascia, Trim , Etc, Building Materials: Metal Metal Clad Insulated Metal Metal Colors: Desert Sand Desert Sand Desert Sand Desert Sand Drainage (proposed method of on-site retention): Sheet flow, sedimentation pond, rapid infiltration. Floodways and Hillsidesa. Is any portion of this property located in a Floodway or a 100-year Floodplain? b, Does any portion of this parcel have slopes in excess of 15%? Note: If either of the above answers to Number 15 is yes , than you will be required to submit an additional Floodplain and/or Hillside application and additional fee. You must submit the additional required application(s) for review at the same time as this request. Airport Influence Area Is subject site located within the Airport Influence Area? X Yes If so, you must obtain an avigation easement from the Boise Airport Director. The easement must be obtained before the issuance of building permits. Is the applicant requesting an infill P. U. D? Yes X Applications for infill P.s must include documentation that shows that the site qualifies as an innll site, including:a. A written statement explaining why this site may qualify as an infill P.b. A vicinity map (8%" x 11" at 1"=300' scale, available from PDS Mapping, showing:1. The property lines of the subject lot.2. The property lines and uses of all lots within 300' of the exterior boundaries of the subject lot. Evidence (map) showing the location of sewer and water utilities. Note: It is intended that "infill" PUDs are restricted to the City core area and generally are not applicable to parcels of land located on the periphery of the City or recently annexed lands. Conditional Use Application 5 18. Street Layout Review of public street layout: The impacts of proposed development on adjacent land uses and transportation facilities must be considered, A "Traffic Impact Study" (TIS) will be generally required by the Ada County Highway District, if the proposed development contains more than 100 dwelling units (includes hotels and motels as well as private dwelling units), more than 30 000 square feet of commercial use, or more than 50 000 square feet of industrial or insritutional use, or has associated with it special circumstances deemed 'Jy ACHO to warrant an impact study. A copy of this study must be submitted with this application. Is a Traffic Impact Study required? 0 Yes X No Review of private street layout: The impacts of proposed development on adjacent land uses and transportation facilities must be considered. A "Traffic Impact Study" (TIS) prepared by a traffic engineer will be required by Public Works and Planning & Zoning for the interior roadway and parking system. This requirement may be waived when it can be shown by the applicant that no section of on-site roadway will exceed 240 vehicle trips per day, Is a Traffic Impact Study required? 0 Yes X No Any revisions to the application must be received 14 days prior to hearing date or your application will be deferred to the next meeting. /"'.,. /./ 1 ; ;/'1' yJ!f/;"'.1 '/ /f 'v1/-- \,1 V /V Sig ture Applicant/Representative 17 i', -7.1 ~ --' l!r ~// V,) ,j Date Application Submittal Requirements 1. (1) Completed application, including signature of applicant. 2. (1) Submittal requirements list. "1rJ 3. (1) Detailed letter of explanation or justification for the proposed project. Please explain all changes. Affidavit of Legal Interest (attached). Form must be completed by the legal owner of record. Current vicinity map from PDS Mapping Division (8Y2 x 11" at I" = 300' showing the location and current zoning of the property. The map must be dated. flI 4. (1) 5. (1) "'0 6, (3+1) block. Detailed Site Plan (Three copies and one 8W' x 11" reduction) showing: a. Scale (not smaller than 1" = 30' unless otherwise approved). b. All existing structures labeled as to existing and/or proposed uses. c. All proposed structures, labeled as to use. d. North arrow. e, Size of parcel (acres or square feet).f. Property boundary/property lines, g. Name of applicant, plan preparer, project name and project address on title h, Special features such as pedestrian paths, berms, retaining walls, or fencing. I. Parking areas with stalls shown and garage door widths, j. Locations and widths of right-of-way, easements, canals, ditches and subdivision lines. k. Location and sizes of any loading areas, docks and ramps, 1. Proposed locations and types of lighting. m. Trash storage areas and exterior mechanical equipment, together with proposed screening method. n. Drainage features.0, Hillside developments: existing and proposed grades. 7. (2+1)Landscape Plan (two copies and one 8Y2" x 11" reduction) showing: a. Scale (The landscape plan should be the same scale as the site plan), b. Type, size and location of all existing & proposed plant materials and other ground covers. The size of plants at planting and maturity should be included. c. Existing vegetation labeled to remain or to be removed with landscaping on adjacent properties by area( s) to be considered. d, Method of irrigation. e. Cross-sections through areas of special features, berms, retaining walls, etc. f, Footprints of all structures to be constructed. Note:If Site and Landscape plans are combined on one sheet, five copies with two reduced copies must be submitted. 8. (2)Building elevations (Two complete sets, one of which is colored), drawn to scale. Colored photographs may be substituted for colored elevation drawings when an existing structure is to undergo minor exterior alteration, and the photos depict the design material/colors of the new construction, Two sets of floor plans, to scale, with sizes and types of interior spaces indicated, Set of colored and labeled photos of site. Pre-application rvlaterials v a. Pre-application form \, b. Neighborhood radius notice Jetter "; c. List of notified owners, residents and association president, if applicable \; d. Sign in sheet from neighborhood meeting 9. (2) 10. (1) &:2! 11. Note: A. All blueprints must be folded with the title block/panel face up so as to fit within a legal size fi Ie folder. B. The application submittal cut-off time is 4:00 pm. e. Applications must be complete at time of submittal. . . -A; -- -...-.-- -. ~ Moun tain View Power,Inc. Application Submittal Requirement #3 Detailed Letter of Explanation or Justification for the Proposed Project. Mountain View Power, Inc., (MVP) an Idaho energy development company, proposes to build two natural gas fired power plants on two parcels of property owned by Boise City in an area generally referred to as the East Boise Industrial Park. The property is zoned M-2D industrial but the proposed industrial park is yet to be platted as such. Power plants are allowed conditional uses in an M-2d zone. PHASED POWER PLANT DEVELOPMENT The two power plants would be developed in two distinct phases. Phase I Power Plant Development On the eastern parcel consisting of approximately 12.5 acres MVP proposes to construct a single natural gas fired power plant of a size yet to be precisely detennined but expected to range in electrical production capacity of not less than 80 megawatts and not more than 250 megawatts. One megawatt is enough electricity to power 750 average residential homes. Comparative, a natural gas power plant at this East Boise site would look similar to the Bennett Mountain Power Plant that MVP recently completed building near 1-84 in the Mountain Home industrial park just north of the freeway and west of Idaho state highway 25. The phase 1 power plant on the eastern parcel is a power plant proposal that MVP bid to Idaho Power on June 2 , 2005, in response to a "Request for Proposals" (RFP) issued by the Company in the spring of 2005. Idaho Power is still evaluating all RFP bids and has yet to make any announcements about the status of the RFP process, Idaho Power s RFP is designed for the Company to acquire a power plant to meet its peak summer and winter power needs in the Company s primary load center, the Treasure Valley. MVP has not bid the East Gateway Industrial Park site to any other utility at this time, but if MVP was unsuccessful in its bid to Idaho Power, it would still continue to pursue development of a natural gas power plant at the site. A natural gas power plant at the East Gateway Industrial Park could be attractive to utilities other than Idaho Power much the same way that the Lucky Peak Power Plant is owned by Seattle City Light yet a significant portion of its power is consumed "in-state." Electrical consumption is rapidly growing throughout the western United States and this Boise City industrial park location has developmental advantages (discussed below) which could make a natural gas power plant at this location competitive on a regional basis. Project Explanation Page 1 The proposed power plant on parcels 2.1 and 2.2 would use 100 to 150 gpm (gallons per minute) of water when air temperatures exceed 59 degrees. United Water has a 24 inch main water line with 8 MGD capacity and 80-90 psi of pressure close to the power site and proposes to supply this water to the proposed power plant using a 2 inch service line. Fire flow requirements would dictate that an 8 inch water line run to the plant complex. The proposed plant would discharge around 30 gpm of "non-contact" wastewater for approximately 400 hours per month during the summer months only. While Boise City has committed to accept this wastewater into the city s wastewater treatment system should the plant be built, MVP believes a better alternative might be to discharge the wastewater directly into the aquifer through rapid infiltration or to move the wastewater to a second industrial use within the industrial park. Because of its "non-contact" nature, either alternative would be permitted or allowed. For example, at the Mountain Home power plant the discharged water is moved to the golf course and used for irrigation, Phase II Power Plant Development The second phase of power plant development at the proposed East Boise Industrial Park involves parcels 2.3 and 2., consisting of the remaining 12.5 acres adjoining the Phase I plant. MVP would continue to own and operate this second natural gas fired power plant which would be developed for two currently intended purposes. First, it will be "turned-on" to "back-up" wind power projects being developed across southern Idaho. Idaho Power and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission have identified and are currently investigating the need for wind power development in Idaho to have a back-up" for the days or hours Idaho Power needs the electricity and the wind is not cooperating. MVP estimates that a 25 megawatt natural gas fired power plant is sufficient to back-up approximately 100 megawatts of wind generation. The second use of the Phase II power plant would be to provide refrigeration and cooling to warehouses located in the proposed industrial park. This second or dual use of the power plant would be an attractive asset to the industrial park and some of the warehousing needs of the warehouse community and businesses along the interstate. SITE ATTRIBUTES (1) Isolation:The proposed site is located in undeveloped desert area southeast of Boise where little or no residential development has occurred. Interstate 84 bounds the Industrial Park to the north, with no development to the east or south. The existing development to the west of the Industrial park is located over a mile from the project site and consists substantially commercial and light industrial. There is one mobile home park approximately 1.5 miles ITom the site, and one residence within a half- mile of the site. (2) Zoning The proposed site is zoned M-2 which allows for "all industrial activity" compatible with the City s comprehensive plan. A "Gas Fired Power Plant" is a Conditional Use" allowed within a M-2 zone: meaning that a Conditional Use Permit would have to be received from the City before such a plant could be constructed. Project Explanation Page 2 (3) Electrical Interconnection The proposed power plant site in the Industrial Park is within 200 feet ofIdaho Power s 230 kv transmission line running from the Company s Boise Bench substation to its Caldwell substation. While MVP cannot know how Idaho Power s transmission group will calculate transmission system impacts and costs, MVP's transmission experts believe this proposed power plant site and tap to Idaho Power s 230 kv line at this location could have significant east and west Treasure Valley electrical system benefits. (4) Natural Gas Interconnection: One of the strongest attributes of the Industrial Park power plant site is the fact that high pressure natural gas is already abundantly available within the Industrial Park. An Intermountain Gas 12" high pressure line runs within 2 000 feet of the proposed power plant site. Intermountain Gas is confident that it has the capability to reliably transport and deliver the necessary natural gas supply at the required pressure to the power plant at the proposed Industrial Park site. (5) Water Service : United Water Company has a 24" water line running within 2 000 feet of the proposed power site within the Industrial Park. United Water has more than an adequate water supply at pressure from a new well and tank located not far from the power site and has committed to providing the necessary water service to the proposed power plant at a very economical interconnection cost and at the Company tariff rate for this type of service. (6) Sewer Service: Boise City has pledged to extend a sewer main line southeast along the City s railroad right of way to approximately 1 000 feet of the proposed power plant site. MVP would then tap sewer at one of several locations; either crossing private property or extending the line further, in order to use an existing City right of way. Alternatively, MVP and Boise City have discussed re-injecting the non- contact evaporative cooling wastewater directly into the aquifer as an aquifer recharge. aquifer recharge were the preferred alternative the power plant would not need sewer interconnection and service, as the remaining wastewater could easily be processed by a septic system and storm water run-off could be contained on site or, if necessary, land applied. (7) DEO Air Permitting: The proposed Industrial Park power plant will require an air permit (technically, a "Permit to Construct ) from the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ). The IDEQ will also be responsible ensuring compliance with emission limits defined within the permit. Air emissions will be monitored using a Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) and by continuously monitoring the quality of the natural gas being used as fuel. Mountain View Power intends to use Greystone Environmental Consultants, Inc. of Denver Colorado to manage the power plant air permitting process with the IDEQ. Greystone successfully acquired the IDEQ air permit for the Bennett Mountain Power Plant on behalf of MVP. In addition to extensive environmental permitting expertise, Greystone has a long history of working with the IDEQ on a number of Idaho projects. Geystone has had preliminary discussions with IDEQ personnel concerning the East Boise Industrial Park proposed power plant site and is of the opinion that an application to the IDEQ for a permit to construct a natural gas-fired power plant on the eastern edge Project Explanation Page 3 of the Treasure Valley air shed would be an expeditious process culminating in a successful result. The proposed power plant at the East Boise Industrial Park would use gas turbine technology to provide efficient, clean power when needed to support the local electrical system. As a general statement, gas turbine combustion results in low air emissions. The primary emissions from the proposed power plant are nitrous oxides (NOx) and carbon monoxide (CO). In addition, lesser amounts of fine particulate matter (PMIO), organic compounds (VOC), and sulfur dioxide (SO2) will be discharged. These emissions will be controlled by using combustion technology designed to minimize emission rates and by using low sulfur natural gas fuel. MVP Qualifications & Project Experience Website: www.MVPBoise.com Mountain View Power, Inc. (MVP) is an Idaho Corporation established in 2001 to originate energy projects. MVP focuses on the origination of new green field energy projects including natural gas fired generation, coal fired generation, bio-gas generation, sour-gas conversion, and renewable technologies including wind and hydroelectric. MVP develops projects from first conception through feasibility analysis, permitting, financing, engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning. MVP scope of development relies on strong relationship with Siemens Westinghouse Power Corporation (SWPC) who in addition to plant construction can provide for (i) all the operation and maintenance for up to the first 12 years of operation, (ii) the fuel supplies (iii) and electrical transmission interconnections and system upgrades. MVP also has a strong relationship with Caithness Energy, a private company and owner and operator of over 1100 MW of generation in the U. MVP is a company primarily focused on the project initiation phases of development. The projects which MVP's principles have been involved in have achieved the majority of its business opportunities through referrals based on its successes and the recommendations of those for whom MVP's principles have successfully developed projects. Recently MVP's principles have been successful in winning a competitive utility request for proposal process in Idaho and Utah to develop and construct facilities for Idaho Power Company and PacifiCorp. The Principals of MVP -- Robert Looper, Ron Williams, Randy Schroeder and Tom Cameron -- maintain their roles in project development and direction through special purpose project entities such as TR2, LLC for Idaho Power s Bennett Mountain Power Plant and Summit Vineyard, LLC for the Pacificorp Lake Side Power Plant. Every plant which MVP's principles have been involved in has been completed on time and at or under budget. All operating plants are performing up to or exceeding expectations. MVP's principles have succeeded in bringing its projects from inception through completion, at the rate of about two per year. This involves over 6000 MW which are currently in the permitting, construction or operation phases. Project Explanation Page 4 .. Bruce D. Chatterton Direcor aojs'~ Clp! Hall ::" 'I '0;'0; 31', """"""' ,i;"", ,.:cr ,s" , , " ,,' ",:, '" ::':""" )::"') , .~': ;:,~.,~: :"'~ :'~.. ';; - ' ea. :Od ;". ;:j TOD/TiY 000,:7- "'eo "..,w";\"",, ;rqipd, Meyor au"'"'" Jr.""" City \:ouncH "r~sidenl ", ';"" rv. ~"U"", '- ::'";: ". .,' ".- :Io:t :", ' c ~ ::,, ': :UI1 N. Sil~U'Y :'11, Jerome MaDD " "'.' ' uc" ",. n' """'"' Planning & Development Services September 22, 2005 Ron Williams, Vice President Mountain View Power. Inc. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise. ID 83702 Dear Ron: Thank you for the information you shared with the City of Boise concerning Mountain View Power s interest in developing a natural-gas-tired electric generating facility in Boise City s proposed Gateway East Industrial Park. At that meeting you indicated that Idaho Power would soon be issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for another "peaking" power plant to be located near the Company s Boise load center. You also explained how MVP won the last Idaho Power RFP bid and is currently constructing just such a power plant in Mountain Home s industrial park. Finally, you asked whether Boise City would be interested in seeing a similar plant locate within the Boise City limits, While I cannot obligate or commit the City until after the requisite public processes have occurred, the City is prepared to do whatever it can, through the established process. to assist l\tIVP as long as its project meets all other regulatory standards and has secured all necessary approvals. For purposes ofMVP's bid to Idaho Power, you indicated the need to demonstrate that you have tentatively secured a site or established some level of "site control." This letter is intended to give you preliminary assurance that if MVP is successful in its bid to Idaho Power for a Boise-based power project, then the City of Boise will work with you in good faith to see that your conditional use application for the east Boise power plant is expeditiously processed and given a fair hearing. I have attached a signed Affidavit of Legal Interest which grants MVP permission to seek the required entitlements. The City has available a site consisting of approximately 25.22 acres in size and identified as parcels 2., 2., 2.3, and 2.11 on the East Gateway Phasing Preferred Alternative Concept Plan and as shown on the attached map. We also discussed how MVP might eventually secure the necessary property interests in the site. From our prospective, it would be easiest to enter into a long-term lease of the property. Lease payments would be set more with an eye for what the City paid for the property than the market value of the property, in recognition of the significant property taxes that would also be associated with the plant. Therefore, the ground lease terms are preliminarily established as follows: . 25.22 Acre Site . $4 820.43/Month - $57 845.l6/Year - ground lease Ltr. to Ron Williams September 22, 2005 Page 2 of 2 Pages The value of the ground lease was detennined by assuming a value of the parcel at $549,292 amortized at 10% over 30 years, The lease shall be adjusted annually by using the Consumer Price index. For example, if the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index from the base year to the anniversary year is five percent (5%) and the base rent is $100., then the adjusted rental shall be 105% of the base rem or $105. ( ($100 X .05) + $100.00 = $105). You also indicated a need for certain services at the power plant. As you are aware, an existing 12-inch natural gas line runs through the site, and you would have the opportunity to negotiate with Intermountain Gas to determine whether that company could serve the plant's gas needs otT this line. There also exists a 24-inch water main that bisects the property and feeds water from wells located near the Birds of Prey area. United Water Idaho has all rights to the water delivered in the 24" main, which has a capacity of 8.0mgd. Micron Technology, Inc. cuITently has a right to use 2.0mgd of that pipe capacity and has rights to reserve 5 million gallons for fire protection storage. MVP will need to obtain the necessary "will serve" letter for the project from United Water Idaho. We also have the capacity to handle the nominal wastewater discharge from the plant operation and domestic water use incidental to the facilities. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office, Sincerely, -iJ. Jeffrey B. Jones, AICP cc: Mayor David H. Bieter Boise City Council Members Attachments: Affidavit of Legal Interest East Gateway Phasing Preferred Alternative Concept Plan /::~, B , 0 l .S "I;: Attachment I Boise City Planning & Development Services 150 N Capitol Blvd . POBox 500 . Boise, Idaho 83701-0500 Pllone 208/384-3830. Fax 384-3753. www.cityofboise.org/peJs Affidavit of Legal Interest State of IdClho ) ) S5 County of Ad~l ) I, Jeffrey B. Jones, Economic Development Mgr. Nume Clo City of Boise City Boise 150 N. Capitol Boulevard Address Idaho 83701-0500 City Stute being first duly sworn upon oath, depose and say: 1 .That I am the record owner of the property described on the attClched, and I grant my permission to Mountain View Power, Inc. 1015 W, Hays St., Boise, ID 83702N"m~ Addre:5S to submit the accompanying application pertaining to that property. ! agree to indemnify, defend and hold Boise City and its employees harmless from any claim or liability resulting from any dispute as to the statements contained herein or as to the ownership of the property which is the subject of the application, Dated this 22 day of September 2005 ~~ -z; Subscribed and sworn to bef ...'88"""" ., ~eS C"'l " ,. ~~ ..-".... .: '" . 8 JA. .... .. . r ~ :.::... . oTAb . ""':.: ~ "'y ':.: * : -.- : * :.. ~ : .. ,\v ':. . BLJ .~ if' . . . . C ~ ';' -1 ... ....... . 't- ~ .. J E 0 F \~ . "",","""",.. Notary Public for Idaho Re"ding at, :fE..;I; ---------~ My commission expires: :;l.f: '() ()Z ~- '\ -A~C~~JI -. \ '- \ " I'I\\ \, 1\1 , \ i \, '. ' Ii \. ' \\\,\\ I '--' ./ ~~\ , I ~ \ \ - ,\ ' - \ \\ - _. --\ - \\1 -- \ I - ;.....l,\\ \. _\,-, 1$\ \ -- /\\~\-. ......-..\\\, 1..' ---- \ j \...---' \\\'. ~ 'I.I. :l "- , l" 1 r- - ~ Pl ~- "",- '. \\\ -C- :':"'. ~;'-,_--, "'- i ,\\ \ '-;;-' !I ; "... i \I L;:;--"" \" \ ~ .,. , 1\ I ' ....-/' L-i t'o,- :: " I \ " "--- .........--1 \ ":::::: tb- Ii " '\ PH,.SE5 , ",........ ~" " I ~ II PHASE. ~': " 2\.- . ' ,: . 1 'I " . ,'" .. "-""- """"--\1 L:.::..j PIIASE7 , !~-.... " :J:_' w '" I , i! "'V/:J'!:W)ENTOEVELOPEMENTPHASE ,,;' ",- ' \ i ' ;" \ '"""" BIKE/HIKETW. ' '\" - 1f,I- ". '- 1 1\''u,- '" '~- ,~.::-~'.' \ ,.- ";""! \' . 1 \ / '"" ~ J!:-A, \ \. ' ! 1 '$- "- "I ~ '" ~-~~- ~).,-~~\.---/ ' ..- - c~:/ .- ' l-:~ ~ :;! "- ~ d " " ~;;;:;~~.~.,~,......- .: ...~~.~...... J........... ...........,..'-: l ~- : ,~~- ~- ~- IL- ~~- p~- ~~- ,~- " i~ "~"~-' ~\.~~~ ~""N_' --,j--'" -'-,--,- l!,- .1.- .: ,1.- :1.- ,~- j;'-' t;\- i;.- -,,-,--;---,-----, L-_--,--- ""' \ I \ \, \\\\\ \, \- \\, \--;",.--- - ~U. PHASING LEGEND", PHASE' PHASE 2 "'-,..-,p- 1 He LAND (iROllr, INc. ,.. --:",.. INTERMOUNTAIN ..,' . "",' ,,' ' EAST GA TEW A Y - PHASING Boise Idaho Preferred Alternative Concept Plan 0""",,,"r " , "" , 0"."" 'J,1OOO BOISE DUI~~ \",IIY rlcnnlng ec. LleVelopment ~ervices 150 N Capitol Blvd . POBox 500 . Boise, Idaho 83701-0500 Phone 208/384-3830 . Fax 208/384-3753 . www.cityofboise.orgjpds Pre-Application Conference In accordance with Ordinance #5525 (Section 11-03-02 of the Zoning Ordinance), a pre-applicationconference with Staff and an opportunity to a meeting with neighbors within 300 feet is required. Note: This form must be included when an application is submitted. Ll,..,1'" iApplicant: :;;/~, ..~ ",,:' ,/ , Date: Site Address:~")G..c -tC~, !- ;:.:' Planning Staff ~HD COMPASS i.!- ,e,, ;...--- - ..-1-/I/~ (! frl :...--- Sd.-6- --- Proposal Description: , 1 \ ~ Lf, (J h", L- ~i- P4J" " j --w f-! t..Ieighborhood Meeting Required: ~ci.:Yes ..--;,. :/ e......, 0 No Site Plan Presented: dYes 0 i No ... omprehensive Planning Areo: j,', 6c,..f-Neighborhood: , ' ,.,\ ' " 1--;- Type of Application Annexation Speciel Exception Variance Perking Reduction Density Bonus Rezone Conditional Use Modification Height Exception, , Infill Zoning District1A _ - R-3 ~ R- - C-3 - C- - T-1 - T- :x "2 - M- ~l- Planned Development Use Exception -X Overlay District Airport Overlay Concurrent Reviews Floodways (FPR)ASF Boise River System Permit Hillside (Categories)III Subdivision Plat Density/Fer Compatibility Others 0 Yes 0 No 0 Yes 0 No '\ /!~ tAI fvY0~ Applicant Representative 12/01 - ~- ----=-'- MOUNTAIN VIEW POWER, 'Ne. August 30, 2005 Address block here Subject:Power Plant Development in Proposed Boise City Industrial Park Dear field, Mountain View Power, Inc. (MVP), a Boise based power development company, proposes to develop up to two natural gas fired electric power plants on approximately 25 acres of land owned by Boise City located in the northwest portion of the following real property parcel: NE ~ S13, T2N R2E, BM. You are receiving this letter because you own property within 300 hundred feet of this described parcel of land; although not necessarily within 300 feet of the proposed power plant site. Invitation to a Public Meeting MVP is hosting and you are invited to a public infonnation session to answer any questions you may have about its proposal to develop one or more power plants at the proposed location. Meeting infonnation is as follows: Date:September 13, 2005 Time:6:00 pm to 8:00 Location: Additional Development Information Attached is a map that shows the location of 25 acres on which the power plants would be located. This mapping infonnation was provided to MVP by Boise City along with an Affidavit of Legal Interest which gives MVP the right to proceed with pennitting of power plants at this location, without committing the City to the project. The parcel is zoned M-, an industrial designation that allows power plants as a conditionally pennitted use. Following the Public Meeting MVP intends to submit a Conditional Use Permit Application to Boise City that would allow MVP to move forward with the two phases of power plant development described below. Phase I Power Plant Development 1015 West Hays Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Phone 208 331-1898 Fax 208343-1218 September 27, 2005 Page 2 of 3 On parcels 2.1 and 2.1 , consisting of approximately 12 acres, MVP proposes to construct a single natural gas fired power plant of a size yet to be determined but ranging in (power production) size of not less than 80 megawatts and not more than 250 megawatts. One megawatt is enough electricity to power 500 average residential homes. On a comparative basis this power plant would look similar to the Bennett Mountain Power Plant that MVP recently completed building near 1-84 in the Mountain Home industrial park just north of the fTeeway and west of Idaho state highway 25. MVP has proposed to build this additional power plant for Idaho Power at the proposed East Gateway Industrial Park owned by Boise City, to meet Idaho Power s peak summer and winter power needs in Idaho Power s primary load center, the Treasure Valley. The proposed power plant on parcels 2.1 and 2.2 would use 100 to 150 gpm (gallons per minute) of water when air temperatures exceed 59 degrees. United Water has a 24 inch main water line close to the power site and proposes to supply this water to the proposed power plant using a 2 inch service line. The proposed plant would discharge around 30 gpm of "non-contact" wastewater for approximately 400 hours per month during the summer months only. While Boise City has committed to accept this wastewater into the city s wastewater treatment system should the plant be built, MVP believes a better alternative might be to discharge the wastewater directly into the aquifer or to move the wastewater to a second industrial use within the industrial park. Because of its "non-contact" nature, either alternative would be permitted or allowed. For example, at the Mountain Home power plant the discharged water is moved to the golf course and used for irrigation. Phase II Power Plant Development The second phase of power plant development at the proposed East Boise Industrial Park involves parcels 2.3 and 2., consisting of almost 14 acres, adjoining the Phase I plant. MVP would continue to own this second and smaller natural gas fired power plant planned to be in the 50 to 100 megawatt size range. This second plant would be developed for two purposes. First, it will be "turned-on" to "back-up" wind power projects currently being developed across southern Idaho. Idaho Power and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission have identified and are currently investigating the need for wind power development in Idaho to have a "back-up" for the days or hours Idaho Power needs the electricity and the wind is not cooperating. MVP estimates that a 25 megawatt natural gas fired power plant is sufficient to back-up approximately 100 megawatts of wind generation. The second use of the smaller power plant would be to provide refrigeration and cooling to warehouses located in the proposed industrial park. This second or dual use of the power plant would be an attractive asset to the industrial park and some of the warehousing needs of the community and businesses along the interstate. September 27, 2005 Page 3 of 3 We look forward to seeing you at the public infonnational session and answering any questions you may have about this potential development opportunity. Sincerely, Ronald L. Williams VP & General Counsel Mountain View Power, Inc. RL W /pk Ms. Dorothy Aldecoa D. ALDECOA & SONS, Inc. 12 Mesa Vista Dr. Boise, ID 83705 Mr. Dennis Baker BAKER INVESTMENTS , LLC 250 S. Beachwood, #120 Boise, ID 83709 Mr. Richard Hammond 4301 W. Quail Point Ct. Boise, ID 83703 Mr. Richard Heaton LAKE HAZEL SHOPPING CENTER 4414 S. Gekeler Lane Boise, ID 83716-5240 Mr. Jeff Jones BOISE CITY PO Box 500 Boise , ID 83702-0500 Ms. Louise Little 4301 W. Quail Point Ct. Boise, ID 83703 Mr. Thomas Nicholson LAKE HAZEL SHOPPING CENTER 4414 S. Gekeler Lane Boise, ID 83716-5240 Mr. Ronald Yanke LAKE HAZEL SHOPPING CENTER 4414 S. Gekeler Lane Boise, ID 83716-5240 MOUNT AIM VIEW POWER, tMe. please Sign In ~Ieeting re: Power Plant Development in Proposed Boise City Industrial Park Location: Idaho lee World - second level Date: September 13, 2005 Time: 7:00p to 9:00p ADDRESS / OcJ I/jI. ~ j) A . - i I 5 i.'t-'; J ( ! : PHONE NO. r. .;""1 '2-V/f/ / 1''-, J.-i ""/ -i--- (.., "' '" .....:'" . 1015 West Hays Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Phone 208331-1898 Fax208343-1218 THE FOLLOWING FOUR PAGES OF COLOR PHOTOS CANNOT SCAN WELL; PLEASE SEE FILE Boise City Location Photos North View: Northwest View: Boise City Location Photos West View: South View Bennett Mountain Power Plant Photos South View Bennett Mountain Power Plant Photos Aerial View Bennett Mountain Entrance -- - - - - - y- , ~, - 00 10 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 Fe e t i \ i Ad d r e s s : 96 0 5 S E I S E N M A N R D OW n e r : BO I S E CI T Y Su b d i v i s i o n : Lo t 0 B l o c k 0 " Z o n i n g : :( M- 2 D ) C i t y : Ar e a : 2n 2 e 1 3 Pa r c e l : S1 5 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 N / :. , " T c' ' , j ' F T R! : E Pu b l i c W o r k s Th I s ( t o w i n g I s 1 0 b e u s e d o n l y l o r r e l e r e n c e pu r p o s e s : B o I s e C i t y I s n o t " s p c I I 1 o 1 b 1 e " " In y I n l c c u r , d e s h l r e i n C(1 I I 1 8 I n e d ~I . m a p I s ma d e " e m c l a l l c~ h l e d b y Ad a C o u n l y . Ad e C o u n t y s h a l l n o t b e l i a b l e l o r In . c e u r l c l l s o r ni s u s e o I l h I . m o p . M o p s b N r l n g t h i . d I s c I l i m e r m a y b e ph o t Q C C t P I e d l r e e l y . H o w e v e r . u s e I n , n y I I g I t o l 'o r m r e q u ~ th e w r i t t e n p e r m , s o t . . . o f A d a C o u n t y . Ma p p r i n t e d C l t : 0 9 / 2 2 1 2 0 0 5 EAST BOISE POWER PLANT FIGURE AREIAL VIEW OF SITE LOCA nON Cl) NORTH soo 500 1000 Feel ANALYSIS AREA: ADA COUNTY. IDAHO Data: 04/28105 File: P1833 SITE.dwg Drawn By: JLJ LayoutFIG3 Delal11 Detail 2 :~JtL:::_- ii;iP .:.., ...-,..~:;~ DETAIL 2 """'""',.,,~"""" "~,,..~.~.........""" :"-"''~' ,,. ,.",,~,_.....~". ""'" '",.""""."."" ,..,, ~;;';-~7.;":-;.;t~,, Adm'ntSlnIUOn 1IuJ"'OU DETAIL 1 ......,,- PLANTING SCHEDJLE' I:;:, ~.:: .':',,-,"".- , 'A ;,m .......an'. 0." ,"',." 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A7 8 4 -- - - LEGEND Combustion Turbine Enclosure Combustion Turbine InJet Filter Exhaust Stack Rotor Air Cooler (Fin Fan Type) Generator Circuit Breaker Auxiliary Transformer Medium Voltage Switchgear Oiiy/Water Separator CEMS Enclosure Fuel Gas Dew Point Heater Fuel Gas Conditioning Skid Road Admin Building Maintenance Building Property Boundary :~, : . :, v:) '--'---I Landscape Areas / ./ 1__ __-----,------,._,----- PHASE 1 , ) I ! ! ! i ! (f) NORTH ---- ':"'-t-- ----- :-- --- i ---- , ,--, "- . - n , ------, /----------, ' , r ~' 01: 1, 7rn:: ~ I : "-,.,,,,:~ ,"' :, ' 1:" U I , " Iio.', JI... r~ ,!1~"" ~ -""'-: ~~ ~" ~r:I : ::: I ~oof+"- \: ::' , '1 '- ~;~~~~~: - I-+++H~t:ttj : ~- -i, C" C1 ~~ ' ~~ I " , " , ' , I " :; ", cJ '" ' ,\ \UU L_ ; ;" ~ ~-- -- -:: ----- ------- ----- -- - - -- - - - - - --- - PHASE 2 EAST BOISE POWER PLANT FIGURE DETAILED SITE PLAN ANALYSIS AREA: ADA COUNTY,IDAHO Date: 09/26/05 File: P1833 SITE 092605.dwg Drawn By: JLJ Layout:FIG4 1SG fm ,- - ' 5- - -- 9 - - - - -- " -2 - - - ' . . " , " , , " " "1 ' 1 " . " _ ' 0 " ' 0 CO l L I " , "" " " " " " " " " ", , . , -9 - ' "' X L " " " " . " ; ' .. " ' " . " " V " EA S T E L E V A T I O N g: A l E o ' / 1 O ' -f I ES T ( L E V A T I O N SC A L E . 1 ( 1 6 :c ! " ~8 " ,. ~ ' t i ; ' 6 ; . \) ' , " " " ' : 1 " : ~ ' 0 A D , ". . : " ; " 0 . ' , . ", " L E O NO T E. i . . ~" , , " ' V _ ' . , ,: " , , ,, ' ~ "" D I' , , ' O W 0 " ' " "" : - ' - .' , E " ' - " i 1 ,; ' . " r + ~ - 1= + = 1 ' 1 2 ' J 6 ' 2 0 NO T K , D l I A " . '~ If " "1 0 nb ( . c'I , v "" " . IT (r- "f A ( " " " ' n , ' C l " -1 - -- , -- 2 - - -- - A- - - .- - 3 " - '- - , 0 - ' Boise City Hall, 2nd Floor 150 N, Capitol Boulevard P. O. Box 500 Boise, Idaho 83701.0500 Phone: 208/384-3830 Fax: 208/384-3753 TDD/TTY: 800/377-3529 Website: www,cityofboise.org/pds Condit1onaJ Use AppHcatlon , This box for office use only I File #: Cross Referenced File(s): Fee: Zone(s): YesAre Pre-Application materials attached? The application is a request to construct, add or change the use of the property as follows: Commission Level Other:Planned Development Special Exception Note: When an application has been submitted, it will be reviewed in order to determine compliance with application requirements. It will not be accepted if it is not complete. A hearing date will be scheduled only after an application has been accepted as complete. Applicant: Mountain View Power, Inc.Phone: 208-343-1218 0 Owner 0 Purchaser Applicant's Address: 1015 W Hays St., Boise. ill Agent/Representative: Ronald L. Williams or Robert D. Looper Agent/Representative s Address: 1015 W.Hjly~St., Boise ill Contact Person (if different from above): X Lessee 0 Renter Zip: 83702 Fax: 344 6633 Phone: 344-6633 Zip: 83702Zip: Phone: Address of Subject Property: 9605 S. Eisenman Road, Boise ill 83716 Mapping Division must initial here 0/( \,u to signify address verification. Property description (Lot, Block & Subdivision name or recorded deed with a metes and bounds description): Parcel Number: Section: 13 S 151341 07200 Township: 2 N Range: 2 E Quarter:NE 114 Size of property (square feet and/or acres):25.2 acres Water Issues: a. What are your fire flow requirements? 1.500 gpm (Please see Appendix 111-A of Uniform Fire Code) b. What volume of water is available? A 12 inch water line with more than adequate water servi callil~j!yjor e planUs ayailable from United Water. (Contact United Water of Idaho, Inc. at 362-7330) Conditional Use Application 2 Existing uses and structures on the property are as follows: None Are there any known hazards on or near the property? (such as canals, hazardous material spills , soil or water contamination). If so, describe them, and give their locations: None Adjacent properties have the following building types and/or uses: North: South: No structures. No apparent land use. Abandoned house on ridge to SE and one private residence/salvage yard to the E, but neither are "adjacent" to parcel. No structures. No apparent land use. No structures. No apparent land use. East: West: Maximum proposed structure height(s): Maximum 75' emissions stack, requiring height vanance. Number of Stories: All "buildings" are one story. Maior equipment components (turbine, generator) are not buildings. but would appear as one or two story structures. The air intake structure would be approximately 50 feet high. The heat exhaust stack would be between 60 and 75 feet in height. Structuresa. Number of proposed non-residential structures: Two buildimrs. Phase 1. One buildimr, Phase 2. Square footage of proposed non-residential structures or additions (if applicable): Phase 1 requires two buildings, an electrical control building and a shop. Phase 2 would require either no additional buildings or possibly one additional control building. Gross Square Feet Net Leasable Sq. Ft. Electrical Control Bldg: 000 Sq. Ft N/A Shop: 000 Sq. Ft.N/A3rd Floor N/A N/A b. Number of existing non-residential structures to remain: None Square footage of existing non-residential structures to remain: Gross Square Feet Net Leasable Sq. Ft. 1 st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Number of proposed residential structures (if applicable): None Conditional Use Application 3 Size of proposed residential units (if applicable): N/A. Studio One-bedroom Two-bedroom Three-bedroom Total Number Number of existinq units to remain: Number of Units Sq. Ft. per Unit Total Sq. Ft Landscaping: Is any proposed? the facility. Landscaping will be provided around buildings and the entrance to Site Design: Percentage of site devoted to building coverage: Percentage of site devoted to landscaping: Percentage of site devoted to paving: Other uses - Electrical Generating Equipment Open Space Total: Phase 50% 01% 1.00% 15.00% 34.79% 50.00% Phase 2 50% 01% 1.00% 15.00% 34.49% 50.00% 10. Parking a. Handicapped spaces proposed: b, Parking spaces proposed: c. Bicycle parking spaces proposed: d. Number of compact spaces proposed: - e, Width(s) of garage door(s): 24 feet f. Restricted parking spaces proposed: g. Are you proposing off-site parking? h. Are you requesting a shared parking or parking reduction? Handicapped spaced required: Parking spaces required: Bicycle parking spaces required: Compact spaces allowed: Note: If you are requesting a shared parking or parking reduction, you must submit a survey of persons using and working on the premises and any additional infonnation demonstrating that use by the regular employees and visitors to the premises will require fewer off-street parking spaces than required by the Zoning Ordinance. 11.Setbacks: Building Parking Proposed Required Proposed Required Front :;:.30'20':;:.7' Rear :;:.5':;:.0' Side :;:.5':;:.0' (St) Side :;:.15'15':;:'10'10' 13. Loading facilities (if proposed): Number & Size: ~jA Location: Screening: 12. 14. 15. 16. 17. Conditional Use Application 4 Exterior Roof Walls Windows/Doors Fascia, Trim , Etc. Building Materials: Metal Metal Clad Insulated Metal Metal Colors: Desert Sand Desert Sand Desert Sand Desert Sand Drainage (proposed method of on-site retention): Sheet flow, sedimentation pond. rapid infiltration. Floodways and Hillsidesa. Is any portion of this property located in a Floodway or a 100-year Floodplain? b. Does any portion of this parcel have slopes in excess of 15%? Note: If either of the above answers to Number 15 is yes, than you will be required to submit an additional Floodplain and/or Hillside application and additional fee. You must submit the additional required application(s) for review at the same time as this request. Airport Influence Area Is subject site located within the Airport Influence Area? X Yes If so, you must obtain an avigation easement from the Boise Airport Director. The easement must be obtained before the issuance of building permits. Is the applicant requesting an infill P. U. D? Yes X Applications for infill P.s must include documentation that shows that the site qualifies as an infill site, including:a. A written statement explaining why this site may qualify as an infill P.U.D.b. A vicinity map (8%" x 11" at 1 "=300' scale, available from PDS Mapping, showing: 1 . The property lines of the subject lot.2. The property lines and uses of all lots within 300' of the exterior boundaries of the subject lot. Evidence (map) showing the location of sewer and water utilities. Note: It is intended that "infill" PUDs are restricted to the City core area and generally are not applicable to parcels of land located on the periphery of the City or recently annexed lands. Conditional Use Application 5 18. Street Layout Review of public street layout: The impacts of proposed development on adjacent land uses and transportation facilities must be considered. A "Traffic Impact Study" (TIS) will be generally required by the Ada County Highway District, if the proposed development contains more than 100 dwelling units (inc!udes hotels and motels as well as private dwelling units), more than 30,000 square feet of commercial use, or more than 50,000 square feet of industrial or insritutional use , or has associated with it special circumstances deemed jy ACHD to warrant an impact study. A copy of this study must be submitted with this application. Is a Traffic Impact Study required? 0 Yes X No Review of private street layout: The impacts of proposed development on adjacent land uses and transportation facilities must be considered. A "Traffic Impact Study" (TIS) prepared by a traffic engineer will be required by Public Works and Planning & Zoning for the interior roadway and parking system. This requirement may be waived when it can be shown by the applicant that no section of on-site roadway will exceed 240 vehicle trips per day. Is a Traffic Impact Study required? 0 Yes X Any revisions to the application must be received 14 days prior to hearing date or your application will be deferred to the next meeting. ,--.,,. /./,1 1 ! ;/11 Jjlli'f/;I ". 1( 'vy- / " 1/ /1.1 V Sig ture Applicant/Representative n j, --. ?I ' f...,f ' '; ; I I ! / !, .I "" . _ v J Date Application Submittal Requirements 1. (1) Completed application, including signature of applicant. 2. (1) Submittal requirements list. ""'m 3. (1) Detailed letter of explanation or justification for the proposed project. Please explain all changes. Affidavit of Legal Interest (attached). Form must be completed by the legal owner of record, Current vicinity map from PDS Mapping Division (81'2 x 11" at 1" == 300' showing the location and current zoning of the property, The map must be dated. ::zJ 4. (1) 'w 5, (1) "'0 6. (3+1) block. Detailed Site Plan (Three copies and one 8:12 x 11" reduction) showing: a. Scale (not smaller than 1" == 30' unless otherwise approved). b, All existing structures labeled as to existing and/or proposed uses. c. All proposed structures, labeled as to use. d. North arrow. e. Size of parcel (acres or square feet). f. Property boundary/property lines. g. Name of applicant, plan preparer, project name and project address on title h. Special features such as pedestrian paths, berms, retaining walls, or fencing. 1. Parking areas with stalls shown and garage door widths. j. Locations and widths of right-of-way, easements, canals, ditches and subdivision lines, k. Location and sizes of any loading areas, docks and ramps. 1. Proposed locations and types of lighting. m. Trash storage areas and exterior mechanical equipment, together with proposed screening method. n. Drainage features.o. Hillside developments: existing and proposed grades. 7. (2+1)Landscape Plan (two copies and one 8W' x 11" reduction) showing: a. Scale (The landscape plan should be the same scale as the site plan). b. Type, size and location of all existing & proposed plant materials and other ground covers. The size of plants at planting and maturity should be included. c. Existing vegetation labeled to remain or to be removed with landscaping on adjacent properties by area(s) to be considered, d. Method of irrigation. e. Cross-sections through areas of special features, benns, retaining walls, etc. f. Footprints of all structures to be constructed. Note:If Site and Landscape plans are combined on one sheet, five copies with two reduced copies must be submitted. 8. (2) 9. (2) 10. (1) &2) 11. Building elevations (Two complete sets, one of which is colored), drawn to scale, Colored photographs may be substitUted for colored elevation drawings when an existing structure is to undergo minor exterior alteration, and the photos depict the design material/colors of the new construction. Two sets of floor plans, to scale, with sizes and types of interior spaces indicated. Set of colored and labeled photos of site. Pre-application ~Iaterials \1 a, Pre-application rom , b, Neighborhood radius notice letter ..; c, List of notified owners , residents and association president, if applicable \.; d. Sign in sheet ITom neighborhood meeting Note: A. All blueprints must be folded with the title block/panel face up so as to fit within a legal size fi Ie folder. B. The application submittal cut-off time is 4:00 pm. e. Applications must be complete at time of submittal. A.;= -- --- Mountain View Power,Inc. Application Submittal Requirement #3 Detailed Letter of Explanation or Justification for the Proposed Project. Mountain View Power, Inc., (MVP) an Idaho energy development company, proposes to build two natural gas fired power plants on two parcels of property owned by Boise City in an area generally referred to as the East Boise Industrial Park. The property is zoned M-2D industrial but the proposed industrial park is yet to be platted as such. Power plants are allowed conditional uses in an M-2d zone. PHASED POWER PLANT DEVELOPMENT The two power plants would be developed in two distinct phases. Phase I Power Plant Development On the eastern parcel consisting of approximately 12.5 acres MVP proposes to construct a single natural gas fired power plant of a size yet to be precisely determined but expected to range in electrical production capacity of not less than 80 megawatts and not more than 250 megawatts. One megawatt is enough electricity to power 750 average residential homes. Comparative, a natural gas power plant at this East Boise site would look similar to the Bennett Mountain Power Plant that MVP recently completed building near 1-84 in the Mountain Home industrial park just north of the freeway and west of Idaho state highway 25. The phase 1 power plant on the eastern parcel is a power plant proposal that MVP bid to Idaho Power on June 2, 2005 , in response to a "Request for Proposals" (RFP) issued by the Company in the spring of2005. Idaho Power is still evaluating all RFP bids and has yet to make any announcements about the status of the RFP process. Idaho Power s RFP is designed for the Company to acquire a power plant to meet its peak summer and winter power needs in the Company s primary load center, the Treasure Valley. MVP has not bid the East Gateway Industrial Park site to any other utility at this time, but if MVP was unsuccessful in its bid to Idaho Power, it would still continue to pursue development of a natural gas power plant at the site. A natural gas power plant at the East Gateway Industrial Park could be attractive to utilities other than Idaho Power much the same way that the Lucky Peak Power Plant is owned by Seattle City Light yet a significant portion of its power is consumed "in-state." Electrical consumption is rapidly growing throughout the western United States and this Boise City industrial park location has developmental advantages (discussed below) which could make a natural gas power plant at this location competitive on a regional basis. Project Explanation Page 1 The proposed power plant on parcels 2.1 and 2.2 would use 100 to 150 gpm (gallons per minute) of water when air temperatures exceed 59 degrees. United Water has a 24 inch main water line with 8 MGD capacity and 80-90 psi of pressure close to the power site and proposes to supply this water to the proposed power plant using a 2 inch service line. Fire flow requirements would dictate that an 8 inch water line run to the plant complex. The proposed plant would discharge around 30 gpm of "non-contact" wastewater for approximately 400 hours per month during the summer months only. While Boise City has committed to accept this wastewater into the city s wastewater treatment system should the plant be built, MVP believes a better alternative might be to discharge the wastewater directly into the aquifer through rapid infiltration or to move the wastewater to a second industrial use within the industrial park. Because of its "non-contact" nature, either alternative would be pennitted or allowed. For example, at the Mountain Home power plant the discharged water is moved to the golf course and used for irrigation. Phase II Power Plant Develo?ment The second phase of power plant development at the proposed East Boise Industrial Park involves parcels 2.3 and 2., consisting of the remaining 12.5 acres adjoining the Phase I plant. MVP would continue to own and operate this second natural gas fired power plant which would be developed for two currently intended purposes. First, it will be "turned-on" to "back-up" wind power projects being developed across southern Idaho. Idaho Power and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission have identified and are currently investigating the need for wind power development in Idaho to have a back-up" for the days or hours Idaho Power needs the electricity and the wind is not cooperating. MVP estimates that a 25 megawatt natural gas fired power plant is sufficient to back-up approximately 100 megawatts of wind generation. The second use of the Phase II power plant would be to provide refrigeration and cooling to warehouses located in the proposed industrial park. This second or dual use of the power plant would be an attractive asset to the industrial park and some of the warehousing needs of the warehouse community and businesses along the interstate. SITE ATTRIBUTES (1) Isolation:The proposed site is located in undeveloped desert area southeast of Boise where little or no residential development has occurred. Interstate 84 bounds the Industrial Park to the north, with no development to the east or south. The existing development to the west of the Industrial park is located over a mile from the project site and consists substantially commercial and light industrial. There is one mobile home park approximately 1.5 miles from the site, and one residence within a half- mile of the site. (2) Zoning The proposed site is zoned M-2 which allows for "all industrial activity" compatible with the City s comprehensive plan. A "Gas Fired Power Plant" is a Conditional Use" allowed within a M-2 zone: meaning that a Conditional Use Pennit would have to be received from the City before such a plant could be constructed. Project Explanation Page 2 (3) Electrical Interconnection The proposed power plant site in the Industrial Park is within 200 feet ofIdaho Power s 230 kv transmission line running from the Company s Boise Bench substation to its Caldwell substation. While MVP cannot know how Idaho Power s transmission group will calculate transmission system impacts and costs, MVP's transmission experts believe this proposed power plant site and tap to Idaho Power s 230 kv line at this location could have significant east and west Treasure Valley electrical system benefits. (4) Natural Gas Interconnection : One of the strongest attributes of the Industrial Park power plant site is the fact that high pressure natural gas is already abundantly available within the Industrial Park. An Intermountain Gas 12" high pressure line runs within 2 000 feet of the proposed power plant site. Intermountain Gas is confident that it has the capability to reliably transport and deliver the necessary natural gas supply at the required pressure to the power plant at the proposed Industrial Park site. (5) Water Service: United Water Company has a 24" water line running within 2 000 feet of the proposed power site within the Industrial Park. United Water has more than an adequate water supply at pressure from a new well and tank located not far ITom the power site and has committed to providing the necessary water service to the proposed power plant at a very economical interconnection cost and at the Company tariff rate for this type of service. (6) Sewer Service: Boise City has pledged to extend a sewer main line southeast along the City s railroad right of way to approximately 1 000 feet of the proposed power plant site. MVP would then tap sewer at one of several locations; either crossing private property or extending the line further, in order to use an existing City right of way. Alternatively, MVP and Boise City have discussed re-injecting the non- contact evaporative cooling wastewater directly into the aquifer as an aquifer recharge. aquifer recharge were the preferred alternative the power plant would not need sewer interconnection and service, as the remaining wastewater could easily be processed by a septic system and storm water run-off could be contained on site or, if necessary, land applied. (7) DEQ Air Permitting: The proposed Industrial Park power plant will require an air permit (technically, a "Permit to Construct") ITom the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ). The IDEQ will also be responsible ensuring compliance with emission limits defined within the permit. Air emissions will be monitored using a Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) and by continuously monitoring the quality of the natural gas being used as fuel. Mountain View Power intends to use Greystone Environmental Consultants, Inc. of Denver Colorado to manage the power plant air permitting process with the IDEQ. Greystone successfully acquired the IDEQ air permit for the Bennett Mountain Power Plant on behalf of MVP. In addition to extensive environmental permitting expertise, Greystone has a long history of working with the IDEQ on a number of Idaho projects. Geystone has had preliminary discussions with IDEQ personnel concerning the East Boise Industrial Park proposed power plant site and is of the opinion that an application to the IDEQ for a permit to construct a natural gas-fired power plant on the eastern edge Project Explanation Page 3 of the Treasure Valley air shed would be an expeditious process culminating in a successful result. The proposed power plant at the East Boise Industrial Park would use gas turbine technology to provide efficient, clean power when needed to support the local electrical system. As a general statement, gas turbine combustion results in low air emissions. The primary emissions from the proposed power plant are nitrous oxides (NOx) and carbon monoxide (CO). In addition, lesser amounts of fine particulate matter (PMIO), organic compounds (VOC), and sulfur dioxide (S02) will be discharged. These emissions will be controlled by using combustion technology designed to minimize emission rates and by using low sulfur natural gas fuel. MVP Qualifications & Project Experience Web site: www.MVPBoise.com Mountain View Power, Inc. (MVP) is an Idaho Corporation established in 2001 to originate energy projects. MVP focuses on the origination of new green field energy projects including natural gas fired generation, coal fired generation, bio-gas generation sour-gas conversion, and renewable technologies including wind and hydroelectric. MVP develops projects from first conception through feasibility analysis, permitting, financing, engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning. MVP scope of development relies on strong relationship with Siemens Westinghouse Power Corporation (SWPC) who in addition to plant construction can provide for (i) all the operation and maintenance for up to the first 12 years of operation, (ii) the fuel supplies (iii) and electrical transmission interconnections and system upgrades. MVP also has a strong relationship with Caithness Energy, a private company and owner and operator of over 1100 MW of generation in the U. MVP is a company primarily focused on the project initiation phases of development. The projects which MVP's principles have been involved in have achieved the majority of its business opportunities through referrals based on its successes and the recommendations of those for whom MVP's principles have successfully developed projects. Recently MVP's principles have been successful in winning a competitive utility request for proposal process in Idaho and Utah to develop and construct facilities for Idaho Power Company and PacifiCorp. The Principals of MVP -- Robert Looper, Ron Williams, Randy Schroeder and Tom Cameron -- maintain their roles in project development and direction through special purpose project entities such as TR2, LLC for Idaho Power s Bennett Mountain Power Plant and Summit Vineyard, LLC for the Pacificorp Lake Side Power Plant. Every plant which MVP's principles have been involved in has been completed on time and at or under budget. All operating plants are performing up to or exceeding expectations. MVP's principles have succeeded in bringing its projects from inception through completion, at the rate of about two per year. This involves over 6000 which are currently in the permitting, construction or operation phases. Project Explanation Page 4 .J. Bryce D. ChaTterton )"10'"-'0" 3ojs;~ ;:11'/ !.ioH ::.J ., '~'r"",i :3r""". ,.", ,ii"J ',:cr' ,,". - ,., ",: ., , ' ::' ,,::) c::" , ",: ': ' .,""'": ::;'~ :, 1.. ' ;; - ' ,c.. :o~ . :')" , ;:J I T'DD;TTY ,ca, ':;- Ne~ "'..,W 01;\" "" "n;,'"d, Meyor Du""" rl j..""" City Count;! ;I'~sident "" '"'" "",;. ~"U"'" ,-? ' .,,-, c:: " r- :ici: :c.. 'C ~::c, :UIlI'I. Si;eulY :,/:, Jerome ,\;I"oW .-"", J"-:""",,,o,e. Planning & Development Services September 22, 2005 Ron Williams, Vice President Mountain View Power. Inc. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise. ID 83702 Dear Ron: Thank you for the information you shared with the City of Boise concerning Mountain View Power s interest in developing a natural-gas-tired electric generating facility in Boise City s proposed Gateway East Industrial Park. At that meeting you indicated that Idaho Power would soon be issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for another '"peaking" power plant to be located near the Company s Boise load center. You also explained how MVP won the last Idaho Power RFP bid and is currently constructing just such a power plant in Mountain Home s industrial park. Finally, you asked whether Boise City would be interested in seeing a similar plant locate within the Boise City limits. While I cannot obligate or commit the City until after the requisite public processes have occurred, the City is prepared to do whatever it can, through the established process. to assist MVP as long as its project meets all other regulatory standards and has secured all necessary approvals. For purposes ofMVP's bid to Idaho Power, you indicated the need to demonstrate that you have tentatively secured a site or established some level of "site control." This letter is intended to give you preliminary assurance that if MVP is successful in its bid to Idaho Power for a Boise-based power project, then the City of Boise will work with you in good faith to see that your conditional use application for the east Boise power plant is expeditiously processed and given a fair hearing. I have attached a signed Affidavit of Legal Interest which grants MVP pennission to seek the required entitlements. The City has available a site consisting of approximately 25.22 acres in size and identified as parcels 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.11 on the East Gateway Phasing Preferred Alternative Concept Plan and as shown on the attached map, We also discussed how MVP might eventually secure the necessary property interests in the site. From our prospective, it would be easiest to enter into a long-tenn lease of the property. Lease payments would be set more with an eye for what the City paid for the property than the market value of the property, in recognition of the significant property taxes that would also be associated with the plant. Therefore, the ground lease terms are preliminarily established as follows: . 25.22 Acre Site . $4 820.43/Month - $57 845.16/Year - ground lease Ltr. to Ron Williams September 22, 2005 Page 2 of 2 Pages The value of the ground lease was detennined by assuming a value of the parcel at $549,292 amortized at 10% over 30 years. The lease shall be adjusted annually by using the Consumer Price index. For example, if the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index from the base year to the anniversary year is five percent (5%) and the base rent is $100., then the adjusted rental shall be 105% of the base rent or $105. (($100 X .05) + $100.00 = $105). You also indicated a need for certain services at the power plant. As you are aware, an existing 12-inch natural gas line runs through the site, and you would have the opportunity to negotiate with Intermountain Gas to detennine whether that company could serve the plant's gas needs off this line. There also exists a 24-inch water main that bisects the property and feeds water from wells located near the Birds of Prey area. United Water Idaho has all rights to the water delivered in the 24" main, which has a capacity of 8.0mgd. Micron Technology, Inc. currently has a right to use 2.0mgd of that pipe capacity and has rights to reserve 5 million gallons for fire protection storage. MVP will need to obtain the necessary "will serve" letter for the project from United Water Idaho. We also have the capacity to handle the nominal wastewater discharge from the plant operation and domestic water use incidental to the facilities. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Sincerely, 13. Jeffrey B. Jones, AICP cc: Mayor David H. Bieter Boise City Council Members Attachments: Affidavit of Legal Interest East Gateway Phasing Preferred Alternative Concept Plan B . 0 l . !:: Attachment I Boise City Planning & Development Services 150 N Capitol Blvd . POBox 500 . Boise, Idaho 83701-0500 Pllone 208/384-3830. Fax 384-3753. www.cityofboise.org/pejs Affidavit of Legal Interest Stc1te or IdC1tlO ) ss County of Add) Jeffrey B. Jones, Economic Development Mgr. Name C/O City of Boise City Boise 150 N. Capitol Boulevard Address Idaho 83701-0500 City StrIte being first duly sworn upon oc:Jth, depose c:Jnd sc:Jy: Thc:Jt I am the record owner of the property described on the attache d, and I grant my permission to Mountain View Power, Inc. 1015 W. Hays St., Boise. ID 83702N"me Ad,lre,s 1 . to submit the accompanying application pertc:Jining to thc:Jt property, I agree to indemnify, defend and hold Boise City and its employees harmless from any clc:Jim or liability resulting from any dispute BS to the stGItements contBined herein or BS the ownership of the property which is the subject of the application. Dated this 22 d8Y of September 2005 Subscribed and sworn to bef ..",.......",., , ~eS C"'-l ~\ "-".'.. ~.:. ... '" . 8 ~.A- /.....",.~:: ~ -,-aT Aft r.. .. "" ~~ ~: * : -.- . * :.. ~ : ~ ~ PVB\..\v if' . ." ~ -1 ;,......, ot. ~ .. J'E OF \~ " II II"" ~~:! --z; $, Notary Public for Idaho Re"ding ." ;I; ------- My commission expires: :l.f'; 'tJ ...., , I 1 I , \, \\\\\ \\ .,\ '\. ..- \ ~~~~~fI\. \ \. \\\\\ ,..." ,, \,\;:::,-,\ : \ .. i ~- - \' \\ .\ ,\\ \., ~\ ,- \ \\ - "",, --, \\\\ - ,-\\\ \,-JFS\ ~.' n,- ' \~ \\--,---"=,, ': i : -:..: --, IL__- -hd. :J,~ \~':~ i ": ~1l ~' ,::; I'~- i I / ~ ~ (~7rlLJJ 1.'.- i t',,- JLJ \ ~ ,~\ -' ; I ' \\ \ , '~ Im- ; " \\ \ \ U - ::: s "- " \\~ \~\\"' j: ". \ \ \ j.V PHASE' 'u- " " \ CJ "'-seo i ' .-...-../;:'~'" ' " ~I\ ~::: ,:;":;~::-., 3- 7x:\""'f..T-VDW1Devewpe.weNTPHAse ; I " , ' i " ~- """" BCKEII/IKETIW. j i::- JI'!- "B:- ;~'::"' \ \ \".,~ \; .,,"" ': .._\. '~- . '. '._ i~- ~ ,, " potentialPowerPlantLOC~O . ,~- " , I iJ:_, I ~- j ~: /,' - J:.- J~- '1'-- ': r ~.. i / - ",:.- ", Ik- ,~ J1.- :~~ i.: l'.,- " t:.-... I I " ; ~- 7- " :=~~:~." ~- ' uu,_u,,~,u' :-":=":~ ~\~ '\"'"..---' -- :..- , 11.- 3.- ,-- :;:.- m- &- -..-.--,---...----, L----- :-. ..'.~ "" \\ '.-"'\;"- -- \\. _~,----, PHASING LEGEND' ""-,..-,p- 'lie LAND (iROUr, INC. ,.. --:-. INTERMOUNTAIN - '" ,,' ,,', EAST GATEWAY PHASINGBoise Idaho Preferred Alternative Concept Plan 00_."or , - .. ,"" , Do..:~ IJ "",. BOISE DUI':)~ '-IIY rlcnnlng Cc. LleVelopment :-;ervices 150 N Capitol Blvd . POBox 500 . Boise, Idaho 83701-0500 Phone 208/384-3830 . Fax 208/384-3753 . www.cityofboise.orgjpds Pre-Application Conference In accordance with Ordinance #5525 (Section 11-03-02 of the Zoning Ordinance), a pre-applicationconference with Staff and an opportunity to a meeting with neighbors within 300 feet is required. Note: This form must be included when an application is submitted. Applicant:l..,f I ! ,/ .....-. f'! J Date: ~/ ~ '~..:;- SHe Address: -...... - \"'!Cu (.";;.;......;,1- 6, '" ' ~HD COMPASS G , .....--- . + 11/ ~ L!. frl Proposal Description: ~,cduu..I-0. 7f/) L/ iu(J, -iJrJ/1ff1 a//'JAl )i/-, ',y, !lJu- tf5 '5cJ.4---- ::1' ~J- ~r P~:. ::' ;; i~" r_.. ~'" J I. I j", '" L I .Jh 71.- "' ~ - .1 t..-- ;.Jf' ,/-' Neighborhood Meeting Required: ~m::'res 0 No Site Plan Presented: y;!; fii ~o ' Planning Staff .... omprehensive Planning Areo: ...;.;! ' 6c, -+- Neighborhood: ' !. ,--;- Type of Application Annexation Special Exception Variance Parking Reduction Density Bonus Rezone Conditional Use Modification Height Exception, nfill Zoning District - R-1A - R- - R-3 ~ R- - C-3 - C- - T-l - T- ~ " 2 - M- - R-l C Planned Development Use Exception Overlay District :::iAirport Overlay Concurrent Reviews Floodways (FPR)ASF Boise River System Permit Hillside (Categories)III Subdivision Plat Density/Far Com patibility Others 0 Yes 0 No 0 Yes 0 No - "', ) !~ LuJVV~ Applicant Representative 12/01 - ~-'-- MOUNTAIN VIEW POWER, INe. August 30, 2005 Address block here Subject:Power Plant Development in Proposed Boise City Industrial Park Dear field, Mountain View Power, Inc. (MVP), a Boise based power development company, proposes to develop up to two natural gas fired electric power plants on approximately 25 acres of land owned by Boise City located in the northwest portion of the following real property parcel: NE ~ S13, T2N R2E, BM. You are receiving this letter because you own property within 300 hundred feet of this described parcel of land; although not necessarily within 300 feet of the proposed power plant site. Invitation to a Public Meeting MVP is hosting and you are invited to a public information session to answer any questions you may have about its proposal to develop one or more power plants at the proposed location. Meeting information is as follows: Date:September 13, 2005 Time:6:00 pm to 8:00 Location: Additional Development Information Attached is a map that shows the location of 25 acres on which the power plants would be located. This mapping information was provided to MVP by Boise City along with an Affidavit of Legal Interest which gives MVP the right to proceed with permitting of power plants at this location, without committing the City to the project. The parcel zoned M-, an industrial designation that allows power plants as a conditionally permitted use. Following the Public Meeting MVP intends to submit a Conditional Use Permit Application to Boise City that would allow MVP to move forward with the two phases of power plant development described below. Phase I Power Plant Development 1015 West Hays Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Phone 208 331-1898 Fax 208343-1218 September 27, 2005 Page 2 of 3 On parcels 2.1 and 2., consisting of approximately 12 acres, MVP proposes to construct a single natural gas fired power plant of a size yet to be determined but ranging in (power production) size of not less than 80 megawatts and not more than 250 megawatts. One megawatt is enough electricity to power 500 average residential homes. On a comparative basis this power plant would look similar to the Bennett Mountain Power Plant that MVP recently completed building near 1-84 in the Mountain Home industrial park just north of the freeway and west ofIdaho state highway 25. MVP has proposed to build this additional power plant for Idaho Power at the proposed East Gateway Industrial Park owned by Boise City, to meet Idaho Power s peak summer and winter power needs in Idaho Power s primary load center, the Treasure Valley. The proposed power plant on parcels 2.1 and 2.2 would use 100 to 150 gpm (gallons per minute) of water when air temperatures exceed 59 degrees. United Water has a 24 inch main water line close to the power site and proposes to supply this water to the proposed power plant using a 2 inch service line. The proposed plant would discharge around 30 gpm of "non-contact" wastewater for approximately 400 hours per month during the summer months only. While Boise City has committed to accept this wastewater into the city s wastewater treatment system should the plant be built, MVP believes a better alternative might be to discharge the wastewater directly into the aquifer or to move the wastewater to a second industrial use within the industrial park. Because of its "non-contact" nature, either alternative would be permitted or allowed. For example, at the Mountain Home power plant the discharged water is moved to the golf course and used for irrigation. Phase II Power Plant Development The second phase of power plant development at the proposed East Boise Industrial Park involves parcels 2.3 and 2., consisting of almost 14 acres, adjoining the Phase I plant. MVP would continue to own this second and smaller natural gas fired power plant planned to be in the 50 to 100 megawatt size range. This second plant would be developed for two purposes. First, it will be "turned-on" to "back-up" wind power projects currently being developed across southern Idaho. Idaho Power and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission have identified and are currently investigating the need for wind power development in Idaho to have a "back-up" for the days or hours Idaho Power needs the electricity and the wind is not cooperating. MVP estimates that a 25 megawatt natural gas fired power plant is sufficient to back-up approximately 100 megawatts of wind generation. The second use of the smaller power plant would be to provide refrigeration and cooling to warehouses located in the proposed industrial park. This second or dual use of the power plant would be an attractive asset to the industrial park and some of the warehousing needs of the community and businesses along the interstate. September 27, 2005 Page 3 of 3 We look forward to seeing you at the public infonnational session and answering any questions you may have about this potential development opportunity. Sincerely, Ronald L. Williams VP & General Counsel Mountain View Power, Inc. RL W /pk Ms. Dorothy Aldecoa D. ALDECOA & SONS, Inc. 12 Mesa Vista Dr. Boise, 1083705 Mr. Dennis Baker BAKER INVESTMENTS , LLC 250 S. Beachwood, #120 Boise, 10 83709 Mr. Richard Hammond 4301 W. Quail Point Ct. Boise , 10 83703 Mr. Richard Heaton LAKE HAZEL SHOPPING CENTER 4414 S. Gekeler Lane Boise, 1083716-5240 Mr. Jeff Jones BOISE CITY PO Box 500 Boise , 1083702-0500 Ms. Louise Little 4301 W. Quail Point Ct. Boise, 1083703 Mr. Thomas Nicholson LAKE HAZEL SHOPPING CENTER 4414 S. Gekeler Lane Boise, 1083716-5240 Mr. Ronald Yanke LAKE HAZEL SHOPPING CENTER 4414 S. Gekeler Lane Boise , 1083716-5240 MOUNT AIM VIEW POWER, tMe. please Sign In "Ieeting re: Power Plant Development in Proposed Boise City Industrial Park Location: Idaho Ice "\lorld - second level Date: September 13,2005 Time: 7:00p to 9:00p NAMo/ / L- dtJt'r t-- 67.i9L k~ ( t.LiL~W:'.LI , ADDRESS (j1j 1/1f! C '-r :i)- i ~t "1-4-,/.1"IS VJ I,, PHONE NO. s-+ :3V2-L/;/ ,r I' :;:;'-. ;,-i ;/1 ..... ~ oJ' ..:, ... ..... '-' . 1015 West Hays Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Phone 208 331-1898 Fax 208 343-1218 THE FOLLOWING FOUR PAGES OF COLOR PHOTOS CANNOT SCAN WELL; PLEASE SEE FILE Boise City Location Photos North View: Northwest View: Boise City Location Photos West View: South View Bennett Mountain Power Plant Photos South View Bennett Mountain Power Plant Photos Aerial View Bennett Mountain Entrance 10 0 0 Bo i s e C i t y S p a t i a l D a t a V i e w e r I ~ ~~ \ 10 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 F e e t LL Ad d r e s s : 96 0 5 S E I S E N M A N R D Ow n e r : BO I S E C I T Y Su b d i v i s i o n : Lo l a B l o c k a : ( ~~ ~ g : ) C i t y : Ar e a : 2n 2 e 1 3 Pa r c e l : S1 5 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 .& . '" , - " , , . , T , D j : ) r RE E Pu b l i c W o r k s IN . . t a w i n g I s l O b e u s e d o n l y IO f r e f e r e n c e pu r p o s e s ; B d s e C i t y I s n o ! r. . p " " s I b I . f a an y l n a c c u r l C l e . h e r o i n c o n t o i n e d ma p I s m a d e f r o m d a t a c~ ~ h t . d b y Ad o C o u n t y . Ad . C o u n t y 01 1 0 1 1 no t b e I i o b l e l o r I n a c c u r a c i e s O f ml l u . e o I t h i l m a p . M a p s b e a r i n g th i s d l s c l l i m e r m a y b e ph o t o c o p I e d f r e e l y . H o W 8 v e r , u s e I n a n y c l g l s I l o r m r e q u k Ih e " , i I I . n p e n n l " " ' " c I A d a Co u n l y . Mo p p l l n l e d O f " 0 9 1 2 2 i 2 O 0 5 EAST BOISE POWER PLANT FIGURE AREIAL VIEW OF SITE LOCA TION (I) NORTH 500 500 1000 Fool ANALYSIS AREA; ADA COUNTY, IDAHO Date: 04/28105 File; P1833 SITEdwg Drawn By; JLJ LayoutFIG3 c.tall 1 c.taU 2 -:~;iL:::_- i;iii' =--,..... AdmlnlSlnItIol1 BuIlding ~:.:.. 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