HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051221IPC response 1st request IIPA.pdfIDAHO POWER COMPANY O. BOX 70 BOISE, IDAHO 83707 BARTON L. KLINE Senior Attorney An IDACORP Company December 21 , 2005 HAND DELIVERED ('::~'~, ,,-" Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P. O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 " , c;, - - U): CJi Re:Case No. IPC-05- Idaho Power Company s Response To First Production Requests of Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed for filing an original and two (2) copies of the Company s Responses to the First Production Requests of the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association regarding the above-described case. The attachment to Response No. 23 is considered confidential by Idaho Power and is only being furnished to those members of the Staff and intervenors that have executed a Protective Agreement in this case. As such, it is printed on yellow paper and marked as "Confidential" and supplied in a separate envelope. I would appreciate it if you would return a stamped copy of this transmittal letter to me in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope. Very truly yours Barton L. Kline BLK:jb Enclosures Telephone (208) 388-2682 Fax (208) 388-6936 E-mail BK/inerwidahopower.com :;: ~!\/ED , ' BARTON L. KLINE ISB #1526 MONICA B. MOEN ISB #5734 Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-2682 FAX Telephone: (208) 388-6936 BKlinecm.idahopower.com MMoencm.idahopower.com , ? i F'i; 3: L 7 dTIl-1 r 11.::: co "SSIOIJ Attorneys for Idaho Power Company Street Address for Express Mail 1221 West Idaho Street Boise , Idaho 83702' BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS BASE RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. IPC-05- IDAHO POWER COMPANY' RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST COMES NOW, Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "the Company and in response to the First Data Request of the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association to Idaho Power Company dated November 23 , 2005, herewith submits the following information: REQUEST NO.1: Mr. Keen s testimony at page 6 indicates that six distribution substations have been added since the beginning of 2004. Please provide the following information regarding those distribution substations: What is the name of each substation? IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page What is the location of each substation? Please list county as well as city or town that is served by the substation. What is the capacity of each substation? What was the cost of each substation? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.and d: Station Count /Town acit Cost Midrose Canyon/Nampa 30 MV A $2,405 371 Valley View Canyon/Caldwell 30 MV A 635,455 Star Ada/Star 30 MV A 679 313 Ten Mile Canyon/Meridian 28 MV A 251,451 Eckert Ada/Boise 30 MV A $1 ,848 087 Lake Fork Valley/Donnelly 30 MV A 531 094 The response to this request was prepared by David L. Sikes , Planning Manager, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO.2: Mr. Keen s testimony at page 6 indicates that approximately 30 miles of new sub-transmission lines have been added to integrate the six new distributions substations. Please provide a map(s) showing the location of these new sub-transmission lines as well as the cost of these lines. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.2: Maps showing the six new substations and new sub-transmission lines to integrate them, in addition to the Caldwell-Locust line, are attached to this response. Transmission project costs are: Station Transmission Cost Midrose Valley View Star Ten Mile Eckert $586 596 $359,466 988 052 $15 591 $514 327 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 2 Lake Fork (Currently attaching to existing line, no costs reported yet. ) Caldwell-Locust 797 755 The response to this request was prepared by David L. Sikes , Planning Manager, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO.3: Mr. Keen s testimony at page 7 indicates that a significant portion of the Company s load growth continues to occur in the Treasure Valley area. Please answer the following: How does the Company define the "Treasure Valley area" and in particular the portions of the "Treasure Valley area" that is associated with this "significant portion of the Company s load growth" What data does the Company have available to quantify this load growth (rate base additions) by area (Le., by taxing district, city boundaries, county lines, etc)? Please provide a copy of all information that has been distributed to the "Treasure Valley Electric Plan Community Advisory Committee RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.a: Idaho Power defines the "Treasure Valley Area" as primarily Ada and Canyon Counties. However, due to the connectivity of the transmission system, we extend this definitional boundary to include the Ontario and Payette areas. Growth anywhere within this area affects the transmission system. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.b: Records are kept when new service points are added by location. Attached to this response is a printout of service points added by distribution feeder. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 3 RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.c: All information that has been distributed to the "Treasure Valley Electric Plan Community Advisory Committee" can be found on Idaho Power s Web site at http://www.idahopower.com/newsroom/proinews/tvep.htm The response to this request was prepared by David L. Sikes, Planning Manager, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO.4: Mr. Pengilly s testimony at page 42 provides information regarding the impact of moving 680 non-agricultural customers from the irrigation rate schedules to a general service rate schedule. Please provide a list of energy and demand usage (and other appropriate data used) for each of these 680 customers that served as the basis for the results that are shown. Please provide this information in electronic format. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTION NO.4: The energy, demand usage and other appropriate data are included in the Excel file "Irrigation Data Request #4.xls included on the enclosed CD labeled First Production Request of Irrigation Pumpers - Responses. This Excel workbook contains six worksheets: (1) Worksheet Descriptions (2) Idaho (all accts to R7 or R9), (3) R24C to R7, (4) R24S & R25S to R7, (5) R24C to , (6) R24S & R25S to R9. The worksheet labeled Worksheet Descriptions contains field descriptions for each of the other worksheets. The worksheet labeled "Idaho (all accts to R7 or R9)" includes all the usage data for all 680 customers who would be moving to non- agricultural rate schedules under the Company s proposal. The other worksheets IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 4 contain the same data as "Idaho (all accts to R7 or R9)" broken out into the specific rate schedule classes and contain the component bill calculations and comparisons under the proposed rates. All data is from calendar year 2004. For ease of analysis, the Schedule 25 customers' bills were calculated using the proposed Schedule 24 secondary rates. All the rates used in the analysis are in the rows above the data and final total rate impacts are below the data rows. The response to this request was prepared by Peter Pengilly, Senior Analyst, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO.5: At page 16 of Mr. Baggs' testimony there is a discussion regarding the data management aspects of the Phase One of the AMR Project. If the Company has available AMR data for irrigation customers: Please supply that data by customer on an hourly basis in electronic format. If the irrigation customers in the Phase One of the AMR Project are not typical of the general irrigation class in the Idaho Power service area , please provide an explanation regarding the differences. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.a: The hourly consumption data for the irrigation customers in the McCall and Emmett areas included in the Phase One AMR Project is included on the CD labeled First Production Request of Irrigation Pumpers - Responses. The data is in comma delimited text format. It is important to note that the hourly data for ,irrigation customers is non- billing data. Irrigation customers with AMR capability were billed based on the monthly meter readings obtained during the normal course of the Company s cycle billing process. Because the hourly data was not used for billing purposes , it has not been IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 5 validated. In addition, no attempt has been made to estimate usage during periods when hourly data was not successfully retrieved. Consequently, the hourly data is the raw" data collected from the AMR system. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.5 b: The irrigation customers in the Emmett and McCall areas are not representative of the general irrigation class throughout the Company s service territory. Within the Emmett and McCall areas, the total irrigation load is minimal due to the fact that the primary methods of irrigation in both areas are flood or furrow irrigation. In addition , there are very few irrigation wells in either area. The small number of customers that do have irrigation systems tend to have very small systems with a typical lift of about three to ten feet from a canal or a slough into an irrigation ditch. The response to this request was prepared by James L. Baggs, General Manager, Strategic Initiatives and Compliance, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO.6: Please provide a copy of all model runs and other support data that was used to prepare the Company s exhibits in electronic format. If certain procedures are required to run things like the Company s class cost of service study, please provide a copy of those procedures as well. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.6: All exhibits and workpapers available in electronic format are included on the CD labeled First Production Request of Irrigation Pumpers - Responses. The Company s class cost-of-service study is in Excel format and no special procedures are needed to use the model. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 6 The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz , Director of Pricing, Pricing and Regulatory Services, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO.7: Please provide a copy of all input data to Exhibits 20 and 21 in both hard copy and electronic format. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.7: The information displayed on Exhibit 20 is the input to the exhibit. The data presented on the exhibit was produced from a run of the Aurora model , which is a comprehensive electric market price forecasting model that simulates the entire region. Idaho Power Company is prevented by its license with EPIS from furnishing the Aurora input databases to those who are not licensed users of Aurora. We can , however, provide Idaho Power Company input data that was used in the simulations. A printout of this data was provided in Response No. 5 to the First Production Request of the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power Company. The data in electronic format is included on the enclosed CD labeled First Production Request of Irrigation Pumpers - Responses. The information contained in Exhibit 21 includes all inputs to the regression shown. Approved PCA methodology uses a natural logarithm of April through July Brownlee runoff (labeled "runoff') to predict annual net power supply expenses (labeled "predicted y ). Modeled April through March net power supply expenses (labeled lInpsc ) derived from Exhibit 20 along with the natural logarithm of the April through July Brownlee runoff are the inputs to the regression. To ensure compliance with FERC's Standards of Conduct, the transmission inputs , in addition to being provided in the response to this production IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 7 request, are posted on the Idaho Power Company OASIS in the folder entitled 2005 Idaho Retail Rate Case Documents. The response to this request was prepared by Gregory W. Said , Manager Revenue Requirement, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO.8: For each month since January 2003, please supply the monthly usage of Schedule 24 and 25 customers in the Idaho Jurisdiction and the system as a whole. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.8: The requested information is enclosed with this response. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Director of Pricing, Pricing and Regulatory Services , Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO.9: With respect to the Company s Load Research data please provide for each sample customer with valid data that was sampled between January 2003 and the most recent month available the following: Customer identification number; Customer rate schedule; Strata to which it belongs; Raw hourly usage data; Raw hourly usage data modified to reflect losses; On an hourly basis, any additional calibrations that are applied to the Load Research data before it is applied to develop the allocation factors used in the Company s cost of service study in this case. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 8 Please provide copies of the formulas (and data) used to expand the Load Research data up to the population as a whole as used in the class cost of service study in this case. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.9: In response to items 9., 9., 9., and , the customer identification numbers, rate schedule, stratum , and hourly usage data are included on the CD labeled First Production Request of Irrigation Pumpers - Responses in the Excel workbooks with "hourly" in the file name. Note that the hours on these spreadsheets are labeled with hour starting, not ending, times. Raw hourly usage data modified to reflect losses (9.e) does not exist. However, the hourly usage data coincident with the system peaks or the group peaks may be adjusted to reflect losses using the system loss coefficients contained in the response to 9. In response to item 9.f, the Company did not calibrate the hourly Load Research data provided in response to 9., and the only Load Research data applied to develop the allocation factors used in the Company s cost of service study in this case are the sample mean hourly usage at the hour of the month system peak (system- coincident demand per customer), the sample mean hourly usage at the hour of the monthly group peak (group-coincident demand per customer, which may be non- coincident with the system peak), and the sample mean average demand (monthly energy per customer divided by hours in the month). The Company s allocation factors do not rely on the assumption that these sample means (system-coincident, group-coincident, and average demand) represent the population means , but only on the assumption that the ratios of the sample means represent the ratios of the population means. The ratios were applied to the average IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 9 demands obtained from calendar-month usage estimated from monthly billing data. No additional calibrations were applied to the ratios. In response to item 9.g, the formulas (and data) used to expand the Load Research data up to the population as a whole as used in the class cost of service study in this case are contained in the Workspace spreadsheets in the D&EMaster04rc.xls and D&EMaster05rc.xls Excel workbook on the CD. The other spreadsheets in the workbooks contain the input data used in the calculations in the Workspace spreadsheet. Additional documentation can be found in the LodeMethod Word document and the Stratum Weights spreadsheet. The response to this request was prepared by Paul Werner, Load Research Team Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO.1 0: Please provide for each month from January 2003 forward a copy of the monthly checks that the Company makes regarding how well the Load Research sample data reflects the actual population usage. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 10: The relative precision of the ratio estimates of the sample means is contained in the monthly Load Research summary reports provided in response to Request No. 12. The response to this request was prepared by Paul Werner, Load Research Team Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 10 REQUEST NO. 11: Please provide for each month from January 2003 forward a listing of the calendar month usage for the Schedule 24 and Schedule 25 in the Idaho Jurisdiction. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 11: The requested information is provided with this response. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Director of Pricing, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 12: Please provide a copy of any monthly Load Research summary reports that have been produced between January 2003 and the present. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 12: The monthly Load Research summary reports are included on the CD labeled First Production Request of Irrigation Pumpers - Responses in the report files with "summary" in the file name. In addition the monthly coincident demands have been summarized in the annual "Demand & Energy" workbooks. The response to this request was prepared by Paul Werner, Load Research Team Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 13: Please provide a copy of the bill frequency distribution for each month of the test year for Schedules 1 , 9, 19, 24 , and 25. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 13: The Company does not routinely prepare bill frequency reports. Therefore, no reports are available for the test year. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 11 The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Director of Pricing, Pricing and Regulatory Services, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 14: Please provide in electronic format, on an hourly basis , for the period January 1 , 2003 through the most recent month available the following data: Total system input; System input from Company owned generation (stating hydro, coal and other generation separately); System input from firm purchases , stating each purchase separately by source and type of purchase (LF , IF, SF); The cost of each firm purchase listed in "C" above; System input from non-firm and/or economy purchases , stating each purchase separately; The cost of each non-firm and/or economy purchase listed in " above; System input from exchanges into the system , stating each exchange separately; System input from Unit purchases; Other system inputs , stating for each "other" input the type and the source of the input; System losses; Requirements Wholesale sales (RQ); Long-term firm Wholesale sales (LF), stating each one separately; Intermediate-term firm Wholesale sales (IF), stating each one separately; Short-term firm Wholesale sales (SF), stating each one separately; IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 12 Unit sales, Wholesale (LU) or otherwise, stated separately; Non-firm and/or economy Wholesale sales (OS), stated separately; The revenue collected for each hour of each non-firm and/or economy purchase listed in "P" above; Exchanges out of the system, stating each exchange separately; Other system outputs, stating for each "other" output the type and the recipient of the output; Inadvertent power flows into or out of the system; The power available (at input level) to supply retail load once Wholesale , Exchange , Wheeling, and Inadvertent has been subtracted; Losses assigned to each retail jurisdiction; Losses assigned to wholesale sales; Total firm retail (non-special contract) load by jurisdiction (assuming that this data is not directly metered on an hourly basis, please indicate which data in this response can be added or subtracted each hour to derive this information); In the aggregate, the total firm special contract customer load by jurisdiction (If need be, use identification codes to specific individual special contract customer loads. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NOS. 14 a THROUGH 14 j: The requested data is included on the enclosed CD labeled "First Production Request of Irrigation Pumpers - Responses . A separate file is included for each year, 2003 , 2004 , and 2005. To use these files , utilize the drop-down menus found on line 6. For instance , clicking on the arrow on line 6 of column A will show the drop-down menu for system load data. To view the system load data, select "system load" from the menu. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 13 This selection will bring up the system load data starting in column AS. The specific responses are identified by the column headings on line 5. The response to this request was prepared by David Bean , Controller Power Supply, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 14 k: The requested data for Requirements Wholesale sales (RQ) is included on the enclosed CD labeled "First Production Request of Irrigation Pumpers - Responses . The hours listed are standard time and are not adjusted for Daylight Savings Time. The response to this request was prepared by Paul Werner, Load Research Team Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NOS. 14 I THROUGH 14 u: The requested data is included on the enclosed CD labeled "First Production Request of Irrigation Pumpers - Responses . A separate file is included for each year, 2003 , 2004, and 2005. To use these files, utilize the drop-down menus found on line 6. For instance, clicking on the arrow on line 6 of column A will show the drop-down menu for system load data. To view the system load data, select "system load" from the menu. This selection will bring up the system load data starting in column AS. The specific responses are identified by the column headings on line 5. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 14 The response to this request was prepared by David Bean , Controller Power Supply, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 14 v: Loss factors for peak demand and energy by voltage for each jurisdiction including FERC wholesale customers are included on the enclosed CD labeled "First Production Request of Irrigation Pumpers - Responses" in the "Demand & Energy" workbooks provided as part of the Response to Request No. 12. These are system loss factors by voltage level and are not calculated on an hourly basis. The response to this request was prepared by Paul Werner, Load Research Team Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 14 w: Please refer to the response to Request No. 14 v. The response to this reque~t was prepared by Paul Werner, Load Research Team Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 14 x: The monthly energy and coincident demand information is provided as part of the Response to Request No 9. Information is not available by hour. The response to this request was prepared by Paul Werner, Load Research Team Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 15 RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 14 y: INL, Micron , and Simplot monthly energy and coincident demand information is provided as part of the Response to Request No.9. In the past some special contract customers have indicated that they consider energy and demand information on an hourly basis competitively sensitive information. As a result, hourly information is not included as part of this response. the three identified special contract customers do not object to the release of this hourly information, Idaho Power Company can provide it. Otherwise , the requested hourly information may only be viewed at the Company s corporate headquarters by those persons that have signed a Protective Agreement. The response to this request was prepared by Paul Werner, Load Research Team Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 15: For each firm wholesale sale that took place in 2003 (through the most recent month available) please list for each month: The name of the entity sold to; The type (FERC classification) of the contract; The pricing mechanism (fixed , rate schedule, market index formula, etc. The amount of energy sold; The dollars paid for demand charges; The dollars paid for energy charges; and The total dollars paid. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 15: The responses to this request are included in the files provided in Response to Request No. 14. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 16 The response to this request was prepared by David Bean , Controller Power Supply, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 16: For each firm wholesale purchase that took place in 2003 (through the most recent month available) please list for each month: The name of the entity purchased from; The type (FERC classification) of the contract; The pricing mechanism (fixed, rate schedule , market index formula, etc. The amount of energy purchased; The dollars paid for demand charges; The dollars paid for energy charges; and The total dollars paid. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 16: The responses to this request are included in the files provided in Response to Request No. 14. The response to this request was prepared by David Bean , Controller Power Supply, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 17: Please provide a copy of each Marginal Cost Study that has been presented to the Commission or the Commission Staff for each year since 2002. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 17: Idaho Power has not prepared nor has it presented to the Commission or the Commission Staff any Marginal Cost Studies since 2002. The Company did , however, perform an analysis of the generation and IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 17 transmission marginal costs in 2003 and 2005. A copy of the 2003 analysis has been provided with the Company s Response to Request No.2 of the First Production Request of the ICIP to Idaho Power. The 2005 analysis can be found in Ms. Brilz workpapers, pages 58-65. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Director of Pricing, Pricing and Regulatory Services , Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 18: With respect to the marginal demand costs used in Exhibit 46 , what is the exact source of these numbers (historic/current contract values projections, current values of indexed prices, etc. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 18: The marginal demand costs used in Exhibit 46 are described on pages 59 and 60 of Ms. Brilz s workpapers. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Director of Pricing, Pricing and Regulatory Services , Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 19: With respect to the marginal energy costs used in Exhibit 46 , what is the exact source of these numbers (historic/current contract values projections, current values of indexed prices , etc.)? Are these prices for firm energy? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 19: The marginal energy costs used in Exhibit 46 are described on pages 58 and 59 of Ms. Brilz s workpapers. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Director of Pricing, Pricing and Regulatory Services , Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 18 REQUEST NO. 20: With respect to the demand values listed on Exhibit 46, what was the date and time that each peak occurred? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 20: The demand values listed on Exhibit 46 are the "normalized" coincident peak demands determined through the surrogate demand normalization methodology agreed to by the parties as part of the cost-of-service workshop process. These demand values were determined through the use of the five-year median demand ratios from the load research samples applied to the normalized monthly energy values for each customer class. The median demand ratios did not all occur in the same year. The year, day, and hour of the monthly system coincident demands used to compute the median demand ratios varied from class to class and from month to month. Consequently, each set of monthly "normalized" coincident peak demands in Exhibit 46 was not based on or associated with any specific date and time. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Director of Pricing, Pricing and Regulatory Services, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 21: For each of the last five years, what was the date and time of the monthly system peak? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 21: The requested information is enclosed with this response. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Director of Pricing, Pricing and Regulatory Services, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 19 REQUEST NO. 22: During the hour of the monthly peak for each of the last five years, please provide the following: How many megawatts of generation were out of service for planned maintenance? How much electricity was generated from Company owned hydro? How much electricity was purchased from Company owned thermal power? How much electricity was purchased from QF suppliers? How much electricity was brought in through exchanges? How much (non-QR) electricity was purchased and at what price? Please list each transaction separately, stating name of seller MWH purchased, purchase price, and type of purchase (LF , RQ, , OS, etc. How much electricity was sold off-system and at what price? Please list each transaction separately, stating name of purchaser MWH sold , sale price, and type of sale (LF , RQ, SF , OS , etc. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 22: The requested material is included on the enclosed CD labeled First Production Request of Irrigation Pumpers- Responses. The response to this request was prepared by David Bean , Controller Power Supply, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 23: For each of the next three years , what are the dates of scheduled maintenance , name of the units being maintained , and the megawatts being taken out of service? IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 20 RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 23: Power Production Maintenance Scheduling. Maintenance scheduling for Idaho Power s generating units is a dynamic process. It is driven by factors that can change from year to year, month to month , or even week to week. Elements that are considered when putting together an annual maintenance schedule include: snow pack, stream flow and reservoir conditions predicted system loads (peak periods and off peak periods), transmission constraints or requirements, planned transmission and substation construction projects, available work force, contractor requirements, failures or other problems associated with equipment occasional non-routine maintenance to units and/or associated equipment, equipment upgrade opportunities, and forward price indications. Maintenance is always subject to cancellation or change due to real time operational conditions. Specific Dates. Idaho Power considers the specific dates for scheduled outages for its generating units to be valuable competitive information. As a result , the enclosed information on specific scheduled outages is only being supplied to those members of the Staff and intervenors that have executed the Protective Agreement. Enclosed is the 2006 maintenance schedule for hydro and thermal generation units. Also enclosed is the 2007 and 2008 schedule for coal-fired units. Non-coal-fired unit maintenance is not scheduled beyond one year due to the wide variability of water conditions , unit operating hours , and crew availability. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 21 The response to this request was prepared by Darwin D. Pugmire Manager, Power Production , Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 24: With respect to the system , as well as class demands and energies listed on Exhibit 46 , if the values listed are not actual (or directly derived from load research data for that exact hour), please provide a description as well as all data used to derive the values listed in Exhibit 46. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 24: The derivation of the demands listed on Exhibit 46 is provided in the response to Request No. 20. The data used to derive the demands is included in the file named Demand&EnergyNorm05rc.xls provided in the Response to Request No. 12. The energy values listed on Exhibit 46 are the normalized calendar month energy usages adjusted for losses. A description of the process used to derive the normalized values for 2005 is included with this response. The data used to derive the energy values is included in Ms. Schwendiman workpapers, pages 142 - 144. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Director of Pricing, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 25: Please provide the hourly load data for each of the Company s distribution substations from January 1 , 2002 though the most recent month available. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 25: Response and objection filed with Commission on December 16 , 2005. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 22 REQUEST NO. 26: How many miles of primary and secondary conductor are found in the Idaho Jurisdiction? Please describe how this figure is derived. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 26: The facility records are maintained in a Geographic Information System (GIS) database. The data structure within the GIS and the calculations used to determine the line mileage for reporting was changed after 2002. The underground poly-phase secondary wires were previously reported counting each of the multi-phases as a separate wire. The current practice is to count each section of underground secondary line as a single asset or wire, because the property unit is issued in linear feet for the pre-assembled secondary material in the work orders. Thus the underground secondary wire miles will be almost a factor of three lower than values reported using the information and methodology for 2002 and earlier. The GIS system maintains a length value derived from the shape of the line. Line Lengths were then multiplied by the following factors based on the number of wires: Single Phase OH Primary Lines w/Neutral wire x 2. Two Phase OH Primary Lines w/Neutral wire x 3. Three Phase OH Primary Lines w/Neutral wire x 4. Single Phase OH Primary Lines wo/Neutral wire x 1. Two Phase OH Primary Lines wo/Neutral wire x 2. Three Phase OH Primary Lines wo/Neutral wire x 3. Single Phase UG Primary Lines w/Concentric Neutral wire x 1. Two Phase UG Primary Lines w/Concentric Neutral wire x 2. Three Phase UG Primary Lines w/Concentric Neutral wire x 3. As of April 2005 the primary conductor wire miles total 53 726 and the secondary conductor wire miles total 3,469. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 23 The response to this request was prepared by David L. Sikes, Planning Manager, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 27: On page 13 of Brilz workpapers there are various values listed for distribution accounts. Please answer the following: Please describe the methodology of dividing these accounts into primary and secondary components. Please give examples. Please provide a general explanation regarding what is meant by the primary component verse the secondary component. Can the direct assignments listed be traced to specific rate schedules in the Company s cost of service study? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 27 a: Property units in distribution accounts are designated as primary or secondary based on the purpose for which they are used (see the response to Request No. 27b). The identification occurs at the time of installation and is based on the information included on the actual work orders prepared as part of the Company s facilities installation process. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Director of Pricing, Pricing and Regulatory Services , Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 27 b: Distribution equipment is classified as either primary or secondary based on its usage. Distribution equipment located between substations and the transformers that ultimately serve customers is considered primary. Distribution equipment used to directly provide service to customers is considered secondary. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 24 The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Director of Pricing, Pricing and Regulatory Services, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 27 c: The direct assignments listed by rate schedule on page 13 of Ms. Brilz s workpapers can be found on Exhibit No. 35 page 7, column N , lines 83-86. On Exhibit No. 35, these direct assignment amounts are functionalized as Secondary Lines - Direct. The total Electric Plant in Service functionalized to Secondary Lines - Direct, $14 858 161 , can be found on Exhibit No. , page 12 , column N , line 110. This amount includes the portion of General Plant allocated to the Secondary Lines - Direct function. The total Electric Plant in Service amount of $14 858 161 functionalized to Secondary Lines - Direct can be found on Exhibit No. 37, Allocation to Classes , on page 3 , column A, line 77. This amount is allocated to the various customer classes using the DA3647 allocation factor. The array of values comprising the DA3647 allocator can be found on Exhibit No. 37 , pages 43 and 44, line 27. This array matches the values of the direct assignments listed on workpaper page 13. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Director of Pricing, Pricing and Regulatory Services, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 28: On page 16 of Brilz workpapers there are various values listed for Account 369. Please answer the following: How were the figures of $219.33 and $307.37 for the average cost of single-phase and three-phase customers derived? Please supply supporting study. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 25 What do the figures of $219.33 and $307.37 for the average cost of single-phase and three-phase customers represent as far as the average length of a Service? What is the average length of a Service for an Irrigation customer? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 28 a: The Company s PassPort work management system , which is used to provide work order estimates for new line construction , was used to derive the costs of both 60-foot and 70-foot single-phase and three-phase service drops. The single-phase cost of $219.33 was derived by utilizing PassPort to compute the cost of a 70-foot service drop using #2 conductor and the necessary conductor hardware , requiring one hour of lineman labor, and requiring one hour s usage of a linebed or bucket truck. The three-phase cost of $307.37 was derived utilizing PassPort to compute the cost of a 70-foot service drop using #2 conductor with one extra strand of conductor and the necessary conductor hardware requiring one hour of lineman labor, and requiring one hour s usage of a linebed or bucket truck. The results from the PassPort computation are shown on page 18 of Ms. Brilz s workpapers. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Director of Pricing, Pricing and Regulatory Services , Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 28 b: The figures of $219.33 and $307.37 represent the estimated costs of a 70-foot single-phase and a 70-foot three- phase service drop as generated by the Company s PassPort work management system. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 26 The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz , Director of Pricing, Pricing and Regulatory Services, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company: RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 28 c: The Company does not maintain detailed data on the length of the service drop for each customer and therefore cannot calculate the actual average service drop length by customer class. However, based on the expertise of the Company s agricultural representatives and their knowledge of the Company s customers , it is believed that no service drop for irrigation customers exceeds 120 feet or is less than 10 feet and on average is approximately 60 feet in length. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Director of Pricing, Pricing and Regulatory Services , Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. DATED at Boise, Idaho , this 21st day of December, 2005. 0Ji~BARTON L. KLINE Attorney for Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FIRST DATA REQUEST Page 27 '.' i~" IDAHO POWER COMPANY.. ? i F;; 3: 1:8 IJT!i i it ' ";:-.,."" jil )VU ISS1Ot~ CASE NO. IPC-O5- FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST 0 F THE ID AH 0 IRRI G A TI 0 N PUMPERS ASSOCIATION , INC. TT A CHMENT TO RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 25 0. Miles /1 ....-....:).- ,- ,- '' ~" ~ x ~)~~ = I,/ r- H- Of?t" ~~~~.. T'r= tb , " "~~~ 1If-- ~~ / X . "'" 0 0,25 0, ~- - Xx.XX XXXX .i' Miles ~~ x rT I In - p: ,.. 1\ I "J ,I .f :- \ I I , . (~ '0l L---fr'T ..:.~, ,..~ ,,'\1 ~ Irc;1,~~rT cf ~" ~~I ~~~ h= ~~I~kf~ \~~~ - ) i ~w l~~I - W~ , ') - f--r I~ ~ \~ ~ fl 1\ J~ - ~ ~ \ \1 ....ri-.. ..... 1-" -= C"\ I~ f\ ~1 1c-r ,- \ 1' / ~ ~"-- ~\ 0 0.250. Miles L.. - '---... 'V\ j a / j_~;~f~ .. ~\; I - 25 0.) b ~ ~ -::;:~~)JI ' ,-- - " Miles ~ . I~ ~ '~ FQ ~ ! ~ M ~I J-+ ., qp )- l ~ ... , . .. \~ :-p I - , ~ 0 ri Ten Mile Substation 1= ~:w 138 kV line tap ~ J -tJ --=r L ""-./ ~~,11-' ~~ ~ IJB'\ ~ - I~c ~~,- 1 ~!1, It$!LP I~ IJ-~'\~l~-!ili:~I, .. j - ~~~.cQ . ~~\(n~~~lc~ 1= ~'C~~:~ -.J - EF ,,)FT ~l..~ --- I "i ~ , -c 1\ t-~. ~ rI:r-;, I~ - ~ ~ c ~~f~l~ 7~~r:~~ ~ ~I ~ i--=\\!~f-L,r- ~ -L ~cC II -' .:::q "' : I I p 'JJ Wh It, "1. 1~'0::' n:.cJ ~~-tJ1'i\ ~~rW~\ 0J0- Ir' "7Tj I ~ "- \! J- r ~ -S--L . ~ . 'i,l'\. "" ~ ~,, Ji c " ~ '\ ~ k-Cr ~~~~:\~~~ ~ \ c~ - ft!lf:'Q ::-8~IO~0- r'\. I ~ ~~ ~"-, \~t\:':'~ L_ '-" '" ~N "--I ,,:;\ I~' If?r rs I '~ 1"' ~~ I !~~~ 1~1s ~~ I~~' ~~~ - ---'~--.".~ .....J 0 0.250. Miles )~ '1 r-- / , Eckert Substation / - - t,r-~-' ,) .'- ,---/, I , ,1'7'- I - ,) - ./ r...J "--/ ~-- 0 0.25 0. Miles ~ /J :;,~.,-=.~:'~"'-~:~~\ i~~ ~ - ~~C -f ~- '- .J ,1;.-1 f --r,/ - \/~ \ (J/ :);~~ :J i . - I r , / "'-r"');:::;? 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IS ('- r t--- ~ l \. -- '-- 'i'S' Je 1",---- ~~ , \ 'l ~ ~\..~ ~I '\ r; r-\ ,;;: ::x- '- J- ~I\ ~) I '\ I, ...... 1\ - :\ ,'. (J; """"i '.Yy-. -:::;"'- ~i 1\ .' \,:" c.:~ 1\ : " \1 - ~cft ~k -'0'~I" --;;' r\' 'i r ~I-I '\ ! ~~ -"- '-' \- (.. \1, 1"- \fL-r\.~!y1 \,,-=F- \~ "'-------~\" 1( \. "'" ,--:=..L \\5~ '--- I" \V 1'" 1-; 1\ "" ,\"'" ' " I J lbJ) v\- , ~ ~ i\~ ~-i\ l'~'i1 I! "'-~ r(1 ~, 7 '~ 1 ~C', \ ' '\ LJ --' ~ - il, "'--- I:. '" '-- '" (' 1.Ii \ 111"1' :c,., "'" ~, "" ,\'"' "' )';\ h' ~1-1 " ~ (,:..\ j ~ \ L )..- Jr"', lt-1-- ~ "'- ..,1\:I ' "'- \~!:~ itii ~ ~~ Cl'j/- ~LJZ /' -- ~~ b:~~:-J'-T R I".! V~V---I'\. AI- WI: bo- ,.. C:::i I;:: c ~; i :3:h8 IDAHO POWER COMPANY:, . . il~ c.;. ": "",.':, 1'"""' :'\ '..;Jlld)::,, ;..j CASE NO. IPC-O5- FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. ATTACHMENT TO RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh 3993 0 101 360 5432313 0107 232 2844289 0 107B 6781 0 109P 12810007 01095 23897751 0 115 19153. 0 119P 10644979 0 124CB 20005 0 124SB 494823 0140 2392 0 142M 6373 0166 0001 323898 0007 183155 0 0095 1068413 0 009SB 163080 0015 6758. AIKN11 AIKN11 101 291682 AIKN11 107 2150 AIKN12 AIKN12 101 328271 AIKN12 107 1290 AIKN12 124SB 201509 AIKN13 AIKN13 107 39520 AIKN13 1095 1626600 ALMA 11 ALMA 11 101 48799 ALMA 11 107 21291 ALMA 12 ALMA 12 101 1342 ALMA 12 107 135133 ALMA 13 ALMA 13 101 87698 ALMA 13 107 65864 ALMA 13 1095 311272 ALMA14 ALMA14 101 18620 ALMA14 107 61184 ALMA14 1095 952268 ALMA 15 ALMA 15 101 19408 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh ALMA16 ALMA16 101 2372 ALMA 16 107 25959 ALMA 17 ALMA 17 101 68183 ALMA 17 107 15682 ALMA 17 109S 184080 ALMA 18 ALMA 18 107 91645 ALMA 18 109S 33376 ALMA 18 115 3288 ALMA 18 142M 11811 AMDM11 AMDM11 101 11170 AMDM11 107 37230 ARTN11 ARTN 13 ARTN 13 101 30623 ARTN13 107 7383 ARTN13 124SB 16886 BCRT11 BCRT11 101 53616 BCRT11 \07 34920 BCRT11 109S 417158 BCRT12 107 15764 BCRT12 109S 27401 BKA T11 124 BKA T11 101 198332 BKA T11 107 21243 BKA T11 109S 113120 BKAT12 BKAT12 101 33315 BKAT12 109S 265920 BKAT13 BKAT13 101 382282 BKAT13 107 895 BKAT13 124SB 18205 BKAT14 116 BKAT14 101 1048912 BKAT14 107 11892 BKCK11 BKCK11 101 15216 BKCK12 101 67043 BKCK12 107 21989 BKFT11 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh BKFT11 101 13944 BKFT12 BKFT12 101 88113 BKFT12 107 241032 BKFT12 109S 6234842 BKFT13 BKFT13 101 153768 BKFT13 107 6252 BKFT13 109S 5853 BKFT14 BKFT14 107 15251 BKFT15 BKFT15 107 159887 BKFT15 109S 1078034 BKFT16 BKFT16 101 33823 BKFT16 109S 612760 BKFT16 124SB 70961 BKFT16 142M 25721 BKFT17 BKFT17 101 438878 BKFT17 107 16932 BKFT17 124SB BKHN41 BKHN41 101 18429 BKHN41 107 13452 BKHN42 109S 303640 BLDR32 BLDR32 101 892669 BLDR32 107 40276 BLDR32 109S 6442 BLDR41 BLDR41 101 212814 BLDR41 107 7923 BLDR41 109S 16800 BOBN41 BOBN41 101 225648 BOBN41 107 7472 BOBN41 109S 4016 BOBN42 163 BOBN42 101 133 1865572 BOBN42 107 86654 BOBN43 BOBN43 101 27742 BOBN43 107 47397 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh BOBN43 109S 357883 BOBN44 BOBN44 101 31191 BOBN44 107 13434 BOBN44 109S 135760 BOBN45 BOBN45 101 147847 BOBN45 107 59993 BOBN45 109S 211646 BOBN45 142M 1499 BOIS11 BOlS11 101 9057 BOIS12 BOIS12 101 24478 BOIS12 107 10294 BOIS14 107 12077 BOIS17 BOIS17 101 11966 BOIS17 107 6714 BOIS19 BOIS19 101 24807 BOIS19 107 2949 BOIS19 109S 320400 BOIS19 115 3151 BOIS20 BOIS20 107 12426 BOIS20 109S 50192 BOIS21 109S 176980 BOIS22 BOIS22 101 43274 BOIS22 107 8119 BOIS22 109S 1519160 BOIS23 BOIS23 107 10147 BOlS23 109S 1104013 BOMT41 BOMT41 101 811894 BOMT41 107 47528 BOMT41 124SB 62570 BOMT42 BOMT42 101 820809 BOMT 42 107 120441 BOMT 42 109P 2531226 BOMT 42 109S 1483691 BOMT42 124SB 110144 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh BOMT 42 007 36608 BRDR12 BTLR 11 BTLR 11 101 93122 BTLR 11 107 10753 BTLR 12 BTLR12 101 145382 BTLR12 107 15290 BTLR12 109S 320120 BTLR13 BTLR13 101 160926 BTLR13 107 29967 BTLR 13 109S 51530 BTLR14 BTLR14 101 179113 BTLR15 BTLR15 101 61338 BTLR15 107 63835 BTLR 15 109S 31323 BTLR16 BTLR16 101 67919 BUBG41 BUBG41 101 19510 BUBG41 124SB 418640 BUBG42 BUBG42 101 40789 BUBG42 124SB 69734 BUBG43 BUBG43 101 15247 BUBG43 107 1033 BUBG44 BUBG44 101 292258 BUBG44 109S 1373306 BUBG44 124SB 2755 BUGU41 BUGU41 101 1264 BUGU41 107 32540 BUGU41 109S 1221600 BUGU41 109SB 214480 BUGU41 115 3128 BUGU41 124S 147786 BUGU41 124SB 11672 BUGU41 184CS 155890 BUGU42 BUGU42 101 65329 5ervice Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected , it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate BUGU42 1245B BUHL 11 BUHL 11 BUHL 11 BUHL 11 BUHL 12 BUHL 12 101 BUHL 12 107 BUHL 12 1245B BUHL 13 BUHL 13 101 BUHL 13 107 BUHL 14 BUHL 14 101 BUHL 14 107 BUHL 14 1245B CACK41 CACK41 101 CACK41 1245B CACK42 107 CACK42 1245B CACK43 CACK43 101 CACK43 107 CACK43 1095 CACK43 1245B CAR011 CAR011 CAR011 CAR011 CAR011 CAR011 CAR012 CAR012 101 CAR012 107 CAR012 1095 CAR012 115 CAR013 CAR013 001 CAR013 007 CAR013 0095 CATR12 CATR12 1245 CATR12 1245B COAL 11 101 107 1245B 101 1245B 001 007 0245B New 5ervice kWh 35272526 20 247839 20221 142454 54017 2810 8513912 14 209107 26843 104473 7224 117670 40079 6377 9234 3401 40208 182 42052 134122 50078 20498 54455 11105 10847622 40 462947 19574 707103 2 4658. 15851 117078 192949 8760 9508074 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh COAL 11 101 760551 COAL 11 107 86776 COAL 11 109P 4544560 COAL 11 109S 975378 COAL 11 142M 2470 COAL 11 166 COAL 12 COAL 12 101 38264 COAL 12 107 36144 COAL 12 109S 393640 COAL 13 COAL 13 107 98283 COAL 13 109S 20200 COAL 14 107 107534 COAL 14 109S 1481040 COAL 14 166 COAL 15 COAL 15 101 52240 COAL 15 107 48371 COAL 16 COAL 16 101 497888 COAL 16 107 43738 COAL 16 109S 3123239 COAL 16 142M 4556 COAL 17 COAL 18 107 COAL 18 101 138 1800793 COAL 18 107 52153 COAL 18 109S 50440 COWL 11 COWL11 101 172452 COWL12 COWL12 107 23947 COWL 13 COWL 13 101 1181740 COWL 13 107 27239 COWL 13 109S 76665 COWL 13 124CB 448 COWL13 124SB 109444 COWL 14 COWL14 101 167131 COWL14 109S 4197 COWL 15 COWL 15 101 211226 COWL 15 107 23514 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected , it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate COWL 15 1095 COWL 16 COWL 16 101 COWL16 107 COWL 16 124SB COWL 17 COWL 17 101 COWL 17 107 COWL 17 1095 CHUT11 CHUT11 CHUT11 CHUT11 CHUT12 CHUT12 101 CHUT12 107 CHUT13 CHUT13 101 CHUT13 107 CHUT14 CHUT14 101 CHUT14 107 CHUT14 1095 CHUT15 CHUT15 101 CHUT15 107 CHUT15 1095 CHUT16 CHUT16 101 CHUT16 107 CHUT16 1095 CHUT17 CHUT17 101 CHUT18 CHUT18 101 CHUT18 107 CHUT18 1095 CMBG11 CMBG11 101 CMBG11 124SB CMBG12 CMBG12 101 CMBG12 001 CNCK11 CNCK11 101 101 107 109SB New Service kWh 25644155 32 651447 23620 16123811 24 434033 79523 16322865 89 1188404 32687 7937012 11863 6891263 159 1477836 1712660 141 146158211 158873 53690512 31 200343 11241 197630 52280 4453 1808034 159 100896144 111083 17115 160450 43888 201519 11 226195 5223310 19 564373 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh CNCK11 107 15651 CNCK11 124S8 110053 CNCK12 CNCK12 101 317564 CNCK12 107 89114 CNCK12 109S 121838 CNCL 11 CNCL 11 101 127864 CNCL 11 107 6009 CNCL 12 CNCL 12 101 57940 CNCL 12 107 40046 COVR 12 COVR 12 101 7152 COVR 12 124S8 380643 CSCD11 CSCD11 101 195599 CSCD11 107 12537 CSCD11 109S 119600 CSCD12 CSCD12 101 149368 CSCD12 107 20012 CSCD13 CSCD13 101 660418 CSCD13 107 78804 CSCD13 109S 43990 CSCD13 124S 27744 CWJY12 CWJY12 001 12922 CWJY12 024S8 13119 DALE41 DALE41 100 14824 DALE41 101 55338 DALE41 107 52859 DALE41 109S 268561 DALE41 124S8 157153 DALE42 DALE42 101 28324 DALE42 124S8 272123 DALE43 DALE43 101 38551 DALE43 107 2530 DALE44 DALE44 101 96767 DALE44 107 6767 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh DALE44 124S8 705397 DESN13 101 1670 DESN13 124S 24711 DESN13 124S8 25769 DIXI31 DIXI31 101 112269 DIXI31 107 2136 DIXI31 124S8 25582 DRKE11 DTRC11 DTRC11 101 86310 DTRC11 124S8 13762 DTRC12 109S 136650 DUFN41 DUFN41 101 4122 DUFN41 107 659 DUFN41 124S8 441048 DUFN42 DUFN42 124S8 297755 DUFN43 DUFN43 107 2783 DUFN43 109S 165200 DUFN44 DUFN44 124S8 382757 DWSY11 DWSY11 001 9631 EAGL 12 143 EAGL 12 101 579291 EAGL 12 107 212753 EAGL 12 109S 63616 EAGL 13 EAGL 13 101 647517 EAGL 13 109S 305684 EAGL 14 EAGL 14 101 1141939 EAGL 15 EAGL 15 101 487155 EAGL 16 EAGL 16 101 1743366 EAGL 16 124S 139011 EDEN41 EDEN41 101 45320 EDEN41 107 33417 EDEN41 109S8 32191 EDEN41 124S8 41664 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh EDEN42 EDEN42 101 377590 EDEN42 \07 6870 EDEN42 \24S8 158298 EDEN43 EDEN43 101 101408 EDEN43 107 1634 EDEN43 124S8 139358 EKHN11 EKHN11 101 543700 EKHN11 109S 2532400 EKHN12 EKHN12 101 263477 EKHN12 107 21760 EKHN12 109S 152240 ELMR41 252 ELMR41 101 132 1583216 ELMR41 107 63656 ELMR41 109S 298760 ELMR41 115 1365. ELMR42 ELMR42 101 103745 ELMR42 107 13932 ELMR42 115 510 EMET11 EMET11 101 124230 EMET11 107 32169 EMET11 109S 77315 EMET12 EMET12 101 77471 EMET12 107 80239 EMET12 109S 190667 EMET12 115 782 EMET13 EMET13 101 1091236 EMET13 107 157364 EMET13 124S8 13925 EMET14 100 EMET14 101 1240980 EMET14 107 527585 EMET14 109S 728647 ETGT12 159 ETGT12 101 114 1512531 ETGT12 107 141265 ETGT12 109S 3991 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh ETGT12 124S8 81504 ETGT13 ETGT13 101 28986 ETGT13 107 2108 ETGT14 ETGT14 101 99127 ETGT14 107 50798 ETGT15 199 ETGT15 101 132 1287101 ETGT15 107 18570 ETGT15 109S 16000 ETGT16 ETGT16 101 252889 ETGT16 107 59026 ETGT16 109S 28800 ETGT17 ETGT17 101 169144 ETGT17 107 15156 ETGT17 124S8 294412 FALS11 FALS11 101 88359 FALS11 107 29564 FALS12 FALS12 101 118 FALS12 107 5293 FALS13 FALS13 101 59821 FALS13 107 14772 FALS14 124S8 587 FALS15 FALS15 101 18575 FALS15 107 3776 FATP11 FATP11 101 26532 FATP11 109S 808960 FATP11 124S8 32086 FATP12 FILR11 FILR11 101 14207 FILR11 107 17531 FILR12 FILR12 101 373450 FILR12 109S 102160 FILR12 124S8 49004 FILR13 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh FILR13 101 460185 FILR13 107 14478 FILR13 124SB 65902 FSGL41 101 6674 FSGL41 107 823 FSGL41 107B 6780 FSGL41 124CB FSGL41 124SB 1761 FTHL 11 FTHL 11 101 37173 FTHL 11 124SB 1062 FTHL 12 FTHL 12 101 22695 FTHL 12 107 279 GARY11 GARY11 101 28256 GARY12 101 53270 GARY13 GARY13 101 116455 GARY13 107 190098 GARY13 109S 236960 GARY14 GARY14 101 352869 GARY14 107 44013 GARY14 109S 14455 GARY15 GARY15 101 132265 GARY16 GARY16 101 362025 GARY16 107 94693 GARY16 109S 166565 GEMM11 GEMM11 101 321882 GEMM11 107 1637 GEMM11 115 617. GEMM12 GEMM12 101 751085 GEMM12 109S 900285 GEMM12 124SB 176497 GEMM13 GEMM13 101 325656 GEMM13 107 30877 GEMM13 109S 20080 GEMM13 124SB 40281 GFRY12 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) 101 107 1078 109S 124S8 New Service kWhFeeder Rate GFRY12 101 GFRY13 GFRY13 101 GFRY13 107 GFRY13 109S GGRU11 GGRU11 101 GGRU11 107 GGRU11 109S GGRU12 GGRU12 101 GGRU12 107 GGRU12 124S GGRU12 124S8 GOWN41 GOWN41 101 GOWN41 109S GOWN42 GOWN42 109S GRVE11 GRVE11 101 GRVE12 GRVE12 101 GRVE12 107 GRVE12 109P GRVE12 119P GRVE15 GRVE15 101 GRVE15 109S GRVE16 GRVE16 101 GRVE18 GRVE18 101 GRVE18 107 GRVE18 109P GRVE18 109S GRVE22 GRVE22 107 GRVE22 109S HAL Y11 HAL Y11 HAL Y11 HAL Y11 HAL Y11 HAL Y11 32156 1515 12438 782240 21805 31523 40214 111421 4778 17075 42253 17258 187806 1519160 20653 221672 19223 3711477 28047226 7051 38441 237615 13180 1662 3599743 1229840 83880 603482 136035 28200 3404 33810 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh HALY12 HAL Y12 101 725398 HAL Y12 \07 325405 HAL Y12 109S 236064 HAL Y14 HAL Y14 101 396564 HAL Y14 107 71488 HAL Y14 109S 32894 HAL Y14 124SB 3370 HAL Y15 HAL Y15 101 418404 HAL Y15 107 1732 HAVN42 HBND32 HBND32 101 440851 HBND32 107 37469 HBND32 124SB 2018 HBND33 HBND33 101 21622 HBND41 HBND41 101 720349 HBND41 107 116888 HBND41 109S 622581 HBND41 115 4692 HBND42 HBND42 101 353261 HBND42 107 16531 HBND42 115 419. HDLK11 HDLK11 101 42549 HDSP11 106 HDSP11 101 1293400 HDSP11 107 HDSP12 107 70140 HFWY11 HFWY11 001 55943 HFWY12 HFWY12 001 105929 HFWY12 007 5494 HFWY12 015 782 HGSN11 HGSN11 101 60991 HGSN11 124SB 48778 HGSN12 HGSN12 101 58258 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh HGSN12 124S8 596371 HGSN13 HGSN13 101 45186 HGSN13 107 32194 HGSN13 124S8 87415 HGSN13 140 690. HGTN11 HGTN11 007 12982 HGTN12 HGTN12 001 71763 HILL 11 HILL 11 107 6395 HILL 12 196 HILL 12 101 122 1140228 HILL 12 107 111202 HILL 13 HILL 13 101 417520 HILL 13 107 1760 HILL 14 198 HILL 14 101 819181 HILL 14 107 65757 HILL 14 109S 1234555 HILL 15 HILL 15 101 218916 HILL 15 107 12557 HILL 15 109S . 4373840 HLND11 HLND11 101 670985 HLND12 HLND12 101 20362 HLND12 107 40696 HLND13 HLND13 101 23489 HLND13 107 62234 HLND13 109S 80705 HMDL 11 HMDL 11 101 229736 HMDL 11 107 11786 HMDL 11 109S 15323 HMDL 11 124S8 121680 HMDL 12 HMDL 12 101 682077 HMDL 12 124S 27914 HMDL 12 124S8 169898 HMDL 12 001 16340 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected , it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh HMDl 13 HMDl 13 101 115847 HMDl 13 107 121566 HMDl 13 109S 4510 HMDl 13 124S8 30868 HMDl 14 HMDl 14 101 225198 HMDl 14 124S 3997 HMDl 14 124S8 73793 HOl Y11 HOl Y11 001 135242 HOl Y11 007 40977 HOl Y13 HOl Y13 001 30255 HOl Y13 007 5648 HOPE11 HOPE11 001 114875 HOPE11 024S8 8300 HRPR11 HRPR11 001 10864 HRPR12 HRPR12 007 20265 HRPR12 024S8 110510 HSTN 11 HSTN 11 101 538515 HSTN11 124S8 6123 HSTN12 101 36448 HSTN12 107 10267 HSTN13 HSTN13 101 65574 HSTN13 124S8 12551 HTHl 11 101 1642 HUlN13 HUlN13 101 155056 HUlN13 107 4129 HUlN13 109S 19755 HYDA41 HYDA41 101 81037 HYDA41 107 28740 HYDA41 109S8 58069 HYDA41 124C8 3220 HYDA41 124S8 494191 HYDA42 HYDA42 101 607861 HYDA42 107 43018 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected , it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh HYDA42 124CB 7168 HYDA42 124SB 193494 HYDA43 HYDA43 101 286308 HYDA43 107 72200 HYDA43 109S 388257 HYDA43 109SB 53689 ILND11 109S 85640 ILND12 101 876 ILND13 ILND13 124SB 852 JKSN41 101 8518 JMSN11 JMSN11 001 210987 JMSN11 007 2030 JMSN11 024SB 114278 JMSN12 JMSN12 001 400 JMSN12 007 1742 JMSN12 024SB 17586 JNCN41 JNCN41 101 5930 JNCN41 124SB 124260 JNCN42 JNCN43 JNCN43 124SB 120838 JNTA11 JNTA11 001 38117 JNVY11 JNVY12 JNVY31 JNVY31 001 122997 JNVY31 024SB 2242 JPLN11 JPLN11 101 12655 JPLN11 107 14303 JPLN11 124S 9933 JPLN12 JPLN12 101 18541 JPLN12 107 5314 JPLN13 JPLN13 101 82018 JPLN13 107 34253 JROM11 JROM11 101 15893 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected , it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate JROM11 107 JROM11 124SB JROM12 JROM12 101 JROM13 JROM13 101 JROM13 107 JROM13 109S JROM13 124CB JROM14 JROM14 101 JROM14 107 JROM15 JROM15 107 JROM15 109SB KCHM11 KCHM11 101 KCHM11 107 KCHM12 KCHM12 101 KCHM12 107 KCHM12 109S KCHM13 KCHM13 101 KCHM13 107 KCHM14 KCHM14 101 KCHM14 107 KCHM16 KCHM16 101 KCHM16 107 KCHM16 109S KCHM17 KCHM17 101 KCHM17 109SB KNYN11 1245B KNYN12 KNYN 13 KNYN13 107 KRMR41 KRMR41 101 KRMR41 1245 KRMR41 124SB KRMR42 KRMR42 101 New Service kWh 8188 32381 249345 22948 21262 68515 8817 141119 67852 39464 28315 395987 31651 121093 31044 603979 175801 38118 161605 19144 685255 70332 36901 219360 10232 239449 968 2792 63324 52695 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected , it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder () and Rate CD () between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh KRMR42 107 31486 KRMR42 109S 229560 KRMR42 124S KRMR42 124S8 1942 KRMR43 KRMR44 KUNA11 132 KUNA11 101 1340555 KUNA11 107 135340 KUNA11 109S 128320 KUNA11 115 18906 KUNA11 124S8 23379 KUNA12 151 KUNA12 101 887212 KUNA12 107 29437 KUNA12 109S 183680 KUNA13 KUNA13 101 499284 KUNA 13 107 10744 KUNA13 109S 43803 KUNA13 124S8 46231 LAKE11 LAKE11 124S8 153521 LAKE12 LAKE12 124S8 13910 LCNS11 LCNS11 101 202093 LCNS11 107 22192 LCNS11 124S LCNS11 124S8 459936 LCST41 120 LCST 41 101 1139097 LCST 41 107 65212 LCST 41 109S 35582 LCST 42 213 LCST 42 101 176 2997554 LCST 42 107 335342 LCST 42 109S 1051395 LCST42 124S8 21442 LCST 43 230 LCST 43 101 149 1628319 LCST 43 107 163211 LCST 43 109S 3073651 LCST 44 817 LCST 44 101 767 9946335 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected , it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh LCST44 107 158537 LCST 44 109S 137160 LCST 44 140 2392 LIME12 007 4434 LKFK41 120 LKFK41 101 1071961 LKFK41 107 64991 LKFK41 109S 1253160 LKFK42 LKFK42 101 380843 LKFK42 107 77958 LKFK42 109S 119889 LMHI41 LMHI41 101 9080 LMHI42 LMHI42 101 128626 LMHI42 107 2115 LMHI42 124S8 13179 LNDN11 LNDN11 101 13850 LNDN11 107 107213 LNDN11 109S 190146 LNDN12 LNDN12 101 14086 LNDN12 107 8760 LNDN13 LNDN13 101 143475 LNDN13 107 6328 LNDN14 147 LNDN14 101 1032384 LNDN14 107 184133 LNDN14 109S 144023 LNDN14 115 699. LNDN15 200 LNDN15 101 923574 LNDN15 107 27969 LNDN18 208 LNDN18 101 145 1602870 LNDN18 107 77929 LNDN18 109S 370105 LNDN18 124S8 17571 LNSG11 LNSG11 101 519850 LNSG11 107 9124 LNSG12 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected , it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh lNSG12 101 181292 lNSG12 109S 103407 lNSG13 lNSG13 101 843950 lNSG13 107 72670 lNSG 13 109S 46108 lNSG14 lNSG14 101 1101466 lNSG14 107 29995 lNSG14 124SB 61316 MCAl 11 MCAl 11 101 372933 MCAl 11 107 3409 MCAl 11 109S 45590 MCAl 11 115 225. MCAl 12 MCAl 12 101 78091 MCAl 12 \07 43504 MCAl 12 109S 59550 MCAl 12 115 1007. MCAl41 121 MCAl41 101 137 1762791 MCAl41 \07 67671 MCAl41 109S 175346 MCAl41 115 1564 MCAl42 MCAl42 \01 411090 MCAl42 109S 69704 MCAl42 115 442 MDRS11 150 MDRS11 101 906215 MDRS11 \07 98941 MDRS12 226 MDRS12 101 241 2765452 MDRS12 107 17106 MDRS12 \09S 875263 MDRS13 145 MDRS13 101 677 402 MDRS13 107 5113 MDVA11 MDVA11 101 118503 MlBA11 MlBA 11 101 23252 MlBA 11 107 97120 MlBA11 109P 2531226 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected , it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder () and Rate CD () between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate MLBA 11 109S MLBA12 MLBA 12 101 MLBA 12 107 MLBA 12 107B MLBA 12 109S MLBA12 115 MLBA 12 124SB MLNR41 101 MLNR41 107 MLNR41 124SB MLNR42 MLNR42 101 MLNR42 107 MLNR42 109S MLNR42 124S MLNR42 124SB MLNR43 MLNR43 124SB MNHM11 MNHM11 107 MNHM12 MNHM12 101 MNHM12 107 MNHM12 109S MNHM13 MNHM13 101 MNHM13 107 MOON41 MOON41 101 MOON41 107 MOON41 109S MOON41 124SB MOON42 MOON42 101 MOON42 107 MOON42 109S MOON42 124CB MOON42 124SB MORA41 MORA41 101 MORA41 107 MORA41 109S MORA41 115 MORA41 124SB New Service kWh 93427910 16 592898 215476 1168760 7620 25778 2977 651000 67667 808 178068 348461 7853919 860150 100 1140470 19313 10952329 124592 2491430 21 155797 14238 428230 1069627 21 320372 20409 312968 586 29737290 238 3272749 81113 110261 2 1369. 89507 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh MORA42 MORA42 101 148687 MORA42 107 30312 MORA42 109S 1000560 MORA42 124S8 1214240 MORA43 MORA43 101 143631 MORA43 107 11907 MORA43 109S 20080 MORA44 387 MORA44 101 239 2570854 MORA44 107 48293 MORA44 109S 106449 MORA44 166 MORA45 202 MORA45 101 134 1652067 MORA45 107 27286 MORA45 109S 124388 MPRK11 MPRK11 101 45080 MPRK11 107 3973 MPRK11 109S 562882 MPRK11 124S8 2323 MR8T41 024S8 58520 MRDN11 MRDN11 101 456433 MRDN11 107 211909 MRDN11 109S 717016 MRDN12 224 MRDN12 101 287121 MRDN12 107 11780 MRDN12 109S 321918 MRDN13 MRDN13 101 79213 MRDN13 107 33468 MRDN13 109P 1651931 MRDN13 109S 1001463 MRDN13 119P 10644979 MRDN14 MRDN14 107 107769 MRDN14 109S 429160 MRDN15 MRDN15 101 700162 MRDN15 124C8 1095 MRDN16 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate MRDN16 101 MRDN16 107 MRDN16 109S MRLD11 MRLD11 101 MRLD11 124SB MRLD41 MRLD41 101 NHBT11 NHBT11 101 NHBT11 124SB NHBT12 NHBT12 124SB NMPA11 NMPA11 101 NMPA14 NMPA14 101 NMPA14 107 NMPA14 109S NMPA14 142M NMPA15 NMPA15 101 NMPA15 107 NMPA15 109S NMPA16 101 NMPA16 107 NMPA17 107 NMPA17 109S NMPA19 NMPA19 101 NMPA19 107 NMPA19 109S NMPA20 NMPA20 101 NMPA20 107 NMPA20 109S NMPA20 115 NMPA20 124SB NMPA21 NMPA21 107 NMPA21 109S NMPA22 NMPA22 101 NMPA22 107 NWMS41 New Service kWh64 812279 161191 321321 44188 48592 115819 25607 116688 466911 9601116 33 284492 84528 1121268 3700 20484 138123 117361 1984 14594 12760 35469149 176 1916347 118998 220508024 39 77069711 117530 2811384 56544 16481 32003 8744626 50 487191 560233 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh NWMS41 101 625167 NWMS41 107 140668 NWMS41 109S 82800 NWMS42 NWMS42 100 18221 NWMS42 101 225656 NWMS42 107 63621 NWPM11 NWPM11 101 385197 NWPM11 107 12075 NWPM11 109S 582040 NWPM11 124SB 109645 NWPM12 NWPM12 101 414164 NWPM12 107 13360 NWPM12 124SB 6186 NWPM13 101 34687 NWPM13 107 49210 NWPM13 109S 195173 NYSA 11 NYSA 11 001 32891 NYSA 11 007 113332 NY SA 11 009S 639680 NYSA 12 NYSA 12 101 172744 NYSA12 107 2421 NYSA12 109S 3101222 NYSA12 124SB 464 NYSA 13 NYSA 13 001 377 487 NYSA 13 007 19222 NYSA 13 024CB 23228 NY SA 13 024SB 422366 NYSA14 NYSA14 007 34124 OCHD41 OCHD41 101 41672 OCHD41 107 12915 0lDA11 0lDA11 007 51362 0lDA11 009S 3548164 0lDA11 009SB 467 OKL Y11 OKL Y11 101 11709 OKL Y11 107 6666 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh OKL Y12 OKL Y12 101 199 OKL Y13 OKL Y13 101 10878 OKL Y13 107 7761 OLAA11 OLAA11 101 21265 OLAA11 124CB 3061 OLAA 11 124SB 14095 ONT014 ONT014 101 14692 ONT014 107 1139 ONT015 ONT015 101 49373 ONT018 ONT018 001 2713 ONT019 ONT019 001 413262 ONT019 007 1032 ONT019 0095 49367 ONT020 001 61094 ONT020 007 77726 ONT020 0095 326149 ONT023 ONT023 101 104180 ONT023 107 6979 ONT023 001 8677 ONT024 ONT024 107 30087 ONT024 001 392565 ONT024 007 4971 ONT024 009SB 163080 ONT024 015 4498. ONT024 024SB 19257 ONT025 OYDM 11 OYDM11 007 24932 PAET11 PAET11 101 131201 PAET11 107 120598 PAET11 1095 5461 PAET12 PAET12 101 455576 PAET12 107 12984 PAET12 1095 2211013 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder () and Rate CD () between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh PAET12 115 2306 PAET12 124CB 5767 PAET12 124SB 15936 PAET13 PAET13 101 441821 PAET13 107 79896 PAET13 109S 461783 PAET13 124S8 54808 PAUL41 PAUL41 107 17048 PAUL41 124SB 313410 PAUL42 101 35182 PAUL42 107 4682 PAUL44 101 78614 PNCK11 PNCK11 001 7479 PNCK12 PNGE41 PNGE41 101 58325 PNGE41 124CB 9463 PNGE42 PNGE42 101 130826 PNGE42 107 8797 PNGE42 1078 4129 PNGE42 124S8 195749 PNGE43 PNGE43 101 58495 PNGE43 107 18380 PNGE43 124SB 55471 PNUF41 PNUF41 101 138118 PNUF42 PNUF42 101 247370 PNUF42 107 12044 PNUF42 124SB 51681 POC011 POC011 101 12768 POC011 107 22276 POC012 101 21007 POC013 POC013 101 178842 POC013 107 8303 POC014 POC014 101 8759 POC014 107 68430 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh POC014 109S 9080 POC015 POC015 101 31845 POC015 107 15548 POC016 POC016 107 60315 PRIN11 PRIN12 PRIN12 107 31124 PRMA11 PRMA 11 101 133587 PRMA 11 107 6832 PRMA11 109S 4221520 PRMA12 PRMA12 101 230010 PRMA12 107 2957 PRMA12 109S 489456 PRMA12 124SB 69040 PRMA41 PRMA41 101 594001 PRMA41 107 122306 PRMA41 109S 219963 PRMA41 124SB 234551 PRMA42 PRMA42 101 215543 PRMA42 107 22695 PRMA42 124SB 29569 PRMA42 001 108510 PTVY 41 PTVY 41 109S 261000 PTVY 42 PTVY 42 107 50329 PTVY 42 109S 188253 PTVY 43 RKFD11 101 4459 RKFD12 101 13133 RKFD12 109S 699922 RKFD13 RKFD14 RKFD14 101 30165 RKVL 11 001 49833 RSET11 RSET11 101 35654 RSET11 107 742 RSET11 107B 4031 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh RSFK12 RSFK12 101 56727 SAMN12 SAMN12 101 197281 SAMN12 107 93200 SAMN12 124SB 5985 SAMN13 SAMN13 101 19362 SAMN13 107 93673 SAMN13 109S 568929 SAMN14 SAMN14 101 247383 SAMN14 107 117274 SAMN14 109S 1225453 SAMN41 SAMN41 101 223287 SAMN41 107 209452 SAMN41 115 340 SAMN41 124CB 107 SAMN42 SAMN42 101 406918 SAMN42 107 197589 SAMN42 109S 224578 SAMN42 124SB 5867 SCOT11 101 12469 SCSU42 SCSU42 101 21523 SHSH11 SHSH11 101 98654 SHSH12 SHSH12 101 592971 SHSH12 107 62960 SHSH12 124SB 73419 SIPN41 257 SIPN41 101 115 718080 SIPN41 107 64771 SIPN41 109S 1007437 SIPN42 SIPN42 101 393674 SIPN42 107 65665 SIPN42 109S 753600 SIPN42 124SB 70253 SIPN43 SIPN43 101 359630 SIPN43 107 110 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh SLVR41 SLVR41 101 350533 SL VR41 107 71474 SL VR41 124S8 69698 SL VR42 SL VR42 101 33340 SL VR42 124S8 5900 SMFY11 101 426 SMFY12 101 26550 SOPK11 SOPK11 101 86398 SOPK11 109S 420148 SOPK12 SOPK12 101 201147 SOPK12 107 3299 SOPK12 124S8 99865 SRCK42 SRCK42 101 209461 SRCK42 107 2320 SRCK42 115 563. SRCK42 124S8 89079 STAR11 STAR11 101 550582 STAR11 124S8 24825 STAR12 349 STAR 12 101 110 1236653 STAR 12 107 117623 STAR 12 109S 23981 STAR13 STAR13 101 220011 STAR13 107 46961 STAT11 STAT11 101 697117 STAT11 107 16041 STAT 12 STAT12 101 161489 STAT12 107 10942 STAT13 STAT13 101 44962 STAT13 107 579 STAT14 101 20468 STAT14 107 120206 STAT14 109S 168475 STAT15 STAT15 101 122452 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh STAT15 107 93754 STAT15 109S 71632 STAT16 STAT16 101 25011 STAT17 STAT17 101 343875 STAT17 107 875 STRD11 371 STRD11 101 310 2084728 STRD11 107 97863 STRD11 109S 1587434 STRD12 STRD12 101 110 1891890 STRD12 107 13096 STRD12 124CB 5989 TERY12 TERY12 101 103766 TERY12 107 59595 TERY14 TERY14 101 109174 TERY14 107 231 TERY15 TERY15 101 156439 TERY15 107 63671 TERY15 109S 635160 TERY16 TERY16 101 47001 TERY16 109P 655320 TERY16 109S 96084 TFSN12 TFSN12 101 301427 TFSN12 107 57174 TFSN13 138 TFSN13 101 429961 TFSN13 107 17373 TFSN13 109S 32538 TFSN14 TFSN14 101 231339 TFSN14 107 42551 TFSN15 TFSN15 101 21460 TFSN15 107 28073 TFSN16 TFSN16 101 15767 TFSN17 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected , it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh TFSN17 101 181091 TFSN18 TFSN18 101 25676 TFSN18 107 195043 TFSN18 1078 19198 TFSN18 109S 112611 TFSN19 101 TFSN19 101 158 836603 TFSN19 107 155434 TFSN19 109S 78772 TFSN20 TFSN20 101 70407 TFSN20 107 190337 TFSN20 109S 417853 THCK11 101 33255 TMRK11 TMRK11 101 34480 TNDY11 TNDY11 101 164969 TNML 11 188 TNML 11 101 289 3329071 TNML 11 109S 67088 TNML 12 TNML 12 101 1024904 TNML 12 107 2483 TNML 12 109S 50660 TNML 13 286 TNML 13 101 123 1687457 TNML 13 107 29002 TNML 13 109S 217240 TNML 14 111 TNML 14 101 1060074 TNML 14 107 5628 TOPN41 TOPN41 101 239838 TOPN41 107 53696 TOPN41 124S8 238837 TOPN42 TOPN42 101 50218 TOPN42 107 12936 TOPN42 109S 152742 TOPN42 124S8 93404 TYHE11 TYHE11 101 82860 TYHE12 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh TYHE12 101 95224 TYHE12 107 6788 UNTY11 007 757 UNTY12 UNTY12 001 134633 UNTY12 007 7385 UNTY12 0078 210 UNTY12 015 1552. UNTY12 024S8 1973 USTK11 USTK11 101 301992 USTK11 107 8791 USTK11 109S 2772 USTK12 USTK12 101 248322 USTK12 107 33793 USTK13 USTK13 107 937 USTK14 107 2483 USTK15 USTK15 101 250462 USTK15 107 61211 USTK16 USTK16 101 32359 USTK16 107 15073 USTK17 USTK17 101 43223 USTK17 107 18547 USTK17 109S 32456 USTK18 USTK18 101 388 USTK18 107 76445 USTK18 109P 3197763 USTK18 109S 268589 VALE11 VALE11 001 95141 VALE11 007 VALE11 009S 671100 VALE11 015 3041. VALE11 084C 16440 VALE11 084CS 103309 VALE13 VALE13 001 106910 VALE13 007 1187 VALE13 024S8 62021 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate New Service kWh VALE14 VALE14 001 107970 VALE14 009S 513068 VALE14 024S8 8884 VALE15 VALE15 001 37838 VALE15 007 10217 VALE15 024S8 63014 VLVU11 VLVU11 101 241825 VLVU11 107 12010 VLVU11 109S 730164 VLVU12 111 VLVU12 101 114 1109946 VLVU12 109S 133580 VLVU13 VLVU13 101 411145 VLVU13 107 65332 VLVU13 109S 75300 VfRY11 VfRY11 101 66463 VfRY11 107 44291 VfRY11 109S 77840 VfRY12 VfRY12 101 146 1727935 VfRY12 107 113442 VfRY12 109S 60231 VfRY13 VfRY13 101 77362 VfRY13 107 5733 VfRY14 VfRY14 101 1852 VfRY14 109S 153 VfRY15 VfRY15 101 19186 VfRY15 107 33671 WARE11 WARE11 101 159899 WARE11 109S 111832 WARE11 124S8 10086 WBUT11 WBUT11 124S8 322053 WESR11 WESR11 101 190306 WESR 11 107 8960 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate WESR11 115 WESR11 124S8 WESR 12 WESR12 101 WESR 12 124S8 WESR13 WESR13 001 WESR14 WESR14 101 WESR14 124S8 WNDL 11 109S WNDL 12 WNDL 12 101 WNDL 12 107 WNDL 12 124S8 WNDL 13 WNDL 13 101 WNDL 13 107 WNDL 13 124S8 WWCK11 101 WWCK11 115 WWCK11 124S8 WWCK12 WWCK12 101 WWCK12 107 WWCK12 109S WWCK12 115 WWCK12 124S8 WYEE11 WYEE11 101 WYEE13 WYEE13 107 WYEE14 WYEE14 101 WYEE14 107 WYEE15 107 WYEE15 109S WYEE16 WYEE16 107 WYEE17 107 WYEE17 109S WYEE17 115 WYEE18 WYEE18 101 WYEE18 107 New Service kWh 782 59337 127454 7899 116467 68142 4444 122580 172566 10855 5221 88067 5137 24203 139096 402. 26016 256524 37616 325160 1524 16594 48814 93714 8370 6058 44399 133372 31622 33047 491686 1396. 51214 9935 Service Points counts are counts of the premises within the Feeder/Rates. If a premises changed Rate Codes within the time period selected, it is counted within each Feeder/Rate Feeder ( ) and Rate CD ( ) between (1/01/2004 and 11/30/2005) Feeder Rate WYEE18 1095 WYEE 19 WYEE19 107 ZLOG15 ZLOG15 101 ZLOG15 107 ZLOG15 1095 ZLOG15 115 ZLOG16 ZLOG16 101 ZLOG16 107 ZLOG16 1095 ZLOG17 ZLOG17 101 ZLOG17 1095 ZLOG18 ZLOG18 101 ZLOG18 1095 New Service kWh 1922886 6797949 22 36567117 185060 46080 1 452.33 67 768157 29202 44862313 49789 220708 14803 908560 TOTALS 32977 237652679 c:~:; i~ Ii IDAHO POWER COMPANY . t.e , ,-- CASE NO. IPC-O5-28 UTILi: i'~::; l: hlSS10N FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. TT A CHMENT TO RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 1st Production Request of Irrigation Pumpers Response to Request No. Agricultural Service Schedules Normalized kWh Idaho Jurisdiction System kWh kWh Total kWh Year Month Rate 24 Rate 25 ricultural 2003 Jan 935,984 219 980 858 Feb 863 810 256 895 637 Mar 247 105 895 351 166 Apr 682,708 395 641 359 229 May 109 170,402 182 312 120 144 136 Jun 242 809 305 846 794 263,354 774 Jul 393 361 074 652 898 422 152 632 Aug 362 537,499 18,668 307 392 208 373 Sep 277 813 952 990 916 299 725 365 Oct 126 267 276 009 744 134 367 821 Nov 420 865 838 713 275 854 Dec 330 525 353 157 753 900 2004 Jan 805 097 102 848 356 Feb 769 567 278 800 261 Mar 015 202 780 179 820 Apr 122 883 261 332 590 303 May 127 905,499 5,476,464 138 626 263 Jun 257 725 264 065 373 277 367 803 Jul 381 788 604 980 599 406 876,408 Aug 351 080 774 908,421 376 810 778 Sep 270,493 991 688 164 289 790 656 Oct 139 389 184 228 603 148,403 935 Nov 627 033 796 394 088 646 Dec 637 453 521 1,701 586 2005 Jan 805 097 102 848 356 Feb 769 567 278 800 261 Mar 014 302 780 178 920 Apr 625 451 153 313 984 852 May 124 988,433 2,488,464 132 721 197 Jun 255 279 892 568,541 270,425 599 Jul 376,732 565 128 886 394 968 656 Aug 346,831 961 5,497 132 365 150 676 Sep 267 265,577 354 587 280 228 665 Oct 137 995 026 351,409 145 210 267 Nov 160 126 420 384 289,262 Dec 634 723 521 698 856 : . ~ i \/ E D IDAHO POWER COMPANY ? I ;; 3: If CASE NO. IPC-O5- iIT!i!';;;c n"" c..i;;:JL,Uril;/SSIOFi ;;/ FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. ATTACHMENT TO RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. st Production Request of Irrigation Pumpers Response to Request No. Agricultural Service Schedules Normalized MWh Idaho Jurisdiction - MWh Year Month Rate 24 Rate 25 Total 2003 Jan 893 899 Feb 993 999 Mar 590 208 798 Apr 631 264 895 May 200 318 681 209,999 Jun 346 306 804 364 110 Jul 390,808 575 408 383 Aug 311 614 531 327 145 Sep 172 271 957 181 228 Oct 53,675 2,454 129 Nov 759 440 199 Dee 623 100 723 Total 543,481 026 619 507 2004 Jan 779 783 Feb 793 799 Mar 634 727 Apr 820 875 78,695 May 219 032 012 227 044 Jun 332,689 583 344 272 Jul 381 917 665 395,582 Aug 311 264 11,461 322 725 Sep 177 363 754 183,117 Oct 60,455 799 254 Nov 586 182 768 Dee 033 039 Total 568 365 56,440 624 805 2005 Jan 779 783 Feb 792 798 Mar 277 332 Apr 938 170 108 May 205 872 809 209 681 Jun 354,455 838 360,293 Jul 378 257 018 384 275 Aug 306,883 930 311 813 Sep 185,443 234 188,677 Oct 46,853 825 678 Nov 520 104 624 Dee 034 039 Total 548,103 998 574 101 . c ,10' L: D IDAHO PO WE RC 0 MP ANY ;:? ?~; 3: LB CASE IPC QI' ' . .::'- - Lj::c.~,t,--'iil-;;) I ~:~- FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. TT A CHMENT TO RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. lalOho Power Company Date of Report (Mo, Da. Yr) 04/30/2001 Year of Report Dec. 31 2000 . .-oo- ", ""...."oo""". . II the re!pondent has two or more power systems which are not physically integrated, furnish the required information for each non-integrated system. 2, Rt-port In column (b) the system s energy output for each month such that the total on Line 41 matches the total on Line 20. 3, Report in column (c) a monthly breakdown of the Non-Requirements Sales For Resale reported on Line 24. include in the monthly amounts any flnergy losses associated with the sales so that the total on Line 41 exceeds the amount on Line 24 by the amount of losses incurred (or estimated) in milking the Non-Requirements Sales for Resale. . Report In column (d) the systems monthly maximum megawatt Load (60-minute integration) associated with the net energy for the system defined as the difference between columns (b) and (c) !J. Report in columns (e) and (f) the specified information for each monthly peak load reported in column (d). NAME OF SYSTEM: line Monthly Non-Requirments MONTHL Y PEAKSales for Resale &No.Month 10tal Monthly Energy Associated Losses Megawatts (See Instr. 4)Day of Month Hour (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) January 800 500 460.817 266 9AM February 577 .869 428.490 132 8AM March 822.332 643 365 978 8AM April 919.411 791 457 000 4 PM May 686.089 338.~90 253 10 PM June 818.574 220,719 799 8PM July 970,723 259.142 919 5PM August 849 104 284 .891 746 5PM September 687,441 472.823 418 7 PM 38 October 361 903 287 617 898 8AM 39 November 394 033 131 368 179 8AM 40 December 500,753 158,150 091 8PM TOTAl 20,388,732 477 ,429 ~f~~~~!,\:j1~,~;fr;if ~j: : ~: :J_t\~'\f;i ~:f;;rB)Jj~~iF~' ~ ," ,., ',: /, ;!~%tjt~~i~;;fi FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-90)Page 401b Name of Respondent This ~~ Is:Date of Report Year of Report Idaho Power Company (1) X An Original (Mo. Da, Yr)Dec. 31 2001(2) A Resubmission 04130/2002 MONTHLY PEAKS AND OUTPUT If the respondent has two or more power systems which are not physically integrated, furnish the required information for each non- integrated system. Report in column (b) the system s energy output for each month such that the total on Line 41 matches the total on Line 20. rt in column (c) a monthly breakdown of the Non-Requirements Sales For Resale reported on Line 24. include in the monthly amounts any ene, ... , asses associated with the sales so that the total on Line 41 exceeds the amount on Line 24 by the amount of losses incurred (or estimated) in making the Non-Requirements Sales for Resale. Report in column (d) the system s monthly maximum megawatt Load (60-minute integration) associated with the net energy for the system defined as the difference between columns (b) and (c) Report in columns (e) and (f) the specified information for each monthly peak load reported in column (d). NAME OF SYSTEM:Idaho Power System Load Line Monthly Non-Requirments MONTHLY PEAK Sales for Resale & No.Month Total Monthly Energy Associated Losses Megawatts (See Instr. 4)Day of Month Hour (8)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) January 601 850 245.496 299 8AM February 180,648 730 345 8AM March 340 827 229,445 084 8AM April 191 295 174 545 868 8AM May 395,732 170,135 305 7 PM June 477,599 167,014 496 6PM July 661,114 260.976 570 7 PM August 648.932 224 177 543 7 PM September 341 171 233.758 102 5 PM October 208,896 165.430 774 8AM November 282.616 225.981 059 7 PM 4'" "'Iecember 431 282 194 278 030 8AM ...... TOTAL 16,761 962 296.965 \. ~):;:.::;;:;; :';~~:i:::~:;:'f\;i.~f?;:lA~~;?;;::';i::\:\';:! ~~~:;\;; ;;~"~~l'\~;::fA~'~;~~~, FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-90)Page 401b Name ot Respondent This I'~ort Is:Date 01 Report Year 01 Report Idaho Power Company (1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)Dec. 31,2002 (2) n A Resubmission 04/30/2003 rll10NTHLY PEAKS AND OU1PUl II the respondent has two or more power systems which are not physically integrated, lurnish the required inlormation lor each non. integrated system. Report in column (b) the system s energy output lor each month such that the total on line 41 matches the total on Line 20. Report in column (c) a monthly breakdown 01 the Non-Requirements Sales For Resale reported on line 24.include in the monthly amounts any energy losses associated with the sales so that the total on Line 41 exceeds the amount on line 24 by the amount 01 losses incurred (or estimated) in making the Non.Requirements Sales lor Resale. Report in column (d) the system s monthly maximum megawatt Load (60--minute integration) associated with the net energy for the system defined as the difference between columns (b) and (c) Report in columns (e) and (I) the specilied inlormation tor each monthly peak load reported in column (d). NAME OF SYSTEM: line Monthly Non-Requirments MONTHLY PEAK Sales lor Resale & No.Month 10ta1 Monthly Energy Associated Losses Megawatts (See Instr. 4)Day 01 Month Hour (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) January 614 296 418,746 131 8AM February 165,978 112,210 074 8AM March 310,521 260,652 917 8AM April 161 689 207 684 719 BAM May 314 295 136,529 365 5 PM June 454 941 63,697 822 4 PM July 687,221 86,813 963 4 PM August 504 329 110,695 529 6PM September 291,805 165,481 310 6PM October 218,042 164,615 934 8AM 39 November 125,493 62,902 912 8 AM 40 December 343,781 172,198 942 7 PM TOTAL 16,192,391 962,222 ~n~~~~~~~~~/: ;:~t;:'E;, ;'$. iif411t~;3~ff&jtf,i\j ~::' :;,":' :A/!Y';;t~~~;BUt Name of Respondent Idaho Power Company Year of Report Dec. 31 2003 This ~ort Is: Date of Report(1) ~An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) A Resubmission 04/30/2004 MONTHLY PEAKS AND OUTPUT 1. If the respondent has two or more power systems which are not physically integrated, furnish the required information for each non-integrated system. 2. Report in column (b) the system s energy output for each month such that the total on Line 41 matches the total on Line 20. 3. Report in column (c) a monthly breakdown of the Non-Requirements Sales For Resale reported on Line 24. include in the monthly amounts any energy losses associated with the sales so that the total on Line 41 exceeds the amount on Line 24 by the amount of losses incurred (or estimated) in making the Non-Requirements Sales for Resale. 4. Report in column (d) the system s monthly maximum megawatt Load (60-minute integration) associated with the net energy for the system defined as the difference between columns (b) and (c) 5. Report in columns (e) and (I) the specified information for each monthly peak load reported in column (d). NAME OF SYSTEM:Idaho Power Company - System Load Line Monthly Non-Requirments MONTHLY PEAKSales for Resale & No.Month Total Monthly Energy Associated Losses Megawatts (See Instr. 4)Day of Month Hour (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) 29 January 253,784 102 502 955 8AM 30 February 166,443 141,193 974 8AM 31 March 162 851 141,761 779 8AM 32 April 222,508 241 139 715 8AM 33 May 389,124 206,929 537 5PM 34 June 577,165 97,770 2;759 6PM 35 July 756,153 252 944 5PM 36 August 591,104 124 028 674 5PM 37 September 367 581 190,047 397 7PM 38 October 220,359 157,928 800 6PM 39 November 182,618 73,801 949 9AM 40 December 365,562 178,316 961 8AM TOTAL 16,255,252 726,666 Name of Respondent This R ooort Is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Idaho Power Company (1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04 (2) nA Resubmission 04/22/2005 MONTHLY PEAKS AND OUTPUT (1 ) Report the monthly peak load and energy output. If the respondent has two or more power which are not physically integrated, furnish the required information for each non- integrated system. (2) Report on line 2 by month the system s output in Megawatt hours for each month. (3) Report on line 3 by month the non-requirements sales for resale. Include in the monthly amounts any energy losses associated with the sales. (4) Report on line 4 by month the system s monthly maximum megawatt load (60 minute integration) associated. with the system. (5) Report on lines 5 and 6 the specified information for each monthly peak load reported on line NAME OF SYSTEM:IDAHO POWER COMPANY - SYSTEM LOAD Line Monthly Non-Requirments MONTHLY PEAK Sales for Resale & No.Month Total Monthly Energy Associated Losses Megawatts (See Insu. 4)Day of Month Hour (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) January 334,017 72,251 196 7PM February 258,704 140,373 072 8AM March 455,063 431 459 877 8AM April 370,496 335,462 758 9AM May 1,493,443 302,534 109 7PM June 750,724 315,058 843 5PM July 780,638 191,534 825 6PM August 683,160 221,018 792 6PM September 525,329 353,612 395 5PM October 173,703 99,934 735 8AM November 202,388 106,834 063 8A~ December 433,510 210,950 033 7PM TOTAL 17,461,175 781 019 ~JJIi1lfl~~~!fft~lt~~~fgi~.~~~~ ti~~~jJ;~KV;~t;!~~i~$.~~~\~ ~~i;:~~~; . FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-90)Page 401b IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE NO. IPC-O5- FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. ATTACHMENT TO RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 23 IS CONFIDENTIAL AND HAS BEEN FILED SEPARATELY /;~u ID AH PO WE R CO MP ANY :~: f;:J:1:8 CASE NO.IPC-O5-;!T ll:. l.. r:";i, ;;. ~I' .'. ;;"- '-'01IJII .)1 j, -:;;;. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST 0 F THE ID AH 0 IRRI G A TI 0 N PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. ATTACHMENT TO RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 24 (Intra-Company Correspondence) Date:June 17 2005 To:Jeannette Bowman From:Barr Smith 2005 Normalized EnergySubject: The attached tables represent normalized sales in MWh by rate, jurisdiction, and month for the period January 2005 to December 2005. Normalized sales are typically weather-adjusted sales when appropriate. However, other adjustments are made to reflect more "normal" energy consumption levels. These adjustments are described below. ENERGY NORMALIZATION Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Normalization Normalized energy over the period January 2005 through May 2005 was set to weather-adjusted energy in the residential and commercial classes. In the industrial class normalized energy over the period January 2005 through May 2005 was set to actual energy (adjusted for billing errors). Normalized energy over the period June 2005 through December 2005 was set to the prior June 2004 through December 2004 normalized energy multiplied by escalation or growth factors. The escalation factors were calculated by taking the percent change in weather-adjusted sales, comparing the 12-month period ending May 2005 to the 12-month period ending May 2004. Normalized June 2004 through December 2004 residential energy was increased by 2.932%, commercial by 3.048% and industrial by 1.369% to arrive at the June 2005 through December 2005 forecast of normalized energy. Irrigation Normalization Normalized energy for the irrigation class was based on the 2004 irrigation season. The adjusted 2004 actual energy, provided by Mary Mowrey, was utilized as the base to add weather adjustments in the irrigation weather normalization procedure. Prior to weather normalization, the 2004 actual energy was adjusted downward by the 2004 monthly sum of the individual Ben Rapids accounts for each rate class. In 2004, Ben Rapids represented 50 288 598 kWh. No escalation or growth factor was applied to the 2004 weather-adjusted irrigation sales. Normalization of Simplot Fertilizer Facility Normalized energy for Simplot Fertilizer was set to January 2005 through May 2005 actual energy and June 2005 through December 2005 forecast energy. A new Simplot Fertilizer energy forecast was completed in June 2005 and was based on Simplot's latest short-term load projections. Normalization of Micron Technology Normalized energy for Micron Technology was set to January 2005 through May 2005 actual energy and June 2005 through December 2005 forecast energy. A new Micron Technology energy forecast was completed in June 2005. Normalization of INL Nonnalized energy for the INL was set to January 2005 through May 2005 actual energy and June 2005 through December 2005 forecast energy. The forecast energy figures were taken directly from a power forecast received from the INL on May 24, 2005. Normalization of City of Weiser Nonnalized energy for the City of Weiser was set to January 2005 through May 2005 weather-adjusted energy and June 2005 through December 2005 forecast energy. A new City of Weiser energy forecast was completed in June 2005. Normalization of Raft River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Nonnalized energy for Raft River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. was set to January 2005 through May 2005 weather-adjusted energy and June 2005 through December 2005 forecast energy. A new Raft River energy forecast was completed in June 2005. Normalization of Firm Off-System Customers Nonnalized energy for the City of Cohon was set to zero since the City of Cohon s contract wi1l expire on May 31 , 2005. Normalization of Rate Transmission Service and Rate 19 Transmission Service Idaho Jurisdiction The energy used by in June 2004 as "Schedule 9" transmission service was reclassified as "Schedule 19" transmission service energy. Normalization of Rate 19 Primary Service and Rate Primary Service Idaho Jurisdiction The energy used by the following Schedule 19 customers that was previously classified as "ScheduJe 9" primary service was reclassified as "Schedule 19" primary service energy. The energy used by the following Schedule 9 customer that was previously classified as "ScheduJe 19" primary service was reclassified as "Schedule 9" primary service energy. Normalization of Rate 19 Primary Service and Rate 19 Transmission Service -Idaho Jurisdiction The energy used by the folJowing Schedule 19 customers that was previously classified as Schedule 19 transmission service" was recJassified as Schedule 19 "primary service" energy. The four customers that were recJassified are: Normalization of Rate 15 - Dusk-to-Dawn Customer Lighting Residential- Oregon Jurisdiction The energy booked in July 2004 (11 290 kWh) was unusually low compared to the surrounding months. The "nonnalized" energy (14 996 kWh) was estimated by averaging the June 2004 and August 2004 booked energy figures. The energy booked in March 2005 (12 202 kWh) was unusually low compared to the surrounding months. The "nonnalized" energy (14 749 kWh) was estimated by averaging the February 2005 and April 2005 booked energy figures. Normalization of Rate 16 - Dusk-to-Dawn Customer Lighting Commercial- Idaho Jurisdiction The Idaho Schedule 16 lamps were adjusted to compensate for Simplot in Nampa who had been billed for 6 lamps that were actually non-existent. These lamps were canceled for three years worth of billings in December 2004. The "nonnalized" figures for June 2004 through November 2004 were the booked figures, reduced by 341 kWh in each month. The "nonnalized" figure for December 2004 was the booked figure plus 12 276 kWh. Normalization of Rate 16 - Dusk-to-Dawn Customer Lighting Commercial- Oregon Jurisdiction The energy booked in June 2004 (18 769 kWh) was unusually low compared to the surrounding months. The "nonnalized" energy (20 876 kWh) was estimated by averaging the May 2004 and July 2004 booked energy figures. Normalization of Rate 32 - Street Lighting Service City of Ketchum -Idaho Jurisdiction The energy booked in June 2004 as a Schedule 32 in the Idaho jurisdiction was combined into Schedule , Idaho jurisdiction. Therefore, the Schedule 32 , Idaho jurisdiction nonnalized energy is zero. Normalization of Rate 40 Un metered General Service Idaho Jurisdiction The" energy figures booked in January 2004 through June 2004 were averaged. The resulting figure was used in place of booked figures in each of the respective months to decrease the sales variability and to more accurately reflect a more "nonnal" sales behavior. Normalization of Rate 41 - Street Lighting Service Idaho Jurisdiction The energy figures booked in June 2004 and November 2004 were averaged. The resulting figure was used in place of booked figures in July, August, September, and October 2004 to decrease the sales variability and to more accurately reflect a more "nonnal" sales behavior. The energy booked in January 2005 (1,540 136 kWh) was adjusted upward to 1 549 376 kWh t9 reflect a billing error. Normalization of Rate 42 - Traffic Control Signal Lighting Service Idaho Jurisdiction The energy figures booked in June 2004 through April 2005 were set to May 2005 booked energy (642 098 kWh). The May 2005 figure was used in place of booked in each of the respective months to more accurately reflect a more "nonnal" sales pattern. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE :' ;~~! , " r: I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 21 st day of December, 2005;,iliseN~p Cf';J ?: !, true and correct copy of the within and foregoing IDAHO POWER COMPANY'' " .0 RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE IDAHO IRRI~~TIQN - PUMPERS ASSOCIATION upon the following named parties by the m~ih8~-ihi:fieat1:ili'ii"i!SSiON below, and addressed to the following: Donald L. Howell , II Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 don .howellcm.puc.idaho.qov -L Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 334-3762 --x-E-mail Randall C. Budge Eric L. Olsen Racine , Olson , Nye, Budge & Bailey O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello , ID 83204-1391 rcbcm. racinelaw. net elocm. racinelaw. net Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 232-6109 E-mail Anthony Yankel 29814 Lake Road Bay Village , OH 44140 yankelcm.attbi.com Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (440) 808-1450 E-mail Peter J. Richardson Richardson & O'Leary 515 N. 27th Street O. Box 7218 Boise,. ID 83702 petercm. richa rd sona ndolearv. com Hand Delivered -L U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 938-7904 --x-E-mail Dr. Don Reading Ben Johnson Associates 6070 Hill Road Boise , I D 83703 dread inqcm.m indsprinq .com Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 384-1511 E-mail Lawrence A. Gollomp Assistant General Counsel United States Dept. of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue , SW Washington , D.C. 20585 Lawrence. Gollompcm. hq .doe. qov Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 384-1511 E-mail CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE , Page Dennis Goins Potomac Management Group O. Box 30225 Alexandria, VA 22310-8552 dqoinsPMGcm.aol.com Conley E. Ward Givens, Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock Street O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 cewcm.qivenspu rsley .com Dennis E. Peseau , Ph.D. Utility Resources, Inc. 1500 Liberty Street S., Suite 250 Salem , OR 97302 dpeseaucm.excite.com William M. Eddie Advocates for the West 1320 W. Franklin Street O. Box 1612 Boise , ID 83701 billeddiecm.rmci.net Ken Miller NW Energy Coalition 5400 W. Franklin , Suite G Boise, ID 83705 Michael L. Kurtz Kurt J. Boehm Boehm , Kurtz & Lowry 36 East Seventh Street, Suite 1510 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 mkurtzcm.bkllawfirm.com kboehmcm.bkllawfirm.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE , Page 2 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (703) 313-6805 E-mail Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 388-1300 ---L-E-mail Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (503) 370-9566 E-mail Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 342-8286 ---L-E-mail Hand Delivered -L U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX E-mail Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (513) 421-2764 E-mail BARTON L. KLINE