HomeMy WebLinkAbout200512092nd staff request to IPC.pdfC r: i \i E 0 ;: Fr, CECELIA A. GASSNER DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0314 IDAHO BAR NO. 6977 ;~r:~'c"". :; I I . .. , Due) j U 1;~) COHI'IISS/ON Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5983 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY) TO INCREASE ITS BASE RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE IN THESTATE OF IDAHO. CASE NO. IPC-05- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its attorney of record Cece1ia A. Gassner, Deputy Attorney General, requests that Idaho Power Company (Company; IPC) provide the following documents and information as soon as possible, but no later than FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23 2005. This Production Request is to be considered as continuing, and Idaho Power Company is requested to provide, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that will augment the documents or information produced. Please provide answers to each question; supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations; the name and telephone number of the person preparing the documents; and the name, location and telephone number of the record holder. SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY DECEMBER 9, 2005 For each item, please indicate the name of the person(s) preparing the answers, along with the job title of such person(s) and the witness who can sponsor the answer at hearing. REQUEST NO. 18: Please provide an explanation of the gas prices for Henry Hub and Danskin as used in the AURORA analysis for computing net power supply costs. Please cite the source of the gas prices and the date on which the prices were published or developed. addition, please identify the exact prices extracted from the source, and describe any computations or manipulations done to the source prices to derive the prices entered into the AURORA model for each of the five scenarios. Please provide a copy of any spreadsheets used to derive the gas prices used in AURORA. REQUEST NO. 19: Please discuss any differences between the Idaho Department of Water Resources Snake River Basin Depleted Flow Model used to derive the normalized annual generation of Idaho Power s hydropower plants in this rate case as compared to the study used for the Company s previous rate case. Please identify the period of record used for the current rate case analysis and quantify any amounts by which assumed hydro generation (capacity and energy) is less than was assumed under previous studies. REQUEST NO. 20: Please provide a copy of any spreadsheets and data used to derive the normalized test year loads used in the AURORA analysis for Idaho Power ssrvice territory, including monthly and hourly shaping factors. REQUEST NO. 21: Please provide PDR 580 computer model output that show generation at each of the Company s Hydro Power generating facilities under the streamflow conditions used in this case. Also provide any spreadsheet calculations made using PDR 580 output that become input to the AURORA power supply model. Provide all of the same information from the Company s last general rate case. REQUEST NO. 22: Company witness Greg Said's Exhibit No. 23 lists distribution and transmission upgrades to be completed by June 1 2006. If any of the transmission upgrades have increased Idaho Power s energy transfer capability to or from other systems (AURORA SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY DECEMBER 9 , 2005 bubbles), please specify what that change in transfer capability is and identify where it can be found in the AURORA input files. REQUEST NO. 23: Variable Operation and Maintenance costs in $/MWh are included in the AURORA model run for each ofldaho Power s gas and coal fired generation resources. Please provide the following information: a) The calculation of the Variable 0 & M factor for each individual plant showing the components that make up the factor and the account from which each component is taken. b) Reports detailing the amounts in accounts 501 and 547 as included in this case. Show the amounts by subaccount and provide a description of each subaccount. Show any amounts that are used in the formulation of the variable 0 & M factors. Explain why variable 0 & M factors from accounts other than 501 and 547 included in the calculation of power supply costs are not recovered twice when included by the Company in actual test year 0 & M expense accounts. REQUEST NO. 24: The AURORA model includes availability factors for all of Idaho Power s generating facilities. Please explain how these availability factors are determined. Also provide any spreadsheets used in their calculation. If the calculation methodology has changed in any way since the Company s last general rate case filing, please describe the changes and provide availability factors for this case using the old methodology. Also provide the calculations. REQUEST NO. 25: The last column on page 118 (2005 Rate Case Estimate Schedule M' s) of Celeste Schwendiman s workpapers as filed in this Case totals approximately $20 million. Staff understands that a more current version of this workpaper totals approximately $33 million and matches line 701 on page 20 of the Company s Exhibit No. 33. Please review the workpapers and exhibits filed in this case and provide the most current versions that correlate to the revenue requirement components outlined in this case. SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY DECEMBER 9, 2005 DATED at Boise, Idaho, this ~ day of December 2005. Cecelia Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Keith Hessing Patricia Harms Rick Sterling i:umisc:prodreq/ipceO5.28cckhphrps pr 2 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY DECEMBER 9, 2005 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 9TH DAY OF DECEMBER 2005 SERVED THE FOREGOING SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER, IN CASE NO. IPC-05-, BY MAILING A COpy THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: BARTON L KLINE MONICA B MOEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 MAIL: bkline(?p,idahopower.com mmoen(?p,idahopower .com JOHN R GALE VICE PRESIDENT REGULATORY AFFAIRS IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 MAIL: rgale(?p,idahopower.com PETER J. RICHARDSON RICHARDSON & O'LEARY LLP 515 N 27TH ST PO BOX 7218 BOISE ID 83702 MAIL: peter~richardsonandoleary.com DR. DON READING 6070 HILL ROAD BOISE ID 83703 MAIL: dreading~mindspring.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE