HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050803Vol I Hearing.pdfORIGINAL BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION . i: .. "(: ." ' IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF I DAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN ORDER TEMPORARILY SUSPENDING IDAHO POWER'S PURPA OBLIGATION TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTS TO PURCHASE ENERGY- GENERATED BY WIND- POWERED SMALL POWER PRODUCTION FACILITIES ) CASE C:, :. i""" ",.,,\ r;:;: f!:. 1 ' ' ~; ~ :L~: v " .. (J; (:;~\ t::Z' ~2~.. ...;. "'CJ' ; 0 NO. IPC-E- 05 - , ~.. ~. ~ BEFORE COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER (Presiding) COMMISSIONER MARSHA SMITH COMMISSIONER DENNIS HANSEN I .PLACE:Commission Hearing Room 472 West Washipgton Boise I Idaho ~ ! . I . - DATE:July 22 I 2005 VOLUME 1 - Pages 1 - 83 CSB REpORTING Constance S. Bucy, CSR No. 187 17688 Allendale Road * Wilder, Idaho 83676 (208) 890-5198 * (208) 337-4807 Email csb~spro.net ::". C . "" ~::CC~CCC:- "'~' :";:"'1"- '-"""":"-;:""' .,.=","'C,~:- ::..-.. " " "." .. ..... ",.- .. "'" """" ..".. "'' ' T"":7C""'" :"".::' ';:'!;T.=.,;):0~'nn,,",",,;)c.;:.,:;',:H,,;:,.;)::j.:.1P'::'-:C:,' ;:'::':,":;:"':""::' ':;'7',;r:C'~"7:'r:- '::":-":-"-'-"'-'-"""~::" T:.ci: "'" " For the Staff:Scot t Woodbury, Esq. Deputy Attorney General 472 West Washington Bo is e , Idaho 83 72 0 - 0 074 For Idaho Power:Barton L. Kline, Esq. and Monica B. Moen, Esq. Idaho Power Company Post Office Box Bo i s e , Idaho 8 3 7 0 7 - 0 0 7 0 For Windland Inc.BATT & FISHER, LLP by William J. Batt, Esq. and John R. Hammond, Esq. Post Office Box 1308Boise, Idaho 83701 For Exergy Development Group of Idaho, LLC: RI CHARDSON & 0' LEARY , PLLC by Peter J. Richardson, Esq. 51 7 North 27th Street Boise , Idaho 83702 For Avista Corporation:David J. Meyer, Esq. Avista Corporation Post Office Box 3727 1411 East Mission Avenue Spokane , Washington 99220 For PacifiCorp:Lisa Nordstrom, Esq. and Dean Brockbank, Esq. PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah , Suite 1800 Port 1 and, Oregon 97232 For Magic and Cassia:McDEVITT & MILLER LLP by Dean J. Miller, Esq. 420 West BannockBoise, Idaho 83702 CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho APPEARANCES 83676 . . A P P A R N C E S (Cont inued) For Energy Vision LLC: For Renewable NW proj ect & NW Energy Coalition: Glenn IkemotoPrincipal Energy Vision LLC 672 Blair Avenue Piedmont, CA 94611 William M. Eddie Advocates for the West Post Office Box 1612Boise, Idaho 83701 CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 83676 AP PEARANCE S ----- I N D E X WITNESS EXAMINATION BY PAGE John R. Gale Idaho Powe r ) Mr. Kline (Direct) Prefiled Testimony Mr. Woodbury (Cross)Mr. Richardson (Cross) Mr. Batt (Cross)Mr. Miller NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE FOR IDAHO POWER COMPANY: 1 - Let ter from Arrow Rock Wind Mr. Sorenson , to IPUC , dated June 24 , 2005 Premar ked FOR CASSIA AND MAGIC WIND LLC: 603 - IPCo' s Response to First Production Request of Cassia & Magic Wind LLC to IPCo Identified 604 - Excerpt from Idaho Power' 2004 IRP Identified 605 - IPCo, interconnection information obtained from their website Identified CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho INDEX/EXHIBITS83676 BOISE, IDAHO, FRIDAY , JULY 22 , 2005, 9:30 A. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Well , good This is the time and place for a hearing andmornlng. oral argument in the matter of the petition of Idaho Power Company for an order temporarily suspending Idaho Power's PURPA obligation to enter into contracts to purchase energy generated by wind-powered small power production facilities. My name is Paul Kj ellander.I'll be the Chairman of today I s proceedings.To my right Commissioner Dennis Hansen and to my left is Commissioner Marsha Smi th .As we look at today's hearing, just as a reminder , this public hearing and oral argument is on the narrow issue of the requested temporary suspension of Idaho Power's PURPA obligation to enter into contracts to purchase energy generated by wind-powered small power production facilities, the need for and appropriateness of such relief in related procedural and jurisdictional matters and/or the Commission's power to suspend the PURPA avoided cost rate for wind facilities. On that last point, I would remind everyone that that has been briefed very well in writing and unless there is new information that needs to be CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY provided to the Commission on the final issue in reference to our authority there, we probably don't need to spend as much time on that specific issue.Again, I think the written briefs have been very sufficient in terms of making your positions very clear.They've been articulated well already in writing. So let's move now wi th the appearances of the parties and let's begin with Idaho Power Company. Thank you, Mr. Cha i rman .MR. KLINE: name is Bart Kline.I m appearing on behalf of Idaho With me at counsel table is Monica MoenPower Company. who wi 11 al so be doing a port ion of the proceeding. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Good morning, and let's move now to Commission Staff. MR. WOODBURY:Scott Woodbury, Deputy Attorney General , for Commission Staff. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:And Avista Corporation. MR . MEYER:Good mornlng, David Meyer for Avista Corporation. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Good morning. Exergy Development Group. MR. RI CHARD SON :Thank you, Mr. Cha i rman . This is Peter Richardson with the firm Richardson & 0 I Leary appearing on behal f of Exergy Development Group CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY of Idaho and for your information , I will also be representing Energy Vision LLC in terms of helping Mr. Ikemoto on the stand and during cross. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay, thank you. Windland Incorporated. MR. HAMMOND:John Hammond of Batt & Fisher and Bill Batt of Batt & Fisher for Windland Incorporated. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Good morning. Cassia Wind Farm LLC and Cassia Gulch Wind Park LLC. MR. MILLER:Thank you, Mr. Cha i rman . Dean J. Miller of the firm McDevitt & Miller appearing on behal f of Cassia Wind Farm LLC and Cassia Gulch Wind Park LLC and also on behalf of Magic Wind LLC which we' referred to collectively as Magic and Cassia.I would like to also introduce to the Commission Mr. Armand Eckert seated to my right who is the principal of Magic Wind and Mr. Jared Grover seated to his right who is the principal of Cassia Gulch and Cassia Wind Farm. COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, Mr. Miller , and Mr. Richardson , you've already introduced your representation for Energy Vision , so I believe we' ready then for PacifiCorp. MS. NORDSTROM:Good mornlng.m Lisa CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY Nordstrom and wi th me is Dean Brockbank appearing on behalf of PacifiCorp. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. J. R. Simplot Company. Okay, Renewable Northwest proj ect and Northwest Energy Coalition. MR. EDDIE:Good mornlng, Mr. Chairman. This is William Eddie here on behalf of Renewable Northwest proj ect and Northwest Energy Coalition , and seated on my left is Troy Gagliano from Renewable Northwest proj ect COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, and good mornlng.Did we miss anyone for purposes of intervention and cross examination today?If not, then think we're ready to move on to the next area of interest and that would be preliminary matters that need to come before the Commission.Mr. Kline. MR. KLINE:m aware of one preliminary mat ter that I think we should take up, Mr. Chairman. Earlier this week Idaho Power Company filed a motion to change the schedule in this case.The mot ion was distributed to all the parties.We filed the motion because the Company thought that the change in schedule that was proposed in the motion could assist in processing this case in three ways:First, when the full CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY extent of the volume and the diversity of the issues that were contained in the prefiled testimony became known on Monday, it certainly seemed unlikely to us that we' going to be able to complete the oral argument, the hearing and a schedul ing conference in one day. I guess I'll surmise that if the Commissioner has brought a whip with him that he can use on the lawyers, we might be able to do that, but it seems unlikely, and it also seemed to us that just for the continui ty of the proceeding, of the presentation, trying to do it in one day would be difficult and then having to bifurcate it just would lose that continuity. Secondly, again, considering the volume the testimony and the diversity of the issues raised, we thought that the filing of rebuttal testimony would be appropriate.It would provide a more complete record for the Commission on which to base a decision on the relief that's been requested by the Company and third, of course, there's never any certainty that settlement negotiations would be successful , but Idaho Power thought it might be worthwhile to undertake at least some limi ted settlement negotiations or attempt settlement negotiations before the cross-examination and oral argument kind of got all of the parties' juices flowing. It's always a little more difficult once you've had the CSB REPORTINGWilder, ID 83676 COLLOQUY adversarial proceeding to then go into set tlement On Wednesday my tally was that approximately six of the parties to this case supported the motion.I believe three took no position and we had one party that was opposed to the motion.Now that everyone has prepared to proceed today, they've brought their experts with them , they've gotten prepared to do cross-examination , I don't know if that tally would still would be the same.I think you re going to have to ask the various parties how they feel about it today. As far as Idaho Power Company concerned, I think we still think that the short delay that we had proposed to talk about settlement and the filing of rebuttal testimony might be useful , but at the same time, we are prepared to proceed today on all of the items on the list of things to do if that's the Commission's preference. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, Mr. Kline.Let's check in with the other parties to the case to get the general reaction there and see where we go with the specific motion. Mr. Woodbury. Thank you, Mr. Cha i rman .MR. WOODBURY: think the Staff is prepared to move forward today.We do believe that opportunity should be provided to parties CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY they desire to file rebuttal testimony or reply briefs. The settlement negotiations or workshop format proposed by Idaho Power I think might be helpful to establish grandfathering criteria if we get to that stage, certainly not to determine the amount of the adj ustment, if any, is necessary for the published avoided cost rate for intermittent wind, but I believe everybody is here and I would like to see the record established , provide the Commission the opportunity to deal with Idaho Power' mot ion to suspend. Staff has an al ternate proposal set out in its testimony and I think that also today if we could probably or perhaps move to the workshop the opportuni for parties to engage in discovery if the proceedings are further down the road , so again, I don't think I have any further comment.Staff is prepared to move forward. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Commissioner Hansen , do you have a question? COMMISSIONER HANSEN:I just had one question.Mr. Woodbury, do you, outside of all the parties prepared and ready to go today, do you see any advantages from the Staff's point of view in delaying this and trying to work things out? MR. WOODBURY:I think there are a number of parties that come into the Hearing Room , the wind CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY industry which is certainly well represented, the utilities that are concerned with integration costs of wind on their systems, but I think that a third party that I guess Staff will try to represent is the customer who is footing the bill for PURPA costs as this Commission allows utilities to recover all of their PURPA contract costs through regulatory proceedings and so that cost is not reflective of the Company's avoided cost, the Company is incurring additional costs that are not being recovered, then I believe that the customer perhaps disadvantaged in staying proceedings or not acting expeditiously. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you Mr. Woodbury. Let's move to Avista. Thank you.MR . MEYER:Avista continues to support the motion of Idaho Power, al though we are prepared and at your pleasure to proceed today.The key, of course, is that this process be efficient and meaningful and perhaps as you tally the room and take a sense for the group that a picture will emerge, but we' prepared to go ahead today. COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. Let's move to Mr. Ri chardson MR. RI CHARD SON :Thank you, Mr. Chairman CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY Exergy and Energy Vision LLC.m concerned, Mr. Chairman, that Idaho Power has de facto already suspended execution of PURPA contracts without any order or direction from this Commission.That said, assuming you allow them to continue in that posture, it makes the purpose of this hearing almost moot therefore, I believe that settlement negotiations would be fruitful if they were expeditiously embarked upon and Exergy and Energy Vision LLC are willing to participate in those settlement negotiations and are nevertheless prepared to go forward today wi th cross - examina t ion. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, Mr. Richardson. Let's move to Windland. MR . HAMMOND:In the interest of time, Windland is resting on its document it filed yesterday obj ecting to the suspension or the modification of the schedule.Windland is in agreement wi th some of the reasons that Staff , Mr. Woodbury, just stated and we are prepared to go forward today. COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, Mr. Hammond. Let's move to Magic and Cassia. MR. MI LLER :Thank you , Mr. Cha i rman . Magic and Cassia, as previously indicated , are always CSB REPORTINGWilder, ID 83676 COLLOQUY willing to participate in any fruitful possibility of settlement discussions.That said , in my experience with these types of proceedings, the number of times where you actually get to what you might call a cri tical mass point , that is, where you have all of the people and all of the issues together before the Commission sort of ready or perhaps ready for a decision , is difficul t to predict.If we don't try and make some decisions based on the record now , it's di f icul t to predict when the next time might be that all the parties might be available, the Commission might be available, the issues could be reexamined. We believe that the record as it will be developed today would be sufficient for the Commission to make a determination as to what you might call the grandfathering issue of who any suspension the Commission might authorize will apply to and who it will not apply to.As our pleadings indicate, this is more than an academic matter for Cassia and Wind.Their proj ects hang in the balance, are at stake.We believe that we could leave here today with an answer to the question of will any suspension that the Commission might order apply to Cassia and Wind or will it not. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Mr. Miller , just a quick follow-up question.Would the settlement not be, CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY the settlement discussion process if that's the direction that the Commission went , would that not be the appropriate place to actually deal with the issue of grandfathering and any interim , whether it be from the time in which the Commission might take to deliberate, assuming that we move forward with any type of further hearings today on some type of order related to a suspension , there would be a gap of time there which everyone seems to believe that presently we have a de facto moratorium that that grandfathering issue might well be the major focus of some settlement discussions? MR. MILLER:Certainly it could, Mr. Cha i rman .I guess I would say two things to point perhaps in the other direction:The first is that Magic and Cassia have proposed on the record a qui te simple grandfathering proposal that we believe would work adequately at this stage of the proceeding.Now , if the Commission goes on and , say, six months from now adopts new policies and rules, at that point in time a new or different or phase two-type suspension or exemption could be considered, and to in effect rei terate, hopefully not in agonizing detail, the other point is that we don' really know with certainty how long it will take for a settlement process to unwind, for a settlement to either be not reached or reached , for it to be brought back CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY before the Commission.From Magic and Cassia's point of view , frankly, every day is significant in the question of whether their projects will or will not be developed. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you Mr. Miller. Let's move now to PacifiCorp. MS. NORDSTROM:PacifiCorp supports Idaho Power's motion and any settlement negotiations that may occur.We are prepared to proceed today if that is what the Commission desires. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, and let's go to Mr. Eddie. MR. EDDIE:Thank you.We did not oppose Idaho Power's motion; however , we do recognize that for several developers in the room now time is of the essence and that there's a risk if we move into settlement that that will simply bog down and continue what Mr. Richardson referred to as the de facto suspension PURPA avoided cost rates availability that's happened right now.We'We are prepared to go ahead today. prepared to go into settlement negotiations as well. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, Mr. Eddi e . Let's go back now to Idaho Power.Do you CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY have any response from what you've heard? MR. KLINE:I really don't, Mr. Chairman. I think the parties have laid out their positions pretty effectively. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. Commissioner Hansen. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Mr. Kl ine , I may have missed it in your first proposal there, but did I fail to get the time limit you wanted?Did you give us a time limit for a delay, like 30 days or two weeks or three years or what? MR. KLINE:We really didn't , Commissioner Hansen.We thought perhaps if the Commission was inclined to go the route of adjusting the schedule, then the part ies could meet, could talk about when we could get together and at least get started on the process, but I didn t try and prej udge how long it would take. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:If this was delayed what type of time frame are you looking at to either make this a successful negotiation or failure and then go back? MR. KLINE:I believe that we would probably know pretty quickly whether or not we were going to be able to come to any kind of a settlement.I don' think it would be a protracted discussion.As far as CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY we I re concerned , we're really just talking about settling the issue of the temporary suspension.Probably the first step that a lot of people are going to ask in doing that is well , am I going to be affected by it, so as far as we're concerned , that would be the only thing that we would be talking about settling. Now , all of the other issues that would go forward from this , do we need to look at ancillary serVlces again , do we need to look at whether the CCCT would be the appropriate resource, those would be things that would be done in subsequent proceedings, so I don I want to leave the impression that we're talking about settling everything in this settlement that we're talking abou t . COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Commissioner Smi th. COMMISSIONER SMITH:So how about 30 to 45 minutes right now? MR. KLINE:We're willing to give it a try, don't know whether that would work or not. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thanks. COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:Does anyone have an obj ection if we take a break for about 30 to 45 minutes, go off the record and then we'll come back and CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY just perhaps ask where we might be before we move forward wi th anything further today?Does that sound like a reasonable approach?Does anyone disagree with that approach?Seeing no one disagree, we will go ahead and move forward and we will take a brake for approximately 40 to 45 minutes and we are off the record. (Recess. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay, we'll go back on the record and before we broke, we had asked the parties to have some discussions in relationship to possible settlement and if we could get an update on that at this time. MR. KLINE:Let me attempt to do that and obviously, there's an awful lot of people that participated and if I misstate what was discussed in presenting this to the Commissioners, please, I know you III assist.A little background, I think the tension that we re having in trying to get this thing settled and at this point it doesn't look like we're going to be able to that, the tension is between the desire to have a meaningful request for proposal.As you know , we've got one out there, it's for 200 megawatts.That's a number that comes directly from our integrated resource plan. We think that's the right number to bring on at this point in time. CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY The tension is to the extent that we grandfather a large number of QF proj ects, it makes more di f f i cuI t for us to have a meaningful RFP. reduces the amount that we can take in the RFP and still be able to keep within the 200 megawatt goal that we have set and this Commission has acknowledged as a part of the IRP , so that's the tension.Tha ti s the probl em, and when we look at each of the potential bright lines, as Joe Miller described them , they each have a ramification for different proj ects. We looked at, for example, those folks who have signed contracts, developers that have signed contracts, and given them to us, even though we haven' signed them , but they've signed them and they said they're ready, willing and able to go ahead and slgn a That's one bright line we looked at.Anothercontract. bright line we looked at is those folks who have made a request for interconnection , made an application for interconnect ion wi th Idaho Power's del i very group. They've paid a deposi t to allow the Company to go forward with doing a feasibility study, to look at their particular interconnection and I think those were the two primary bright ines When you - - you have winners and losers each one of those.Some folks have done both, a very few CSB REPORTINGWilder, ID 83676 COLLOQUY folks have done both.Larger groups of people have done one or the other and frankly, if you do all of it, in other words , if you did both the interconnection application and those folks who have signed contracts, you reach a number in addition to the contracts we already have that's very close to the 200 megawatts and the question is, is there a way, then , to have a meaningful RFP.I think most of the folks that expressed oplnlons during the course of our discussions indicated that you couldn't do a meaningful RFP for less than 50 to 100 megawatts, so there's our dilemma, Commissioners. I don't think that we're going to be able to reach any kind of a settlement this morning.I don't know if we went to another settlement session with more time and with more people or with more information we'd do any better.Okay,t ha t 'my report.I f anybody has got any other things to add to it,why,please do so. MR.I KEMOTO :I'd ike to say something. COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:No,you have legal counsel , so let's keep this orderly.Is there any party to the case who would like to add any comment at this point?I do have one quick question for Mr. Kline and that would be in relationship to the bright lines that you referenced, is there any indication of what the signed contracts amount to in terms of total megawatts? CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY MR. KLINE:Yes , there is, and Ric took the notes and I can't read his notes , so I'll let him do you remember which one it was? MR. WOODBURY:Mr. Chairman , if I might say something. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Mr. Woodbury. MR. WOODBURY:Mr. Glenn Ikemoto is a party to this case.He's the one that just tried to say something. COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:Mr. Woodbury, that's fine.To the extent that he needs to speak to us at this point, though , since he's not been sworn in slnce we don't have any testimony on the record for him, it would probably be most appropriate if his legal counsel would like to talk to us at this point assuming he has something and will certainly give him that opportunity. MR. RICHARDSON:Mr. Chairman , the numbers that Mr. Kline is going to be reading to you are also not on the record and he's not under oath either. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Fair enough. still asked the question , Mr. Richardson. MR. KLINE:Yes, the answer to the question is if you just take the contracts that have been signed and not signed by both Idaho Power and the CSB REPORTINGWilder, ID 83676 COLLOQUY developer, but just by the developer, that would be an additional 100 -- additional 80 megawatts.Again, that I s nameplate capaci ty.Now , of course, to that you need to add the fact that we already have 80 megawatts of wind under contract signed and submitted and we have the Arrow Rock contract which we believe clearly ought to be included. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay. MR. KLINE:So the total of all of that approximately 180, 190. COMM IS S lONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, and Mr. Richardson , as further clarification , your point about it not being verified yet and subj ect to cross is an appropriate one and when the time comes , assumlng that that lssue becomes one of discussion, certainly, there will be an opportunity for that to be followed up on. MR. RI CHARDSON :Thank you, Mr. Cha i rman . COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:You bet.Okay, is there anything else that needs to come before us in reference to that?If not , I appreciate the efforts that were made and for the report and I believe that now takes us to the next steps, which I believe would be to go ahead and proceed with the case as it relates to witnesses on the specific issues that we're here for, CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY oral argument and for hearing today and see where that takes us and so I believe at this point, then , we are ready for Idaho Power to call its first witness. MR. KLINE:Do you want to do wi tnesses first or do you want to do oral argument first?I just wasn't sure. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Let's see, does anyone have a preference?We have received some wri t ten comments which in large part seem to be, unless I' mischaracterizing those comments that are in, would in part be the equivalent of the oral argument.Unless I' mistaken, that's what I thought I read through there. What would we be hearing in an oral argument at this point, I guess, is my question? MR. KLINE:The notice that you gave to us on July 1st indicated that you wanted first, to have briefs submitted to address No., does the Commission have the legal authori ty to grant the suspension and , should it do so.Your notice also indicated that you would want to take oral argument on those questions as well and that's the reason that I posed the question as to which one - - do you want to go with oral argument, does that kind of set the stage for what you're going to hear in the testimony?Do you want to do the testimony first and then use the oral argument to clean up? CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY COMM IS S lONER KJELLANDER:Okay, why don' you glve me a moment or two to just kind of figure out which path we'd like to take this morning and we'll just get back with you in a moment and we'll go off the record. (Pause in proceedings. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:We'll go back on the record.Wi th regard to the oral argument as relates to the legal authority, I think the Commission has seen the written briefs and feels comfortable enough that as we get to that point as it relates to our legal authori ty that we've been fully apprised of the parties' positions on that and feel capable of making a determination at a time and point that that's necessary, so I think that we would like to begin with testimony and push forward in that direction and so with that, Mr. Kline, if you'd like to call your first witness. MR. KLINE:Thank you very much, Mr. Cha i rman .I'll call Ric Gale to the stand, please. CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 COLLOQUY JOHN R. GALE produced as a wi tness at the instance of the Idaho Power Company, having been first duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: DIRECT EXAMINATION BY MR. KLINE: Would you please state your name for the record? My name is John R. Gale and I'm usually known as Ric Gale. And by whom are you employed and in what capaci ty? I am employed by Idaho Power and I'm the vlce president for regulatory affairs. Mr. Gale, have you previously pref iled direct testimony in this case? Yes. And have you also prefiled one exhibit to your testimony? Yes. Mr. Gale, do you have any additions or corrections that you need to make to either your testimony or your exhibi CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (Di) Idaho Power Company Well , I do before some math maJ or corrects me.On page 7, on ine 14 , I talk about the percent difference and on that line it says "which is 25 percent less.I kind of went the wrong way wi th the calculation , it's 20 percent less.It would have been percent more , so the correction is 20 percent instead of 25 percent. Any other addi t ions or correct ions that you would like to make to your testimony? No. Mr. Gale, wi th the correct ions that you have just made to your testimony, if I were to ask you the same questions that are contained in your prefiled direct testimony today, would your answers be the same? Yes, they would. MR. KLINE:Mr. Chairman , based on that, I would request that Mr. Gale's testimony be spread on the record as if read in its entirety and that Mr. Gale I s Exhibit 1 be marked for identification. COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:And without obj ection , we'll spread the testimony of Mr. Gale across the record as if read and mark the exhibi t and that would be Exhibi t is that correct?Okay. (The following prefiled testimony of Mr. John R. Gale is spread upon the record. CSB REPORTINGWilder, ID 83676 GALE (Di) Idaho Power Company Please state your name and business address. My name is John R. Gale and my business address is 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho. By whom are you employed and in what capaci ty? I am employed by Idaho Power Company as the Vice President of Regulatory Affairs. Please describe your educational background. I hold a Bachelors of Business Administration and a Masters of Business Administration from Boise State University.I serve as an advisor to the Uni versi ty' s College of Business and Economics. Addi tionally, I have completed the Edison Electric Insti tute 's Advanced Ratemaking School and the Uni versi ty of Idaho's Public Utility Executive Course. Please describe your work experience wi th Idaho Power Company. In October 1983, I accepted a posi tion as Rate Analyst wi th Idaho Power Company. March 1990 , I was assigned to the Company's Meridian District Office for one year where I held the position of Meridian Manager.In March 1991 , I was promoted to Manager of Rates.In July 1997 , I was named General GALE , DI I daho Power Company Manager of Pricing and Regulatory Services.In March of 2001 , I was promoted to Vice President of Regulatory Affairs.As Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, I am responsible for the overall coordination and direction the CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE , DI Idaho Powe r Company Pricing & Regulatory Department, including development of jurisdictional revenue requirements and class cost -of - service studies, preparation of rate design analyses , and administration of tariffs and customer contracts.In my current position , I am also responsible for policy matters related to the economic regulation of Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company" Q .What topics will you discuss in your testimony in this proceeding? I will discuss the role of the Integrated Resource Plan (" IRP") at Idaho Power Company, the Company's act ions to implement the IRP recommendations , the complications encountered in acquiring the wind resources described in the 2004 IRP portfolio , the resul ting request for a temporary suspenslon in wind purchases under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA"), and a recommendation on handling transitional PURPA agreements. What is the Integrated Resource Plan. The Integrated Resource Plan is a comprehensi ve look at Idaho Power's present and future demands for electricity, as well as a plan for meeting those demands.The plan addre sse s how Idaho Powe expects to meet its Idaho and Oregon customers' growing electrical demand over a 10-year planning horizon. IRP describes the Company I s proj ected The GALE, DI Idaho Power Company need for additional electricity and the resources necessary to meet that need while maintaining reliability and efficiency.Both the Idaho and Oregon public utility commissions require state electric utilities to file an IRP every two years.The current plan was filed with the commissions in August 2004. What purpose does the IRP serve at Idaho Power? The IRP is the Company I s principal resource planning document and the foundation for making resource acquisition decisions.The near-term action items described in the plan serve as a blueprint for Company action.Obviously, circumstances change over time and these circumstances are considered along wi the IRP as part of resource acquisition decisions. Nevertheless, the IRP is our starting point. Please generally describe the resul of the most recent IRP. The 2004 IRP is the Company's most recently completed plan.The plan examined 12 different resource portfolios and ultimately selected a diversified portfolio with nearly equal amounts of renewable generation and traditional thermal generation as the preferred resource portfolio.The 2004 IRP has been accepted for filing by the Idaho Public Utilities GALE , DI I daho Power Company Commission (" IPUC" or "Commission") and acknowledged by the Public Utility Commission of Oregon. GALE , DI Idaho Power Company What were the near-team actions identified by the 2004 IRP? For Fall 2004 , the following actions were identified:(1) issue an RFP for 200 MW wind (2) issue an RFP for a peaking resource,(3 )resource, proceed wi th the Borah-West transmission upgrade,(4 ) file a supplement to the 2004 IRP presenting the results of the ongoing demand-side management studies, and (5) file for an energy efficiency tariff rider with the Oregon Public Utilities Commission.For 2005 these additional actions were identified:(1) design demand- side measures in coordination wi th the Energy Efficiency Advisory Group and the Public Utility Commissions,(2) issue an RFP for 12 MW CHP , and (3) issue an RFP for 100 MW geothermal resource. What specifically did the 2004 IRP call for in the way of wind resources? The 2004 IRP called for 200 MW of wind resources to be implemented via Requests for Proposals ("RFPs") issued in 2005 and an additional 150 MW of wind resources to be implemented via RFPs issued in The total amount of wind resources called for2008. during the planning period was 350 MW. Wha t has the Company done to procure the wind resources identified in the 2004 IRP? GALE , DI Idaho Power Company Idaho Power initiated an RFP process to procure 200 MW of wind resource on January 13, 2005. The Company received offers in response to the RFP on March 10, 2005. Has the Company encountered any circumstances that impact the implementation of the 2004 IRP near-term actions, including the procurement of wind resources? Yes.As Idaho Power attempted to execute its RFP for wind resources, it became evident that the prices and contracts available to wind resources under PURPA were influencing the RFP process. Significant amounts of wind generation began to materialize under PURPA at prices above the levels contemplated in the IRP.Bids in the RFP process were much closer to the PURPA price than the IRP price. Additionally, it was evident that unsuccessful RFP bidders could repackage their proj ect s to fit PURPA. Once these influences became apparent , Idaho Power realized that it had to act to address the potential of much more wind coming on-line sooner and more expensively than contemplated in the IRP.The concern wi th wind resources was the possibility of receiving quantities that were too much , too soon , and too expensive. Under what authority is Idaho Power GALE, DI Idaho Power Company obligated to purchase electric energy produced by cogeneration and small production facilities? GALE , DI I daho Power Company Sections 201 and 210 of PURPA requlre electric utilities to offer to purchase electric energy generated by qualifying cogeneration and small power production facilities.PURPA requires that state commissions set the rates for purchases of power from Qualifying Facilities ("QFs") at levels that are just and reasonable to the utility's customers , in the public interest and that do not discriminate against QFs.PURPA specifies that the purchase rates set by state commissions for electric utility purchases of energy generated by QFs may not exceed the incremental cost to the electric utili ty of the electric energy which, but for the purchase from such QFs, the utility would genera te or purchase from another source. Has the Commission established avoided cost purchase rates or "published rates" which Idaho Power is legally obligated to offer QFs? Yes.In Order No. 29646, issued by the IPUC on December 1 , 2004 in Case No. IPC-04-25, the Commission established the published rates that Idaho Power is obligated to offer to QFs that generate less than 10 average MW per month. What is the current average levelized published rate for 20-year contracts as established by the IPUC? GALE , DI Idaho Power Company The current average levelized published rate for a 20-year contract that is scheduled to be online in 2006 is $60.99 per MWh. Before the issuance of Order No. 29646, how many megawatts of QF wind-powered generation did Idaho Power have on contract? Prior to the issuance of Order no. 29646 , Idaho Power had less than 1 MW of QF wind-powered generation under PURPA contracts. What was the published rate for 2003 QF contracts? The published rate for 2003 QF contracts set in IPUC Order No.2 9124 was approximately $48.61 per MWh for a proj ect scheduled to come online in 2003 which is 20% less than today's levelized published purchase rates. How many megawatts of PURPA resources have been approved by the Commission within the Idaho Power service terri tory since the issuance of Commission Order No.2 964 6? Since the issuance of Order No. 29646 , 71.5 MW of nameplate capacity have been approved by the Commission. Are there any pending applications before the IPUC for approval of additional wind-powered QF contracts? GALE , DI I daho Power Company Yes.Idaho Power presently has applications before the Commission for 21 MW of addi tional wind-powered QF contracts. Has the Company received inquiries from other wind-powered QF developers? Yes.Idaho Power has received numerous inquiries from potential developers of new wind proj ects.Based on information presented by the developers to Idaho Power on issues including, but not limited to , site control , equipment supply and wind studies, Idaho Power estimates these inquiries represent an additional 193 MW of wind-powered generation that has the potential of developing into actual QF proj ects. In the Company's opinion, are there other factors besides the 2004 published avoided cost rate that has stimulated this sudden increase in wind-powered QF development in Idaho? Yes.Certain tax incentives adopted at the state and federal levels have stimulated wind-powered QF development.Just prior to the issuance of IPUC Order No. 29646, the federal government reinstated the Production Tax Credit ("PTC") for wind generation.The reinstated PTC provides proj ect owners a tax credit of approximately $19 per MWh for the first years of the proj ect 's operation.That GALE , DI I daho Power Company production tax credit , together with accelerated depreciation rules and other tax incentives at the federal level , has stimulated the development of wind genera t ion.At the state level , the Idaho legislature recently enacted sales tax exemptions (Idaho Code, ~ 63-3622QQ) to encourage the development of alternative generating resources, including wind.In addition recent IPUC Orders that have increased the term of QF contracts to 20 years (IPUC Order No. 29124) and have made proj ects producing less than 10 average MW per month eligible to recel ve the published rates (IPUC Order No. 29632) have created a fertile environment for wind deve 1 opmen t . The combination of federal and state tax incentives, the increase in energy purchase rates established in Order No. 29646, and the favorable contract terms and conditions described above, plus the fact that QF developers retain the right to any green tags associated with QF development, have all played a role in the rapid increase in the number of QFs including wind-powered QFs, seeking contracts to sell their generation to Idaho Power. Has the increased QF acti vi ty impacted the responses to a Request for Proposals issued by the Company? GALE, DI Idaho Power Company I believe so.As previously stated, the 2004 IRP called for 350 MW of wind-powered resources to be acquired in the near term , 200 MW in 2005, and an additional 150 MW in GALE , DI Idaho Power Company 2008.In deciding to move forward wi th an RFP program to competi ti vely acquire wind resources , Idaho Power was hopeful that a bidding process would allow the Company to take advantage of competi tion and the economies of scale associated with large-sized wind generation projects. Idaho Power anticipated that this strategy would moderate the total cost of wind energy acquired by averaging the higher cost of smaller QF wind proj ects acquired at the avoided cost rate wi th the presumably lower cost of wind acquired by competitive RFPs. Have these expectations been met? No, these expectations have not been met.The bids received in response to the 2005 RFP are, on average , higher than the levelized prices contemplated in the 2004 IRP. Is it possible that the published rates for QFs influenced the bidding? Yes, I bel ieve so. On what basis is Idaho Power establishing this belief? To begin with , Idaho Power I S 2004 IRP modeled costs to acquire wind resources was $42.94 per MWh based upon information obtained from public sources and wind developers.The Company al so was aware of recent announcements made by other regional utilities concerning power purchase agreements GALE , DI I daho Power Company they had entered into wi th wind resource developers wi substantially lower pricing structures.In the state of Montana, for example, NorthWestern Energy recently received approval from the Public Service Commission of Montana (Final Order No. 6633b, issued on March 31 , 2005) for an agreement with Judith Gap LLC under which NorthWestern will purchase 135-150 MW of wind resource at a price of $31.71 per MWh. What impact has the accelerated level of QF wind development had on Idaho Power's recently issued Request for Proposals for 200 MW of wind-powered resources? In 1 ight of the large number of MWs of QF wind resources already acquired , approved and proposed , and the high bid prices received in the 2005 RFP , it is almost certain that Idaho Power will reduce the amount of wind generation it will obtain through the 2005 RFP.At the same time, it is likely that the 2008 RFP will need to be either reduced or eliminated al together. If Idaho Power reduces or eliminates the amount of wind required in the 2005 and 2008 RFPs, does the possibility exist that wind developers who ei ther responded to or intend to respond to future RFPs will submit applications for QF developments? GALE , DI Idaho Power Company Yes.That is a real concern to the Company.With only minor modifications, it would not be difficult for a GALE , DI 11a Idaho Power Company larger wind proj ect to be reconfigured into several smaller proj ects each of which would qualify for the published rates. What would be the consequences to Idaho Power and its customers if previous RFP bidders reconfigured their facilities to comport with PURPA requirements and Idaho Power were required to acqulre a disproportionate quantity of wind powered generation through PURPA? That scenario would lock the Company and its customers into long-term contracts at prices that the Company asserts are not appropriate for an intermi t tent energy resource such as wind-powered generation.These circumstances could potentially create an unmanageable influx of intermittent generation on the Company I s system. Could the addition of large amounts of QF wind generation adversely affect the reliability of Idaho Power's system? Yes, the addition of large amounts of QF wind generation could adversely affect system reI iabi 1 i ty Wind generation is an intermittent resource subject to the natural variability in the wind.Thus, the energy output from this resource may fluctuate tremendously from hour-to-hour or even minute-to-minute GALE , DI I daho Power Company independent of Idaho Power's system needs.For example, a 10 MW wind facility may be at full output at one moment and minutes later be at a very low to no output. GALE , DI 12a Idaho Power Company As a result of these wind generation fluctuations and to assure system reliability, wind-powered generation must be "firmed" by ancillary services. By what means can intermittent wind resources be firmed? Firming of a wind resource can be provided by the purchase of load-following services and reserves from a third party if the ancillary services and transmission are available on a firm , long-term basis. Alternatively, firming can be self-provided by the utility primarily through other resources in the utility's power supply portfolio , such as excess hydro capacity or gas-fired combustion turbines, that the utili ty can dispatch as necessary. Does the combined cycle combustion turbine, adopted by the Commission as the surrogate avoided cost resource for setting avoided costs, adequately establish the costs of integrating intermi t tent wind resources into Idaho Power's system? No, it does not.That surrogate avoided cost methodology does not consider the costs associated wi th the ancillary services, described in my earlier testimony, that are required to reliably integrate intermittent wind resources onto the Company' system.Neither the Company nor the GALE , DI Idaho Power Company Commission foresaw these consequences when the current process for setting QF rates was established. Is it fair to say that there are costs associated with integrating intermittent wind resources onto Idaho Power's system that are not reflected in the published rates approved by the Commission? Yes, that is a fair statement. What does the Company propose in response to these circumstances? In order to assess if wind resources are impacting Idaho Power's system in a manner that too much , too soon , and too expensive, Idaho Power proposes to seek a temporary suspension on new PURPA wind proj ects until the impacts of integrating these resources onto the Company's system can be more thoroughly evaluated from a cost and reliability standpoint.The Company anticipates that there are a number of activities that will facilitate this evaluation. What acti vi ties does Idaho Power anticipate will need to be taken during a suspension period if the Commission would approve such request? Idaho Power proposes to undertake the following acti vi ties during a Commission-approved suspension period: (1) the Company would retain an independent third party GALE , DI Idaho Power Company consul tant to assist Idaho Power in preparing an analysis which would assess the total amount of addi tional wind resources the Company's system can absorb wi thout adversely affecting the Company's overall power supply costs and system reliability;(2) Idaho Power would prepare and file with the Commission a proposal for computing avoided costs specifically tailored to the attributes of intermittent wind-powered resources, including the additional costs attributable to peaking resources required to integrate significant amounts of wind generation into Idaho Power's resource portfolio; and (3) Idaho Power would prepare and present to the Commission a report describing possible steps that could be taken to increase the likelihood that future RFPs for wind resources reflect actual resource costs and market prices for wind resources rather than published avoided cost rates for all types of smaller QF proj ects.This analysis would also include a review of the benefits and detriments to Idaho Power of an ownership option for wind resources as a way to provide pricing discipline with the RFP process. Historically, avoided cost rates specifically targeted to individual QF generating technologies have not been developed.Why should the Commission consider this practice now? GALE, DI Idaho Power Company Only recently has the Company become aware of the unlque set of challenges that intermittent wind resources present to Idaho Power's system.As I' already testified, neither the Commission nor the Company foresaw the impact of intermi t tent wind resources on a utility's system when the present surrogate avoided cost methodology was established.The Commission should consider a specific wind technology avoided cost rate because of the unique intermittent nature of wind resources and the large number of actual and potential QF wind resources that are seeking PURPA contracts wi Idaho Power.A reassessment of how the avoided costs should be computed for wind generating resources should be undertaken.That analysis, for the first time, would consider the costs of firming and reliably integrating QF wind resources into the Company's system. In the Company's estimation , should the Commission conduct a review of system reliability issues and wind-specific avoided costs without insti tuting a temporary suspension of mandatory PURPA purchases for new wind QF proj ects? In my view , that approach is neither possible nor prudent.Prior history has shown that when a utility asks the Commission to consider changing avoided cost rates, potential developers inundate the GALE, DI Idaho Power Company utility with contract and interconnection requests in an effort to obtain the rates in effect prior to the potential rescission of those rates and adoption of newer , likely lower rates.A temporary suspension of mandatory purchases of wind QF resources is imperative to effectively address this unique issue and to avoid the adverse impacts anticipated should the Company I s system become deluged wi th wind resources. Has the Commission authorized temporary suspensions of the PURPA contract obligation in the past? Yes, my legal counsel has advised me that such a suspension is not without precedent.In IPUC Order No. 19348 issued in Case No. U-1500-156, the Commission, on its own motion , imposed a one-year moratorium on purchases from QFs located within the service area of non-investor-owned utilities that purchase energy supplies from Bonneville Power Administration.That moratorium was eventually lifted and Idaho Power is the purchaser of energy from QF proj ects located in the service area of Idaho municipali ties and electric co-operatives. Does the Company recommend that the suspension apply to all wind agreements being negotiated between wind developers and Idaho Power prior to the filing of Idaho Power I s Petition in this proceeding? GALE , DI I daho Power Company Idaho Power is aware that, should the Commission grant the requested temporary suspension , one of the decisions that must be made is how to apply the suspension to those entities interested in the process of having QF contracts negotiated and reviewed.To that end, the Company does not intend to sign any addi tional agreements until the IPUC provides some guidance on the Company's request.The Company calls to the Commission' attention that a very limited number of QF wind projects were in the final stages of negotiations with Idaho Power immediately prlor to the filing of the Idaho Power Petition.One proj ect in particular Arrow Rock Wind, ("Arrow Rock") executed an agreement with theInc. Company prior to the date that Idaho Power filed its Peti tion wi th the Commission.On June 24 , 2005, the Company received copy of correspondence from Arrow Rock to the IPUC that details the series of events leading to the execution of the agreement.A copy of the agreement is provided as Exhibi t No. Idaho Power concurs with the statements made by Arrow Rock contained in Exhibi t No.As noted in that let ter, energy del i veries from the Arrow Rock would not be the typical type of intermittent energy generally associated wi th a wind proj ect Instead, Arrow Rock has secured a firming agreement with another GALE , DI Idaho Power Company utility.Accordingly, the energy delivered from the proj ect to Idaho power will be a flat , firm, monthly schedule of energy. Due to the fact that negotiation of this agreement was completed prior to the filing of the Peti tion in this proceeding and the fact that the actual energy delivered to Idaho Power will not be of the intermittent nature at issue in this proceeding, the Company respectfully recommends that the Commission consider Idaho Power's agreement with the Arrow Rock Wind , Inc. proj ect as appropriate for exempting from the temporary suspension request sought in this proceeding. How long a suspension does Idaho Power anticipate is needed to complete the above-referenced activities and analyses? It is my understanding that it will take approximately six to nine months to conduct the necessary act i vi ties and analyses. How do you recommend that the Commission proceed in this matter? The Company respectfully requests that the Commission issue its Order temporarily suspending for a period of nine months Idaho Power I s obligation under 201 and 210 of PURPA to enter into new contracts to purchase energy generated by wind-powered QFs in order GALE, DI Idaho Power Company permit the Company and the Commission the opportunity to undertake the acti vi ties GALE, DI 19a Idaho Power Company and analyses described in this testimony.Should the studies be completed sooner, Idaho Power would be supportive of an earlier end to the suspension period. Does that conclude your testimony? Yes, it does. GALE , D 2 0 Idaho Power Company (The following proceedings were had in open hearing. MR. KLINE:Wi th that, Mr. Gale would be available for cross-examination. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, Mr. Kline.Since we have a number of parties and I don' want to miss anyone on this, I'm just going to go down the list in the same order that we'gone through this morning Just that you sort of have that in mlnd as we move forward.I'll try not stray from that that there won't be any surprises, so let's begin wi Commission Staff , Mr. Woodbury. MR. WOODBURY:Thank you, Mr. Cha i rman . CROS S - EXAMINA T I ON BY MR. WOODBURY: Good mornlng, Ric. Good morning. Looking at your testimony and the scope of your testimony as you describe on page 2 , you talk about the role of the integrated resource plan , your intention the Company's actions to implement IRP recommendations and complications encountered in acquiring wind resources through your RFP , and then you state, "the resul ting CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) Idaho Power Company request for a temporary suspension " but there are other factors that went into the Company's filing and if I read through your testimony, those factors are also ancillary, the requirement of ancillary backup service for intermittent wind and system reliability concerns; is that correct? Yes. Wi th respect to the IRP , can you explain how the IRP treats PURPA resource acquisitions? Well , the PURPA has, there's a section in the IRP that does discuss PURPA , but there's no explicit inclusion of PURPA wind proj ects in the wind portfolio. So the Company does not proj ect a level of QF purchases in its planning? Well , it incorporates what's in there. can't tell you whether it proj ects additional ones or not. But you don I t proj ect - - it incorporates signed contracts as part of your incorporates signed contracts. Okay.Does the Company reVl se its resource acquisi tion planning based on Commission-approved contracts in the interim period between the time you submit your IRPs? The Company considers those.That's kind CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) Idaho Power Company of what started this whole process. So the Company, then , I guess, engages in continuing assessment of QF status of proj ects that you're negotiating with and the probability that those will resul t in a signed contract? Well, in this instance the genesis of this whole issue was that the Company was trying to progress through its action items in the IRP , one of which was the wind RFP, and as we tried to accomplish the wind RFP , it was apparent that we had an increased acti vi ty in PURPA wind which we hadn't anticipated to the degree and when the prices came in for the RFP , they were higher than what we had expected, so that's how the whole issue developed. Well , all right, let's talk about the RFP prices being higher than you expected.In gauging whether or not they were higher , you were using the $42.94 prlce that you had in your 2004 IRP? That's the price that was used for planning purposes. And can you - - how was that price derived? My belief is that it was prepared by our IRP analysts and those developing the IRP after consultation with industry experts and industry CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) I daho Power Company associations. I think you state on page 10 that it was based on information obtained from public sources and wind developers. Public sources, certainly. And those public sources would be what? Regional contracts? I can't tell you. Do you know whether the $42.94 reflects required ancillary services associated with wind? I can't tell you whether it includes that or not. I f the Company were to have acquired 200 megawatts of wind in its RFP , do I understand that you in addition to that would have felt obliged to provide another 120 megawatts of backup ancillary service? The thought of the initial 200 is that we could acquire 200 megawatts of wind , nameplate capacity, and work through those first 200 integration issues and the Company could absorb that or if we hadn't anticipated correctly, we were able to put 200 into the system comfortably, we thought comfortably.To go beyond that, then we thought that cost of integration became much more important, so the first 200 was kind of a try-out period an experience -gaining period. CSB REPORTINGWilder, ID 83676 GALE (X) Idaho Power Company Is the cost of integration a factor in the RFP pricing? I am not familiar specifically with the RFP for wind itself.m not on that team. Could you indicate - - it's my understanding that the RFP bids were submitted in March what is the status of that RFP process?Is it open ended as far as the time that the Company is required to accept bids? MR. KLINE:Mr. Chairman, I'm going to obj ect I think Mr. Gale just testified that he's not a member of that team.If he knows, I guess he can answer it, but my problem is it's going to be tough to get through all of this today anyway and Mr. Gale is certainly able to answer the policy-type questions, but if we're going to get into the real detailed analysis, it's going to be a hard one. BY MR. WOODBURY:My question is if you know. Would you ask again , please? I was inquiring as to the status of the RFP process and whether it's open ended as far as the Company accept ing bids.Is there a sunset in that beyond which bidders no longer are - - they basically can walk away? CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) Idaho Power Company I don't know the specifics, but in an attempt to be responsive, it's my understanding that we can go ahead and complete the RFP process still.It' not a done deal.It's on hold and that we can complete it as started. Your identification on page 8 of an additional 193 megawatts of wind-powered generation that has the potential of developing into actual QF proj ects, do you have any additional information with respect to the numbers and size of those proj ects and whether they're in state or out of state? We've provided some of that information in data responses and I would need to look at those to tell you the details. Has the Company reexamined its IRP wind cost assumptions that are set forth in your 2004 IRP? I think the Company is evaluating whether that needs to be done because of the disconnect between the RFP and what was used in the planning process. You speak on page 13 wi th respect to wind resources and the intermittent nature , that firming can be self-provided by the utility with excess hydro capacity and gas-fired combustion turbines.My question is does Idaho Power have the capability of providing that firming in-house? CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) Idaho Power Company I believe the Company felt that the first 200 we could accommodate and if we were to expand past the 200, then it would have to be given more careful consideration. Did you review Mr. Gagliano's testimony with respect to integration studies performed by the Utility Wind Interest Group? I have read Mr. Gagliano's testimony. And he indicates that Idaho Power is a member of that group. Yes, and I know we are. Okay, and is this one of the sources that the Company utilized in determining the wind figure in the 2004 IRP? I bel ieve it's one of the sources used by the IRP team. And has Idaho Power attempted - - have you calculated what you believe is an integration cost? Well , no.Again , I believe that the Company thought for the first 200 we could accommodate the integration and it's when we expanded past that that we had to get a finer pencil out. Wi thin the RFP , did the Company have a self -build option in that? I don't believe - - well, I don't believe CSB REPORTINGWilder, ID 83676 GALE (X) Idaho Power Company at all that the Company had a self-build in the RFP. MR. WOODBURY:Mr. Chairman , Staff has no further quest ions of Mr. Gale. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, Mr. Woodbury. Let's move now to Avista Corporation. MR. MEYER:Avista has no questions. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Let's go to Mr. Richardson with Exergy and Energy Vision LLC. MR. RICHARDSON:Mr. Chairman, I just want to clarify I'm going to be - - as a courtesy, I offered to help Mr. Ikemoto spread his testimony on the record and I m not going to represent him in terms of his abili ty to cross-examlne other parties and if you would like me to defer from that, I understand it's tradi tional for the Staff attorney to do that for parties who don't have an attorney here with them, but I was just going to get him on the record and get his testimony spread and that was the only service I was going to provide for him. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay, then I misunderstood. MR. RICHARDSON:I apologize for that, Mr. Chairman. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay, well , then CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) Idaho Powe r Company you certainly did have a right to speak earlier and appreciate that clarification. MR. RICHARDSON:So I will be cross-examining Mr. Gale on behalf of Exergy only. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Exergy only, okay, thank you. MR. RICHARDSON:You're welcome. CROSS - EXAMINATION BY MR. RI CHARDSON : Mr. Gal e , do you recall when the pet it ion that initiated this docket was filed? Abou t three weeks ago seems to me. Would you accept was June 17? certainly would. And did you reVlew the notice issued by this Commission on July m sure I did. And do you recall that the Commission stated in that notice that the peti tion alone provided insufficient basis to grant the temporary suspension? I'll accept that. And the notice required Idaho Power to file testimony in support of the petition , but the notice CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) Idaho Power Company was issued on July 1st and your testimony was filed on July 1st , how did it come about that the testimony was filed on the same day that the notice was issued? Well , we filed our testimony on a Friday, I believe it was July 1st, and that was the day that we understood it was required to be filed and in remembering the procedure , I bel ieve that was the day it was incumbent upon the Company to file its testimony. Right, do you recall that the Commission made that requirement known at a decision meeting it held earlier in the week? I was at that decision meeting, so that' my recollection.It was a scramble week. It was a scramble week because you had to wri te your testimony after that decision meeting? Correct. In our request for production of documents, request No., the Company was asked to provide documentation to support the statement that was made in the peti tion that ini tiated this case to the effect that the bids the Company has received in the 2005 RFP are not reflective of the market price for wind generation " and in response, you prepared the response, In response, you referred Exergy to Idaho Power I s reply to Windland' s Interrogatory No.Do you recall that? CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) Idaho Power Company It would be helpful if I could see something. Do you want your counsel to provide you with coples of your responses? MR. KLINE:Of what? MR. RI CHARD SON :Our discovery to Idaho Power or I can provide it to you if you'd like. MR. KLINE:Do you want your responses or do you want the Windland? MR. RI CHARDSON :Actually, both. (Mr. Kline approached the witness. THE WITNESS:I think I'm ready, Mr. Ri chardson BY MR. RI CHARDSON :Thank you; so in our request No., we asked you to provide documentation supporting the statement that the bids the Company has received in the 2005 RFP are not reflective of the market price for wind generation, and your response referred us to your reply to Windland' s Interrogatory No.Do you recall that? I see that, yes. So when I read your answer to Windland' s second Interrogatory, it in turn referred me to your testimony at pages 10 and 11. I don't know if I'm tracking.I have an CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) Idaho Power Company at tachment to a contract is what I I m looking at, so maybe we have a disconnect. MR. KLINE:I have one more here. (Mr. Kline approached the witness. THE WITNESS:Okay. BY MR. RI CHARDSON :So do you see that where your response to our Interrogatory was really a reference to your testimony at pages 10 and 11 correct? And the Judi th Gap contract. And the Judi th Gap contract so don't you think that I s a bi t circular , Mr. Gale?I mean , when asked you about what studies and documentation the Company relied upon when it filed its petition , you responded that it relied on your testimony that wasn't even prepared at the time. MR. KLINE:Obj ection , argumentative. BY MR. RI CHARDSON :Can we as sume , Mr. Gale, that there were no studies or documentation prepared by the Company in support of that statement? There were two things in support of that statement:One was the basis for the prices in the IRP and the second was the knowledge of the Judi th Gap contract.Those are the two things. That's the extent of any examination you CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) I daho Power Company did of the markets for wind? That'the extent anything can disclose publicly because run into complication after complication on revealing prices contracts. In our request for production of documents No.5, the Company was asked to provide documentation to support the statement that was made in the peti tion that initiated this case to the effect that "the bids the Company has received are being unduly influenced by the current avoided cost rates," and we received the same answer; that is, you referred us to Windland request No.2 which referred us to your testimony which was not prepared until after the petition was filed; correct? Well , what I believe is that Windland' s came after the testimony was filed which is why they got that response.We answered yours after that and hence, the referral.It wasn't intended to frustrate you. Can we also assume there were no studies or documentation of the assertion that the Company's bids were being unduly influenced by the current avoided cost rates? The Company has no study. And in our request for production of documents No.6, the Company was asked to provide documentation to support the statement made in the CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) Idaho Power Company petition that "recent announcements by other regional utilities of power purchase agreements with wind resource developers wi th substantially lower pricing structures and once again , we were referred to your answer to Windland No.2 which provided the Judith Gap contract. Is that the only documentation you relied on to support that statement? The Judith Gap contract is a public contract that we can point to.Other utilities are reluctant to provide confidential information to us. thought at the time we prepared the petition we might be able to navigate that, but we haven't, so I don't have any other public demonstration to show you. So the extent of your research was the Judi th Gap proj ect , that wasn't the extent of my research but the extent of the evidence I can show you is the Judith Gap contract. Did you visi t wi th anyone involved wi the Judith Gap agreement regarding why its price was so low? No, I d i dn ' t . Did anyone at Idaho Power do so? That I don't know. Would you refer to your response to our CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) I daho Power Company request for production of documents No. Okay, apparently no one else was consul ted. outside agreement? And doesn't your integrated resource plan So no one at Idaho Power consulted anyone Idaho Power Company regarding the Judith Gap Correct. state that the Company plans to acquire 350 megawatts of wind resources? Well , it says two things about wind resources.The 350 is over the whole time period and it's preceded by 200 first and then another 150, so there lS a staging of the resource. And you testify on page 16 that only recently has the Company become aware of the unique set of challenges that intermittent wind resources present to the Company.Do you see that? Yes. Then in the next answer you conclude based on this recent awareness that a temporary suspension of mandatory purchases of wind QF resources is imperative to effectively address this unique issue and to avoid the adverse impacts anticipated should the Company's system become deluged wi th wind resources.How recently is only CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) Idaho Power Company recently? t h i nk round 0 bids came In,the team looked at bids that were as the RFP was issued, the first coming in, they started expressing a concern to those us involved in management and in regulation.I believe they reviewed those bids wi th the Commission Staff as we 11 .I believe Staff also thought there might be a concern , so it evolved this spring and reached the point that we thought we should do something and that was the first of summer. Could you help me understand more fully your interaction with Staff on that issue?You said Staff expressed a concern. Well , typically, as we work through an RFP process, there is some level of interaction with Staff. I believe on these RFPs it's more of an information basis, but I'd stand to have Mr. Sterling correct me later and so periodically during an RFP process we will update Staff on the progress.It's my understanding from the team members coming back and reporting that not only the Company was surprised at the prices in the bids, but that Staff was as well , but again , I leave that to Staff to conf i rm or deny. So when you say that only recently the Company has become aware of the unique set of challenges, CSB REPORTINGWilder, ID 83676 GALE (X) Idaho Power Company that awareness was this spring, then? I think it became a focus of our attention this sprlng. And when you talk about, refer to the Company I s system being deluged wi th wind resources, how do you def ine "deluged"? Well , in this instance I would define this way:We through a very thoughtful and broad-based process came up wi th a plan for acquiring wind resources and it looked like a very real possibility we could end up with much more wind earlier than we anticipated. thought there was at least a price concern.Wha tI deluged, if ultimately you could get 200 via PURPA and another 200 vi a the RFP , you've doubl ed up what was planned for in the integrated resource plan , so that' the context of that comment. So 290 megawatts would not be a deluge? MR. KLINE:m going to obj ect That' just argumentative. MR . RI CHARDSON :Mr. Chairman , the witness was just defining what he thought the Company - - what the line is for when the Company becomes deluged with wind resources and I think the witness just said doubling up 2 0 0 and 3 5 0 .I was just trying to clarify what his testimony is.m not being argumentative. CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) Idaho Power Company COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Can we go ahead and proceed forward with the remainder of your questions? MR. RICHARDSON:Thank you, Mr. Cha i rman . By MR. RI CHARDSON :There were 350 megawatts of intermittent wind resources contemplated in your RFP , why is the Company only now becoming aware of unlque challenges of integrating those resources? Well , I think the Company anticipated that we would go through this staged addition of wind resources, first 200 and then 150 , and I think in the IRP it's explicit.If not , I can represent that we felt we could accommodate the first 200 and that we would gain experlence in that first traunch and adj ust for the second. In your testimony you reference 193 megawatts of potential resources.Do you recall that? Yes. Did you generate that number? Information was prepared by Mr. Alphin. So you reI ied on the work product of Mr. Alphin for that number? I always rely on that information from Mr. Alphin. And is he still employed by Idaho Power? CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) I daho Power Company Yes, he is. Is there a physical reason that prevents him from testifying before this Commission about his work CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 Well , depending on where this hearing might go, there may be that opportuni ty.He is on vaca t ion thi s week. Would you agree that a lot of professional judgment had to be used to generate that number? I would agree that professional judgment, the degree I m not sure, had to be utilized and Mr. Alphin is the right professional to make that And would you agree that an individual who generated that number would have to have experience in this industry to accurately do so? Mr. Alphin is very experienced with QF I s there - - are there any obj ect i ve Mr. Alphin applies when he generates that I can't tell you which standards he So if I called Mr. Alphin on the phone today and told him I was going to build a 10 megawatt product? judgment. contracts. standards that number? uses. GALE (X) I daho Power Company wind proj ect, would that number then become 203? I don't know. MR. RICHARDSON:Thank you, Mr. Gale. That's all I have, Mr. Chairman. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you , Mr. Ri chardson . Let's move to Windland Incorporated. MR. BATT:Thank you, Mr. Cha i rman . CROS S - EXAMINATION BY MR. BATT: Good morning.m Bill Batt representing Windland. Good mornlng, Mr. Batt. Just a couple of questions for you.You noted in your testimony, I believe , that PURPA requlres Idaho Power to purchase at avoided cost rates; correct? Yes. And does it also say that the just and reasonable rate for a state commission to set at the avoided cost rate should not exceed the incremental cost of al ternati ve energy sources? Is that a PURPA quote that you just gave me? CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) Idaho Power Company Do you know that? I don't know if that language is MR. KLINE:I'll pose , I guess, a temporary obj ect ion or a imi ted obj ect ion.Obviously, Mr. Gale is not an attorney and to the extent that he knows the answers, I guess he can give them to you , but if it strays too far into legal issues, hopefully, I'll ralse my obj ection again. THE WITNESS:m not trying to be difficult.m jus t not sure. BY MR. BATT:Well, do you believe that the power that's bid into the RFP is a source of information about what the price of al ternati ve electric energy is? Well , I very much believe that that is a source of information about the price of that energy. MR. RI CHARDSON :Mr. Chairman , we' having a hard time hearing Mr. Batt. MR. BATT:Okay, I'll get a little closer here.Sorry. BY MR. BATT:Do you believe that the currently published avoided contract rate for wind energy is too high? I believe that it deserves to be questioned and reexamined. CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) Idaho Power Company And what do you base that belief on? Well , to recount some of the things, it I s the same reason we thought that the RFP prices might be a it tIe high coming in.We thought in our RFP that we could acquire it closer to $43. 00.Again, we have a one contract reference , but it is substantially less , and then there are some of the integration issues that we raised which might make you view the product a little differently than other products at that price , so those elements. If the currently published avoided cost rate is too high for wind energy, why would Idaho Power be agreeing to enter into contracts for it at that price? Well , first of all , we don't know that lS.We I re raising that possibility and secondly, we have a PURPA requirement. Do you believe the Commission has the power under PURPA to approve contracts that contain rates that are higher than the true avoided cost rate? m going to obj ect MR. KLINE: believe that calls for a legal conclusion. BY MR. BATT:Do you have an opinion on that? I guess my only opinion is that the PURPA CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) Idaho Power Company contract I believe is a device of the Commission , so since it is a device of the Commission , they probably have a little authority over it. Well, is Idaho Power advocating that the Commission revisit the avoided cost rate for wind energy? That is part of the items we'd like to have investigated. Assuming that you're correct and the currently published rate is too high for wind energy, why shouldn t Idaho Power refrain from entering into further contracts , PURPA contracts, until a new rate is set? You re at the delicate juncture where we are.What we've suggested is that it should be suspended and we've taken the posi tion that we would not sign any more contracts wi thout direction from the Commission. MR. BATT:That's all I have. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, Mr. Batt. Let's move to Mr. Miller wi th Magic and Cassia. MR. MILLER:Thank you, Mr. Cha i rman . wonder if I could ask your indulgence to be permi t ted to make one brief statement which I believe could be made in one or two sentences as a statement rather than 15 or 20 CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) Idaho Power Company questions to the witness. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:And would it be your anticipation there would be a question mark at the end of that statement with an opportunity for a response from the witness? MR. MILLER:I think I can make it as an assertion that the Commission could just note and would be this:I di sagreed somewhat wi th Mr. Kl ine ' characterization of the tension that binds or makes progress difficult , because it seemed to imply that the prlmary or most important value was meeting the Company I desires with respect to the 200 megawatts in the RFP and the secondary desire was accommodation of mature proj ects It may well be that the more important value or goal is the legal and fair treatment of mature proj ects and if that resul ts in some compromise to the 200 megawatt goal , that compromise is a necessary resul to achieve the more important goal.That would be the statement that I wanted to make and if not permitted to make it , I would spend a lot of time cross-examining Mr. Gale. COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:Without obj ection , I guess we would allow you to make that statement. CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) Idaho Power Company MR.MILLER:Thank you , Mr. Cha i rman . The other thing before I commence, Magic and Cassia in their pleadings and papers quite clearly viewed their belief that the Company has not made a legal or factual case for continuation of its self -imposed suspension of its obligations.In the interest of time, I don't intend to ask Mr. Gale any questions that bear on that point, but the absence of questions should not be taken as a concession that Magic and Cassia have abandoned that position , and I do have a couple of additional exhibits would like to use for the cross-examination of Mr. Gale if I could distribute those. COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:Certainly, and does Mr. Gale have a copy yet? MR. MILLER:He's about to. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay.Gi ve him a copy first. (Mr. Miller distributing documents. (Magic and Cassia Exhibit Nos. 603 - 605 were marked for identification. CSB REPORTINGWilder, ID 83676 GALE (X) Idaho Power Company CROSS - EXAMINATION BY MR. MI LLER : Mr. Gale, if it's convenient for you, I'd CSB REPORTINGWilder, ID 83676 like to start my questions with what has been marked as Which one is that , Joe? They're labeled at the Sorry. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:We do not have a My assistant here is. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:We have a 604 We need a 603. (Pause in proceedings. A thousand apologies to Mr. Gale, Exhibit 603 consists of four pages and I wonder if we could start Two of four? Two of four. Okay. Do you recogni ze that Exhibit 603. MR. KLINE: MR. MILLER: bot tom. MR. KLINE: 603 that I m aware of. MR. MILLER: and 605 at the Bench. MR. MILLER: everyone. BY MR. MILLER: wi th page MR. KLINE: MR. MILLER: MR. KLINE: BY MR. MILLER: GALE (X) Idaho Power Company plece of paper? Well , I'm not sure that I've actually seen it before, but I recognize what it represents. Is it your understanding that this is a photocopy of a web page from the Idaho Power website that lists in summary form the applications the Company has received for small generator interconnections? Yes. And the Company in the ordinary course of business publishes this list on its website as understand it. I believe that's correct. And do you know why the Company publishes this list to the public? I think that's a requirement of our open access information. And let I s look briefly at Exhibi t 605. m there. Can you identify that exhibit for us? Well , it looks like interconnection information. If I represented to you that this also information contained on the Idaho Power Company website which is part of , as you indicate, information for interconnectors? CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) Idaho Power Company That would be a fair representation. Let me direct your attention down to the third full paragraph and would you read the first sentence of that paragraph for us? "Receipt of this completed application and the associated fee will be considered the official notification to Idaho Power Company of your intention to interconnect. Continue? No, that's fine, thank you very much it would be fair to say that the receipt of the interconnection application is considered by the Company as an official notice that a potential generator actually desires to interconnect? That's exactly what it says. Exactly what it says, and then let's go back to Exhibit 603 and as we look at again page 2 of 4 it becomes obvious that no distinction is made in this list between wind proj ects and non-wind proj ects is that right? I don't see a technology distinction. Let I s look at page 1 of 4 of Exhibit 603. Okay. And do you recognize this as a page from Idaho Power Company's response to discovery requests submitted by Magic and Cassia? CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) I daho Power Company Yes. And if we look at response to Interrogatory No.2 - - well, let me back up. Interrogatory No.2 itself asked to provide in a form identical to Exhibit A but eliminate all projects that are powered by a fuel or motive source other than wind; that is, it asked to eliminate the non-wind projects from the list. Okay. And the wasn'exactly response indicated that that possible to do, but then indicated that Idaho Power can disclose out of the 18 proj ects identified on Exhibit A, nine of them are wind with an aggregate capacity of 79.07 megawatts. Okay. So can we infer from that that as things stand approximately now , there are approximately 79. megawatts of projects that have submitted interconnection applications in accordance with the Company' procedures? MR. KLINE:Mr. Chairman , I'm going to ralse a limi ted obj ection here because there's also a separate section, if you see on the bottom of , on the bottom of page 1 of Exhibit 605 , there's a little trailer there at the bottom, for generators larger than CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) Idaho Power Company megawatts , there's another list.It also says the same thing on the Exhibit 603, page 2 of 4 , large generators greater than 20 megawatts.There may be some wind generation that they aggregate their request for interconnection so that it hits the 20 megawatt threshold even though it might be broken up into smaller pieces and there's no way Ric is going to know that. MR. MILLER:That I S a fair point and I can sort of , I think , rephrase the question to be more preclse. BY MR. MI LLER :Taking together pages and 2 of Exhibi t 603 , we can conc ude , can we not, that as things stand today, there are 79.07 megawatts of capaci ty represented by proj ects smaller than 20 megawatts that have submitted interconnection applications? Yes. And 20 megawatts is , in rough terms, the PURPA dividing ine? For interconnect? Right.That's the way you Vlew it or am incorrect on that? Well , for qualifying or interconnect? sorry. Let me just withdraw that question. CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X)I daho Power Company Okay. I think we can cover that in a different way.Let me direct your attention now to Exhibit 604 -- Yes , sir. - - which consists of two pages and wonder if you could identify those two pages. This looks like copies of a couple of the front end pages of our 2004 IRP. What I simply want to do is review a few numbers that are disclosed here to put the preVlOUS number , that is , the 79 megawatt s , in some sort of context.Al though it's not disclosed on these two pages am I correct that the nameplate capaci ty of generation owned by Idaho Power Company is approximately 3,000 megawatts? Well , our nameplate capacity is probably larger than that, but for context , our peak load is very close to 3,000 megawatts which it may hit today. I t may hi t today? Yeah , but capacity would be, therefore, potentially larger than that , but the load I can testify to directly. And I think that's an adequate number for the context here.Now , according to the plan summary, the Company intends to add over the planning hori zon CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) I daho Power Company period 940 megawatts of additional generation? Yes, over the 10 -year period. And I haven't done it and unless you can do it in your head, I think it would be semi-obvious to say that the 79 megawatts of applied for or indicated wind generation that has filed interconnection applications is a relatively small figure compared to the total desired addition of 940? 79 is a small number compared to 940. And it's a small number compared to 3, OOO? Yes. And, of course, when we discuss wind capaci ty on a nameplate basis, there is , is there not, the industry recognition that the annual capacity factor of wind projects is less than its nameplate capacity? Substantially less , yes. There are a lot of people a lot smarter than me on this topic, but I've heard the figure percent is a rule of thumb nameplate capaci ty or capaci factor , annual capaci ty factor? Yeah , I think 30 to 35 percent is what we typically talk about. So when we're talking about nameplate capaci ty of wind, we should keep in mind that the actual CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) Idaho Power Company realized capacity is perhaps only 35 percent of that figure. The energy we can expect is substantially less than the nameplate capacity. MR. MILLER:All right , thanks very much for your time. THE WITNESS:Okay. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, Mr. Miller , and looking at the clock , I think what we'll go ahead and do is use this as a natural breaking point for a quick lunch.I will break for lunch with the anticipation that we come back and move forward as expeditiously as possible and we will resume at 1: 00 clock. (Noon recess. CSB REPORTING Wilder , ID 83676 GALE (X) I daho Power Company