HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050907Draft workshop report.pdf... \ \ j 1-- i \# - .. .- - ... r'. IDAHO POWER COMPANY i ED O. BOX 70 BOISE, IDAHO 83707 \nr; F? - 6 Pit;; it: 4 f3 I;JUI.I .... n~~ IDAHO POWER CID BARTON L. KLINE Senior Attorney An IDACORP Company ;;1 ()UBLWo.tl .., ~fl~1\~'-t~r1J \ iLl \ tt.) VUi .... Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 HAND DELIVERED Re:Initial Workshop in Phase 2 of Case No. IPC-05- Dear Commissioners: In Order No. 29839 issued in the above-referenced case, the Commission directed Idaho Power, in conjunction with the other utilities and in consultation with other parties to this case to file a proposed schedule for an initial workshop to "identify issues, required studies and discovery parameters. Also to be filed is a proposal for further procedure and related timelines. An initial report proposing same shall be filed with the Commission within 30 days. Subsequent status reports shall be filed every 60 days thereafter." (Order No. 29839, P. 10) On August 29, 2005, an initial workshop-scheduling meeting was held at Idaho Power s Headquarters in Boise. A copy of the agenda and the attendance sheet for the meeting is attached to this letter. At the initial workshop, the approximately 30 participants agreed to conduct the next workshop on September 20, 2005 at Idaho Power s Headquarters building. The participants also agreed to retain the services of Susan Hayman, North Country Resources, Inc. to provide facilitation services for future workshops. Idaho Power agreed to prepare the minutes of the initial workshop and to prepare an initial status report for the Commission. The status report and the minutes have been prepared and distributed to the meeting participants for their review and comment. Upon receipt of comments Idaho Power will file the approved initial status report and the minutes with the Commission. I would be pleased to respond to any questions or comments the Commission may have regarding compliance with Order No. 29839. Very Barton L. Kline BLK:mg Enclosures Telephone (208) 388-2682 Fax (208) 388-6936, E-mail BKlinefgtidahopower.com cL,LI \1 G L...DRAFT :' ,.- ,.... i L..t:. , C'r "'J t\;'L: LUUiJ jct' Ii ~ ~ BARTON L. KLINE, ISB # 1526 MONICA B. MOEN, ISB # 5734 Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street P. O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-2682FAX: (208) 388-6936 E-mail: BKline(g)idahopower.com MMoen(g)idahopower .com Ie I;D f)UdL IC UTIL! TIES COr'ir/iiSSION Attorneys for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN ORDER TEMPORARILY SUSPENDING IDAHO POWER'S PURP A OBLIGATION TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTS TO PURCHASE ENERGY GENERATED BY WIND- PO WERED SMALL POWER PRODUCTION FACILITIES. CASE NO. IPC-05- INITIAL WORKSHOP STATUS REPORT BACKGROUND On August 4, 2005 , the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) entered Interlocutory Order No. 29839 in which the Commission made initial determinations on several issues relating to entitlement to avoided cost rates. In Order No. 29839, the Commission deferred a final determination on other issues raised in the case pending the completion of a workshop process in which the parties would explore the possibility of resolving or limiting the issues to be considered by the Commission in subsequent proceedings in the case. The Commission s Order provided in relevant part "Idaho Power in conjunction with the two utilities INITIAL WORKSHOP STATUS REPORT, Page DRAFT and in consultation with other parties to this case is directed to file a proposed schedule for initial workshop to identify issues, required studies, and discovery parameters. Also to be filed is a proposal for further procedure and related timeline. An initial report proposing same shall be filed with the Commission within 30 days. Subsequent status reports shall be filed every 60 days thereafter." Order No. 29839 at page 10. PAR TI CIP ANTS In compliance with the Commission s Order, Idaho Power initiated a scheduling meeting to begin the workshop process described in Order No. 29839. On August 29, 2005 representatives from the three electric utilities, the Commission Staff, and various other parties interested in the development of wind generating resources participated in an initial scheduling meeting. The meeting agenda and list of participants is attached. ACTION ITEMS At the meeting on August 29th, the participants exchanged lists of issues to considered in future workshops.The issues lists were briefly discussed for purposes of clarification with the understanding that the next workshop would provide a further opportunity for a full discussion of the issues presented. The participants also agreed that the next workshop would begin at 9:30 a.m. on September 20th at Idaho Power s Headquarters building. Participants also agreed that Idaho Power should pursue the retention of Susan Hayman, North County Resources, Inc., to provide facilitation of future workshops: I Ms. Hayman has agreed to act as meeting facilitator. INITIAL WORKSHOP STATUS REPORT, Page 2 DRAFT Copies of the minutes of the August 29, 2005 meeting have been reviewed and approved by the participants and are attached to this report. The undersigned submits this status report to the Commission on behalf of all workshop participants. RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED at Boise, Idaho, this day of September 2005. BARTON L. KLINE INITIAL WORKSHOP STATUS REPORT, Page 3 DRAFT CASE NO. IPC-05- SCHEDULING WORKSHOP AUGUST 29, 2005 - 1 :30 IDAHO POWER COMPANY AUDITORIUM r"' '" f;;~;;:' ,\ ~t:;~)CJ"'!r"'- -,', en ::1 C.:: rn """C1r't'\ ,.~0(' (') "",," :'::2(:'3.. C"! ::1\\'; :~;: i;:" -"' x:-U1 C") (j') .r: Introduction and Preliminary Matters Barton Kline, Senior Atto~ey Idaho Power Company, chaired the meeting and welcomed the meeting participants. A list of the participants is attached hereto as Attachment No. I. Mr. Kline distributed a meeting sign-in sheet and established that Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Standards of Conduct prohibit discussions at the meeting of transmission interconnection matters. MEETING MINUTES Mr. Kline noted that this meeting is being conducted in accordance with the direction given by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC or the Commission) in Order No. 29839 dated August 4, 2005 , in which the parties to the above-referenced matter are to identify issues, required studies, discovery parameters and proposals for further procedure and related time lines with respect to the above-referenced docket. Mr. Kline reminded meeting participants that the issue of grandfathering Qualified Facilities (QFs) for PURP A contracts with electrical utilities is beyond the scope of this group meeting. Mr. Kline requested that meeting participants consider whether future meetings could benefit by the use of a professional meeting facilitator to ease the process of carrying out the IPUC's directives in Order No. 29839. Kline noted he would poll participants at the end of the meeting regarding their preferences with respect to this Issue. Exchan2e of Issues Lists : Mr. Kline expressed his belief that, in accordance with the IPUC's Order, the parties have been directed to develop the list of issues in this docket and to determine, over the course of a series of workshops, which issues can be resolved by the parties and which issues must be forwarded to the Commission for resolution. Idaho Power Company and Exergy distributed copies of their proposed issues lists that are attached hereto as Attachment No.2 and Attachment No., respectively. 1. IPCo Issue No.1: What is Idaho Power s incremental cost for ancillary services needed to integrate intermittent wind resources? Mr. Kline noted that Idaho Power was moving forward with the selection of a third party consultant to assist the Company in determining the cost of integrating intermittent wind resources onto its system. Joe Miller requested that this issue be amended to reflect that Idaho Power may not incur any incremental costs and that the issue be amended accordingly to read , " Idaho Power s incremental cost if any IPC-05-22 Scheduling Workshop Meeting Minutes of August 29 2005 Page 1 "~'."...\",~ j t:'.;J DRAFT Mike Heckler of Windland noted that more than one cost may confront Idaho Power with respect to the integration of wind resources depending on the level of integration required of differently sized projects and that the issue should be amended accordingly. Mr. Heckler also questioned whether Idaho Power needed to conduct a study since testimony offered by Windland at the hearing in this matter showed that existing studies have already established the costs of integrating wind resources at penetration levels of 100/0 or less and that those studies could be used by Idaho Power to determine the cost of integrating up to 300 MW of wind power onto its system. He also suggested that this analysis could be conducted in conjunction with the Company forthcoming Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) process. Mr. Kline noted that markets exist in the West for ancillary services and the cost to Idaho Power of providing ancillary services should be measured from two perspectives, the cost of integrating wind facilities using its own generation and transmission and the opportunity cost of selling excess ancillary services to other entities. The suggestion was made that at the next workshop the group discuss the types of services encompassed by the term , " ancillary services. 2. IPCo Issue No.2: How should those costs be reflected in wind QF purchase prices?3. Should avoided costs for QF wind resources be determined using a different methodology than the current SAR methodology? If so, what methodology should be used? The group determined that these two issues would be discussed in more detail at the next workshop. 4. Should the availability of published rates be limited to ensure that some portion of total wind resource acquisitions come from RFPs? Mr. Kline explained that this issue raises the question whether the IPUC should consider more than one pricing methodology to set prices for wind QFs to assure that utility customers receive the best price for wind resources. Rick Sterling, IPUC Staff, inquired whether the Commission could legally cap the amount of energy received from QF resources in order to permit utilities to pursue wind resources via RFPs. Bruce Griswold of Pacificorp suggested that published standard rates versus negotiated QF contracts could be used as a benchmark for price differentials. Mike Heckler of Windland reminded the group that the nature of the resource, for example, intermittent versus firm, affects the cost of the resource to a utility and its customers and that different technologies can have different avoided cost rates. He noted that one benefit of the RFP process is the cost set via the RFP can assist in establishing the avoided cost for a resource in a particular service area. Peter Richardson representing Exergy, Inc. stated that the mode or nature of the resource should not be an issue; instead, the issue should be the cost avoided by the utility in purchasing energy generated by QFs. He emphasized that it is inappropriate to single out individual energy resource types for differing avoided cost rates and suggested that the group look at integration costs for all resource technologies. IPC-05-22 Scheduling Workshop Meeting Minutes of August 29 2005 Page 2 DRAFT The group concurred that Issue No.5 identified by Exergy should be discussed in conjunction with Idaho Power s Issue No.4. Bart Kline suggested that all legal issues identified by the group should be separately identified and addressed by legal representatives working in the group. 5. What actions should the Commission take to prevent developers of large QF projects from configuring those projects into multiple smaller projects to qualify for the published rates? Bruce Griswold of Pacificorp noted that existing PURP A restrictions may already act as disincentives to the reconfiguration of larger QF projects into smaller projects. He cited the need for separate substations and contracts as cost disincentives that act to discourage the reconfiguration of larger QF projects into separate smaller facilities. Bart Kline advised the group that the IPUC has previously issued orders in the Earth Power Resources case holding that, if a facility qualifies as a QF and meets the size requirements set by the Commission, the project is entitled to the published rate. Peter Richardson stated that Exergy s perspective is that reconfiguration of a project to obtain the maximum avoided cost rate is not inappropriate or undesirable. Bruce Griswold observed that both the RFP and the negotiated contract processes allow consideration of integration costs in determining the cost of the energy obtained from a resource; however, the same adjustments cannot be made if a project is eligible to receive the tariff or avoided cost rates. Dean Brockbank of Pacificorp noted that, while Commissions are limited in their ability to control or regulate whether a QF reconfigures a project to become eligible for the published rates, the Commission determines what the published rate is and, in effect, can influence whether QFs are motivated to reconfigure projects. 6. Discovery Parameters? Scott Woodbury, IPUC counsel, stated that discovery provides the opportunity for the parties to obtain specific information regarding issues raised in this matter. He observed, however, that certain formalities would have to be observed to protect proprietary interests. In response to an inquiry from Peter Richardson, Bart Kline reminded the group that Idaho Power s 2005 Wind RFP is only temporarily on hold and that the Company intended to maintain the validity of the process. The group proceeded to discuss the Issues list proposed by Exergy, Inc. follows. 1. Is it discriminatory to set avoided cost rates for wind resources using a methodology different from setting avoided cost rates for other resources? The general consensus was that this issue was a legal matter that each party should be prepared to address at the next scheduled workshop. The question arose whether it was appropriate to single out wind resources for separate consideration. Bart Kline reminded the group that the IPUC already determined that wind resources were unique and that it was suitable to study avoided costs for wind resources separately from other renewable resources. Bob Lafferty of A vista observed that the cost of integrating resources other IPC-05-22 Scheduling Workshop Meeting Minutes of August 29, 2005 Page 3 DRAFT than wind onto a system is not as great and that, therefore, it is incumbent on a utility to consider those cost differences. Rich Rayhill of Ridgeline Energy encouraged the group to also focus on the positive attributes of wind energy in its discussion of this issue. 2. If there are ancillary service costs incurred by Idaho Power to integrate wind into its system, how much of those costs are already being assumed by developers through the imposition of the 90/1100/0 band?3. Will the 90/1100/0 band be eliminated if ancillary service costs are imposed on wind projects? The group concurred that these two issues could be addressed in conjunction with other issues identified by the parties. 4. Since RFP acquisition of power is outside of PURP A, should impacts of QF acquisitions even be considered when setting avoided cost rates? Bart Kline observed that it is prudent for the Commission to consider the impact of both RFP acquisitions and PURP A acquisitions when determining the cost of services to a utility' customers. 5. If there is a limit or cap put on acquisition of wind resources should it be applicable to all resources, regardless of motive source? Is it discriminatory to cap QF acquisitions based on motive force? Is it legal to do so? What effect would such a cap have on Idaho Power s acquisition of utility-owned resources? The group had previously decided that this issue should be discussed in conjunction with Idaho Power Issue No. 6. What is the definition of firm for purposes of entitlement to published rates? Should that definition be applicable to all resources, including utility-owned resources? Peter Richardson requested that the group define what is meant by a "firm" resource. 7. Are the ancillary service benefits of geographically diverse wind projects to be included in an ancillary services cost calculation? The group did not specifically discuss this issue at the meeting. Develop schedule for workshopW to consolidate issue lists/discuss positions on issues: Pacificorp indicated that it has completed its wind integration study and is in the process of refining and updating that study. A vista reported that it intends to undertake additional studies. Rick Sterling of the IPUC Staff noted that integration studies conducted by the utilities must proceed for future discussions to be meaningful. Ken Miller of the Northwest Energy Coalition observed that it would be helpful to have a certain amount of wind resources integrated onto a system in order to study the consequences to the utility of incorporating that resource onto its system. Bill Eddie suggested that studies have already been conducted that evaluate the impact on a utility system when 10% of wind had been incorporated onto a system. Karl Bokenkamp of Idaho Power Company noted that it would be desirable to have reliable data specific to Idaho Power to more accurately measure the impact of integrating wind resources onto the Company s electrical system. IPC-05-22 Scheduling Workshop Meeting Minutes of August 29 2005 Page 4 DRAFT Idaho Power offered to share the results of Idaho Power s integration study with group participants. Karl Bokenkamp identified the consultants Idaho Power is considering using to conduct the Company s wind integration study. He reported that the study would take between six and nine months to complete. Joe Miller suggested that an interim solution be identified to avoid putting QF development on hold during the time that Idaho Power is conducting its integration study. QF developers were reminded that they could submit settlement offers to the utilities in the interim period. The group concurred that use of a professional facilitator would be desirable for future workshops. Bart Kline agreed to make arrangements for a facilitator to assist at the next workshop. The group agreed that the following matters were to be completed prior to the next workshop: (3) The meeting minutes/status report would be distributed among the parties for review and approval; The parties would come prepared to refine the issues list at the next workshop; and If possible, the consultant hired by Idaho Power to conduct the Company s integration study should be present at the next workshop. (1) (2) The next workshop was scheduled for Tuesday, September 20,2005 at 9:30 AM Mountain Time at Idaho Power Company s corporate headquarters in Boise, Idaho. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 3 :50 PM. IPC-05-22 Scheduling Workshop Meeting Minutes of August 29 2005 Page 5