HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050411IPC 1st response part IV.pdfChange Order #5 ($70 842.50) This CO includes the IPCo requested changes related to the Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) and Relay protection on the Transformers. The IPCo Protection Engineers have an IPCo System Protect Standard required scheme that has been developed as an IPCo "operating standard" for safety and reliability. The relay Scheme provided with the Project did not comply with that Standard and so changes were requested The Project provided CEMS did not match the systems already in operation at the other IPCo facility. IPCo requested that the equipment and Operating System match the existing systems (2) being currently operated. This will allow commonality of Spares and Service Support. In addition the CEMS is required by Federal and State regulators to comply with air emission monitoring. The reporting procedures are complex and the required generated reports are unique to each CEMS operating system. Errors in reporting are Permit Violations and subject to government imposed penalties. For easy of operation and reporting it was necessary to maintain single operating system. Change Order #6 ($100 200.00) This charge was incurred due to the concerns over excessive gas pressure loss on the project designed gas lateral. The contractual project design incorporated an 8-inch diameter Lateral (4 200ft length). The contractual required design gas pressure by Siemens was 533psi.at the site interface point The Mode pressure on the William Pipeline was 532psi. (William s Data). Using standard pipeline pressure loss calculations at the gas flow required for the Siemens 501F turbine the pipeline calculated pressure loss exceeded 22psi. (a straight pipe). The Williams Meter Station losses estimated by Williams were 3Opsi. This led IPCo to investigate methods to reduce pressure loss. The only practical economic approach at this point was to increase the size of the lateral to a 12-inch diameter pipe. This reduced pipeline losses by 800/0. Change Order #7 ($16 684.00) The main costs included- Additional protective relaying for the generator (Standard IPCo Protection Scheme) Improved sYnchronizing for 421 relay Fire alarm relay indicator panel to the control room Foundation for the Distribution System Transformer. Change Order #8 ($80 302.50) (see also CO #4) These costs are largely associated with the combining of the Control Room Building and the Switchyard Building to reduce project cost (approx $100 000). The costs of these changes would have been incurred in the course of the project but may have been seen more in the Switchyard costs. The main cost components are as follows: Design and install 480v System in the Control Building. Installation of the Distributions Transformer, Control Panel and Automatic Transfer Switch System Additional cable trays and increased size Embedded conduits for the Warehouse/Shop power supply and Phone System. Change Order #9 ($77 298.00) This change order includes costs associated with- Services (Sewer, Water, Fire) for the Warehouse/Shop Additional conduits between the Power Island and Control Room (IPCo was unable to obtain a conduit/cable fill schedule from the developer/contractor concerning "scope of supply Provision for communication, security and network system in the Control Building Switchyard preliminary clearing and raising of the Control Room elevation to enable effective drainage Change Order #10 ($6 150.00) This change order is related to the need to provide cable access to and between various equipment locations throughout the Power Island after initial construction. The project design did not allow for any raceway (conduit) redundancy beyond planned basic control functions. As control and protection wiring needs cannot be foreseen 100% of the time additional conduits were requested between key locations. Change Order # 11 ($10 212.50) This CO is related to the "Site Security System" and includes the following: Supply and installation of 1" PVC conduit linking each camera location to theControl Room Installing power supply boxes for medium voltage connections. Supply and installation of medium voltage requirements for each Camera location. Supply and installation of conduit and raceway linking cameras and supply boxes (for low voltage requirements. Change Order #12 ($160 000) There are four different project components included in this CO. They are as follows: The Supply and Installation of ceramic floor tile in the Control Room (Walkway), Tech Room, Bathroom and Kitchen/Conference Room. The addition of a "Drop Ceiling" in the Tech Room (was open to rafters). The moving and addition of cable trays in the Switchyard/Battery Room section of the Control Building. The addition of a concrete retaining wall 30 feet to the north and east of the Control Building to resolve potential surface "run-off' issues between the Switchyard and Control Room. The work included the installation of a "Duct- bank" and a concrete apron on the north side of the Control Building (for vehicle access to Switch/Battery room). Change Order #13 ($12 309.83) There are three components included in this change order, one being a credit. Two Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) operating stations were added to the base system supplied. Both are needed to provide engineering, system backup and trouble shooting functions to the supplied system. The Warehouse/Shop, which was in the IPCo scope of supply, needed to be bonded to the Power Plant grounding mat. The reduced costs associated with the temporary construction power requirements through the construction phase were credited back to IPCo. Change Order # 14 (No Charges) This CO is an agreed delay of contractual deliveries Penalties until after April 15th 2005 due to the request by IPCo that the turbine section of the Unit be opened for a potential damage inspection relating to foreign material being allowed to enter the forced air- cooling system of the turbine. The material was found and the unit returned to service. N ~ en 0CO C c.. 5 ~o(.) Q) e: ~ ~ 0Q)"C~ Cco W-CI)en c:( ~ ~ (.) co c- (.):E Q) :J ~ ~ .r:. CI) ..... CI) CI).r:. .......... CI) ..! a.. ...; CI) .....,..;...... CI) CI) CI).r:. ..... .r:. ..... CI) ..... CI) CI) CI) CI) .r:. ..... CI) CI) 1;) "E CI) CI)en en~ cCI) ~c:: 'fi N C ..... ~ en 0CI) ~ .- C" CCI) enQ: .Ii) CI) CI) .r:. ..= (")OtOOLO1;)""":~~~"!p..ffi8ffi~~'"' CD T""" (") LO 0 "CUcOL6N ...:..- cs: .......... CI).r:. ..... CI) ..... CI) CI).r:. .......... 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TT CHMENTS BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE NO. IPC-O5- ATTACHMENT TO RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. THE NEXT SIX PAGES HAVE SIDEWAYS TEXT ON THEM FOR WHICH THE SCANNER CANNOT CREATE SEARCHABLE TEXT PLEASE SEE FILE BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE NO. IPC-O5- ATTACHMENT TO RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. IPUC Case No. IPC-05- First Production Request Request No. What is the cost of the capitalized start-up fuel? Specify the account number where it is booked the volume and dollar amount offuel and its purchase price per thermo Response: Bennett Mountain Natural Gas Capitalized Fuel Cost for Test Power February - March 2005 Amounts Capitalized Dollar Amount Month Booked February Estimate February True-up Total February $203 441.63 176,416. $379 858.37 Feb- Mar- March Estimate 449 534.Mar- Total Capitalized Fuel $829 393. Detail MMBTU Gas Cost MMBtu Pipeline Cost Other Costs *Total Cost February 858 296 470.717 097.37 290.379 858.37 March (estimated)590 347 013.49 242 100 068.452.449 534. Total 107,448 643 483.989 181 166.743.829,393. * IGI Service Fee All of the above costs are booked to Account 107, work order 27156773.