HomeMy WebLinkAbout20041130Capital Letter to Idaho Power.pdfCAPITAL ENTERPRISES, INC. 2356 BERYL A VB. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO 83301 PlIO~: 208-731-2741 MAIL: ewcha man ECEIVEO f f t" r~ ~ i L- L. u 200t; NDV 30 pOi'; 9: r ( . . u. ,.LH.... LJTILITIL.S CDic1r"1!SS!ON SUBJECT: Leadore, Idaho area wind farm WEB SITE: leadoreidahowindfarm.com READ THIS LETTER IN ITS ENTIRETY TO GET ALL THE GOOD CONTROVERSIAL INFORMATION OUT OF IT. Karl E. Bokenkamp General Manager Power Supply Planning Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Karl: After several telephone calls and mailing you information, I would like to clarify Capital Enterprises, Inc s position on the Leadore, Idaho area wind farm. There are 540 MW to 2040 MW available to Idaho Power Company and! or their associates at this time. I will number all statements in this letter. 1. Warren Chapman was ask to assist in the building of a wind farm for electric generation in the Leadore, Idaho area while elk hunting. 2. A group of Ranchers requested that Warren Chapman help due to drought conditions and the economy in Lemhi County. This will provide an income from their approximately 50 000 acre ranches. 3. Kenneth Peterson, a local rancher, with over 1 000 acres and a college degree asked that Warren Chapman visit several ranchers within 20 miles of Leadore Idaho, that would support a wind farm on their property. 4. After two weeks of checking this out, including making hundreds of phone calls Warren Chapman accepted the challenge. The phone calls were to Federal, State and county officials. 5. Warren Chapman also called many contractors, wind turbine manufactures general wind generator suppliers, engineers that have wind farm expertise, andmany others. 6. Good information started coming to me from these contacts, including bankers looking for tax credits. After 14 month of wind study and gathering other PAGE 1 OF 7 information, Warren Chapman is making you a proposal to own, construct and operate the wind farm in Leadore, Idaho area. 7. Warren Chapman is sending you a copy of the master book containing eighty pages of information and will explain each section in the master book. Warren will send any other information used to compile the master book upon request. 8. There are several large volumes of information available under separate covers. 9. The following items are included in the copy of the master book, including a financial proposal:a. Capital Enterprises' proposal to Idaho Power Company and!or their associates to own, construct, and operate the Leadore, Idaho area wind farm. The first phase is 540 MW now and 1 500 MW as required for future growth. Warren Chapman has the POWER OF ATTORNEY sell part or all of the stock in Capital Enterprises, Inc. i. Install 40- NRG Symphonie Data Logger wind recorders and 197- foot high tower with equipment and hardware from Lemhi, Idaho to the top of the Lemhi Valley. This is about 35 miles with an elevation change from about 4 200 feet to 7 600 feet along the bottom of the valley. (See large area map) ii. The wind recorders must be installed as follows: Two 197 feet Two 150 feet One 125 feet One 100 feet One wind direction recorder 197 feet One wind direction recorder 150 feet One temperature recorder ground level iii. Capital Enterprises, Inc. will install these recorders upon request and be paid $1 200 000.which includes maintenance for one year. Capital Enterprises, Inc. will use local labor with outside supervisors. This will help the local economy. IV. Capital Enterprises, Inc. will retain David Matson and Associates, Consulting Meteorologist (phone: 925-933- 7505 , E-mail dfmatson~windot.net) for assistance in the location of the wind recorders and calculating the wind records. He will use the 1 500 KW G .E. wind generator power curves every three months and compile the data after one year and give recommendation. v. Capital Enterprises, Inc. is requesting their hard cost back, which is $350 000.00. This will purchase one hundred percent of the stock in Capital Enterprises, Inc. The only assets that Capital Enterprises, Inc. has is six wind recorders mounted on Fred Coleman s crane and one recorder mounted on a 1974 pickup with a 66 foot portable unit. The Agreement with fifty-two individuals or company plus five with a total of fifty-seven. VI. State of Idaho land lease, 18 600 acres at $2 900.00 per year and an application on BLM land of 128 000 acres. The Agreement we PAGE 2 OF 7 have with the BLM is to locate where we want to put recorders and or generators and pay one dollar per acre required per year. A lot of hard work recording the wind and etc. vii. The $350 000.00 must be paid when the generators are order or before on a mutual agreement. viii. The existing stockholders have the right to reclaim all rights in the Leadore, Idaho area wind farm with the Agreement by paying the 200 000.00 back to Idaho Power Company, and!or their Associates. If Idaho Power Company and!or their Associates do. not order the generators 540 MW and pay the $350 000.00 six months after the wind recorders have been installed for one year. ix. Present stockholders or their assignee will have six months to pay the $1 200 000.00 and the $350 000.00 if paid after Idaho Power Company and!or their Associates default on payment as out lined in paragraph iii, v and vi above. 10. The different options that these units can be installed: b. The fifty seven different owners or who ever will qualify under the Purpa Act under 10 MW or less. The fifty-seven different owners would only receive their royalties as spelled out in their agreements. c. Idaho Power Company and!or their Associates can own, construct, and operate this wind farm by paying the $350 000.00 and for fulfilling the agreements included in this letter, also royalties and time schedule. d. By paying the royalties, Idaho Power Company and!or their Associates can own the total wind farm. They can also making a special deal so Idaho Power Company can buy the green power that is required at a reduced price and sell the rest in the open market and use the tax credits. 11. This wind farm should average between thirty five percent and forty nine percent power factor, according to the present wind recorders. 12. The following caculations was made using a thirty one percent power factor with Federal Government says is available in this area. One billion, four hundred sixty six million, four hundred twenty four thousand KWK per year. (1 466 425 000 KWH per year) e. Idaho Power Company s usage 300 MW, 814 680 000 KWH per year. f. Idaho Power Company and!or their Associates can sell the remaining KWH to the open market for about .08 per KWH. g. Using 240 MW equals 651 744 000 KWH sold at .08 cents is $52 139 000.00 per year. 13. 230 KW lines 1200 amps was quoted at $12 000 000.00 by Caribou Construction Co., Jerome, Idaho. This figures out based on fifteen-year loan at ten percent interest. It will cost .001 cent per KWH for the first fifteen years. This is not taking into account any tax credits. 14. G.E. Wind, a division of General Electric Company, has installed several wind PAGE 3 OF 7 farms. They helped me price out the Leadore, Idaho wind farm. $612 000,000.00 is the price we came up with, which includes everything. This total amount willqualify for the energy tax credits. 15. These figures check out with the American wind farm Association. 16. BPA has line capacity for 540 MW 1200 AMP at 230 KWat their line atINEEL. 17. Idaho Power Company has a 138 KW line about 20 miles from Leadore, Idaho near Tendoy, Idaho. This line feeds in from Montana that would carry 270 MW of generation. 18. Avista Corp., power purchaser manager checked this wind farm out and said they could get the power to them through one other power company, but they are not in the market for another ten years because of an arrangement that they have made. They also said the only adverse problem with this wind farms was the transmission line. They said it would cost a million dollars a mile and suggested I check this out. I checked this out and the results were, we are crossing open dessert and they were talking about going through towns. 19. We have free right of way on private property as long as the royalties are paid. 20. We also have approval of 800 plus residents in Lemhi County, about one fourth of the total population. 21. Lemhi County Commissioners have approved this wind farm. 22. The Salmon City Council has approved this wind farm. 23. The EP A, local ranchers and the Idaho Fish and Game will approve this wind farm, because there is little environmental impact. The generators are compatible with cattle and wild life. They know it is an off set to natural resources and is good for our National Security. 24. Idaho Power Company in general is not liked because everybody has to pay his or her power bill. This would change the way of think in Lemhi County. 25. The Mormons settled about 1850 in this valley. There are a lot of the families left. The economy has been bad for several years because of drought with sawmill closing, mines shutting down and etc. This is the way I was approached about this wind farm. I have had no opposition except from a couple out of State. 26. I have been told the military has a lot of wind recorders in this area and I am sure the Department of Energy has these records, but are classified because of the INEEL. I was told they had them in case of a disaster at INEEL they would know which way the debris would travel. Do not forget they were the ones that put out the Idaho State map county by county where the best wind power production is. (see index 6 and 7) 27. Leadore, Idaho area is shown as the second best county in the State of Idaho for generation production. It is all between Lemhi, Idaho and the top of Lemhi Valley. 28. The best county in Idaho for wind generation has a lot of population and towns. You could never get permission to put in a large wind farm. 29. The Agreement with the fifty-two plus five individuals that Capital Enterprises PAGE 4 OF 7 Inc. has does not have any restrictions on it, but we need to work with these individuals. (See attached. under Item 2) 30. The wind that we have located in the Lemhi Valley is strongest in the bottom the Valley from Lemhi, Idaho to the top of the Lemhi Valley. I think the reason for this is the Valley has a gradual climb in a forty miles stretch from elevation of 4000 feet to 7600 feet in the bottom of the valley. On both sides of the Valley the mountains are at 8000 to 10 000 feet of elevation. This works like a funneling effect. 31. Bonneville Power Association has wind recorders on land that they said was off to the side of the wind pattern. Their explanation was, they did not have permission from the landowners to put the recorders in the wind pattern. 32. The wind recorders on the crane for two months showed a forty nine percent power factor. The Meteorologist said this could vary by thirty percent. 33. BP A has told me that historically the wind will vary ten percent from year to year, where water will vary fifty percent from year to year. 34. The wind recorder on the sixty-six foot pickup tower is running sixteen percent more than the sixty-six foot recorder on the crane. The pickup recorder is located about eighteen miles East of the crane, on the top of the Lemhi Valley, about four miles North East of highway twenty eight. 35. Wind recorders that were put on ranches show about ten percent less than the one on the crane at 66 foot. 36. What would this wind farm do to the stockholders of Idaho Corp. (parent company of Idaho Power Company) and customers of Idaho Power Company, if they were to own or get this low cost power for many years to come? 37. I suggest only that the wind farm owners retain Capital Enterprises, Inc., Warren Chapman and Kenneth Peterson for public relations. If Capital Enterprises, Inc. has an agreement to install the wind recorders this would be automatic. 38. All of the above is open for discussion. 39. There is four major differences in the Leadore, Idaho area wind farm: a. Idaho Power Company and!or their Associates would be installing the largest wind farm available in Idaho at a low avoided cost.b. Transmission line 59 miles long will cost .001 cent per KWh per year. $12,000 000.00 loan for 15 year at 10% interest = cost .001 cent per KWH.c. Royalties to fifty seven individuals or Companies cost per year is .005cent per KWh. d. The above figure B and C will be offset and then some by the excellent wind in the Lemhi Valley compared to any other area of any size in Idaho. 40. If Idaho Power Company and!or their Associates install this wind farm, it will bring their avoided cost down considerable, which in turn they will not have to pay co-generators as much under Federal Law. 41- I'm requesting that Idaho Power Company and!or the Associates consider the proposal hard and fast to save the general public a large amount of money in the Long-term future. PAGE 5 OF 7 42. Additional papers in support of the above letter are on the web site. Exhibits A through U. (leadoreidahowindfarm. com) a. Copy of a letter to the general public b. Copy of a letter (draft) for the general public to sign requesting a publichearing. c. Copy of a letter to U.S. Senator Larry Craig. d. Cover letter to the general public. e. Cover letter to Idaho Power Company to own this wind farm.f. Letter dated September 10, 2004, to Karl E. Bokenkamp, General Manager Power Supply Planning for Idaho Power Company. g. Letter Dated, August 24, 1004, to Idaho Public Utilities Commission. h. Letter dated, August 8, 2004, with Carbon copy sent to 120 responsible individuals.i. Letter dated, July 10, 2004, to whom it May Concern, sent to 120 responsible individuals. j. Exhibit 1, David F. Matson, Meteorologist report and other wind caculations with pictures of some ranches with wind recorders on them. k. Exhibit 2, Sample of fifty-two plus five individuals that Capital Enterprises, Inc. has agreements with. 1. Exhibit 3, Application with BLM for wind studies and generator on BLM property - 128 000 acres. m. Exhibit 4, application with the State of Idaho for wind studies and generators on their property - 18 600 acres. We have an agreement. n. Exhibit 5, small area map of wind study area. o. Exhibit 6, State of Idaho map published by the Federal Government of wind power resources. p. Exhibit 7, State of Idaho map published by the Federal Government listing wind power by counties in Idaho. q. Exhibit 8, list of individuals that we have agreements with.r. Exhibit 9, letter from Warren Chapman to the general public and also Warren Chapman s resume.s. Exhibit 12, news paper articles. 1. Exhibit 13, large area map of wind farm study area.u. Exhibit 14, one hour of wind study area, and one hour of recorders on ranches. 43. Warren Chapman installed three power plants in Oregon, 1984. 44. We were paid .08 cents per KWH to start with on these plants and DLS increases after ten years and two owners. Pacific Power and Light purchased the power plant and dismantled them because of the rip off to the general public. 45. Warren Chapman installed a power plant on Magic Dam and sold it for the tax credit. The owners have not run it very much, a total rip off to the general public. 46. In those days Warren Chapman was money motivated, but operated within the law. PAGE 6 OF 7 47. Idaho Public Utilities Commission has order Idaho Power Company, Case No. IPC-04-18 Order No. 29614 without enough investigation in to wind power. What a rip off to the general public. 48. Idaho Public Utilities Commission has ordered Idaho Power Company to pay Co- Generators Case No. IPC-04-, Order No. 29632. Idaho Power Company avoided cost without breaking down different power sources. They should have to pay wind farm verses wind farm or compare apples with apples. (Example wind farm verses gas, coal or water) for there avoid cost to Co-Generators. A rip off to the general public. 49. Idaho Public Utilities Commission should do their homework before placing an order to protect the general public. 50. Is Idaho headed in the same direction as what happened in California? Between California, Public Utilities Commission and Enron. It does not look good. 51. The Idaho Public Utilities Commission should have public hearings on the above cases so they can get an input from the general public that pays their wages. Sincerely yours .,..v Warren P. Chapman, Secret cc: Sent carbon copy to the following: 133 individual or companies listed below. Also the 52 plus 5 individuals that Capital Enterprises, Inc. has agreements with. PAGE 7 OF 7 cc: Carbon Copy sent to the following, pages 1 through 5 Andrew Soto Federal Energy Regulatory Connni~ 888 First Street N. E. Wasbingto n, D . C. 20426-000 1 Micbael S. Mathews Natural ResourcesFieldCoordinator U .8. Senator Larry Craig 560 Filer Ave., Suite A Twin FaDs, Idaho 83301 Lindsey Slater, Chief of Staff u. S. Representative Mike Simpson 802 W. Bannock, Suite 600 Boise, ID 83702 BoJU1eville Power Company 250 Bobwhite Court Suite 250 Boise, ill 83702 Patrick H. Wood Ill, ChaUman F edera1 Energy Regulatorymm~n 888 First Street N. E. Washington, D. C. 20426-0001 Mike Ware, Chief of Staff U. S. Senator Larry Craig 304 No. 8th Room 149 Boise, ID 83702 Jeff MaImeD, Chief of Staff U. S. Representative Butch Otter 802 Bannock St., Suite 101 Boise, ID 83702 Pete Domenici, (R - NM), ChaUman U. S. Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee Sentate Hart 328 Washington, D. C. 20510 Peter Fischer, Admin. Assist. U. S. Senator Mike Crapo 304 No. 8th St. Boise, ID 83702 Bureau of Reclamation IT: Chris Ketchum 1359 Hansen Ave. Burley, ID 83318 PAGE 1 OF 5 Idaho Water Resomces ATI: VICtoria Wigle; ASs. Dir. 1301 No. Orchard Boise, Idaho 83706 Recorder Herald O. Box 310 Salmon, Idaho 83467 Idaho Statesman IT: Carolyn Washbmn O. Box 40 Boise, Idaho 83707 The Times News 132 3rd Street West Twin Falls, Idaho 83301 I daho Public Utility Commission A'IT: Rick Sterling. O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720 Oregon Public Utilities Coynmission IT:Lee Beyer, Cbanman 550 Capital Street N., Suite 215 O. Box 2148 Salem, Oregon 98308-2148 Oregon Public U:tilities Commission ATI: Bob Valdez 550 Capital Street N., Suite 215 O. Box 2148 Salem, Oregon 87308-2148 Gregory W. Said Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 Lindsey Slater Chief of Staff S. Representative Mike Simpson 802 W, Bannock, Suite 600 Boise, Idaho 83707 Idaho Power Company IT: Leomont Keene, Pres; O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Idaho Power Company ATI: lan Packwood Chairman of the Board O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 I dahoPub1ic Utility Commission IT: Paul KjeDander, Pres. O. Box 83720 Boise, IdaHo 93702 Idaho Public. Utility Commission IT: Marsha Smith, Com. O. Box 83720 Boise, IdahO 83720 Idaho Water Resources IT: Karl Dreher, Director 1301 No. Orchard Boise, Idaho 83706 Idaho Public Utility CoJT11Tli~io IT: ))enni4;Hansen, Com O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720 Commission Secretary Idaho Pub6c Utilities CommissioJ O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Peter Fischer Administrative Assistant U .8. Senator Mike Crapo 304 No. 8th St. Boise, Idaho 83702 Barton L. Kline Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 Jeff Malmen Chief of Staff S. Representative Butch Otter . 802 Bannock Street, Suite 1 01 Boise, Idaho 83702 Allen R. Andersen, Democrat District 29, Pocatello - 9192 N. Sunset Dr. Pocatello, ID 83201 - Gary w. Bauer, Republican District 11, N ampa 6280 Cherry Ln. - Nampa, ID 83687 Maxine T. Bell, Republican District 26, Jerome 194 S. 300 E. Jerome, ID 83338 Donna Boe, Democrat District 30, Pocatello 226 S. 16th Pocatello, ID 83201 John L. Campbell, Republican District 1, Sandpoint 1509 Cedar St. Sandpoint, ID 83864 Gary E. Collins, Republican District 12, Nampa 2019 E. M~~busetts - Nampa, ID 83686 - W. W. Deal, Repub1ican District 13, Nampa PO Box B --. Nampa, ID 83653 Charles Ederle, Republican District 5, Post FaDs 16778 Deer Ridge Dr. Post Falls, 83854 George E. Eskridge, Republican District 1, Dover - PO Box It2 Dover, ID 83825 Lee Gagner, Republican District 33, Idaho FaDs 2555 Fieldstream Ln. Idaho Falls, ID 83404 PAGE 2 OF 5 Jack T. Barraclough, Repub6can District 33, Idaho FaDs- .. 30t8 Westmoreland Cir. Idaho FaDs, ID 83402 Ctifford R. Bayer, Republican District 21, Boise 8020 West Amity Boise, ID 83709 . - Max C. Black, Republican District 15 , Boise 3713 Buckingham Dr- Boise, ID 83704 I'C Darrell Boa, Republican District 10, Caldwell 3412 College Ave. Caldwell, ID 83605-6136 Joseph S. Cannon, Republican District 28, Blackfoot 725 Airport Rd. Blackfoot ID 83221 Dolores Crow, Republican District 13, Na..IIJ~ 203 S. Oive Nampa, ID 83686 Lawerence E. Denney, Republican District 9, Midvale PO Box 114 Midvale, ID 83645 Clete Edmunson, Republican District 9, New Plymouth POBox 131 New Plyinout, 83655 Debbie Field, Republican District 18, Boise 3236 Chickory Way Boise, ID 83706 Kathie Garrett, Republican District 17, Boise 3227 Crescent RUn Dr. Boise, ID 83706 Lenore Hardy Barrett, Republican District 3 5, Challis Box 347 ChaPis, ID 83226 Scott Bedke, Republican District. 27 Oakle Box 89 Oakley, ID 83346 Sharon L. Block, Republican Dimict 24, Twin FaIls 1093 Lakewood, Dr. Twin FaDs, ID 83301 Larry C. Bradford, Republican District 31, Franklin 3208 E. Cub River Rd. Franklin, ID 83237 fIID Clark, Republican District 3, Hayden 8798 N. Clarkview Place Hayden Lake, ID 83835 Charles Cuddy, Democrat District 8, Orofino 12640 Hartford Ave. Orofino, ID 83544 Bonnie DougJas, Democrat District 4, Coeur d' Alene 214 Lakeview Dr. Coeur d' Alene, ID 83814 Julie Ellsworth, Republican Dimict 18 , Boise PO Box 668 BoBe, ID 83701 Frances C. Field, Republican District 23, Grand View 23608 Field Ln. Grand View, ID 83624 Ra J. Harwoo~ Republican District 2, S1. Maries 81527 Hwy 3 South St. Maries, ID 83861-7138 Margaret Henbest, Democrat District 16, Boise - PO Box 934 Boise, ID 83701 Hilde Kellogg, Republican District 5, Post FaDs PO Box 1479 Post FaDs, ID 83877-1479 EuJalie Teichert Langford, Republican District 31, Montpelier PO Box 386 Montpelier, ID 83254 Janice McGeachin, Republican District 32, Idaho Falls 6121 N. 5th Idaho Falls, ID 83401 Janet J. Miller, Republican District 17, Boise 5707 W. Randolph Dr. Boise, ill 83705 Mike Naccarato, Democrat District 7, Lewiston 2328 12th Ave. Lewiston, ID 83501 Anne Pasley-Stuart, Democrat District 19, Boise 2301 Hillway Dr. Boise, ID 83647 Robert Ring, Republican District 10, Caldwell 406 Spruce St. Caldwell, ID 83605 Kenneth L Robison, Democrat District 19, Boise 1119 N. 12th St. Boise, ID 83702 George C. Sayler, Democrat District 4 Coeur d' Alene 1102 Ash Ave. Coeur d' Alene, ID 83814 PAGE 3 OF 5 Wendy J aqu~ Democrat District 25, Ketchum PO Box 783 K.etcht!JD, ID 83340 Henry KuIczyk, Republican District 14, Eagle 3305 N. GaDantyne Ln. Eagle, ID 83616 David Langhorst, Democrat District 16, Boise 6700 Hill Rd. Boise, In 83714 Shirley McKague, Republican District 20, Meridian 933 E. Pine Meridian, ID 83642 Mike Mitchell, Democrat District 7, Lewiston 1916 Gateway Dr. Lewiston, ID 83501 Bruce Newcomb, Republican District 27, Burley PO Box 757 Burley, ID 83318 Dell Raybould, Republican District 34, Rexburg 3215 N. 2000 W. Rexburg, ID 83440 Shirley G. Ringo, Democrat District 6, Moscow 1021 Herrington Rd. Moscow, ID 83843 Ann Rydalch, Republican District 32, Idaho Falls 3824 E. 17th St. Idaho FaIls, ID 83406 Robert E. Schaefer, RepubJiaQl District 12, N ampa PT Box 55 N:u I"~ID 83653 Douglas R. Jones, Republican District 23, Filer 3515 N. 2300 E. Filer, ID 83328 Dennis M. Lake, Republican District 28, Blackfoot 830 Taber Rd. Blackfoot, ill 83221 Elmer Martinez, Democrat District 29, Pocatello 8209 W. Portneuf Pocatello, ID 83204 Wayne R. Meyer, Republican District 3, Rathdrum 7896 W. Lancaster Rd. Rathdrum, ill 83858 Mike Moyle, Republican District 14, Star 480 N. Plunnner Rd. Star, ID 83669 Peter Nielsen, Republican District 22, Mountam Home 3955 S. 136 W. Mountain Home, ID 83647 Tim Ridinger, Republican District 25, Shoshone PO Box 110 Shoshone, ID83352 Ken A Roberts, Republican District 8, Donnelly 12765 Highway 55 DoJUlelly, ID 83615 William T. SaIi, Republican District 21, Kuna 175 linke Ct. Kuna, ID 83634 J\1arY Lou Shepherd, Democrat District 2, WaDace 273 Crescent Dr. Wallace, Id 83873 John C Andreason, Republican District 15, Boise 5120 N. Mountain View Dr. Boise, ID 83704 Harold R. Bunderson, Republican District 14, MerKtian 5 82 River Heights Dr. Meridian, ID 83642 Martha Calabretta, Democrat District 2, Osburn Box 784 Osbmn, ID 83849 Denton Darrinton, Republic District 27, Declo 302 S. Highway 77 Declo, ID 83323 Robert L. Geddes, Republican District 31, Soda Springs 370 Mtn. View Avenue Soda Springs, ID 83276 Cecil D. Ingram, Republican District 16, Boise 7025 E. CabaIlo Dr. Boise, ID 83704 . Brad Little, Republican District 11, Emmett PO Box 488 Enunett, ID 83617 Bert C. Marley, Democrat District 29, McCammnn 8806 S. Old Highway 91 Cammon, ID 83250 Jack Noble, Republican District 21, Kuna 1551 McDermott Kuna, ID 83634 Gary J. Schroeder, RepubJican District 6, Moscow 1289 Highland Moscow, In 83843 PAGE 4 OF 5 Kent M. Bailey, Repub~ District 3, Hayden. - PO Box 810 Hayden, ID 83835 Mike Burkett, Democrat District 19, Do 1938 N. 1"" 8t. Boise, ID 83702 Dean L. Cameron, Republican District 26, Rupert 1101 Ruby Dr. Rupert, ID 83350 ... Bart M. .Davis, Republican District 33, Idaho Falls 696 S. Bellin Rd. Idaho Falls, ill 83402 John W. Goedde, Republican District 4, Coeur d' Alene 525 B West Harrison Ave. Coeur d' Alene 83814 Fred Kennedy, Democrat Disbict 22, Mountain Home 865 Galena Court Mountain Home, ID 83647 Patti Anne Lodge, Republican District 13, Huston PO Box 96 Houston, ID 83630 Cwt McKenzie, Republican District 12, Nampa 1911 Candlewood, Dr. Nampa,ill 83686 Monty Pearce, Republican District 9, New Plymouth 2001 County Lme Rd. New Plymouth, ID 83655 Shena A. Sorensen, Repub~ District ~ 8, Boise 1229 E. Brightwater Ln. Boise, ID 83706 R. Skipper Brandt, Republican District 8, Kooskia PO Box 296 Kooskia, ID 83539 Don M Bmtensbaw, Republican District 35, Terreton 1603 N. 1000 E. TerretoD, ID 83450-5033 Dick Compton, Republican District 5, Coeur d' Alene PO Box 1738 Coeur d' Alene , ID 83816-1738 Tom Gannon, Republican District 23, Buhl 4180 S. 1572 E. BuhI, ill 83316 Brent Hill, Republican District 34, Rexburg 1010 S. 2nd E. Rexburg, ID 83440 Shawn Keogh, Republican District 1, Sandpoint PO Box 101 Sandpoint, ID 83864 Edgar J. Malepeai, Democrat District 30, Pocatello 585 S. 19th Pocatello, ID 83201 Ron Me Williams, RepubIican District 10, Caldwell 1722 Ray Ave. Caldwell, ID 83605 Melvin M. Richardson, RepubJicar District 32, Idaho Falls 3725 Brookfield Ln. Idaho Falls, ID 83406 .Joe Stegner, Republican District 7, Lewiston 216 Prospect Blvd. Lewiston, ID 83501 Mack G. S1Urley, Republican District 34, Rexburg 443 W. Moran View Rexburg, ID 83340 Kathy SkippeD, Republican District 11, Emmett. . . 5454 W. Central Rd. Emmett, ID 83617 Leon Smith, Republican District 24, Twin FaDs 1381 Galena Dr. Twin FaDs, ID 83301 Steve Smylie, Republican Dbtr jet 15 , Do jge 2220 N. Coolwater Ave. Dome, ID 83713 John A. Stevenson, Republican District 26, Rupert 1099 N. 400 W. Rupert, ID 83350 Tom Trail, Republican District 6, Moscow 1375 Mountain View Rd. Moscow, ID 83843 JoAn E. Wood, Republican District 35, Rigby 3778 E. 500 N. Rigby, ill 83442 Gerry Sw~RepubJican Di4a jet 20, Meridian- . . 3122 N. Su..u)Side Ave. Merictian, ID 83642 Clint T ennett, Democrat D8rict 2S, Ketcbum PO Box 475 Ketchum, In 83340 - StaDIey Williams, Republican District 28, Pingree 1286 W. 200 S. - Pingree, ID 83262 PAGE 5 OF 5 Elaine Smith, Democrat District 30, Pocatello 3759 Heron Ave. Pocatello, Id 83201 Mark A Snodgrass, Republican District 20, Meridian 405 W. Sedgewick Dr. Meridian, ID 83642 Richard W~ Republican District 22, Glenns Ferry PT Box 602 Glenns Fetty, ID 83623 Elliot Wat, Democrat IMtI~, Boise 6810 Randolph Dr. Boise, ID 83709