HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040825Miscellaneous.pdf,I POVVE R An IDACORP Company !J l..J:../Lt\J UT1Lil !tS- COH~,t!SSlOr~ BARTON L. KLINE Senior Attorney Via Facsimile and Certified Mail , ' i~cCEIVEO IDAHO POWER COMPANF ! LED O. BOX 70 BOISE, IDAHO 83707 1"\11"1"\ ,..., 1A t.uUJ u July 17, 2003 f/: ~h~ fdv 2-PC ./f tlt!, I(A fvf I pl-/6 ileA Mr. Steve Millemann Mill em ann, Pittenger, McMahan & Pemberton O. Box 1066 McCall, ill 83638 Dear Mr. Mil1emann: On December 13 2002, our two clients entered into an agreement ("Letter Agreement") to proceed with the construction of certain electric distribution facilities for the TamarackResort project, while at the same time reserving the parties' rights to pursue a dispute resolution process at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Attached to the December 13, 2002 Letter Agreement as Annex 1 was an Agreement to Provide Electric Distribution Facilities Annex 1 " ). With the exception of those portions of Annex 1 that are identified in the December 13 2002 letter agreement as being subject to change based on the outcome of the IPUC dispute resolution process, Idaho Power and Tamarack have agreed to the terms and conditions in Annex 1. On June 10 2003 , by second letter agreement, our two companies agreed to several changes to Annex 1 to allow Idaho Power to provide an additional 1 MY A of capacity in 2003. The December 13, 2002 letter agreement, the June 10 2003 letter agreement and the , Annex 1 reflected by the June 10, 2003 letter agreement are hereinafter referred to collectively as the Agreement" Since entering into the Agreement, Tamarack has failed to perfonnin several material aspects. They areas follows: Section 4.1 of Annex 1 provides that Tama~ack will pay the sum $374 150 to Idaho Power on or before July 1 2003. That payment was not made. On July 3 , 2003 , 1 notified you that the payment due on July 1 2003 had not been received. On July 10, 2003 , you advised me that your client intended to make the payment to Idaho Power sometime this week. As of the date of this letter, Idaho Power' still has not received the payment that was due on July 1 2003. Telephone (208) 388-2682, FAX (208) 388-6936, Mail jnielson(fYidahopower.com Tamarack's failure to complete its work in a timely fashion is having a direct adverse effect on Idaho Power s cost of construction and Idaho Power s ability to complete the project to meet the October 1 , 2003 deadline for completion of phase 1 construction. At the time of the December 13 , 2002 letter agreement, Tamarack committed to cause the sewer line construction for the project to commence on or before June 1 2003. Construction of the sewer line is a critical path itemin Idaho Power s installing the underground portion of phase 1. As of the date of this letter, construction of the sewer line has not commenced and it is our understanding that it will be early to mid-August before the construction starts. This has caused Idaho Power to delay the letting of contracts for construction, and in all likelihood will increase the bid prices received by Idaho Power for construction of the underground portion of this project. The dispute resolution process has been extended for an inordinately long period of time. Idaho Power is very concerned that the Agreement has not been filed with the Commission. Section 4.4 of Annex 1 provides as follows: If Tamarack fails to pay an amount due on or before the payment milestone date specified in Sections 4.1 and 4., any obligation of Idaho Power to further perform under this agreement and to credit the $120 000 amount paid on June 1 2003 will be terminated. Idaho Power will have . the sole discretion to determine if any subsequent (late) payment by Tamarack will permit the continuation of this agreement, or if the agreement should be terminated. In accordance with the provisions of Section 4.4, this letter will advise you that Idaho Power believes Tamarack has materially breached the Agreement. Idaho Power considers the Agreement terminated and will cease all further construction activities described in theAgreement. conditions: Idaho Power will consider reinstating the Agreement under the following Tamarack pays to Idaho Power on or before July 25, 2003 , the amount of $561 225 which represents the currently delinquent July 1 , 2003 payment of$374 150 plus $187 075 which is the amount currently scheduled to be paid on or before September 1 , 2003; and Tamarack agrees that Idaho Power s obligation to complete the installation of the phase 1 electric distribution facilities described in the Agreement will be delayed until November 1 , 2003. This November 1 st date is subject to further deferral if construction of the sewer line as previously described in this letter is not commenced by August 4, 2003; and Tamarack agrees to sign an Agreement to Provide Electric Distribution Facilities in the form of Annex 1 attached to the June 10, 2003 Letter Agreement modified to reflect the changes described in 1 and 2 above. The vested interest refund sections in the signed agreement will be as contained in Annex 1. If you desire to discuss this matter further, please contact me. ly yours tL-- Barton L.Kline BLK:mg Jean Pierre Boespflug , Jerry Nielson Jim Miller Warren Kline Scott Woodbury - IPUC . ' IDAHO POWER COMPANY O. BOX 70 BOISE, IDAHO 83707 BARTON L. KLINE Senior Attorney An IDACORP Company July 21 , 2003 VIA FACSIMILE (208-634-4516) AND FIRST CLASS MAIL Steven J. Millemann Millemann , Pittenger, McMahan & Pemberton, LLP 706 North First O. Box 1066 McCall, Idaho 83638 Re:Resolution of Issues Raised In Idaho Power July 17 , 2003 Termination Letter Dear Steve: This letter will confirm the agreement we reached today to resolve the issues raised in the above-raised referenced termination letter. Consistent with our discussions and your letter to me dated July 21 2003, Idaho Power and Tamarack have agreed to modify the existing 8greement To Provide Electric Distribution Facilities Agreement") as follows: 1. The Agreement currently provides that Tamarack will pay Idaho Power the amount of $187 075 on or before September 1 2003. Tamarack will pay the $187 075 amount on or before July 25 , 2003. Idaho Power acknowledges that the July 1 , 2003 payment of $374 150 was made on July 18, 2003. 2. Please be assured that Idaho Power is diligently pursuing all aspects of this project, including construction of the overhead line portions of Phase Consistent with Tamarack's representation that construction of the sewer expansion project should commence on or before August 13, 2003 , Idaho Power believes it can complete its Phase 1 work on or before November 1 , 2003. If construction of the sewer expansion project has not started by the August 13, 2003 date , it may be necessary for Idaho Power to obtain additional compensation from Tamarack to accommodate an accelerated construction schedule or to obtain such other relief as may be necessary to avoid/deal with winter construction conditions. 3. You will expeditiously review the revised draft Joint Application and Exhibits to the Agreement sent to your office on June 25,2003 so that we can get a Telephone (208) 388-2682 FAX (208) 388-6936, E-mail BKline~idahopower.com Mr. Steven J. Millemann Page #2 July 21, 2003 final version to the IPUC Staff. In addition, you will obtain from your client Exhibits 3 and 4 to the Agreement so that they can be included with the materials provided to the IPUC Staff. We will proceed as planned with the August 52003 IPUC Staff review. Assuming that the above-referenced commitments are honored in a timely manner by Tamarack, Idaho Power has agreed to reinstate the Agreement. Please call me immediately if you have any questions or concerns with any portion of this letter. It has been and will continue to be our preference to proceed with this project in a collaborative manner. fjjU Barton L. Kline BLK:jb Jim Miller Keith Kolar Jerry Nielson Scott Woodbury, IPUC :r":-~:r ,-- 'i.JL_ . ;!" IDAHO POWER COMPANY O. BOX 70 BOISE, IDAHO 83707 i~r::: F 1\ ~) Pr'~ l1: b~~~~~~r INE i.. j""". i-_ An IDACORP company ,.,,' ~, - J ' ! - :. 'I ' ,, "" '' "' .: . ,", "-" I ,I " ,,. .. . '. . J~ij,:"I,-,!i',ij ,j,,) I July 24, 2003 Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise , I D 83720-0074 Re:Tamarack Resort Dispute Resolution Dear Scott: Both Idaho Power and Tamarack appreciate Staff's willingness to review and comment on the issues still in dispute between Idaho Power and Tamarack. Enclosed is a draft Application for dispute resolution. This document states the dispute between Idaho Power and Tamarack. If, after the parties receive Staff's views on the disputed matters , they are still unable to reach an agreement, this would be the document that would be filed with the Commission. The Application presents the dispute between the parties in some detail. If Staff would prefer to receive a written document presenting the arguments in support of each of the parties respective positions in advance of the meeting, let me know and I can convey that information to Tamarack. Tamarack's lawyer is Steve Millemann. I have discussed the attached materials with Steve , and he is aware that these are being provided to you. If you need to speak with Steve , his telephone number is (208) 634-7641. If you have any questions, please don t hesitate to contact me. yours Barton L. Kline BLK:jb Enclosure Steven J. Millemann Telephone (208) 388-2682; Fax (208) 388-6936; Email BKline~idahopower.com ::, "i~:;\/ED , - BARTON L. KLINE ISB #1526 Idaho Power Company P. O. Box 70 (83707) 1221 West Idaho Street Boise , Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-2682 FAX Telephone: (208) 388-6936 Attorney for Idaho Power Company :":, . 1'" DRAFT "I.,.~'J, ',~ ,JI.).J1 ""1)',, 4':.. -4 rl 46/25/03 " "" ' I ;, c' " (';' ~; ,:' in IiI L_t I L.." ,,) , jVi"1I0,)iUrl STEVEN J. MILLEMANN ISB #2601 Millemann, Pittenger, McMahan & Pemberton, LLP 706 North First McCall, Idaho 83638 Telephone: (208) 634-7641 FAX Telephone: (208) 634-4516 Attorney for Tamarack Resort LLC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY AND TAMARACK RESORT LLC FOR APPROVAL OF AN AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTIONFACILITIES. CASE NO. IPC-03- JOINT APPLICATION COMES NOW , IDAHO POWER COMPANY ("Idaho Power" or the Company ), and TAMARACK RESORT LLC ("Tamarack"), in accordance with RP 052 and hereby request that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission ) resolve a dispute between the parties and approve an Agreement To Provide Electric Distribution Facilities between Idaho Power and Tamarack. (Tamarack was formerly known as WestRock.) While the parties have reached agreement on many of the terms and conditions that will be included in an Agreement To Provide Electric Distribution Facilities, they have not reached agreement on, and are, in fact, at impasse , regarding JOINT APPLICATION, Page several issues. While Idaho Power and Tamarack were unable to agree on some portions of the Agreement To Provide Electric Distribution Facilities, they recognized that a delay in the commencement of construction could delay completion of the Facilities beyond the October 2004 date requested by Tamarack to accommodate its development schedule. On December 13, 2002 , the parties entered into an agreement to proceed with construction of electric distribution facilities pending Commission resolution of the dispute between the parties. Attached hereto as Exhibit 1 is a copy of the December 13, 2002 agreement to proceed. Attached to the December 13, 2002 agreement as Annex 1 is a draft Agreement To Provide Electric Distribution Facilities. On June 10, 2003 the parties entered into a supplemental agreement to provide temporary additional capacity to the Resort Project until all of the facilities described in the Agreement to Provide Electric Distribution Facilities are completed. This June 10, 2003 agreement is not at issue in this case but it does revise the description of the facilities to be constructed in Exhibits 1 and 2 of the Annex 1 draft agreement. For purposes of this Joint Application, the Annex 1 attached to the June 10, 2003 letter agreement is the agreement for which the parties are requesting dispute resolution and is hereinafter referred to as "Annex 1." The June 10,2003 agreement and Annex 1 are attached as Exhibit 2 to this Application. Idaho Power has offered to enter into the agreement as set out in Annex By this Application, the parties are requesting that the Commission resolve the outstanding issues ,between the parties and approve an agreement based on that resolution. As background for this Application , Idaho Power and Tamarack represent as follows: JOINT APPLICATION, Page 2 Tamarack intends to develop a substantial four-seasons resort project ("Resort Project") to be located in Valley County, Idaho. Tamarack has indicated that at final build-out, the Resort Project will be a complex featuring approximately 2 000 housing units and approximately 272 000 square feet of commercial space along with a golf course, ski lifts and other recreational amenities with a combined electrical load of approximately 20 MW. Because final build-out is expected to take a number of years Tamarack has requested that Idaho Power make 7.5 MVA of electrical capacity available to the Resort Project by October 1 , 2004. The Resort Project will be located in an area where Idaho Power does not have existing facilities of adequate capacity and desired phase and voltage. Delivery of power (capacity) to the Resort Project site will require the construction of (1) underground and overhead distribution facilities and lines to interconnect with Idaho Power s existing transmission/distribution system ("Interconnection Facilities ), and (2) installation of additional equipment and facilities at the Company s existing Donnelly Substation ("Substation Facilities ). The Interconnection Facilities and Substation Facilities are sometimes hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Requested Facilities." Because the line installation involves substation facilities and it is located in an area where no other significant loads currently exist or are currently planned , the provisions of Idaho Power s Rule H do not apply to the Requested Facilities. Even though Rule H does not apply, there is a portion of the Requested Facilities where there is some capacity in excess of 7.5 MW , and the Parties have agreed to apply Rule H principles to this portion of the Requested Facilities to allow Tamarack an opportunity to recover some of its contribution in aid of construction. JOINT APPLICATION, Page 3 It is the application of these Rule H principles that have caused the disagreement between the Parties. As noted in the December 13, 2002 Agreement, Idaho Power and Tamarack have reached an impasse on the following items: (a)What portion of the total cost for the construction of the Requested Facilities identified in Section 2 of Annex 1 should be subject to the vested interest refund provisions?; (b)For what period of time , after completion of construction of the Requested Facilities , should the vested interest refund provisions apply (Section 7 of Annex 1 )?; (c)To what maximum number of additional applicants should the vested interest refund provisions apply (Section 7 of Annex 1 )?; and (d)Should the ultimate resolution of the vested interest refund issues affect or alter the proration of the total cost of construction of the Requested Facilities between Tamarack and Idaho Power, as quantified in Section 2 of Annex 1? Exhibit 3 shows the changes Tamarack would make to Section 7 and Exhibit 5 of Annex 1 . As indicated in the December 13 , 2002 Agreement , Idaho Power is proceeding with construction of the Requested Facilities subject only to the ultimate resolution of the questions related to the vested interest refunds and the sharing of the total cost of construction of the Requested Facilities between Idaho Power and Tamarack. JOINT APPLICATION , Page 4 SERVICE OF PLEADINGS Service of pleadings, exhibits , orders and other documents relating to this proceeding should be served on the following: Barton L. Kline Senior Attorney Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise , 10 83707 Steven J. Millemann Millemann , Pittenger, McMahan & Pemberton , LLP 706 North First Street McCall, 10 83638 Gregory W. Said Director, Revenue Requirement Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, 10 83707 Jean Pierre Boespflug Tamarack Resort LLC 475 S. Capitol Blvd., Suite 200 Boise, 10 83702 MODIFIED PROCEDURE The Parties requests that this matter be processed under modified procedure. REQUEST FOR ORDER The Parties request that the Commission determine whether Section 7 or Section 2 (or both) of the Agreement to Provide Electric Distribution Facilities (Annex should be revised or modified and issue its order accordingly. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this day of July, 2003. BARTON L. KLINE Attorney for Idaho Power Company STEVEN J. MILLEMANN Attorney for Tamarack Resort LLC JOINT APPLICATION , Page 5 EXHIBIT IDAHO POWER COMPANY O. BOX 70 BOISE, IDAHO 83707 An IDACORP Company (208) 388-2865 (208) 388-6905 (Fax) JAMES C. MILLER SENJOR VICE PRESIDENT - DELIVERY December 13, 2002 WestRock Associates , LLC 475 S. Capitol Boulevard Boise , 10 83701 Subject:Agreement To Proceed With Construction of Electric Distribution Facilities Pending Commission Resolution of Dispute Gentlemen: Representatives of our two companies have been negotiating an agreement to provide electric distribution facilities to serve electric loads at a four- seasons resort WestRock is developing in Valley County, Idaho. Attached to this agreement as Annex 1 is a draft Agreement To Provide Electric Distribution Facilities. Idaho Power has offered to enter into the agreement as set out in Annex 1. While the parties have reached agreement on many of the terms and conditions described in Annex 1 , they have not reached agreement on , and are , in fact , at impasse regarding several issues in Annex 1 including, but not limited to , the following: (a) What portion of the total cost for the construction of the Requested Facilities identified in Section 2 of Annex 1 should be subject to the Vested Interest Refund provisions?; (b) For what period of time , after completion of the construction of the Requested Facilities, should the Vested Interest Refund provisions apply (Section 7 of Annex 1 )?; (c) To what maximum number of Additional Applicants should the Vested Interest Refund provisions apply (Section 7 of Annex 1 )?; and (d) Whether, and to what extent, the ultimate resolution of the Vested Interest Refund Issues should affect or alter the proration of the WestRock Associates , LLC Page #2 December 13 , 2002 total cost of construction of the Requested Facilities between WestRock and Idaho Power, as specified in Section 2 of Annex 1. The parties intend to jointly submit these issues to the Commission for final resolution. However , in order for Idaho Power to complete construction of the Requested Facilities described in Annex 1 within the time periods specified in Section 1.4 of Annex 1 , it will be necessary for Idaho Power to commence construction before the Commission has resolved the above-described issues and approved a final contract between the parties. To allow Idaho Power to commence the construction process immediately, the parties have agreed as follows: (1) WestRock will make the first payment identified in Section 4.1 of Annex 1 on or before December 20, 2002 , and Idaho Power will commence the construction process. (2) Except as otherwise provided in Annex 1 , subsequent payments will be made by WestRock on the schedule identified in Sections 4.1 and 4.2 of Annex 1 and Idaho Power will complete the construction of the Requested Facilities within the time periods specified in Section 1.4 of Annex 1. (3) With the exception of Section 7.3, Section 2 and Exhibit 5 to Annex 1 , which may be revised depending on the outcome of the Commission proceeding, Idaho Power and WestRock agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions set out in Annex 1 , regardless of the manner in which the aforesaid vested interest refund and related issues are resolved by the Commission. If such final resolution alters WestRock's share of the total cost of construction of the requested facilities , as provided in Section 2 above , then the difference (Le. between WestRock's total share of such cost as stated in Section 2 above , and WestRock's total share of such costas resolved by the Commission) shall be apportioned equally among WestRock's three payments for the Phase 2 work, which are specified in Section 4.2 of Annex 1 , by increasing or decreasing such payments accordingly. (4) The application to the Commission will be filed on or before January 17 , 2003. WestRock Associates, LLC Page #3 December 13, 2002 If you concur that the foregoing accurately represents the agreement between the parties , please indicate your company s agreement by signing all three copies of this letter in the space provided below and returning two fully executed copies to me. Very truly yours c ~ lk.. JCM:jb Attachment WESTROCK ASSOCIATES, LLC Title C ~'c f~ewh\y( OJ-filer oate: J2.jJt,f ~?., ANNEX AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION FACiliTIES THIS AGREEMENT , dated , 2002, is by and between WESTROCK ASSOCIATES, LLC ("WestRock"), a Limited Liability Company, with its principle offices at 475 S. Capitol Boulevard, Boise, Idaho , and IDAHO POWER COMPANY ("Idaho Power" or "the Company ), an Idaho corporation with its principal offices at 1221 West Idaho Street , Boise, Idaho. WestRock and Idaho Power may also be referred to individually as "Party" or collectively as "Parties. RECIT ALS WestRock intends to develop a substantial four seasons resort project , (" Resort Project") to be located in Valley County, Idaho. WestRock has indicated that at final build out, the Resort Project will be a complex featuring approximately 2 000 housing units , and approximately 272 000 square feet of commercial space along with a golf course , ski lifts and other recreational 'amenities with a combined electrical load of approximately 20 MW. Because final build out is expected to take a number of years , WestRock has requested that Idaho Power make 5 MV A of electrical capacity available to the Resort Project site by October 1 , 2004. Because the Resort Project will be located in an area where Idaho Power does not have existing facilities of adequate capacity and desired phase and voltage , delivery of power (capacity) to the Resort Project's site will require the construction of (1) underground and overhead facilities and lines to interconnect with Idaho Power's existing transmission/distribution system ("Interconnection Facilities and (2) installation of additional equipment and facilities at the Company s existing Page Donnelly Substation (the "Substation Facilities ). The Interconnection Facilities and the Substation Facilities are sometimes hereinafter collectively referred to as the Requested Facilities.Installation of distribution facilities within the boundaries of the Resort Project will be made in accordance with Rule H , Idaho Power s tariff governing line installations , including any revisions to that rule , or any successor rules or schedules. Except as provided in Section 7 herein, this Agreement is not subject to or governed by Rule H. Idaho Power will construct the Requested Facilities in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Agreement. NOW , THEREFORE , in consideration of the mutual obligations and undertaking set forth herein , and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency is hereby acknowledged , WestRock and Idaho Power agree as follows: AGREEMENTS Construction of Requested Facilities The Requested Facilities will be constructed in two phases. Phase 1 facilities , to be constructed in 2003 , will provide not more than 1 MV A of three-phase power at the Delivery Point by the end of the 2003 construction season. A general description of the Phase 1 facilities is attached as Exhibit 1 Phase 2 construction will be performed during the 2004 construction season and will include the construction of the Interconnection Facilities and the installation of the Substation Facilities to provide 7.5 MW of electric capacity at Page 2 the Delivery Point. A general description of the Phase 2 Interconnection Facilities and Substation Facilities is attached as Exhibit 2. Idaho Power will construct the Requested Facilities to provide for the delivery of power (capacity) at a point generally described as the northeast corner of the Resort Project property at the west boundary of the West Mountain Road right of way, as more particularly described on Exhibit 3 attached hereto (the "Delivery Point" 1.4 Phase 1 construction is expected to be completed by Idaho Power on or before October 1 , 2003. Phase 2 construction is expected to be completed by Idaho Power on or before October 1 2004. Idaho Power will use commercially reasonable efforts to complete construction of the Requested Facilities by the dates specified in Section 1.4 above. However, WestRock recognizes that Idaho Power s ability to complete either Phase 1 or Phase 2 on or before the dates specified, is subject to the receipt of the payments from WestRock as described herein , Idaho Power s ability to obtain required labor, materials and equipment , timely receipt of satisfactory easements and rights of way, and timely receipt of governmental regulatory authorizations , including, but not limited to, approval of this Agreement by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission If Idaho Power fails to meet the completion deadlines described above , and such failure is not excused as provided in Section 1.5, the Parties agree that WestRock may submit the matter to the Commission for appropriate relief, and pending final resolution , WestRock's obligation to make further payments pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be suspended. Page 3 .E!Qject Cost The total estimated cost for the design and construction of the Requested Facilities is $2 716,245. The portion of the aforesaid total cost which shall be paid by WestRock is: $1 918,933. QillJacitv Entitlement At the completion of Phase 2, Idaho Power will make available to WestRock 7.5 MW of electrical capacity measured at the Delivery Point to serve loads within the Resort Project boundaries. The Resort Project boundaries are shown on Exhibit 4. However, if at the conclusion of the 15 year period following the completion of construction of Phase 2 , total loads within the Resort Project boundaries are less than 5 MW , WestRock's entitlement to 7.5 MW of capacity at the Delivery Point will be ended. Idaho Power will send a letter to WestRock specifying the date when construction of Phase 2 has been completed and notifying WestRock that the 15 year time period described above has commenced. Payment Provisions WestRock will make payments to Idaho Power for the Phase Requested Facilities in the amounts and at the times specified below: December 20, 2002 July 1 , 2003 September 1 , 2003 $374 150 $374 150 $187 075 WestRock will make payments to Idaho Power for the Phase Requested Facilities in the amounts and at the times specified below: Page 4 March 1 , 2004 May 1 , 2004 October 1 , 2004 $393,423 $393,423 $196,712 If WestRock fails to pay an amount due on or before the payment milestone date specified in Sections 4.1 and 4., any obligation of Idaho Power to further perform under this Agreement will be terminated. Idaho Power will have the sole discretion to determine if any subsequent (late) payment by WestRock will permit the continuation of this Agreement , or if the Agreement should be terminated. OwnershiQ..Qperation and Maintenance Idaho Power will own , operate and maintain the Requested Facilities constructed pursuant to this Agreement. WestRock recognizes that it is paying a proportionate share of the total costs of improving a portion of Idaho Power utility system , and recognizes that Idaho Power will utilize the improvements to the system to provide service to other customers, and that the improvements will be a part of Idaho Power s electrical transmission and distribution system. .8l9hts of Way and/or Easements WestRock will convey and/or grant to Idaho Power such easements or rights of way on WestRock's land that Idaho Power may determine are reasonably required for locating, constructing, operating and maintaining the Requested Facilities. All such easements and rights of way will be in a form acceptable to Idaho Power, and will be provided to Idaho Power at no cost. Idaho Power will be responsible for obtaining any and all permits, rights of way, and/or regulatory approvals required by public agencies for performance of this Agreement and for payment of any and all Page 5 permit fees and/or taxes required for or associated with such permits, rights of way, and regulatory approvals. Vested Interest Refund Provisions WestRock recognizes that in order to supply 7.5 MW of electrical capacity at the Delivery Point that will allow WestRock to receive electrical energy with the power quality specifications requested by WestRock, it will be necessary for Idaho Power to construct a portion of the Interconnection Facilities outside the Resort Project boundaries with a capacity greater than 7.5 MVA. However , as provided in Section 3 except as may be allowed by subsequent agreement between the parties , WestRock will not be entitled to use more than 7.5 MW of capacity in the Interconnection Facilities. Idaho Power and WestRock have agreed that , while this Agreement is not subject to Rule H , it would be reasonable to apply the Rule H refund principles in effect at the time of this Agreement to a portion of the cost of the Interconnection Facilities located outside the Resort Project boundaries. With this exception, this Agreement is not related to nor governed by Rule H. That portion of the Interconnection Facilities that will be subject to refunds ("Vested Interest Portion" as that term is defined in Rule H) under this Section 7 is more particularly described in Exhibit 5. The maximum dollar amount for each Phase subject to refund under this Section 7 is also specified in Exhibit 5. These maximum dollar amounts are hereafter referred to as the "Maximum Refund Amounts The total amount refunded to WestRock under this Agreement will not exceed the Maximum Refund Amounts. For purposes of this Section 7 , WestRock will be deemed as to be an initial Applicant and a Vested Interest Holder (as those terms are defined in Rule H) in Page 6 the Vested Interest Portion of the Interconnection Facilities specified in Exhibit5 up to the Maximum Refund Amounts and will be entitled to receive Vested Interest Refunds (as defined in Rule H) based on Vested Interest Charges (as defined in Rule H) for Connections of Additional Applicants (as defined in Rule H) to the Vested Interest Portion of the Interconnection Facilities described in Exhibit 5 for a period ending five (5) years after the completion of the Phase 2 Requested Facilities. Notice of the commencement of the five year period will be given as provided in Section 3.1. The Vested Interest Refund limitations described in Section VI.A.1 of Rule H will be applicable to WestRock's refund entitlement under this Agreement, provided that the four Additional Applicants identified in Section VI.1 .a. shall be limited to Additional Applicants connecting a load of not less than kW. Additional Applicants with loads smaller than kW will not trigger a refund obligation nor count against the limitation of four Additional Applicants during the period ending five (5) years after the completion date of the Phase 2 Requested Facilities. Additional Provisions Liability Each Party will indemnify and hold harmless the other Party from and against loss , damage or liability, exclusive of costs and attorney s fees, resulting from claims asserted by third persons against either or both Parties to this Agreement on account of injury or death to persons or damage or destruction of property occurring on such (indemnifying) Party s side of the aforesaid Delivery Point unless such injury or damage shall have resulted from the sole negligence of the other Party; provided, however, that each Party shall be solely responsible for claims of and Page 7 payment to its employees for injuries occurring in connection with their employment or arising out of any worker s compensation laws. Limitation on Liability NEITHER PARTY SHALL, IN ANY EVENT BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES SUCH AS, BUT NOT liMITED TO, LOST PROFITS , REVENUE OR GOOD WILL, OR INTEREST , WHETHER SUCH LOSS IS BASED ON CONTRACT , WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE , STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE. Waivers Any waiver at any time by either Party of any right with respect to any matter arising under this Agreement , or any failure to give notice provided hereunder, shall not be deemed to be a waiver with respect to any subsequent matter, nor as the establishment of or consent to any practice under this Agreement or an interpretation of any term or provision hereof. 8.4 Successors and Assi~. Neither Party shall assign this Agreement or any portion thereof without the prior written consent of the other Party, which consent of such other Party shall not be unreasonably withheld. Upon proper assignment , this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors in interest, assigns and legal representatives of WestRock and Idaho Power. .8.ggulatorv Authority . This Agreement is subject to valid laws and to the regulatory authority and orders , rules and regulations of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and such other administrative bodies having jurisdiction , as well as Idaho Page 8 Power Company s Rules and Regulations as now or may be hereafter modified and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Choice of Law and Venue . This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho, and venue for any court proceeding arising out of this Agreement shall be in Boise, Idaho. Modifications and Counterparts. This Agreement may only be amended or modified by a writing signed by the duly authorized representatives of both parties. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts , each of which , taken together, shall constitute one and the same Agreement. Commission AQProval.This Agreement shall be subject to the approval of the Commission and the respective rights and obligations of the Parties hereunder shall be subject to the continuing jurisdiction and regulatory authority of said Commission. IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the Parties have entered into this Agreement effective as of the day and year first above written. WESTROCK ASSOCIATES , LLC By: Title: IDAHO POWER COMPANY By: Title: Page 9 Exhibit 1 Phase 1 Interconnection Facilities The objective of the 2003 construction activities is to provide up to 1 MV A of three phase power at the Delivery Point. Phase 1 Interconnection Facilities will include approximately half of the Segment 2 overhead facilities , all of the Segment 3 underground facilities and all of the Segment 4 overhead facilities. Segment 2 - Norwood Road to Tamarack Falls: The overhead distribution system will be approximately 1 .8 miles long and constructed with 336 kcmil AAC (All Aluminum Conductor) conductors for 35 kV operation. Segment 3 - Tamarack South to the west side of Section 29: The underground distribution facility will be installed in a conduit system for approximately 1 .2 miles long. The system will be designed for 35 kV operation with two circuits of 350 mcm aluminum conductor. Segment 4 - West Section 29 to WestRock: The overhead distribution system will be approximately 1 .9 miles long and constructed with 336 kcmil AAC conductors for 35 kV operation. If the underground facilities of Segment 3 can be completed in 2003, up to 1 MV A of capacity will be available at the Delivery Point. EXHIBIT Exhibit 2 Phase 2 Interconnection Facilities and Substation Facilities The objective of the 2003 construction activities is to provide 7.5 MV A of three phase power at the Delivery Point. Phase 2 Interconnection Facilities will install all of the Segment 1 overhead facilities , the remainder of the Segment 2 overhead facilities , and all of the substation facilities. Segment 1 - Donnelly Substation to Four Corners: The overhead distribution system will be approximately 3.6 miles long and constructed with 336 kcmil AAC conductors for 35 kV operation. Segment 2 - Four Corners to Norwood Road: The overhead distribution system will be approximately 2.0 miles long and constructed with 336 kcmil conductors for 35 kV operation. Substation Facilities: Replacement of the Donnelly substation transformer with a nominal 20 MV transformer and other substation improvements associated with a 20 MV A class transformer. EXHIBIT 2 Exhibit 3 Delivery Point Description (To be provided by WestRock) EXHIBIT 3 Exhibit 4 Description of Resort Project Boundaries (To be provided by WestRock) EXHIBIT 4 Exhibit 5 Portion of Interconnection Facilities Subject To Vested Interest Refund and Maximum Refund Amount(s) Vested Interest refunds will only apply to the "distribution" facilities paid for by WestRock. Transmission or substation work paid for by WestRock is not eligible for refunding. The provisions of the vested interest refunds are detailed in the Rule H tariff. Some of the notable provisions of vested interest for this project are as follows: . WestRock, as the initial applicant, will be eligible to receive up to 800/0 of the original investment for the installation of distribution facilities , as a vested interest refund. Vested interest will be calculated and administered separately for each of the Phases with the approximate completion date for Phase I in the year 2002 and the approximate completion date for Phase II in the year 2003. Each Phase will be eligible for refunds from four Additional Applicants during the 5-year period following the completion date of each Phase of construction. The method for calculating vested interest will follow the provisions of the Rule H tariff and the Additional Applicant will have the choice of Option or Option 2 for determining their vested interest payment amount as detailed in the Rule H tariff. If WestRock desires , a "Vested Interest Waiver Agreement" can be signed , waiving vested interest payments from Additional Applicants with loads smaller than the KW amount selected by WestRock in accordance with Section 7.3 of this Agreement. Connections made inside the geographical area described by WestRock in Exhibit 4 and included in the 7.5 MW maximum load request will not be considered Additional Applicants for the purpose of vested interest Phase I Facilities Phase II Facilities Vested Interest Portion Maximum Refund Amount $714 027 $571 ,222 $378,355 $302 685 EXHIBIT 5 EXHIBIT MHO - ' PCNVER IDAHO POWER COMPANY O, BOX 70 BOISE, IDAHO 83707 An IDACORP company JERRY D. NIELSONGeneral Manager - Engineering and Construction June 10, 2003 Jean Pierre Boespflug Tamarack Resort, LLC 475 S. Capitol Boulevard Suite 200 Boise , I D 83702 Dear Mr. Boespflug: On December 13 , 2002, our two companies entered into an agreement Letter Agreement") to proceed with the construction of certain electric distribution facilities for the Tamarack Resort project, while at the same time reserving the parties right to pursue a dispute resolution process at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Attached to the December 13, 2002 Letter Agreement as Annex 1 was a draft Mreement to Provide Electric Distribution Facilities Annex1 " ). With the exception of those portions of Annex 1 that are identified in the December 13, 2002 letter agreement as being subject to change based on the outcome of the I PUC dispute resolution process , the parties have agreed that the terms and conditions in Annex 1 are acceptable. One of the provisions of Annex 1 which is not in dispute is Section 1. which limits Idaho Power s obligation to providing one MV A of three-phase power at the Delivery Point by the end of the 2003 construction season. Since Section 1.1 was negotiated and accepted by the parties, Tamarack has requested that the Company consider how the Company could provide more than 1 MV A of power at the Delivery Point by the end of the 2003 construction season. Idaho Power has been able to identify a way in which it could improve existing facilities on Roseberry Road and provide an additional 1 MV A (for a total of 2 MV A) of three-phase power at the Delivery Point by the end of the 2003 construction season. Providing the additional 1 MV A will require that Tamarack make a payment to Idaho Power by June 1,2003 in the amount of $120 000. Idaho Power has also agreed that when all of the Requested Facilities described in Annex 1 are installed , the Roseberry Road improvements installed to add the additional 1 MV A of capacity will provide some continuing benefit to Idaho Power system. As a result, Idaho Power is willing to credit the $120 000 June 1 , 2003 payment against Tamarack's final payment which Tamarack has agreed to make on or before October 1 , 2004. Because Idaho Power will be paying for the entire cost of the Telephone: (208) 388-2757 Fax (208) 388-6918 Jeanne Pierre Boespflug Page #2 June 10 , 2003 Roseberry Road improvements by way of the $120,000 credit, this section of line will not be eligible for vested interest refunds. To memorialize our agreement to provide the additional 1 MV A in 2003, attached is a revised Annex 1 to the December 13, 2002 letter agreement. The revised Annex 1 reflects the name change from Westrock Associates , LLC to Tamarack Resort LLC as well as the other changes necessary to describe the Roseberry Road improvements which allow Idaho Power s agreement to provide 2 MV A at the Delivery Point by the end of the 2003 construction season rather than the 1 MV A provided under the prior Annex 1. If you concur that the foregoing and the attached revised Annex 1 ~reement to Provide Electric Distribution Facilities accurately represents the agreed upon changes to the Letter Agreement and Annex 1 , please indicate your company agreement by signing all three copies of this letter in the space provided below and returning two fully executed copies to me. Idaho Power will attach the revised unsigned Annex 1 to the Application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission so that we can move forward to resolve the remaining issues relating to Annex 1 and complete this transaction. Very truly yours JDN:jb Attachment TAMARACK RESORTS, LLC Date:12~~ ANNEX AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION FACiliTIES THIS AGREEMENT, dated , 2002 , is by and between TAMARACK RESORT, LLC ("Tamarack"), a Limited Liability Company, with its principle offices at 475 S. Capitol Boulevard , Boise , Idaho, and IDAHO POWER COMPANY ("Idaho Power" or "the Company ), an Idaho corporation with its principal offices at 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho. Tamarack and Idaho Power may also be referred to individually as "Party" or collectively as "Parties. RECIT ALS Tamarack intends to develop a substantial four seasons resort project , (" Resort Project") to be located in Valley County, Idaho. Tamarack has indicated that at final build out , the Resort Project will be a complex featuring approximately 2 000 housing units , and approximately 272 000 square feet of commercial space along with a golf course , ski lifts and other recreational amenities with a combined electrical load of approximately 20 MW. Because final build out is expected to take a number of years , Tamarack has requested that Idaho Power make 5 MV A of electrical capacity available to the Resort Project site by October 1 , 2004. Because the Resort Project will be located~in an area where Idaho Power does not have existing facilities of adequate capacity and desired phase and voltage , delivery of power (capacity) to the Resort Project's site will require the construction of (1) underground and overhead facilities and lines to interconnect with Idaho Power s existing transmission/distribution system ("Interconnection Facilities and (2) installation of additional equipment and facilities at the Company s existing Page Donnelly Substation (the "Substation Facilities ). The Interconnection Facilities and the Substation Facilities are sometimes hereinafter collectively referred to as the Requested Facilities.Installation of distribution facilities within the boundaries of the Resort Project will be made in accordance with Rule H, Idaho Power s tariff governing line installations, including any revisions to that rule , or any successor rules or schedules. Except as provided in Section 7 herein , this Agreement is not subject to or governed by Rule H. Idaho Power will construct the Requested Facilities in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Agreement. NOW , THEREFORE , in consideration of the mutual obligations and undertaking set forth herein , and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency is hereby acknowledged , Tamarack and Idaho Power agree as follows: AGREEMENTS Construction of Requested Facilities The Requested Facilities will be constructed in two phases. Phase 1 facilities to be constructed in 2003, will provide not more than 2 MV A of three-phase power at the Delivery Point by the end of the 2003 construction season. A general description of the Phase 1 facilities is attached as Exhibit 1. Phase 2 construction will be performed during the 2004 construction season and will include the construction of the Interconnection Facilities and the installation of the Substation Facilities to provide 7.5 MW of electric capacity at Page 2 the Delivery Point. A general description of the Phase 2 Interconnection Facilities and Substation Facilities is attached as Exhibit 2. Idaho Power will construct the Requested Facilities to provide for the delivery of power (capacity) at a point generally described as the northeast corner of the Resort Project property at the west boundary of the West Mountain Road right of way, as more particularly described on Exhibit 3 attached hereto (the "Delivery Point" 1.4 Phase 1 construction is expected to be completed by Idaho Power on or before October 1 , 2003. Phase 2 construction is expected to be completed by Idaho Power on or before October 1 , 2004. Idaho Power will use commercially reasonable efforts to complete construction of the Requested Facilities by the dates specified in Section 1.4 above. However, Tamarack recognizes that Idaho Power s ability to complete either Phase 1 or Phase 2 on or before the dates specified , is subject to the receipt of the payments from Tamarack as described herein, Idaho Power s ability to obtain required labor, materials and equipment, timely receipt of satisfactory easements and rights of way, and timely receipt of governmental regulatory authorizations , including, but not limited to, approval of this Agreement by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission If Idaho Power fails to meet the completion deadlines described above, and such failure is not excused as provided in Section 1.5, the Parties agree that Tamarack may submit the matter to the Commission for appropriate relief, and pending final resolution , Tamarack's obligation to make further payments pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be suspended. Page 3 .ErQject Cost The total estimated cost for the design and construction of the Requested Facilities is $2 716,245. The portion of the aforesaid total cost which shall be paid by Tamarack is: $1 918,933. QmJacity Entitlement At the completion of Phase 2 , Idaho Power will make available to Tamarack 7.5 MW of electrical capacity measured at the Delivery Point to serve loads within the Resort Project boundaries. The Resort Project boundaries are shown on Exhibit 4. However , if at the conclusion of the 15 year period following the completion of construction of Phase 2 , total loads within the Resort Project boundaries are less than 5 MW , Tamarack's entitlement to 7.5 MW of capacity at the Delivery Point will be ended. Idaho Power will send a letter to Tamarack specifying the date when construction of Phase 2 has been completed and notifying Tamarack that the 15 year time period described above has commenced. Payment Provisions Tamarack will make payments to Idaho Power for the Phase Requested Facilities in the amounts and at the times specified below: December 20, 2002 June 1 , 2003 July 1 2003 September 1 , 2003 $374 150 (paid) $120 000 $374 150 $187 075 Tamarack will make payments to Idaho Power for the Phase 2 Requested Facilities in the amounts and at the times specified below: Page 4 . . March 1 , 2004 May 1 , 2004 October 1 2004 $393,423 $393,423 $196,712 If on October 1 , 2004 Tamarack has made the payments in the amounts and at the times specified in Sections 4.1 and 4.2 and has otherwise performed its obligations under this Agreement, Idaho Power will credit the $120,000 paid by Tamarack on June 1 , 2003 against the October 1 , 2004 payment amount. 4.4 If Tamarack fails to pay an amount due on or before the payment milestone date specified in Sections 4.1 and 4.2, any obligation of Idaho Power to further perform under this Agreement and to credit the $120 000 amount paid on June , 2003 will be terminated. Idaho Power will have the sole discretion to determine if any subsequent (late) payment by Tamarack will permit the continuation of this Agreement or if the Agreement should be terminated. OwnershiQ....Qperation and Maintenance Idaho Power will own, operate and maintain the Requested Facilities constructed pursuant to this Agreement. Tamarack recognizes that it is paying a proportionate share of the total costs of improving a portion of Idaho Power s utility system, and recognizes that Idaho Power will utilize the improvements to the system to provide service to other customers, and that the improvements will be a part of Idaho Power s electrical transmission and distribution system. BJghts of Wav and/or Easements Tamarack will convey and/or grant to Idaho Power such easements or rights of way on Tamarack's land that Idaho Power may determine are reasonably required for locating, constructing, operating and maintaining the Requested Facilities. Page 5 All such easements and rights of way will be in a form acceptable to Idaho Power , and will be provided to Idaho Power at no cost. Idaho Power will be responsible for obtaining any and all permits , rights of way, and/or regulatory approvals required by public agencies for performance of this Agreement and for payment of any and all permit fees and/or taxes required for or associated with such permits, rights of way, and regulatory approvals. Vested Interest Refund Provisions Tamarack recognizes that in order to supply 7.5 MW of electrical capacity at the Delivery Point that will allow Tamarack to receive electrical energy with the power quality specifications requested by Tamarack, it will be necessary for Idaho Power to construct a portion of the Interconnection Facilities outside the Resort Project boundaries with a capacity greater than 7.5 MV A. However, as provided in Section 3 except as may be allowed by subsequent agreement between the parties , Tamarack will not be entitled to use more than 7.5 MW of capacity in the Interconnection Facilities. Idaho Power and Tamarack have agreed that , while this Agreement is not subject to Rule H , it would be reasonable to apply the Rule H refund principles in effect at the time of this Agreement to a portion of the cost of the Interconnection Facilities located outside the Resort Project boundaries. With this exception, this Agreement is not related to nor governed by Rule H. That portion of the Interconnection Facilities that will be subject to refunds ("Vested Interest Portion" as that term is defined in Rule H) under this Section 7 is more particularly described in Exhibit 5. The maximum dollar amount for each Phase subject to refund under this Section 7 is also specified in Exhibit 5. These maximum Page 6 dollar amounts are hereafter referred to as the "Maximum Refund Amounts . The total amount refunded to Tamarack under this Agreement will not exceed the Maximum Refund Amounts. For purposes of this Section 7 , Tamarack will be deemed as to be an initial Applicant and a Vested Interest Holder (as those terms are defined in Rule H) in the Vested Interest Portion of the Interconnection Facilities specified in Exhibit 5 up to the Maximum Refund Amounts and will be entitled to receive Vested Interest Refunds (as defined in Rule H) based on Vested Interest Charges (as defined in Rule H) for Connections of Additional Applicants (as defined in Rule H) to the Vested Interest Portion of the Interconnection Facilities described in Exhibit 5 for a period ending five (5) years after the completion of the Phase 2 Requested Facilities. Notice of the commencement of the five year period will be given as provided in Section 3.1. The Vested Interest Refund limitations described in Section VI.A.1 of Rule H will be applicable to Tamarack's refund entitlement under this Agreement , provided that the four Additional Applicants identified in Section VI.1 .a. shall be limited to Additional Applicants connecting a load of not less than kW. Additional Applicants with loads smaller than kW will not trigger a refund obligation nor count against the limitation of four Additional Applicants during the period ending five (5) years after the completion date of the Phase 2 Requested Facilities. Additional Provisions Liability Each Party will indemnify and hold harmless the other Party from and against loss, damage or liability, exclusive of costs and attorney s fees resulting from claims asserted by third persons against either or both Parties to this Agreement on account of injury or death to persons or damage or destruction of Page 7 . . property occurring on such (indemnifying) Party s side of the aforesaid Delivery Point unless such injury or damage shall have resulted from the sole negligence of the other Party; provided , however, that each Party shall be solely responsible for claims of and payment to its employees for injuries occurring in connection with their employment or arising out of any worker s compensation laws. Limitation on Liability NEITHER PARTY SHALL, IN ANY EVENT BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR ANY SPECIAL , INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES SUCH AS, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOST PROFITS, REVENUE OR GOOD WILL, OR INTEREST, WHETHER SUCH LOSS IS BASED ON CONTRACT, WARRANTY , NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE. Waivers Any waiver at any time by either Party of any right with respect to any matter arising under this Agreement, or any failure to give notice provided hereunder, shall not be deemed to be a waiver with respect to any subsequent matter, nor as the establishment of or consent to any practice under this Agreement or an interpretation of any term or provision hereof. Successors and Assi~. Neither Party shall assign this Agreement or any portion thereof without the prior written consent of the other Party, which consent of such other Party shall not be unreasonably withheld. Upon proper assignment , this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors in interest, assigns and legal representatives of Tamarack and Idaho Power. Bggulatorv Authority . This Agreement is subject to valid laws and to the regulatory authority and orders, rules and regulations of the Idaho Public Utilities Page 8 Commission and such other administrative bodies having jurisdiction, as well as Idaho Power Company s Rules and Regulations as now or may be hereafter modified and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Choice of Law and Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho, and venue for any court proceeding arising out of this Agreement shall be in Boise, Idaho. Modifications and Counterparts. This Agreement may only be amended or modified by a writing signed by the duly authorized representatives of both parties. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts , each of which, taken together , shall constitute one and the same Agreement. Commission AQ,Proval . This Agreement shall be subject to the approval of the Commission and the respective rights and obligations of the Parties hereunder shall be subject to the continuing jurisdiction and regulatory authority of said Commission. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have entered into this Agreement effective as of the day and year first above written. ... TAMARACK RESORT, LLC By: Title: IDAHO POWER COMPANY By: Title: Page 9 Exhibit 1 Phase 1 Interconnection Facilities The objective of the 2003 construction activities is to provide up to 1 MV A of three phase power at the Delivery Point. Phase 1 Interconnection Facilities will include Segment 2 overhead facilities, Segment 3 underground facilities and Segment 4 overhead facilities. Segment 2 - Four Corners to Tamarack Falls: The overhead distribution system will be approximately 2.8 miles long and constructed with 336 kcmil AAC (All Aluminum Conductor) conductors for 35 kV operation. Segment 3 - Tamarack South to the west side of Section 29: The underground distribution facility will be installed in a conduit system for approximately 1.2 miles long. The system will be designed for 35 kVoperation with two circuits of 350 mcm aluminum conductor. Segment 4 '- West Section 29 to Tamarack: The overhead distribution system will be approximately 1 .9 miles long and constructed with 336 kcmil AAC conductors for 35 kV operation. Phase 1 Interconnection Facilities will also include improvements to approximately 1. miles of existing facilities on Roseberry Road between Main Street in Donnelly and Norwood Road. If the underground facilities of Segment 3 and the Roseberry Road improvements can be completed in 2003, up to 2 MV A of capacity will be available at the Delivery Point. EXHIBIT Exhibit 2 Phase 2 Interconnection Facilities and Substation Facilities The objective of the 2004 construction activities is to provide 7.5 MV A of three phase power at the Delivery Point. Phase 2 Interconnection Facilities will install all of the Segment 1 overhead facilities and all of the substation facilities. Segment 1 - Donnelly Substation to Four Corners: The overhead distribution system will be approximately 4.6 miles long and constructed with 336 kcmil AAC conductors for 35 kV operation. Substation Facilities: Replacement of the Donnelly substation transformer with a nominal 20 MV transformer and other substation improvements associated with a 20 MV A class transformer. EXHIBIT 2 Exhibit 3 Delivery Point Description (To be provided by Tamarack) EXHIBIT 3 . . Exhibit 4 Description of Resort Project Boundaries (To be provided by Tamarack) EXHIBIT 4 . . Exhibit 5 Portion of Interconnection Facilities Subject To Vested Interest Refund and Maximum Refund Amount(s) Vested Interest refunds will only apply to the "distribution" facilities paid for by Tamarack. Transmission or substation work paid for by Tamarack is not eligible for refunding. The provisions of the vested interest refunds are detailed in the Rule H tariff. Some of the notable provisions of vested interest for this project are as follows: . Tamarack, as the initial applicant, will be eligible to receive up to 800/0 of the original investment for the installation of distribution facilities, as a vested interest refund. The improvements to the existing facilities on Roseberry Road installed during Phase 1 to increase the capacity at the Delivery Point in 2003 from 1 MV A to 2 MV A will not be eligible for vested interest refunds. Vested interest will be calculated and administered separately for each of the Phases with the approximate completion date for Phase I in the year 2003 and the approximate completion date for Phase II in the year 2004. Each Phase will be eligible for refunds from four Additional Applicants during the 5-year period following the completion date of each Phase of construction. The method for calculating vested interest will follow the provisions of the Rule H tariff and the Additional Applicant will have the choice of Option or Option 2 for determining their vested interest payment amount as detailed in the Rule H tariff. If Tamarack desires , a "Vested Interest Waiver Agreement" can be signed waiving vested interest payments from Additional Applicants with loads smaller than the KW amount selected by Tamarack in accordance with Section 7.3 of this Agreement. Connections made inside the geographical area described by Tamarack in Exhibit 4 and included in the 7.5 MW maximum load request will not be considered Additional Applicants for the purpose of vested interest Phase I Facilities Phase II Facilities Vested Interest Portion Maximum Refund Amount $714 027 $571 ,222 $378,355 $302 685 EXHIBIT 5 EXHIBIT EXHIBIT 3 TAMARACK'S REVISED AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION F ACI LITI NOTE: Tamarack is prepared to enter into Sections 1 through 6, 8 and 9, and Exhibits 1-4 of the Agreement. Tamarack requests changes only to Section 7 and Exhibit 5, which, with Tamarack's revisions, would read as follows: Vested Interest Refund Provisions WestRock recognizes that in order to supply 7.5 MW of electrical capacity at the Delivery Point that will allow WestRock to receive electrical energy with the power quality specifications requested by WestRock, it will be necessary for Idaho Power to construct a portion of the Interconnection Facilities outside the Resort Project boundaries with a capacity greater than 7.5 MVA. However, as provided in Section 3 except as may be allowed by subsequent agreement between the parties , WestRock will not be entitled to use more than 7.5 MW of capacity in the Interconnection Facilities. Idaho Power and WestRock have agreed that, while this Agreement is not subject to Rule H , it would be reasonable to apply the Rule H refund principles in effect at the time of this Agreement to a portion of the cost of the Interconnection Facilities located outside the Resort Project boundaries. With this exception , this Agreement is not related to nor governed by Rule H. That portion of the Interconnection Facilities that will be subject to refunds ("Vested Interest Portion" as that term is defined in Rule H) under this Section 7 Exhibit 5 Portion of Interconnection Facilities Subject Vested Interest Refund and Maximum Refund Amount(s) Vested Interest refunds will apply to any distribution , transmission or substation facilities paid for by WestRock, save and except transmission or substation facilities which are attributable to WestRock's alpine skiing operation. These facilities, which shall be eligible for vested interest refunds, are hereinafter referred as "the Facilities The provisions of the vested interest refunds are detailed in the Rule H tariff. Some of the notable provisions of vested interest for this project are as follows: . WestRock, as the initial applicant, will be eligible to receive a total sum which shall not exceed WestRock's total original investment for the construction and/or installation of the Facilities , as a vested interest refund. Vested interest will be calculated and administered separately for each of the Phases with the approximate completion date for Phase I in the year 2003 and the approximate completion date for Phase II in the year 2004. Each Phase will be eligible for refunds from any Additional Applicant who connects during the 10 year period following the completion date of each Phase of construction. The method for calculating vested interest will follow the provisions of the Rule H tariff and the Additional Applicant will have the choice of Option or Option 2 for determining their vested interest payment amount as detailed in the Rule H tariff. Connections made inside the geographical area described by WestRock in Exhibit 4 and included in the 7.5 MW maximum load request will not be considered Additional Applicants for the purpose of vested interest Phase I Facilities Phase II Facilities Vested Interest Portion Maximum Refund Amount (WestRock cannot accurately calculate these sums without further information from IPCO)