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HomeMy WebLinkAbout200406261st Response of Mark Schroeder to IPC.pdfF~ECEfVED , L,CL) L::;..,~r---. 1j ~l. I ad '" " ' t..~r" ' """". ' V1;",~ ~' ' ' Peter J. Richardson ISB No. 3195 Richardson & O'leary 99 East State Street, Suite 200 O. Box 1849 Eagle , Idaho 83616 Telephone: (208) 938-7900 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peterca2 richard son a ndoleary. com f ;- "u r' Uirt j UTfLIT IES COf'1-~;ISS'ON Attorney for Bob Lewandowski and Mark Schroeder BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION BOB LEWANDOWSKI AND MARK SCHROEDER Complainants CASE NO. IPC-04-08/10 ANSWER TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO MARK SCHROEDER vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, an Idaho corporation Respondent. The following answers were prepared by Mark Schroeder in consultation with legal counsel. MARK SCHROEDER'S ANSWER TO IPCo FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST REQUEST NO.1: Please provide the following for each turbine generator that will be used to generate electric energy to be delivered to Idaho Power under the Firm Energy Sales Agreements Lewandowski and Schroeder seek to obtain from Idaho Power as a result of this complaint proceeding: (a) (b) The manufacturer s nameplate capacity rating in KW. Documentation showing how the manufacturer s nameplate rating is computed. (c)Expected capacity factor. RESPONSE: (a)The manufacturer s nameplate rating is 1500 KW. (b) (c) Attached. Net capacity Factor 300/0. Installed capacity output not to exceed 10,000 kW in anyone hour. MARK SCHROEDER'S ANSWER TO IPCo S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST REQUEST NO.Do Lewandowski and Schroeder intend to deliver any electric energy generated by any of the turbine generators identified in Request No.1 to any entity other than Idaho Power? If the answer is yes , please identify the prospective recipients, the amounts which may be delivered to these recipients and the reason for such deliveries. RESPONSE: MARK SCHROEDER'S ANSWER TO IPCo S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST REQUEST NO.Please provide a map showing the location of each turbine generator that will be used to generate electric energy to be delivered to Idaho Power under the Firm Energy Sales Agreements Lewandowski and Schroeder seek to obtain as a result of this complaint proceeding. If possible, the map should be to scale with the scale explicitly stated. RESPONSE:To be determined. The map contained is representative of the layout. However, the current consensus among experts is the turbine generator run shall be approximately 3,900 feet in length and oriented North to South. MARK SCHROEDER'S ANSWER TO IPCo S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST REQUEST NO.4: Please provide a drawing showing how the turbine-generators shown on the map provided in response to Request No.3 will be interconnected to deliver energy to the electrical systems of Idaho Power or any other entity. RESPONSE:Interconnection will occur on the 138kV line bisecting Schroeder property. MARK SCHROEDER'S ANSWER TO IPCo S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST REQUEST NO.5: Do either Lewandowski or Schroeder expect that energy deliveries from their respective Facilities (as the term "Facility" is defined in Exhibit A to the Complain) will ever exceed 10,000 kWh's per hour? If so, please identify the months days within the months, and hours within the days when either Lewandowski or Schroeder expects their energy deliveries to Idaho Power will exceed 10,000 kWh's per hour. For each month , day and hour identified , please specify the amounts by which such energy deliveries would exceed 10,000 kWh's per hour. RESPONSE: No. MARK SCHROEDER'S ANSWER TO IPCo S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST REQUEST NO.6: What is the expected capacity factor of each of the Lewandowski and Schroeder Facilities (as the term "Facility" is defined in Exhibit A to your Complaint)? RESPONSE: 300/0 Net Capacity Factor MARK SCHROEDER'S ANSWER TO IPCo S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST REQUEST NO.Will either the Lewandowski Facility or the Schroeder Facility operate as a flat, around-the clock, base load generation resource or will they run as intermittent generation resourced? RESPONSE:Intermittent generation resource. MARK SCHROEDER'S ANSWER TO IPCo S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST ARE-EOO20 Rev. 0 GE Wind Energy George J. Wakileh Application-Requisition Engineering - Americas A GE Power Systems Business GE 1.5 MW, 60 Hz Wind Turbine General Data This document provides general data for the GE Wind Energy 1.5 MW, 60 Hz wind turbine. Data sheet for the VEM generator is attached. Parameter Rated power Rated voltage Apparent power (pf= 0.9 lag) Rated frequency Poles Power factor Rated current Stator (pf= 0.9 lag) Rotor (pf= 0.9 lag) Locked-rotor voltage Transformation ratio Connection Stator Rotor Synchronous speed Rated speed Slip at rated speed Rotor rated speed Gearbox ratio Speed range Generator moment of inertia Generator inertia constant Total moment of inertia Total inertia constant (H) Valoe 1545 575 1717 9 lagging 1509 624 1715 0.335 Star Star 1200 1440 800 ... 1600 960 Unit kVA (overexcited) rpm rpm rpm rpm kg. kg.2 (referred to high-speed side) General Data 1/2 GE Wind Energy, LLC -13681 Chantico Road, Tehachapi, CA 93561, USA Copyright (Q 2003 General Electric Company. This document contains confidential information and shall not be reproduced in whole or in part nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the written approval of the General Electric Company. GE Wind Energy VSM sacnsenwe:rkG .."."" Dresden Stu /20.32002Generator DASAB 5025-6 U1500 kW 575 V /60 Hz connection stator: star rotor; star parameters for theequiva!ecrtt circuit diagram (refer to the primary) == 575 V f ,J3 R:2 X' ,,2 Rre (for 20~ (for 200 == '0 0O14nf, , := 010009910 = 0.576 Q : 00340 = 0,031 Q ;;;; 26j66 Q :::: 575 V 11715 V ~ 0,335 Rtf!U;'W(1) :::: 1715 V 1"3 other parameters (refer to the primary) , :::: , ::: Xq :::: Xit + ~I )(' 2 :: Xn + XK($2X' ... , ''" X"' ::: )('" q := Un fln$~r U :: (X~1 + )/X General Data ;;;;0,61 Q :: 0,607 := 0,0582 Q :: 0,0405 0 T" . ::= , 11 ." , - ...'~ !rj ;;;; 1,265 s :: 0,073 $ ::: 01016 $ ::: 0,0503 S :: 0.392 f2 ;; 0,1066 2/2 GE Wind Energy, LLC - 13681 Chantico Road, Tehachapi, CA 93561, USA Copyright (Q 2003 General Electric Company. This document contains confidential information and shall not be reproduced in whole or in part nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the written approval of the General Electric Company. II I .. . 't 5C;; ; _- 0 -, - -- - - - ' - - - ' -_ 0 -- - - .., . . ~: ~ Le w a . n d o w s k l \o J l n d F a r M NI J 1/4 NW 1 / 4 S e e 2 3 T i s R 4E : B o i s e M w f c n o . n E L l ' l o r e C o U l " l t y I d o . h a 32 0 F . . Ex l s t l r t g rr n s , CI I ' I C I I Iu K c : I n g s 20 A c r . . P. , . & 2 & S h o w n Tu r b i n e s ( 6 ) s h o w n .w C I J " I d o w s k l P a . l d IP C D I n t e r c o l ' l l " l e c t (3 ) 1 6 7 I C " X r M R S O O I C " t o t e d to se t " ' v l c e t u l ' " l a l r l e s 1 , 2 a.l ' l d 3 An d p o s s i b l e # 4 ( T u t u r . ) 66 0 t e e t 48 0 V 3 p ~ r . e d e r s Le w a . n d o w s k l Ex I s t I n g 1 Df t r Q 2 O ' ) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 24th day of June, 2004, I caused a true and correct copy of the foregoing ANSWER TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO MARK SCHROEDER to be served by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Post Office Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 ( ) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid (X) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Electronic Mail Monica B. Moen, Attorney II Barton L. Kline, Seniior Attorney Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 bkline~idahopower. com mmoen(fYidahopower. com (X) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile (X) Electronic Mail Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 swoodbu(fYpuc. us ( ) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid (X) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Electronic Mail John Prescott Vice-President - Power Supply Idaho Power Company Post Office Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 jprescott~idahopower. com (X) U. S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile (X) Electronic Mail Conley E. Ward Givens Pursley LLP 601 West Bannock Po Box 2720 Boise, Idaho 83701-2720 cew~ gi venspursl ey. com (X) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile (X) Electronic Mail MARK SCHROEDER'S ANSWER TO IPCo S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST Daniel Kunz, President U. S. Geothermal 1509 Tyrell Lane, Suite B Boise, Idaho 83706 (X) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Electronic Mail Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ID 83703 dreading~mindsprin~. com (X) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile (X) Electronic Mail Signe ~~S Nina Curtis MARK SCHROEDER'S ANSWER TO IPCo S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST