HomeMy WebLinkAbout200404091st Response of Id Power to Staff.pdf-C\\/fl) " : L I , - c, . MONICA B. MOEN , ISB # 5734 BARTON L. KLINE , ISB # 1526 Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street P. O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-2692 FAX Telephone: (208) 388-6936 rr1! ~ on - 9 Pl'i \: 02 /", .11 1\, \\ , ,,. \ \~~'3'j\\LI\ \c-:) CJ Attorney for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR APPROVAL) OF AN AGREEMENT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY BETWEEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY AND THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY CASE NO. IPC-04- IDAHO POWER COMPANY' RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW, Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "the Company and in response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power Company dated March 15 , 2004, herewith submits the following information: REQUEST NO.1: Please provide the avoided cost rates that result from analysis according to the methodology described in the Settlement Stipulation in Case No. IPC-95-9. The Settlement Stipulation describes in detail how avoided cost rates are to be negotiated with Qualifying Facilities larger than 1 MW (now 10 MW as per Order Nos. 29029 and 29069). In the analysis, consider the full 15.9 MW capacity of the project. Staff presumes that the AURORA model will be used for this analysis. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF Page RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.1: Idaho Power no longer uses the forecast model upon which the methodology described in the Settlement Stipulation referenced in this request was based and the Company does not believe that using the AURORA model to calculate avoided costs for a 20-year contract is appropriate. In addition, the AURORA forecast model is currently being extensively updated for use in the 2004 IRP and is simply not available to perform the requested analysis in the near future. It should also be noted that the J.R. Simplot Company does not wish to make any prior commitments regarding generation of electricity over 10 MW. Instead Simplot intends to deliver energy in excess of 10 MW on an as available, non-firm energy basis. Consequently, the Simplot contract specifies that Simplot will receive variable market energy prices for energy delivered in excess of 10 MW. The response to this request was prepared by Randy C. Allphin, Contract Administrator, Power Supply Planning, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica Moen , Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO.2: Please explain how the proposed energy prices in the Agreement comport with the methodology described in the Settlement Stipulation in Case No. IPC-95- RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.2: Please see the response to Request No. The response to this request was prepared by Randy C. Allphin , Contract Administrator, Power Supply Planning, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica Moen , Attorney, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF Page 2 REQUEST NO.3: Please provide copies of January and February 2004 extensions of the 1991 Agreement. Please explain why energy purchased from Simplot during the January and February 2004 extensions should not be treated as purchases pursuant to a voluntary supply contract, rather than mandatory purchases under PURPA. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.3: Please refer to Attachments 1 and 2 for copies of the December 22, 2003 and the January 30, 2004 extensions (the January and February 2004 Extensions ) to the 1991 Agreement. Copies of both of these documents were forwarded to the Commission for distribution upon execution of the documents by the parties. Simplot and Idaho Power have contracted for the sale of energy under various PURPA agreements since 1986. The latest extension of the 1991 Agreement expired on December 31 2003. During the summer of 2003, Idaho Power and Simplot began to discuss the terms of a new agreement for the purchase of energy from the Simplot QF facility. Due to various changes in required terms resulting from new Commission orders FERC regulations, WECC requirements and QF contract terms adopted since execution of the 1991 Agreement, the parties determined that it would not have been appropriate to simply extend the term of the 1991 Agreement but instead , it was necessary to negotiate a new agreement that incorporated the Commission orders and other regulations and requirements. 1 IPue Order No, 29124, issued in September 2002, revised many of the general parameters required to be contained within OF agreements, Furthermore, the term of the OF contracts was extended to 20 years and the size of facility eligible for avoided cost rates was increased from 1 MW to 10 MW. Moreover, that Order updated the published avoided cost model. The published avoided costs were also revised pursuant to Order No. 29391 issued in December 2003. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF Page 3 Negotiations between the parties could not be completed until approval of the revised avoided cost rates as published in December 2003 with Order No. 29391. Also , final negotiations and filing of the Agreement with the Commission could not be accomplished by the December 31 2003 termination of the previous agreement. However , in accordance with PURPA requirements and Orders of this Commission Idaho Power was required to purchase the energy produced by the Simplot QF facility. The January and February 2004 Extensions to the 1991 Agreement specified that the terms and conditions of the 1991 Agreement for the month of December 2003 were applicable to the extension months. This resulted in the December 2003 energy price being paid to Simplot for the months of January and February 2004. That energy price was lower than the price that would have been paid had the new agreement been in effect in January and February 2004. The response to this request was prepared by Randy C. Allphin, Contract Administrator, Power Supply Planning, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica Moen , Attorney, Idaho Power Company. DATED at Boise , Idaho, this 9th day of April 2004. MONICA B. MOEN Attorney for Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF Page 4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 9th day of April 2004, I served a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise , Idaho 83720-0074 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 334-3762 David Hawk R. Simplot Company O. Box 27 Boise , Idaho 83707 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 232-6109 (b, MONICA B. MOEN CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE NO. IPC-O4- FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST COMMISSION STAFF TT A CHMENT 1 TO RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. HECDVED L.., 171t3.J ,--" An IDACORP Company 2H030EC 21~ AH to: : 7 iU/\h;j F'UlisLiC Rftfulj I€SAJIltWitiS 51 Contract Administrator December 23, 2003 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Attn: Jean Jewell PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed are 8 copies of the attached letter for distribution and filing in regards to the Simplot - Pocatello Cogeneration Facility (Project #41866112) current Energy Sales Agreement with Idaho Power Company. The expiration date of the current agreement and the associated amendments is December 31 ~ 2003.Idaho Power and the J R Simplot Company are currently engaged in negotiations of a new QF, Firm purchase power agreement for this facility, but it is unlikely that negotiations will be completed by the expiration date. This letter agreement extends the expiration date of the existing agreement for 1 month in order for the parties to complete the current negotiations of a new QF,. Firm purchase power agreement. Please return to me a file stamped copy, acknowledging receipt of this letter and the attachment. Sincerely, Enclosures (j' (t' e t?? l~' cc:Bart Kline (IPCo) Monica Moen (IPCo) Scott Woodbury (IPDC) Telephone: (208) 388-2614 Fax: (208) 433-5163 Rallphin(g)ldahopower . com . ". ,, An IDACORP Company Randy C. Allphin Contract Administrator December 22, 2003 J R Sirnplot Company Attn: David Hawk POBox 27 Boise, ill 83707 RE:Simp lot- Pocatello Cogeneration facility, Project Number: 41866112 Dear David: The Simplot - Pocatello cogeneration facility is currently interconnected to Idaho Power Company and is selling energy to Idaho Power Company as a Qualifying Facility (QF) in accordance with a Firm Energy Sales agreement dated January 24, 1991, first amendment of November 30, 1993 and second amendment dated February 23 2001 ("Current Agreement" The expiration date of the current agreement and the associated amendments is December 31 2003. Idaho Power and the J R Simplot Company are currently engaged in negotiations of a new QF Firm purchase power agreement for this facility, but it is unlikely that negotiations will be completed by the expiration date. Idaho Power and the J R Simplot Company hereby agree to extend the expiration of the current agreement to January 31 , 2004. All energy delivered to Idaho Power during January 2004, will be purchased and sold in accordance with the pricing, tenDS and conditions of the current agreement for the month of December 2003. Sincerely, ;:?~--t (ii, CG.i:tj:;v .. fjr Randy C. Allphm Contract Administrator UNDERSTOOD, AGREED AND ACCEPTED: JR. SIMPLOT COMPANY By: Signature:~-H\~'14 iJ A !vI '" "r'J ,r1\(!Jf'~ 1:2 J')..Z~~ Title: Date: ee ~i) Telephone: (208) 388-2614 Fax: (208) 433-5163 Rallphin((!1Idahopower.com IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE NO. IPC- E-O4- 7 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST COMMISSION STAFF TT A CHMENT 2 TO RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. DAHOPOWER An IDACORP Company Randy C. Allphin Contract Administrator J R Simplot Company Attn: David Hawk POBox 27 Boise, ID 83707 January 30 , 2004 RE:Simp lot - Pocatello Cogeneration facility, Project Number: 41866112 Dear David: The Simplot - Pocatello cogeneration facility is currently interconnected to Idaho Power Companyand is selling energy to Idaho Power Company as a Qualifying Facility (QF) in accordance with a Firm Energy Sales agreement dated January 24, 1991 , first amendment of November 30, 1993 and secondamendment dated February 23, 2001 ("Current Agreement") and a one-month letter extension dated December 22 2003. The expiration date of the current one-month letter extension is January 31 , 2004. Idaho Power and the J R Simplot Company have made significant progress in negotiating a new 10-year FirmPurchase Power Agreement for this facility, but some unexpected delays in gathering of information hasslowed the process and it is unlikely the negotiations will be complete by January 31 2004. Idaho Power and the J R Simplot Company hereby agree to extend the expiration of the current agreement to February 29, 2004. All energy delivered to Idaho Power during February 2004, will bepurchased and sold in accordance with the pricing, terms and conditions of the current agreement for themonth of December 2003. UNDERSTOOD, AGREED AND ACCEPTED: Sincerely, I~J eCLee'p/Randy C. Allphin Contract Administrator J R. SIMPLOT COMPANY By: .----.. " Signature: P"o.'S"L fJr;;.'I-d- Of CFD ~. c;:;:' '- \t;. ~ c..... . Title: Date: ~a..""~" ?6j ~'tJD Telephone: (208) .~88-261~Fax: (208) ~33-5163 Rallphinf!I'ldahopower.com RECEiVED """'\ ", L .. An IDACORP Company " (:):: . ZnOlj FEB ~ CI U ) I F\LI C : '' . UTlL!TIES COrlr1lSS!ONRandy C. Allphin Contract Administrator February 2 2004 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Attn: Jean Jewell PO Box 83720 Boise, ill 83720-0074 Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed are 8 copies of the attached letter for distribution and filing in regards to the Simplot Pocatello Cogeneration Facility (Project #41866112) current Energy Sales Agreement with Idaho Power Company. The expiration date of the current agreement and the associated amendments was December 31 , 2003. On December 23, 2003 Idaho Power and the J R Simplot Company executed a letter extending the current agreement through January 31 , 2004; as negotiations for a new QF agreement were ongoing. During this extended time (January 2004), both parties have been working diligently to complete the new QF Firm purchase power agreement for this facility. Unfortunately, unplanned in-depth research of some of the requirements within the new QF Agreement was unable to be completed in January 2004. Both parties are nearing completion of this research and a final draft of the new QF agreement is being prepared for both parties review. This letter agreement extends the expiration date of the existing agreement to February 29, 2004 in order for the parties to complete the current negotiations of a new QF, Firm purchase power agreement. Please return to me a file stamped copy, acknowledging receipt of this letter and the attachment. !2; e CU;~. Sincerely, Enclosures cc:Bart Kline (IPCo) Monica Moen (!PCo) Scott Woodbury (!pDq Telephone: (208) 388-2614 Fax: (208) 433-5163 RaUphin(1j)Idahopower.com