HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040928Vol III Eagle.pdf. ' , I . ,. , ORIGINAL BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED IDAHO POWER COMPANY ) , Complainant, SEP 2" 7 2004 Boise, Idaho vs.C~SE NO. 'IPC-E- 04- CITY, OF EAGLE, IDAHO, Re sponden t . BEFORE COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER (Presiding) COMMISSIONER MARSHA H. SMITH COMMISSIONER DENNIS HANSEN PLACE:Eagle Public Library 100 North Stierman Way Eagle, Idaho DATE:September 9, 2004 VOLUMES III - Pages 410 - 517 CSB, REpORTING Constance S. Bucy, CSR No. 187 17688 Allendale Road * Wilder, Idaho 83676 (208) 890-5198 * .(208) 337-4807 Email csb~spro.net .. - -... -.,.. For the Staff:Donald Howell, Esq. Deputy At torney General 472 West WashingtonBoise, Idaho 83720 - 0074 For Idaho Power:Monica B. Moen, Esq. and Barton L. Kline, Esq. Idaho Power Company Post Office Box Boise, Idaho 83707 - 0070 For Ci ty of Eagle:MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE by Bruce M. Smith, Esq. and Susan E. Buxton, Esq. 255 North 9th Street Suite 420 Boise, Idaho 83702 For Eagle River , LLC:HOLLAND & HART LLP by B. Newal Squyres, Esq. Post Office Box 2527Boise, Idaho 83701 CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho AP PEARANCE S 83676 WITNESS EXAMINATION BY PAGE Mike Ondracek (Publ ic) Statement Mr. Howell (Cross) Commissioner Smith 413 416 417 Jeff Kline (Public)Sta tement Commissioner Hansen Commissioner Smith Commissioner Kj ellander 419 423 424 424 Kristen Jensen (Publ ic) Statement Ms. Moen (Cross)Mr. Howell (Cross) 425 427 427 Brian Glennon (Publ ic) StatementMr. Howell (Cross) Commissioner Hansen 428 430 432 Lynne Sedlacek (publ ic) StatementMs. Buxton (Cross) Commissioner Hansen Commissioner Smith 434 440 441 443 Susan Thomas (Publ ic) Statement 446 Dennis Stegenga (publ ic) Statement Commissioner Smith 449 451 John Sayer (Publ ic) Statement Commissioner Hansen Commlssioner Kj ellander 452 454 454 Jerry Hayes (Publ ic) Mary Shaner (Public) David Callister (Publ ic) Statement 456 Statement 470 Statement Commissioner Hansen 474 479 CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho INDEX83676 WITNESS Deone Crofff (Public) Teresa Peery (Publ ic) Markus Fipps (Publ ic) Kim Hilliard (Publ ic) Stan Bastian (Public) John Wood (Public) I N D E X (Continued) EXAMINATION BY PAGE Statement Commissioner Hansen Commissioner Smith 483 486 487 Statement 488 StatementMr. Howell (Cross) 493 499 Statement Commissioner Smith 500 503 Statement Mr. Howell (Cross) Commissioner Smith 505 509 511 Statement 513 CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho INDEX 83676 EAGLE, IDAHO , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 9 , 2004, 7:00 P. M. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.This is the time and place for a public hearing in Case IPC-E-04-This is also known as Idaho Power Company, Complainant, versus the Ci ty of Eagle, Respondent. My name is Paul Kj ellander.I m Chairman of tonight I s proceedings.To my right is Commissioner Dennis Hansen and to my left is Commissioner Marsha Smi th.We I 11 begin first wi th the appearances, the formal appearances , of the parties in this specific case and we will start with Idaho Power. MS. MOEN:m Monica Moen , an attorney at Idaho Power Company, appearing on behal f of Idaho Power. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:Let I S move now to the City of Eagle. MS. BUXTON:I m Susan Buxton , the Ci attorney for the City of Eagle and appearing on behalf of the Ci ty of Eagle. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:And for the attorney representing the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 410 COLLOQUY83676 MR . HOWELL:Good evening.My name is Don Howell.I m a Deputy Attorney General representing the Commission Staff. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:We al so have another intervenor in the case who I believe is sitting in the back of the room telling us that he doesn I t intend to do any cross-examination. MR. SQUYRES:You I ve got that right. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Formally, could we just have your name? MR. SQUYRES:Newal Squyres represent ing Eagle River. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Just as background , today we held a big chunk of our technical hearings in this case and we will pick those up agaln tomorrow and hope to have those concluded by noon.The purpose of this evening I s testimony is to take public testimony.It I S an opportunity for the Commission to hear from members of the communi ty 1 ike you to get your comments officially on the record.The way it will work is that we will call your name if you signed up on the list , and by the way, if you intend to testify tonight and you haven t signed up yet, there I s a sign-up sheet out on the table just outside the door.We I 11 also make an opportuni ty available at least once or twice after CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 411 COLLOQUY 83676 we I ve exhausted our list to ask if there are others who would like testify. The procedure when we call your name, we I 11 have you come forward and sit this chair here front of the microphone and Commissioner Hansen will swear you in , and then at that point the attorney representing the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission will just ask a couple of quick questions to get your name officially into the record, and we do have a court reporter who is taking a complete transcript of this because this testimony becomes a part of our deliberative process and we review those along wi th the other testimony as we deliberate towards some final outcome of this specific case. Just as far as some ground rules, when we do call your name , again it I S your opportuni ty to make a statement to us.This isn t an opportunity to start asking all the different parties different questions about the case and about different options.Instead, it I S a chance for you to tell us what you think in relationship to the case, but once you ve completed your statement, there is an opportunity for cross-examination. Now , that sounds a little more hostile than it really is. In reality, what it may be is that one of the parties in the case may have a clarifying question that they may CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 412 COLLOQUY83676 want to ask , so please don I t be intimidated at all by that specific piece of the process, and the Commissioners will also have an opportunity to ask you questions, too, if they need some additional clarification, so with that I believe we re ready to call our first witness and that is Mike MR . ONDRACEK:Ondracek. COMM IS S IONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, Mike, I appreciate that.Throughout the evening I III missing a lot of names , so please help me out. MIKE ONDRACEK appearing as a public witness, having been first duly sworn , testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Could you please state your name and spell your last name for the record? Sure.First name is Mike, last name Ondracek.It I S O-n-I work at Saint Alphonsus Hospi tal. And are you a resident of the Ci ty of Eagle? CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 413 ONDRACEK Public83676 I am not.I m representing Saint Alphonsus because we acquired land in Eagle River Development in the fall of 2001. And do you have a statement you I d like to present to the Commission? I do. Please go ahead. Thank you, Mr. Cha i rman .I appreciate the opportunity to speak this evening and would also like to acknowledge Idaho Power and even though we are opposed to the proposed electrical grid, we do appreciate the fact that you do service the State of Idaho with electrical needs and we do appreciate that very, very much. As I indicated , Saint Alphonsus in 2001 purchased a plot of land in Eagle River Development. There was significant due diligence at Saint Alphonsus that time to ensure recognizing what we wanted to be from an outpatient facility, if we could meet the needs for the Eagle residents and surrounding community in a warm healing environment.During that due diligence process we also understood that the Ci ty of Eagle had certain ordinances along wi th Eagle River Development. recognizing that, there were certain restrictions Saint Alphonsus could do at that site and recognizing that , we went into it wi th full understanding of what we could and CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 414 ONDRACEK Public83676 coul d not do. I f we wanted to go through a process to challenge those ordinances, we I d have go through a condi tional use process.We recognized specifically that there I S a height limitation of 35 feet.Certainly Saint Alphonsus in its design of building this new medical office facility, we had to conform to those height limitations, which going into it, we appreciated that, but it certainly did impact what exactly we could do given the height limitation of two stories high. We believe that the integrity of that process needs to be upheld and it I S my understanding that Idaho Power has gone through a process whereby to get approval to put a utility grid that represents up to feet high and the City of Eagle has denied that.Saint Alphonsus believes that if an owner goes into a development and somehow an entity could come into that area and not be held accountable to the same process as other individuals, then it can greatly impact, I believe, the integri ty of the process. I believe Idaho Power or anybody for that matter should have to be held to those.It I S also my understanding that there are other less intrusive means whereby Idaho Power could run their power source through one of which being burying the power lines.Certainly CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 415 ONDRACEK Public83676 being a part of the medical society, we recognize that telephone poles certainly do get in the way when cars come through and certainly burying those ines would be much more desirable from a medical standpoint than having these large poles going along a very busy intersection so I appreciate your consideration this evening and be open to any questions if you have them. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you.Why don t we see if we have any questions of this specific wi tness MS. MOEN:None from Idaho Power.Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Mr. Howell. CROSS - EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Sir , would your client , I guess Saint Alphonsus as a ratepayer now and soon to be in the City of Eagle , would you be willing to pay a higher fee for the burial of those ines? That I S a good question.When Saint Alphonsus negotiated the actual purchase price with Eagle Ri ver Development , certainly we appreciated the infrastructure that Mr. Carlise and others had already CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 416 ONDRACEK (X) Public83676 buil t into the purchase of that land.Certainly the premlum that we paid for Eagle River Development is far greater than what we paid for our other off-site locations , so recognizing that we feel we've already paid that for the improvements, certainly Eagle River Development buried power lines along Eagle River and those costs were passed on to Saint Alphonsus in that square foot allocation. MR . HOWELL:No further questions. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Ms. Buxton. MS. BUXTON:No questions. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:Any questions from the Commission?Commissioner Smi th. COMMISSIONER SMITH:I just had one. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: So your concern mainly, then , is with the Bypass route?I guess we're calling it the Bypass route. It's two-fold , Ms. Smith.Certainly, the Bypass route is concerning because of what we felt that we purchased in Eagle River Development secondly, the integri ty of the process wi th the CUP and the fact that Idaho Power appears to be able to bypass that and go well CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 417 ONDRACEK (Com) Public83676 beyond the Ci ty ordinance of 35 feet. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Okay, thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. Mr. Ondracek , appreciate your testimony. (The wi tness left the stand. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:We're ready to call Shari Sharp. MS. SHARP:No, thank you. COMM IS S IONER KJELLANDER:Okay, thank you. At this point what I'd like to also say is that if you would like to submit written comments as opposed to making an actual oral presentation , we do have some forms out on the table as well , so if you would like to submit those written comments, that opportunity is available. would also like to say, though , that if you do decide to take the written approach , it might be best if you could fill those out and leave them with some of the Staff that's at the table so that we can get those back to us ln a timely fashion in the event that the decision may move quicker than even we may anticipate this evening, so I just wanted to let you know that that opportunity available, but we'd advise you to plan on a quick turnaround on those comments. Let's move down to Jeff Kline. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 418 ONDRACEK (Com) Public83676 JEFF KLINE appearlng as a public witness, having been first duly sworn , testified as follows: BY MR. HOWELL: EXAMINATION Mr. Kline, could you state your full name and spell your last for the record, please? CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho Jeff Kline , K-l- i - And do you reside in Eagle? I do. Could you give us an address? 569 North Cove Colony Way. And do you represent yoursel f or anyone Myself at this point. All right , do you have a statement? I do.I just wanted to make note I' opposed to the installation of these overhead transmission lines in so many different ways that I don' know where to start.Aesthetically, visually, I think it's a travesty to turn State Street and Highway 44 into another McMi 11 an Road.You've probably seen that access. ve attended a number of these hearings related to this else tonight? 419 KL I NE Publ ic83676 and I believe Idaho Power has not been forthcoming with information , with alternatives, with costs and it seems to be business as usual and do it our way or no way type of an attitude , and I feel like they've been negligent in investing in the future of the Ci ty and surrounding area. m forced to wonder if this wasn't a monopoly if these people would still be in business, frankly, because it's not any way to run a business. You'll hear testimony like this, you probably already have and you'll probably hear more, so I wanted to focus my comments elsewhere, if I could, and let me say I'm not a doctor and I'm not a scientist and admittedly, most of the technical discussions go right over my head , but can read and I can do research and I'd ike to quote from a couple of articles regarding EMF'These articles were wri t ten by and about research performed by people who are scientists and doctors and I'll hope you'll weight this information accordingly. The first one is from Environmental Magazine.It references a $7 million study commissioned by the California Department of Heal th Services and to quote,"To one degree or another , all three of the DHS scientists are inclined to believe that EMF's can cause increased risk of childhood Leukemia, adul t brain cancer Lou Gehrig's disease and miscarriage. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 420 KLINE Public83676 Secondly, in a different article citing the same report, and again I'm quoting, "The DHS report says it is more than 50 percent possible that EMF's could cause an increase in lifetime risk of childhood Leukemia adult brain cancer and Lou Gehrig's disease.The report says it is 10 to 50 percent possible that EMF's could be responsible for increased lifetime risk of male breast cancer , childhood brain cancer , Alzheimer's disease and sudden cardiac death.The report al so says it is more than 50 percent possible that EMF's could cause an added risk of miscarriage. Granted, it's not certain that any of these diseases will happen to the people living in the area, but are we willing to roll the dice and play with these kinds of odds?Another article referencing a study by the National Council on Radiation Protection states, and I quot e ,"The chairman of the study committee , Dr. Ross Adey, a clinical neurophysiologist and professor of physiology at Loma Linda School of Medicine in California says there is significant scientific evidence that suggests even very low exposure to EMF's has subtle long-term effects on human health.Adey says the NCRP report, squashed by industry stakeholders , recommends no new high voltage power lines should be built near existing housing developments or schools " and let me CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 421 KLINE Public83676 repeat that.They recommend no new high vol tage power lines should be built near existing housing developments or schools. Finally, Peter Frech who at the time was the executive director of Citizens Concerned about EMF states , and I quote , " He believes involuntary exposure to overhead power lines , particularly transmission and distribution lines, is of greater concern.He says proximi ty to overhead power lines should be considered when purchas ing a home.In the case of existing homes located close to overhead power lines, Frech says residents should lobby their local government and utility companies to place ines underground to block higher level of radiation waves. That's what the people are here to do today.For a number of reasons , including exposure to EMF's, we as citizens of this community are lobbying our local government and our utili ty company to place these ines underground.m sure Idaho Power has and will again present data that refutes the information I' shared here.They have done so in past meetings that ve attended.m equally sure that the ranchers with the dead cows near Twin Falls would love to see whatever study Idaho Power can come up with.My understanding Idaho Power lost that lawsuit. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 422 KLINE Publ ic83676 What I'd like to conclude with is unless Idaho Power has conclusive, third-party data that' universally accepted by the industry and by heal officials, we not only should but are obligated to negate the danger and place these transmission lines out of harm's way which in this case appears to be underground. I would urge the PUC to do the right thing and requlre that these lines be buried out of harm's way. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Let's see if there are any questions. Ms. Moen. MS. MOEN:No questions. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Mr. Howell. MR . HOWELL:No. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Ms. Buxton. MS. BUXTON:, sir. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Any questions from members of the Commission? EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER HANSEN: The question I have, would you be willing to pay the extra cost to have the ines buried rather CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 423 KLINE (Com) Public83676 than overhead? I would say yes.Not wi thou t some reservations and wi thout seeing what that means, but would say yes. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: I was just curious if you have a microwave oven. Yes,do. And you' Yes,am.I'd 1 ike one further comment, aware that that also is though.I can also choose not to stand in front of that oven while it's working. Four feet. And we do. EXAMINATION BY COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER: I just had one question, Mr. Kline.You mentioned in your testimony that there was a recommendation that you lobby City government to bury those lines , is that something that you depending on the CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 424 KLINE (Com) Publ ic83676 outcome of this would be willing to go and do to let City Council and others in the local government know that that is something you'd be willing to pay for if it came to that? ve al ready done so. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay, thank you. We appreciate your testimony.Thank you. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho (The wi tness left the stand. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Kristen Jensen. KRISTEN JENSEN, appearing as a public witness , having been first duly sworn , testified as follows: BY MR. HOWELL: EXAMINATION Would you please state your name and spell your last for the record? Kristen Jensen , J -e-n- And are you a resident of Eagle? Actually, I'm not.I represent Eagle River Hospitality.We are the owner of the Hi ton Garden Grea t . Inn in Eagle. 425 JENSENPublic83676 Well , first, thank you very much for the opportunity to testify this evening and we appreciate everything that Idaho Power does for us and all of our guests.I just would like to mention we opened our hotel in Eagle in September of last year and since January of this year , we have hosted over 20,000 guests to this communi ty, most of whom have never been here until the hotel opened and all of them very much appreciate having accommodations in Eagle. Just so everyone is aware , 50 percent of our guest rooms do have a view of the foothills and of the Bypass, so 50 percent of our 20 000 guests we've had to date would actually have a view of these proposed power poles and we , of course, prefer that they not have a view of that.We invested heavily in the design of our hotel to comply with Eagle's strict design standards and chose the site for its aesthetic views and would very much would ike to keep it that way.Since there are al ternati ves to these poles, we would really strongly support underground utilities and feel that Idaho Power should do it right the first time as we had to do right the first time as well. That's all I have. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. Let's see if there are any questions. CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 426 JENSENPublic83676 Ms. Moen. CROSS - EXAMINATION BY MS. MOEN: Yes, Ms. Jensen , are your comments regarding undergrounding restricted to the Bypass route or are your feelings the same way on any al ternate route? Actually, I think that we would feel the same regardless of the route.Eagle is a quaint town and our guests that visit the hotel visit all aspects of Eagle , not just the hotel itself.They vi sit the restaurants , the shops and everything in between , so we would support the underground utilities on any route. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:Any follow-up? MS. MOEN:No, thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Mr. Howell. CROS S - EXAMINA T I ON BY MR. HOWELL: Given your desire to minimize any poles, as a ratepayer in Eagle, would you be willing to pay for the burial of the ines? CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 427 JENSEN (X) Public83676 Well , we would certainly support a nominal increase to our power bills if that answers your question. MR . HOWELL:It does.Thank you.Nothing further. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:Ms. Buxton. testimony. MS. BUXTON:No, sir.Thank you f or your COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:Questions from members of the Commission?We appreciate your CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho THE WITNESS:Thank you. testimony. (The wi tness left the stand. COMM IS S IONER KJELLANDER:We call Brian Glennon. BRIAN GLENNON appearing as a public witness, having been first duly sworn , testified as follows: EXAMINATION Sir, I need your name and spell your last BY MR. HOWELL: for the record. 428 GLENNONPublic83676 It's Brian and the last name is Glennon l-e-n-n-o- And are you a resident of Eagle? I sure am. And do you represent anyone else other than your residence? No , I don't , onl y mys elf. Do you have a statement? Yes.This is going to come kind of off the top of my head.I moved here oh,m new to Eagle. about five months ago.m a retired L.A. County Deputy Sheriff and my wife and I like to consider ourselves as refugees from Los Angeles.We were looking for a bet ter life-style and a better place.We looked at other places , Austin , Texas, Phoenix , Arizona , Las Vegas and we chose this fair city.You really don't know what you have here.This is the most fantastic environment to live in.There are no houses wi th bars on the windows, you don't have gang problems and it's a beautiful place to live. Ii ve of f of North payet te and the back yards face State Street.Already there are poles there that are probably about 50 feet high.m used to looking at telephone poles.I can live with what we have , but in the meeting last night, we were told that CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 429 GLENNON Public83676 some other poles will be put in that might be 25 or feet higher and carrying a lot more vol tage, not the , but something like 138 kV which is a lot of voltage. Now , I'm not a doctor ei ther and I'm not saYlng this only for aesthetics , but if you want to see what it' going to look like, just take State Street and go east towards Boise along State Street, Garden City and look at the size of those poles as you go by Wal-Mart all the way down the street and all I'm saying is it has an effect of industrializing this fair town. That's all I have to say. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Let's see if there are any questions for you. Ms. Moen. MS. MOEN:, thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Mr. Howell. CROS S - EXAMINA T I ON BY MR. HOWELL: Mr. Glennon , how do you feel about defraying some of the costs for burying lines? I t depends.In California we lived in an area where all the lines were buried, there were no lines aboveground.It I S called Valencia.It was near Magic CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 430 GLENNON (X) Public83676 Mountain and that was already done prior to us moving in and it did a lot for it, but I know there is going to be some cost and I know there was some question last night as to people living in other sections of Eagle not experiencing this ground zero effect we're going to have in having to pay for it, but then you could also say have all my children gone , yet I still pay school tax why, because I'm invest ing in Eagle and I think if could be spread out , it would be investing in Eagle also , because I don't think that this building of lines is going to end here.I think as we get more populated those ines are going to go a lot of other places and there are going to be other places up on Beacon Light that are going to have the same problem we're having, just not right now. MR . HOWELL:No further questions.Thank you , sir. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Ms. Buxton. MS. BUXTON:No, thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Before you go we need to see if any of the Commissioners have any questions. THE WITNESS:Oh, sorry. COMM IS S IONER KJELLANDER:Are there any questions from members of the Commission? CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 431 GLENNON (X) Public83676 COMMISSIONER HANSEN:I have one just to clarify. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Did I understand you correctly that you really don't have a problem wi th the poles in your back yard right now , that size? No. You'just worried about taller one s ? knew that when I purchased the property that they were there and that's a fact of life.You have to have electric power come in if you're going to have a microwave oven , so you have to have that, so no, they don't bother me at all.Last night there was an expert that the City had retained that mentioned there was a possibility that the existing lines could be kept instead of going to something bigger like proposed by Idaho Power , but I just got that from the meeting last night. Just a follow-up.Whe re you j us t purchased a home in the last five months here , was that a factor?Were you looking for a home where there may not be a pole in your back yard? , I was just looking for someplace CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 432 GLENNON (Com) Public83676 peaceful and actually everything that Eagle has and the poles , like I say, don't bother me.It's just the fact if the poles were put in that were another , what , well, 75 feet long, a city bus is 40 feet long, that's almost two city buses turned up on end , I'm going to see them all the time 24/7.If I had a business and I had to look at them for eight hours a day, it would be bad enough but we're going to be there 24/7. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Thank you ve much. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Any other questions from members of the Commission?If not, we appreciate your testimony and thank you for coming this evening. THE WITNESS:Thank you. (The wi tness left the stand. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:Le t 's move now to Lynne Sedlacek. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 433 GLENNON ( Com) Publ ic83676 LYNNE SEDLACEK appearing as a public witness , having been first duly sworn , testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Do you know the drill? Lynne Sedlacek.m a resident of Eagle. m a lifelong resident of Eagle. And I need you to spell your last name. S -e- And do you represent anybody tonight? I am on my second term as a member of the Eagle City Council. Thank you,ma' am. First all thank you very much for bringing this hearing to our citizens so we didn'have to all run downtown.I appreciate that very much.We' been dealing with this for many, many years now.We' all disappointed that we could not reach a resolution prior to coming to this point.m also disappointed because some of the recent information we received makes me wonder is this line exactly needed this way, this transmission line, the 138 kV. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 434 SEDLACEK Public83676 m disappointed that some of the suggestions thrown out to Idaho Power I was actually laughed at when I said are you sure you can't make these poles look like a dead cottonwood tree so that we can run them down the al ternate route by the river , and I was just laughed at and I said no , seriously, we're seeing cell towers do that now , can we not do that with power poles, and tonight at dinner, a girlfriend that just got back from the Tahoe area was telling me she saw just exactly that kind of a pole. As far as - - and this is where I'm not sure that I'm representing all of my consti tuents, I have come to the conclusion after many years of discussion that underground might not be viable because it is going to be very expensive and one of my liaison positions with the Eagle Senior Citizens Board of Directors and the Eagle Senior Citizens and many of them are very concerned right now because many of them are trying to 1 i ve on their investments and the interest rates are not just wha t they need, so I don't know that a lot of my constituents could afford to pay a surcharge. With that in mind and assuming that this line is needed and assuming that Idaho Power dismissing this new technology with I believe it's the aluminum lines , I'm just not feeling really like Idaho Power has CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 435 SEDLACEK Public83676 had to look outside the box and it has become very apparent to me that perhaps the only people that can make Idaho Power look outside the box is this Commission , the Public Utilities Commission.Just because this is the way it's always been done doesn't mean that that's the best way it can be done and I have a hard time believing with all the advancements in technology and believe me, m far from being a power expert, but in all the advancements in the technology, we're still doing it the same way we've always done it because we've always done it that way because that's cheaper , because that' easiest. Whether or not the EMF effects are real or perceived , we know that the impact and these tall power poles' impact on property values is very real and it will deval ue the property.Now , it's been said to us that some of the most expensive property in the valley along Eagle Road and look at those power lines.Well, do you see anybody really living in any kind of a quality of life along Eagle Road along those power lines or the traffic that's there?I amI disregard that argument. assuming that we probably are going to have to go aboveground.I have to assume that what Idaho Power has told us about the need for this transmission line is real and so what I would say and what the conclusion I've come CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 436 SEDLACEK Publ i c83676 to is that these power lines need to be located in a commercial area, not over our residential areas, because I think the general hubbub of a commerc ial area , the traffic , I think that the lines themselves would be less noticeable and I think that the safety concerns could be better addressed by locating these high power lines near a commercial area where there's only hourly exposure as opposed to a residential home where there I s 24/7. I am not willing to put our citizens' property values at risk.These people have a right to protect their property values.Eagle has a very low levy rate.If their property values go down , so do our tax receipts.We can't afford, the City in general as a whole cannot afford , to lose property values to go down. m also a little disappointed in the PUC Staff report.The Idaho Public Utilities Commission must also be a representative of the average citizens and thought the report in some areas specifically were a little too corporate friendly.You have to represent us you have to represent the little guy.When I see the commercial route , I do not see why they have to tap into the ine at Edgewood and come all the way down that beautiful Eagle River property.We've been told all along that we're trying to connect substation to substation and a substation is already in the middle of CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 437 SEDLACEKPublic83676 Eagle.We already have these big, huge lines coming down halfway through Eagle, why do we have to repeat that on the al ternate route?Why can't we go from the substation across our commercial area which includes the Albertson' parking lot maybe over to the Zamzow's area and end up, I would say from the substation trying to end up, somewhat west of the southwest corner of the Bypass and State Street and then based on our new comprehensive plan , we have a lot of mixed use areas along State Street , I really think it might take a zig or a zag there, but I think for the most part we could stay over commercial areas and not plop these big poles over some residential areas. I also wonder when will this end , this is wha t we're having now , thi s one ine We know there are other things.We know there's a substation planned in a residence area on Beacon Light and Linder which is very unfair to those people who spent a lot of money to get into that residential area.Are we going to see these transmission lines up every corridor we have?You know wha t protect ion do we have?How do we know where these things are going to go?I know that Eagle needs to assume some responsibility for our growth.We all need power , I understand that, and I do feel like Idaho Power over the years has been a very good corporate sponsor to CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 438 SEDLACEK Public83676 all of us however , Idaho Power has also profited in this area , too. So in summary, I would say it's been a very tough issue.We've worked wi th it for years and will say that as a lifelong resident of Eagle, when I got on the City Council , it was just to represent my hometown through a part of time that I thought we were growing very rapidly and I wanted some input.I t was never my intent to leave any kind of legacy, but I will tell you as God is my wi tness , these power poles marching right down through the middle of town and devaluing our property is something that will just break my heart that happens under my watch. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Let's see if there are any questions. COMM IS S IONER KJELLANDER:Ms. Moen. MS. MOEN:No questions.Thank you. COMM IS S IONER KJELLANDER:Mr. Howell. MR . HOWELL:No. MS. BUXTON:I have a question. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 439 SEDLACEK Public83676 CROSS - EXAMINATION BY MS. BUXTON: Ms. Sedlacek , were you surprised as a City Council member when you were informed that this line was actually for temporary service to Star and it was really to complete the Locust Loop No. I was only surprised for about two minutes and then I was so incredibly angry that I had to wonder what else wasn't I being told.Yes, I was very surprised.It was a last -minute thing.Why does the average Joe , the average ci tizen , have to pay good money to hire an expert witness to dig this stuff out, why were these things not presented to us early, early on? have tried to reach a resolution and like I said, every resolution was rej ected until we came back to pretty much just exactly what Idaho Power wanted. MS. BUXTON:No further questions. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Any questions from members of the Commission? CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 440 SEDLACEK (X) Publ ic83676 EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Just a question.You talk about this proposed reroute going west behind Albertson's, going across and kind of missing the downtown, did you ever discuss that with Idaho Power or with other members of the City Council to make that proposal? Yes , and I was told that they didn't have the easements to get there, but they don't have the - - mean , the Eagle River people spent a lot of money to make that beautiful subdivision and if Idaho Power thinks it' going to be cheaper to go down that right of way, I would have to say that I would disagree.Albert son's is a very good corporate citizen, I think there's ways to get from that substation over to that far corner and not impact our residential areas and I don't think that those easements would be that hard to secure , and I don't care if Idaho Power is under a time line right now. They should have checked this out before, but just to kind of dismiss all of our suggestions , I' still stuck on the power poles looking like a tree and runnlng them down the alternate route and everybody laughs , but I can't believe we're using the same technology now we ve used for years.They're doing CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 441 SEDLACEK (Com)Public83676 with cell towers.How do we know a few years from now they won't be beaming it from treetop to treetop.I know that's out there a ways, but just to keep doing it the same way because that's the way we've always done it, that's never worked in the business world.You have to be thinking all the time. So if the easement problem could be solved , then ln your mind would the Ci ty of Eagle , the Ci ty Council embrace going that route wi th overhead and feel good about it? I would. How do you feel the rest of the Council in the discussions you've had, do you think that would be supported? I do. One other quick question I'd like to ask you concerning the underground, going underground. Yes. And you talk about getting support outside of the City, do you feel that the ratepayers of Idaho Power in Pocatello should help pay for underground being run here in Eagle? If the citizens of Eagle are going to help pay for the lines in Pocatello going underground , then certainly I think it's a fair trade-off. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 442 SEDLACEK (Com)Public83676 If it was a policy we were doing, but if it hadn't been done, do you think first time they should help pay for that extra cost? I don't think that's realistic, especially in today I s economy. COMMISSIONER HANSEN: That's all I have. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Commissioner Smi th. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: I just want to be sure , so your proposal is to take it from the Eagle substation and go kind of in a southwesterly direction Correct. - - to the corner of Eagle Road and the Bypass State Highway 44? Right. Then take the line west on the Bypass out to Ballantyne? Actually, I think that we could stay on the south side, perhaps past Ballantyne. I mean , their proposal is the south side CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 443 SEDLACEK (Com)Public83676 of State Highway 44 , so okay, I just want to be sure understand. Yes , and I would like to kind of address the cost , too.We don't know for sure how much it' going to cost.When you say are you willing to pay more how much more?We don't know.In fact , last night asked again because I thought this seems odd after three years that I still don't know what the figure is for putting it underground and I realize it probably depends how much you're putting underground and where you' putting it , but maybe if we had a cost proposal , maybe we could swing it, but we don't know. So under your proposal , we would still have from Eagle substation down just off - - just north of State and then it comes back to State , we have that line that's there today Yes.I think people accept that because -- - - and then we'd have this additional line that would come and then be, I guess, noticed at Eagle Road and the Bypass going west. I will tell you that I fought very hard to get that mi tigation land when the State Transportation Department brought the Bypass , so I don't 1 ike saying that I'm willing to put those power lines in that area , I CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 444 SEDLACEK (Com) Public83676 kind of consider it mine , but I think all things considered, the residents, the potential heal th effects and their property values should take precedence. Just one other question.When you heard that thi s was temporary servi ce to Star did you unde r stand this case temporary was years and then after a 10-year period that capacity of that line would be needed to serve Eagle? I never did qui te have a full understanding.I guess in this job I've learned that temporary is longer than you think. Well , today we found out it's 10 years. Okay.I don't think we knew that last night. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. appreciate your testimony. THE WITNESS:Thank you. (The witness left the stand. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:We'll now call Susan Thomas. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 445 SEDLACEK (Com) Publ ic83676 SUSAN THOMAS, appearing as a publ ic wi tness, having been first duly sworn , testified as follows: BY MR. HOWELL: EXAMINATION your 1 as t for the record? Ma' am , would you state your name and spell just yoursel f? My name is Susan Thomas , T-h-o- And do you reside within the City? I do.I have for 27 years. And do you represent anybody tonight or Just myself. Please give us your statement. Good evening.I oppose the Idaho Power request for aboveground 138 kV transmission lines along CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho the 44 Bypass and I oppose a tariff or surcharge upon City customers if such lines are to be buried.I oppose the aboveground transmission lines because the Bypass a scenic corridor and to construct aboveground lines in that corridor would be visually obscene and by that, I mean offensive to the senses. It's often natural in human nature and 446 THOMAS Public83676 think it's inherent in a monopoly that it will only change or do something difficult and different when it' ordered to do so and I think the time has come for Idaho Power to enter the 21st century and do difficult and different things, and one of those things is take aesthetic and complicated economic concerns into consideration.Buried transmission lines are one of the realities of this new century and when called for should not be a luxury only to be considered when a surcharge can be passed on to a communi ty .They are a reality that all ratepayers must face , whether it's Eagle, Idaho Falls or Coeur d' Alene or for a crucial scenic natural area that must be preserved, and I believe only the PUC can make the monopoly think differently and stop doing business as usual. You can order Idaho Power to think out of the box , to plan creatively and not face - - not force communi ties that care into bargains.Bury and pay face horrible blunt, and Commissioner Hansen , in reply, I'd like to reply to one of your questions, I think there has to be a first time that Idaho Power is ordered to bury and when it is ordered to bury, I think I would support as a ratepayer the same if it happens in Idaho Falls, if it happens in Coeur d'Alene, if it happens in Burley.I think that's a reality of our new century and CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 447 THOMAS Publ i c83676 the kinds of communities that we want to live in. any. I'll stand for questions if there are COMM IS S IONER KJELLANDER: have any questions. Let's see if we Mr. Howell. Thank you. Ms. Buxton. Questions from We are now to MS. MOEN:No questions. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: MR . HOWELL:No questions. COMM IS S lONER KJELLANDER: MS. BUXTON:No questions. COMM IS S IONER KJELLANDER: members of the Commission. Dennis Stegenga. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho Thank you for your testimony. (The wi tness left the stand. COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER: Not even close, was MR. STEGENGA:Close. 448 83676 THOMAS Public DENNIS STEGENGA appearing as a publ ic witness, having been first duly sworn , testified as follows: BY MR. HOWELL: EXAMINATION Sir , could you please state your name and spell your last for the record? CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho My name is Dennis Stegenga, spelled And do you reside within the City of No, I don't. Where do you reside? I reside in the Ci ty of Star. Can you give us a mailing address? 290 South Star Road, Star, Idaho. Do you represent anybody tonight? No, I don't, just myself. Please give us your statement. Okay.m not here to testify on routes or that type of thing.I think that's up to the community or City of Eagle to decide whether they want to go on a corridor or river or someplace else.I am here t-e-g-e-g-a. Eagle? 449 STEGENGA Publ ic83676 to say that the transmission lines to the new substation in Star are needed and I feel they should be buil t at the lowest practical cost.I am against buried power lines if that cost would be passed on to all the customers of Idaho Powe r .I don't feel at this time that the cost of buried ines through one communi ty should be passed on to all the customers of the Company.I f the pol icy of the Company is to bury lines throughout the whole area they serve , then that would be a different situation , but don't believe that's their policy yet and I don't believe that's your policy yet , but that's probably what you' going to have to decide at the end of this proceedings. That's all I have to say. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. Let's see if we have any questions. MS.MOEN:questions.Thank you. MR.HOWELL:questions. MS.BUXTON:questions. COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:Any questions? We do have one. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 450 STEGENGAPublic83676 EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: I was just curious , are you employed or retired? I am employed.I am a civil engineer for the Amalgamated Sugar Company, and I'm also a former council member of the City of Star. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Any other questions?If not , thank you for your testimony this evening. (The witness left the stand. COMM IS S IONER KJELLANDER:Let's move now to John Sayer. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 451 STEGENGA (Com) Public83676 JOHN SAYER appearing as a public witness , having been first duly sworn , testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Mr. Sayer , I need you to spell your last name for the record, please. Sayer , S-a- And, sir , where do you reside? 2151 West Forest Hill Court in Eagle. And do you represent anybody tonight? Just my wife and myself. Please give us your statement. We've heard qui te a bi t of very good testimony tonight from people, but my wife and personally believe that the Idaho Power department negligent in not keeping current with the 21st century technology.It needs to upgrade its level of information and education and make the necessary adjustments to conduct business in a safe and environmentally friendly manner as any other business finds it necessary to do. If the ground water is a reason for not burying the lines, then please consider the possibility CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 452 SAYER Publ ic83676 of placing them in berms which would also eliminate the EMF problem and safeguard the community from other safety concerns and technology.Since Eagle is not the direct recipient of this power , why is Eagle the source of revenue to provide the service requested?There's a quote that we heard once that failing to plan is planning to fail and I think that should be considered very strongly. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, Mr. Sayer.Let's see if there are some questions. Ms. Moen. MS. MOEN:No questions.Thank you. MR . HOWELL:No. COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:Ms.Buxton. MS.BUXTON:No questions.Thank you. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:Are there any questions from members of the Commission? Commissioner Hansen. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 453 SAYERPublic83676 EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER HANSEN: I'd just like to ask you, how would you rate your quality of service from Idaho Power? I think that's very difficul t for me to answer.I am a very recent four-month transplant from California , so I've only lived here for four months since the first of May, so that's a very difficul t question. Everything seems to be good.I mean , I turn the switch on and the lights go on and I turn it off and it goes off , but I would like to, if I could, say one thing.One of the previous test i f iers , I think it was our Councilwoman , in California , artificial trees are very common , not only for cell phones, but for other things and you can make a pole aesthetically pleasing to the Vlew. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Thank you. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Just a follow-up to that last statement. I haven't done any investigation on the camouflaging technique for poles and I wouldn't have expected you to CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 454 SAYER (Com) Publ ic83676 have done anything before you came tonight , but let' assume it costs more than a traditional pole, who should bear the cost if the cost is in excess of what a typical pole might be that would be put up in its place? My personal feeling as to who should bear the cost , my feeling is Idaho Power.It is a business and if I were to do business with somebody, I would give them a price of what they have to pay.So far I haven' heard any prices coming out of Idaho Power as to what it's going to cost to run the six or seven miles to Star or what it's going to cost the City of Eagle to go through the Ci ty of Eagle, ei ther aboveground or unde rground The 21st century is underground , it's not aboveground. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you ve much for your testimony. THE WITNESS:Thank you. (The wi tness left the stand. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:We'll call now Jerry Hayes. CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 455 SAYER (Com)Public83676 JERRY HAYES, appearing as a publ ic wi tness, having been first duly sworn , testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Sir , could you state your name and spell your last for the record? Jerry Hayes, H-a- And Mr. Hayes, where do you reside? 655 East State in Eagle. And do you represent anybody tonight? Just myself and people who may have common interests in what I have to say. All right, please give us your statement. Hi.I'd like to briefly state I have a background in transportation, highways and planning construction , operation and public hearings in that sector and I know how the environmental impact process works and I've been out here in Idaho fi ve-and-half years and I'm astounded that this proj ect has been talked about and gone this long without an Environmental Protection study, an EPA study based on federal standards which requires government and public input and CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 456 HAYES Public83676 participation to form the study and a final document which would encompass exactly what we're doing tonight and what's been done in pieces and fragments over the years and is done in a very systematic way in which there's accountabili ty, oversight by government and free and open and unintimidating meetings which allow people to have true public input without intimidation. Personally when I came in tonight, this is a very intimidating set-up you have here.ve never seen people have to be sworn in before to give their opinion when they're citizens of the United States and living in the jurisdiction where the hearing was held. I don't think it's morally right and it may not even be Constitutionally right under the Constitution of the Uni ted States , but I will say that I want to give you a few more comments first on a write-up I did.Briefly, I'll just hit some highlights on shortcomings of the proposed aerial 138 kV high-tension power line project from Eagle to Star. The public has not yet been gl ven an official environmental impact study document for general public , business and governmental input, analysis and approval.For this high impact proj ect in a very aesthetically beautiful and environmentally sensitive urban corridor, a full environmental impact study and CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 457 HAYESPublic83676 statement either of findings of no significant impact or a negative declaration , but most likely a full environmental impact statement is in order and should required and should become a standard procedure for Idaho Power and any other power company in Idaho in similar power line proposals throughout the State of Idaho, particularly in scenic, populated and developing growth areas. The study document should clearly establish proj ect need , first of all , proj ect need and detail in depth all currently available alternative technologies used in the utility industry in urban areas throughout the Uni ted States today.The document shoul include all alternative horizontal and vertical alignment locations that are feasible, all impact analyses of each individual al ternati ve , including social , economic technological and environmental impacts.It should provide accurate comparable cost estimates and link those costs to the proj ect need.Why?In order to determine true cost responsibility and accountability to the citizenry. The State of Idaho, County of Ada , and the cities of Eagle and Star all have a public responsibility on behalf of their constituents to one , request and require a clear and proper environmental study process CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 458 HAYES Public83676 and two, a fully prepared study document to be reviewed, responded to by agencies and the public and approved at all levels of local , state and federal government including the Idaho State environmental agency and the federal Environmental Protection Agency. The study document would be the official public basis for requiring Idaho Power Company to properly remedy affected citizens' concerns, but it would properly be a document that would require Idaho Power as the applicant to remedy the citizens' concerns and at Idaho Power expense.Since Idaho Power is the applicant, Idaho Power should rightly pay for the approved study, the design and the construction.After all , this proposed proj ect is a maj or capi tal investment by a privately-owned company.Although it's a monopoly and it's a regulated monopoly, it's a privately-owned company with stockholders having exclusive ownership in their own financial interest.The applicant here will not only build the proj ect, but will fully own it, maintain it and operate the completed project in its own financial interest. It is granted that Idaho Power has been glven an exclusive monopoly in this region; however , in return , it's the responsibility of Idaho Power to finance , develop and manage its own regional electric CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 459 HAYESPublic83676 power system.In this instance, the need for the proj ect is primarily due to rapid growth in the Ci ty of Star and the need for a backup emergency electrical supply to the Joplin power station which serves the Hewlett-Packard facility along Chinden Boulevard in a location outside the City of Eagle. The above needs are obviously of a regional systemwide nature and not a localized Eagle need and have little or nothing to do with electric power supply needs attributable solely to the City of Eagle. Due to this fact, all construction costs should be borne by Hewlett-Packard and the City of Star or evenly distributed to all regional system consumers through rate increases. It should also be noted that the proposed proj ect has already been financed in part by the general public through the publicly-owned highway right of way to be utilized by Idaho Power as proposed in the proj ect; therefore , just as transportation needs are financed on a statewide budgeting basis, it is entirely rational and fitting that regional utility systems , such as this one, including this one would be financed on a regional basis. ve got about six other areas that I call addi tional shortcomings of the Idaho Power proj ect from Eagle to Star.First of all , a summary statement , again CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 460 HAYES Public83676 that an environmental impact statement is needed in order to enable proper due process, orderly and fully open public input, governmental oversight, review and approval. Second, this dilemma is Idaho Power' problem to resolve technically, financially and politically in the public interest because Idaho Power the applicant.The Ci ty of Eagle is not the reason for this proposed proj ect and should not have to develop the proper solution.The responsibility rests on Idaho Power to do whatever is necessary to meet Ci ty of Eagle requirements, including existing City of Eagle building height restrictions. Failure of Idaho Power to provide accurate and comprehensive cost accounting estimates is another shortcoming.They should have those estimates for the proposal and the other al ternati ves that were discussed. This is needed to enable good analysis and decision making by local governments and the general public. This is a privately-owned capi tal investment proj ect to serve interests other than those of the City of Eagle, and particularly Hewlett-Packard, the City of Star and Idaho Power are the real stakeholders desiring and benefiting from the proposed proj ect and should shoulder any financial burdens instead of the City CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 461 HAYES Public83676 of Eagle. It appears that Idaho Power has not been willing to work cooperatively and in good faith to arrlve at mutually acceptable solutions with the City of Eagle and its constituents.Idaho Power has not been timely and forthcoming with meaningful and comprehensive data analysis of al ternati ves and real impacts, detailed proj ect costing methodology and estimates of al ternati ves and long-term system planning documents and information pertinent to establishing proj ect need and cost responsibility.Again , as was stated by others, it looks to be business as usual , but in a new and modern urban environment where open public participation and opinion is and should be valued more than a bully pulpit. Negative safety, aesthetic and economic environmental consequences are sufficient in this case to prohibit any aerial power lines from being constructed in the Eagle area or along Highway 44 all the way to Star. To prevent unnecessary and hazardous lateral traffic obstructions, no poles should be installed nearer than feet from the ul timate build-out edge of pavement of State Street in Eagle or Highway 44 to Star.The placement of aerial high-tension power lines in populated business, recreational and residential areas has long been known to generate heal th problems and questions CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 462 HAYESPublic83676 which have never been proven to be false , and most urban jurisdictions do not allow such projects to be built aerially.It is obvious that the visual aesthetic damage to the valley in this picturesque corridor would be permanent causing diminished enjoyment by citizens and tourists, and it is qui te apparent given these and other negati ve environmental impacts and consequences that commercial and residential land use values will be unjustly diminished and the desire of potential businesses and employers to locate in the Eagle corridor will be impacted. The above brief commentary that I've given pretty clearly explains why I believe Idaho Power has not managed thi s proj ect proposal in a very open and coopera t i ve manner.It is also clear that Idaho Power has not been willing to acknowledge and accept that the State of Idaho has come to a new crossroads between higher standards for public infrastructure, meaningful public input, active local governments wi th responsible land use planning processes and an old dilapidated way of doing business as usual at the regional utility level , so in summary there, I'm saying that we have a problem here which is going to continue to be a problem detrimental to the State of Idaho anywhere where you've got urban growth like this and there comes a time when someone has to take CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 463 HAYES Publ i c83676 a lead, some city and some Utility Commission members and decision makers need to take a stance of what's best in the future instead of looking back to see which way to go tomorrow; in other words, vote no against aerial solutions to the Idaho Power dilemma , and in saying vote no to anything aerial , what I heard tonight, I heard a good suggestion tonight, under than just underground, I would say we have al ternati ves of underground ei ther wi water protection or underground above natural water levels in berms or like most states that I've seen , I' traveled in every state in this nation , and I have seen most states take their high-tension power lines off the roadways and move them to 90 degrees to the roadways using across country and across woodland-type routes where easements are much cheaper than buying anywhere else. Instead of going east -west, you zigzag up, you cross , you get into the middle of a one-mile section you split that section , you go 90 degrees across east-west from here, say, between McMillan and Ustick. You stay a quarter to a half mile from any other road and where a development might be and then those corridor lines where the power lines and easements are can be protected and designated for nothing other than parking or non-residential , non-recreational uses and CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 464 HAYES Publ i c83676 non-business uses. Idaho, I will say that probably the biggest bargain this state has for any person that moves into this state is its electrical power.It's the biggest bargain that I can think of when you pay your electric bill, when I come from somewhere where it costs twice as much , North Carolina, I'm not from California but the opposite area, where there's more of a middle-of -the-road cost.Here is probably the lower levels of any state in the country in terms of the kilowatt cost; however , I believe after seeing this proj ect and looking at the system in the whole valley here and seeing how the practice is being to piggyback the highway rights of way that that is part of where the savings has come and obviously, Idaho Power Company knows that, but I think the day has come where it's not in the best public interest to be afraid to go for a rate hike because you need to have a safer and less aesthetically and environmentally intrusive situation , so I would suggest that that's the third al ternati ve where the pol icy needs to be moved away from urban areas, to move away from urban areas utilizing mid-blocks, mid-mile sections and go 90 degrees to the roads rather than use the rights of way. If you're in a place that's not CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 465 HAYES Public83676 aesthetically important, and that's hard to find in Idaho because two-thirds of the state is publicly owned and it's aesthetic in itself , but that's part of the cost of being in Idaho and so I think that when we're talking about this particular proj ect, it's a system problem and it I s Idaho's problem to handle and I think part of the problem is the fact that the policy is to use piggybacking on rights of way, not look for al ternati ve routes, and second, the policy is to use incrementalism to develop your system rather than coming public with a full-blown 25- or 30-year plan that is based on social economic data the way that you build the infrastructure for the roads here. When you study the roads, they projected traffic for the last two or three years for these two counties.The social and economic data including the household population , all that went into the model.That needs to be the approach that's taken here.At the end you can do a systemwide costing.You can start developing a rate structure based on systemwide costs instead of coming in incrementally and then trying to tag it to the local municipality. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Mr. Hayes? THE WITNESS:That's pretty much the solutions I see as alternatives. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 466 HAYES Public83676 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Mr. Ha ye s , I' sorry to interrupt.We do have other people signed up to testify tonight and did I just get a sense that you had wrapped up? THE WITNESS:Wha t ? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Are you about wrapped up? THE WITNESS:That was my last point. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. Let's see if there are any questions. MS. MOEN:The only comment I have is just for the record that once Idaho Power has a line or a route identified for purposes of the transmission line then all environmental analyses and studies will be conducted on that particular route.I just wanted you to be aware of that. THE WITNESS:I understand that, but think that's the reverse of the way it should be.That' why in the highway transportation department, we do a transportation improvement program, seven-year program, and you designate a potential corridor.You don' designate the route, you designate the corridor and then you go in and do a study which still allows the public the right to use their al ternati ve means to block the proj ect in the event they don't agree wi th that proj ect, CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 467 HAYES Publ i c83676 but if you're going to wait until after you have gotten through the brow-beating of all the public here and then you're going to have the environmental impact study, it' nothing but just a document that has no input value, so that's the reverse of the way the proj ect should work. MS. MOEN:No further questions. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Any questions Mr. Howell? MR . HOWELL:No. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Any quest ions from members of the Commission? If there are no further questions, we appreciate your testimony and did you have a written copy? THE WITNESS:ye ah I wanted to glve you a written copy. (The wi tness left the stand. COMM I S S IONER KJELLANDER:think at this point what I would like to do is just take about a ten-minute break and reconvene at 20 minutes after the hour and we'll try to keep it to 10 minutes. (Recess. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:I don't want to set any solid sideboards for a strict time limit, but do need to apprise you that we only have this building CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 468 COLLOQUY83676 until 9: 00 0' clock.My sense is we might be able to stay a little past that, but we do have other people signed up to testify and during the break we had two more people sign up to testify, so I would like to accommodate everyone that is on the list, so if we could keep our comments to new information.I f you've heard something that you agreed wi th before, you can say I agree wi tha t,agree with that and i f you have something new to offer,please feel free to provide that i f you have a different take on it,that'fine as well. I al so want to recogni ze Mayor Nancy Merrill who earlier was sitting at that chair right there.She's now out in the lobby and of course, that' wha t always happens when you go to introduce somebody, they're not in the room, but the reason she won't be testifying tonight if you're curious is because she's a formal wi tness in the case and she has already provided formal written testimony and has also been subjected to cross-examination earlier in the technical hearing, so that's why she won't be testifying tonight. Let's move now to the next wi tness and it's Chris from Cove Colony Way. ADD I ENCE :I'll pass on taking up time. Everybody has pretty much said what I was going to say anyway. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 469 COLLOQUY 83676 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Please free to write your comments down. AUDIENCE:Okay, I just don't want to take up any of the time that we have left. CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:And I apologi ze for putting on what can only be perceived as a chilling effect. Mary Shaner. MARY SHANER appearing as a public witness, having been first duly sworn , testified as follows: EXAMINATION Would you state your name and spell your last name for the record, please? My name is Mary Shaner, S-h-a-n-e-r. And Ms. Shaner, do you reside in Eagle? Yes , I do. Could I have a mailing address? It's 353 North Cove Colony Way. And do you represent anybody tonight? Just my husband and myself. BY MR. HOWELL: 470 SHANER Publ i c83676 Great. A lot of things have already been said and for the record, the routes that are under consideration neither one in a sense affect me because in all cases from Ballantyne on they're talking about putting the 90 - foot poles all the way to Star and the Colony happens to be beyond Ballantyne, so sort of ei ther way I'm toast, no pun intended, so the two routes in that regard don't personally make a difference to me in terms of my home my property.I personally would like to see neither of them.I find both of the routes to be unacceptable, because in both cases you're going through ei ther a historic downtown and residential area or you're going through a scenic byway and a brand new development that has been put in at great expense to the developers to have a certain look , in fact even their own expense to bury the ines in front of the Eagle River Development and I know that it is unrealistic to expect that one of those options will not ultimately be the final decision. The main reason I wanted to speak tonight is because I think it's a bigger issue than which route do we take, should Eagle pay, should it be passed on to Star because they're the ul timate recipients of the power , and it needs to be looked at as a whole piece, because as long as it's looked at as oh , it's just CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 471 SHANER Public83676 Eagle's problem and the next time another power line comes on along, it's just Meridian's problem , it will never change , and Idaho Power , qui te frankly, is not in the job to try to worry about those concerns and our concerns as individual s or a city's concern as an individual ci ty. They won't change their larger pol icy unless that is forced upon them to look at it in a different way, to try new technologies , to consider burying power lines , which many cities who are growing as fast or faster than this region have already long ago determined that underground was the only way to go to maintain the quality of life.I f you look at Phoenix , it had explosive growth , they bury their power lines. you look at communi ties in Southern and Northern California, they have explosive growth, they bury their lines because the very nature of that growth means that the problems mul tiply, so are we looking at a Treasure Valley area, not just Eagle, that 15 years down the line is going to be one continuous grid of power lines? I work in Nampa, I go into Boise frequently, I live in Eagle.I drive down Chinden and see the power lines.I drive down State Street between Glenwood and Veteran's Park and see all kinds of power lines that look absolutely hideous.You see them on CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 472 SHANER Public83676 Eag I e road.What they look like on McMillan going west from Eagle Road is hideous and if we don't look at collectively at some point, at some point it will be too late, they will all be there and the cost of redoing an entire valley and burying them at that point is going to , I think , unthinkable, so I think , yes, this would be the first community to stand up and say we need to start burying the line, but it isn't about Eagle, it's about do we look at this all over Idaho Power and say what do we want for the future, and that's basically all I have to say. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. Let's see if there are any questions. MS.MOEN:questions.Thank you. MR.HOWELL:questions. MS.BUXTON:questions. COMM IS S IONER KJELLANDER:Any questions from the Commission? Thank you f or your t est i mony . (The wi tness left the stand. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:Let's move now to Ceilie Robertson. MS. ROBERTSON:I'll pass.I agree wi what Mrs. Shaner just said. COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, and CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 473 SHANERPublic83676 we would encourage you to go ahead and fill out some written comments as well. MS. ROBERTSON:Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:David Callister. DAVID CALLI STER appearing as a public witness, having been first duly sworn , testified as follows: BY MR. HOWELL: EXAMINATION I need your name and spell your last for the record, please. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho Dave Callister , C-a-t-e-r. Do you reside in Eagle? Yes. Do you represent anybody tonight? Just myself. Great , and please give us your statement. Thank you.Commissioners, thanks for I know it's probably the best thing you could be doing tonight.YouI know it's a tough job. know I know that, but thanks for being here and listening to these kinds of things.I just have a couple of policy be i ng here. 474 CALLI STERPublic83676 comments.I don't have any technical expertise in this area.I do 1 i ve out here and so I have a vested interest in it, but as you've noticed in the State of Idaho, if you look at how entities make policy decisions, it' similar to the one you're looking at now. Let me share just a couple of examples. ve done some developing, you're familiar wi developing.It wasn't that long ago that we made a big transition in developing that we put everything underground.It raisedIt wasn't the most economical. the cost of every lot, but there was a policy decision and it was generally accepted across the State of Idaho that by doing that it raised values because aesthetics matter.If it didn't matter, we wouldn't have done because we pay, every one of us, I'm assuming you included if you live in a neighborhood that's been developed in the last 20 years, we pay for all our utilities to go underground and it's built into the cost of your lot. That's a policy decision that every city in this state has adopted.It's a policy decision that every county in the state has adopted on new construction , so there's a precedent there that's been there for quite a long time that aesthetics matter and that it's important enough that you go ahead build it and CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 475 CALLI STER Public83676 impugn it into a cost in general.I think the State of Idaho has a similar one when it comes to roads.There' been a time , there was a time when the State of Idaho disregarded local entities with their roads.They would build whatever was cheapest, quickest , fastest.That year is gone.They don't do that any longer. Now they go through some very difficul terrain to accommodate local enti ties and local concerns and then they do beautification.Because aesthet ics matter , they do a tremendous amount of expensive sound barriers, whether it's trees and landscaping which they bring water to which doesn't economically have water or you know , decorative walls that could simply be plain concrete or anything else.They spend a tremendous amount of money to make them look good for the local community.That's state money, statewide money, that every taxpayer in the State of Idaho accommodates and they do that because they've taken a general policy that aesthetics matter and that preserving those things in kind of a good neighbor policy actually qualifies for the cost; so I'm just suggesting there's two examples of precedents of the kinds of things that you're seeing here tonight. This is not the last time you're going to see it.What we're hoping is this is the first time CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 476 CALL I S TER Public83676 you're going to adopt a policy that fellow policymakers all over the State of Idaho have already done and that aesthetics should be built into the cost of infrastructure.It is in other areas and it should be here. Now , you can say why here?Well, I say this shouldn't have been the first example , but it should be the first example at least from now on.Let me tell you about Eagle.You know about Eagle, but I've lived in Boise all my life and Eagle was a fun little farming town when I grew up, but about 20 years ago there, for lack of a better word, coagulated around this area this idea that this country field that if invested and cared for properly would actually attract people to it that they can't get anywhere else and they've slowly built this kind of communi ty . If you look around , you'll notice it' obvious this is an unusual kind of community where people not only through policies carefully crafted have built to be aesthetically pleasing and provide a certain kind of environment , but they've invested tremendous amounts of money, not only in their structures and their subdivisions, but their infrastructure to make a certain kind of thing occur here, so a lot of enti ties honor that by saying okay, we understand the policies that you' CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 477 CALL I S TER Public83676 enacted , already invested significantly to back these policies here,we're going to as good a neighbor as we can be assist that. ve heard the question before would you be willing pay for it.Well,we'paying for it. think the truth is those in the City of Eagle if that was the only way that they would pay for it, but let me suggest something broader than that and that is this good neighborhood pol icy as the precedent I described earl ier should be paid for by the ratepayers in general and shouldn't be a policy particular to Eagle.It should be a policy particular to any town that has this kind of significant impact aesthetically or economically and here it does have a significant economic impact upon the property values; i. e., property taxes that everybody will have to deal with , then it should be considered and that it should be considered statewide on a case-by-case basis where it has those certain kinds of values. The State of Idaho does it with the roads. We do it wi th all our other infrastructure, so those are the suggestions I'm going to make.These things are your decisions.I know you'll make good decisions.I don't expect Idaho Power to suck up the cost, it's not their business to do that , but the ratepayers it is.The ratepayers have an interest in the State of Idaho and an CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 478 CALLI STER Publ i c83676 interest of the aesthetics of the state, the reputation of the state and that it grows and it is economically feasible and it's not just the cost of power.It's also how we act, behave and look and if we do these things correctly, we'll have a good, promising economic future and your policies are definitely a contribution to that. Thanks for letting me take a little time. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:Let's see if there are any questions. MS. MOEN:No questions.Thank you. MR . HOWELL:No questions. MS. BUXTON:No questions.Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:From the Commissioners? COMMISSIONER HANSEN:I guess I just had one question. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER HANSEN: A few years ago the City of Ketchum wanted to bury several blocks of cable there rather than overhead and so they did that and the city paid that extra cost and that's the only record that I'm aware of CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 479 CALLI STER (Com) Public83676 in the state where a city or a location want to bury the cable rather than overhead , and in that situation , they came forward and said they would pay that extra cost to go unde rground Do you think that that may have already set pol icy? Well , precedent sets policy and I can see where you're coming from, but that certainly is an example of how things can start , but let me suggest that that's just the embryo, that that was the precursor to what you're seeing tonight and that you probably can't expect that , because then you're saying that only the rich can have aesthetically pleasing areas and that' what you're saying and I'm suggesting that that's not where it should be , that there's an economic impact and an aesthetic impact and if we want to build aesthetically good-looking places and , you know, don't forget , these days all the local entities are requiring significant aesthetic investments, in every development, homes commercial entities , they're significant , just like this one is and they're asking everyone to bear that cost because we're changing the way we look, feel.You' heard it from other testifiers, so I would say that while that was the embryo , it shouldn't be the precedent , that the precedent has been set by other things I've suggested and the future is likely for us , for you policy makers, CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 480 CALLISTER (Com) Publ ic83676 to look for a little bit softer , more accommodating look on some of these things. Do you think if we were to pursue that that it would be fair to bring in the ratepayers, say, of Pocatello and Twin Falls and those areas as well as rural areas and let them participate in determining what they fel t should be paid for and should be covered by them as ra tepayers? Well , Commissioner , let's be straight about this.You know that we subsidize all those rural ci ties.You know that the City of Eagle and the City of Boise and the City of Meridian and the City of Nampa, we all pay higher rates and we transfer those to those folks out there that don't pay their way and that's been the policy of the State of Idaho since Idaho has been around as far as I know , so it's about time that maybe those in our areas, we not only - - well, since we're paying their way, maybe it's about time that they share in the accommodations for us.I think that's a fair trade-off. But should they be involved in the decision making? Tha t 's why we have you here. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Commissioner Smi th. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Not really questions, CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 481 CALLI STER (Com)Public83676 but two thoughts to put into your thought process and then maybe later we can have the lengthy discussion that's not possible tonight.First of all , there was testimony earlier tonight that one of the biggest benefits that the citizens of this state have are low power rates and I think that's necessary for economic development, for business to be at tracted to the area and even for people to be able to afford their bills , so in your thought process of having this new policy of undergrounding, I think we need to carefully recognize the impact that it might have on our overall rate structure long term , so that's my first thought that want you to put in , and my second one is I believe the legislature may have already set the policy in this area. There's an entire chapter entitled called undergrounding of utility facilities that leaves it to local governments and I'm an advocate of keeping the decision making at the lowest level possible where people are impacted, where local governments , cities and counties , decide whether to create local improvement districts and thereby raise the cost of undergrounding facilities for their areas, so just two thoughts to churn into your process.We don't have time for a huge discussion , but those two thoughts are in my mind. THE WITNESS:Those are very val CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 482 CALLISTER (Com) Publ ic83676 thoughts, too. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:Thank you for your testimony this evening. THE WITNESS:Thank you. (The wi tness left the stand. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:We'll call Deone Croff. DEONE CROFF appearing as a public witness, having been first duly sworn , testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Ma ', I need you to state your name and spell your last name for the record. Deone Croff, C-r-Ii ve at 13 7 North Cove Colony Way.We are right on State Street, the first house on the street, so we will be impacted greatly by these power ines I wanted to tell you a little bit of our history.We lived in Southern California for years.Part of that was in the San Diego area which was a gorgeous area, Encinitas , La Costa, Carlsbad. any of you know it, it's gorgeous , but there's also a big CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 483 CROFF Public83676 power company there.We happened to 1 i ve right in front of the humungous power ines in La Costa. When we went to sell our house, we could not sell it.People would drive by, they would see the power lines behind us, they would not even get out of the car and come in and look.I did not know thi s . finally said what is the problem to our real estate agent.She said they see the power ines, they won' look at your house , so okay.Whether it is true or not people think there is a health problem with power lines. I don't believe there is , but many people believe that and they would just as soon stay away from it, whether it's real or not.We never did sell that house. Al so , those power ines made a humming sound all the time.They are noi sy , they devalue your property and we had that maj or problem in Southern California.We moved from Southern California to Ari zona.We had a large piece ofI grew up in Ari zona. property there, 80 acres, and Sal t River proj ect, it was in Gilbert which I think is one of the fastest growing cities in the nation , Salt River Project wanted to come in and put the big, huge power lines on our property there which they did.It's hard to fight those companies , but they did come in.They did compensate us for that because they knew - - well , they won't admi t CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 484 CROFF Publ ic83676 but they know that it devalues your property.Developers don't want to purchase that property when it has big power I ines on it.We did have problems that way. I also wanted to tell you experiences I' had wi th power ines They put them along the canals a lot in Arizona and in Gilbert, we would walk along the canal where the power ines are.I f you bend over to pet your dog, you'd get a shock.I f you put your hand on the metal part of your bicycle, you can get a shock and not just a little shock , a big shock.You have to keep your hand on rubbe r .There again, they're always making nolses.You can feel the electrical force from these power lines.Now , these are big power ines I don' know if that's what you're going to put in here , but I do know that it got to where you would go away - - you would not want to walk around those power lines because of the feeling that you got when you were there and so people started avoiding that area, and that's all I have to say. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. Let's see if there are any questions. MS. MOEN:No questions.Thank you. MR . HOWELL:No. MS. BUXTON:No quest ions. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:We have several. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 485 CROFF Public83676 EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Just one quick question and you said you didn't really believe it had any effect on your health living there, did you have or your family have any heal th problems that you're aware of? Not so far.No, we did have a guy come out one day from the power company and showed us the little geiger counter that would go like this and we were right by the power ines Even across the street , and that was just a small cul-de-sac , that hardly moved at all , but with us being right by the power lines, it really did have a magnetic force or whatever it was, but we so far have had no problems from it. m just kind of curious , were you, like right under it or were you, ike, a couple of hundred feet from the power line? Well , our back yard, the power lines were right over our back yard even though it was a big open area. MR. CROFF:Thirty to fifty yards away. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Commissioner Smi th. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 486 CROFF (Com) Publ ic83676 EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: Do you have any - - you said you didn't know how much vol tage was going through there.These sound ike huge towers. They are , they were and they were ike those four-legged monsters. Yeah , those are towers.What we' talking about here are poles, not towers. One thing I did want to mention is I drove around today and looked at the lines and I noticed how aesthetically they do look a lot better when you just see the 1 ines up high.I think it's those lines down below that really take away from -- that really make it look bad and those must be the phone lines or things, the lower ines on the poles, but driving through Eagle and that there's a lot of the lower lines that look very unsightly.I think if they can keep the I ines up it' not qui te as bad. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you. THE WITNESS:Because I know you have to do something. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:Thank you for your testimony. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 487 CROFF (Com) Public83676 (The wi tness left the stand. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Teresa Peery. TERESA PEERY appearlng as a public witness , having been first duly sworn , testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Could you please state your name and spell your last for the record? Yes , Teresa Peery, P-y, 2458 North Bottle Creek Place , Eagle. Do you represent anybody tonight? The future. Don't we all. I hope so.I come because I know we have two things in common with everyone in this room , we all rely on power , we all need it, we want it.None of us want to 1 i ve wi thout it and I think we can all agree on that.The other thing I think everyone can agree on that power poles are very ugly and I don't think I' ever met anyone who thought they were beautiful or nice to look at.Is there anyone in this room that does think CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 488 PEERY Publ i c83676 that?Okay, and I don't think there's any color texture , shape or height that makes them more attractive, so I guess what I want to say is we all want power, we all need it , this area is growing.I know we've got to get power to the people. There is a technology to bury.We don' have to see the poles when we bury.It costs more, but in the future it's going to make a difference.Wi th thi area growing so much , I foresee a time when we're going to need high vol tage on every main street in Eagle to keep up wi th the growth of thi s Ci ty , to get the power to people that are building in the foothills and beyond, all the way out to Star.I mean , communities are springing up, people are gathering to this area.They're gathering because this is a safe place to live.They're coming from the big ci ties.If you come in this room , how many people have come from California and have researched on the Internet because they want a safe place for their families , for their children , for their future and it' going to continue to grow that way and we've got to become a progressl ve state that we're attracting progressive people , people that care about their families, their communities, their world , their future, their environment. I foresee if we could become an CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 489 PEERY Public83676 underground, have our power underground, we could provide the power to the people, we will have the rate increases. If it's got to start wi th increasing in Eagle only, I think we've got to set a precedent , I ike as has been said , but I believe it's a statewide problem.I think all of Idaho needs to shoulder the responsibility for the future.I f we have high vol tage ines along every maj or road just for Eagle alone , when I pass this heritage on to my children and my grandchildren, will they want to live in this kind of environment with metal poles lining their streets, high voltage on every intersection? that the kind of world and communi ty I want to pass on to my children , my grandchildren? Okay, I foresee that technology will be chang ing .In the future, I think power will be given to the people in unforeseeable ways.We probably can' foresee how power will be transmitted in the future. There will be inventions , there will be improvements. we have these facilities underground, how much easier to change to new technologies , rather than you imagine to construct all of these power poles.You look at the McMillan poles , for example, just the pollution to produce that metal to make those huge towers and line them across the State of Idaho or across the City of Eagle and then when the future comes that those are no CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 490 PEERY Public83676 longer - - those are a technology that now are out of date and we're no longer going to use those , to dispose of that, to recycle it , to fill our landfills , I don't know but to convert to something new , bet ter If we have these things already underground , we can adapt for the future and we don't have to leave our children and grandchildren the mess to clean up in the future, and lived up in the McMillan and Cloverdale area by HP. I chose to come down to Eagle in large part because of the power poles that are lining McMillan and the aesthetics and I look to Eagle, I can see the I have an unobstructed view.sunset.I don't have to look beyond the power poles.I don't have to worry about my property values.I don't have to worry about any heal th ri sks I can say that I lived in a neighborhood wi th mul ti tudes of heal th risks , cancer , MS and it was springing up at a very rapid rate and I was right by the high voltage power lines and I cannot conclusively say it's from the power , but I did see my neighbors wi th very many health problems, but I just want to close that moved to Eagle for the future of my children , my grandchildren and I'd like to keep using the technology that is available in more progressive states to keep the high vol tage and the power lines underground.I am willing to bear the cost as a consumer and I think that CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 491 PEERYPublic83676 in the future the costs that we pay now will be a benefit and we actually will save in the future by planning ahead for the future. COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:Thank you.Let me see if there are any questions. MS. BUXTON:No questions. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Any questions from the Commission? Thank you f or your t est i mony . (The wi tness left the stand. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Colleen Horiuchi. MS. HORIUCHI:I'll pass at this time. agree with all my neighbors that have talked before. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:But did I get your name right? MS. HORIUCHI:You got it right. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. Markus Fipps. CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 492 PEERY Publ i c83676 MARKUS FI PPS , appearing as a public witness, having been first duly sworn , testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Could you state your name and spell your last for the record, please? Markus Fipps, M-a-u-s. And , sir, where do you reside? I reside at 140 -- COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:Mr. Fipps? THE WITNESS:My last name as well? COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:Yes. THE WITNESS:p-s, and my address 140 South Cobblestone Way, Eagle. BY MR. HOWELL:And do you represent anybody tonight? Yes , I am here representing myself , both as a resident of Eagle, a homeowner that would be affected by either proposal that's been proposed, either route , and also as a small business owner who developed a property alongside one of the proposed routes, and also my wife and I run a child education-type business where CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 493 FI PPS Public83676 we have over 1,000 young children that would be directly affected by this depending on what route you select. Do you have a statement? I do.First of all , I would like to thank you for the opportunity to speak.I know you have a difficult job balancing the interests of so many different people.It's always a difficult decision any time we're talking about public utilities.ve been following this issue and I am quite upset at the way that Idaho Power has presented their case.To me, it's been confusing and misleading and I've been following this since their first representation to the City of Eagle and also the second, and I also received a statement from Ada County Development Services and I submi t ted wri t ten information to them that I will give to you as well and I'll just summarize that and give a few other comments but basically the point I want to make is I don't claim to be - - have the benefit of having all the knowledge that our City Council people and people that have had direct contact wi th Idaho Power , but I do have a degree in economics and I can tell you that where I'm confused at is I do know that the first proposal that Idaho Power came up with was delineated by the orange line that we see on the map and which , you know , was turned down by the City. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 494 FI PPS Public83676 Then they came back wi th the second proposal and I'm not sure which one they're proposing as their first choice now , but that's what confuses me is I do know that in the presentation they made to Ada County Development, they're now representing the green route as their first choice.I could be wrong, but that's the information I got, so this flip-flopping back and forth just indicates to me they've done a very poor job of planning.I think they kind of put the cart before the horse, apparently. When they made their presentations to the Ci ty, they came wi th no numbers, they had no information with regard to what it would cost per mile going either route and as a student of economics , their new proposed route , they indicated that their most - - the points they made were, they said that their top obj ecti ve was to achieve the most direct route.Well, ladies and gentlemen , I'm not a genius here , but if we look at the orange line there and we look at the green line, we can see that the green line which apparently is what their latest proposal is is certainly not the most direct route, will not be the least expensive route, not initially, and certainly not to be maintained for the future. The second obj ecti ve that they said they CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 495 FIPPS Public83676 were trying to achieve was to not backtrack.Well , as we can see that by backtracking almost a mile-and-half in each direction, almost three miles, we're increasing not only the cost of again construction, but also the cost of maintaining the line forever for the future. The other point I would like to make is thi s is the one chance to get it right.Once these lines are up, it's a negative impact, a negative neighborhood impact forever.That's forever , ladies and gentlemen. The last obj ecti ve they said they were trying to achieve was the lowest cost.Well, mostly certainly I can see that the shortest distance is obviously going to be the least cost and wi th the proposal they're proposing tonight going back to the green route they have delineated certainly is not the most cost effective. The last obj ecti ve that they said they were trying to achieve was to try stay away from as many residents as possible and most certainly I can see that the green route does,least the port ion the map that they have represented here , achieves going by less residences; however, what I'd like to indicate to you is that our - - we're talking about if they select the green alternative which they've indicated as their first priori ty here where there's a child day care center which is located directly across the street on the new Bypass CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 496 FI PPSPublic83676 and also our facility, we have over 1 000 kids comlng every week and we have no guarantee that - - I'm less concerned about the health issue, the long-term health issue, of the lines , but any structure can fall and we have no guarantee that one of those poles is not going to be located directly across or adj acent from our building or the hospi tal or the day care center or any other thing and I can't see where that would be a viable option for the safety of our children. The other thing I'm upset about wi th Idaho Power's presentation with the City is that they never they admitted they never ever considered taking underground.It really wasn't a cost issue for them. They said initially they did not have the expertise and they would have to hire subcontractors to perform the work and they gave us no numbers as to what it would cost per mile , per foot, per anything and no correlation between what that would take aboveground.I'd 1 ike to also indicate as a student of economics, it seems to me and I don't have any scientific evidence of this, but it was taken underground, it certainly would be a lot easier to update and also maintain for the future. Basically what I've done is just kind of highlight the letter that I proposed to Ada County Development Services and I would like to offer what CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 497 FI PPS Publ i c83676 believe is somewhat of a viable solution.Lynne Sedlacek indicated that she thought the best route would be to come directly essentially south of the Eagle substation and then proceed in somewhat of a southwest manner to the corner there.Well , all the estimates that I've seen and heard people talk about how cost prohibi t i ve it would be to go underground, what if we went underground straight south of the substation , there's already a drainage canal , I'm sure it has an easement there.As you can see by the map, there's no developed commercial property straight south of the substation , take it underground at just that point which would only be about 5 000 feet as ve measured it out, continue it underground underneath the Bypass and then some studies could be done to see how much it would cost to take it how much further west. That would make the most sense to me , make it pop up wherever it is.I don't know how far. sure that the folks that live along the route are concerned as well , residents, but there are - - I can understand , I'm affected either way, either one of these routes, whether it's my residence or whether it's my business, but what I would like to also point out is that the business interests that have been represented here are big corporate entities like Hilton and Saint Alphonsus, but there's also a lot of small business CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 498 FIPPS Public83676 owners that it's a lot more cost prohibi ti ve for us to develop these properties in Eagle and they make us put in four-inch trees and all kinds of exciting stuff and jazz up our building to make it aesthetically pleasing and then to go and put these lines up, it will just be an atrocity and it just seems like people have indicated a huge waste of resources that have already been spent. Thank you very much. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Let's see if there are any quest ions. Ms. Moen. MS. MOEN:No questions.Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Mr. Howell. CROS S - EXAMINA T I ON BY MR. HOWELL: m just wondering where your day care facility is located.You said it's on the Bypass? We actually have a children's dance educational facility.There's a day care facility which is located just to the west of Les Schwab, if you know where that's located, at the corner of Edgewood and our building is located at 500 South Fitness Place which essentially adj acent to the Bypass by the Rocky Mountain CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 499 FIPPS (X) Public83676 Business Park. MR.HOWELL:Thank you. MS.BUXTON:Nothing. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Do we have Thank you very much for your testimony. THE WITNESS:Thank you. questions? (The wi tness left the stand. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:We call now Kim Hilliard. KIM HILLIARD appearing as a public witness, having been first duly CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho sworn , testified as follows: EXAMINATION Sir , I need your name and spell your last for the record , please. Kim Hilliard, last name H-i-a- And , sir , where do you recite? I currently reside at 1525 West Powder Court here in Eagle. Do you represent anybody here tonight? BY MR. HOWELL: 500 HILLIARD Public83676 Myself , my wife and my three kids. Good enough. I don't know if I have a lot more to add other than I have been following this for qui te awhile, for about three years, and the last I'd heard of it , I thought the problem was kind of decided , that the Citizens Committee and Idaho Power and everyone had agreed on a proposed route.I know it's a ve complicated issue.I know there's no easy solutions. During the time I thought the problem was resolved and now I've actually sold my house.m actually moving, moving out of Eagle and moving to Middleton , but I' still here to contend that I think this is more of a policy issue , this is more of a principle issue, what happens wi th Star , what happens wi th Middleton , what happens across the whole state. All along I was hoping with the things ve heard about the impact to the commercial properties the impact to the residents, the impact to the Ci ty that there could be some kind of compromise.I read a $10,000 property value impact to the Eagle River Development, obviously, the impact to the citizens, the impact to the communi t Y Someone earlier mentioned they think it's low power rates that draw a lot of people to Idaho and that might be true , but I contend it's the communities and CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 501 HILLIARD Publ ic83676 it's the aesthetics and the life-styles we offer that bring people from California and these other states because they don't have that kind of environment. It's not necessarily the low power , so was always hopeful through franchise fees, through Idaho Power commi t t ing some money and maybe through the commercial entities some compromise could be developed to put these underground.Everybody would share part of the burden and I guess that's what I was here to try to share is that I think it's an area of principle.How progressive is Idaho going to be?We look at all these other examples in other states where their communi ties have been ruined and they're deal ing wi th these things more expensively after than before. I guess I am hoping the PUC can weigh this heavy issue and all the information you received to try to put us on a progressive , forward-looking path, not just for Eagle and not just for the communities and towns around here but for the entire state. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Let's see if we have any questions. MS. MOEN:No, thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Mr. Howell. Ms. Buxton? MS. BUXTON:No, thank you. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 502 HILLIARD Public83676 COMM IS S lONER KJELLANDER:Any questions from members of the Commission? COMMI S S IONER SMI TH :Just one. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: Sorry to prolong this , I know everyone tired.I guess earlier , I don't know if you were here when David Callister testified and I mentioned there's a statute that the legislature has given power to cities and counties to underground utility facilities and form local improvement districts to pay for that , so I guess m wondering from a pol icy point of view , do you think the Public Utilities Commission as a state ought to just make some policy regarding undergrounding and apply it or do you think those decisions ought to rest in the hands of the local leaders who can decide for their community depending on the economics of their communi ty whether it's affordable? I tend to think this is more of a Eagle communi ty issue.It's not just around the Bypass and it's not just around State, so I would contend that all the citizens of Eagle would support a franchise fee to pay the portion they could bear and I know there' CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 503 HILLIARD Public83676 restrictions and things about franchisees and so forth. I guess what I'd like to see is some progressive step to offer some combined solution that if a communi ty fel t strongly enough that they would bear their portion of the burden as much as they can , then Idaho Power would be expected to bear some portion and maybe that would be distributed across the state and in this particular case with the heavy investment in the commercial areas that they too might step forward.You know , I've heard there's threaten of litigation if it goes along Eagle River. Well , I'm assuming with the delays Idaho Power has encountered, the expense they've sunk into temporary measures to get this line put out, you know litigation by Eagle River and then the property value impact, there should be some common solution , positive solution we could all come together to get this underground that everybody would be happy with. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Mr. Hilliard, thank you very much for your testimony tonight. appreciate it. (The wi tness left the stand. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:And al so Mr. Hilliard was the last individual that we had on our signed list.I recogni ze that we have someone el se who CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 504 HILLIARD Publ ic83676 would like to testify and as you're moving forward , let me just ask , is there anyone else who wants to testify this evening?Okay. STAN BASTIAN appearlng as a public witness, having been first duly sworn , testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR.HOWELL: for the record. Ii ve at 13 6 9 Sir , I need your name and spell your last My name is Stan Bastian. East Nest View Court.I m a member of the Eagle Ci Council, Council president. THE COURT REPORTER:I didn't get a spelling, I'm sorry. THE WITNESS:s-t-i-a-n.I was at the design review meeting this evening and couldn't be here earlier.m very interested, of course, in what' happening.The points I would like to make are that the transmission lines are necessitated by the power requirements of citizens outside the City of Eagle.The request was to take the 138 kilovolt line to Star and we CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 505 BASTIAN Publ ic83676 believed that that was essential for the further development of Star.Yes , more power is needed in Star but probably not the full 138 kilovolts. It appears that that necessity is in order to make a loop that would be a redundancy so that Hewlett-Packard would be able to receive power in case of failure of other lines.What I'm trying to make in this point here is that the Ci ty of Eagle doesn't need the additional power, but we are being required it looks like to have an unsightly line go through our City.This line at whatever height you have over 35 feet would be a violation of the Eagle City code. Now know that some the 1 ines already in Eagle are over that height, but we have a scenic corridor along the Bypass and also State Street is included in that scenic corridor and again, this would be a violation of our comprehensive plan and City ordinance. I f you come into Eagle from the south along Eagle Road and come into that center area of Eagle along the Bypass , one of the things you notice is there are no power ines there.It's open.That's the way we intended it to be as a community and it's scenic with the ri ver in the background and the mountains in the foreground and power lines would just destroy that scenic CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 506 BASTIAN Public83676 aesthetic that we are so proud of here in our community. If we construct the lines , if Idaho Power is allowed to construct the lines , along the Bypass, it will destroy that scenic corridor.If, on the other hand , the lines go down State Street, then there will be a huge tower there among the residential , along the residential development, several residential developments and it will be unsightly and then there will be the lower layer of lines that will be the distribution lines that will be added to that changed from the current poles and that too will be unsightly, and people who move here want to have a communi ty that looks nice.We pride ourselves for the kinds of features we have here in Eagle and the tree-lined streets , the meandering sidewalks, open spaces and to destroy that with the huge towers and distributions lines I don't think is fair to our community. What's the solution?One possible solution is that we could bury the transmission lines for a short distance from the current substation on some path , short path , that would take it to the -- basically to Zamzow', the corner of the Bypass and Eagle Road and if we can somehow even get it underneath the Bypass or at that point come up and then take it along the south side of the Bypass and continue out in that direction so that CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 507 BASTIAN Public83676 we I re away from the corridor that we're trying to preserve as a scenic place in Eagle , I think that would be a good solution.It would be a better solution than ei ther of the other ones would wi th large towering ines right through the Ci ty of Eagle. Another possibili ty, of course , would be to wherever you put it reduce the heights of those towers down to 61 feet.We know that in preliminary negotiations with Idaho Power that that can be done as long as the distribution lines are not part of that power line, so if all you need is the transmission of power you can simply get rid of the distribution lines by putting them underground.I think that that burden of doing that, though it does help the Ci ty of Eagle, necessi tated by avoiding the high towers that would go through the town which we're not requesting and so think that should be a general expense that should be paid by the ratepayers of the State of Idaho where Idaho Power serves. I would assume that that's not been a part of your policy in the past, but I think this is an exception and I think it ought to be a policy that you would establish now and could live with after this , that when you have a significant impact upon the property values and upon the scenic corridors and the aesthetics CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 508 BASTIAN Public83676 of a communi ty that you force some sort of a burial of lines, either through the short route I've indicated or reducing the heights of the poles and only having transmission lines on it.That would be my advice to you. I don't think that it's fair for our citizens to have to have basically a rate increase of up to the three percent level that's allowed by law to take care of other people's problems, people who live outside our City and we are affected negatively by that condi t ion.I'd stand for any questions if you have any. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Any questions? MS. MOEN:No, thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Mr. Howell. CROSS - EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: We heard testimony earlier today that in fact it isn't necessarily just to energize the Star substation, but eventually that line will serve what will become the west side of Eagle and I'm wondering if that fact pattern would change your opinion about who benefits and who needs the power? CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 509 BASTIAN (X) Public83676 m not an expert on power distribution but I think that if we were only talking about the western side of Eagle that you wouldn't need 138 kilovolts to supply power to that small area. The other thing we heard today is that nationally, less than one percent of all transmission buried and so the practical norm is aerial and I' wondering, earlier this evening we've had some discussions about the Local Improvement Act which allows cities and counties to raise monies to bury existing or new overhead electric lines underground, has the City ever considered that? Yes , the Ci ty knows about the Local Improvement Act and we could have an LID in place , but the LID should extend to Star, to Hewlett - Packard and to areas outside the City which we do not have jurisdiction over.They're the primary beneficiaries of this transmission line and so our ability to have an effective LID that would cause those who benefit from it to pay lS outside of our ability to do so, but the PUC does have that authori ty, I would think , that is, through the rates that other people pay within this area, the larger Treasure Valley area. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Ms. Buxton. MS. BUXTON:I have no questions CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 510 BASTIAN (X) Public83676 COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:Quest ions from the Commissioners?Commissioner Smith. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: Just to clarify, the cost that we' talking about is not the entire cost of the line , it is just the difference between what would normally be done which is overhead and having for aesthetic reasons in this community the line undergrounded, is that part of your -- I understand that, yes. All right, thank you. But my response to that would be if the transmission lines weren't run through the City, the 138 kilovolt , then we wouldn't have an issue, but since the request of Idaho Power is to do that for the benefit of others , we do have an issue and it doesn't benefit the City of Eagle.In fact, it's a negative mark , negative sight, unsightly situation that we're trying to avoid and that the developers in the area are also trying to avoid. I think you probably heard testimony earlier , at least you should have , that in their opinions, Eagle River would receive a substantial CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 511 BASTIAN (Com) Public83676 decrease in property values and the probability of people who are going to construct places of business would avoid the area and would go elsewhere , particularly Saint Alphonsus testified and at least communicated to us in the meeting last night, I don't know if you have their testimony this evening, indicating that had they known that those kinds of power lines were going to be placed in that corridor they would not have come to the Eagle River Development , so it's a negative impact both economically and aesthetically on our community. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. appreciate your testimony this evening. THE WITNESS:Thank you. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:And I think saw one more hand up, so why don't we have you come forward. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 512 BASTIAN (Com) Publ ic83676 JOHN WOOD appearing as a public witness , having been first duly sworn , testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. HOWELL: Sir , I need you to state your full name and spell your last for the record. John Wood, W-o-o-d, address is 3850 Flint Dri ve, Eagle, Idaho. And do you represent anybody? I represent seven people in my neighborhood. All right. I have property affected.On 3300 West State I have six poles currently on my properties. neighbor Pete Centarino (phonetic) has six poles currently located on his property.We spoke today wi us and our other neighbors and we would support before the power lines go up that if Eagle would get a chance to get an LID together so that the power lines could be put underground.I think in the long term the Ci ty of Eagle will benefit from all the lines underground.It's a beautiful city.The City Council and the Mayor have made CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 513 WOOD Publ ic83676 this City a beautiful place and it would be horrible to drive down State Street or the State Street Bypass or anywhere in Eagle and have those power lines.I think long term it's the best solution. Short term, I know that people don't want to pay the money or the rate increase, but I think in the long term that they will be very proud that they made that decision, and I believe at least since it is going to Star that if there was some way that Star could help pay for the LID or something that could be an agreement, but I would just hope that before these lines go up that at least the citizens have a chance to at least offer to pay the difference between what the lines would have cost aboveground, which I was just informed was one of my suggestions that the power lines do go up, give us credit for the lines that are going to go up and then we pay the difference of the money and I think that would be fair. I just - - the only thing that bothers me wi th the meeting that I was at last night , any business decision is that we get competi ti ve bids and we have bids that have a cap rate on them wi th no cost overruns. know that can't be guaranteed, but I think that if we had competitive bids since they did say it would be an outside source that would be burying them that we would have an opportunity the City could look at and choose the CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 514 WOOD Public83676 best contractor. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. Let's see if there are any questions. MS. MOEN:No questions.Thank you. MR . HOWELL:No. MS. BUXTON:No questions.Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Any questions from the Commission?I f not -- THE WITNESS:Commi s s ioner?Just one last thing.If there's no other possible way that the lines can be buried, we would - - Lynne Sedlacek I s idea, we would support to run it that way and look at an alternative with the camouflaging of all the lines. seen it over and over done in Cal i fornia , in Berkeley and the Bay Area , San Francisco and it's done very nice, so thank you very much. COMM IS S IONER KJELLANDER:Thank you Mr. Wood, for your testimony. (The wi tness left the stand. COMM IS S IONER KJELLANDER:And that brings us to the end of the people who had signed up to testify thi s evening.What I'd like to do is just thank everyone who took the time to come this evening and also encourage those of you who want to to submit some written comments and to try to get those to the Commission as quickly as CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 515 COLLOQUY83676 possible and also thank those of you who have already filled out written comments and submitted them to Staff to take back to us tomorrow. As far as the proceedings go, we intend to pick up again tomorrow morning where we left off today wi th the technical hearing.I believe we have just one more wi tness and that ought to take at least two hours. We're very thorough , unless you can tell me it will be less , but then we'll be probably to a point where we may look at some possible briefs and we will try our best once we get a completed record to render a decision as quickly as possible; so wi th that, at least for this evening, this portion of the process is adj ourned and again, we thank you for your attendance this evening. (Th~ Hearing recessed at 9: 20 p. m. ) CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 516 COLLOQUY83676 T I C T I O This is to certify that the foregoing proceedings held in the matter of Idaho Power Company, Complainant, versus Ci ty of Eagle, Idaho, Respondent, commencing at 7: 00 p. m., on Thursday, September 9, 2004, at the Eagle Public Library, 100 North Stierman Way, Eagle, Idaho, is a true and correct transcript of said proceedings and the original thereof for the file of the Commission. CONSTANCE S. BUCY Certified Shorthand Reporter """"""\\' ~ ~NCt " ~C;, "\lUIII/" ,, '" ',' -:.. (I 4;" ~ % ...(~O= :: ~-o ~~=~. .~ \. c:/b ' "'-",,' c::s ... .... ~ '" ,..., , ..t!'I 'I, ,\ ..." ~ ""1111,11" ... OF ID~~ , , II II J II ' i \ CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 517 AUTHENT I CAT ION 83676