HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040928Vol I Boise.pdf~' ,,',. ", ' ORIGIN' BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION , Idaho Pu~lc UtfllU.. Qomml8lion Office of the StoretaryRECEiveD SEP 2, 7 2004IDAHO POWER COMPANY Complainant I Boise, Idaho vs.CASE NO. tpC-E- 04- CITY OF EAGLE I IDAHO Respondent. BEFORE , . COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER (Presiding) COMMI S S lONER MARSHA H. SMI TH COMMISSIONER DENNIS HANSEN PLACE:Commission Hearing Room 472 West Washington Boise I Idaho DATE:September 9 I 2004 VOLUME I - Pages 1 - 135 CSB: REpORTING Constance S. Bucy, CSR No. 187 17688 Allendale Road * Wilder, Idaho 83676 (208) 890-5198 *(208) 337-4807 Email csb(fYspro.net , ", ",'--'-, ", "" ,", ", '" , ' c' '" d,, " ,... ,'" ' , " ,, ", ,,' " For the Staff:Donald Howell, Esq. Deputy At torney General 472 West Washington Boise , Idaho 83720-0074 For Idaho Power:Monica B. Moen, Esq. and Barton L. Kline, Esq. Idaho Power Company Post Office Box Boise, Idaho 83707 - 0070 For Ci ty of Eagle:MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE by Bruce M. Smith, Esq. and Susan E. Buxton, Esq. 255 North 9th Street Suite 420 Boise, Idaho 83702 For Eagle River , LLC:HOLLAND & HART LLP by B. Newal Squyres, Esq. Post Office Box 2527 Bo is e , Idaho 8 3 7 0 1 CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho APPEARANCES83676 WITNESS EXAMINATION BY PAGE David L. Sikes (Idaho Power) Gregory W. Said (Idaho Power) Ms. Moen (Direct) Prefiled Direct Testimony Ms. Buxton (Cross)Mr. Squyres (Cross)Mr. Howell (Cross) Commissioner Smith Commissioner Hansen Ms. Moen (Redirect) Ms. Moen (Direct) Prefiled Direct TestimonyMs. Buxton (Cross)Mr. Howell (Cross)Mr. Squyres (Cross) Commissioner Hansen Commissioner Smith 101 103 113 125 127 130 133 CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 83676 INDEX PAGE Premarked Admitted Premarked Admi t ted Premarked Admi t t ed Premarked Admitted NUMBER DESCRIPTION Premarked Admi t ted Premarked Admi t t ed FOR IDAHO POWER COMPANY: Marked 1 - City of Eagle, Conditional Use Staff Report Premarked Admitted 2 - Eagle to Star 138 kV Line Options 3 - City of Eagle, Conditional Use Staff Report 4 - Route options, with costs included 5 - Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law , Case No. CU- 10 - Aerial map of Eagle FOR THE CITY OF EAGLE: 100 - Ci ty of Eagle, Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law, October 30, 1995 114 - The 10 - Year Transmission Plans of the Treasure Valley, etc. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 83676 EXHIBITS BOISE , IDAHO, THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 9, 2004 , 9:30 A. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Good mornlng. This is the time and place for the technical hearing in Case No. IPC-E- 04 -, referred to as Idaho Power Company, Complainant , versus the Ci ty of Eagle.My name is Paul Kj ellander.To mym the Chairman of today' s case. right is Commissioner Dennis Hansen and to my left is Commissioner Marsha Smith.Today' s proceedings are set for the technical hearing.We have several prefiled mot ions and i t would be my desire to first move to the appearances the part ies and 1 e t 'begin wi th the Complainant. MS.MOEN:Appearing on behalf Idaho Power Company is Monica Moen. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:The mi rophone s for those of you who have not appeared at the Commission before require that you touch them and a little red light will come on.When the red ight comes on , just speak clearly.When your done, though, please turn it off. Thank you. Let I S move now to City of Eagle. MR. SMITH:Good morning, Mr. Chairman. I m Bruce Smi th , Moore Smi th Buxton & Turcke , on behal CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 of the City of Eagle. MS. BUXTON:Mr. Chairman , I'm Susan Buxton , al so Moore Smi th Buxton & Turcke, on behal f of the City of Eagle. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:And is it your intent to do cross-examination as well? Tha t is correct.MS. BUXTON: Okay.COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Let' move now to Eagle River , LLC. Good morning, Mr. Chairman.MR. SQUYRES: My name is Newal Squyres.m with the firm of Holland & Hart here in Boise and we re here on behalf of Eagle Ri ver , LLC. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, and let's move now to the attorney representing the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Mr. Chairman , I'm DonaldMR . HOWELL: Howell , Deputy Attorney General, representing the Commission Staff. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:I think the first motion that we would like to take up would be the motion to dismiss that was filed earlier this morning 9: 23 and we'll begin with the City of Eagle. Thank you, Mr. Cha i rman .MR. SMITH: Again , Bruce Smith on behalf of the City of Eagle.The CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 motion that we filed this mornlng to dismiss is a jurisdictional procedural motion.Our percept ion is that what is going on here is that the Power Company seeking to challenge a conditional use permit denial decision by the City of Eagle.The proper procedure for challenging the denial of its CUP application is through the Administrative Procedure Act as dictated by the legislature and Ti tIe 67.That is what the Power Company should have done if they did not like the decision on the They did not do that.CUP. This case is unique and it's unique because of some of these procedural questions.Wha t the Power Company is asking you to do is reconcile three sets of statutes:Title 50 which deals with municipal powers; Title 61 which deals with utility regulation; and Title 67 which deals wi th the Land Use Planning Act. part i cuI ar , we've got even in the Power Company' submittals, we all recognize that there are two statutes that come into play here:50-328 which deals and legislates to the City authority to regulate transmission lines through the City; up against that is 67-6528 which deals wi th the problem that we have when decisions by a governmental agency conflict with a specific decision issued by the Public Utilities Commission , so we've got this interface between Title 50 and Title 67 to deal CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 with. Now, if you look at 6528, it says that a utili ty has been ordered to do something pursuant to a specific order issued by this body, then a decision by any other agency under Title 50 in particular is null and void insofar as it conflicts with the order issued by the Commission.The key thing here is that the Commission has not issued any specific order and what we've got is a dispute between the Power Company and the City of Eagle over pole heights and cost allocation for underground burial of transmission lines. Idaho Power by filing its complaint asking you to now create the conflict between the City decision and a decision by this body.There has been no specific order issued by the Commission regarding these issues.What has happened is that the process has been turned around.The legislature set out a process in these statutes by which conflicts get resolved and that' in 6528.What it requires, though , is that the Commission have issued an order , so what the Power Company did was go to the City first and ask for a conditional use permit and eventually that permit was denied , so now that the permit has been denied, instead of appeal ing it through the APA provi ions, they come to the Commission seeking a different order from the CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 Commission that effectively negates the decision by the Ci ty . The process that we think should be taking place is for the Commission to issue an order , then the Power Company would come to the ci ty, apply for a condi tional use permi t, the Ci ty would then have available to it the order issued by the Commission in which to review and to make sure that the processing of the conditional use permit is consistent with the PUC' s order.That's why thisThat's not what took place here. matter , whether it's before you or in the three to four years that has taken place outside the Commission , has taken such a bizarre set of twists and turns.The City is processing a conditional use application under its authority, under its ordinances , under its regulations and it's doing so in a vacuum of any decision or devoid of any decision by the PUC. It has no way of knowing what the PUC' s thoughts are, what the orders are, what the PUC would dictate to the Power Company, so the Ci ty gets a conditional use application and it's got to process and the only thing it's got to process it with is its ordinances and its procedures; therefore, we don't think today's hearing in the context of challenging the City conditional use application decision is appropriate. CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 That's why we filed the motion to dismiss; however , I recognize that you may choose to proceed wi th the hearing and subsequently issue an order and if you do that, the Ci ty would ask that in that order , you respect the sovereignty and the authori ty of the Ci ty as expressed under Title 50 to process its conditional use applications in light of the Commission's order, and what that means is that if you issue an order to the Power Company directing them to whatever it is that they' requesting and the Commission agrees with it that they come to the Ci ty wi th that order , apply for a condi tional use permit and the City will process that permit consistent wi th the PUC' s order. I would close with just saying the City had no direction from the PUC, nor did the Power Company. All we had was a conditional use application , we processed it pursuant to our authorities and the only thing that we had to deal wi th there was the demands by Idaho Power which conflicted with the interests of the Ci ty.Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. Ms. Moen. MS. MOEN:Thank you, Mr. Cha i rman .With all due respect to the Commission and the parties present , Idaho Power received this motion to dismiss CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 9: 25 this morning and Idaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission proceed wi th this hearing, give Idaho Power the opportunity to react to the arguments made and to present its posi tion on this motion. At first blush , the conflict that Idaho Power sees is that the City of Eagle is basically requesting or suggesting that Idaho Power needs to come to the Commission prior to extending any transmission line through any jurisdiction governed by Title 50 of the Idaho Code and only when the Company bears a particular order from the Commission does the Company have the right to go before any jurisdiction that needs to review any conditional use permit and we will address those issues, if necessary, in any briefing associated with this. COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:Is there anyone else who would like to weigh in? MR. SQUYRES:Mr. Chairman, one comment. The Ci ty - - Idaho Power seeks two routes:the Bypass route and the State Street route.The Ci ty has not acted on the State Street route.Idaho Power filed an application for a conditional use permit on the State Street route, that application was withdrawn , so the only conflict that could arise out of the proceedings today based on the Ci ty' s motion is wi th respect to the Bypass route; so if the Commission orders the State Street CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho COLLOQUY83676 route , then we would be in exactly the position that the City suggests which is that the Commission would have acted first to order the State Street route, then that order could be taken to the Ci ty and a condi tional use permit issued consistent with the first order from this Commission. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. Mr. Howell. Thank you, Mr. Cha i rman .MR . HOWELL: the City points out, under their authority under 50-328, the City has the authority to regulate the erection and placement and removal of utility transmission systems. That City Code at 50-328 was enacted in 1967.The Land Use Planning Act was enacted in 1975.The Land Use Planning Act in 67-6528 has the statute that Idaho Power has said has brought it to the Commission's doorstep and that statute, al though not a model of clari ty, does say that the Commission -- that a utility can seek an order and if that order is in conflict with a city or county order promulgated under either the city's authority under Title 50 , county's authority under Title 31 or the Land Use Planning Act under Title 67 and the Commission' order is in conf 1 i ct wi th the act ion of the c i t Y , then that action of the city may be "null and void if prior to CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 entering said order the PUC has given the effective government agency an opportuni ty to appear before or consult with the Commission with respect to such conflict. Now , it seems to me that what Idaho Power is asking you to do is for an order.Now , whether that sets up a conflict remains to be seen.Clearly, the advocacy and the positions of the parties are in conflict.The other thing that troubles me somewhat is the timing of the motion to strike.If the Commission were to look at its Order 29465 on page 2 which set out the parties' schedule , we convened or the Commission convened a prehearing conference in this matter on March the 31st.The parties agreed to this schedule that we are now embarking in.The Commission's Order specifically at page 2 says, "The parties proposed that the Commission adopt the following schedule to process this case. Now , if the City thought that the Commission had to issue an order first , that's what we' doing or that's what the parties are seeking, but if they thought that this process was jurisdictionally defective, why have they waited until 10 minutes in front of the hearing to tell you that?The City agreed to this process.All the parties here agreed, wi th the exception CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho COLLOQUY83676 of Eagle River which wasn't a party at the time, to this process and this process is what brings us here, and think with that, Mr. Chairman , I'll conclude. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. Mr. Smi th, any response to what you' heard? MR. SMITH:Yes, Mr. Chairman.With regard to the Power Company s request to be able to respond , I have no problem with that.I am fully cognizant of the problems associated with last-minute filings and as a matter of fairness, which we believe all hearings should be fair , let them have a shot at responding to this. With regard to Mr. Howell's comments, I am somewhat empathetic wi th that because these issues, some of these issues, have evolved; however , jurisdiction one of those issues that can be raised at any time.For purposes of appeal, we are raising it now so as to preserve the record if this case goes up to the Supreme Court; so wi th all due respect to the Commission , we apologize for filing it late, but we have no choice but to raise that at this point and the fact is that we appear here because we were sued and we have to raise the jurisdictional question for you with regard to these issues and yes, we have a schedule. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 There are things that happen during litigation that schedules don't necessarily fit, so if the Commission Staff and counsel needs time to respond to this motion , I fully understand.I am fully in agreement that they should have that time.These questions of jurisdiction , we've been looking at them , trying to figure out if in fact this does apply.We think it does. We feel it is our duty to bring this to the Commission' attention and we will respect any decision you issue with regard to this motion and we're fully prepared, necessary, to go forward wi th the hearing today. Thank you. COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. Mr. Smith , just one question that I have and if other Commissioners would like to ask a question , I'm curious on the last - - page 4 of your motion in the paragraph before the heading Conclusion there I s a sentence that begins "Nor is there any statutory authority allowing the PUC to assess a surcharge against the Ci ty. question is what surcharge is being proposed within this that we would somehow impose upon the City? MR. SMITH:I think that was thrown in a caveat because of the Power Company's pleadings in this case in which they are suggesting that the Ci ty would bear the cost of any burial of underground transmission CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 and distribution lines, and one of the things that they've indicated was that we could pay for it through an LID or through a surcharge and again , appreciate the vacuum in which we are operating.The City is looking at a condi t ional use appl i ca t ion.In that conditional use application, I don't believe there was anything, as I recall, that dealt with a surcharge by the Commission. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Are there any other questions?Commissioner Smi th. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Yes, Mr. Smi th , I don't know how long it is that you've been pondering these jurisdictional issues and deciding whether or not you needed to raise it, but I would just suggest that as a matter of courtesy to this body you could have filed earlier so that we could have made a research of the statutory provisions that you believe are an impediment and come to our own conclusion before we sat here at this hearing.It's just courteous to do that. MR. SMITH:Yes, Commissioner Smith. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. think at this point it would be the pleasure of this Commission to move forward with the hearing and allow for the appropriate response from Idaho Power and I believe it was ment ioned as a brief , but, Ms. Moen , I won't box CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 you into that.I f you have some other approach you'd like to take, let us know the end of the hearing and we'll accommodate that request. MS. MOEN:Thank you , Mr. Cha i rman . COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. Let's move on now to the next set of motions that we have and those are motions to strike.The first one filed was filed by Idaho Power , so we'll go by the date stamp on that, but I think it would also be my pleasure since both of the motions are similar to just handle them concurrently.Does anyone obj ect to that? MS. MOEN:No obj ection from Idaho Power. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Fine , let' begin wi th Ms. Moen. MS. MOEN:Thank you, Mr. Cha i rman . indicated by Mr. Howell , in March of 2004 , the parties at the direction of the Commission established a schedule which determined the manner in which this particular matter was going to proceed, and included in the Company's motion and memorandum , it set forth the varlOUS dates by which the parties were going to be filing certain documents with this particular Commission. As is also common in courses of action before the Commission , generally the complainant has the CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho COLLOQUY83676 opportunity to submit the first information and also to file rebuttal testimony in response to any of the other information that has been filed by the other parties. this particular case, Idaho Power had the obligation to submit rebuttal testimony on August 16th.That was subsequently changed to no later than August 6th or 7th (sic) The Company did timely file its rebuttal testimony.On August 7th (sic), Idaho Power received the rebuttal testimony of the City of Eagle, contrary to the schedule set out and approved by the parties and also by this particular Commission - - I'm sorry, September. Idaho Power respectfully requests under these circumstances that the rebuttal testimony submitted by the City on September 7th be stricken.If the Commission is not inclined to strike that testimony, Idaho Power respectfully requests that it be given the opportunity consistent with the procedure before this Commission to provide live rebuttal testimony or surrebuttal of the rebuttal testimony filed by the City of Eagle just a couple of days before this proceeding. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, Ms. Mr. Howell.Moen. Thank you, Mr. Cha i rman .MR . HOWELL: not going to belabor the point, except page 2 of my CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 motion to strike does set out the Staff's reasons why the rebuttal and supplemental testimony of Mr. Teinert and Dr. Reading should be stricken.Clearly, the Commission's schedule, again, that all parties agreed to did not contemplate any rebuttal filing by the City and if you were to look at the rebuttal filing, you will see that what they're rebutting is not the Complainant in this case but the Staff, and as I point out on page 2 of my motion , the City in this case as well as the Staff both filed subsequent motions asking for extensions of time in which to file.The Staff had requested July Oth.The Ci tyOur motion was filed before the City' filing their motion about five days after us asked for an extension of time until July 2nd , so as of that time, the Ci ty was well aware that what the Staff was asking for was to file on July 30th after the City. Now , what's not explained in any way or manner lS why the City first disregarded the schedule and second, feels the need or that it's appropriate to file rebuttal or supplemental testimony directed at the Staff. Probably more importantly in this case as we set out again in our motion, the City's rebuttal testimony was filed 41 days after the Staff filed its testimony. barely - - we received it the day before yesterday. have barely had time to go into the details of that. CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 think it's prejudicial to the Staff's position and case in this matter to file rebuttal testimony last minute. It is not unusual , as the Commission well aware, to offer parties some latitude with supplemental , but this is extensive and detailed engineering-based rebuttal for the most part and I think it's well within the Commission's discretion to strike rebuttal testimony if it's out of order or not provided for in the schedule and with that, I'd close. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, Mr.Howell.Mr.Smith. MS.BUXTON:Mr.Chairman,my name Susan Buxton.I'll addre s this one. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Ms. Buxton. Again, with all due respectMS. BUXTON: to the Commission and to all the parties with regard to this, the Ci ty is certainly a novice wi th regard to any PUC hearings and any PUC procedures and in agreeing to a schedule, again as litigation goes on , certain issues arise that need to be addressed and we would like to make sure that we provide the Commission with all the information and all of the positions that the City may have with regard to the petition filed against it in this matter and so we felt that in all fairness that we would provide what we would otherwise try and provide in live CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 cross or somehow to address what Mr. Lobb had said in his testimony as well as the testimony of Idaho Power , so that's why we filed it that way, and with regard to the timing, the timing, I think you need to also understand what was going on the month of August wi th regard to the parties.No one was just sitting around with regard to this matter. Everybody was trying to work on trying to get it resolved and the City truly wanted to try and resolve it , so they spent all of their efforts in doing Mr. Lobb's testimony was filed on the 30th of July,so. which was a Friday, and we hustled that next week on the 3rd and 4th of August to try to get together a meeting wi th all the parties to try and see what we could work That meeting was held on the 4th of August and out. that meeting, everybody decided to try and take a time out and try and work on this, so Idaho Power was directed by Mr. Howell to come back to the parties on the 18th August wi th some information for a method by which to work these things out. There was extensive work done all day on the 20th of August and all the way through the week of the 24th and 25th of August to try and see what we could work out and ultimately were unable to come to an agreement, but it was not a si tuation where the Ci ty was CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 just sitting on its hands, and the City's staff and experts as well as attorneys were working with all the other parties to work this out.The City is not trying to sandbag anybody.The City is trying to address these issues.The City thinks that there is some information that needed to be clarified with regard to what Mr. Lobb's understanding of the Ci ty' s posi tion was.The re were a lot of documents that were filed with the direct testimony as well as in discovery in this matter , so we felt that it was only fair to everybody to provide that information as quickly as we could. Yes, it did come on the eve of this hearing and we do apologize for that , but at the same time, we do not have any problem wi th agreeing to Idaho Power 's al ternati ve to allow them to provide any live rebuttal testimony they would like to provide today with regard to that and if they would like to provide even surrebuttal , written rebuttal , and present that to this Commission later , we wouldn't obj ect to that ei ther. just were trying to be fair , trying to make the record clear what the City's position is and what the City' concerns are and how the City has addressed this conditional use permit, and as Mr. Smith has already described the problems the Ci ty has had in trying to deal with this type of application and in trying to work CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 through these issues, we only felt that that would be the most full and fair disclosure to this Board , so with that. . . COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. Mr. Squyres , is there anything you would like to add? MR. SQUYRES:No, nothing to say. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay. Ms. Moen. MS. MOEN:I have no further comments Mr. Chairman. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Mr. Howell. MR . HOWELL:Nothing further. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Ms. Moen , if we do decide to allow the rebuttal to remaln on the record and give you an opportunity to put up a witness to respond to that, do you have any preference as to how you'd like to proceed if that were an option? MS. MOEN:m not quite yet familiar with the order in which the Commission intends to proceed wi respect to wi tnesses, but I presume Idaho Power would be permitted to present its case in chief followed by the other parties , at which time Idaho Power would be permitted to present its rebuttal testimony, then we would be presenting the rebuttal testimony of the City CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho COLLOQUY83676 and it would be at that time that I believe Idaho Power should have the opportuni ty to introduce a wi tness to the Commission to respond to rebuttal testimony filed by the Ci ty COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay.I think at this point - - are there any questions from members of the Commission?Commissioner Hansen. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Yes, Ms. Buxton, I just had a question I wanted to clarify.Are you saying at the prehearing conference you didn't understand the hearing process here at the PUC? MS. BUXTON:Mr. Commissioner , I'd be happy to address that.At the time it was very difficult for us to try and even schedule the prehearing conf erence I was in the middle of a seven-week jury trial in Federal Court.That was during a break week and I think it was, ike, a Friday or something and we did coming to the meeting in order to set a schedule. that meeting the Ci ty did not agree to being subj ect the proceedings.We were sued, so we were here to try and set up a schedule, and that being said, in reviewing your own rules, I mean , we certainly have reviewed your rules , one of the things that comes to my mind in looking at that is that one of the things that we think that you look for is to try and get written testimony whenever CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 possible instead of trying to present that in a cross-examine situation during the hearing, so agaln, with regard to the scheduling - - and I also don't quite understand because I'm more used to regular litigation that if testimony comes in that it needs -- there's other rebuttal for that there is also an opportunity to do that to make a record in case there's information that needs to be rebutted. And additionally, I would also like to say that with the rebuttal testimony we just received on September 7th from Idaho Power , there is new information with regard to the direct testimony that was made. Mr. Sikes brings in new arguments wi th regard to a study that while we did receive it in discovery in June, he did not ever address that Star area study in his direct testimony, so that's new information with regard to his rebuttal testimony as well as the information regarding the events in August , the load events that he was talking about in his rebuttal which is also new testimony that we feel that the City should have the opportunity to address. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:But at the prehearing conference did you realize that Idaho Power was going to provide rebuttal? MS. BUXTON:Certainly. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 COMMISSIONER HANSEN:And did you real i you had agreed not to provide any supplemental or rebuttal testimony at that time? MS. BUXTON:I did not realize that by participating in that scheduling conference that the City would be precluded from providing rebuttal testimony and I did not understand that that scheduling conference funct ioned in such a manner. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Thank you. COMM IS S lONER KJELLANDER:Thank you Commissioner Hansen. Are there any other questions?If not , it would be the Commission's pleasure at this time to take a short recess to deliberate on the motion and then return. It would be my recommendation for none of you to leave your seats. MR. SMITH:Mr. Chairman , may I make one more comment?In response to Commissioner Smith' comments about filing this late motion, none of the parties here today show up not having invested a great deal of time and energy in trying to resolve this. don't think any of us are particularly happy about having to bring this dispute to the Commission.The Power Company, their staff , their attorneys, Mr. Howell Mr. Lobb, the Ci ty have invested huge amounts of time CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 trying to avoid this and everybody worked extremely hard to do that. I compliment the Commission Staff on all the effort that they put into it, so I hope that somewhat sets the stage for why we are here today.It is because we have this conflict.We have to deal wi th these lssues.As Mr. Howell pointed out, some of these things are not models of clarity, so Commissioner Smith, for the late filing on the motion to dismiss , I apologize directly, but I want you to understand how it is we got here today and the effort and investment everyone has made prior to getting here. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:At this point we'll take a short recess and we'll be back momentarily. (Recess. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:And we're back on the record.It clearly is within the Commission' discretion to strike the testimony that has been filed rebuttal by the City of Eagle; however , given the fact that we're all here , given the fact that we've all had an opportuni ty to read it and given the fact that the Complainant is willing to put up some live rebuttal as well as Staff in response to the rebuttal testimony that was late filed , the Commission is going to allow that CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho COLLOQUY83676 testimony to be placed on the record , but the Commission is going to require the City to put both its direct and rebuttal on simultaneously and we're going to allow Idaho Power to decide when it would like to put on its live rebuttal or if it would be like to be live at all since it does have some discretion and option. We also look at our calendar and note that tomorrow is wide open, so if for some reason there needs to be some additional time, we do not want to put Idaho Power at an extreme disadvantage given the situation we f ace today.The same goes wi th Staff in reference to live rebuttal.If it would like to do it simultaneous that is certainly within its prerogative, just let us know in advance; however , if there's a need for any live rebuttal to be used as a follow-up, you can pick the time in which that makes good sense and apprise the Commission sometime during the hearing. Are there any other preliminary matters that need to come before us?Ms. Moen. MS. MOEN:This may not be the appropriate time, but when we get into the beginning of the hearing on this matter before us , Idaho Power does have one exhibi t that the parties have stipulated to and I'd to just put that on the record. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Certainly. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho COLLOQUY 83676 there anything else that needs to come before the Commission before we begin? If not, then , Ms. Moen , if you would like to call your first wi tness. MS. MOEN:The first witness is David Kip Sikes. While Mr. Sikes is taking his seat , I would respectfully request that Idaho Power submit to this body its Exhibit No. 10 which is an illustration of the proposed routes and the parties have all stipulated and consented to the use of this exhibi t COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay. DAVID L. SIKES, produced as a witness at the instance of Idaho Power Company, having been first duly sworn , was examined and testified as follows: DIRECT EXAMINATION BY MS. MOEN: Mr. Sikes, would you please state your full name and spell your last name for the record? David L. Sikes , S-k-e-s.m also known as Kip, K- i -p, as a first name. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 you work. Power? And Mr. Sikes, please identify for whom I work for Idaho Power Company. And in what capacity do you work for Idaho I am the team leader of the distribution planning department as well as the customer and load CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho research department. And could you please identify for this body your business address? 1221 West Idaho Street , Boise, Idaho. And Mr. Sikes, have you previously filed written direct testimony consisting of 21 pages and Exhibits 1 through 5 on behalf of Idaho Power Company in Yes , I have. Do you wish to make any corrections to the written testimony that you prefiled? No. If I were to ask you the same questions today that are contained in your prefiled testimony, would your responses to those questions be the same? Yes, they would. MS. MOEN:I move that the prefiled testimony of David L. Sikes consisting of 21 pages be this matter? SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 spread on the record as if read in its entirety and that Exhibits 1 to 5 be marked for identification. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Wi thout obj ection, the testimony will be spread across the record as if read and the exhibi t s wi 11 be admi t ted . (Idaho Power Company Exhibi t Nos. 1- 5 were admi t ted into evidence. MS. MOEN:I further request that Exhibit 10 be marked for identification. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:And without objection , it will be marked and also admitted. (Idaho Power Company Exhibit No. 10 was marked for identification and admitted into evidence. (The following prefiled direct testimony of Mr. David L. Sikes is spread upon the record. CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 Please state your name and business address. My name is David L. Sikes and my business address is 1221 West Idaho Street , Boise, Idaho.I am also known as Kip Sikes.I would like to disclose that my personal residence is at 1577 N. Chaucer Way in Eagle, located north of Floating Feather Road , between Ballantyne Lane and Meridian Road.I am not personally or directly affected by any of the proposed facility routes under consideration in this case. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? I am employed by Idaho Power Company as the Leader of the Distribution Planning and Customer & Load Research Departments. Please describe your educational background. In May of 1982, I received a Bachelor of Science Degree with honors from the University of Idaho in Electrical Engineering.I have also taken non-matriculated graduate level courses.In 1991 , I took and passed the Professional Engineer's exam and I am a licensed engineer in the State of Idaho. Please describe your work experience wi th Idaho Power Company. During my college education , I was employed at Idaho Power Company for three consecutive years as a summer engineering student.Upon my graduation in 1982 CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 the Company hired me to work in the System Planning Department where I participated in both distribution and transmission CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 planning.I performed system studies for new load and generation requests, provided operations support and developed most of the methods and approaches currently used in Distribution Planning at the Company. Beginning in 1988 until 1991 , I worked as a System Planning Engineer conducting transmission transfer capaci ty studies on the interconnected grid. In 1991, I was promoted to Distribution Planning Supervisor and was responsible for expansion plans for substations, distribution and sub-transmission systems. I was named National Chair of the Edison Electric Institute Distributed Resource Committee in addition to having a lead role in development of the Company' Reliability Management Process.In 1995, those responsibilities were further expanded due to an internal re-alignment.I also developed a methodology and submitted a technical paper on stochastic reliability assessment on vol tage sags, customer impact and mitigation methods that was published by the Institute Electrical and Electronic Engineers. Beginning in 2001 , my responsibilities were again increased as the Customer & Load Research Department was al igned under me. Please briefly summarlze the present need for a 138-kV sub-transmission line from the vicinity of the CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 City of Eagle to the new Star Substation that is located between Plummer Lane and Highway 16, approximately 625 feet north of Highway 44. Several years ago, Idaho Power's long-range CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) I daho Power Company83676 planning process identified the need for additional transmission facilities in western Ada County.The areas around Eagle and Star continue to experience significant growth.This area is currently served from the east by the Eagle Substation in downtown Eagle and from the west by the Lansing Substation located along Highway 44 just east of Middleton. The Star Substation is complete and providing limi ted service that is constrained by the 69-kV temporary source. Historically, both the Lansing and Eagle substations were supplied by a 69-kV sub-transmission line located along State Street/Highway 44 between downtown Boise and Caldwell.Due to increasing growth , the City of Eagle and the surrounding area required increased capaci ty in both the Eagle Substation and the 69-kV sub-transmission ine.This work was completed in 1996 with the addition of transformer capacity in the Eagle Substation and conversion of the existing sub-transmission line to 138-kV operation along State Street from the Glenwood intersection to the Eagle Substation. The existing 69-kV sub-transmission line between the Eagle and Lansing substations remained in place for future upgrade to 138 -kV when required.Additionally, in the fall of 1999, the Lansing Substation capacity was upgraded and two distribution feeders were added to CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 support area growth. The Company's service terri tory in western Ada County is experiencing substantial real estate development and commercial growth.Wi th that growth and development CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 comes rapidly- increasing electrical loads. Idaho Code ~ 61-302 obligates Idaho Power to serve those loads in a manner that is efficient , just and reasonable.Idaho Power has identified the area surrounding the Ci ty of Star, Idaho as particularly vulnerable to service degradation because the facilities serving that area are severely strained by existing and continuing development. While growth in the Star area is materializing at a slightly slower rate due to the smaller size of the community and the additional commute distances from Star to the Boise and Meridian commercial hubs, wi increasing housing costs in Ada County and , specifically, in the Eagle and Meridian areas, development in Star accelerating.Furthermore , electric growth in the entire Meridian-Eagle-Star area has been substantial. As growth has continued, the distribution feeders from the Lansing and Eagle substations have reached their 1 i mi t s to serve the area.Numerous distribution proj ects on feeders from the Eagle and Lansing substations have been completed in the past five years to support the growth but, due to the distances and loads involved, they cannot continue to be reasonably modified.In 1999, the Company decided to construct the Star Substation by the summer of 2004 in order to maintain adequate service in CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 the area. Due to delays in siting and permitting the 138- line to provide service to the Star Substation , the Star Substation was recently completed with a temporary supply CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 69-kV from the Caldwell-Lansing line.This was achieved to provide adequate service through the summer of 2004. This configuration is expected to only provide adequate service until early 2005, as the 69-kV line from Caldwell cannot support vol tage to the Star Substation beyond that expected load level. This solution also required additional reconstruction of some existing lines to re-extend the 69-kV service that had temporarily been operating as a distribution circui t to support the Star area.These temporary mi tigation measures would have been unnecessary had the proposed 138-kV line from Eagle been timely approved and constructed in accordance wi th ei ther CUP application filed with the City of Eagle. Please summarize the history and events surrounding Idaho Power Company's efforts to construct a 138-kV sub-transmission line from the vicinity of the City of Eagle to the Star Substation located west of the intersection of Highway 44 and Highway 16. As early as 1999, Idaho Power began meeting wi th the Ci ty of Eagle to discuss the need to upgrade the existing 69-kV structures that run through the City to a 138 - kV conf igura t ion to provide a source for the proposed Star Substation and to accommodate continued growth and development in the Meridian , Eagle and Star areas.The CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) I daho Power Company83676 specific facility at issue in this proceeding is a single pole, single circuit 138-kV sub-transmission line originating from the Eagle Substation and extending to the CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) I daho Power Company83676 Star Substation. To comply with the requirements of the National Electric Safety Code , a 138-kV line with distribution line under-build requires structures that will exceed the City's 35-foot building height zoning restriction. December 2000, after numerous discussions wi th the Ci of Eagle planning staff , Idaho Power applied to the City for a conditional use permit (CUP) for an exception to the City 's 35-foot height restriction and for the reconstruction , upgrade and re-routing of an existing 69-kV power line to accommodate a 138-kV sub-transmission line from the Eagle Substation on State Street west to Ballantyne Road.See the City of Eagle Application No. CU-23-00 attached hereto as Exhibit Representatives of the City of Eagle expressed dissatisfaction with the visual impact of the 138- structures in the downtown business district.In an attempt to reduce the overall height of the structures and to eliminate the number of visible conductors in the downtown business district, the Company, in its CUP application , proposed to replace the existing 69- structures with the 138-kV line within the existing corridor containing the 69-kV structures.The Company also offered to reconstruct a number of distribution lines along the 69-kV route to an underground CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 configuration from the Eagle Substation to the present location of Jackson Square at no additional cost to the Ci ty. Addi tionally, the Company proposed to bury the CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 overhead distribution lines along the alley located south of State Street between the Eagle Substation and Eagle Road and to eliminate the overhead distribution lines crosslng State Street at Second Street and at Eagle Road. By burying the distribution lines , the total height of the 138-kV structures could be reduced by several feet. The Company met with City planning staff on several occaslons in the year 2000 to explain and discuss its proposal. On February 20 , 2001 , the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing on the Company' CUP application.A number of residents testified in opposition to the proposed 138-kV routing along the existing 69-kV route.Their opposition was primarily based on the perceived adverse aesthetics of the line within the City's downtown business district.At the February 20 , 2001 , meeting, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission formally recommended that the City Council deny the Company's application. Was Idaho Power's CUP application forwarded to the Eagle City Council for the Council's consideration? No.In March 2001, the Company withdrew its CUP application from further consideration by the City of Eagle. Why did Idaho Power withdraw its CUP CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 application from City Council consideration? The City of Eagle suggested that the Company withdraw its pending CUP application and, instead, recommended that the Company obtain additional public i npu t CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 from Eagle residents regarding residents' preferred route for the 138-kV line through the City. Did Idaho Power follow this recommendation? Yes.In April 2002 , Idaho Power formed a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) to assist the Company in evaluating potential routes and in identifying important criteria for selecting the eventual preferred route.The Company held a series of meetings on April April 24 , May 22 and June 12 , 2002 with the CAC to discuss and explain the proj ect scope and need for the 138 -kV line. In the course of the meet ings wi th the CAC, the Company received valuable input from the community representatives regarding the criteria that they believed were important for rating various line route al ternati ves.In conj unction wi th the CAC, the Company conducted quantitative and subjective evaluations of approximately sixteen different route configurations. Did the CAC make any recommendations? Yes.On or about June 12 , 2002 , the CAC first advised the Company that it preferred that the 138- line be constructed underground through the City of Eagle.However , when Idaho Power advised the CAC that the addi tional cost for underground construction would be extremely high , in the range of $5-6 million , and that CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 by necessity, the additional cost would have to be borne by the residents of the City, they agreed that the unde rground CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 al ternati ve was not a viable option.The CAC strongly advised the Company to avoid locating the line adjacent to residential properties. When the CAC considered the potential routes using overhead construction through commercial areas, the CAC' s preferred route was to tap the existing 138-kV line at Edgewood, extend the line to State Highway 44 (the Eagle Bypass) and proceed west within the Highway right -of -way through the commercial areas along Highway 44 to Ballantyne Lane.The line would then follow the existing power line corridor from Ballantyne Lane to the Star Substation.This line route is identified as Alternative #1 on Exhibit 2 that is attached hereto. Once the CAC identified this preferred route, did Idaho Power solicit any additional input from Eagle residents? Yes.Based on the guidance received from the CAC, the Company sent a newsletter to all of the owners of property along the alternate routes that were considered by the CAC. Did Idaho Power ever submit another CUP application to the Ci ty of Eagle following the Company' meetings with the CAC? Yes.On September 9, 2002 , the Company submitted another CUP application to the City requesting CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) I daho Power Company83676 permission to site the 138-kV line on the CAC-preferred Eagle Bypass route.See the City of Eagle Application No. CU-02 that is attached hereto as Exhibit The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public meeting on the proposal on October 28, 2002.The hearing was continued until November 13, 2002 to allow the Commission to gather addi tional information. The Planning and Zoning Commission requested that the City Council authorize funding for a study by an independent engineering consul ting firm to evaluate the costs and feasibility of constructing the 138-kV line underground.The Ci ty hired Black and Veatch to conduct the study.Black and Veatch is a well-respected engineering and construction management firm that conducts significant business in the electric utility industry. Black and Veatch's study was presented to the Eagle City Council on July 15 , 2003.In its study, Black and Veatch advised the City that 1.6 miles of 138 - underground construction would cost approximately $9. million or approximately $9 million more than the overhead al ternati ve. Following receipt of the Black and Veatch study, did the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission continue its consideration of Idaho Power's latest CUP CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 application? Yes.On July 15,2003, the City's Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing in which the resul ts of the Black and Veatch study were considered in conjunction with the Company's CUP application. September 8, 2003, the City's Planning and Zoning Commi s s ion CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) lOa Idaho Power Company83676 issued its recommendation that the City Council deny the Company's application generally on the grounds that the line would be unsightly and would have an adverse affect on the commercial development taking place at the junction of Highway 44 and Eagle Road. Did the Eagle City Council consider the Company I s CUP application following consideration of that application by the Planning and Zoning Commission? Yes.On October 14 , 2003, the Eagle City Council took up the Company's application , including the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommended denial of the application.A public hearing was held and testimony was received.A number of citizens and commercial developers testified that the Bypass route was aesthetically unfavorable and, in their opinion, could adversely affect commercial property values in the area. The public hearing was continued until October 28, 2003.At the October 28 meeting, the City Council remanded the application back to the City Planning Staff for further evaluation of alternatives and information gathering.At that time, Idaho Power representatives advised the City Council that construction lead times would not allow for extensive evaluations.Because four years had elapsed since Idaho Power's ini tial contacts with the City on this matter , the situation had become CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 critical. Did the Company meet wi th Eagle representatives CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 83676 as suggested by the Eagle City Council? SIKES (Di) lla Idaho Power Company Yes.On January 12, 2004 , representatives of Idaho Power and the City of Eagle met informally with representatives of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff to discuss the situation.At the conclusion of the meeting, Idaho Power agreed to immediately meet with representatives from the City to address alternative routes one more time and to present updated cost estimates for these al ternati ve routes. On January 21 , 2004 , representatives of Idaho Power again met wi th the Mayor and members of the Ci ty' s land use planning staff to discuss the routing alternatives and their associated costs.A copy of the information presented to the City at that time is attached hereto as Exhibits 2 and What alternatives were presented to the City the January 21 , 2004 meeting? As shown on Exhibit 4 , Idaho Power presented SlX alternative proposals to the City.In developing its proposals, Idaho Power maintained that, if the Ci desired to have the line located on a route that increased the cost to Idaho Power above the level of a prudent investment, then the City and its citizens should bear the incremental difference in cost between routing the line in an overhead configuration on one of the two current transmission corridors and the cost of underground construction or CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 overhead construction on one of the more aesthetically acceptable al ternati ve routes preferred by the Ci ty. As shown on Exhibi t 4 , al ternati ves 1 , 2 and invol ve no addi t ional cost to the Ci ty of Eagle. Alternatives 4 , 5 and 6 involve a contribution from the City to offset the additional cost associated with the City's preferred routing.Alternatives 5 and 6 involve routing the line adj acent to residential properties. The alternative of constructing the 138-kV line underground was not discussed wi th the Ci ty at the January 21, 2004 meeting.If the City wishes to pursue underground construction , the additional incremental cost would not be less than $5-6 million and could be as much as $9 million as indicated in the City-funded Black and Veatch study. Did the Eagle City Council take action on the Company's CUP application , specifically, Case No. CU - 9 - 0 2 ? Yes, it did.On March 23 , 2004, the Eagle City Council denied the Company's CUP application determining that " (t) he proposed conditional use permit for the construction of an overhead sub-transmission line and height exception for utility poles to exceed the maximum of 35-feet is not in accordance with the general obj ecti ves of the Comprehensive Plan nor Eagle Ci ty Code CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 Title 8.See The Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law , Case Number CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) 13a Idaho Power Company83676 CU-, attached hereto as Exhibit 5, page 12 (emphasis in original) Are all six of the options presented to the City Council on January 21 , 2004 viable today? No.Options 5 and 6 are no longer considered viable because of the amount of time required to obtain rights -of -way for those routes.Considering the continuing permitting delays, the total distance of those options and the number of individual property owners with whom the Company would be required to negotiate the purchase of rights-of -way, these two routes are not prudent al ternati ves. The line is required to be in service in May 2005. The uncertainty surrounding agreement and approval of any option prior to fall of 2004 would require pursuing and purchasing rights-of-way on all possible routes in order to possibly meet the required in-service date.It is untenable and unreasonable to expend scarce financial and technical resources to pursue mul tiple options, of which only one would be utilized. In addition , this would unnecessarily require the residents of the Ci ty of Eagle and surrounding areas to consider offers which would likely not be pursued. Furthermore, Options 5 and 6 impact significantly more residential areas than other options which is in direct CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 contradiction to the guidance and recommendations the Company received from the Community Advisory Committee and feedback Idaho Power has received in similar experiences. Can Options 2 , 3 and 4 be constructed within the time remaining? The Company's current analyses indicate that, unless the 138-kV line is constructed and available for service in May 2005 , the risk of service degradation in the Star-Eagle area in the summer of 2005 is material. Final design , materials procurement and construction of a 138-kV line, depending on the route, can require a year or more from start to finish. Of Options 2 , 3 and 4, only Option 2 is deemed viable in the time remaining. Options 3 and 4 require addition under-grounding of distribution circuits that must be sequentially completed prior to any construction of the 138-kV facilities.This requires significant additional construction that must be completed in a very limited period of time. Option 2 is also hampered by required reconstruction of existing facilities already in place while, at the same time, maintaining service to existing customers. This requires more expensive and time-consuming work processes than unencumbered construction along the BypassRoute (Option 1) . CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 Did the Company consider other al ternati ves such as converting the 69-kV line from Caldwell through Lansing Substation to 138-kV operation? Yes.As part of the long-range plan for the area , the portion of the 69-kV line located between the Caldwell , Lansing, and Star substations will also be converted to 138-kV. As the area matures and additional electrical load materializes, the capability of this 69-kV sub-transmission line will be exceeded. A 69-kV sub-transmission line's ability to serVlce a substation is limited by load or ampacity and distance-constrained by vol tage support.This line limited by both conditions and will require a capacity upgrade in the future.This will be deferred by serving part of the load currently sourced from the Lansing Substation from the distribution system out of the Star Substation. In addition, as illustrated on Exhibit 2, another substation is proposed at the southeast corner of Beacon Light and Linder.To provide reliable and adequate servlce, additional 138 kV sub-transmission lines are required to connect and supply these load centers. Why does Idaho Power prefer to construct a line through Eagle when several other routes might work equally well? CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 An obj ecti ve of the planning process is to produce low- cost and reI iable electrical service in a timely manner.To accompl i sh these goal s , the Company monitors and forecasts growth and the impact it has on existing and CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) 16a I daho Power Company83676 future infrastructure requirements. While there are generally multiple alternatives that will satisfy a defined problem for a set period of time, the Company' planning engineers must look beyond the immediate concern to provide an overall future configuration. The overall costs of the required infrastructure needed in the area can be affected by the sequence construction selected for these proj ects.The shortest and least expensive options are typically constructed first to minimize the costs to ratepayers of serving new load growth. As an area develops, the increase in electrical load requires the construction of more facilities, which , in turn, are supported across a larger revenue base. In this specific case, the other options such as building from the Locust Substation along Chinden and then north on Linder or convert ing the 69 - kV 1 ine to 138-kV from the Caldwell substation through Lansing to Star would not eliminate the need for a line between Eagle and Linder/Highway 44 , but only delay or change the order of construction of that segment of line. Why doesn't Idaho Power change the sequence when public opposition to a proposed facility is so great , and then try again later when it is the only remaining option? CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) 1 7 Idaho Power Company83676 Idaho Power recogni zes that the maj ori ty of complaints and opposi tion to infrastructure is from residents who have either recently located in an area or have 1 i ved in an area for an extended period.Residents who CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho SIKES (Di) 1 7 a Idaho Power Company83676 locate near these types of facilities after those facilities are in place have the knowledge of their existence before making their locational decisions.For these reasons, Idaho Power attempts to communicate its future plans to both the local jurisdictions and through public meetings. This message of "get there first" also managed with building facilities that are used and useful. In other words , Idaho Power at tempts to plan and construct facilities only when there is substantiated need , and as early as reasonable to minimize the number of existing populace who experience the "after the fact" impact of new facilities being constructed after they are already there. We also find that even though the plans and timelines have been communicated, the reality of the project and opposition only materializes when implementation begins. Delays in the process with the City of Eagle has again demonstrated that the process does not get easier the longer the Company waits.It is for these reasons Idaho Power began pursuing the construction of this line first. What is the expected cost of building a portion of the 138-kV line underground as desired by the City of Eagle? CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 While precise costs cannot be determined until after construction or at the time an engineered design completed, in the study it completed at the City of Eagle's request, Black and Veatch determined that a 1. mile, 138 kV underground sub-transmission line constructed from the Eagle Substation and along State Street to the CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) 18a Idaho Power Company83676 vicinity of the State Street's intersection with Ballantyne Road would cost approximately $9.5 million. In discussions with Idaho Power and the IPUC Staff on March 31 , 2004 , representatives from the City of Eagle indicated that the City might also consider the alternative of undergrounding the 138-kV line from the Eagle Substation to a location just west of Eagle Road and the Highway 44 Bypass , then proceeding overhead along Highway 44 to the Star Substation. This alternative would requlre approximately 0. miles of underground versus the 1.6 miles in the aforementioned study.However , due to termination costs related to the transition points between the overhead and underground portions of the line, design costs, construction mobilization costs, and potential costs to bore under maj or roadways due to different route requirements, the costs cannot be considered to be a linear ratio to the total distance. Wi thout hiring an engineering firm to produce another study, a reasonable estimate for the reduced length from 1.6 miles to 0.75 of a mile can be produced by assuming that approximately 25% of the costs are fixed for the terminations and transi tions, along wi th the other considerations just mentioned.The rest of the costs may be assumed as a linear ratio to the distance. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 The fixed costs in this case , irrespective of length of the line , would then be approximately 25% of $9. million or $2.375 million. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) 19a Idaho Power Company83676 The remainder of the costs assumed to be linear related to distance can be approximated by a ratio 75 of a mile divided by 1.6 miles times 75% of the $9. million , or $3.34 million. An approximate cost of this alternative would be the sum of the fixed costs and the distance related costs or $2.375 million plus $3. million for a total estimate of $5.715 million. While the actual construction costs could easily vary by 20% from this estimate depending upon conditions and time constraints experienced during construction, a reasonable range for expected construction costs between $4.5 million and $7 million. A simple ratio of the entire $9.5 million costs by 75 of the 1.6 miles would yield an estimate of $4. million , which would, at best, be a minimum estimate given the total costs are not all directly related to the distance involved. This seems to support a mlnlmum "bookend" that matches closely to the low end of the range estimated above and supports the expected cost of $5.75 million for the underground portion of the alternative. This is not the total cost of the al ternati ve. only represents the underground portion desired by the City of Eagle. Approximately $2 million in additional construction costs would be incurred for the remaining CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 overhead portion of the line to Star Substation. The total costs of this option would be approximately $7.75 million , or $5.25 million more than the proposed al ternati ve offered by Idaho Power Company and CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) 2 Oa Idaho Power Company83676 supported by the Citizens Advisory Committee. What is the expected cost of the 138- overhead Bypass Route recommended by the Citizen' Advisory Committee and Idaho Power's preferred route? The estimate which was provided to the City of Eagle for this option was $2.5 million , or about $5. million less than any route which includes an underground portion and deemed acceptable by the City of Eagle. Is there disagreement between the City of Eagle and Idaho Power on the need of the proj ect? No one disputes the amount of growth in the area or the demands being placed upon the Company' electrical infrastructure.However , there wi 11 always be the perception that different al ternati ves could solve the problem and no impact a specific area or group of people. Idaho Power acutely aware that the solutions prescribes will not always be welcomed.To that end,the Company seeks publ ic involvement , input and recommendations.The Company also provides education in the route selection process.Prior to making application for a conditional use permit, Idaho Power must make its best decision based upon the facts and information at hand. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes, it does. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) I daho Power Company83676 open hearing. (The following proceedings were had in MS. MOEN:The witness is available for cross - examinat ion. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay, let's move to the Ci ty of Eagle. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho MS. BUXTON:Mr. Chairman , just one second, please. CROSS - EXAMINATION Good morning, Mr. Sikes, how have you? Grea t . Mr. Sikes , as you know, I'm Susan Buxton and we've had a couple of conversations before in the last several years; is that correct? Yes. Mr. Sikes, I just have a couple of questions for you.In your direct testimony, you reference the Company's long-range planning.Is that located in the 10-year transmission plan , is that what you're referring to? The 10 -year transmission plan is a subset of some of those other documents and planning studies as BY MS. BUXTON: SIKES (X) Idaho Power Company83676 well as the other more detailed local area studies that are some of the other documents and exhibits in this case. Was the 10-year transmission plan , it was not an exhibit to your direct testimony, was it? I don't believe so. Did you review the 10-year transmission plan that was an exhibit to Mr. Teinert' s direct testimony? I have reviewed that in the past. Okay. Mr. Chairman , I need to ask a point of clarification.With regard to this proceeding, I would like to ask Mr. Sikes some cross-examination questions with regard to that exhibit that is part of the testimony of somebody else, is that more proper now or in rebuttal? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:This would probably be fine and if there's an obj ection to when that would be best , his attorney will make the appropriate obj ect ion; however , be prepared that there's always an opportunity he may not be as familiar with the exhibit as you would ike him to be. BY MS. BUXTON:Mr. Sikes, I'd like to hand you what has been marked previously as Exhibit 114 to the testimony of , direct testimony of , Mr. Pike CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho SIKES (X) Idaho Power Company83676 Teinert. (Ms. Buxton approached the wi tness . ) BY MS. BUXTON:Mr. Sikes, can you identify that document for the record, please? Yes, wi thout reviewing every page, this appears to be the report that was produced by my depart men t . MS. BUXTON:Mr. Chairman, I would ask that Exhibit 114 be admitted into the record for purposes of cross-examination of Mr. Sikes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Without obj ect ion , we wi 11 admi t the exhibi t . MS. MOEN:No obj ect ions. (The City of Eagle Exhibit No. 114 was admi t ted into evidence. BY MS. BUXTON:Mr. Sikes, could you please refer to page 11 of Exhibit 114? m there. Could you read the paragraph in the middle of the page under the ti tIe Locust Loop No.2 for the record , please? Locust No."The Locust-Eagle 138 will be built when the reliability of service is at risk or when the Gary tap is opened because of the State 138 kV conversion.The Star tap is a tap in the Locust-Eagle CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho SIKES (X) Idaho Power Company83676 line for temporary service to Star.The Locust No.2 is completed with the Locust-Eagle 138 kV construction and will serve HP , Joplin , Eagle loads and loads north of the Beacon Light area.The Eagle-Ustick 138 kV line serves as a tie to the Cloverdale source.A source in the north Star area will serve the Star substation. Thank you.Does that statement still reflect the current status of Idaho Power's position with regard to the Locust Loop No. Yes, it does. And that the State 138 kV converSlon that's the subj ect of this matter would benefit this Locust Loop No.2; is that correct? The State 138 kV conversion referenced in here is a converSlon of State Street substation in Boise to 138 kV. So then isn't it true that your testimony and attached exhibits identify the function of the proposed 138 kV line upgrade from Eagle to Star as temporary service? It will provide temporary service to Star substation until the loop is completed and the other sources buil t for Star.Its long-term function is as described here. Mr. Sikes , do you have your direct CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (X) I daho Power Company83676 testimony in front of you? Yes, I do. On page 3, lines 22 and 23 of your direct, could you take a look at that , please? CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho Page 3, lines 22 , 23? Tha t 's correct. Okay. You use the term future upgrade to 138 kV; Yes. And that refers to the proj ect the Company is proposing in this case, does it not? Correct. Can you describe the type of upgrade the Company is proposing to make to this existing facility? Yes , it's to convert and rebuild a line along the existing alignment to provide the 138 kV transmission line through the area. Mr. Sikes, I'm going to hand you what has been marked in this case, it's been marked Exhibit 100 and it was attached to Dr. Don Reading's direct (Ms. Buxton approached the wi tness . ) BY MS. BUXTON:Are you familiar with can you identify that document for the record, please? is that correct? testimony. SIKES (X) Idaho Power Company83676 This is the -- from the City of Eagle, the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law in the matter Idaho Power an application for a rezone and conditional use permi t MS. BUXTON:Mr. Chairman , if there's no objection, I would ask to admit Exhibit 100 for the record. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:And without obj ect ion MR . HOWELL:Mr. Chairman , just for point of clarification , I'm a little bit uncomfortable about admitting exhibits that really belong to another party. I f counsel would ike to mark the exhibi t , have it marked and identified for purposes of cross-examination , I think that's probably a cleaner way to do it. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:So we have an objection to admitting it, instead looking at marking it, would you like to mark it? MS. BUXTON:m happy to mark it as Mr. Howell suggests , no problems. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay, then consider it marked. (The City of Eagle Exhibit No. 100 was marked for identification. BY MS. BUXTON:Mr. Sikes, could you CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (X) Idaho Power Company83676 please turn to the last page of Exhibit 100?Could you please look at under the Recommendation portion and read items 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 for the record , please? " 1 .An additional CUP must be applied for , for the substation. 2 .No further expansion once they upgrade this location , the next upgrade needed will require a different location. 3 .Addi tional design review and landscape reVlew will be necessary.Additional screening against the fence on the State Street is required. 4 .To grant the CUP for the lines only. Additional CUP necessary to comply with Title 8. Thank you.Did the Company have any concerns - - actually, really quickly, strike that question.Can you look at the bottom of the last page and for the record tell the date that this conditional use permit was issued? Dated the 12th day of December , 1995. Did the Company have any concerns wi th the conditions that the City of Eagle put on this conditional use permi t in Exhibi t 100? This conditional use permit in the paragraph - - in the recommendations is the findings and fact and conclusions of law for the zonlng of C3 on the CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (X) Idaho Power Company83676 substation property, so my interpretation of this related to the substation property. Now , could you read item No., the first sentence again , please? "To grant the CUP for the lines only. So it included the ines, too, didn't it? My understanding is you don't rezone a transmission line, just a parcel of property. Isn't this a rezone and a conditional use permit?Looking at the front page of it, isn't this an application for a rezone and a conditional use permit? For a rezone and a conditional use permi t. So two items happened, then, a rezone and a condi t ional use permi t allowing the ines; is that correct? I have an obj ect ion.MS. MOEN:That' argumentative.Al though the application reads as an application for a rezone and conditional use permit, it' apparent from the recommendations that counsel asked my witness to read that the findings and conclusions were for the rezoning only and that conditional use permits were going to be, had to be requested at a later date. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Ms. Buxton , a CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (X) Idaho Power Company83676 response? MS. BUXTON:Mr. Chairman , I would ask the witness to again read No.2 of the recommendation that would address further upgrades of this site that would requlre an additional conditional use permit, so I believe that this does in fact put a conditional use permit requirement on the site in 1995. COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:Ms. Moen. MS. MOEN:If Ms. Buxton is argulng that the purpose of these findings and facts in the recommendation is for rezoning the site identified as the substation site, I have no objections.I f she' suggesting that these particular findings of fact go beyond the substation site to include the power lines, I obj ect to that because that is not what this particular exhibi t represents. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Ms. Buxton. MS. BUXTON:Mr. Chairman, I believe that we're probably at the point where this would be more of a legal argument.m actually not asking Mr. Sikes for a legal conclusion.I think that this is something maybe we should address in a posthearing memorandum , the legal effect of this conditional use permit in 1995. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Ms. Buxton , it would be my desire to go ahead and allow you proceed. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (X) Idaho Power Company83676 think the Commission will be able to weigh the evidence that's revealed from any response and then we can deal with any briefing lssues at the end of the hearing. BY MS. BUXTON:Mr. Sikes , do you know whether the Company sought an order from the Public Utilities Commission approving the facilities' conditions described in Exhibit 100? That's the same exhibit?m unaware we brought this matter before the PUC.I don't believe so. Did the Ci ty have to pay any contribut ion ln aid of construction for the facilities requested and CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho required in Exhibit 100? Not that I'm aware of. Mr. Sikes, you live in the city limits of Eagle, do you not? I was annexed after I had moved into the How long have you been a resident of the I believe six years. Your testimony advocates upgrading the existing Company facilities in such a manner that your personal electric franchise fee would not increase; is area. City of Eagle? that correct? SIKES (X) Idaho Power Company83676 Let me rephrase that for you.The Company is advocating a proj ect that would not require any additional or increase in the franchise fee at this point; is that correct? That's typically how we approach everything, yes. And your testimony also advocates upgrading the existing Company facility in such a manner that your real property would not be assessed wi th a local improvement district assessment to pay for any addi tional costs for this proj ect; is that correct? I don't think the Company is necessarily saying whether we would or would not agree to an increase in the franchise fee. If a franchise fee was increased, would that affect you personally in the City of Eagle? Yes, it would. Okay. I f I could confer wi th counsel for one minute. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Sure. (Pause in proceedings. MS. BUXTON:Mr. Chairman , I have no further questions on cross-examination. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, Ms. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (X) Idaho Power Company83676 Buxton.Let's move to Mr. Squyres. MR. SQUYRES:Thank you, Mr. Cha i rman . CROS S - EXAMINA T I ON BY MR. SQUYRES: Good morning, Mr. Sikes. Good morning. I'd ike to begin by talking about Idaho Power's complaint in the State Street and Bypass routes for just a moment if we could, please.You're familiar wi th the complaint filed by Idaho Power in this proceeding? Yeah , I am. And it's true, isn't it, that the Company requested the Commission to issue an order directing Idaho Power to construct a 138 kV transmission facility on either one of two transmission corridors? I believe that's how the complaint crafted, yes. On page 1 of the complaint, I think it is, isn't it?Do you have that in front of you? Yes. And let'look at Exhibi t just a minute if we could,please,and you refer to those corridors CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (X) Idaho Power Company83676 Exhibit 10 in what is in yellow the Eagle substation, the Eagle substation through Jackson Square down past Ballantyne Road, that's what we've referred to as the State Street route; is that right? Tha t 's correct. And what's in blue or turquoise or at least something close to one of those, that's the route, that's the Bypass route , along State Street/ 44, but we' been referring to that as the Eagle Bypass route, have we not? Tha t 's correct. And so - - and while we're talking about Exhibit 10 , let's just stay on that a minute.Do you know when this aerial photograph was taken about? My guess would be sometime in around 2003. I m not sure, though. Okay.Just with respect to the Eagle River Development, there has been a substantial amount development in Eagle River since the date of this photograph , has there not? Tha t 's correct. I mean , there's been landscaping; correct? I believe most of the landscaping Yes. in place in this photograph.I see the ponds. CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho SIKES (X) Idaho Power Company83676 The ponds are there, but the sod that' been laid in , the greenbelt , that walkway area across the northern boundary of the property has been put in; correct? I t appears so. And since this photograph was taken , the Bardenay Restaurant has been buil t, the Westmark Credi Union has been buil t , Wendy's, several other buildings; right? Correct. Okay, and the State Street corridor which is marked in yellow on Exhibit 10, it has existing structures on it now , does it not , for a 69 kV line? Correct. Some have been repl aced traverse there. from the 69 kV line that used to Those structures are left over. But they're there today? Yes. And in existence and being used? Correct. And so the State Street route would use existing utility rights of way and then perhaps some upgrade to existing facilities; is that correct? Yes. And the Bypass route as it exists today CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (X) Idaho Power Company83676 has no poles on it, does it? Not in thi s area. And no lines or other utility structures or facilities of any type run along the Bypass route; is CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho There are some poles and street lights near the intersection , et cetera , but there is not an existing transmission line along that section of the There are street light poles; right? And some distribution power poles as Not running down , not running east and that right? west from the point of Edgewood to Eagle Road? There are a few distribution structures running west of Edgewood on the south side of the On the south side, not on the north Correct , but basically along the alignment here and maybe three or four structures, roughly equivalent to across from where Les Schwab Tires is , but across the street. m sure you've got bet ter eyes than me, road. where is Schwab Tires? we 11 . Bypass. side? SIKES (X) I daho Power Company83676 Just where Edgewood comes ln , you can see a building there with a white roof and a red roof. Right at the beginning of the Bypass route? That is correct. Okay, and if the Bypass route were to be used for the 138 kV line, the 69 kV structures on the State Street route would remain in place, would they not? That is correct. Do you have Idaho Power's complaint in front you sir? Yes,do. And Exhibi t a group opt ions 3 to that complaint, those are Correct. - - for the routes; correct? Yes. And just for the record, I think Exhibi to Idaho Power's complaint is exactly the same as Exhibit 4 to your testimony; isn't that right? I believe so. And again , just for the record, I think on your direct testimony at page 12 , line 17 , you talked about Exhibi t 4 , so anything you said about Exhibi t 4 CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (X) Idaho Power Company83676 would have been the same thing you would have said about Exhibit 3 Slnce they're the same documents? Yes. Okay, and option 1 , that's the Bypass Correct. And that's the route that the conditional use permi t application was denied? Correct. In other the process of pursuing CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho words , the Company went through the conditional use permit to its final conclusion and the City denied that conditional use Correct. Okay, and the total cost for the Bypass route is 2.5 million? That's the estimate on this sheet. route, isn't it? And there's no cost to the Ci ty, is No. And option 2 , that's the State Street permit? Yes. And the conditional use permit application there? for that route was withdrawn sometime 2000 , 2001 , in that route? SIKES (X) Idaho Power Company83676 time frame,wasn'it? Yes. And no decision was formally made by the City of Eagle on the conditional use permit application for the State Street route? That's correct. And the cost of that route is also 2. million and there's no cost to the City, is there? Tha t 's correct. And option 3, that's the State Street route with some underground construction? Of distribution facilities. Of distribution facilities; in other words, the option 3 you were going - - Idaho Power proposed to bury some distribution facilities or put distribution facilities underground from the Eagle substation to Jackson Square? Tha t 's correct. And the cost of option 3 was 2.8 million but again , no cost to the City of Eagle? Tha t 's correct. So just to summarize, none of the three options we've just discussed involved an effort by Idaho Power to pass any costs to the City? Correct. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (X) Idaho Power Company83676 Thus, it I S true, isn't it , that these three options would not increase the cost to Idaho Power above what Idaho Power considers to be a level of prudent investment for the Company? And I would ike to make one point of clarification on this exhibit Sure. - - too, that when asked about corrections I had forgotten about this.Subsequently I consulted with our tax department and it was determined for a requesting party to bury, a municipality to bury, the distribution lines that they would not be subj ect to the IRS tax gross-up, so that column and the figures resul ting from that in here should be deemed as zeroed out. So the third column , I guess it would be the fourth column from the left, the tax gross-up column you'd just pull that out of that exhibit? Correct, and that would affect some of the figures in the after tax cost and goodwill figures. Fair enough , thank you, sir.My question about the three options not increasing the cost to Idaho Power above the level of a prudent investment for the Company, you answered that question in the aff irmati ve, did you not? CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (X) Idaho Power Company83676 I think given the contention and trying to get this proj ect done in a timely manner , Idaho Power is exposed to additional cost risks that if we could agree to thi s we deemed it as prudent. Now , let's talk about your rebuttal testimony for a few minutes, please.I believe you filed that rebuttal testimony MS. MOEN:Obj ect ion. COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:Mr. Squyres, I' not even going to wait for the objection.This witness rebuttal testimony has not been spread across the record yet and he'll be back up a little bit later. MR. SQUYRES:I apologi ze COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Not a problem. MR. SQUYRES:Thank you.That's all the questions I have.Let me make sure. (Pause in proceedings. BY MR. SQUYRES:Exhibi t 5 to your testimony, those are the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law entered by the City of Eagle on the conditional use permit application for the Bypass route; correct? Yes. MR. SQUYRES:Thank you, sir.That's all the questions I have.Thank you, Mr. Cha i rman . COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (X) Idaho Powe r Company83676 Mr. Squyres.Let's move to Mr. Howell. MR . HOWELL:Thank you, Mr. Cha i rman . CROSS -EXAMINATION BY MR.HOWELL: Good mornlng,Mr.Sikes.Do you have Exhibi t there with you? Yes, I do. Sticking with that for a moment, in the yellow line that more or less follows State Street , can you explain to the Commission why there is a jog in the route that moves northward from the Eagle substation and then westerly and then links back up with State Street? Yes.The 69 kV transmission line that once extended from Boise all the way through Caldwell , in comlng past Eagle substation there, it goes northerly across State Street which at that time was still the highway through town and proceeds down the alley to the corner where Jackson Square is.Further kind of westerly from Eagle Road to the corner at Jackson Square, I believe that that alleyway has subsequently been abandoned and is not an official alleyway even though the utility easement is still through there, and then comes back out to the old highway alignment and proceeds CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (X) Idaho Power Company83676 down , I believe, what is our inner urban right of way that the line exists on. Do you know why the Company put that line down the alley instead of right on State Street? CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho That was way before my time.I don't know. on it from the Does that line presently have a 69 kV line substation westerly to Ballantyne Road? The top conductors on the ine used to be energized at 69 kV and except for where some of the poles or facilities have been modified still has the 69 kV insulators on there.Currently those wires are energized at 12.5 kV rather than 69 kV as was done to extend addi tional feeder capaci ty to the western region of So in other words , the 12.5 kV , that' what would normally be called distribution? Tha t 's correct. Okay, and sticking wi th those poles, what other facilities are typically on those poles along the State Street route? Well, in some instances in addition to the existing distribution circuits, there are two of those stacked on top of each other , then there's a neutral Wlre.Where we have customers taking electric service, Eagle. SIKES (X) Idaho Power Company83676 locally there may be overhead distribution transformers also mounted on those poles with 120/240 volt service drops overhead to those residences or establishments. There are some street lights at some intersections. There is also, I believe , cable TV and phone company cables attached to those poles and the occasional placard and yard sale sign. So is there currently 69 kV service out of the Eagle substation? , there is not. Okay.If the Commission were to order or the Company to construct a 138 kV line on this route, could you use the current poles? , we could not. And do you know the height of the current poles generally along that route? Generally, I believe they're somewhere between 45 and 50 feet.They vary a little bit. And if you were to restring the 138 kV line along this route, what would cause you to need taller poles? Well, for one, there is meeting the NESC, the National Electric Safety Code, clearances for surrounding structures and other attachments to the poles and those drive the heights of the poles up. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (X) Idaho Power Company83676 Additionally, the strength requirements of the poles to lncrease that, you know , there's kind of a little give and take there , but to meet safety requirements typically is what requires the poles to go up in height. And isn't it true that the Commission requlres Idaho Power as well as other utilities to comply with the National Electric Safety Code? Yes. Now, when we're talking about clearances which you just mentioned under the National Code, we' talking about vertical clearances from grounds for , like, vehicles? That's one consideration, yes. Isn t another consideration vertical safety clearances between distribution lines and, for instance , the 12.5 that's there now and a new 138 kV? Yes.There also has to be working clearances for personnel, utility personnel , to work on those facili ties in a safe area. And when we're talking about a 138 kv line, aren't we really talking about three conductors? Tha t 's correct. So there would be three lines that comprise the 138 kV line or three conductors? Tha t 's correct. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (X) I daho Power Company83676 And those conductors could be either stacked vertically on one side or staggered on one side or the other; isn't that true? Tha t 's correct. And each of those conductors would be required to have a certain minimum level of clearance called out by the National Electric Safety Code? Yes. And it's the combination of all the clearances that would determine the pole height? Tha t 's correct. And then finally, at the top of the pole is it not the Company's practice to have a shield line? Yes , it is. And could you explain to the Commission what a shield line is? A shield wire is typically placed over transmission lines to provide isochronic protection or lightning strike protection such that if lightning directed theoretically and ideally to that line and shunted to ground rather than hitting the electrified 138 kV line as would be in this case and causing that line trip and cause a service interruption. And do you know the clearance requirements between the shield and the top conductor of the 138 kV? CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (X) Idaho Power Company83676 I don't know that off the top of my Again , referring you to Exhibit 10, aren' there pluses and minuses about using either of these two CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho Absolutely. For instance , the yellow route along State Street would be shorter and the Company already has a right of way along that route? Tha t 's correct. Versus the Eagle Bypass route where there are conceivably no facilities and it would be cleaner to That's correct. MR. HOWELL:Thank you , Mr. Cha i rman . head. have no further questions. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, Are there any questions from members of COMMISSIONER SMITH:Yes. routes? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Commi s s i one r install? Mr. Howell. the Commission? Smi th. SIKES (X) Idaho Power Company83676 EXAMINATION COMMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. Sikes, looking at Exhibi t 4 , I guess needed some clarification on the column that is labeled IPCO Goodwill Incentive.Can you tell me what that is? That was an issue that the Idaho Power Company was willing to negotiate with the City of Eagle to expedi te approval in cleaning up part of the downtown area to get this proj ect buil t in a timely manner. So is it related or not to the amount that you have in a column labeled Ci ty of Eagle Cost? For al ternati ve 3, yes, that's where that basically was derived from and as I recently explained, the tax gross-up really wouldn't apply. So it's 340 000 in No. Correct. Can you tell me, did the Company percelve this as an above-the-line or below-the-line cost? The Company perceived this as a cost that were we not able to get this proj ect approved in this manner that our actual costs would exceed this allowance. , I'm asking whether the Company intended it be above the ine or below the ine CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Com) Idaho Power Company83676 And by that do you mean rate based? Tha t 'what I mean. t h i nk we would appreciate it being rate based.I think that's what our intent would be. Do you think the Commission is in the practice of giving away $340 000 of ratepayer money for Idaho Power's goodwill? When we're faced wi th higher costs for a different alternative , this would have been a lower cost option. Well , why would you take the higher cost alternative when you had a lower cost option?It seems like that might be imprudent. We did not have an approved lower cost opt ion. All right.Could you tell me looking Exhibit 10 how the Eagle River Development is served? it underground? There is a distribution feeder that comes westerly down the alley from Eagle substation and I real i it'kind of hard to point and talk at the same time follow along,but maybe it'easier to start the corner of Eagle Road and the Bypass, there's an overhead distribution pole kind of right there on the corner by the pond. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Com) Idaho Power Company83676 So that would be the southeast? Yes. All right. And it's at that point where the distribution service goes underground and serves the CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho And who paid for that to be underground? I believe that Eagle River developers Okay; so we've got distribution lines going down Eagle Road? Yes. And you have distribution lines going down State Street and/or the alley that's shown by this looks like goldenrod line to me; is that correct? Tha t 's correct. All right, and does growth continue in the Eagle River Development area? Yes, it is. And in the City of Eagle generally? Yes. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you, That's all I have. COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER: Commissioner Hansen. development. did. Mr. Cha i rman . SIKES (Com) Idaho Power Company83676 COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Just a couple of questions and kind of a follow-up where Commissioner Smi th was coming. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER HANSEN: CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho On Eagle Road as you're coming down to Highway 44 and maybe you're not the person to ask on this , but would you have distribution poles like there in front of Wendy I s and that hotel that was built, the Hil ton there, that isn't underground in front of those facili ties right now, is it? Right now I believe it is. , it is? Yes, and that was paid for by the So it starts there by the river? I bel ieve it comes back up overhead, I can't remember if it's on the north side or the south side of the river where it comes back up overhead. Okay, just a couple other quest ions.You say on page 6, lines 19 and 20, that burying transmission lines is not an industry standard.Do you recall that? Yes, I do. developer. SIKES (Com) Idaho Power Company83676 Is it cost or reliability or maintenance or is it some other reason why it is not a standard or accepted in the industry in your opinion? Primarily it's due to the higher cost of equivalent facilities. So as far as to serve and as far as maintenance and the reliability, underground is every bit as good as overhead? There are trade-offs, again , between overhead transmission facilities and underground transmission facilities on maintenance.Obviously, with an overhead transmission line you have to maintain the poles.On an underground transmission line if there is a cable failure, it takes much longer to repair it and is more costly work , so they are really not apples together. They're slightly different animals, but typically it is the industry experience that underground facilities cost more to construct , own and operate. Are you aware , has Idaho Power been involved in burying transmission lines in other cities in Idaho? , we have not. So in areas like, say, Ketchum or Sun Valley area or these areas, you're not aware that you' been involved in any buried transmission? CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Com) Idaho Power Company83676 We have not buried any of those areas, no. On page 7 , line 18, you state that Idaho Power discussed 16 alternatives with the CAC which is a group composed of Eagle residents, I guess, picked by the Ci ty Council; is that correct? Yeah , I'm not sure exactly how they were all selected, but a number of alternatives were discussed wi th them. In your opinion , you talk about alternatives were discussed , in your opinion, why was narrowed down to just two?Are the other 14 just not acceptable?I mean , we're kind of before us here in this case wi th two al ternati ves and yet, you had 16 that was discussed.m just kind of curious, in your opinion were the other 14 just not acceptable, not economical to do? As the findings from the Citizens Advisory Commi t tee kind of narrowed things down , all of the factors that they were looking at, cost and number of residences and line lengths, all of those things were factored into that, so basically these options kind of bubbled to the top as the best of those al ternati ves. The Citizens Advisory Committee's first choice was to bury it, but recognizing the additional costs said well CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Com) Idaho Power Company83676 in lieu of that , then according to the criteria they had established and worked through, they recommended the Bypass route. And just one last question.In the testimony it states that the cost is estimated between million and $9 million to bury that, is that still in your mind a realistic number?Has Idaho Power received any other information through different types of technology that would reduce the cost of burying the cable? , we have not.It's still our best estimate. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Thank you.That' all I have. COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:We'll move now to redirect. REDIRECT EXAMINATION BY MS. MOEN: Mr. Sikes, I have a couple of questions. In response to a question posed by Ms. Buxton , you responded that the Eagle to Star line that we' proposing is to be a temporary service to the Star substation until a loop is completed.Do you recall that CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SIKES (Di) I daho Power Company83676 testimony? Yes. And what period of time does Idaho Power' reference indicate that that loop might be completed such that that temporary service wouldn't be required to serve Star? The way for Star to be served by some other facility coming from the north of there requires a future proposed substation north of Star , so until at such time that that is driven by additional load growth requirements, the timing of that is still uncertain, but it's probably at least a decade off at this point. Let's assume we've got 10 years out now and now the Star substation is going to be served from a different source, does that make the source that we' looking at now between Eagle and Star an obsolete line or will that continue to provide services? No, that will continue to provide services to the Eagle area and the way the power would then flow as described in the documents as has been referred to as the Locust Loop No., power would flow in both directions from Locust substation north to Beacon Light substation back towards Eagle as well as from the east side through Hewlett-Packard and Joplin substations toward Eagle. CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 So systemically, that particular line will always serve an important part of the Company's overall electrical system? Yes , to provide the reI iable service to the area. And is it prudent electrical practices to design facilities in that manner? Yes.What we strive for and many times it's a timing lssue as to when facilities get constructed and in what order , but provide some contingency backup to ideally have more than one source to an area such that if a truck hits a pole or if maintenance needs to be performed, some facilities can be taken out of service without causing a service interruption to the customers. Also, Ms. Buxton suggested that you might have some personal reasons for recommending these particular routes because it would avoid you personally having to pay ei ther a surcharge or some franchise fee. Are the recommendations in which you participated the recommendations of you personally or of the Company as a whole? m trying to represent the Company' viewpoint.I don't view myself as having a personal stake in this. CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 And is the Company's recommendation in this particular instance consistent with its recommendations for other transmission corridors? Yes, it is. Regarding a question that Commissioner Hansen raised, is it completely possible that with underground transmission , system outages could be of a longer duration than outages on transmission lines that are overhead? They can be to repair and spl ice cables and, you know , that's one of the benefits of coming through this area to have a loop.Even if it were undergrounded through here, which the Company is not opposed to having it being undergrounded through here, if the loop is in fact intact or in place , then that segment of the ine should be able to be taken out to be repaired. MS. MOEN:I have no further quest ions. COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:Thank you , and so Mr. Sikes, we'll excuse you until your rebuttal and believe we're ready for a ten-minute break , so we'll go off the record. (Recess. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:And we'll go back on the record and I bel ieve we're ready for Ms. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 100 SIKES (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 Moen's second direct wi tness MS. MOEN:Idaho Power's second direct witness is Greg Said. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho GREGORY W. SAID produced as a wi tness at the instance of Idaho Power Company, having been first duly sworn , was examined and testified as follows: DIRECT EXAMINATION Mr. Said, would you please state your full name and spell your last name for the record? Gregory W. Said, S-a- And would you please tell the Commission your business address? 1221 West Idaho Street , Boise, Idaho. And by whom are you employed? Idaho Power. And in what capacity are you employed by m the manager of revenue requirement. Have you previously filed direct testimony consisting of nine pages on behalf of Idaho Power Company BY MS. MOEN: Idaho Powe r? 101 SAID (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 in this matter? Yes. And you are sponsoring no exhibi t s; Tha t 's correct. Do you wish to make any corrections to the written testimony that you prefiled in this matter? CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho No. I f I asked you the same quest ions today that are contained in your prefiled testimony, would your responses to those questions be the same? Yes , they would. MS. MOEN:I move that the prefiled testimony of Gregory W. Said consisting of nine pages be spread on the record as if read in its entirety. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:And without objection, we will spread the testimony as if read in its (The following prefiled testimony of Mr. Gregory Said is spread upon the record. that correct? entirety. 102 SAID (Di) I daho Power Company83676 Please state your name and business address. My name is Gregory W. Said and my business address is 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? I am employed by Idaho Power Company as the Manager of Revenue Requirement in the Pricing and Regulatory Services Department. Please describe your educational background. In May of 1975, I received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics with honors from Boise State Uni versi ty.In 1999 , I attended the Public Utility Executives Course at the University of Idaho. Please describe your work experience wi th Idaho Power Company. I became employed by Idaho Power Company in 1980 as an analyst in the Resource Planning Department. In 1985 , the Company applied for a general revenue requirement increase.I was the Company wi tness addressing power supply expenses. In August of 1989 , after nine years in the Resource Planning Department, I was offered and accepted a position in the Company's Rate Department. With the Company's application for a temporary rate increase in 1992 , my responsibilities as a witness were expanded.While I CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 103 SAID (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 continued to be the Company witness concerning power supply expenses , I also sponsored the Company's rate computations and proposed tariff schedules in that case. In 1994 , I was asked to become the Meridian District Manager for a one-year cross-training opportunity. 1995, I returned to my position in the Rate Department. In October 1996 , I was promoted to lead a team of analysts in the newly reorganized Pricing & Regulatory Services Department, formerly known as the Rate Department.In that role, I became the Company contact for line installation disputes concerning Company compliance with tariff provisions. As the Manager of Revenue Requirement, I continue to be the Company contact for line installation disputes before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Why has Idaho Power Company filed a complaint against the City of Eagle? As Mr. Sikes has testified, the Company has been seeking approval from the Ci ty of Eagle to construct a transmission line through the City of Eagle for a number of years now.While the Company has attempted to identify a route and design al ternati ve acceptable to all interested parties, the City has rejected all of the economically prudent al ternati ves.Mr. Sikes has also stated that the Company is concerned that future service CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 104 SAID (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 to the Eagle area may be degraded by the inability of the Company and the City of Eagle to identify a route and design acceptable to all parties.Idaho Power has been diligent and prudent in its efforts to site new transmission facilities.However, by denying the Company's applications, the City of Eagle has jeopardized the Company's ability to meet its obligation to provide adequate electrical service to its Eagle area customers. I have been advised by my legal counsel that , under these circumstances , Idaho law provides the Idaho Public Utilities Commission with the authority to direct Idaho Power to construct the facilities required to serve customer loads. Mr. Sikes testifies that the City of Eagle has requested that the Company use underground construction techniques to mi t iga te the perceived adverse aesthet ics of overhead construction but that Idaho Power maintains that the additional cost of alternative routes or underground construction would be the responsibility of the Ci ty of Eagle.Why does the Company believe that the City of Eagle should pay for the additional costs that may be required to satisfy their aesthetic concerns? Ul timately, costs borne by Idaho Power are paid for by its customers.If Idaho Power initially bears the cost of facilities, that cost is included in the CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 105 SAID (Di) Idaho Powe r Company83676 Company's rate base as an investment that is funded by the CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 106 SAID (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 Company's customers.The Company earns a return on the undepreciated investment balance. The return on the Company's investment is also funded by customers.Idaho Power strives to provide reliable and reasonably priced electrical service to its customers. When a ci ty, such as the Ci ty of Eagle , determines that Idaho Power must meet standards for aesthetics that are more stringent than the standards in place throughout Idaho Power's service territory and the result of the application of the more stringent standard is higher cost, the question then becomes "who should pay for the additional costs attributable to the City of Eagle's more stringent aesthetics,the City of Eagle other Idaho Power customers being served by facilities bui 1 t unde r different standards?"Idaho Power believes inappropriate for the City of Eagle to pass the costs of its aesthetic standards onto other customers who are willing to be served at lower costs under different standards. Does this Commission have the authority to decide who should pay for the transmission solution that it directs the Company to pursue? Yes.I am advised by Idaho Power legal counsel that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission has the authori ty to determine the prudence of Company investment CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 107 SAID (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 in facilities to be included in the Company's revenue requi remen t In this case, the Company believes that $2.5 million is the prudent investment level that should be made by the Company.When costs of facilities exceed the prudent level of investment that should be included in revenue requirement , the Commission requires that the Company seek contributions in aid of construction (CIACs) this case, it is the Company's posi tion that if the Commission directs the Company to pursue any al ternate transmission proj ect wi th a cost greater than $2. million , then it is appropriate for the City of Eagle to be responsible for the additional cost.Typically, CIACs are paid prior to construction of facilities. Has the City of Eagle expressed any willingness to have Eagle residents pay the additional costs associated wi th al ternates to the Company's proposed route? No.The City of Eagle has never expressed a willingness to pay for any additional expenses.Howeve r , as Mr. Sikes has stated in his testimony, the Company has discussed a number of funding al ternati ves available to the City. What are some of the ways that the City of Eagle could fund a required CIAC? CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 108 SAID (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 Idaho Code Title 50 allows mayors and city councils to create local improvement districts to fund line extensions or to fund conversion of existing overhead electric facilities to an underground conf igura t ion.The City of Eagle could create a local improvement district to fund a required CIAC. In the alternative, Idaho Power would be willing to accept installment payments, including interest, to recover any required CIAC.The City could apply the proceeds of the franchise fees it collects from Idaho Power to make the installment payments.The City currently levies a franchise fee at the 1% level , but that level could be increased if such an increase acceptable to the citizens of the City. This is the procedure Idaho Power followed with the City of Ketchum, Idaho, when Ketchum desired to relocate Idaho Power's overhead power ines in downtown Ketchum to an underground configuration.The City of Ketchum continues to collect franchise fees, and as funds are available, directs Idaho Power to underground selected distribution circuits they have prioritized and coordinated with the Company. The City of Ketchum has not chosen to have any portion of the 138 -kV transmission ine placed underground. Q. What is the annual revenue received by Idaho Power for serVlce to the Ci ty of Eagle? CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 109 SAID (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 In 2003 , Idaho Power received approximately million for electric service provided to customers within the Ci ty of Eagle.Eagle currently requires a 1 percent franchise fee that collected $70,000 from City of Eagle residents in 2003. If the franchise fee was increased to percent, how much additional revenue would be generated? If the franchise fee was increased to percent, the additional revenue above the 1 percent level would be approximately $140,000. Assuming the Commission would allow the Company to finance a CIAC for the City of Eagle for 5 years, what level of CIAC could be financed by $140 , 000 recovered via an increased franchise fee? Assuming equal monthly payments and an interest rate at the Company's currently authorized rate of return of 9.199 percent, the $140,000 annual revenue received by increasing the Ci ty' s franchise fee from 1 percent to percent would fund a CIAC of approximately $560,000 to be recovered over 5 years. Would the Company be willing to finance a CIAC for more than five years? No.The Company prefers not to finance CIACs and believes financing of a CIAC for longer than 5 years to be unreasonable. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 110 SAID (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 Has the City of Eagle identified a preferred route? No.As I have stated , the route supported by Idaho Power and the Citizen's Advisory Committee was denied by the Ci ty of Eagle.While the City of Eagle continues to desire evaluation of additional alternatives, none have been identified by the City as a preferred route. What does the Company recommend that the Commission direct the Company to do in this case? Based upon the Ci ty of Eagle's refusal to commi t to any expenses to be borne by the Ci ty' s residents,the Company direct the Company to described Option on Exhibit 2 that was previously recommends that the Commission construct the transmission proj ect denied by the Ci ty of Eagle.The $2.5 million cost associated wi th that proj ect is a reasonable investment for the Company to make.Any other plan would resul t additional costs that the City of Eagle seems unprepared to accept and that would inappropriately be funded by the greater body of Idaho Power customers. If the Commission does not direct the Company to construct the transmission proj ect previously denied by the City of Eagle , what does Idaho Power recommend that the Commission do in this matter? CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 111 SAID (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 If the City is willing to fund a CIAC required as a resul t of the selection of an al ternate transmission path or design , Idaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue its order specifying how the City of Eagle will pay for the CIAC.The al ternati ves in order of preference are as follows: The Ci ty can acquire independent financing and1 . pay the CIAC up front, The City can increase franchise fees (if2 . sufficient) to pay the CIAC plus carrying charges over a five-year period of time, or The Commission can order the Company to create3 . new tariffs that would be applicable to customers within the City of Eagle that would include a surcharge to recover the CIAC wi th carrying charges wi thin five years. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes, it does. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 112 SAID (Di) Idaho Power Company83676 open hearing. (The following proceedings were had in MS. MOEN:The witness is available for cross-examination. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay, let's move to the City of Eagle. CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho MS. BUXTON:Thank you , Mr. Cha i rman . BY MS. BUXTON: CROSS - EXAMINATION Mr. Said, I'm Susan Buxton.I don't think If I ask you any questions and you don't understand the question , just tell me you don't and I'll try and rephrase it. Okay. Okay, Mr. Said, you don't have any background as a land use planner , do you? No, I don't. And you don't have any experience purchasing utility right of ways from private property No, I don't. Do you have any experlence evaluating economic impacts to real property from the installation we've met. owners, do you? 113 SAID (X) Idaho Power Company83676 of high transmission lines? do. Would through 24 please? No. You're not an economist, are you? No, I'm not. Do you have your direct testimony in front of you? you refer to page 2 , lines 21 m there. In that you state that the City has rej ected all of the economically prudent al ternati ves; is CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho That's correct. And you're just talking from Idaho Power that correct? Company's perspective; isn't that correct? That's true. Did you evaluate whether there exists any different economic impacts between construction of new high transmission lines through , say, potato fields versus high value commercial areas like Eagle River and the City of Eagle? No, I didn' Did you determine, then, whether the proposal that you've done would be economically prudent 114 SAID (X) Idaho Power Company83676 for the impacted properties in that area? In a farm area as opposed to the City of Eagle? Either one. I didn't perform any studies regarding the siting of the transmission line , no. Did Idaho Power perform any studies in siting the transmission line? Yes.Mr. Sikes has testified to the al ternati ves presented. And did those -- are you familiar with those studies? I have not reviewed the studies. talked with Mr. Sikes. And in your discussions with Mr. Sikes, did he tell you whether he felt that the alternatives were economically prudent for the affected properties? I think my understanding from discussions wi th Mr. Sikes is that the economic choice was ul timately that of the City and whether or not they would be willing to pay the addi tional costs of al ternati ves that were other than the least cost alternatives identified by the Company. You testified that you felt the City of Eagle could pay the increased costs; is that correct? CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 115 SAID (X) Idaho Power Company83676 No, I made no judgment as to the Ci ty' s ability or willingness to pay for additional costs. testimony is that there is a reasonable level of costs that would be incurred by the Company and if an al ternati ve were selected that was more costly than one of those alternatives , then it would be the City' responsibility to bear the cost, but I did make no assessment of the City's willingness to pay. Would you please look at page 6 of your direct testimony, lines 7 through m there. You say, "In the al ternati ve, Idaho Power would be willing to accept installment payments, including interest, to recover any required CIAC. First of all , what is a CIAC for the record? Contribution in aid of construction. Do you know whether cities in the State of Idaho can enter into contracts to pay installment payments over time? My testimony basically says that if the City were willing to have a franchise fee that they could do that.They could enter into what other arrangement may be required to provide the funds of a CIAC or they could have an LID to fund such a mechanism. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 116 SAID (X) Idaho Power Company83676 So you really don't know how cities can finance long-term debt, do you? , I'm not directly involved in ci ty financing. On page 2 , lines 21 through 24 of your direct testimony, you considered Eagle River as an interested party in this matter; is that correct? Yes , they filed as such. Were you aware that Eagle River paid Idaho Power to bury its underground distribution lines? I was not aware of that. Were you aware that nei ther Eagle River nor its representatives were included in or notified of the existence of the Citizens Advisory Committee? m not aware of that. You've not provided the Ci ty wi th any detailed costs for this proj ect , have you? MS. MOEN:I obj ect to these questions. This goes beyond the testimony provided by Mr. Said. MS. BUXTON:Your Honor , Mr. Said has testified , however, that the City should pay anything in excess of $2.5 million. MS. MOEN:The testimony - - Mr. Said also indicates that he's relied upon information supplied by Mr. Sikes in his testimony.Mr. Said is only reiterating CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 117 SAID (X) Idaho Power Company83676 information he has received from other Company experts regarding the actual costs and the determination of those costs. MS. BUXTON:Then I would move that that information in the direct testimony be stricken as it' hearsay. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Wha t we're going to do at this point is allow Mr. Said to attempt to answer to the degree he can and we'll weigh accordingly, but before we move there, there was a question that was asked , one previous, that I wanted to rehear the question and Connie, would that be best for you to read that or would it be easier for Ms. Buxton to just for my sake repeat the previous question, not the one that's the question now?It was about the advisory council. MS. BUXTON:Mr. Chairman , my question, believe, was were you aware that neither Eagle River nor its representatives were included in or notified of the existence of the Idaho Power Citizens Advisory Commi t tee. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay, thank you. I just needed to rehear the question and we're going to allow the question to move forward and the witness can respond accordingly. CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 118 SAID (X) Idaho Power Company83676 Ms. Buxton , you may want to restate the question since I probably confused the issue by asking you to move back two questions. BY MS. BUXTON:Your direct test imony indicated that the Ci ty should pay for anything - - for any additional costs over $2.5 million; is that correct? Tha t 's correct. And to your knowledge, Idaho Power has not provided the City with any detailed cost analysis for CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho this proj ect at all; is that correct? I believe that the Company has provided cost estimates, the level of detail I'm not familiar So it's your testimony that they are cost estimates; is that correct? Yes. Are you aware of the constraints on cities to pay for costs that are not otherwise accounted for for the benefit of a private company like Idaho Power? I don't know what "not otherwise accounted Would you be surprised to know that the pay funds out of public or out of public funds, tax money or otherwise, to private companies without detailed costs associated with the benefits the with. for"means. City cannot 119 SAID (X) I daho Power Company83676 City is deri vlng,does that surprlse you? guess that doesn't surpri se me.don' know when that information might be requi red. Would reasonabl e for the Ci ty to expect a detailed cost analysis in analyzing a proj ect like that? MS. MOEN:I obj ect to that question. lacks foundation.This witness has already testified he has no knowledge of the constraints upon cities to pay costs. COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:Ms. Buxton. MS. BUXTON:Mr. Chairman , Mr. Sikes has testified that he believes the City has rejected all of the economically prudent alternatives, so he's testified with regard to what he thinks is economically prudent for the Ci ty to look at.He has testified that he believes the City should pay any costs over and above $2.5 million and I believe that he has said that the City has options to pay for that and has opined as to what he thinks those options should be under Idaho law , so I think he has made some testimony with regard to what Idaho Power's position lS on how the City should try and fund these costs in aid of construction. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:And Ms. Moen. MS. MOEN:One observation I' d ike to CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 120 SAID (X) Idaho Power Company83676 make in response to a question from Ms. Buxton. Mr. Sikes indicated that his reference to economically prudent al ternati ves was from the Company's perspective and not that of the City, so his judgment was not from the Ci ty' s perspective. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:With that , then m going to sustain the obj ection.If you'd like to continue wi th your questioning. BY MS. BUXTON:Is it your understanding that the Public Utilities Commission can order Idaho Power to construct the facilities in spite of the City' denial of the Company's condi t ional use permi t application? That is my testimony based on conversations with my counsel. And you have no personal knowledge or personal basis for that testimony other than your conversations with your own legal counsel; is that correct? Tha t 's correct.m not an attorney. Is it your testimony, then , that Idaho Power really does not have any legal obligation to comply with municipal ordinances, including its permitting procedures? , that is not my testimony. CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 121 SAID (X) Idaho Power Company83676 Didn't you just say that it was your understanding that Idaho Power can seek an order from this Commission to construct the facilities in spite of the City's denial of this Company's conditional use application; is that correct? That's true.We can seek authori ty from the Commission.I think your second question was whether Idaho Power Company could ignore the abilities of the Ci ty .I think we are not ignoring the abilities of the City to put requirements out there, although my understanding is that the Commission has jurisdiction to override the Ci ty in this instance. Then it's fair to say that coming to the City is probably a waste of everyone's time in your opinion; is that correct? I obj ect to that question.MS. MOEN: It's argumentative. THE WITNESS:No, that's not my opinion. BY MS. BUXTON:If the Commission rules in favor of Idaho Power , what incentive does Idaho Power have to protect property owners' value in planning and building the power system; in other words, let me rephrase it.If the Commission rules in favor of Idaho Power , what incentive does Idaho Power have to protect the property owners that are affected by your CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho SAID (X) Idaho Power Company 122 83676 facilities? MS. MOEN:I obj ect to that.It' speculati ve and it lacks foundation.This particular witness is here for the purposes of addressing the financial mechanisms available and the manner in which Idaho Power has received CIACs in preVlOUS cases and not for the purposes of the questions asked. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Ms. Buxton , in the context of rebuttal , if you could perhaps to move things along, if there's a specific sentence or line within the testimony that you would like to do rebuttal , that may move us forward a little more quickly. MS. BUXTON:One minute, please. (Pause in proceedings. BY MS. BUXTON:Mr. Said, I would direct you to page 4 , please.If you could look at lines through 18.Do you have any knowledge whether cities other than Eagle have development standards that limit the height of poles? No, I do not have knowledge of that. Do you have any knowledge whether cities other than Eagle have development standards that address aesthetics? No, I don'I could add , though , that we've never had a hearing before the Commission to CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 123 SAID (X) Idaho Power Company83676 address how those might be in conflict with the standards for constructing a new transmission line as we do in this case. Is it your belief that it's inappropriate for Idaho Power to view any of the development standards that a ci ty may have wi th regard to the impact of your facilities on their ability to govern and have a vision for how their city will look? No, that's not my testimony. I would have you read lines 15 through 18, please, starting wi th "Idaho Power believes. . . " "Idaho Power believes it is inappropriate for the City of Eagle to pass the costs of its aesthetic standards on to other customers who are willing to be served at lower costs under different standards. So back to my earlier question , then, if you believe that it's inappropriate for the City of Eagle to pass the costs of its aesthetic standards on to others, then why would Idaho Power even waste its time golng to the City to get a conditional use permit when could just come to the Commission? Well , generally we have not had problems going to the cities to get conditional use permits. Their standards traditionally have been consistent with the standards that we have for construction and, CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 124 SAID (X) Idaho Power Company83676 therefore, coming to the Commission is a rare event. This is the only time I'm aware that it has happened. And you earlier testified that you have no experience evaluating economic impacts to real property from the installation of high transmission lines; isn't tha t correct? Tha t 's correct. MS. BUXTON:I have no further questions. COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, Ms. Buxton.Let's move to Mr. Howell. MR . HOWELL:Thank you , Mr. Cha i rman . CROS S - EXAMINA T I ON BY MR. HOWELL: Mr. Said, on page 7 of your testimony through the upper part of the page, you discuss what different levels of franchise fees from one percent to three percent would generate in terms of revenue.When this testimony was filed in April , have you had an occasion to recompute any revenue levels associated with either the one or the three percent levels? I personally did not do that, although it's my understanding that in some discussions that went CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 125 SAID (X) Idaho Power Company83676 on between the Company and the City a more detailed evaluation may have been done. But you don't know what those one percent or three percent detailed evaluations would produce in terms of revenue? No, I did not review those. All right, let me have you turn to page On lines 14 through 22 , you discuss a situation involving Idaho Power and the City of Ketchum that resulted, as I understand, the Company putting its distribution lines unde rground Are you familiar with that circumstance? Yes, somewhat. And isn't it true that in discussions between Idaho Power and the City of Ketchum that the utility and the City eventually reached an agreement to install six blocks of distribution line underground? I believe that's correct. And do you know how the city paid for that? My understanding of the way that the city has gone about paying for those contributions in aid of construction is that they increased their franchise fee in advance of the time that the work would be done and when amounts were collected through that franchise fee that would pay the incremental cost of undergrounding CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 126 SAID (X) Idaho Power Company83676 that at that point in time they made the payments and Idaho Power performed the undergrounding. Do you have any knowledge about the duration of those terms of payments? No, I don' And you wouldn't know the exact amount that the ci ty paid Idaho Power? I don't know how much they paid, but to go back one question , I guess my understanding was that the payments were upfront rather than over time. MR . HOWELL:All right, no further quest ions.Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, Mr. Howell.Let's move to Mr. Squyres. CROSS - EXAMINATION BY MR. SQUYRES: As I understand it , it is Idaho Power' position that to require any of its ratepayers outside the City of Eagle to contribute to the cost of an underground construction scheme, that assumes that only the City and its residents would benefit from such an act i vi t y; correct? Well , I think the City is the primary CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 127 SAID (X) Idaho Power Company83676 beneficiary of that from an aesthetics standpoint.The thing to really hone in on is that the cost of overhead facilities would be passed on to all ratepayers through allocation.It's only the incremental costs of undergrounding that is being asked for as a contribution in aid of construction. I understand, but it's the Company' position that the reason it would be inappropriate to pass those incremental costs on to any of its ratepayers outside the City of Eagle is because no one outside the City of Eagle would benefit economically from an underground construction scheme; correct? I don't know if that's entirely the rationale behind charging an overhead/underground differential.That exists in our tariff schedule Rule H for distribution facilities as a Commission-ordered practice.There lS no corresponding rule associated with transmission; however , as Mr. Sikes has testified, have not undergrounded any transmission and so partially the rationale is that for consistency of distribution and transmission applications , a contribution in aid of construction for undergrounding would be required. Well, you know the Commission's rules and your tariffs far better than me, but am I just totally off base in concluding that the premise for not passing CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SAID (X) I daho Power Company 128 83676 underground construction costs on to a broader base of ratepayers would have to be that they don't benefit from that activity in Idaho Power's view? Well, first you asked if it was reasonable to expect that as a rationale and I think the answer yes, that it would be , but the end of the question that the only consideration in determining that an overhead/underground differential is a required contribution in aid of construction , I don't know that that's the only reason. But I believe you testified in response to some of Ms. Buxton's questions that Idaho Power has not engaged in any analysis, any study, anything at all to evaluate whether the benefit of underground construction economically to a city like Eagle might provide benefits broader outside the Ci ty; is that correct? Tha t 's correct.Idaho Power's perspective has been from the standpoint of the direct costs associated with undergrounding that get passed on to customers who have no say in the request. And you talked about things being aesthetically pleasing, basically Idaho Power's posi tion is that there is no economic benefit to a broader community, a group of folks outside the City of Eagle, from land uses that might enhance commercial acti vi ty and CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 129 SAID (X) Idaho Power Company83676 economic development wi thin the Ci ty? No, that is not my testimony. I have no further questions.MR. SQUYRES: Thank you. Thank you,COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Mr. Squyres. Are there questions from members of the Commission?Commissioner Hansen. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Just a couple of quick questions here, so in the Ketchum case, the City of Ketchum , are they paying for the costs that Idaho Power determined exceeded the prudent level of investment to install these underground lines? Yes. Are you aware of any other cases where the costs exceeded the prudent level of investment determined by Idaho Power and the cost was passed on to the requesting parties? That happens with distribution facilities on a regular basis and again, Rule H addresses the appropriate level of contribution by the Company as CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho SAID (Com) I daho Power Company 130 83676 overhead facilities. But on transmission? On transmission we have not had requests for undergrounding that came to this point in time or this action. In Mr. Lobb' s testimony - - are you familiar with it? Yes, I read his testimony. Okay, he states that the State Street alignment makes the most economic sense.Are you familiar that he made that statement? Yes. So my question would be based on that, does Idaho Power agree that that would be , if he is correct , that's the prudent level of investment to be made here? Yes, I think the prudent level of investment was the same for either the State Street route or the Bypass at $2.5 million. Okay, but we're looking at two different corridors here and let's say if the other corridor was picked and it isn't quite as economical , then should the City of Eagle be required to pay the difference there even though it's aboveground?If another route is picked that costs a little bit more, then is this -- I guess the CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 131 SAID (Com) Idaho Power Company83676 question I'm asking if you agree wi th Mr. Lobb and you talked in your testimony about the $2.5 million, any other corridor picked over that, then , are you saying that the City of Eagle if another corridor was picked, then they should pay that difference, that's it? Yes, in essence.There was a question of Mr. Sikes relating to route option No.3 by Commissioner Smith asking about the goodwill incentive and basically that identification of $340,000 while termed goodwill here might in regular terminology be considered a betterment or an improvement to the system that somewhat subj ect to judgment. In this particular instance, Mr. Sikes has identified two routes that are $2.5 million or are estimated to be $2.5 million and the third route with some addi tional costs of undergrounding could theoretically be viewed as betterment on the system; however, as Commissioner Smith suggested in her response to Mr. Sikes, we recognize that that sort of a betterment determination is at risk of not being rate based and not being viewed as prudent, so there is some judgment that goes into the negotiations and the determination of what that appropriate level of investment would be. Thank you.That'COMMISSIONER HANSEN: all I have. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho SAID (Com) Idaho Power Company 132 83676 questions? COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:Further Commissioner Smi th. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho So you anticipated my question which was going to start with you know the difference between above the line and below the line? I do. So you would try for above recognizing that it might end up below? Tha t 's correct. All right.The Company I would say almost always is probably in some phase of constructing transmission somewhere in its service area; is that That's true. And so you have an idea of about what Yes. And when you determine these costs, then is it even necessary to think about some broader economic benefit or impact of anyone anywhere? I don't believe that that's normally a correct? should cost? 133 SAID (Com) Idaho Power Company83676 course of action taken by the Company. So you're looking at the costs of constructing your physical plant in order to carry out your statutory mandate which is to provide service that is adequate, safe and in all respects just and reasonable? Tha t 's correct. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you Mr. Cha i rman . COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Let's move now to redirect. MS. MOEN:I have no redirect questions. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Right answer. Well, it's now five minutes after 12:00 o'clock. would be our intent to take a lunch break and come back at 1:15.It's also , I think , just in terms of where we're headed, we'll be looking at putting on the City of Eagle's witnesses next, both direct and the rebuttal testimony that we mentioned earlier , then we would move to Mr. Squyres and your witness and then go to Staff. Staff at that point after your direct, we can have a discussion about any live rebuttal you may want to do and what your preference is and then it would be the intent to move to Idaho Power with its rebuttal witness, so we'll go off the record and we'll come back at 1: 15 and CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 134 SAID (Com) I daho Power Company83676 Mr. Said , thank you for your testimony. THE WITNESS:Thank you. (The wi tness left the stand. (Noon recess. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 135 SAID (Corn) I daho Power Company83676