HomeMy WebLinkAbout200405252nd Response of ID Power to Staff.pdfBARTON L. KLINE ISB #1526 MONICA B. MOEN ISB #5734 Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Phone: (208) 388-2692 FAX: (208) 388-6936 Ir- ., ,~ ~ "* . \\L..v L .... !! r-pr iLLJ r7tL:J I) !Iflb \"AV 1) " 5: 0 LHUI f n i '- ;,) ;; Uf3LIC UT i L 11~ I t~- COt1M i SSlOH Attorneys for Idaho Power Company 1221 West daho Street Boise , Idaho 83702 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IDAHO POWER COMPANY Complainant CITY OF EAGLE , IDAHO, Respondent. CASE NO~ IPC-04- IDAHO POWER COMPANY' RESPONSE TO SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW, Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "the Company and, in response to the Second Production Requests of the Commission Staff dated May 10, 2004 , herewith submits the following information: REQUEST NO. 11: Company witness Sikes describes in his testimony on pages 8 and 9 how Idaho Power Company formed a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) "to assist the Company in evaluating potential routes and in identifying important criteria for selecting the eventual preferred route. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF Page Please provide a list of CAC members and the stakeholders they represented. Please describe how CAC members were recruited , and provide any information/documentation used to solicit participation by local representatives such as notices , fliers or direct mailings. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 11: (a) The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) was comprised of interested residents of the study area. The CAC Members were: Terry Steach Nancy Arnell Reed Teuscher Lauren Friedman G rant Ragsdale Saundra McDavid Richie & Kathy Catherine Hepner Thomoson Bryant Peck Vickie Purdy April Erickson Karen Johnson Cheryl Preston Kevin Wheelock (b)Please refer to the documents attached hereto as Attachment 11 (b). The Response to this Request was prepared by Marc Patterson , Project Manager Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica B. Moen , Attorney for Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 12: Please provide an attendance list and any meeting minutes, reports, or other information generated as a result of the four CAC meetings described in Mr. Sike s testimony on page 8. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 12: Please refer to the documents attached hereto as Attachment 12. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF Page 2 The Response to this Request was prepared by Marc Patterson , Project Manager, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica B. Moen , Attorney for Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 13: Please describe any other circumstances where, at the request or order of a city or county government, the Company materially modified an original electric facility project design , at higher cost, to accommodate aesthetic concerns without surcharging local resident. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 13: Conditional Use Permits (CUP) issued by various city and county governments when applicable, may contain requirements for additional landscaping or other modifications as conditions of approval. Typically, conditions have been required for substation site developments and normally include screening and landscape design, which do not materially alter the total project costs. Recently, however, construction of the Joplin Substation , located near the intersection of Cloverdale Road and Chinden Boulevard , required the construction of a solid wall along two sides of the station yard as a condition of approval of that CUP application. This modification for visual screening increased the project costs approximately $125 000. The Ada County Planning and Zoning Commission denied an application for a CUP for a proposed substation near Victory Road and Locust Grove Road. The subsequent relocation of the substation to the Stoddard site located southwest of Meridian caused an net increase in project costs of approximately $910 000; not all of those costs were attributed to the relocation , however. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF Page 3 Relocation of the substation required that an additional 1.6 miles of 138 kV transmission be constructed to connect the new substation. Because the resulting alignment occurred along Overland Road , a major traffic arterial through commercial areas , instead of the proposed configuration on Victory Road , the Company elected to construct the line so that it was capable of accommodating a future double-circuit. The original design along Victory Road was designed for single-circuit construction with an additional line section to be built south on Locust Grove Road at a future date. Therefore, a portion of the net cost increase was directly related to the Company decision to construct the line for a future double-circuit along the Overland Road corridor to avoid additional future construction on a different route. The Response to this Request was prepared by "Kip" David L. Sikes , P. E. Distribution Planning Team Leader, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Monica B. Moen, Attorney for Idaho Power Company. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this 24th day of May 2004. ~ (8, MONICA B. MOEN Attorney for Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF Page 4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 24th day of May, 2004 , I served true and correct copies of the above and foregoing IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF to the following parties: Donald L. Howell , " Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise , Idaho 83720-0074 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Susan Buxton Moore Smith 225 N. 9th Street, Suite 420 Boise , Idaho 83702 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX City of Eagle O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX f;- MONICA B. MOEN CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ~'r-. I EO ' t. . . \". . . . L;;J F II F"n , "..- ,,- .._ ""'~.fH ~. ~ ....~ . . 1. IJJUl! 1'1% 1 .. 4 .. 11 : .'. . itJ ;10 UTILiTIES COr"'lf1JSSION IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE NO. IPC- E-O4- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST COMMISSION STAFF TT A CHMENT TO RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. Jo i n Us a t O U f O p e n Ho u s e . Sh a r e yo u r i d e a s a n d h e l p d e t e r m i n e t h e b e s t r o u t e fo r a n e w 1 3 8 , OO O ' v o l t s u b ~ t r a n s m i s s i o n l i n e pl a n n e d to r u n b e t w e e n t h e E a g l e ar e a a n d S t a r S u b s t a t i o n . Al t e r n a t i v e l i n e r o u t e s w i l l be p r e s e n t e d w i t h i n t h e ar e a n o t e d i n t h e m a p be l o w . I f y o u l i v e w i t h i n t h e ar e a , y o u r i n p u t i s i m p o r t a n t . Le a r n w h y th i s l i n e i s ne c e s s a r y t o m e e t e x i s t i n g an d f u t u r e e l e c t r i c a l n e e d s o f t h e Tr e a s u r e V a l l e y . Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t w w w . id a h o p o w e r . co m . At t e n d an i n f o r m a l O p e n H o u s e : We d n e s d a y , M a r c h 6 5 t o 7 p . Ea g l e H i g h S c h o o l C a f e t e r i a 57 4 N . P a r k L a n e Ea g l e , i l l Qu e s t i o n s ? C o n t a c t I d a h o P o w e r r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s : Ma r c P a t t e r s o n 3 8 8 ~ 27 1 2 La y n e D o d s o n a t 3 8 8 ~ 64 7 7 An I D A C O R P C o m p a n y En e r g y a n d E x p e r i e n c e W o r k i n g f o r Y o u . Be a c o n L ig h t R o a d II I .. . J...el l FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 22 2002 Lynette Berriochoa (208) 388-2460 Iberriochoa~idahopower.com Open House Scheduled for Eagle-Star Power Line Project EAGLE - Idaho Power is hosting a public open house on Wednesday, March 6 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Eagle High School, 574 N. Park Lane in Eagle , to share information on a proposed sub-transmission line. As the valley grows, so does our system and we are hoping that Eagle and Star residents will join us to learn about the project and provide feedback that will help us identify a route for this new line " said Project Manager Marc Patterson. The 138,000-volt (138-kV) line will originate from an existing source in Eagle and run approximately 6 to 10 miles to the west, and tie into a planned substation in Star near the corner of Plummer Lane and Hwy. 44. We have an existing 138-kV line coming into Eagle from the east that we need to extend to the west, and there are a few different routes we could take," said Patterson. "Our goal at this open house is to display what we have and where we need to be, and get feedback from the public on ways to do it" Information will be available at the open house on the project need, alternative routes , design and construction of the project, and more. Patterson said that Idaho Power also will be forming a community advisory committee and will be asking for participants at the open house. "We utilized a community advisory committee on the Caldwell-Locust project and they were successful in identifying an reviewing alternative routes and making a suggestion to the project team for the final route. . Idaho Power planning engineers anticipate a growth rate of approximately two percent throughout the company s service area. They monitor growth and project when and where electric load growth will occur. Based on those projections, Idaho Power together with local jurisdictions and customers, devises a construction strategy that stays ahead of the growth curve. The company invests about $40 million annually in distribution, transmission , and substation projects related to growth and customer need. ### 8Sl Star Substation and Sub-Transmission Line Project Fact Sheet An IDACORP Company Project Need Star Area has experienced steady growth in the last ten years and is continuing to grow. This growth has resulted in significant increases in electricity usage within the Star Area that has severely strained Idaho Power Company s existing electric facilities. In order to continue to provide reliable electric service to Star Area customers, and to meet existing and future electrical capacity needs Idaho Power Company plans to construct a new distribution substation and 138 000-volt (138-kV) sub- transmission line. The fIrst phase of planning identified service requirements for the future of the area and was completed in 1999. The second phase of planning which provided plans for development of the facilities needed to properly serve that growth was completed in 2000. This project is the result of those activities. Star Substation Sub-Transmission Line Project Description Star Substation is to be located east of the City Star, between Plummer Lane and Highway 16. The substation site is set back 625 feet north of Highway 44. Initially, the substation will have one transformer and associated switchgear. Ultimate build-out of the substation would be two substation transformers and switchgear and up to 8 distribution feeders to serve the area customers. A single pole, single circuit 138-kV sub-transmission line is to be constructed to supply the new distribution station. The line will originate in the Eagle area. The sub-transmission line route will be decided by utilizing public input. The new sub-transmission line from Eagle to Star will eventually become an alternative source to the Eagle substation. Once the additional source to Eagle is complete, it will improve operations and reliability of the Eagle substation. Project Schedule -- Star SubstationSite selection Jan. 2001 - Jun. 2001 Conditional Use Permit Oct. 2001 - July 2002 Station Construction Feb. 2004 - June 2004 Station in Service June 2004 Details -- Star Sub- Transmission Line Approximate length: 5.0 miles Structure type: Steel pole, single circuit Structure heights: 70' - 85' Structure spacing: 300' - 350' Project Schedule Star Sub-Transmission Line Route selection Oct. 2001 - Nov. 2002 Survey and engineering Jan. 2003 - Oct. 2003Permitting Feb. 2003 - June 2003 Right-of-way acquisition May 2003 - Dec. 2003 Construction Mar.2004 - May 2004Line in service June 2004 Route Selection Process for the New Line Idaho Power will use a public input process to aid in the selection of the route for the new sub-transmission line. Community Advisory Committee (CAC) will be formed to help identify routing criteria and issues of concern regarding siting of the line. The CAC will consist of individuals from affected local communities, organizations, and agencies. Idaho Power will facilitate the CAC and line routing study. The general process for selection of the preferred sub- transmission line route is as follows: 1. Data Collection Preliminary Routing - Based upon CAC input, a set of alternative line routes and associated routing criteria will be developed; The appropriate data will then be collected. 2. Suggestions for a Preferred Line Route - The CAC will review the public input from the open house and evaluate the line study data. The CAC will then provide input and suggestions to IPC for a preferred line route. 3. Selection of the Preferred Line Route - Idaho Power will evaluate the suggestion~ from the CAC and will then select the preferred sub-transmission line route. Where possible, existing line ,routes and facilities will be used to minimize new line impacts. It is desired to have the selection made by July 2002. Questions? Comments? If you have questions about the project, or have information you wish to be considered, please contact: Marc Patterson, Project Manager Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 Phone: 388-2712 MarcP atterson~idahopower. com e-mail: MarcPatterson(tpjdahopower.com Layne Dodson, Community Relations Rep. Idaho Power Company POBox Boise, ID 83707 Phone: 388-6477 e-mail: ldodson~idahopower.com 7/19/02 Eagle-Star Sub-transmission Line Project Q&A Why does Idaho Power Conlpany need to build the Star Substation and the sub- transmission line? Western Ada County has experienced steady growth in the last twenty years and is continuing to grow. This growth has resulted in significant increases in electricity usage in the Eagle and Star areas, straining Idaho Power Company existing electric facilities. In order to continue to provide reliable electric service to area customers, and to meet existing and future electrical capacity needs, Idaho Power Company plans to construct a new distribution substation and 138 000 volt (138-kV) sub-transmission line. The new station is needed because of increased demand for electricity in this area. Why was this substation location selected? Many factors are considered when siting a substation facility. The company considers load proximity, growth patterns, load growth, access to transmission and distribution lines, public concern, site preparation, transportation access, cost zoning, security, environmental impact, system reliability and voltage regulation. Where possible, the company tries to locate in areas that minimize the impact on residential and prime agricultural areas. The proposed site for Star Substation is within an area that has been proposed for commercial and light industrial uses. Where will the sub-transmission line be located? Idaho Power is holding a public open house and will be convening a community advisory committee to help determine a preferred route. The study area extends from the Boise River north to Floating Feather Road and from Hwy 55 west to Plummer Lane. Based on public input and the Citizens Advisory Committee process, Idaho Power plans to identify and announce a preferred route by the end of this year. Will the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) select the line route? The CAC's responsibility is to review the line route options, the relevant data, and then provide a preferred line route selection to Idaho Power Company. Idaho Power Company then makes the final line route selection. Page 1 of 4 Eagle-Star Sub-transmission Line Project Q&A Why can t the existing lines be used for this project? The existing sub-transmission line from Eagle to Star is not adequate for the proposed voltage and designed loading of the sub-transmission line. However the existing line route is one of several options being considered. What will the sub-transmission line look like? The single-pole line will be constructed to accommodate one 138-kV sub- transmission circuit as well as distribution circuits underneath to serve local customers. The height of the poles will be approximately 70' to 80', and the poles will be spaced about 300 feet apart. How much Right-Of- Way will be needed for the line? A 138kV sub-transmission line requires about 50 feet of right-of-way. However when the line is built along a public road, the line can be constructed either entirely in road right-of-way or partially in road right-of-way and partially in a private easement right-of-way. Why must the electricity source for the Star Substation come from the east? Other sub-transmission sources were initially considered for the Star Substation but those routes were significantly longer and therefore not cost effective when compared to building a line from the Eagle area. In addition, the line from Eagle fits into the long-range plan to provide a second electricity path to Eagle, thus . improving reliability in the area. How does this line help Eagle? The line from Eagle to Star will be extended in the future to connect to another electric source, creating a loop. This is part of the long-range plan to bring two electric sources to each of Idaho Power s substation. At that time, Eagle will have an alternate source rather than the single source it has now. The second source will provide a backup and will improve the reliability of the station s operation. Will the new Garnett generation plant be able to provide the power needed for Star? Ida- West's Garnett generating facility will supply power to Idaho Power s electric transmission system, along with power produced at our hydroelectric and coal- fired facilities and other power we purchase through the energy market. The Page 2 of 4 ... Eagle-Star Sub-transmission Line Project Q&A complex system of transmission lines, sub-transmission lines, substations, and distribution lines that are operated by Idaho Power sends the energy from all those sources safely into the businesses and homes of our customers. In order to meet increasing load requirements, new lines and substations must continue to be constructed to get that power where it is needed. The new line and substation into the Star community will be part of that complex system and will supply power to customers from all of Idaho Power s electricity sources. Can you construct the sub-transmission line underground? Idaho Power Company currently does not own or operate any underground transmission facilities. Although an effort is made to keep abreast of developing technology and to include it as an option when designing new transmission facilities, engineering and operating experience is very limited. At present, we have no mechanism to respond to requests for underground transmission; it is a non-standard service. When a situation arises that requires further consideration of underground transmission, special rules will have to be developed to provide the service on a basis that is fair and equitable to all customers. Our company is regulated for overhead lines only. This means that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission considers overhead line construction costs as reasonable and adequate, but requestors of underground lines must bear the additional costs, typically four to seven times that of equivalent overhead facilities. Are there any health risks associated with the sub-transmission line? Electricity and electric appliances and devices are constant and ever-present companions to our daily lives. Wherever electricity is used, it is accompanied by electric and magnetic fields (EMF). EMF is a natural phenomenon where invisible lines of force exist whenever electricity flows through a conductor such as house wiring, electric transmission and distribution lines, appliances and motors. For a number of years, there has been public concern over the possible impacts EMF could have on human health. Some studies have shown a statistical association between EMF and certain diseases, while other studies have failed to show this relationship. Ongoing research into EMF has detected no cause-and- effect relationship between EMF and disease. While EMF can produce biological effects, it is still unclear whether these effects are of any consequence to human health. Idaho Power is committed to addressing EMF concerns among its customers and is continuing to monitor the scientific and regulatory developments surrounding the EMF issue. The company, through its membership in the Edison Electric Institute, is helping to fund continuing EMF research. Page 3 of 4 Eagle-Star Sub-transmission Line Project Q&A It is important to note that in 1997 the National Academy of Sciences stated that after 17 years of research encompassing more than 500 studies, there is no conclusive evidence that electromagnetic fields playa role in the development of cancer, reproductive and developmental abnonnalities, or learning and behavioral problems. In 1999 the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences concluded that the evidence of a risk of cancer and other human disease from the electric and magnetic fields around power lines is "weak." Although such findings alleviate concerns over health threats from EMF, research continues. Idaho Power is working hard to stay infonned on EMF-related developments. Idaho Power maintains a library of publications relevant to EMF research legislation and related issues. This infonnation is accessible to Idaho Power customers and employees and other interested parties wishing to review it. To supplement this infonnation, Idaho Power will take measurements of magnetic field levels at customers' homes and businesses upon their request. Idaho Power provides this service to assist customers in gaining specific infonnation on EMF. For those customers with concerns specific to Idaho Power facilities, company representatives will communicate directly with the customer and provide requested on-site measurements of the EMF levels associated with the facilities. Idaho Power will consider EMF levels in the design and siting of new transmission lines. Will this affect my property value? There are many factors that contribute to the value of property. There are few studies available that try to measure the impact of transmission lines on residential property values. One of the most comprehensive studies by Steven C. Bottemiller, James M. Cahill and J.R. Cowger was published in the July/August 2000 issue of Right of Way magazine. Using paired sales in three metropolitan areas in the Pacific Northwest, analysis of the sales data indicates that high- voltage transmission lines had minimal impacts on residential property values in these areas. What is the schedule for the project? Pennit applications for the line route will be submitted in early 2003. Surveying and design work also will begin early next year and will continue through next summer and fall. Construction will begin in spring 2004 on both the substation and the sub-transmission line and they should be in service by June 2004. Page 4 of 4 DARK ILLUSTRATION NOT SCANNABLE SEE CASE FILE This questionnaire is designed to help identify issues related to the route selection for the proposed 138 OOO-volt overhead sub-transmission line from the Eagle area to the Star Substation. Your answers will assist the study team in understanding public interests and concerns and will allow the team to incorporate this information in the route selection process. Please complete this questionnaire after you have reviewed the information presented in the open house today. Thank you for your input. PROJECT NEED1. Do you believe the need for this transmission line has been explained adequately?Yes No Uncertain If No or Uncertain, what additional infonnation would be helpful to you? LINE ROUTING CONSIDERATIONS 2. The routing of a transmission line involves many considerations. Please mark an X next to your top three (3) factors for routing the line. Minimize the number of residences within 150 of the line Minimize the number of businesses within 150 of the line Minimize the total line length Utilize existing transportation corridors Minimize the trimming or removal of mature trees Minimize the total cost of the line Other Other If you would like to comment further on any of the above factors, or identify any other factors that you feel should be considered, please use the space below and/or on page 3. The route alternatives cross several land use types and follow different land use features. Please rate the acceptability of a transmission line in respect to each of the following locations from I (preferable) to 3 (unacceptable). Circle the appropriate number for each location.Location Preferable Acceptable Unacceptable Along county roads Along state or U.S. highways Along city streets Along existing line routes If you have a concern with a particular transmission line segment(s) shown on the display of alternative routes and on the map in this questionnaire, please indicate the segment number and describe your concern. Segment No.Concern ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Which of the following applies to your situation? a. Potential line route is near my home. b. Potential line route is near my business. c. Other, please specify Do you believe the public open house fonnat and the infonnation provided was helpful for your understanding of the project? Open House F onnat: Infonnation Provided: Yes Yes Name Phone Address e-mail Would you like to participate in the Community Advisory Committee? If so, please provide the above infonnation so we may contact you. Yes We value your input! After completing this questionnaire, please leave it in the box provided. If you need to take it with you, please mail it to: Marc Patterson Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 ./ ' " ,- ' -- - ' , " .. . ' ! \ " I' I , . ; ' -- , . , I I \ . : ' I ' .I a ! i . b t " , . . . " " A; , - - - " .. . " I , s . e A e , O . n , LJ " ' - ' -- - 1 i ' .; 1 : ' "C I (, , , '" : , ' ~; ( 11 : , 1: ' a= ' , ' .. a :a , // " . . " "" " , " " " " . , I , : , , ;.: ; / ... . as ,w . . . . . . " W , I! ' 8 , - .. . . . v' , " ~ WI , .. . ' ", , - ' " ,' j " ( ", ~ CD , - ' ; a s " .. " ", , , .. . i I \ . 11 1 O k \ \ , , ): ' t - " ca :i " l: 1 l : I W , ) \ -- " "" ' " " .; . ; . ( ' ~ - - - - "" \ \, : \ ~ ' i'C ' th e , ~" - -; - , " . ~~ ~ ~ "i ~ , I,' ~ : ;\ . , : t :~ 1 ~r; - : ; ; i .i ' ~~ : ' , : ' 1 ' f, - . . . . I; I . . . . ~ a' l r i tl n f:" ~I ~ ~ "- " - w . " " I \ I " " "" ' f " " " "" \ f~ J . t" " i1 I 11 " "" ' - ' - - - - "" " " " ; - " ' -- - - ' ~'_ .." " ~ . . " . 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"" " - ; I, . . f: , " " :. ; " : ' : ' 5 ' : : ; - " ::' ." : ' Ea g l e St a r S u b - tr a n s m i s s i o n L i n e S t u d y \ r e a Nu m b e r s r e p r e s e n t s e g m e n t s of t h e po w e r l i n e fo r c o n s i d e r a t i o n General guidelines for selecting the CAC members Limit total number of members to 15. No more than 1 from any single subdivision. Select members along the route in a manor that covers the route and emphasizes those areas with more residences impacted. The plan will be: A. Select 1 from Star area. B. Select 2 from downtown Eagle. C. Select 5 along Highway 44/State Street. D. Select 7 along Floating Feather. Select specific volunteers to meet the rules as follows. A. The person suggested by the Star City Council to represent the Star area. B. The persons suggested by the Eagle City Council or Eagle Mayor to represent downtown Eagle. C. One from each of the following groups to represent Highway 44/State Street. a. Questionnaire b. Questionnaire 15 c. Questionnaire d. Questionnaire 6 or 7 or 63e. Questionnaire 14 D. One from each of the following groups to represent Floating Feather.a. Questionnaire 8 b. Questionnaire c. Questionnaire 3 or 17d. Questionnaire 13 or 23e. Questionnaire 22 or 10 or f. Questionnaire 1 or 12 g. Questionnaire 20 or 9 or 99 or 100 or 5 LARGE MAP NOT SCANNABLE SEE CASE FILE Phone discussion The CAC is for: You filled out a questionnaire either during or after the Wed. March 6 open house and volunteered to be considered for the Community Advisory Committee 1. Wanted to verify that you are still interested in helping on the committee Eagle to Star sub-transmission line Plan to complete the committee in three meetings First meeting is planned for April 3rd at 5:30 pm 1. Will last for about 2 to 3 hours 2. Includes dinner Second Meeting is planned for April 24th & 3rd meeting will be about 3 weeks after that. Area ;;z J~J.l ~! 9JjJ~Jf~jg~Kt;1it;\;iM?;: %&~~ ~~f;f%?) 0~I~)~lJ": %::.Wc'f ~'i ':!$ ~yi(l,'!N ,b~ !~~t':t::l~ ~ 1+ 1" j~:1~;:7 iJt:t j ! I: .~ t!:! ~i.p~t~ql g 9 ;ij;~f;; r;p;;Yf! i ;;)~f Y\; i)'' Y' : ;,~~;;; i!2);~:x:t?(;qi:~;;i;/' :; fMti4;:, ;i::. j, B. The persons suggested by the Eagle City Council or Eagle Mayor to represent downtown ii~ iiif!~l~1i~I~lijl~;:Jeff Schroeder 938-9549 Dennis Colton 939-2009 LM 3/18/02 4:40 Carey Wolfe 938-4923 xxxxxxx , ,~~: . ::4~.E n~j1i~J,/i;i;~ ?~4~~~~.f1, ':' ~2pJmmi ~~~ (~~F~Y ~m~ il'; , Arlene Pierce 938-5429 xxxxxxx;:; Paul Pierce 938-5429 xxxxxxx ~$tR~ViJM~Q~~JI~~9.I;~fu~' ILED r7\ t;,r:= I \It:"' ~ ' . V L. ' . \... r, r::,rc lJ" "~" ,.,L,t Lutr~ t1C. 4 ft ";" lJTIL E~) d~i~l~i~slo~ IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE NO. IPC- E-O4- SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST COMMISSION STAFF TT A CHMENT TO RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. March 21 , 2002 Dear Community Advisory Committee Member: Subject: Eagle to Star Sub-Transmission Line Project First of all, let me express my thanks to you for taking the time to participate on the Eagle to Star Sub- transmission line Community Advisory Committee (CAC). The first CAC meeting will be held on Aprilrd from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Eagle Senior Center. At this initial meeting we will review the project and begin the process of determining which issues are most relevant and important to consider in selecting the preferred line route. The meeting agenda is listed below. We will start the meeting at 5:30, but will then take a break at 6:30 to eat dinner. My goal is to be done by 7:30 , but I have allowed time for questions at the end of the agenda, which may push the end of the meeting to 8:00. AGENDA CAC Meeting Number Eagle to Star Sub-Transmission Project Welcome and introductions - Marc Patterson Opening comments- Marc Patterson Objectives and ground rules for CAC - Layne Dodson Overview of Basic Power System - Marc Patterson Description and need for project - Marc Patterson Study area and preliminary routes - Jeff Lincoln CAC members identify top three criteria for route selection Set date for next meeting (April 24 Questions Sincerely, Marc Patterson, P. Project Manager Idaho Power Company Eagle - Star Transmission Project Meeting # 1 of the Community Advisory Committee April 3 , 2002 Meeting Notes CAC Members Present: Cheryl Preston, Karen Johnson, April Erickson, Bryant Peck Catherine Hepner, Kathy Thompson, Saundra McDavid, Grant Ragsdale, Lauren Friedman, Reed Teuscher, Dennis Baker, Nancy Amell, Vickie Purdy, and Terry Steach. IPCo: Marc Patterson, Jeff Lincoln, Layne Dodson, and Kirsten Casterline Welcome & Introductions - Layne Dodson Handouts: Hard Copy of Power Point Presentation Route Map Questi onnaire Opening Comments Marc Patterson Discussed the need for public input. Objectives and Ground Rules for CAC - Layne Dodson Discussed the CAC's objective with a Power Point presentation. Discussed the need for the new line and Idaho Power Company s route criteria. Overview of Basic Power System Marc Patterson Q: Where is the distribution line located on the pole? A: The static wire is located at the top of the pole, then the sub-transmission line, and finally the distribution line. Q: Will the existing distribution poles remain or added to the new poles? A: Steel transmission poles will replace either the wood poles or the steel poles will be located on the opposite side of the existing distribution. Q: Are taller poles safer? A: Codes have been established based on the voltage. The higher the voltage is the higher the pole is required to be. Q: How does EMF affect us? A: According to researchers, there are no known health risks associated with EMFs. Q: Do additional substations add more protection against surges? A: In general, an additional substation will not impact any surges that are experienced on the sub-transmission system. However, for outages initiated on the distribution system, the additional feeders from the new substation will reduce the exposure to them. Q: Why can t IPCo put this line underground? A: The Public Utility Commission (PUC) regulates IPCo as an overhead utility. When a customer requests underground service, and IPCo can supply adequate overhead power the custOlner is responsible for the difference. To date, Idaho Power does not have transmission or sub-transmission lines underground. Break for Dinner 6:30 Study Area and Prelitninary Routes & Design Criteria - Jeff Lincoln Q: What area does Right of Way (ROW) cover? A: ROW does not only cover the ground area but also the space sun-ounding the line. Taller poles may be required to accommodate larger objects, such as buildings. Q: How do 90-degree angles affect the line? A: The larger the angle of the line the more stress is put on the poles. The pole size must be increased to support itself. Q: What is the average pole size for this project? A: The circumference of the average pole size for this project is approximately 66 inches. Q: How does vertical angle affect the poles? A: V erticalload does not have a big impact on the pole. Q: Can structures cross the highway? A: IPCo may obtain a pennit to cross the highway. The structures will need to be stronger. Marc passed out the survey. Project survey was completed by the committee and collected by IPCo. Action Item: Supply data on underground and repair costs Marc Adjourned: 8:30pm April 16, 2002 Dear Community Advisory Committee Member: Subject: Eagle to Star Sub-Transmission Line Project The first Eagle to Star Sub-transmission line Community Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting was held on April 3rd from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Eagle Senior Center. The notes for that meeting are included with this letter. The second CAC meeting is scheduled for April 24th at the same time and location and will include a review of the proposed routes. The meeting agenda is listed below. We will start the meeting at 5:30, and are planning a bus ride along the proposed routes at the beginning of the meeting so it will be important that you arrive on time. As at the last meeting, we will provide dinner during the meeting for the CAC members. AGENDA CAC Meeting Number 2 April 24, 2002 Eagle to Star Sub-Transmission Project 5:30pm 5:35pm 5:40pm 5:45pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:40pm 7:50pm 8:00pm Welcome & Introductions - Layne Review CAC Purpose - Layne Review Route Map - Jeff Bus Ride - All Return to Center for Dinner Underground Cost Estimate - Jeff Questions & Comments on Routing Criteria - Marc Survey Results & Route Selection - Marc Set Date for Next Meeting; Meeting Adjourned Sincerely, Marc Patterson, P. Project Manager Idaho Power Company Eagle - Star Transmission Project Meeting #2 of the Community Advisory Committee April 24, 2002 Meeting Notes CAC Members Present: Cheryl Preston, April Erickson, Catherine Hepner, Kathy Thompson, Saundra McDavid, Lauren Friedman, Reed Teuscher, Terry Steach, Kevin Wheelock, and Phil Bandy. IPCo: Marc Patterson, Jeff Lincoln, Layne Dodson, and Kirsten Casterline Review CAC Purpose - Layne Dodson Handouts: Hard Copy of Power Point Presentation Survey Results Underground Sub-Transmission Labor and Material Cost Estimate Review Route Map - Jeff Lincoln Bus Ride Along All Proposed Routes - Jeff Lincoln Looked at existing 138kV line along State Street. Observed proximity to residences and line angles. Observed existing facilities and potential conflicts. Discussed the new line and Idaho Power Company s route criteria. Break for Dinner Underground Subtransmission Cost Estimates - Jeff Lincoln - Reviewed cost estimate for approximately one mile of underground construction for the new 138kV line. Open Discussion on Survey Results and Route Selection - Layne Dodson, Marc Patterson, and Jeff Lincoln The top survey result concern was residential impact. Discussed dropping the Floating Feather segments from consideration. Discussed cost differences for the by-pass and highway 44 route depending on north or south side alignment. Discussed right of way issues along the by-pass. Suggested considerations: 1. Some areas already have multiple lines; so don t impact a new area. 2. Place line along State Street through Eagle. 3. Build the line underground along by-pass then overhead the rest of the way to Star. Action Item: Determine cost differences for the route alternatives - Jeff Lincoln May 15, 2002 Dear Community Advisory Committee Member: Subject: Eagle to Star Sub-Transmission Line Project The second Eagle to Star Sub-transmission line Community Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting was held on April 24 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Eagle Senior Center. The notes for that meeting are included with this letter. The third CAC meeting is scheduled for May 15 at the same time and location. The meeting will include a review of data to be collected for line route segments and discussion on the remaining route options. The meeting agenda is listed below. We will start at 5:30. As at the last meeting, we will provide dinner during the meeting for the CAC members. AGENDA CAC Meeting Number Three May 22, 2002 Eagle to Star Sub-Transmission Project 5:30pm 5:35pm 5:55pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm Welcome & Introductions - Layne Recap Last Meeting - Layne Discuss Data Collection for Line Segments - Marc Dinner - All Discuss Remaining Route Options - Layne Meeting Adjourned Sincerely, MarcPatterson, P. Project Manager Idaho Power Company Eagle - Star Transmission Project Meeting #3 of the Community Advisory Committee May 22, 2002 Meeting Notes CAC Men1bers Present: Cheryl Preston, April Erickson, Catherine Hepner, Kathy Thompson, Saundra McDavid, Lauren Friedman, Reed Teuscher, TeITY Steach, Kevin Wheelock, and BaITY Burnell. IPCo: Marc Patterson, Jeff Lincoln, Layne Dodson, and Kirsten Casterline Recap Last Meeting - Layne Dodson Handouts: Hard Copy of Power Point Presentation Open House Questionnaire Results Discuss Data to be collected for Line Segments Marc Patterson The two routes to be reviewed are the Hwy 44 route and the State Street route. IPCo will release the colnmittee member s names at the next public open house. The CAC top three criteria for route selection: Minimize residential impact Use of existing routes Minimize length Action Item: Marc will bring comments related to this project from the IPCo web site to the committee. Discuss Remaining Route Options - Layne Dodson In order to detennine the route, the following data will be collected for route criteria: Tree count 50-foot span (impact, removal, & trimming) Existing ROW House count 300ft. from edge of ROW Count of residential , agricultural, commercial , and industrial (in order of importance to avoid). Segment construction cost estimates Look at route of segments 3 , 7 12 (3 West and 7 South, the rest following existing line route) Eliminate segment 2 (ROW issues). Action Item: When the routes are presented to the City Council, IPCo will make a note to the council that the committee majority was in favor of underground transmission on segment 1 but felt that it was cost prohibitive. Adjourned 8 :00 p. Eagle - Star Transmission Project Meeting #4 of the Community Advisory Committee June 12, 2002 Meeting Notes CAC Members Present: Cheryl Preston, April Erickson, Catherine Hepner, Reed Teuscher, TelTY Steach, Kevin Wheelock, and Barry Burnell. IPCo: Marc Patterson, Jeff Lincoln, Layne Dodson, and Kirsten Casterline Recap Last Meeting - Layne Dodson Handouts: Meeting Agenda Meeting Notes from OS/22/02 Hard Copy of Power Point Presentation Routing Process Route Selection: The committee reviewed the data collected for all the line route options. The data supports selecting the line route preferred by the committee. The selected route follows the bypass and Hwy 44. The powerline centerline will most likely be in the existing alignment where poles exist. Along the route where there are no poles the centerline has yet to be determined. Future Steps: 1. IPCo will send out a Neighborhood News letter informing the community of the progress made by the CAC, which will include the prefelTed transmission line route. 2. A second public open house will beheld and the committee member s names will be given to the public at that time. 3. IPCo will begin the jurisdictional process Action Item: Remove "but" from the statement regarding underground transmission for the City Council and rephrase request to clarify the committees concerns. Suggestions were received from Mr. Burnell, via email. When the routes are presented to the City Council, IPCo will note to the council that the committee majority was in favor of underground transmission on segment one; however the high cost of underground transmission and the lower prioritization ranking that resulted did not lead to selecting a route with this segment. Assuming Idaho Code would require the party requesting the underground transmission to pay for the cost difference between the overhead and underground costs, the committee did not feel empowered to make a recommendation to IPCo that might obligate the citizens of Eagle to higher power rates. Dinner Adjourned 7:00 p. DARK PAGES WITH CHARTS NOT SCANNABLE SEE CASE FILE