HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040329Public Hearing Payette.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC ORIGINALRECEiVED JJJUTILIrt~~D COMMI SS c--' Ulfli ~4 no llJuHUtn .11.1'110:03 . iL;""i;U iUGLiCIN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION oFUf/UTiES COf1r11SSIONIDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY ) CASE NO. IPC-E-O3-13TO INCREASE ITS INTERIM AND BASE . RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVI CE . BEFORE COMMISSIONER MARSHA SMITH (?residing) COMMIS SIONER PAUL KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER DENNIS HANSEN PLACE:Payette High School Auditorium 1500 6th Avenue South payet te, Idaho DATE:March 18, 2004 VOLUME V - Pages 336 - 344 ~mh CSB REpORTING Constance S. Bucy, CSR No. 187 17688 Allendale Road * Wilder, Idaho 83676 (208) 890-5198 * (208) 337-4807 Email csb~spro.net For the Staff:Lisa Nordstrom, Esq. Deputy Attorney General 472 West Washington Boise , Idaho 83720-0074 For Idaho Power Company:Monica B. Moen, Esq. Idaho Power Company Post Office Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 83676 APPEARANCES WITNESS EXAMINATION BY PAGE Gerald Schroder (Publ ic) Statement 338 Nancy Jordan (Public)339Statement CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho INDEX83676 PAYETTE , IDAHO, THURSDAY , MARCH 18, 2004 , 2:30 P. M. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.This is the time and place set for a hearing in Idaho Public Utilities Commission Case No. IPC-03-13, further identified as in the matter of the application of Idaho Power Company for authority to increase its interim and base rates and charges for electric service. The Idaho Public Utilities Commission is a three -member body.You have two of us here today. Commissioner Hansen may be on his way, we I re not sure. He had a medical matter in his family he had to attend to this morning.On my left is Commissioner Paul Kj ellander who is also the president of the Commission.My name is Marsha Smi th .I I m a Commissioner and Chairman of this hearing.We also have representatives from Idaho Power Company here. MS. MOEN:I I m Monica Moen.m an attorney at Idaho Power and with me at the table is Celeste Schwendiman if you may have any questions at the end of the session regarding any rate analysis. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you , and we also have an attorney from the Commission Staff. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 336 COLLOQUY83676 MS. NORDSTROM:Good afternoon.m Lisa Nordstrom, Deputy Attorney General , for the State of Idaho and I I m representing the Commission Staff. COMMISSIONER SMITH:As part of the Commission I S deliberation on the application of Idaho Power Company, we have extensive technical hearings in Boise, but we also come out and do public hearings so we can hear directly from the customers of Idaho Power and their concerns regarding the Company and this rate filing and that I s what we I re here to do today. I III call the names of those who have signed up to testify.You can come forward to the podium here in front of me.Commissioner Kj ellander will ask you to raise your right hand and will then swear you in and then you will be free to give your statement. Ms. Nordstrom will ask you your name to get you properly identified on the record. That's important because the decisions of the Commission can be appealed directly to the Idaho Supreme Court, so everything we decide must be based on the evidence and testimony that's presented to us during our hearing process so with that , we'll call Gerald Schroder.Mr. Schroder , you were previously sworn in this matter , so you do not need to be resworn. MR. SCHRODER:Thank you. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 337 COLLOQUY83676 GERALD SCHRODER, appearing as a public witness, having been previously duly sworn , resumed the stand and was further examined and testified as follows: THE WITNESS:Gerald Schroder, 15361 Griffin Lane , Caldwell , S-Members of the Commission , having appeared before you last evening in McCall , my expert testimony has not changed.In order to prevent repetition, if appropriate, may I submit that copy and have your permission to elaborate briefly to further substantiate our AARP position? COMMISSIONER SMITH:Please do. THE WITNESS:Two speakers from last evening when asked whether they were satisfied with Idaho Power s service readily indicated that they were satisfied , but added that they definitely desired to have that utility regulated and then they offered reasons and suggestions.AARP's prime concern being for citizens 50 and older , and especially those on the upper end of the age scale, we share the general sentiment referenced by those speakers last evening. In closing, I refer to recent legislative action regarding the QWEST deregulation , House Bill 502. We of AARP actively opposed that measure in the beginning CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 338 SCHRODER Public83676 and throughout the process.A main point of our opposition was we felt the need to maintain the regulation of a most necessity utility, that regulation as is provided by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Thank you again. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you , sir. Let I S see if there are any questions. MS. NORDSTROM:None from Staff. MS. MOEN:No questions. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you very much. (The witness left the stand. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Nancy Jordan. NANCY JORDAN appearing as a public witness, having been duly sworn was examined and testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MS. NORDSTROM: Good afternoon. Hi. Please state your name and spell your last name for the record. Nancy Jordan, J -o-r-a-n. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 339 JORDAN Public83676 What is your mailing address? Post Office Box 815 , Payette , Idaho 83661. Are you here today representing yourself or an organization? m representing myself. Thank you.Please proceed with your testimony. Some time ago I had written this and I was going to send it to the PUC, but I never did get it mailed, and I just put down here , phew , it stinks.Who pays them off?The water that generates most of the electrici ty in Idaho belongs to the people , not Idaho Powe r .Idaho Power claims it all.How can they pay such enormous wages and bonuses to a bunch of execs who are way overpaid to begin with. We the people should be able to put a ceiling on both wages and bonuses.You should be ashamed to break and put a hardship on so many people, and I' talking at that part about the farmers and those people that have to have water in order to have a crop.Many are out of work, single and on fixed incomes , yet you can waste electricity, buy new vehicles, which in every place that the Idaho Power is at , there I s hundreds of vehicles sitting there from pickups to vans to trucks , all -- a CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 340 JORDAN Public83676 lot of them not needed. At the very best to sit in fancy offices and charge for an extra - - and charge extra for a meter reader, just another way to fleece the people , yet di vidends seldom rise and get this , they cut dividends on common stock from $1.86 to $1.20.This was right here in this notice that I got from IDACORP that says on September 18th, 2003, the Companyl s board of directors reduced the annual dividend paid on IDACORP common stocks from $1.86 to $1., yet they want more, more money. The change will take effect with the dividend for the quarter ending October 31st, 2003, which has declared a $.30 per share - - was declared a $.30 per share.The dividend is payable December 1st, 2003 , to common stockholders of record on November 5th of 2003 and here I have a notice that they even want to charge you to send out your dividend, hello.You know , the S. Bank Corp., Piper Jaffray, at U.S. Bank Corp., Piper Jaffray, there are costs that we incur in the handling and administration of your accounts , Effective January 2003 , we will begin charging annual account fees for all of our accounts , including prime , standard and IRA accounts.Standard and IRA accounts will be charged an annual account fee of $50.00.Prime accounts will be charged an annual account fee of 125.These fees may be CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 341 JORDAN Public83676 waived depending upon the level of assets you hold at our firm. That I s just part of the letter , but I feel like you want raises, raises so your people can get more and more and more money and we don't get any more money. How do we get that money?Wages?People aren't working, how do we get that money?I feel like there's a time to call a halt, there's a time to call a halt to all of them , the waste that goes on in the offices , out in the field for pickups and trucks and stuff that they could get by another year with without raising them and when they start charging you to be their customer and it says customer fee , I feel like where else can we go?Who else can we get to do the electricity?Should we have somebody else come in and take it over?I don't know the answer , but I just feel like you have to call a halt to overcharging and to stop charging all that extra money. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Thank you.Let I S see if there are any questions for you. MS. NORDSTROM:None from Staff. MS. MOEN:No questions. COMMISSIONER SMITH:And we'd like to welcome Commissioner Hansen. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Thank you. COMMISSIONER SMITH:Actually, that's the CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 342 JORDAN Public83676 end of the list of people who have signed up to testify. If there is anyone in the audience who wishes to make a statement, we I d be happy to have you come forward at this time.People are not rushing the podium , in which case the Commission will note that that will conclude this hearing. Our hearings will take up at 9:30 , Monday, the 29th of March in the Commission Hearing Room for the technical part of the hearings and we will be adj ourned until that time.Thank you.Thank you for your attendance. (The Hearing recessed at 2: 45 p. m. CSB REPORTING Wilder , Idaho 343 COLLOQUY83676 This is to certify that the foregoing proceedings held in the matter of the application of Idaho Power Company for authority to increase its interim and base rates and charges for electric service, commencing at 2: 30 p. m., on Thursday, March 18, 2004 , at the Payette High School Auditorium, 1500 6th Avenue South , Payette , Idaho , is a true and correct transcript of said proceedings and the original thereof for the file of the Commission. S. BUCY Shorthand Reporter #1 \\\\111111111, .e.T AA.':"" ...' ~~ .,, \o.~ I ... ' 0 " """""" "" "~ (j -'" 4S""" :: -~ ~"'", -~ ~-.,, 10% c ;, ::: =- -= ~ ~ \ Go. ~ ~"\ -v)"(9L IC ... ~""",\""" ,". ,. IDA'" \ \ IIIIIIIIII \ \ \ \ CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 344 AUTHENTICATION83676