HomeMy WebLinkAbout200402164th Response of ID Power to Staff.pdfBARTON L. KLINE ISB #1526 MONICA B. MOEN ISB #5734 Idaho Power Company P. O. Box 70 Boise , Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-2682 FAX Telephone: (208) 388-6936 - ,. .. ~' :':'U fYl ..i F:ECEIVEO ...~," ,...,~,.... "" " '. (" lL:j~; t- c: I j fl 4" , , '-'. -'.. U: :L. ; : ,~ ::, CG;',:-i;3SiON Attorney for Idaho Power Company Street Address for Express Mail 1221 West Idaho Street Boise , Idaho 83702 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS INTERIM) AND BASE RATES AND CHARGES FORELECTRIC SERVICE. CASE NO. IPC-03- IDAHO POWER COMPANY' RESPONSE TO FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW, Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "the Company and in response to the Fourth Production Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power Company dated January 28 , 2004, herewith submits the following information: REQUEST NO. 87: In Case No. IPC-01-, Order NO. 28773, the order authorizing Idaho Power to proceed with the construction of the Danskin plant, the Commission stated that the information provided by Idaho Power was insufficient to determine the reasonableness of the costs for Danskin. Please provide any information that the Company believes can permit the Commission to judge the reasonableness of Danskin costs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF Page RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 87: In the Commission Findings section of Commission Order No. 28773, the Commission states "We are convinced that the volatility of the electric spot market created a situation that justified a deviation from the Company s 2000 IRP and its actions in developing plans for the Mountain Home Station." At the time the Commission issued Order No. 28773, the Commission had previously acknowledged the 2000 IRP that identified a least-cost resource plan consisting of three elements. First, the Company planned to continue making seasonal market purchases. Second , the Company planned to acquire a resource equivalent to a 250 MW SCCT beginning in 2004. Third , the Company planned to address the remaining deficiencies in its 2002 IRP. Because of the electric spot market volatility, the Commission found that a deviation from the 2000 IRP was justified. The deviation that the Company pursued was the acceleration of acquiring a SCCT resource. The combustion turbine acquisition investigation ultimately resulted in construction of the Danskin Power Plant. During Idaho Power s investigation of the turbine market, which was extremely tight during the energy crisis , at least 8 potential turbine providers were contacted and prices were obtained for 16 turbines. The Siemens Westinghouse (S/W) 251 B12', which Idaho Power ultimately purchased for Danskin , were selected based upon low cost on a $/kW basis and superior h~at rate. The turbine prices Idaho Power obtained are summarized in the attachments to this response. The S/W 251B12's were next compared to (1) a 10 year tolling agreement with Black Hills Energy Capital for 80 MW of generation in Glenns Ferry, and (2) the installation of General Electric LM6000 units. In both instances the present value of the IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF Page 2 fixed costs and the total costs were compared. This analysis is included in the attachments to this response. The results are summarized as follows: Option PV Fixed Costs PV Total Costs S/W 251 B12 LM6000 Contract $21.4M $25. $99. $137. $108. $265.4M In addition , several other alternatives proposed by Power Development Associates for a project they were proposing the in the Mountain Home area were also investigated. Details of that analysis are also included in the attachments to this response. The response to this request was prepared by Gregory W. Said, Director of Revenue Requirement, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 88: In Order No. 28773, the Commission also stated that Idaho Power provided no comparison of alternatives to Danskin and that there is no record as to whether other alternatives were also considered and rejected. Please list the costs of each alternative considered and provide copies of any analysis performed to compare the costs. Please demonstrate that Danskin was the least cost alternative. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 88: In its response to Request No. 87 the Company addresses the decision to proceed with a combustion turbine acquisition rather than pursue the other resource alternatives described in the 2000 IRP. The Response to Request No. 87 also explains the evaluation process the Company followed to confirm that the Danskin Project was the most cost effective SCCT choice. In addition to combustion turbines, in 2001 Idaho Power also considered (and IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF Page 3 implemented) a number of other supply-side and demand-side actions. The items considered included: Distributed Generation Early PCA filing Thermal maintenance Hydro Flexibility Astaris Contract Irrigation Load Reduction Program Demand Exchange Program The Commission is familiar with the costs and benefits associated with the Astaris contract , the Irrigation Load Reduction Program , the Demand Exchange Program, and the early PCA filing that intended to stimulate a demand reduction because each of these programs was the subject of individual proceedings at the Commission. The Company also moved quickly to initiate discussions with the joint owners of the Company s thermal plants to modify, and in some cases defer, planned outages to reduce the impact of those outages on thermal plant availability. An outline of the strategy the Company pursued with the joint owners to reduce 2001 thermal plant outages is attached to this response. In addition, the Company initiated an intense review of the limited options available to reshape reservoir operation so as to most effectively manage its hydro resources to meet loads. The Company also considered a number of distributed generation schemes , including the installation of temporary diesel generation at critical locations on the Company s distribution system. In summary, given high market prices for power and the extremely high demand for turbines at the time , the sooner a combustion turbine project could be constructed, the greater its value. While the Commission s Order No. 28773 tended to minimize high current market prices as a justification for constructing the Danskin IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF Page 4 Project, it must be remembered that at the time no one was sure what market prices would be in the future. At the time, FERC was continuing to refuse to impose hard market caps in the West and its public pronouncements repeated that the market would be permitted to operate to take care of the energy supply problem. At the time , the prospect for continuing high market prices was very real. Considering the market prices experienced at the time of the decision to proceed with Danskin, potential customer cost savings from a project like Danskin were on the order of $10 to $20 million per month. With this in mind , Idaho Power felt that it needed to act quickly to secure turbines, and to proceed with a self build project, expediting construction to get the project on-line as soon as possible to offset rising power supply costs. The response to this request was prepared by Gregory W. Said , Director of Revenue Requirement , in consultation with Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. DATED at Boise , Idaho, this 13th day of February, 2004. ~d(j BART N L. KLINE Attorney for Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF Page 5 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 13th day of February, 2004, I served a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing IDAHO POWER COMPANY' RESPONSE TO FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Lisa D. Nordstrom Weldon B. Stutzman Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 334-3762 Randall C. Budge Eric L. Olsen Racine , Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello , ID 83204-1391 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 232-6109 Anthony Yankel 29814 Lake Road Bay Village, OH 44140 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (440) 808-1450 Peter J. Richardson Richardson & O'Leary 99 East State Street, Suite 200 O. Box 1849 Eagle , ID 83616 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 938-7904 Don Reading Ben Johnson Associates 6070 Hill Road Boise, ID 83703 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 384-1511 Lawrence A. Gollomp Assistant General Counsel U. S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue , SW Washington , D.C. 20585 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (202) 586-7479 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE , Page Dennis Goins Potomac Management Group 5801 Westchester Street Alexandria, VA 22310-1149 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Conley E. Ward Givens , Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock Street O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 388-1300 Dennis E. Peseau , Ph. Utility Resources, Inc. 1500 Liberty Street S., Suite 250 Salem , OR 97302 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (503) 370-9566 Dean J. Miller McDevitt & Miller LLP O. Box 2564 Boise , ID 83701 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 336-6912 Jeremiah Healy United Water Idaho, Inc. O. Box 190420 Boise , ID 83719-0420 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 362-7069 William M. Eddie Advocates for the West O. Box 1 612 Boise , ID 83701 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 342-8286 Nancy Hirsh NW Energy Coalition 219 First Ave. South, Suite 100 Seattle , WA 98104 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (206) 621-0097 Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th Street Boise, I D 83702 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 384-8511 Michael Karp 147 Appaloosa Lane Bellingham , W A 98229 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (360) 724-5272 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE, Page 2 Michael L. Kurtz, Esq. Kurt J. Boehm , Esq. Boehm , Kurtz & Lowry 36 East Seventh Street, Suite 2110 Cincinnati , OH 45202 Kevin Higgins 39 Market Street , Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Thomas M. Power Economics Department, LA 407 University of Montana 32 Campus Drive Missoula, MT 59812 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE, Page 3 Hand Delivered S. Mail-L Overnight Mail FAX (513) 421-2764 Hand Delivered S. Mail-L Overnight Mail FAX Hand Delivered S. Mail-L Overnight Mail FAX n;t:i BARTON L. KLINE IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE NO. IPC- E-O3- FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF ATTACHMENT TO RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. Co m p a n y Eq u i p m e n t H R / H H V HR l L H V Co s t / k w Co s t IA v a i l a b i l i t ~ Co m m e n t s DM J M , D a v i d G a u n t l e t Mo b i l T w i n 90 0 90 0 36 0 Oc t - De e Un i t a v i a l . t h i s M a y i s n o w (6 0 2 ) 3 3 7 2 7 7 7 Pa c k be l i e v e d s o l d , O c t ? , D e e s u r e . . (6 0 2 ) 5 2 4 5 8 6 7 C e l l FT 8 25 , 90 0 90 0 38 7 Ju n e Ae r o d e r i v a t i v e s n e e d 4 5 0 p s i g g a s P& W S w i f t T a r b e l GE A e r o D e r i v a t i v e s LM 6 0 0 0 20 0 26 0 Ch e c k i n g A v a i l a b i l i t y Da v i d A l e x a n d e r LM 6 0 0 0 S p r i n t 46 . 70 0 70 7 15 . Au g As a b o v e (9 0 7 ) 3 7 5 0 7 6 1 RR A e r o D e r i v a t i v e s RB 2 1 1 27 . 80 0 75 0 30 9 Ju n e Tr e n t u n i t s D e c . P r e s e n t u n i t s n o t Da v e D e Y o u n g RB 2 1 1 27 . 80 0 75 0 32 7 Ju l y to e f f i c . at h i g h t e m p (5 1 0 ) 6 2 5 1 1 3 4 TI C , S a l t L a k e B r o k e r RB 2 1 1 ' Sa m e u n i t s a s a b o v e . Ca r l C l a r k . R o n D a v i d as a b o v e (8 0 1 ) 5 6 6 5 6 7 8 Ce l l ( 8 0 1 ) 3 0 1 4 2 9 1 RM A Sf W e s t 5 0 1 D 5 A 12 0 90 0 84 0 26 7 Ma y Th e s e u n i t s a p p e a r t o b e E n r o n s Mi l t F y r e GE F 6 80 0 10 , 7 0 0 26 3 Ma y Ed C l a r k q u o t e s a m e p r i c e a n d (5 0 3 ) 2 3 9 5 1 5 7 GE F 7 E A 55 0 40 0 31 2 Ma r , s o l d ? sa i d h e c o u l d g o l o w e r . GE L M 6 0 0 0 * 66 0 70 0 39 5 Au g 13 8 k v t r a n s f o r . A v a i l ~ $ 4 6 0 00 0 EN R O N GE F 7 E A 55 0 40 0 31 2 Ma r c h Ed t h i n k s R M A i s s e l l i n g E N R O N Ed C l a r k Al s t . G T 1 1 N 2 11 5 30 0 20 0 27 8 Ma r c h Eq u i p m e n t . H e d o e s n t k n o w a b o u t (5 0 3 ) 4 6 4 3 8 0 9 GE L M 6 0 0 0 * 66 0 70 0 39 5 ?? ? * th e L M 6 0 0 0 a n d i s c h e c k i n g . Da v i d K i r k m a n , B r o k e r 2 - G E F 6 80 0 10 , 7 0 0 25 0 No w 13 8 k v t r a n s f o r . I n c l u d e d i n p r i c e (6 7 8 ) 4 4 5 5 8 3 8 GE F 7 E A 55 0 10 , 4 0 0 No v Al s o c h e c k L M 6 0 0 0 p r i c e a n d At l a n t a Sf W e s t 2 5 1 B 1 2 11 , 60 0 10 , 4 5 0 26 4 (1 3 No w co n f i m o n F r i d a y Co l t E n g i n e e r i n g Va r i o u s ? Sa y t h e y c a n f i n d e q u i p m e n t , w i l l Je r r y H a y e s 2- G E L M 6 0 0 0 66 0 70 0 38 6 No w ge t b a c k . J V s t r u c t u r e d h o w w e (7 8 0 ) 4 4 0 5 4 2 9 GE F 7 E A 55 0 10 , 4 0 0 32 5 No w wa n t , w e o p e r a t e a n d m a r k e t p o w e r (o f f e r J V P a r t n e r ) FT 8 36 0 Th i n k w e c a n g e t J V d o n e i n 3 0 d a y No t e s He a t R a t e = B t u s/ k w Co s t / k w = $ Co s t = M i l l i o n $ Av a i l a b i l i t y = y e a r 2 0 0 1 Co l t ( C a n a d i a n $ ) a n d D M J M w i l l e n g i n e e r a n d p e r f o r m t u r n k e y p r o j e c t w i t h o u t b e i n g e q u i p m e n t s u p p l i e r . ( p r o j R e f A v a i l . ) Th e L M 6 0 0 0 a n d T r e n t u n i t s r e q u i r e h i g h f u e l p r e s s u r e ( 6 5 0 t o 85 0 p s i g ) . C o m p r e s s o r s a r e a l o n g - le a d t i m e c o m p o n e n t Th e C o l t ' s ' Pa r t n e r ' i s E P C O R , D a v i d Mo r r o w ( 7 8 0 ) 4 1 2 3 4 9 2 . O p e n t o e q u a l c o s t s h a r i n g o f p r o j e c t h a r d w a r e v a l u e i s r e t a i l . Op e r a t i o n a l c o n t r o l b y c o n t r a c t , 5 0 / 5 0 o r 6 0 / 4 0 t y p e o f o w n e r s h i p . \Y.~L 1+, lis Possible Contract ~ 80% Capacity Factor Annual Estimated Capacity Heal Capacity Fixed Variable Delivered Capacity ChallJe Rate Estimated Capacity Variable Total ChallJa O&M O&M Capacity Factor Estimaled Capacity FIXed & Fixed Variab1e Blu1KWh GasPrice + Fixed O&M Fuel Total Cost Vear $IkW-mo S/kW.mo $IMWh MWI1 ChallJe O&M O&M O&M (HHV)$/MMBlU $IMWh $IMWh $IMWh $IMWh SlYaar 2001 14.80.000 80%560.640 352.000 432.000 14,764,000 102,400 200,186 355 2002 14.000 80%560640 352.000 432,000 784,000 2.102 400 200 28,43.73.386.368 2003 14.80.000 80%560640 352 000 432,000 784.000 102,400 200 26,36.66,37,517.952 2004 14.80.000 80%560.640 14.352.000 432.000 784,000 102.400 200 26.36,66.37.517.952 2005 14.000 80%560 640 352.000 432,000 784.000 102400 200 26,34.65,36.486.374 2006 14.80.000 80%560.640 352.000 432.000 784000 102.400 200,374 2007 14.80.000 80%560 640 14.352.000 432,000 784,000 102,400 200 26,34.85,36.486,374 2008 000 80%560 640 352.000 432.000 14.784 000 102.400 200 374 2009 14.0.45 000 80%560.640 352.000 432,000 784 000 102.400 200 26.38.66,278 213 2010 14.80.000 80%560 640 352.000 432.000 784.000 102400 200 050 ,...,....".. ."" '0' ..,Sum 143.520 000 NPV !!!I8% 96 303.088 147,840000 99,201.843 Sum NPV !!!I8% 388.910,387 265,379314 Build Option ~ 80% Capacity Factor Heat rate Quantity Capacity Btu/kWh Equipment Installation Total Equip,Total Manutacturer Model Available (MW)(HHV)Price Cost Cost SIkW SlkW Siemens Weslinghouse W251B12 600 13.100 000 550,000 19,650.000 291 437 General Electric LM6000 200 16,100 000 050.000 150.000 403 604 Installallon cosl eslimate ' installalion cosl ~ eslimaled to be:~ollu"'inecost Leveiized Fixed ChallJe Rale:","",WOo,.." I 'M'M " ,1.. " " ,,"gr. n',," ,i. """Ii Th~ ~ used 10 calculale Ihe CapBchy ChallJe '~ted below. ~1iW Siemens Westinghouse Units Annuai Es"maled Capacity Heal Capacity Fixed Variable Delivered Capachy ChallJe Rale Eslimaled Capecity Variable Tolal ChallJe O&M O&M Capacity Factor Eslimaled Capacity Fixed & Fixed Variable BiulkWh Gas Price + Fixed O&M Fuel Totel Cost Veer $IkW.mo SIkW.mo SIMWI1 MWI1 Charge O&M O&M O&M (HHV)$IMMBlu SIMWh $IMWh SIMWh SIMWh SlYear 2001 000 60%315 360 947 500 243 000 190500 162600 600 10.77.14 91.01 28.699970 2002 000 80%315.380 947 500 243 000 190.500 182,600 600,438 2003 45.000 80%315.380 947 500 243.000 190 500 182.600 600 005 804 2004 5.46 0.45 000 80%315 380 947 500 243.000 190 500 182 600 600,005,804 2005 45.000 80%315,360 947 500 243.000 190.500 182.600 600,274 189 2006 0.45 000 80%315360 947 500 243.000 190,500 182.600 600 10.44.57,18,274 169 2007 45.000 80%315,360 947,500 243 000 190 500 182.600 600 10,44.57.274 169 2008 000 80%315.360 947 500 243 000 190500 182600 11.600,552.190 2009 000 80%315,360 947,500 243 000 190.500 182.600 600 10.45.59,18.835, 2010 000 80%315.380 947 500 243.000 190.500 182.600 600 10.46.60,125,025.oM'."" "..- 'M"", 'MSum 29 475 000 NPV !!!I8% 19 777 965 905.000 408.515 Sum NPV 1!!18% 199796 508 137 197 990 General Electric LM6000 Annual Estimaled Capacity Heal Capachy Fixed Variable Delivered Capacity Charge Rale Eslimaled Capacity Variable Total ChallJe O&M O&M CapBchy Factor Eslimaled Capacity Fixed & Fixed Variable BlulkWh Gas Price + Fixed O&M Fuel Tolal Cost Vear SlkW,mo SIkW,mo $IMWh MWI1 Charge O&M O&M O&M (HHV)$IMMBtu $IMWh SIMWh $IMWh SIMWh SlYear 2001 000 80%280.320 622.500 216.000 838 500 051 200 200 13.61.18 78.62 22.039,678 2002 000 80%280.320 622 500 216 000 838,500 051 200 200,139684 2003 000 80%280.320 622.500 216.000 838,500 051 200 200 13.36,54.205,476 2004 40.000 80%280 320 622500 216,000 838.500 051 200 200,476 2005 000 80%280 320 622.500 216 000 838.500 051 200 200 13.52.689 687 2006 40.000 80%280.320 622,500 216 000 838 500 051 200 200 13.34,52,689,687 2007 000 80%280 320 622.500 216000 838 500 051 200 200 2008 000 80%280 320 622 500 216.000 838.500 051 200 200 13,35.53.885,887 2009 0.45 40.000 80%280.320 622.500 216 000 838.500 051 200 200 13.38, 2010 40,000 80%280 320 622.500 216.000 838.500 051 200 200 525 .. .., ---..---.... Sum' 36.225000 NPV !!!I8% 24,307 270 385000 25.756.647 Sum NPVI!!I8% 158 920,194 108,845 383 Recommendations: Purchase and inslall two LM6000's and two W251B12's. Top she appean; to be Glenns Ferry, however. Twin FaUs and Payene are also oplions. Inhially, our plan ~ 10 install all 4 unhs at the Glenns Ferry localion ,Ihls will minimize inlrastructure costs and hopefully simplify mainlenance. By doing Ih~ oun;e~ (as a 3D-year regulated utilhy project) as compared 10 purchasing via a pun-nose power agreement from a project developed by othen;. we can secure over twice the capachy for less Ihan Ihe NPV 01 fIXed cosls of Ihe conlract. 90 MW worth of Iree hedge tor less money. Addilionally, these machines can be installed 10 allow building-oul to a combined-cycle at a later date. Th~ provides IPCo addhional oplions and flex;bilhy as we assess fulure resource needs. Economics will change when restructured as an operating lease. however. th~ should give us a preny good idea of overall comparison. NPV of capac;ty and fixed costs (over 10 years) NPVConlract 99,201,843W251B12 21,408,515LM6000 25,758.647 twoW251B12' two LM6000' Total for 4 tu"'ines SlkW 80.000 240 45.000 478 40'00 644 90,000 80.000 170,000 555 42.817.029 51,513.295 Possible Contract ~ 80% Capacity Factor Annual Eslimal""CapacIty Heat Capad1y Fix""Variable Delivered CapacIty Charge Rale Estlmal""CapacIty Variable Tolal Charge OeM OeM Capacrty Fador Estlmat""CapacIty Fix""e Fix""Variable BtulkWh GasPrice + Fix""OeM Fuel Total COSI Vear S/kW,mo S/kW.mo $lMWh MWI1 Charge OeM OeM OeM (HHV)$lMMBlu ~MWI1 $/MWh $IMWI1 $IMWI1 SlYear 2001 14.000 80%560.540 352.000 432,000 784.000 102.400 200 26.61.18 91.186.355 2002 14.80.000 80%560.540 352000 432 000 784.000 102.400 200 26.43,73.386,368 2003 14.80.000 80%560.540 352.000 432.000 784.000 102,400 200 28.36,66.517.952 2004 14.000 80%560,640 352.000 432.000 784 000 102 400 200 28.38.66,37.517.952 2005 14.000 80%560.540 352.000 432.000 784 000 102400 200 2006 14.80.000 80%560.540 352.000 432.000 14,784 000 102.400 200 2007 14.80.000 80%560540 352 000 432 000 784.000 102.400 9200 26, 2008 14.000 80%560.540 352.000 432.000 784 000 102 400 200 28.35,65.878.374 2009 14.80.000 80%560.640 352.000 432.000 784.000 102.400 200 26.36,66,37,278.213 2010 14.000 80%560.540 352.000 432.000 78'000 102.400 200 050 Sum "3,520.000 NPV ~8% 96.303.088 8'0 000 201 843 Sum NPV ~8% 388.910,387 265 379.314 Build Option ~ 80% Capacity Factor Heat rate Quantity Capacity 8tulkWh Equipment Installation Total Equip,Total Manufacturer Model Available IMWI IHHV)Price Cost Cost SIkW SIkW Siemens Westinghouse W251812 11.600 13.100000 550,000 19.650,000 29,437 General Electric LM6000 200 16.100.000 050.000 150.000 403 604 Installation cost estlmale ' Inslallatlon cost ~ estlmal"" to be:~50'!(;'of lurbine cost Levelized Fixed Charge Rale:Th~ was laken from IRP analys~ for a simple cycle al 80'.. CF. Th~ tum"" oul 10 be: Th~ ~ us"" to calculale the Capad1y Charge list"" below. Siemens Westinghouse Units Annual Estimat""CapacIty Heat Capac~y Fix""Variable Delivered Capad1y Charge Rate Estimat""Capad1y Variable Total Charge OeM oeM Capad1y Fador Estima"'"Capac~y Fix""e Fix""Variable BtulkWh GasPrice + Fix""OeM Fuel Total Cost Vear S/kW,mo SlkW,mo $IMWI1 MWI1 Charge OeM OeM OeM (HHV)$lMMBlu ~MWh ~MWh $IMWI1 $IMWI1 SlYear 2001 45 '45.000 80%315.360 200.800 243.000 443.800 182,600 600 77.14 88,953.270 2002 45.000 80%315.360 200 800 243.000 443 800 182 600 600 2003 000 80%315.360 200 800 243.000 443.800 182.600 600 2004 45,000 80%315.360 200.800 243.000 443 800 182.600 11.600 2005 0.45 45.000 60%315.360 200800 243.000 443 800 162 600 11.800 55.527469 2006 000 80%315 360 200.800 243 000 443 800 182,600 600 7.75 55.17.527 469 2007 45.000 80%315.360 200.800 243000 443.600 182.600 600 55,527.469 2008 45.000 80%315.360 200 800 243.000 "3.800 182.600 600 $6.805.490 2009 000 80%315.360 200 800 243 000 443.800 182.600 800 45,57.089. 2010 0.45 45.000 80%315.360 200 800 243.000 443.800 182.600 600 7.75 46,58.18.378.325Sum 22.008 000 NPV 1!!18'110 "767.547 438.000 16.398.097 Sum NPV 1!!18% 192.329 508 132,187 572 General Electric LM6000 Annual Estlmal""Capad1y Heat Capad1y Fix""Variable Delivered Capad1y Charge Rate Estlmaled Capac~y Variable Tolal Charge OeM OeM Capad1y Fador Estimal""Capac~y Fixed e Fixed Variable BlulkWh GasPrice + Fixed OeM Fuel Total Cost Vear SlkW.mo S/kW.mo ~MWI1 MWh Charge OeM OeM OeM (HHV)$lMMBlu S/MWh ~MWh $IMWI1 ~MWI1 SlYear 2001 '0.000 80%280.320 704 800 216 000 920.800 051 200 200 10.42 2002 0.45 000 80%280.320 704 800 216.000 920.800 051 200 200 984 2003 40.000 80%280.320 704 800 216,000 920 800 051 200 200,776 2004 40.000 80%280 320 704 800 216.000 920.800 051 200 200 10.42 2005 000 80%280.320 704 800 216,000 920 800 051200 200 10.34.49,13.771.987 2006 000 80%280.320 704 800 216 000 920.800 051 200 200 2007 0.45 000 80%280 320 704 800 216.000 920.800 051.200 200 10.34.49,13.771 987 2008 000 80%280 320 704 800 216000 920800 051.200 200 10.42 35,49.13.967,987 2009 000 80%280.320 704 800 216.000 920.800 051 200 200 907 2010 000 80%280.320 704 800 216.000 920 800 051 200 200 27 048.000 NPV 1!!18% 18 149428 208.000 19.598,8OB Sum NPV 1!!18% 149,743.194 102.687 541 commendations: Purchase and install two LM6000's and two W251812's. Top s~e appears to be Glenns Ferry. however. Twin Fal~ and Payelle are a~o oplions. In~ially. our plan ~ 10 Install all 4 un~s al the Glenns Ferry location, th~ will minimize infrastrudure costs and hopefully simplify mainlenance. By doing th~ ou"eK (as a 30-year regulaled util~y projed) as compared to purchasing via a purchase power agreement from a projec: de',eloped by olhe". we can secure over twice the capacity for less Ihan 75% of the NPV 01 fixed cosls. 90 worth 01 free hedge for less money. Additionally. Ihese machines can be inslalled 10 allow building-oul to a combin"".cycle at a laler dale. Th~ provides IPCo add~lonal options and nexiblt~y as we assess future resource needs. Economics will change when restrudured as an operating lease, however. Ih~ should give us a prelly good idea of overall comparison. NPV of capacity and fi.ed cos.. (over 10 years) NPVContract 99.201.843W251B12 16 398,097LM6000 19 598.8OB 80.000 45,000 40.000 SIkW 240 364 490 two W251BI2' two LM6000' Tolal lor 4 lurbines 32,796,194 39.197.612 71.993.805 90.000 000 170.000 423 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE NO. IPC-O3- FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF TT A CHMENT TO RESPO NSE TO REQUEST NO. 88 Th e r m a l F l e e t 20 0 1 O u t a g e s c h e d u l e . C u r r e n t Th e r m a l f l e e t p l a n n e d o u t a g e d a y s - 1 2 6 - B r i d g e r - B o a r d m a n - V a l m y . D i s c u s s i o n s on g o i n g w i t h o t h e r o w n e r s . R e d u c t i o n s ar e p o s s i b l e . P l a n n e d o u t a g e da y s i n 19 9 2 - 1 2 9 . P l a n n e d o u t a g e da y s i n 19 9 4 - 1 4 7 Th e r m a l F l e e t - P o t e n t i a l Re d u c t i o n s Br i d g e r Un i t # 2 - h a v e di s c u s s e d w i t h P a c i f i C o r p . At p r e s e n t P a c is u n c o m f o r t a b l e w i t h r e d u c i n g & f e e l s t h a t t h i s i s b e s t ti m e t o h a v e t h e o u t a g e . L P t u r b i n e ov e r h a u l . B o i l e r wo r k , t h i s i s t h e u n i t w i t h t h e m o s t t u b e l e a k s ne e d ou t a g e t o p r e p a r e u n i t f o r 4 y e a r c y c l e . Bo i l e r a n d T u r b i n e bo t h p a c i n g . Un i t # 3 - lo o k i n g a t r e d u c i n g , e x p e c t 2 d a y s p o s s i b l e st i l l di s c u s s i n g i n t e r n a l l y . Pa c i f i C o r p h a s b u d g e t m e e t i n g s to m o r r o w - wi l l d i s c u s s . Th e r m a l F l e e t - P o t e n t i a l Re d u c t i o n s Va l m y Un i t # 1 - 42 d a y s . T u r b i n e o v e r h a u l an d b u r n e r m a n a g e m e n t sy s t e m w o r k - t u r b i n e pa c i n g a t 4 t o 5 w k s . Ho p e t o re c o v e r 1 6 MW i n o u t p u t a s a r e s u l t o f t h e o v e r h a u l . If w e ke e p t h e s a m e w o r k sc o p e , I t h i n k w e c a n p o s s i b l y s h o r t e n by 5 t o 8 d a y s . I f w e re d u c e s c o p e , a n d e l i m i n a t e t u r b i n e ov e r h a u l , w e mi ~ h t be a b l e t o r e d u c e b y 21 d a y s . W i l l di s c u s s f u r t h e r w i t h S i e r r a to m o r r o w . Un i t # 2 - 2 1 d a y s . Re h e a t t u b e r e p l a c e m e n t s , t u r b i n e v a l v e wo r k a n d b u r n e r w o r k . Mi 2 h t be a b l e t o r e d u c e b y 7 d a y s i f we e l i m i n a t e t h e r e h e a t t u b e r e p l a c e m e n t s . Wi l l c o n t i n u e t o di s c u s s w i t h S i e r r a Th e r m a l F l e e t - P o t e n t i a l Re d u c t i o n s Bo a r d m a n Un i t # 1 - 2 4 d a y s . S i g n i f i c a n t am o u n t o f f l e x i b i l i t y . PO E a l s o i s l o o k i n g a t o p t i o n s t o s h o r t e n / s h i f t t h e ou t a g e . Th r e e o p t i o n s d i s c u s s e d t h u s fa r : - K e e p cu r r e n t s c h e d u l e - 1 2 da y o u t a g e ( 5 / 1 9 - 5/ 3 1 ) , t h e n c o m p l e t e w o r k a t re d u c e d l o a d . Li m i t e d t o 3 4 0 M W n e t f o r 9 - 10 d a y s af t e r o u t a g e t o c o m p l e t e w o r k . - 3 da y o u t a g e ( 5 / 1 9 - 5/ 2 1 ) , g e t c r i t i c a l i t e m s . L i m i t e d t o 34 0 M W n e t f o r 9 - 10 d a y s a f t e r o u t a g e t o c o m p l e t e wo r k . P l a n f o r a n a d d i t i o n a l 10 d a y o u t a g e i n O c t o b e r . Th e r m a l F l e e t - P o t e n t i a l Re d u c t i o n s . " ." " " Su m m a r y o f Po s s i b l e R e d u c t i o n s " , ... or i g i n a l re v i s e d pl a n pl a n Br i d g e r Bo a r d m a n -. Va l m y ota 12 6 Bo a r d m a n w i l l b e l i m i t e d t o 3 4 0 M W f o r 9 - 10 d a y s Th e r m a l F l e e t 20 0 1 O u t a g e s c h e d u l e wh e r e w e ve b e e n & w h e r e w e re h e a d i n g . S o m e re d u c t i o n s p o s s i b l e - n o t w i t h o u t ri s k ! 19 9 9 - a l m o s t a re c o r d g e n e r a t i o n y e a r ju s t m i s s e d r e c o r d se t i n p r e v i o u s d r o u g h t y e a r ( 1 9 9 2 ) 20 0 0 - wa s a r e c o r d g e n e r a t i o n y e a r , s u r p a s s i n g p r e v i o u s dr o u g h t y e a r s ( 1 9 9 2 & 19 9 4 ) b y a p p r o x . 4 0 0 , 00 0 M W h 20 0 1 g e n e r a t i o n b u d g e t - 7 84 7 00 0 M W h . T h i s ex c e e d s 20 0 0 a c t u a l g e n e r a t i o n b y - 15 0 , 00 0 M W h . . B o t t o m Li n e - un i t s h a v e b e e n r u n n i n g a n d a r e e x p e c t e d t o tu r n i n a n o t h e r r e c o r d p e r f o r m a n c e .