HomeMy WebLinkAbout200402024th Response of ID Power to Irrigation Pumpers.pdfIf~;~Lr~ . L ;~- ;LED !_--" BARTON L. KLINE ISB #1526 MONICA B. MOEN ISB #5734 Idaho Power Company P. O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-2682 FAX Telephone: (208) 388-6936 ')fin! 1';'.1 ':if) t~ " " '-1.11.1'1 ,-'",~ ~J '- Ii ' J ' :~:: " IC UTili i Ic:.~j COi-1i1iSSION Attorney for Idaho Power Company Street Address for Express Mail 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS INTERIM) AND BASE RATES AND CHARGES FORELECTRIC SERVICE. CASE NO. IPC-03- IDAHO POWER COMPANY' RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION' FOURTH DATA REQUEST COMES NOW , Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "the Company and in response to the Fourth Data Request of the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association to Idaho Power Company dated January 2, 2004, herewith submits the following information: REQUEST NO. 49: The Company s response to Staff Request 85 lists a negative value of $1 577 804 for Acct. 500 expense for August 2003. Please provide specific detail regarding the reason for this adjustment(s) and the exact amount of the adjustment(s), not just the net amount. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 49: Idaho Power relies on reporting from the operating partners at each of the three thermal plants in which Idaho Power has an IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FOURTH DATA REQUEST Page ownership share. The negative amount of $1 ,577 804 in account 500 in August 2003 results from a reversal of previous accruals for the Jim Bridger power plant as reported by PacifiCorp as operator of the plant. These accruals were recorded in Idaho Power books in the months of June and July 2003. In August , these accruals were credited out of account 500 and charged to other maintenance accounts , primarily accounts 512 and 513. The response to this request was prepared by Darrell R. Tomlinson Finance Team Leader, Financial Research/Support, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 50: The Company s response to Staff Request 85 lists a negative value of $1 138 140 for Acct. 502 expense for August 2003. Please provide specific detail regarding the reason for this adjustment(s) and the exact amount of the adjustment(s), not just the net amount. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 50: The actual operating and maintenance expenses (excluding fuel) incurred by the operating partner at each of thermal plants in which Idaho Power has an ownership share are reported to Idaho Power in the month following the month in which the expenses are incurred. For example , expenses incurred at Valmy in January will be summarized by Sierra Pacific Power Company (the operating partner) and will be forwarded to Idaho Power later in the month of February. Idaho Power will then record these costs in the business month of February. Because actual costs are not available in January, using this example Idaho Power books an estimate of the costs in January and then adjusts that estimate in February to the actual amounts reported by the operating partner. An estimate is not IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FOURTH DATA REQUEST Page 2 prepared for all accounts; only a few accounts are used in order to make the process less cumbersome administratively. This estimating process produced the negative values in accounts 502 and account 512 in August 2003 related to the Valmy plant. Due to a clerical error, the estimates for Valmy were significantly higher in April , May, June, and July of 2003. When the error was discovered and corrected , the true-up resulted in a negative amount. Without the estimating process, the amounts that would have been booked to account 502 for the period from April 2003 through August 2003 would have been $1 959 892 rather than the $1 855,455 that was actually recorded. The response to this request was prepared by Darrell R. Tomlinson Finance Team Leader, Financial Research/Support , Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 51: The Company s response to Staff Request 85 lists a negative value of $468,146 for Acct. 512 expense for August 2003. Please provide specific detail regarding the reason for this adjustment(s) and the exact amount of the adjustment(s), not just the net amount. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 51: Please see the response to Request No. 50 for a discussion of the process to estimate operation and maintenance expenses. The same explanation is applicable to this response. Without the estimating process, the amounts that would have been booked to account 512 for the period from April 2003 through August 2003 would have been $7 067 999 rather than the $6 857 283 that was actually recorded. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FOURTH DATA REQUEST Page 3 The response to this request was prepared by Darrell R. Tomlinson Finance Team Leader, Financial Research/Support, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 52: On pages 5 through 9 of the workpapers provided by Brilz there is a column labeled "Customer Class . Please answer the following: REQUEST NO. 52(a): Upon what basis does the Company classify any of these distribution substations as belonging to a given customer class? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 52(a): Pages 4 through 9 of the workpapers of Company witness Brilz identify the customer class from which a Contribution in Aid of Construction (CIAC) was received for the construction of the specified substation. Please refer to the testimony of Company witness Brilz, page 23 line 11 through page 24, line 13 for a description of how the CIAC amounts were utilized in the cost-of-service study. Except for the substations used to provide service to Micron and Simplot under special contracts , no substations are specifically assigned to a particular customer class. Substation investment is allocated to customer classes based on the D20 allocation factor. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 52(b): Upon what basis does the Company classify any of these distribution substations as belonging to the "system IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FOURTH DATA REQUEST Page 4 RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 52(b): A Contribution in Aid of Construction (CIAC) was classified as "system" in those situations where the actual customer class from which the contribution was made could not be identified. "System CIACs were allocated to all standard service schedule customer classes as detailed on page 3 of the workpapers of Company witness Brilz. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 52(c): Why do most of the distribution substations not have a customer class indicated? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 52(c): The substations listed on pages 4 through 9 of the workpapers of Company witness Brilz that do not have a customer class indicated are substations for which no CIAC was received. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 53: With respect to each of the substations listed on pages 5 through 9 of the workpapers provided by Brilz , please provide in electronic form the following: REQUEST NO. 53(a): A listing of the kV A rating of each one of the distribution substations listed. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 53(a): The requested information is included on the enclosed CD labeled "Fourth Production Request of Irrigation IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FOURTH DATA REQUEST Page 5 t:'umpers . The rating of each Idaho Power-owned distribution substation transformer is provided in MV A (1 000 kV A). Where no transformer for load service is installed in the substation, the data field is left blank or indicates "no data The response to this request was prepared under the direction of Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 53(b): What is the peak demand placed upon each substation during each month from January 2002 through the most recent month available? If anything other than a 1-hour peak demand is provided , please specify the timeframe. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 53(b): The peak demand placed upon each substation during each month is not available. The information included on the enclosed CD labeled "Fourth Production Request of Irrigation Pumpers" provides where available, the peak demand on each substation transformer for each of the past three operating seasons. This peak demand is non-coincident and occurred at any time during a three to four month period during the specified season. Additionally, these peak demand readings are derived from real-time data, and as such represent instantaneous values not one-hour peak demand values. The response to this request was prepared under the direction of Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 54: On page 12 of the workpapers provided by Brilz there is listed values for Accounts 364 and 365 broken down into primary and secondary. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FOURTH DATA REQUEST Page 6 With respect to Account 364 (Poles) the investment in secondary appears to be approximately 8.4% while for Account 365 (Overhead Conductors) the investment in secondary appears to be approximately 16.9%. Under the simple assumption that a primary pole carries a primary conductor and that a secondary pole carries a secondary conductor, one would expect the ratio primary to secondary costs for Account 364 to equal that of Account 365. Please explain the large difference that exists in the Company s numbers. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 54: Please refer to Idaho Power Company s Response to Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association s Second Data Request Request No. 41. As detailed in the referenced response, if poles support both primary and secondary conductors, the poles are assigned to the primary component. Approximately half of the secondary conductor is installed on primary poles. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 55: Company Exhibit 57 is the Functionalization and Classification of Costs. On page 6 line 369 is listed a total Plant in Service cost of Services of $43,461 529. Company Exhibit 39 is the Allocation to Classes. On page 3 line 95 is listed the total Plant in Service cost of Meters of $47 559 362. The difference between these two figures is developed within the Company s computer model. Please provide in hard copy, a detailed reconciliation between these two figures, based upon the values listed in Exhibit 37. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FOURTH DATA REQUEST Page 7 RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 55: The value of $43,461 529 is the investment in Services for FERC Account 369. This value is functionalized in the Services category as detailed on Exhibit 37, page 8 , line 88 under the column headed V. Within the cost-of-service study, general plant is allocated to functional categories based on the total Production , Transmission , and Distribution plant (PTD allocator). The difference between the $43,461 529 value and the $47 559,362 value on Exhibit 39, page 3 , line 95 is the amount of general plant investment functionalized into the Services category. Please refer to Exhibit 37, page 13 under the column headed V for the detail of the general plant functionalized to the Services category. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 56: Company Exhibit 37 is the Functionalization and Classification of Costs. On page 6 line 370 is listed a total Plant in Service cost of Meters of $36 387 617. Company Exhibit 39 is the Allocation to Classes. On page 3 line 96 is listed the total Plant in Service cost of Meters of $40 912 763. The difference between these two figures is developed within the Company s computer model. Please provide in hard copy, a detailed reconciliation between these two figures, based upon the values listed in Exhibit 37. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 56: The value of $37 387 617 is the investment in Meters for FERC Account 370. This value is functionalized in the Meters category as detailed on Exhibit 37, page 8 , line 89 under the column headed W. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FOURTH DATA REQUEST Page 8 Within the cost-of-service study, general plant is allocated to functional categories based on the total Production , Transmission, and Distribution plant (PTD allocator). The difference between the $37 387 617 value and the $40,912 763 value is the amount of general plant investment functionalized into the Meters category. Please refer to Exhibit 37 , page 13 under the column headed W for the detail of the general plant functionalized to the Meters category. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 57: Company Exhibit 39 is the Allocation to Classes. On page 3 lines 83 through 98 there are listed various "Functions" such as "substations- General" , " Lines-Primary Demand", etc. Please provide a listing of which FERC accounts fit under each of these Functions. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 57: The "Functions" listed on Exhibit 39 page 3 , lines 83 through 98 correspond with the functions in columns I through Y on lines 8 and 9 of Exhibit 37. For example, the function "Substations - General" on Exhibit 39 , page 3, line 83 corresponds to the function "Substations - General" on Exhibit 37, page 2, column I , lines 8 and 9. The FERC accounts for which an allocation to one or more of these functions is made can be found by reviewing the detail under each of the functional column headings on Exhibit 37. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FOURTH DATA REQUEST Page 9 REQUEST NO. 58: Exhibit 37 page 7 lines 85 and 86 list Primary Demand related costs of $7 673,334 for Account 366 (Underground Conduit) and $54 141 128 for Account 367 (Underground Conductors). Using allocation factor D- for these costs , Irrigators get just over 30% of these costs or approximately $22 million. The IIPA believes that there is very little , if any, underground distribution system that serves Irrigation customers. Please answer the following: REQUEST NO. 58(a): If the Company believe that $22 million of Primary Demand related plant in service costs should be allocated to Irrigation customers, then please provide data to support such wide spread usage of the underground distribution system by the Irrigation Class. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 58(a): Idaho Power s current property accounting records do not identify investments in poles , overhead conductor underground conduit, or underground conductor by customer class nor by customer characteristics such as rural versus urban location , number of customers per feeder average number of line miles per customer in each class, etc. Because this specific data is not available, Idaho Power has historically allocated all of the investments in FERC Accounts 364, 365 , 366, and 367 using the class non-coincident peak demand (or coincident group peak demand) methodology described in the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners' Electric Utility Cost Allocation Manual. The non- coincident peak demand cost allocation methodology recognizes that distribution facilities must be constructed to meet customers' loads and allocates the costs associated with the entire distribution system to customer classes based on the maximum demands placed on the system by each class. The methodology does not IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FOURTH DATA REQUEST Page 10 recognize class-specific characteristics or demographics. Should it be desirable to recognize class-specific characteristics such as rural versus urban location or average number of line miles per customer in each class , a methodology other than the non- coincident peak demand methodology would need to be developed to recognize that certain classes utilize , or do not utilize, the components of the distribution system in class-specific ways. Such a change in methodology could be developed to recognize that very little of the underground distribution system is used by the irrigation class while at the same time recognizing that a larger proportion of the overhead system is used by the irrigation class on a per-customer basis than by the other classes of customers. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 58(b): The IIPA would like to propose that Primary Demand costs for underground facilities be allocated on a modified type of D-20 that places the value for Irrigation at zero. If the Company does not agree with this approach , what type of an allocation factor does the Company propose? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 58(b): The Company does not agree with the approach proposed by the IIPA to simply set the allocation factor for Primary Demand related underground facilities for irrigation customers to zero without making a corresponding adjustment to the allocation factor for Primary Demand related overhead facilities. To simply set the allocation factor for Primary Demand related underground facilities for irrigation customers to zero without making a corresponding adjustment to the allocation factor for Primary Demand related overhead facilities would result in an IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FOURTH DATA REQUEST Page 11 over allocation of the overhead facilities costs to the residential , commercial , and industrial classes. Please refer to the Company s response to Request No. 58(a). If an adjustment were to be made to the D20 allocation factor such that no Primary Demand related underground facilities would be allocated to the irrigation class , a new allocation factor that would recognize class-specific characteristics such as average number of line miles per customer in the class and average number of customers per feeder would need to be developed to allocate the costs associated with the overhead facilities. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz , Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 58(c): The IIPA would propose a similar modification to 20 for II underground Primary Customer related costs. Does the Company concur? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 58(e): The Company does not agree with the modification proposed by the IIPA for the same reasons stated above in the responses to Request Nos. 58(a) and 58(b). The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 59: On Exhibit 39 page 41 are listed various allocation factors. Please provide all workpapers that support the development of each of these allocation values used for each customer class. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FOURTH DATA REQUEST Page 12 RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 59: All of the workpapers and exhibits that support the development of each of the allocation factors listed on Exhibit 39, page 41 are included with the Company s filing. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 60: Please provide the description/rationale of why the particular allocation method was chosen for each of the allocation factors found on Exhibit 39 page 41 RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 60: The methods used to allocate costs to the various customer classes are described in the testimony of Company witness Brilz on pages 3 through 20. The methods are based on the guiding principles described in the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners' Electric Utility Cost Allocation Manual. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz , Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 61: On page 429 of the Company s 1999 Form 1 on line 14 there are listed 185 417 line transformers. Is this the number of line transformers that was actually out in the field at the time and available to serve customer load? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 61: Yes, this is the number of transformers out in the field and available to serve customer load at year end. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FOURTH DATA REQUEST Page 13 The response to this request was prepared by Darrell R. Tomlinson Finance Team Leader, Financial Research/Support, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 62: Please provide a copy of all studies the Company has conducted in the last year that equates size , cost, and load factor of line transformers to customer type. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 62: The Company has not conducted any studies in the last year that equates size, cost, and load factor of line transformers to customer type. The response to this request was prepared under the direction of Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 63: Page 13 of the workpapers provided by Brilz indicates that $47 529 633 of line transformers is associated with Primary. Please answer the following: REQUEST NO. 63(a): Does the designation of Primary in this case mean that the line transformers are operating with the "low" side of the transformer providing energy to what is considered a customer (without additional intervening transformers) that is being served from what is considered a Primary voltage? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 63(a): No. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FOURTH DATA REQUEST Page 14 REQUEST NO. 63(b): If the response to "" above is negative , what types of voltage transformations are taking place and for what type of customer? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 63(b): Primary transformers , typically called "step" transformers, are used to change the voltage of the primary circuit and do not directly serve any customers. They are used to "step" the primary voltage from the substation supply (such as 34.5 kV) to a different primary voltage serving a portion of the distribution feeder (such as 12.5 kV). They can be used to step the primary voltage either up or down. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 63(c): If the response to "" above is positive , what is the rationale for allocating any of these costs to any customer group other than those taking service at Primary Voltage? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 63(e): Not applicable. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 63(d): If possible , please break down the difference between Primary and Secondary Line-Transformer costs into the number of transformers and the total capacity associated with each in a manner similar to page 429 of the Form 1. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FOURTH DATA REQUEST Page 15 RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 63(d): Idaho Power is no longer required to include distribution information in FERC Form 1 as shown on page 429 of the 1999 Form 1 report. Consequently, the Company does not have the information available in the form requested. Enclosed with this response is the Company s total investment in transformers recorded in FERC Account 368 as of December 31 2002. The transformer investment is identified by Primary and Secondary component and by transformer size. The quantity of transformers and the original investment amount each size category are detailed. For primary transformers, $7 657 195 of the total system investment of $8,431 052 is attributed to the Idaho jurisdiction. For secondary transformers , $181,408 199 of the total system investment of $199 741 797 is attributed to the Idaho jurisdiction. The response to this request was prepared under the direction of Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. 64: Please provide a breakdown of the number of line transformers the Company has in service by size (or size category). RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 64: Please refer to the Response to Request No. 63(d). The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FOURTH DATA REQUEST Page 16 REQUEST NO. 65: Please provide a break down of the present cost (purchase as well as installed , if available) of line transformers by size (or size category) . RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 65: Please refer to the Response to Request No. 63(d). The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz , Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. DATED at Boise, Idaho , this 3 ~ay of January, 2004. G9 ff BARTON L. KLINE Attorney for Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION'S FOURTH DATA REQUEST Page 17 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 3Dfl;\day of January, 2004, I served a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing IDAHO POWER COMPANY' RESPONSE TO FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Lisa D. Nordstrom Weldon B. Stutzman Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 334-3762 Randall C. Budge Eric L. Olsen Racine , Olson , Nye , Budge & Bailey O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, ID 83204-1391 Hand Delivered S. Mail --L Overnight Mail FAX (208) 232-6109 Anthony Yankel 29814 Lake Road Bay Village , OH 44140 Hand Delivered S. Mail --L Overnight Mail FAX (440) 808-1450 Peter J. Richardson Richardson & O'Leary 99 East State Street, Suite 200 O. Box 1849 Eagle , ID 83616 Hand Delivered --L U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 938-7904 Don Reading Ben Johnson Associates 6070 Hill Road Boise, ID 83703 Hand Delivered --L U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 384-1511 Lawrence A. Gollomp Assistant General Counsel U. S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue, SW Washington , D.C. 20585 Hand Delivered - U.S. Mail --L Overnight Mail FAX (202) 586-7479 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE , Page Dennis Goins Potomac Management Group 5801 Westchester Street Alexandria, VA 22310-1149 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Conley E. Ward Givens, Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock Street O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 388-1300 Dennis E. Peseau , Ph.D. Utility Resources , Inc. 1500 Liberty Street S. E., Suite 250 Salem, OR 97302 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (503) 370-9566 Dean J. Miller McDevitt & Miller LLP O. Box 2564 Boise , ID 83701 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 336-6912 Jeremiah Healy United Water Idaho , Inc. O. Box 190420 Boise, ID 83719-0420 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 362-7069 William M. Eddie Advocates for the West O. Box 1 612 Boise, ID 83701 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 342-8286 Nancy Hirsh NW Energy Coalition 219 First Ave. South, Suite 100 Seattle , WA 98104 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (206) 621-0097 Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th Street Boise , ID 83702 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 384-8511 Michael Karp 147 Appaloosa Lane Bellingham , WA 98229 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (360) 724-5272 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE , Page 2 Michael L. Kurtz , Esq. Kurt J. Boehm , Esq. Boehm , Kurtz & Lowry 36 East Seventh Street, Suite 2110 Cincinnati , OH 45202 Kevin Higgins 39 Market Street, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Thomas M. Power Economics Department, LA 407 University of Montana 32 Campus Drive Missoula, MT 59812 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE, Page 3 Hand Delivered - U.S. Mail-L Overnight Mail FAX (513) 421-2764 Hand Delivered - U.S. Mail-L Overnight Mail FAX Hand Delivered S. Mail-L Overnight Mail FAX ""--' BARTON L. KLINE IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE NO. IPC-O3- FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSN. TT A CHMENT TO RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 63(d) ACCT SUB CATEGORY QTY AMOUNT 368 PRIMARY SECONDARY IDAHO POWER COMPANY ACCOUNT 368 TRANSFORMERS ONLY BALANCE AS OF December 31, 2002 UOP DESCRIPTION 68201624 XFRMR-IPH AUTO 16-49 KV A-PRI 68202424 XFRMR-IPH AUTO 50-74 KV A-PRI 68202624 XFRMR-IPH AUTO 75-99 KV A-PRI 68202824 XFRMR-IPH AUTO 100-166 KV A-PRI 68203624 XFRMR-IPH AUTO 167-499 KV A-PRI 68205024 XFRMR-IPH AUTO 500-1499 KV A-PRI 68206238 XFRMR-IPH AUTO 1500-2499 KV A-PRI 68207054 XFRMR-IPH AUTO 2500+ KVA-PRI TOTAL PRIMARY 68010202 XFRMRIPH CONY 0-15 KV A-SEC 68011602 XFRMR-IPH CONY 16-49 KV A-SEC 68012402 XFRMR-IPH CONY 50-74 KV A-SEC 68012606 XFRMR-IPH CONY 75-99 KVA-SEC 68012806 XFRMR-IPH CONY 100-166 KVA-SEC 68013606 XFRMR-IPH CONY 167-499 KVA-SEC 68015002 XFRMR-IPH CONY 500-1499 KV A-SEC 68015650 XFRMR-IPH CONY 1500-2499 KVA-SEC 68015655 XFRMR-IPH CONY 2500+ KV A-SEC 68057450 XFRMR-3PH CONY 2500+ KV A-SEC 68101206 XFRMR-IPH PDMNT 0-15 KV A-SEC 68101616 XFRMR-IPH PDMNT 16-49 KV A-SEC 68102416 XFRMR-IPH PDMNT 50-74 KVA-SEC 68102616 XFRMR-IPH PDMNT 75-99 KVA-SEC 68102816 XFRMR-IPH PDMNT 100-166 KV A-SEC 68103616 XFRMR-IPH PDMNT 167-499 KVA-SEC 68151814 XFRMR-3PHPDMNT 16-111 KVA-SEC 68153014 XFRMR-3PH PDMNT 112-166 KV A-SEC 68154014 XFRMR-3PH PDMNT 167-499 KVA-SEC 68155014 XFRMR-3PH PDMNT 500-1499 KVA- 68156220 XFRMR-3PHPDMNT 1500-2499 KVA-SEC 68157020 XFRMR-3PH PDMNT 2500+ KV A-SEC 68251416 XFRMR-IPH SUB 0-15 KVA-SEC 68251616 XFRMR-IPH SUB 16-25 KVA-SEC 68252416 XFRMR-IPH SUB 26-50 KV A-SEC 68253616 XFRMR-IPH SUB 167-499 KV A-SEC 68300100 XFRMR-MISC-IPH-CONY 0-15 KVA-SEC 68300200 XFRMR-MISC-IPH-CONV 16-49 KV A-SEC 68300400 XFRMR-MISC-IPH-CONV 75 KVA-SEC 68300500 XFRMR-MISC-IPH-BUD 16-49 KVA-SEC 68300700 XFRMR-MlSC-IPH-BUD 50-74 KVA-SEC 68300800 XFRMR-MISC-IPH-BUD 75-99 KV A-SEC 68300900 XFRMR-MISC-IPH-BUD 100-166 KVA-SEC 68301100 XFRMR-MISC-IPH-BUD 167-499 KVA-SEC 68301400 XFRMR-MISC-IPH-BUD 500-1499 KV A-SEC 68301500 XFRMR-MISC-IPH-BUD 1500+ KVA-SEC 68302000 XFRMR-MISC- UG EMERGENCY-SEC TOTAL SECONDARY TOTAL 24.27,490. 90.194 741.53 88.180,654. 84.243,399. 207.655,236. 304.840,865. 285.540 852. 96.747,812. 178.8,431 052. 659.39,224 956. 51,689.32,619 582. 18,569.18,721,435. 947.248,019. 284.794 054. 464.709,770. 278.393,956. 21.00 599,127. 27.971,477.75 1.00 078. 192.99,941.93 833.908 660. 785.13,110 012. 7,480.13,820 395. 720.361 354. 938.735 774. 913.314 756. 1,494.334 124. 360.641,094. 069.611,573. 199.566 786. 213.5,452,476. 889. 99.48,277.61 108.397. 669. 151.09 73.45,727. 42.39,420. 60.889. 13.876.44 118. 26.23,898. 36.053. 11.40,924. 61,039. 1.00 054. 195,632.199,741 796. 196,810.208 172,848.