HomeMy WebLinkAbout200402021st Request of Community Action Partnership to ID Power.pdfBrad M. Purdy Attorney at Law Bar No. 3472 2019 N. 17th St. Boise, ID. 83702 (208) 384-1299 FAX: (208) 384-8511 bmpurdy(g)hotmail. com Attorney for Petitioner Community Action Partnership Association ofldaho and American Association of Retired Persons. - IVt.f"",,!...v . f~- j , I (!J L-.J 2004 FES - 2 Pr1 4: 42 UTILITiES COf1i'1ISSION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY) TO INCREASE ITS INTERIM AND BASE RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE CASE NO. IPC-O3- FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF COMMU- NITY ACTION P ARTNER- SHIP ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO COMES NOW, Intervenor Community Action Partnership Association ofldaho (CAP AI), by and through its attorney of record, Brad M. Purdy, requests that Idaho Power Company provide the following information and documents in accordance with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission s Rules of Procedure, and applicable scheduling orders and notices issued by the Commission in this proceeding. This production request is to be deemed continuing in nature and Idaho Power is requested to provide, through supplementation, additional documents or information that is responsive to this request that it, or any person acting on its behalf, may later come into possession or become aware of FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CAP AI TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY In answering each request, please provide the name of the person(s) preparing the answers, along with the title and function such individual holds with the Company and the witness who can sponsor the answer at the hearing. For all responses to the following requests, please provide all work papers, diskettes and all underlying formulas in Excel language. You are further instructed that whenever the terms "you, " " your " or "Company appear herein, they are all construed to refer to Idaho Power Company. Request No.With respect to the Company s Low Income Weatherization Assistance Program ("LIW A"), please provide the following information: a. history of funding; b. number of units weatherizedl c. description ofLIW A program design, ftom 1984 to present; d. identify and provide any cost-benefit analysis used to assess LIW A and; e. the percentage of Company gross operating revenues that were spent on LIW A each year as well as shareholder and/or ratepayer funds spent each year in dollars ftom beginning ofLIW A program to present, including corresponding number of customers served. Request No.Please provide corresponding data on types on allowable measures (e., attic insulation, pipe wrap, water heater wrap, etc.) and dollars spent by type of unit (single family, multi-family, mobile home) for LIWA. 1 The term "unit," as it appears herein, is defined as any single household whether a stand-alone structure apartment, or part of a multi-living complex. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CAP AI TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY Request No.Please provide a history of funding and description of program design, ftom 1984 to present, for the following: a. low-income2 rate discounts offered by the Company; b. low-income energy efficiency progr~; c. low-income fuel funds (i.e., voluntary contributions by Idaho Power shareholders and/or ratepayers for energy assistance); d. any other low-income energy programs, and; e. any special rates for other Idaho Power residential, commercial, or industrial customers. Request No.With respect to the preceding Request, please include number of customers served each year and average amount paid on their behalf, as well as the total amount ofIdaho Power gross operating revenue spent on each program per year ftom 1984 to present. In responding to this Request, please include a break-out of fuel type, income and age, renter/owner ratios, or other demographics about these residential customers. Include any internal analysis, studies, memos, etc., relevant to these customers. Request No.In the event the Company utilizes criteria to define "low- income" other than 150% of poverty level under the federal guidelines, please identify all criteria used by the Company to categorize customers as "low-income" customers. In doing so, separately describe each specific company procedure in which these criteria are used to identify and categorize low income customers. Please provide a copy of each 2. The term "low-income" as it appears in these production requests, is defined as 150% of the federal poverty guidelines as established by the federal Office of Management and Budget. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CAP AI TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY such procedure, including a copy of any staff training or operations manual in which the procedure is set forth or otherwise discussed. Request No.Please provide a copy of any written document in the possession or control of the Company, whether or not prepared for the Company, assessing, estimating or otherwise discussing the number oflow-income customers served by the Company. To the extent that such document has been prepared by or for the Company, include all source documents underlying the estimate of the number of low-income customers. Request No.Please provide a detailed written description of all residential energy efficiency programs offered specifically to low-income customers of the Company, including tariffs filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Request No.Please provide any cost-benefit analysis, completed since January 1; ,1996, of low-income energy efficiency program offered by the Company. Request No.Please state the total number ofIdaho Power customers receiving service within the state ofIdaho and how many ofthose are residential customers. Request No. 10:Please provide a break-out of the Company s Idaho residential customers based on whether they rely upon electric space heat, or natural gas heating. Please further break-out the number of low income customers by whether they rely upon electric space heating or natural gas heating. Request No. 11:Please provide the amount of gross operating revenues (Idaho Jurisdiction) for the most recent year that information is available for Idaho Power. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CAP AI TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY Request No. 12:Please provide the average residential bill by month for each month January 1 , 1998 to present. Request No. 13:Please provide a single copy of any study within the possession or control of the Company, performed using Company customers, that distinguishes between residential customers generally and low-income residential customers in particular. Factors that might distinguish the two classes might include. but not be limited to: (a) usage levels and patterns; (b) history of payment troubles; (c) consumption of energy efficiency services; (d) credit and collection history; (e) consumption of Company resources such as staff time; and the like. Request No. 14:Please provide a copy of any study within the possession or control of the Company that considers or calculates the average yearly number of kWh for a typical low-income residential customer. Separately provide natural gas and electric studies if available. Request No. 15:Please provide all analyses that Idaho Power has generated to predict the acquisition cost payback time amongst your customers for weatherization/energy retrofits amongst your customers broken-out into residential and low-income. Request No. 16:Please provide the annual number of arrearages, disconnects, and bad debt broken down by customer class. Request No. 17:Regarding the preceding Request, please state the percentage of annual arrearages, disconnects and bad debts are attributable to low-income customers. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CAP AI TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY Request No. 18:Please explain the criteria the Company uses to assess, on an ongoing basis, the cost-effectiveness of its current credit and collection activities. Request No. 19:Please provide any written assessment, evaluation, report or other written document of any nature that discusses the cost-effectiveness ofthe Company s current credit and collection activities. Request No. 20:Please state the total collection costs for the test year utilized by the Company in its filing in this case, associated with handling low income customer accounts, including administrative and overhead expenses, associated with service termination activity including pre-termination notice by mail, pre-termination personal contact, actual termination of service, post termination and restoration costs negotiating payment arrangement requests, budget counseling, handling formal and informal complaints, securing and maintaining deposits, tracking delinquent accounts collection agency expenses, litigation expenses, dunning expenses, and winter survey expenses. Request No. 21:Of the total collection costs identified in response to Request No. , state the total costs associated with low-income customers. Request No. 22:Please provide the per-customer cost of each of the following residential activities: Disconnection of service for nonpayment; The negotiation of a deferred payment arrangement (i., any negotiated arrangement to pay past due bills over time); Issuance of a written disconnect notice; The reconnection of service; FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CAP AI TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY A field collection visit; A field visit to deliver a personal or written disconnect notice; A telephone reminder of nonpayment. Request No. 23:For each year since 1997, please provide the number of each of the following: Disconnection of service for nonpayment; The negotiation of a deferred payment arrangement; Issuance of a written disconnect notice; The reconnection of service; A field collection visit; A field visit to deliver a personal or written disconnect notice; A telephone reminder of nonpayment. Request No. 24:Please provide a detailed description of each different type of deferred payment plan offered by the company to residential customers. Separately indicate to whom (or under what circumstances) each type of deferred payment plan is offered. Request No. 25:Please provide for each year for the past three years: payment plan. The total number of customers on each type of payment plan. The total number of low-income customers on each type of The total number oflow-income customers who have failed to maintain one or more payment plans for each type of payment plan. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CAPAI TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY Request No. 26:Please provide: the total bad debt expense associated with low-income customers; the total number of disconnects for nonpayment oflow-income customers; The total number of deferred payment arrangements with low- income customers; The total number of written disconnect notices to low-income customers; The total number of service reconnections for low-income customers; The total number offield collection visits to low-income customers; The total number of field visits to deliver a personal or written disconnect notices to low-income customers; The total number of telephone reminders of nonpayment to low- income customers. Request No. 27:Please provide every internal Company audit performed by the Company within the past three years of an office or other company unit performing collection functions, which audit examined issues relating to deferred payment plans telephone credit and collection calls, the taking of deposits, field collection calls, or some other collections-related function. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CAP AI TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY Request No. 28:Please describe the basic administrative process a customer must "walk-through" in order to obtain a deferred payment arrangement. A response to this Request should contain a description of the process ftom the point of initial contact with the Company to the point where the Company and the customer document the agreement. Request No. 29:Please provide any written manual, operating procedures staff training materials, or other written document of any nature that describes or implements the Company s deferred payment plans. Request No. 30:Please provide all studies, analyses, memos workpapers, or written documents of any nature that disaggregate the source of bad debt to the Company by the following: bad debt); debt); By customer class; By geography (e., zip code, census block, etc.) (for residential By socia-economic status of the customer (for residential bad By LIHEAP (the federal Low-Income Energy Home Assistance Program) vs. non-LIHEAP customer (for residential bad debt). Request No. 31:Please provide all studies, analyses, memos workpapers, or written documents of any nature that disaggregate the source of arrears to the Company by the following: By customer class; FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CAP AI TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY By geography (e., zip code, census block, etc.) (for residential arrears); By socio-economic status ofthe customer (for residential arrears); By LIHEAP vs. non,:LIHEAP customer (for residential arrears). Request No. 32:Please provide all "collectibility studies" performed by the Company within the past three years. For purposes of this request, a "collectibility study is a study which disaggregates customers into sub-classes and predicts or projects, based on an empirical review, the percent of billed revenue that will be collected :from each sub- class. Please provide such studies whether or not the Company happens to call them collectibility studies. Request No. 33:Ifno such "collectability studies" exist, please provide the methodology for assessing allowances for doubtful accounts and describe in detail how residential accounts receivable are evaluated to calculate the allowance. Request No. 34:Please provide a detailed description of how the Company calculates its uncollectible allowance (i., the amount of bad debt the Company considers acceptable). Separately provide the most recent calculation of the uncollectible allowance, including sufficient underlying workpapers and analysis to permit the duplication ofthe calculation. Request No. 35:Please provide the number of residential accounts with each vintage of arrears on the first day of each month for each month since January 1998 inclusive. Provide the following vintages if available: (a) 30-60 days; (b) 61-90 days; (c) 91+ days. Ifnot available, provide what vintages are available. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CAP AI TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY Request No. 36:Please provide the dollars of arrears for the residential class on the first day of each month for each month since January 1998 inclusive. Provide the following vintages ifavailable: (a) 30-60 days; (b) 61-90 days; (c) 91+ days. Ifnot available, provide what vintages are available. Request No. 37:Please provide a single copy of any study within the possession or control of the Company that considers or calculates: the cost to the Company of nonpayment by residential customers; the cost to the Company imposed by low-income residential customers; the cost to the Company of credit and collection activities engaged in by the Company. Request No. 38:Please provide any study, report, memo or other written document of any nature in the possession or control ofthe CoJ;llpany, whether or not of Company customers, that considers, evaluates or discusses the relationship between residential payment-troubles and low-income status. Separately provide any such study, memo, report or other written document that examines these relationships for Company customers. Request No. 39:Please provide any study, memo or written document of any nature in the possession or control ofthe Company, that considers, evaluates or otherwise discusses the relationship between payment troubles and: Level of customer consumption; Income of customer s household. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CAP AI TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY Request No. 40:Please provide any and all program manuals and other written program descriptions detailing the operation of the company s outreach program for the federally funded Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LlHEAP) or other program directed toward providing assistance to low-income households. Request No. 41:Please provide all studies, analyses, memos, workpapers, or written documents of any nature examining the extent of accounts receivable associated with LIHEAP recipients who are Company customers. Request No. 42:Please provide the total number of customers receiving LIHEAP grants for service provided by the Company in the: 2001-2 program year; 2001-2 program year. Request No. 43:Please provide the amount of benefits (in dollars) receiving in LIHEAP grants for eligible customers in the: 2001-2002 program year; 2001-2002 program year. , '"" DATED, this ~F;day of January, 2004. - '-~-, '~ // .-- 1J jC" L__ /: . -------~-- ,/;./~~-:-:~ Brad M. Purdy FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CAP AI TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY CERTIFICATE OF SERVIt:E I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS X~!DAY OF JANUARY, 2004 SERVED THE FOREGOING FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY, IN CASE NO. IPC-03-, BY MAILING A COpy THEREOF POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: Barton L. Kline Monica B. Moen Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, ID. 83707 () u.S. Mail, postage prepaid ~: lIand delivered () Facsimile (J Overnight mail John R. Gale Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, ID. 83707 () u.S. Mail, postage prepaid (,:y Hand delivered () Facsimile () Overnight mail Lisa Nordstrom Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ID. 83702 ()f u.S. Mail, postage prepaid () Hand delivered () Facsimile () Overnight mail Peter J. Richardson Richardson & O'Leary 99 East State Street, Suite 200 O. Box 1849 Eagle, ID. 83616 ()rU.S. Mail, postage prepaid () Hand delivered () Facsimile () Overnight mail Don Reading Ben Johnson Associates 6070 Hill Rd. Boise, ID. 83703 N u.S. Mail, postage prepaid t) Hand delivered () Facsimile () Overnight mail Anthony Yankel 29814 Lake Road Bay Village, OH. 44140 u.S. Mail, postage prepaid () Hand delivered () Facsimile () Overnight mail kl u.S. Mail, postage prepaid () Hand delivered () Facsimile Randall C. Budge Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey 201 E. Center Pocatello, ID. 83204 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CAPAI TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY () Overnight mail Lawrence A. Gollomp 1000 Independence Ave., SW Washington, D.C. 20585 ('l U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Overnight mail () Hand delivered () Facsimile Dennis Goins Potomac Management Group 5801 Westchester St. Alexandria, VA 22310-1149 rl U.S. Mail, postage prepaid () Hand delivered () Facsimile () Overnight mail ' U.S. Mail, postage prepaid () Hand delivered () Facsimile () Overnight mail Dean J. Miller O. Box 2564 Boise, ID. 83701 Jeremiah 1. Healey O. Box 190420 Boise, ID. 83719-0420 pI' u.s. Mail, postage prepaid () Hand delivered () Facsimile () Overnight mail William M. Eddie O. Box 1612 Boise, ID. ' 83701 1)4 u.S. Mail, postage prepaid () Hand delivered () Facsimile () Overnight mail ' U.S. Mail, postage prepaid () Hand delivered () Facsimile () Overnight mail Nancy Hirsch 219 First Ave. South, Suite 100 Seattle, W A. 98104 Conley E. Ward 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, ID. 83702 M u.S. Mail, postage prepaid () Hand delivered () Facsimile () Overnight mail Dennis Pesau 1500 Liberty St., Suite 250 Salem, OR. 97302 M U.S. Mail, postage prepaid () Hand delivered () Facsimile () Overnight mail ('4' U.S. Mail, postage prepaid () Hand delivered () Facsimile Michael L. Kurtz Kurt J. Boehm Boehm, Kurtz & Lowry FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CAP AI TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY 36 E. Seventh St., Suite 2110 Cincinnati, OH 45202 () Overnight mail :::/ ~t;/~ Brad M. Purdy FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CAP AI TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY